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2018 Annual Report

Annual Meeting, Sunday, February 10, 2019

Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan

Church Wardens: Ellen Redshaw

David Warnock

Priest: Reverend Dr. Dean Pinter

Deacon: Reverend Arleen Champion

Associate Priest: Reverend Dr. Cal Macfarlane

Associate Priest: Reverend Dr. Dustin Resch

Parish Administrator: Michelle Josefson

Treasurer: Janet Cockerell (January-June)

Interim Treasurer: Ellen Redshaw (July-December)

Vestry Members: Brody Albers

Terry Dyck

Ian O’Brien

Stan Peters (assistant to the wardens)

Myles Shaw

Truitt Wiensz

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1. Opening prayer and call to order

2. Minute of silence for those of our congregation who have died during the past year.

3. Election of Chairperson

4. Election of Secretary

5. Statistics of St. Aidan Anglican Church for 2018 ....................................................... p. 4

6. Stories from 2018

7. Minutes of Annual Meeting – held 11 February 2018 ................................................ p. 5

8. Rector’s report ............................................................................................................ p. 8

9. Diaconal report .......................................................................................................... p. 13

10. Church Wardens’ report ........................................................................................... p. 16

11. Vestry report .............................................................................................................. p. 17

12. Reports of parish organizations ................................................................................p. 19

These reports and their accompanying financial statements will be received with one motion, dealt with one at a time to allow for comments, and then the whole voted upon together.

Acknowledgement of Mission and Money 2019 Report

13. Budget (2019) ............................................................................................................ p. 50

14. Appointment of scrutineers

15. Nominating committee report. ................................................................................ p. 53

Appointment of Rector’s Warden

Election of People’s Warden

Election of Vestry members

Election of four delegates and four alternate delegates to Synod

Election of Search Committee

16. Appointment of an independent financial reviewer to provide Notice to Reader

17. St. Aidan general business

18. Member comments, concerns, compliments

19. Announcements

20. Adjournment and closing prayer

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Statistics: St. Aidan Anglican Church

January 1, 2018 — December 31, 2018

Baptisms (9)

Marriages (6) Sarah Groat and Brody Albers

Tannis McFarlane and Ivan Brideau Shelby Peifer and Aaron Piel

Deborah-Lynn MacKenzie and John Crawford Kelsey Goertzen and Joshua Nelson

Jennifer Warren and Matthew Froese

Confirmation No confirmations

In Memoriam—May they rest in peace (9)

Total number of parishioners 290 (includes 54 children and youth) Total number of households, including single units, 145

Active households, 120 Active members 227 (includes 44 children and youth)

Reid Arnold Tatum Arnold

Malcom Hackney Josiah Nelson

Alina Poettcker

Ezekiel Poettcker Lily Varey

Sophia Varey Wendell Varey

Margaret (Madge) Bennett Walter Champion

James Heming Agnes Ingleby

Mary Kennedy Audrey Lowe Lillian Taylor

Hazel Watson

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St. Aidan Anglican Church Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Vision: A caring community rooted in the word, living our faith, and sharing God’s love.

Mission: Responding to God’s initiative, we will build a loving community which fosters communication, acceptance, and respect for all through worship, education, and fellowship. We will diligently administer the resources of our church and fulfill our responsibility to the

wider church community.

Opening prayer and call to order: Fr. Dean called the meeting to order and led us in opening prayers. Point of Order: Sign the attendance sheets on your tables.

Corrections to the annual report regarding total numbers of parishioners, households, and active members. The numbers should be as follows:

Total Parishioners: 327 (includes 64 children & youth) Total Households: 171 Active Households: 127 Active Members: 232 (includes 51 children & youth)

John Langford moves to accept the numbers. Ian O’Brien seconded.

Carried. Minute of Silence for those of our congregation who have died during the past year. Election of Chairperson

Michelle Josefson moves that Fr. Dean Pinter chair this meeting. Ian O’Brien seconded.

Carried. Election of Secretary

Arleen Champion moves that Brody Albers be the secretary of this meeting. Sharleen Langford seconded.

Carried. Stories from 2017

Sarah Groat shared about her experience at St. Aidan finding companionship through both the joys and sorrows of the past two years, especially finding companionship with the youth in the

youth group. Ev Falk shared about her experience at St. Aidan feeling loved and cared for through health,

spiritual, and family concerns in the past year, especially in the Lenten group she was a part of last year which continued through November.

Minutes of the 12 February 2017 Annual Meeting

Fr. Cal moves to accept the minutes of the 2017 Annual meeting as circulated. Seconded by Stan Peters.


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Reports: Rector’s report Deacon’s report Church Warden’s report Vestry’s report Reports of parish organizations

Truitt Wiensz motions to accept the reports as submitted. Seconded by Grant Poettcker.

Harold Claffey asked about whether it would be helpful to have a facebook page. Luke Johnson responded that the page exists and that maintenance time is the issue.

Darlene Pinter suggested we advertise the facebook page in the bulletin. Ian O’Brien thanked all those who submitted reports.


R3 Capital Campaign Report—Renew, Restore, Release: Tara Gish Tara shared a detailed financial report on the R3 campaign. With two years left of the five year campaign, we are 80% of the way to our target. Tara reminds us however that we aren’t done

yet. She shared a slideshow of the Parish basement showing areas that are in need of improvement.

Howard Claffey asked about the structural integrity of the north wall. Fr. Dean responded that there was an assessment done and as far as he understands there is

no risk of us collapsing. John Langford said there is alkaline in the north wall. We have no worries of anything

happening but it does need to be fixed. He explained some of the process of repairing the foundation.

Treasurer’s report: Janet Cockerell

Janet Cockerell updated the Parish on the finances and the budget, which has already been passed by the vestry. The Bishop instructed that it is the vestry’s responsibility to do so

(despite Vestry’s practice in the past of presenting the budget for approval) though it is open to discussion by this meeting. We have come very close to meeting our budget despite some

unexpected costs in the last year. Tara Gish asked whether we had any liabilities. Janet responded that we do not.

Nominating committee report: Ellen Redshaw David Warnock’s term as Rector’s Warden continues. Michelle Josefson moves from a member

to Ex-Officio member as Parish Administrator. Janet Cockerell as treasurer is a member of Vestry.

Jeremy Ratzlaff, Greg Salmers, Michelle Josefson, and Stan Peters will be stepping down as


Ellen Redshaw (People’s Warden), Brody Albers, and Truitt Wiensz will continue their terms.

Myles Shaw, Terry Dyck, and Ian O’Brien will be nominated for election as vestry members. Stan Peters will be nominated as a Vestry member with the additional role of “assistant to the


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John Langford moves that nominations cease. Tara Gish seconded.


Elected by acclamation are Myles Shaw, Terry Dyck, and Ian O’Brien.

Synod Delegates nominated are Stan Peters and Brody Albers (in addition to the two wardens David Warnock and Ellen Redshaw and the clergy of this Parish).

Synod Alternates nominated are Truitt Wiensz, Myles Shaw, Terry Dyck, and Ian O’Brien.

Sandra Warnock moves that nominations cease.

Seconded by Fr. Calum MacFarlane. Carried.

Elected are Stan Peters and Brody Albers as delegates, and Truitt, Myles, Terry, and Ian as


Arleen Champion and Gwen Currie are nominated as members of the Search Committee (in addition to the Synod Delegates).

Harold Claffey moves that nominations cease.

Seconded by Tara Gish. Carried.

Elected by acclamation are Arleen Champion and Gwen Currie.

Janet Cockerell moves to appoint Dan McCarron as independent financial reviewer.

Seconded by John Langford. Carried.

St. Aidan General Business Ev Falk thanked Fr. Dean and Deacon Arleen for their faithful service in our Parish. Ev also

thanks Fr. Cal and Fr. Dustin for their service as well. Ev made special mention of Luke Johnson, thanking him for his youth ministry.

Fr. Dean thanked David Warnock for caring for him and caring for us as a Parish in his work as Rector’s Warden and all he does.

Fr. Dean mentioned his commentary on the book of Acts which is at the publishers and is expected in the Fall. He thanked the Parish for their encouragement and help during the

writing process, particularly in 2017 as the project came to an end. Adjournment

Stan Peters moves to adjourn. Seconded by Terry Dyck.

Carried. Closing Prayer

Fr. Cal led us in closing prayers.

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Rector’s Annual Report – 2018 Blessings and Challenges As I reflect on any given year I tend to think about a tone or theme that seems to emerge from it. When I think about 2018 – especially in my vocation as the Rector for St. Aidan –themes like “difficult,” “challenging,” or “loss” come to mind. This is not to say 2018 was an entirely negative year; in fact, there are numerous blessings that accompanied the year and I want to be sure to state these blessings in this report as well. In all of this, however, I want to be honest about some of the challenges and

losses that were mixed in with the many blessings and fruitfulness of the past year. It continues to warm my heart when I think about some of the vital ministries in our

parish that are so important to us but often are overlooked because they are so faithful, steady, and quiet. For example, the service of our Altar Guild, Prayer Teams/Chain, and those who express the gift of administration (Treasurers [Janet Cockerill and Ellen Redshaw shared this role in 2018], Envelope Secretary [Barb Morrison], and our Parish Administrator [Michelle Josefson]) – continue to sustain the life-blood of our parish and provide a deep source of blessing to us all. It has been a challenging year for our youth minister (who also volunteers as our children’s ministry coordinator), Luke Johnson. As you all know, Jenn’s health situation is not completely resolved, and the configuration of our youth group has changed significantly in the last year (I’m sure Luke will write about these in his own report). Amidst these personal difficulties and ministry questions, the Johnson family is lovingly supported by this parish, the volunteer youth leaders that accompany Luke continue to be models of delight and light for us all (not just the youth group), and our children’s ministry – now with the enthusiastic and thoughtful contributions of Sarah

Varey – continues to thrive. We want to thank Luke for his faithful, joyful and hopeful service and the way he has equipped collaborative ministry across the children and youth programs. Over the years, the congregation of St. Aidan has given generously – and often sacrificially – to the work of the gospel in Moose Jaw. These financial offerings support not only the ministry of this congregation, it contributes significantly to ministries within our community (e.g., Riverside Mission, the Salvation Army, Girl Guides of Canada), within our diocese (e.g., Qu’Appelle School of Mission & Ministry, Lay Reader & Spiritual Directors formation, vocations weekends, post-ordination training), within our nation (e.g., the Council of the North), and within our world (e.g., helping fund a hospital in our companion diocese of Muyinga in Burundi, assisting with the training of Abraham Malik in Kenya for his ministry in the Kakuma refugee camp). It was a challenging year for us in terms of meeting our projected budget and it seemed like we were falling behind our targets almost every month. Yet, despite some

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significant financial concerns as we entered December, the giving of the parish was incredibly strong during the last month of the year. Because of this, and along with a generous bequest that arrived on St. Lucia Day (13 December), our fiscal year ended brightly even in the middle of winter darkness. What a blessing and answer to prayer! Finally, some of the significant realities of 2018 were the losses we sustained. Some of us lost employment, some lost health, some of us lost faith, some of us lost loved ones. For me personally, I lost one of my dearest friends – a spiritual father in the faith really – in late October. Eugene Peterson died on 22 October at his home in Lakeside, Montana. I miss him very much; I miss his voice on the phone asking me about St. Aidan; I miss his letters encouraging me in my vocation as a priest; I will miss the visits to Flathead Lake and times to pray, talk, and laugh together. In the ash of the losses that we all, in different ways, experienced this year, we can also be reminded of the deep loves we have received. Yet even at the grave, because we follow the Resurrected Lord, we can make our song: Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia. Standouts from 2018 Each day is graced with gift, but there are a few standout events/moments/services for me from the past year. First, in February, we hosted a concert with Steve Bell – a friend and fellow Anglican from Winnipeg. Steve is a modern bard. His songs and stories warmed my heart and his music accompanies me most days. It was such a delight to have him in our home and our community. Second, Holy Week is a high point in any priest’s year. It is also a very demanding (“demanding” as in Handel’s Messiah is demanding but equally joyful and meaningful too) time for clergy. This year, however, was unique for me in that I lost my voice. This was very challenging for me and I had to lean hard on my fellow clergy, my warden, David Warnock, and my wife, Darlene, to make it through the week. Yet, oddly, even in my weakness and my loss I was able to appreciate Holy Week in ways I never have before. I hope that I never lose my voice again – especially at such a crucial point in the year – but I’m grateful to know that God’s voice is never silenced and God’s power if often made manifest in weakness. Another highlight of the year was the Alpha Course which ran in the autumn. This was initiated and superbly led by Julie Moser and Amanda Hackney. In particular, Amanda is to be commended since in addition to leading a small group, she also purchased all the food and cooked all the meals. To say that she was “all in” with her investment of time, treasure, and talent is almost an understatement. I know that a number of people were significantly impacted in their faith by this course and Alpha continues to bear fruit in meaningful ways.

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Finally, Advent continues to be (I think) my favourite season of the year. I appreciate the themes and readings, I enjoy lighting candles in the dark, and I value the silence and anticipation of it all. “Christmas Presence,” which always occurs on 3 Advent (Gaudete Sunday), was a joy again for me. This year, even in the build-up to this season took on special meaning when Chris Kayler led us in a “singing sermon” to help us prepare some of our Advent music. Many people commented to me on how much fun this was for them and how it set a helpful tone as we began the new Church year. What a gift to have so many other gifted pianists, musicians, vocalists, and composers in our midst. Looking ahead in 2019: Ministry Changes & Updates In the last year, we also witnessed a number of changes in terms of the roles for individuals in our parish. To begin with, Fr. Dustin Resch has recently requested a change of license from the Bishop. Fr. Dustin will no longer be licensed as an Associate Priest at St. Aidan; instead, he has received from the Bishop a license of “permission to officiate” within Diocese of Qu’Appelle. Fr. Dustin will continue to live in Caronport and worship (and preach/preside on occasion) with St. Aidan, but the scope, obligations, and responsibilities of his priestly ministry will shift to reflect that of any other parishioner. That is, this change of license will allow him to live out his ordination vows primarily in the context of his work at Sask Polytechnic, his family life and involvement in the broader community. Fr. Cal Macfarlane will also be commencing a sabbatical from his responsibilities at Briercrest College & Seminary for the second half of 2019. During this time, Fr. Cal will also be less involved in his leadership roles with the parish. I invite the congregation to joyfully support the changes and rest for both Fr. Dustin and Fr. Cal. They both remain committed to the life and ministry of St. Aidan. As always, I’m deeply grateful for my fellow clergy –Deacon Arleen and Frs. Dustin and Cal. Their love, support, and ongoing encouragement is a lifeblood to me. We are blessed with many active lay people in our parish who, through their conscientious service enrich our life together. There are always role changes and adjustments within the many lay ministries of our congregation (such is the nature of a healthy parish), but several updates are worth highlighting. This past year we witnessed Carla Hoffmann being licensed as a Lay Reader. Readers are lay people in the Anglican Church of Canada, from all walks of life, who are called by God, theologically trained and licensed by the Bishop to preach, teach, lead worship and assist in pastoral, evangelistic and liturgical work. We are delighted not only to have Carla as a resident Lay Reader, but Ian O’Brien is also embarking on training to be a Lay Reader at the beginning of 2019. We will do all we can to encourage and assist Ian on this journey. Ellen Redshaw, who serves (and has served) in almost every leadership role in our parish, will be finishing her term as People’s Warden. She will

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continue her faithful service in many areas – including as a teacher for Children’s Church and music co-ordinator – and, at the February Vestry Meeting, will be appointed as our Treasurer. Finally, I would like to highlight one other new ministry. Our Bishop commissioned three new Spiritual Directors in April 2018 – the first directors to be trained through our new diocesan program. As it happens, all three of these fine Spiritual Directors are from our parish! They are: Michelle Josefson, Darlene Pinter, and Catherine Reichel. Spiritual direction is a venerable and valuable ministry in the Anglican tradition, but one that not many people know about or avail themselves of its goodness. At its core, spiritual direction is about helping us pay attention to what God is doing in our own lives – something that is often very difficult to do on our own. I encourage as many as possible within our parish to avail themselves of the fruitful ministry of our trio of spiritual directors! Sabbatical Although this has turned out to be one of my longer reports, please bear with me as I conclude with one last note. After seven years of service to the parish of St. Aidan, I intend to take a four-month sabbatical this year from Monday 22 April – Monday 26 August 2019. The primary purpose of this leave is for rest and rejuvenation of mind, body, and soul. As many of you know, in addition to my role as your parish priest, I write and publish in in the field of New Testament studies, including writing a commentary on the Book of Acts (Story of God Bible Commentary, Zondervan Publishing). Acts is one of the longer books in the New Testament and, hence, my commentary, which I finished in 2018, is lengthy – about 650 pages. Next time, I want to write on Philemon! As soon as I have copies in hand, we will have a party together to celebrate, especially since I could not have written this book without your gracious support. All of this is to say, now that I have completed this substantial 6-year project, I feel a little tired and in need of some rest. Portions of this leave will be spent away from Moose Jaw. For example, I intend to spend time at a Franciscan Retreat Centre (in Alberta) and Laity Lodge (in Texas). I also intend to fulfill my responsibilities as a Clergy Delegate for this summer’s General Synod in Vancouver. Significant time of the sabbatical will also be spent in my garden and on the golf course! While I am on sabbatical, I have asked, with the verbal approval of the Bishop and the parish executive, Deacon Arleen to provide week-to-week interim ministry (i.e., pastoral care, funeral planning, co-ordinating ministry, etc.). Sunday services will be primarily served by preachers from within our own congregation and occasional visiting clergy. We will be applying to the diocese for Sabbatical funding for the parish to cover some of the costs for interim ministry and extra Sunday services honorariums.

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My prayer is that this sabbatical leave will provide opportunities for our congregation to mature in meaningful ways as well as offering me space for rest. Of course, if you have questions regarding my sabbatical, I would be more than willing to answer them as best I can. For those of you who have taken the time to read this report, I hope you have been encouraged – even with the recollection of some of the challenging times in 2018. In the end, I have tried to tell the story of the year as best I can. I think story-telling is important. One my favourite authors, Frederick Buechner, notes that, “the power of stories is that they are telling us that life adds up somehow, that life itself is like a story” (The Magnificent Defeat). As you read my story, and the stories that follow in this annual report, I pray that your heart might be filled with gratitude, that your mind might be informed by good news, and that your body might be moved to continue to walk in step with Jesus, our Lord and soon coming King. Respectfully submitted by Fr. Dean Pinter

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Deacon’s Annual Report 2018 I begin my report this year with thanksgiving to you, the people of St. Aidan, for the love, support, understanding and prayers you offered my Dad, Walter Champion, and Bob and I, in Dad’s illness and in his death in July, 2018. My Dad was a long standing, active member of the Anglican community whose faith was always strong but got stronger with each passing day from the time of his fall in February until his passing. The way he lived his life and his faith, even in dying, was deeply influential in my life and my faith as God used him to help mold me into the person I am today. Bob and I miss him deeply but know that his love and his spirit live on in our hearts. I am so grateful to Fr. Dean, Vestry, Michelle and you, the people at St. Aidan, for letting me reduce my commitment and step back from many of my responsibilities for the first 8 months of this year as I cared for Dad and then mourned his passing. Being able to come and go as I needed to and do only what I could, allowed me to continue to serve as your deacon and care for my Dad. At the same time as some of my responsibilities had to take a back seat, my pastoral opportunities increased as I was onsite daily in either the hospital or a care home for the first 6 months of 2018 and in being there full time, I was there for our parishioners in their need. It is not often that people get daily visits when they are in the hospital or in the care home but that happened all the time. I don’t think there were many days in those months that I did not do pastoral visits with our parishioners and others I met along the way. I also was onsite with some of our parishioners who were dying, being able to spend time, sometimes a few times a day, with them and their families. The pastoral care was mutual as often those parishioners and / or their families would stop in and check on us and Dad as well. I am grateful for the ministry that I was able to provide in the midst of a difficult time and for that which was returned to us. Once September arrived, I resumed my responsibilities and had a full but interesting fall. Bob and I accompanied one of our parishioners at a 5 week Grief Support group offered through Jones Funeral Home. Diaconally I was exposed to some excellent resources I had not seen or used before which will be of value in walking alongside people who are grieving. On a personal level, the person facilitating the sessions had lost her father a few months before our loss, so for me, it was good to talk with someone who professionally deals with those who grieve and was now doing it in the midst of her own grief as I was. I attended the Safe Talk and Straight Talk suicide prevention programs presented by the local branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association. The Safe Talk session was also attended by 3 members of our pastoral care team. It was general in nature but very beneficial. Straight Talk focused on youth. Unfortunately none of our youth leaders were available to attend with me but it is our hope to be able to offer these sessions to our youth leaders sometime in the future.

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I also attended a session on antimicrobial stewardship in long term care as we battle the increase of antibiotic resistant superbugs today. The discussion on infection prevention for those of us visiting in care homes and hospitals was informative. Our All Souls service, November 4, was very well attended (43 people). We had whole families attend together this year with people coming from as far away as Edmonton, Montmartre and Regina. There were many touching moments. Gwen Currie and Lorraine Cushway, co-leaders of our pastoral care team, assisted me with the service and the pastoral care team hosted a time of coffee and fellowship following the service. This service and fellowship time provide valuable opportunities to follow up and continue pastoral care especially with people whom we have walked with in the dying and death of loved ones. Our bell ringing as part of the remembrance of the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1 was also a great opportunity to engage with the community. Thank you to Myles Shaw and Harold Claffey for taking the initiative for our parish to be involved and for them ringing the single bell 100 times. I enjoyed engaging with the members of the community, of all ages, gathered in our little parking lot. The entire experience was touching but especially at the end when, thanks to Myles and his quick dash up the stairs to the carillon, Amazing Grace rang out over the city. Other times, events, programs which stand out for me this year as special blessings include 9 baptisms (and the privilege of preparing several of the children for their baptism), this fall’s Prayer Pilgrimage, Breakfast with our Bishop on his prayer pilgrimage as he bicycled across Canada, The O Antiphon service, Christmas Presence Inklings, 27 reserved sacrament Eucharists in the care homes, marriage preparation with a couple whose wedding I officiated at, walking alongside families settling in Canada from other countries, the Alpha Program through which community was built, relationships strengthened, people who had drifted were drawn back to St. Aidan, we learned, prayed, ate and I can’t leave out the insightful revelation of a 5 year old who attended with his family. When asked what he had learned at Alpha, he said “I learned I am the church” – so true, we don’t attend the church, we, the people, are the church. May we all be aware of this important truth. Diaconal ministry is not just about my ministry though. I provide the servant leadership but much of the diaconal ministry in our parish is done by you, the people. SOME of that diaconal ministry I observed was finding gift cards on my desk for families in need and other offers of assistance, bags of school supplies for students in need, a parishioner, after everyone left one Sunday, quietly scrubbing our tables trying to get the stains off to make them look clean and bright again, a cab driver who deeply cares and goes above and beyond his call of duty in providing transportation for a parishioner coming to church, Christmas cards made by our children for our sick and shut-ins, the bequest from a parishioner who was true and exemplary in her faith in life and remained that way in death, the ongoing restocking of our kitchen so there is always food there as we need it, our guest and friend who comes each Sunday to help with our outreach lunch, individuals and families going through difficult times who report they feel supported, welcomed, loved, cared for, grounded, part of the family, allowed rest and respite here at St. Aidan. All this and much more reported in this annual report reflects the mission and ministry that you the

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people of St. Aidan carry out so organically daily in our parish. Hearts are warmed and lives are changed through it. I end my report addressing our Sunday Outreach Lunches following our 10:30 worship service. This past year we have seen quite an increase in the number of people coming for lunch from the community. This parallels the reports that there were increasing numbers of people in the community seeking aid this year. In direct contrast to that, we have seen a decrease in the number of people volunteering to help with the lunch. This lunch was started several years ago in response to a need in our community as Sunday was the only day of the week there was not a meal available for those who were hungry. We responded to that need with our Outreach Lunch. The meal is simple. Sometimes it is soup and/or sandwiches, sometimes it is just soup, buns, cheese and some cookies. Those preparing lunch are reimbursed for the food they purchase. Some people don’t care to prepare food so instead assist in setting up, serving and cleaning up afterwards. Some prefer not to be onsite helping, but are willing to make a pot of soup or some cookies to be served. While this outreach lunch provides us, as a parish, an opportunity for fellowship, it also provides us the opportunity to serve in the wider community and fulfil Jesus’ call to feed the hungry. There have been times this year when we have not been able to serve lunch on a Sunday due to shortage of help. Those in need came expecting food and we had to say we were sorry, lunch was not being served that day. Many of those who come depend on that as their food for the day. Please give this some consideration and volunteer your time occasionally throughout the year to help out with this ministry. It would be greatly appreciated, especially by those we are called to serve. I thank each and everyone of you for your mission and ministry both at St. Aidan and in the world. As always, it is a privilege to serve you and serve with you to the glory of God’s name. Deacon Arleen

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Wardens’ report, 2018 As well as participating in Executive and Vestry meetings, the wardens have been involved in the following:

- welcome to Stan Peters who agreed to serve as a member of the executive and as assistant to the wardens, - ongoing maintenance and development of the church building, - renovation of the former office space adjacent to the lower hall, with thanks to the volunteers from the congregation who assisted with painting as well as other activities. This space will be mostly used by the youth but is available to other groups, - Ellen agreeing to serve as interim treasurer, replacing Janet Cockerell who served faithfully for a good number of years. Thank you, Janet. - serving on a budget committee to identify priorities for the upcoming year, meeting with the bishop to discuss the relationship between St. Aidan and the diocese, particularly the use of our Fair Shares remitted to the diocese as well as the bishop’s view of the diocese and prospects for the future.

As we see each member of the parish participating in the life of this community we see many different gifts and talents being used for ministry in and beyond this parish, and give thanks to God for you. Even as the church bells ring out to the neighbourhood each week, we pray that each of us will communicate the love God in our city. Do read the reports of the various ministries and activities that occur within the parish and beyond, and be encouraged and blessed as you participate in what God is doing here. As members of a family, in this case St. Aidan, life is richer when we share fellowship, service and care for one another. Respectfully submitted, Ellen Redshaw (People’s Warden) David Warnock (Rector’s Warden)

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Annual Report of the Vestry for 2018 Truitt Wiensz (Chair)

St. Aidan Anglican Church

Vestry Members

I have had the privilege of serving as vestry chair for 2018. On joining vestry the year before, I recall encountering, for the first time, the prayerful and considerate way that our vestry approached its decisions not simply as matters of business, but as ongoing realities deeply interwoven with the worship and ministry at St. Aidan. Several guiding principles arose from our discussions at the 2017 Leadership Day, where there was a shared sense that the following items were to be guiding principles for our decision-making as a parish:

Unity; Liturgy; Sacred Space; Welcome & Involvement; Rest & Freedom It is our hope that these principles have indeed served to guide our decisions in 2018, which involved significant discussion and consideration surrounding budget matters. Several things stood out during these discussions. First, we are repeatedly struck by how blessed we are by the people that God has placed to lead and to serve at St. Aidan: in worship, in pastoral ministry, in administrative duties, in care for our facilities and finances, and in many other areas. Second, as our discussions progressed, it was highlighted that our budget priorities do indeed align, to the best of our ability, with our desire to support those involved in our ministry. I would direct your attention here to the budget presentation at the Annual General Meeting. There are a wide range of activities during the past year that operate ‘under the hood’ in the ongoing life of our parish. With these in mind, I would like to express my thanks to wardens David Warnock and Ellen Redshaw for the many ways they have shown care and selflessness in their oversight of the parish buildings, property, and finances. I also want to thank Michelle Josefson for her service and commitment to the ongoing life of our parish. Some specific activities, in which vestry has been directly involved in during the past year, are noteworthy, including:

1. Beginning and completing renovations of the youth room in the basement, as part of a longer-term initiative to renovate the church basement.

2. Providing support for Carla Hoffman to serve as diocesan lay reader. 3. Implementing screening levels, as outlined in the Ensuring Sustainability Guidelines, for any

persons involved in children’s ministry.

Clergy Fr. Dean Pinter Deacon Arleen Champion Fr. Dustin Resch Fr. Cal Macfarlane Wardens Ellen Redshaw (Treasurer, incoming) David Warnock

Lay Members Truitt Wiensz (Chair) Janet Cockrell (Treasurer, outgoing) Stan Peters (assistant to the wardens) Michelle Josefson (Parish administrator) Brody Albers Terry Dyck Ian O’Brien Myles Shaw

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4. Implementing PayPal donations for financial support to the parish. 5. Overseeing the transition from Janet Cockrell’s service as Treasurer. We are grateful for Janet’s

service in this role. We are also grateful to David Warnock, Stan Peters, Michelle Josefson, and Ellen Redshaw for handling interim responsibilities during this transition; as well as for Ellen Redshaw’s willingness to serve as our incoming Treasurer.

6. Supporting Fr. Dean’s request for a four-month sabbatical leave in 2019. We are grateful to Fr. Dean for his consistent shepherding and loving presence in the life of our parish.

I would also like to thank the other members of Vestry for their work and commitment to the ministry at St. Aidan. Respectfully Submitted, Truitt Wiensz

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In the fall, St Aidan ran the Alpha Film series starting in late September and ending at the start of Advent. Alpha was run on Thursday evenings and involved supper at 6:00 p.m. followed by the Alpha video presentation and table discussion group time. After the first “come and see” week table groups were formed with those that indicated they wanted to stay and continued with the same people each week. About 30 people participated and represented a variety of backgrounds, age groups and levels of involvement in St Aidan. A highlight for everyone was the weekly meals. Each week had a new theme with a loaded table of rich variety of salads, meats, cooked dishes, finger food and desserts. It became something that everyone looked forward to. Amanda Hackney amazed us all with her skill and dedication to not only prepare all the meals but also to personally cover the expense. She even hosted a table group when she was done cooking! A big thank you to all who helped including table hosts and co-hosts, cook and kitchen hands, tech and photocopy support. Without all of these people Alpha would not have run as smoothly and been as successful. As a result of Alpha some participants became regular members of the 10:30 a.m. service and have begun to call St Aidan home. The closing night we had a large group sharing time to complete our time together. Many positive and encouraging words were shared and it is a shame to not be able to list them all but I want to finish with one person’s response…”I have been in the Anglican church all my life, but now I feel like I have come home.” I do hope this is the first of many Alpha’s for St Aidan parish. Julie Moser

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St.Aidan Altar Guild 2018 As members of the Altar Guild we see ourselves as serving God by setting His table in His house every Sunday also, by assisting the priest with any other services during our church calendar year. We also make sure that everything is in order for baptisms, weddings and funerals. We look after setting the memorial flowers out which is given in memory of loved ones. If you wish to place flowers on the Altar in memory of a loved one please contact Elaine Deans 306-693-4496 or the office. Altar Guild is very thankful for the monetary donations we receive to this ministry for decorating the church for the special seasons of the year. Also thanks to Gradyn & Jill Childerhose for changing the curtains for the church seasons. We would like to thank Leona Shepherd for her help in decorating. If you are interested in this ministry please contact Elaine Deans or Fr. Dean. Respectfully submitted, Elaine Deans

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In St. Aidan’s Children’s Ministry, we work to provide wholesome, contemplative worship

space for children as they learn how to interact with scripture, worship, and prayer. Our

most important task is to provide a welcoming, nurturing time at church where kids can

think about good things with people who care about them.


In 2018, St. Aidan’s Children’s Ministry served children from infancy to grade 6,

encompassing the Nursery, Godly Play / Children’s Church, and Junior Sunday School.


The Nursery serves children up to the age of 3, and is staffed by 1 or 2 people each Sunday,

always with at least 1 adult on duty.

Godly Play

From January - June 2018, we had two Godly Play classes, one for age 3 to grade 1, and the

other for grades 2 and 3. The Godly Play program is a worship liturgy for children which

closely resembles the liturgy of our main service, including a greeting, song of praise,

“proclamation” (story), response, and a benediction. It is a quiet, reflective time in which

children learn how to think about scripture and talk to God. St. Aidan’s children greatly

benefited from the consistency and depth of this program for many years.

Annual Report 2018 | By Sarah Varey and Luke Johnson

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New Curriculum for Children’s Church

Starting in September 2018, our parish introduced the Jesus Storybook Bible Curriculum and

restructured our Sunday morning

routine for Children’s Church. We

formed and orientated five teams of

dedicated and creative teachers,

helped customize the curriculum to

meet our parish needs and began

teaching our kids as a whole, rather

then two small classes. This

curriculum uses story and games,

Bible memorization, prayer and

liturgy. We have joined together on

collaborative art projects,

interviewed John the Baptist,

wondered about the wonders of God

and asked how Jesus is woven into each story in scripture. It has been an exciting beginning

and we hopeful of good things. Children’s Church will continue until June, and start again in


Junior Sunday School

From January to June 2018 we ran Junior Sunday School for grades 4-6. This was an active

time of Scripture memorization activities, Scripture exploration and study, and guided prayer.

In September 2018, kids in grades 4-5 joined the new Children’s church program, and grade

6s joined the youth Sunday school class.

Summer Snacks and Stories

In 2018 we continued the wildly

successful summertime program of

Summer Snacks and Stories. This

laidback program runs during July

and August, is aimed at ages 3 - grade

3 and is filled with good stories and

finger food snacks. Summer Snacks

and Stories provides hospitable

space in church for young kids

during the months when regular

Sunday school classes are not in

session. It is also a very lightweight

responsibility, and a lot of fun to

lead! Many new leaders were eager

to bring a favorite story and get to know our parish kids in an informal, enjoyable way. This

program will continue in the summer of 2019.

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Children’s Advent Carols and Parish Colouring

To help us prepare for the

coming of Christmas this year,

the St. Aidan’s kids performed

three Advent carols during the

10:30am service on Gaudete

Sunday, December 16. Rosalyn

Poettcker acted as choirmaster,

faithfully teaching these new

songs (and actions) weekly

finding great ways to connect

the Children’s Church

“downstairs,” with the Advent

preparations being made

“upstairs.” Following the theme

of “Prepare the Way of the

Lord,” we invited the kids to prepare their hearts for Christ’s coming (and coming again).

The kids felt they had an important job to help minister to others during their carolling

(and they wore costumes which made everyone happy).

Each Sunday during Advent, the Children’s

Church hosted a parish-wide collaborative

colouring project during our noon meal.

We coloured giant, Advent-themed,

posters with the goal of connecting our

children with our larger parish family and

worshipping together. These completed

pages then went together to form a

massive, one-of-a-kind picture which was

on display for several weeks. This was fun,

easy and beautiful.


In the spring of 2018, Luke approached Sarah about taking on the role of “Coordinator” for

Children’s Ministry. Wherever Sarah has lived, she has been involved with children’s and

youth ministry. She brings a lot of passion, creativity, energy, and vision to the care of

children. A mother of three young kids and an avid gardener, nurturing growth is deeply

rooted in Sarah's work. It has been an enormous blessing and encouragement to work

with Sarah. The success of our new curriculum and the vibrancy of our Children’s Church

teams are largely due to her careful equipping work. We're very grateful for her expert and

energetic ministering!

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We are very grateful for the many people who have volunteered in Children’s Ministry,

dedicating themselves to be welcoming and loving to our parish kids.

● Godly Play: Joyce Walters, Rielle Gobbett, Jennifer Johnson, Ellen Redshaw, Cora

Melanson, Rosalyn Poettcker, Sarah Varey and Coralee Slote

● Children’s Church: Franki Arnold, Sabina Weinz, Chiamaka Aghamelu, Matthew

Gobbett, Onyi Aghamelu, Denver Barg, Megan Peters, Thom MacFarlane, Michelle

Bird, Sydney Murdock, Ellen Redshaw, Abigail Durkee and Rosalyn Poettcker

● Junior class: Cathy Sinclair, Grant Poettcker, Jeremy and Sarah Ratzlaff, and Truitt


● Nursery: Jennifer Johnson, Joyce Walters, Jordan Varey, Mary Calhoun, Jolene Resch

and Agwalonye Aghamelu

● Advent Carol Leader: Rosalyn Poettcker

Children’s Ministry Lead: Luke Johnson

[email protected]

As the “Lead”, Luke sets the long-term goals and vision for the

ministry, prepares lesson plans and teacher schedules, equips and

works closely with the “Coordinator” to cultivate a safe, welcoming,

and nurturing environment for children in our parish.

Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Sarah Varey

[email protected]

As the “Coordinator”, Sarah gives direction to the children’s

programming on a weekly basis throughout the year. She recruits and

trains, enabling teachers to weekly host our parish kids. Sarah seeks to

provide vision, consistency and support so that both teacher and child

feel welcome and valued at St. Aidan.

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The ministry has a small budget of a few hundred dollars for the purchase of classroom

supplies for Sunday mornings, snacks for our Summer Snacks and Stories program, and

curriculum material.


● Facebook: We maintain a Facebook page for the Children’s Ministry to be able to

post announcements and updates for parents:

● Online resources: Lesson plans and teaching schedules are posted online at https://

● Weekly teacher notifications: In September 2018, Luke constructed a web-based

volunteer notification system that sends automated emails to the upcoming

Sunday’s teaching volunteers.

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In 2018, 3,850 individual users visited St. Aidan’s website for a total of 13,131 page views. Mobile web traffic from phones and tablets generated 38% of all visitors.

Top 10 web pages in 2018: 1. Home page - 3,783 views 2. Our Team - 630 views 3. Events - 504 views 4. Ministry Schedules - 477 views 5. Contact Us - 391 views 6. Weekly Bulletins - 377 views 7. Sermons - 369 views 8. Fr. Dean’s profile - 299 views 9. “What to Expect on Sunday” page - 298 views 10. “What is Pentecost?” blog post - 286 views

In September 2018, the education-focused area of our website ( was expanded to include an automated volunteer notification system to distribute Sunday school lesson plans, schedules, and materials to teachers by email. This system allows for consistent and timely communication for the upcoming week’s teachers. Submitted by Luke Johnson

Communication /Advertising We are one of a group of varied communication ministries. Our ongoing ministry is to ensure that there are Welcome Brochures and Offering Envelopes in the pews. The Welcome Brochures are undergoing an update at present. In 2018 because of budget considerations we didn’t advertise with CHAB as we usually do during the Christmas Season. Submitted by Gwen Currie

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2018 2017 2016

*at year end **This includes a single large donation. I would like to thank all those who volunteer their time ensuring that the offering is accurately counted and recorded each Sunday. Respectfully Submitted, Barb Morrison Envelope Secretary

LECTOR ANNUAL REPORT 2018 There are 19 persons who minister as part of our team of lectors, 10 women and 9 men. Our team's composition has remained stable during the last year, with only one new lector being added. Contributing to our communal worship by reading scripture is a meaningful and joyful opportunity. We step forward with our gifts of reading and speaking and trust that, through the Holy Spirit, those words become life and bread to each listener, including the lector herself/himself. Submitted by Darlene Pinter

LIBRARY REPORT 2018 This year, the library saw many donations to be catalogued and shelved, including new resources for the Alpha program. Many of these books are either well-known or by excellent authors. Check them out! Adding children's programming to the library has been a bit chaotic but well worth it, as circulation has increased substantially. This makes for the best kind of work. I suspect there are parents of young children in the library more but the clientele does appear to be a good cross section of the church. Thank you! Submitted by Janice Lamb

# of Identifiable Givers (members) 124 125 124

# of Identifiable Givers (non-members) 24 19

Households using Pre-Authorized Debit* 31 31 30

Givers using PayPal 6

Contributions to General Fund (members) $182,810.80 $183,304.26

Contributions to General Fund (non-members)

$6,235.10** $1,150.00

Total Contributions to General Fund $189,045.90 $184,454.26 $182,713.08

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Meals on Wheels 2018

I heard you were interested in doing some volunteer work but don’t have much time in your busy schedule! Meals on Wheels would fill the bill. Meals are prepared and packaged at Pioneer Lodge and the team ( consisting of a driver and deliverer ) pick them up at Pioneer Lodge about 11:15a.m. and deliver them to the addresses provided. When the route is completed, the empty insulated bags are returned to Pioneer Lodge. The city is divided into 2 routes with 8 to 10 meals per route. St. Aidan volunteers do this twice a year. Our dates for 2019 are April 8 to 13 and Sept. 23 to 28. A sign up sheet will appear at the back of the church approximately 3 weeks prior to these dates. Choose the dates that suit you best.

Thank you to all those who faithfully sign up to volunteer. If you have any questions, feel free to ask Sharleen.

Respectfully submitted, Sharleen Langford

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Music Ministry Report – 2018

“O come, let us sing to the Lord;

Let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving;

Let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!”

(Psalm 95:1-2 NRSV)

Thank-you to all who are involved in music and in leading the congregation in

singing of our hymns, Taize songs, and choruses on Sunday morning and at other


Special thanks to Angela Deans for playing the pipe organ at the 7:00 p.m.

Christmas Eve service and for Camron and Elizabeth for providing the prelude

music at that service, and to Sarah Trafford for leading on piano at the 11:00 p.m.

Christmas Eve service.

Chris Kayler (piano and pipe organ) and Rhoda Cairns (piano) provided music

accompaniment at the 10:30 a.m. services for most of the year. Other pianists

included Cora Melanson, Gayle Jones, and Lowana Porter.

Other instrumentalists involved throughout the year included Lori Peters (flute),

Chelsea Peters (cello), Matthew Slote (guitar), and Brontë Slote (guitar).

Diane Rhodes led the anthem choir which sang anthems on Easter Sunday and at

the “O Antiphon” Advent service on Dec. 16. Singing anthems a few times a year

is a wonderful way to involve other vocalists who only want to be involved


The choir leads us on most Sundays of the year. Music teams also lead in the

service every few months and singers lead in some contemporary worship and

praise songs.

Choir practice is on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm from September to late May.

If you play an instrument and are interested in being involved and sharing your

musical gift, whether regularly or even every few months, please let me know.

Ellen Redshaw

Music Ministry

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2018 Parish Administrator Report In 2018, I completed my first year as Parish Administrator at St. Aidan. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve the parish in this capacity. A significant privilege in this role is to collaborate with others who are using their gifts to meet parish needs. Without the many who give of their time and energy, this role would be much too large. Facility: It has been a pleasure working with John Langford who has continued to play a critical role in maintaining and improving our facility. In 2018, the work that was completed includes:

- Nave floor was refinished (special initiatives fund) - Youth Room was renovated (renovation fund) - Exhaust fan was added in kitchen (renovation fund) - Hot water circulating pump was added for sacristy when the hot water tank expired

(operating budget) - Old cast iron sewer line was replaced (operating budget) - Regular maintenance (operating budget)

Rentals: Our rental income increased by 60% from 2017 to 2018. In large part, this was due to weddings, but we also saw a few community groups start using our hall for periodic events. Ongoing work is required to refine our rental agreement with external parties. Research this year confirmed that St. Aidan must charge parishioners the same rental rates as external parties. This is a Canada Revenue Agency standard. Members contributing to a charity and receiving donation receipts cannot receive benefits such as discounted or free use of facilities. Office: The office functions take the majority of my time. These include preparing bulletins and other service materials, communicating with the parish and others, responding to requests, contributing to budget preparation and reporting, maintaining the parish calendar, preparing for and acting on vestry processes and decisions, maintaining the website content, and various other tasks. I am blessed to work with Fr. Dean, Deacon Arleen, the wardens, vestry members, treasurer, envelope secretary, and many others who come and go as they care for various aspects of the ministry of St. Aidan. The richness of this parish is a great gift! Respectfully submitted, Michelle Josefson

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Pastoral Care Annual Report 2018 On Sunday, September 23rd 2018, the annual St. Aidan Ministry Fair, with a different format, was held. Each ministry leader was asked to submit two or three sentences about their ministry. Our submission:

The Pastoral Care group provides a structured way of doing what we all do as we care for one another. Prayer underlies this ministry; our prayers before visiting, prayers shared with someone we are visiting, and the support you give with your prayers.

At that Sunday’s worship service during the sermon time Father Dean and Reverend Arleen talked about the various ministries. The leaders were available after the service for questions. Following the Ministry Fair Elsie Eade expressed an interest in pastoral care which resulted in her joining the hospital visiting ministry. She was given an orientation by the Hospital Volunteer Coordinator and began to hospital visit late in 2018. At the end of the year Helen Smith retired from the hospital visiting ministry. We are grateful to Helen for the years she visited on behalf of St. Aidan and for Elsie who has begun to serve in this way. The Hospital Volunteer Services co-ordinator and other staff have worked hard to see that patients are given the opportunity for a spiritual care visit. They have volunteers asking those, who were not asked upon admission, if they would like such a visit. The names of those who say yes are written in a book to which we have access. We continue with visiting on a three-week rotation. As always, it is helpful to us if you tell us or call the office if you are aware of a parishioner who is in the hospital. This year we delivered 25 Easter cards to parishioners in care homes. The Godly Play children again constructed Christmas cards, to be included with the flower delivery, to 18 parishioners who are either in a care home, in the hospital, or have experienced the death of a spouse during the year. The recipients are most especially appreciative of the unique hand-constructed cards from the children and the brightly decorated vases provided by the Stitch and Chatter Group. Sherril Land delivered or mailed sympathy cards on behalf of St. Aidan. Chris Hoyes continues to craft Holding Crosses given to those where there is a special need. Regular visits have taken place in Pioneer Lodge, Capilano Court, Providence Place, Chez Nous and Extendicare. Communion is given on a regular basis to those in these care homes. Home Communions are provided when requested. Four members of the Pastoral Care group attended safeTalk, a half-day alertness training that prepares the participants regardless of prior experience or training to become suicide-alert helpers. At the Pastoral Care Meeting in November the four members who attended safeTalk training shared the highlights of the session. Pastoral Care members helped in various ways with the All Soul’s service held on November 4th: attending, taking part in the liturgy, supplying cookies and helping at the gathering in the hall following the service. Father Dean and Reverend Arleen will meet with us from time to time for prayer and for support in this ministry. Respectfully Submitted, Pastoral Care Group Gwen Currie Laura Westfall Elsie Eade Sherril Land Catherine Osachoff Linda Aird Elaine Deans Lorraine Cushway Reverend Arleen Vicki Bode Carol Gerolami Fran Rushworth Gwen Currie

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Prayer Chain 2018 The St. Aidan prayer chain is added prayer support for those who are facing personal family issues themselves or their friends. In order for the prayer request to be activated the request is made known to prayer chain leaders (Linda Aird 692-7221 and Gwen Currie 693-3470), Fr. Dean, Deacon Arleen, or the church office. The prayers can also be placed in the bulletin for the prayers of the people every Sunday if so desired. Permission of the person for whom the prayers are requested should be obtained whenever possible. The request remains with the prayer chain intercessor for a period of two weeks. We encourage the person who is asking for prayer to inform the prayer chain of answers to the prayer request. If there is no feedback the prayer chain can be stopped after the two week period or extended by those on the prayer chain who feel the need to continue with the prayer request. All prayer requests are confidential unless told otherwise. The Parish Prayer Cycle booklet is available to use in your own personal prayer time and is on the back table facing west. Please sign for your prayer booklet on the sheet provided. When thirty one parishoners take part in this ministry everyone in the parish list will be prayed for daily. If you find that your name is not in the booklet please let Michelle know in the office. Thank you. Thanks and Blessings to our "PRAYER ANGELS" who intercede on behalf of us who want extra continuous prayer for ourselves and others. If God is calling you to this ministry of intercessory prayer, please join us. Respectfully submitted Linda Aird

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Prayer Ministry Report February, 2019

The prayer ministry team continues to faithfully minister each Sunday morning. During our 10:30 service at the time of the celebration of the Eucharist two of us are always available to meet with any who desire prayer (in the small prayer room at the front - right side as you face the altar). The members of the prayer team are also happy to meet with people after the service to pray if they desire. We encourage people to come for prayer for themselves or their loved ones for healing – knowing that Christ himself is present to heal and restore, in his way and his time, the whole person. All are welcome. Currently the prayer team is comprised of Linda Aird, Elaine Deans, Josh Jensen, Sandra Messner, Ian O’Brian, Lori Peters, Darlene Pinter, Catherine Reichel and Doug Reichel. Catherine Reichel.

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Renew*Restore*Release (R3) Campaign

The R3 capital fundraising campaign, tied with the diocesan Living the Mission (LtM) campaign, continued into its 4th year (it began October 29, 2014). Pledges registered by March 2015 came to $202,174 from approximately 80 pledgers and donors. One year remains in the campaign – it will end on December 31, 2019. Our collaboration with the diocese involves a sharing of receipts on a 90/10 basis – in other words, 10% of each gift is allocated to the diocese. Information about Living the Mission can be found on the diocesan website at: Funds received by R3 are used for renovations, in accordance with the priorities set out at the beginning of the campaign (the original campaign case document may be viewed at the parish office). Now that the parish hall work has been completed (most of it was done in 2017, with some finishing touches done in 2018), the two remaining priorities are renewal of the lower level space and restoration of the north foundation. We have reached 94% of our goal! Below is a financial report containing 3 parts: the annual figures for 2018, followed by a cumulative report (covering 4.3 years), followed by a few campaign statistics. -Respectfully submitted by Tara Gish, R3 Committee Chair


Campaign Financial Summary

SINGLE YEAR - 2018Two components: A. Living the Mission (LtM) receipts and B. St. Aidan receipts

Period Covered: Jan.01.2018 to Dec.31.2018

A. LtM Gross Receipts (Diocesan Campaign)

$ Gross LtM Received 2018 $20,444.28 A1

Less: Diocesan share (10%) 2018 $2,044.43 A2

St. Aidan R3 NET SHARE of LtM for 2018 $18,399.85 TA = A1-A2

B. St. Aidan Gross Receipts $ received in 2018 $8,437.65 B1

Less: Diocesan share (10%) 2018 $843.77 B2

St. Aidan NET SHARE for 2018 $7,593.89 TB = B1-B2

TOTAL NET $ - ALL sources in 2018: $25,993.74 TN = TA + TB

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COMBINED (MULTI-YEAR) Cumulative $ (Campaign started Oct.29.2014)

$ NET received in first 3.2 years: Oct.29.2014 - Dec.31.2017 $145,507.18 C

(NET from ALL sources - not including campaign costs in 1st year

and not including Diocesan 10% share of LtM receipts)

TOTAL NET cumulative $ raised (including 2018) $171,500.92 TNC = C + TN

Campaign Pledge Target (gross): $202,174

Campaign Pledge Target (NET): $181,957 94% < % of target raised

Some Statistics 2018 2017 2016 2014-15

*Number of donors via LtM: 31 26 unknown 73

# of recurring donors (St. Aidan directly): 17 17 23 22

# of new donors (St. Aidan directly): 13 5 30 7

TOTAL number of donors all sources: 61 48 53 102

** # of Memorial Donations (St. Aidan directly): 18 0 5 0

$ Memorial Gifts (St. Aidan Directly): $1,150.00 $0.00 $16,665.00 $0.00

* LtM stats above are estimated. Due to the diocese providing only summary information (for privacy reasons),

complete accuracy is not achievable by the parish R3 chair.

** Memorial gifts are included in the stats for recurring donors and new donors.

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Stitch and Chatter Report Our group meets in the church hall on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of most months at 1:15 pm. We are a social group but our handmade items are either donated where needed or we sell the items and use the moneys collected for various needs in the church or local community. At each meeting the ladies donate a toonie and this money is also part of our fund-raising. We also decorate milk cartons every fall to be used as containers for Christmas flower delivery. Come join us at any time for a cup of tea and a social hour to either stitch or chatter! Submitted by Sherril Land

Welcoming Team Annual Report 2018 A few years ago, our Vestry did some exercises which revealed what we call our Guiding Principles. These are principles underlying the mission and ministry we have discerned God has called our parish to and therefore guide and direct us in discerning the mission and ministry that we carry out in our parish. Welcome was one of the easier principles to discern as St. Aidan, over the years, has become known for the welcome and hospitality that we extend to people. We strive to create an environment of warmth and welcome where people can come and meet God in our space, our liturgy and in each other. Our Welcoming Team is on the frontline welcoming people as they approach our church, inviting them to come in and once inside, making sure they are comfortable, their physical needs are met and helping them feel at home in God’s house. The remainder of the parish extend the ministry of this team by reaching out in friendship to those guests God brings to St. Aidan. This past year, 20+ people served on the Welcoming Team. The rewards are many in serving in this ministry. There is joy in welcoming people to God's house and helping them feel at home there but the greatest joy is in seeking Christ in those we meet, hearing their stories and knowing that we are welcoming Christ himself in each person we greet. I want to say thank you to those who have served on this team this year and those who have stepped into give a hand when needed. I give thanks for each of you. It is an honour to serve God and his people with you. To the congregation, I invite you to regularly join me praying for God’s blessing on these people. May they be filled with joy and love as they extend the welcome of Christ and seek him in those they meet. I encourage each of you in the parish to discern if you are being called to this ministry. If you do feel called to serve or would like to at least explore it, please speak with me, Deacon Arleen, or any member of the Welcoming Team. As we welcome people to our church, we also welcome new members to our team. Serving with you, Arleen Champion+ Welcoming Team Ministry Leader

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Purpose and Goals

Our purpose is to foster mature faith in the young people of St. Aidan, and to equip them to become

mature participants in the life and ministry of the local and broader Church. Our focus is spiritual

formation and community-building, seeking to help young people to grow deep roots in the Church

and to understand the importance and challenge of cruciform living. Our goal is to walk with our young

people as we learn together what it means to follow Jesus in all areas of our lives. This ministry is

characterized by three ‘seriouses’:

1. Taking God seriously: Each week we spend a significant amount of time reading and discussing

scripture, praying together and learning to pray, and challenging ourselves and each other to

follow Jesus.

2. Taking each other seriously: As a Christian community of young people, we want to learn to

appreciate who each other are, how we can support each other, and to learn to see Christ in

each other.

3. Taking our tradition seriously: The youth ministry year is structured according to the Christian

Year, shaping our time together by the “big questions” of each season. We regularly celebrate

and learn from the lives of the saints, feast days, liturgical rites, creeds, and spiritual disciplines

within the Anglican tradition (such as compline prayer).

St. Aidan’s youth ministry has come to take place primarily in three settings: Sunday School,

Youth Group, and Sr Youth Preschool Prayer.

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Sunday School

A Sunday school youth class takes place most Sundays from September to June, from the dismissal in

the service (just before the first reading) until The Peace -- about 10:45-11:20. Sunday school takes a

break on all high church days in order to allow young people to participate with the full St. Aidan body

(e.g., Easter Sunday, baptisms, confirmations, etc.).

In 2018, the youth class grade range expanded to include grade 6 as part of the reconfiguration of

Children’s Ministry this year. The class is a liturgically-structured time of fellowship, scripture study,

and prayer.

Sunday School Coordination: Luke Johnson (Youth Minister)

Luke Johnson is responsible for preparing each week’s Sunday school plans, and recruiting and

equipping teachers.

Youth Class Teachers

Teachers are responsible for leading the Sunday school time and leading a discussion on the morning’s


From January to June 2018 (Season 6), the Youth Sunday School teacher roster included

Chuck Hackey, Ev Falk, Brandon Noseworthy, Tracey Friesen, and Truitt Weinsz. From

September to December 2018 (Season 7), the roster included Chuck Hackney, Ev Falk, Brandon

Noseworthy, Tracey Friesen, and Grant Poettcker.

Sr Youth Preschool Prayer

Continuing on from 2017, we ventured out to Starbucks in the early morning each week for Sr Youth

Preschool Prayer, from 7:07am to 8:00am, to enjoy some time to catch up, read scripture, and pray for

each other. From January to June, we met a total of 15 times, and regularly had 4-6 young people and

2-5 leaders each morning, and read our way through several Psalms and the book of Hebrews.

In the fall of 2018, Sr Youth Preschool Prayer resumed in October, and was led principally by Matthew

Gobbett. Matt faithfully led the group through a series of scriptural texts derived from a book called

“God’s Big Picture”, which he had studied during his time in England. The group met approximately 10

times during the fall of 2018.

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Youth Group

Youth Group is designed primarily for young people in grades 6-12. The following five elements are the

foundation of youth ministry at St. Aidan.

1. Weekly youth nights: Tuesdays, 6:00-

8:00pm, September to April, we meet at St.

Aidan for food, time together, scriptural

study, and prayer. In May and June we

switch into “Youth Group Lite” mode for to

celebrate our year together with more

casual events. On youth nights in January to

April, we continued our study of 1 Samuel,

which we began in September 2017. In

September to December 2018, the group

gathered around “Youth Alpha” videos,

which proved to be a fun and

helpful way to enter into conversation about

faith together.

2. Small groups: Our youth group is split into age-specific small groups, led by youth leaders, to help

relationships flourish between young people of common age, and to be able to share in prayer,

scripture, and each other’s lives in ways that are not possible in a large group, or in mixed

company. Small groups were a regular part of youth nights from January to April 2018 to facilitate

our study of 1 Samuel.

3. Socials: To encourage community-formation, we enjoy social events together roughly every 6-8

weeks. This year we went skating, bowling, and had some laid-back nights with movies and board


4. Retreats: Twice a year we conduct full-

day and weekend events during which

we can focus on growing together in

prayer, worship, study, and fun. In 2018

we held our Fall Retreat at West Bank

Bible Camp near Swift Current, and


Retreat Day at St. Aidan.

5. One-on-One discipleship: Our youth leadership team seeks to connect with our young people

in a variety of ways outside of official, weekly meeting times in order to encourage each other, and to

be able to more thoughtfully pray for one another.

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Youth Minister: Luke Johnson [email protected]

As Youth Minister, Luke is responsible for setting the long-term goals

and vision for the ministry, for training and equipping leaders,

cultivating a safe and nurturing community environment, pastoral

care of the youth group as a whole, and for orchestrating and leading

youth events throughout the year.

Assistant to the Youth Minister:

Shelby Piel [email protected]

Shelby provides administrative support, including weekly

coordination of volunteers who provide youth night snacks and

leader suppers, and logistical planning for socials and

retreats. Shelby also provides support to our youth leaders, making

sure they are equipped with resources and information, and facilitates youth leader

appreciation nights.

Ministry Connection: Jennifer Johnson

[email protected]

Jenn helps us to keep up with the various families who are part of St.

Aidan’s youth ministry, making sure newcomers are added to our

communication lists, and conducting text-message-storms to make

sure families have the information they need for upcoming youth


Youth Leaders

Youth Leaders are “front line” people who minister with Luke in pastoral care and in fostering the

healthy growth of the youth group community. In 2017/2018 (Season 6), our youth leadership team

included Shelby Piel, Sarah Albers, Megan Peters, Steve Porter, Jill Childerhose, Kaitlyn Rude, Brandon

Noseworthy, Aaron Piel, and Josiah Nelson. In 2018/2019

(Season 7), our team included Shelby Peil, Sarah Albers, Megan Peters, Jaylynn Matthies,

Steve Porter, Brandon Noseworthy, Ben Bird, Jill Childerhose, Tracey Friesen, Aaron Piel, and Josiah


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2018 Youth Leaders:

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2018 Summary

In 2018, the young people connected to the ministry numbered around 33 young people.

Approximately 70% are from St. Aidan, and the rest coming from other churches in Caronport and

Moose Jaw, and those without a church home. Attendance at weekly youth nights was around 4-6

young people on Tuesday youth nights, and 2-6 young people at Sr Youth Preschool Prayer. In 2018, we

put on 15 youth nights, 4 socials, 2 youth retreats, and 5 Youth Group Lite events, and 15 Sr Youth Pre-

school Prayer mornings.


● Weekly "Youth This Week" emails

● Weekly videos on Facebook and YouTube

● Text messaging (event reminders)

● Facebook:

● Carpool Group:

● Website:


This past year we have operated on a

budget of $5,000 which covered snack

food and drinks for Tuesday youth nights,

event supplies, training materials, and

volunteer youth leader appreciation.

Gratitude in a difficult season

This year turned out to be a very difficult one for our family, as Jenn fell ill to a complex and challenging

set of autoimmune conditions. We are deeply grateful for Vestry’s offer of a 2-month paid leave, which

I took from mid-October to early-December 2018. The weeks away from active leadership provided us

much-needed time to figure out a treatment plan for Jenn, to re-establish some form of normal home

life for the sake of our kids, and enabled me to regenerate my web development business, which is the

main source of our family income. I am immensely grateful to you, our church family, for your

kindness, prayers, and support throughout this year.

And I am grateful beyond expression to our faithful team of youth leaders who took up the reins in my

absence. Each one is a competent minister in his or her own right. It is a true privilege to get to serve

with these young adults who emit Christ’s light so brightly.

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Highlights from 2018

Prayer Service at Providence Place

As part of our Lenten Retreat Day in March, our youth group put on a prayer and music service at

Providence Place. In order to minister to as many residents as possible, we made a full tour of the

place, leading residents in four locations in one afternoon!

It is a special privilege to get to walk with our church’s young people on their ascent to adulthood. In

2018, we got to celebrate with Rielle Gobbett, Obi Aguamelu, Courtney O’Brien, Jon Moser, and

Jaylynn Matthies as they graduated from high school. It’s always a mixture of joy and sadness to see

people move up and on. But in these important moments, we say not “Goodbye,” but a hearty,

“Welcome to adulthood!”, and “We’re here for you still!”

For the first time, I had the joy of welcoming one of our grads into youth leadership. Jaylynn Matthies

joined our team in the fall of 2018 as one of our Jr Girls leaders.

"Mystery Epiphaners"

During the season of Epiphany, we were visited by a number of "Mystery Epiphaners" from

St. Aidan who shared how Jesus has revealed himself in their lives today. Our Epiphaners for 2018 were

Darlene Pinter, Gwen Currie, and Denver Barg.

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It has become a tradition near the end of the

school year to hit the paintball range. Because it

turns out that, when you’ve spent 9 months

very seriously reading scripture and praying

together, it’s really fun to get to shoot each

other :)

Two Youth Leader Weddings

This was a year of crazy-eyed-moon-walking-hollar-til-you’re-hoarse celebration to get to take joy in

two youth leader engagements and weddings! Sarah and Brody were engaged in the early fall of 2017,

and married on May 26, 2018 (which happens to be our own wedding anniversary!). Aaron and Shelby

were engaged in February 2018, and married exactly six months later on August 25. It is an enormous

gift to get to watch the lives of our young adults grow, and to get to rejoice along with them!

Thank you!

Jenn and I are grateful for all of the ways so many of you participate in this ministry. Volunteering as

leaders, teachers, speakers, rides for young people, food for leader suppers and youth night snacks,

retreat sponsorships, your weekly Sunday-morning giving, your prayers, encouragement, and

conversation... Your kindness and missional-awareness makes this church a warm and welcoming place

for young people to grow.

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1 St. Aidan Anglican Church 2018 Financial Statement vs 2018 Budget

2 2018 Actual

3 Budget for 2018


5 Envelope Revenue

6 Envelope Offering 186,500.00 189,045.90 See Note #1

7 Open Offering 5,000.00 2,891.29

8 Estates / Insurance ** 2018 Estate donation amount is at end of statement

9 Total Envelope Revenue 191,500.00 191,937.19


11 Other Income

12 Parish Fundraising 15,000.00 294.00 See Note #2

13 Hall Rentals 8,500.00 8,495.00

14 G.S.T. Rebates 800.00 1,288.80

15 Youth Ministry Income/Donations 4,000.00 3,111.15 includes donations and retreater fees

16 Interest Income 175.00 216.18

17 Transfer in (Credential Youth Fund) 10,000.00 10,000.00 See Note #3

18 Miscellaneous Income 0.05 See Note #4

19 Coffee Fellowship 1,800.00 1,807.70

20 Total Other Income 40,275.00 25,212.88


22 Trust Income

23 TH Abbott Trust 2,000.00 2,260.79

24 Seaborn Trust 2,000.00 2,000.00 See Note #5

25 Total Trust Income 4,000.00 4,260.79


27 TOTAL REVENUE 235,775.00 221,410.86



30 Personnel Expenses

31 Rev. Dr. Dean Pinter - Stipend 43,645.00 43,644.96

32 Parish Administrator 20,650.00 16,800.00 Budget - salary, CPP & EI. Actual - salary only.

33 Youth Ministry Leader 18,000.00 18,000.00 Changed from honorarium to salary in June 2018

34 EI Expense 1,014.32 1,814.18 Actual amount is total for all salaried employees.

35 CPP Expense 1,987.18 3,124.04 Actual amount is total for all salaried employees.

36 Pension 8,642.00 8,641.71

37 Continuing Education 450.00 450.00

38 Group Benefits (Incumbent) 2,336.00 2,284.53

39 Group Benefits (Parish Admin) 0.00 2,111.20 See Note #6

40 WCB 11.27

41 Housing Allowance 14,400.00 14,400.00

42 Honorarium - Assistant 1,000.00 1,450.00

43 Honorarium - Various 1,500.00 2,125.00

44 Total Personnel Expense 113,624.50 114,856.89


46 Sundries

47 ClergyTravel Expense 500.00 352.00

48 Priest Discretionary Fund 2,000.00 1,912.49

49 Book Allowance Priest 300.00 121.13

50 Total Sundries 2,800.00 2,385.62


52 Diocesan Expenses

53 Fair Share 48,620.00 48,620.00

54 Synod Delegates 200.00 57.36 See Note #7 (Nov. 3, 2018 One Day Diocesan Synod)

55 Professional Development 500.00 265.00

56 Total Diocesan Expenses 49,320.00 48,942.3645

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1 St. Aidan Anglican Church 2018 Financial Statement vs 2018 Budget

2 2018 Actual

3 Budget for 2018


58 Liturgy Expenses

59 Church Supplies 1,700.00 989.81

60 Total Liturgy Expenses 1,700.00 989.81


62 Utilities

63 Water & Sewer 1,000.00 1,125.86

64 Power 5,600.00 5,729.24

65 Energy 7,000.00 9,959.42

66 Waste Disposal 600.00 706.04

67 Total Utilities 14,200.00 17,520.56


69 Maintenance & Repairs

70 Organ Repairs/Mtnce 1,200.00 932.84

71 Church Buildings 4,000.00 6,318.24 See Note #8

72 Property 1,500.00 1,409.74

73 Total Maintenance & Repairs 6,700.00 8,660.82


75 Properties

76 Insurance 7,300.00 7,281.75

77 Total Properties Expense 7,300.00 7,281.75


79 Janitorial

80 Janitorial Contracts 5,100.00 5,100.00

81 Janitorial Supplies 1,200.00 1,026.03

82 Janitorial Extras 500.00 0.00 See Note #9

83 Total Janitorial Expenses 6,800.00 6,126.03


85 General & Admin.

86 Office Supplies 1,600.00 1,068.43

87 Postage 350.00 348.49

88 Photocopier 4,200.00 3,058.82 See Note #10

89 Advertising 500.00 389.89

90 Telephone 3,200.00 2,071.01 See Note #11

91 Auditing 1,400.00 1,085.00

92 Bank Charges 275.00 264.00

93 Fundraising Expense 2,000.00 0.00

94 Computer 120.00 82.00

95 Total General & Admin. Expenses 13,645.00 8,367.64


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1 St. Aidan Anglican Church 2018 Financial Statement vs 2018 Budget

2 2018 Actual

3 Budget for 2018


97 Ministry

98 Music 400.00 416.52

99 Godly Play/Children's Ministry 300.00 212.58

100 Youth Ministry 9,000.00 5,815.07 See Note #12

101 Hospitality 4,000.00 3,761.58

102 Pastoral Care 1,200.00 994.07

103 Christian Education 300.00 85.84

104 Library 200.00 112.43

105 Leadership Development 350.00 238.00

106 Parish Professional Development 200.00 0.00 for food handling courses, no courses taken in 2018

107 Diaconate 1,500.00 705.89

108 Conference (74.96)

109 Miscellaneous Expense 200.00 0.00

110 Anglican Foundation membership 200.00 200.00

111 Alpha Retreat 0.00 See Note #13

112 Total Ministry Expenses 17,850.00 12,467.02


114 Outreach

115 Outreach 2,000.00 2,090.00 See Note #14

116 Total Outreach 2,000.00 2,090.00


118 TOTAL EXPENSE 235,939.50 229,688.50


120 NET INCOME/LOSS -164.50 -8,277.64


122 Estates / Insurance ** 25,000.00


124 NET INCOME/LOSS 16,722.36

(after Estate donation added in)

Note # 1 - Line 7 - Envelope Offering was from visitors and parishioners. Approximately $182,810 was from parishioners.

Note #5 - Line 25 - Seaborn Trust was set up 25 years ago (St. John's), paid out in 2018. $2,000 was put into operating. See


Notes to 2018 Financial Statement

Note #7 - Line 55 - includes income & expenses. Net expense of $57.36 as follows: $80.64 travel allowance cheque rec'd; $54 pd

to Diocese for St. Aidan share of Synod expenses; $84 total paid to those who drove their cars to Synod.

Note #2 - Line 13 - Fundraising line was created to add to Envelope Offering amount in order to balance the budget. $294 was

from the Steve Bell concert.

Note #3 - Line 18 - Transfer in from Youth Fund account at Credentials. This is money that was donated to children and youth

ministry back in 2008.

Note # 4 - Line 19 - PayPal "testing". A few cents was entered by PayPal to confirm that our PayPal account is linked to our bank

account to do transfers.

Note #6 - Line 40 - 8 months of group benefits and pension in 2018. Benefits & pension started with Safe From Harm Officer

position at the Diocesan Office from Jan. to April.


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1 St. Aidan Anglican Church 2018 Financial Statement vs 2018 Budget

2 2018 Actual

3 Budget for 2018

Note #11 - Line 91 - multi lines were eliminated part way through the year; cost savings.

Note #13 - Line 112 -includes income & expenses. Expenses & income equaled out to be even ($0).

Note #9 - Line 83 - set aside in case extra cleaning needed for events. No money spent; extra time was incorporated into regular

weekly hours.

Note #14 - Line 116 - $90 was donated towards school supplies during Backpack Blessing Sunday. Expense of $90 was added to

Outreach expense line so final total was $2,090.

Note #10 - Line 89 - printing needs decreased in 2018.

Note #12 - Line 101 - $9,000 budget was not amount needed.

Note #8 - Line 72 - includes regular expenses and also the following: replaced fan on north boiler (approx. $922); replaced belt

on rooftop unit (approx. $342); repaired leak in sewer line, replaced sewer line with appopriate fittings (approx. $2,424);

installed new valve on water heater, drained tank, refilled tank & checked operation (approx. $203); annual maintenance of 11

fire extinguishers, also 3 were serviced & recharged (approx. $409).


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Balance Dec. 31/17 Income Paid Out Balance Dec. 31/18

Altar Guild $0.00 $452.00 $452.00 $0.00

PWRDF $0.00 $2,910.00 $2,910.00 $0.00

Anglican Foundation Grant $3,750.00 $7,500.00 $7,500.00 $3,750.00

Balance Dec. 31/17 Income Expenses Balance Dec. 31/18

Memorials $6,164.04 $314.25 $0.00 $6,478.29

Renovation $43,551.18 $25,867.78 $9,264.37* $60,154.59

Missions $2,775.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,775.00

Special Initiatives $35,330.97 $991.63 $2,506.35** $33,816.33

OPENING BALANCE as of Jan. 1/18 $151,534.52

Reserve Funds $75,000.00

Youth Fund $40,049.82

Mutual Funds, etc. $36,484.70


2 yr 3.25% GIC (mat 27Jun20) $125,905.29 (bought with Seaborn Trust payout)

Accrued interest on above GIC as of Dec. 31/18 $2,096.41


BALANCE as of Dec. 31/18 $267,192.48

GIC plus accrued interest $128,001.70

Reserve Funds $75,000.00

Youth Fund ($10,000 transfer to general in 2018) $30,049.82

Mutual Funds, etc. $34,140.96


Pass-Through Accounts 2018

Equity Accounts 2018

Investments Report 2018

** Expense paid out of the Special Initiatives fund was for minor repairs of the hardwood floor in the

sanctuary and also a coat of varnish put on the hardwood floor.

* Expenses paid out of the Renovation fund included: shelving unit and cupboard for storage room beside the

kitchen, "youth room" reno, kitchen exhaust fan and switch, pots and pans for induction cooktop.


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2 2018 Actual 2019

3 Budget for 2018 Budget


5 Envelope Revenue

6 Envelope Offering 186,500.00 189,045.90 190,000.00

7 Open Offering 5,000.00 2,891.29 3,000.00

8 Estates / Insurance **

9 Total Envelope Revenue 191,500.00 191,937.19 193,000.00


11 Other Income

12 Parish Fundraising 15,000.00 294.00 0.00

13 Hall Rentals 8,500.00 8,495.00 8,500.00

14 G.S.T. Rebates 800.00 1,288.80 800.00

15 Youth Ministry Income & Donations 4,000.00 3,111.15 2,500.00

16 Interest Income 175.00 216.18 145.00

17 Transfers in (Credential Youth Fund) 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

18 Miscellaneous Income 0.05

19 Coffee Fellowship 1,800.00 1,807.70 1,700.00

20 Total Other Income 40,275.00 25,212.88 23,645.00


22 Trust Income

23 TH Abbott Trust 2,000.00 2,260.79 1,500.00

24 Seaborn Trust 2,000.00 2,000.00 0.00

25 Total Trust Income 4,000.00 4,260.79 1,500.00


27 TOTAL REVENUE 235,775.00 221,410.86 218,145.00



30 Personnel Expenses

31 Rev. Dr. Dean Pinter - Stipend 43,645.00 43,644.96 43,645.00

32 Parish Administrator 20,650.00 16,800.00 16,800.00

33 Youth Ministry Leader 18,000.00 18,000.00 13,500.00

34 EI Expense 1,014.32 1,814.18 1,890.00

35 CPP Expense 1,987.18 3,124.04 3,235.00

36 Pension 8,642.00 8,641.71 8,642.00

37 Continuing Education 450.00 450.00 600.00

38 Group Benefits (Incumbent) 2,336.00 2,284.53 2,350.00

39 Group Benefits (Parish Admin) 0.00 2,111.20 650.00

40 WCB 11.27

41 Housing Allowance 14,400.00 14,400.00 14,400.00

42 Honorarium - Assistant 1,000.00 1,450.00 1,400.00

43 Honorarium - Various 1,500.00 2,125.00 1,500.00

44 Total Personnel Expense 113,624.50 114,856.89 108,612.00


46 Sundries

47 ClergyTravel Expense 500.00 352.00 500.00

48 Priest Discrectionary Fund 2,000.00 1,912.49 2,000.00

49 Book Allowance Priest 300.00 121.13 200.00

50 Total Sundries 2,800.00 2,385.62 2,700.00


St. Aidan Anglican Church 2019 Budget


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2 2018 Actual 2019

3 Budget for 2018 Budget

St. Aidan Anglican Church 2019 Budget

52 Diocesan Expenses

53 Fair Share 48,620.00 48,620.00 50,867.00

54 Synod Delegates 200.00 57.36 0.00

55 Professional Development 500.00 265.00 500.00

56 Total Diocesan Expenses 49,320.00 48,942.36 51,367.00


58 Liturgy Expenses

59 Church Supplies 1,700.00 989.81 1,400.00

60 Total Liturgy Expenses 1,700.00 989.81 1,400.00


62 Utilities

63 Water & Sewer 1,000.00 1,125.86 1,100.00

64 Power 5,600.00 5,729.24 5,600.00

65 Energy 7,000.00 9,959.42 8,500.00

66 Waste Disposal 600.00 706.04 760.00

67 Total Utilities 14,200.00 17,520.56 15,960.00


69 Maintenance & Repairs

70 Organ Repairs/Mtnce 1,200.00 932.84 1,000.00

71 Church Buildings 4,000.00 6,318.24 6,000.00

72 Property 1,500.00 1,409.74 1,500.00

73 Total Maintenance & Repairs 6,700.00 8,660.82 8,500.00


75 Properties

76 Insurance 7,300.00 7,281.75 7,300.00

77 Total Properties Expense 7,300.00 7,281.75 7,300.00


79 Janitorial

80 Janitorial Contracts 5,100.00 5,100.00 5,280.00

81 Janitorial Supplies 1,200.00 1,026.03 1,100.00

82 Janitorial Extras 500.00 0.00 0.00

83 Total Janitorial Expenses 6,800.00 6,126.03 6,380.00


85 General & Admin.

86 Office Supplies 1,600.00 1,068.43 1,300.00

87 Postage 350.00 348.49 350.00

88 Photocopier 4,200.00 3,058.82 3,200.00

89 Advertising 500.00 389.89 500.00

90 Telephone 3,200.00 2,071.01 1,600.00

91 Auditing 1,400.00 1,085.00 1,100.00

92 Bank Charges 275.00 264.00 250.00

93 Fundraising Expense 2,000.00 0.00

94 Computer 120.00 82.00 100.00

95 Total General & Admin. Expenses 13,645.00 8,367.64 8,400.00


Page 52: 2018 Annual Report - Amazon Web Services report 2018... · 2018 Annual Report Annual Meeting, Sunday, February 10, 2019 Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan Church Wardens: Ellen Redshaw David


2 2018 Actual 2019

3 Budget for 2018 Budget

St. Aidan Anglican Church 2019 Budget


97 Ministry

98 Music 400.00 416.52 400.00

99 Godly Play/Children's Ministry 300.00 212.58 500.00

100 Youth Ministry 9,000.00 5,815.07 5,000.00

101 Hospitality 4,000.00 3,761.58 4,000.00

102 Pastoral Care 1,200.00 994.07 1,300.00

103 Christian Education 300.00 85.84 500.00

104 Library 200.00 112.43 200.00

105 Leadership Development 350.00 238.00 350.00

106 Parish Professional Development 200.00 0.00 200.00

107 Diaconate 1,500.00 705.89 1,200.00

108 Conference (74.96)

109 Miscellaneous Expense 200.00 0.00

110 Anglican Foundation membership 200.00 200.00 200.00

111 Alpha Retreat 0.00

112 Total Ministry Expenses 17,850.00 12,467.02 13,850.00


114 Outreach

115 Outreach 2,000.00 2,090.00 2,000.00

116 Total Outreach 2,000.00 2,090.00 2,000.00


118 TOTAL EXPENSE 235,939.50 229,688.50 226,469.00


120 NET INCOME/LOSS -164.50 -8,277.64 -8,324.00


122 Estates / Insurance ** 25,000.00


124 NET INCOME/LOSS (after Estate donation added in) 16,722.36


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Wardens Rector’s Warden: David Warnock is appointed by incumbent – entering third year

People’s Warden presented by nomination committee who is letting his name stand: - Stan Peters is nominated for a two-year term

o Stan has served one year of a two-year term as a vestry member - assistant to the wardens. Election as People’s Warden will supersede 2018 vestry member election

o Thank you to Ellen Redshaw for her faithful service as she concludes her two-year term as People’s Warden.

Vestry Members entering second year of two-year term (no vote required):

- Terry Dyck - Ian O’Brien - Myles Shaw

New members presented by nomination committee who are letting their names stand for a two-year term:

- Carla Hoffmann - Rosalyn Poettcker - Dustin Resch - Truitt Wiensz

Synod Delegates and Alternates Delegates presented by the nomination committee who are letting their names stand:

Synod Delegates: Synod Alternates: David Warnock (warden) Myles Shaw Stan Peters (warden) Truitt Wiensz Ian O’Brien Rosalyn Poettcker Ellen Redshaw Terry Dyck

St. Aidan Search Committee Wardens and synod delegates (not alternates) are automatic members of the Search Committee. Two other members of the parish are elected.

Search committee members presented by the nomination who are letting their names stand for election for 2019:

- Arleen Champion - Gwen Currie

Ex-officio members of vestry: - All clergy licensed to St. Aidan (Fr. Dean, Fr. Cal, Deacon Arleen) - Treasurer (Ellen Redshaw to be appointed at February vestry meeting) - Parish Administrator – non-voting (Michelle Josefson)

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