
We sincerely thank the MIS Foundation for supporting this event

his books. Drawing on tales of his childhood, he shows how his early curiosity inspired the nonfiction books he now writes. Children and teachers are thrilled by his unique approach that makes math more exciting and relevant than any of them thought possible.

With a wealth of visuals, David leaves children laughing, learning and howling with delight— about math, science, books and how they go together. He shows students how math is everywhere and how it can be both enjoyable and useful. He uses his storytelling talents along with preposterous props to dramatize some of the themes in

On Monday, October 9, the MIS Foundation has sponsored visiting author David Schwartz to present to students in Grades 1-4. Mr. Schwartz has written numerous books, including How Much is a Million? and Where in the Wild?




N u r t u r e – C h a l l e n g e – I n s p i r eP i o n e e r i n g i n t e r n a t i o n a l e d u c a t i o n s i n c e 1 9 6 6

w w w. m i s - m u n i c h . d e

Munich International School

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