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Competitive Call for Research Proposals




18 April 2019 at 13:00 hours

On-line Applications Only.

To be submitted via:

All responses to this Call for Submission of Proposals will be treated in confidence. Personal data collected from Call proposals will be processed in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations. The purpose of the collection and processing of this data is the management, payment and verification of Call applications. Data will be shared externally with our software provider, Fluent Technology. The Department may elect, where necessary, to share relevant information with collaborating partners and relevant funding institutions.

This Call Specification must be read in conjunction with the Guidelines for Applicants in order to correctly complete applications under this Call.

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1 INTRODUCTION AND RELEVANT STRATEGIES .......................................................................................3

2 OBJECTIVES ...........................................................................................................................................4

3 GUIDING PRINCIPLES.............................................................................................................................5

4 CO-FUNDING IN CALL 2019 ...................................................................................................................8

5 DAFM RESEARCH PROGRAMME AND CALL 2019 THEMATIC AREAS ....................................................9

6 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................ 11

6.1 FUNDING INSTRUMENTS ........................................................................................................... 12

6.2 IMPORTANT NOTES ON ALL FUNDING INSTRUMENTS .............................................................. 14

7 EVALUATION PROCESS ....................................................................................................................... 17

8 RESEARCH AREAS SPECIFIED - CALL 2019 .......................................................................................... 18

8.1 List of Thematic Research Topics ............................................................................................... 18

8.2 Strategic Rapid Response Research ........................................................................................... 46

APPENDIX A: Eligible Irish Research Performing Organisations ................................................................ 51

APPENDIX B: Relevant Strategies to the Call ............................................................................................ 52

APPENDIX C . Technology Readiness Level Scale ....................................................................................... 53

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Addressing climate change, environmental quality, one-health and societal cohesion will pose

significant challenges over the coming years, as will maintaining productivity and

competitiveness in an increasingly unpredictable and challenging global market. These

challenges are compounded as a result of the uncertainty surrounding Brexit and its impact on

trade given the importance of the UK as one of our main export markets.

This Call has been framed with a view to realising the opportunities and addressing the

challenges outlined in Food Wise 2025, which sets out ambitious targets for the development

of the agri-food sector and the bioeconomy. In this regard, the topics grouped under certain

thematic headings are designed to specifically address the sustainability, competitiveness or

market development pillars of Food Wise while the Call as a whole will address the human

capital and innovation pillars through building scientific capacity and capability and fostering

knowledge, participative approaches and technologies for deployment into the agri-food sector

at various levels.

This call is also a research and innovation response to the international policy developments

including the UN Sustainable Development Goals and COP Climate Change commitments and

to the related EU research and innovation policy response Food 2030 which builds on key Food

and Nutrition Security priorities: NUTRITION for sustainable and healthy diets; CLIMATE smart

and environmentally sustainable food systems; CIRCULARITY and resource efficiency of food

systems; INNOVATION and empowerment of communities. The call also responds to the

update of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy and the National Research Prioritisation Exercise.

This Call will ensure that the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s (DAFM’s)

research and innovation programme efficiently and effectively responds to meeting agri-food

and bioeconomy challenges and goals by directing the scientific ambition and strengthening

the existing national knowledge base. It also aims to leverage additional support from EU

research and innovation programmes and other international sources to meet these challenges

and goals.

The content of the Call has been strongly influenced by national and global challenges, relevant

Irish and EU strategies and policies (Appendix B), Call Objectives (Section 2) and Call Guiding

Principles (Section 3). Applicants are strongly advised to pay due cognisance to, and where

appropriate, make reference to relevant activities in framing their applications in order to

demonstrate that they have a full understanding of the overall philosophy pursued, the high

level objectives to be addressed and the benefits expected to flow from successful execution of

their planned research as these will be taken into account in the evaluation process.


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The principal objectives of DAFM’s Competitive Call for Research Proposals 2019 are to:

Maximise the economic and societal impact of the state funded research and innovation

and resources, by developing and deepening effective research collaborations in and

leveraging of additional national & EU funds through DAFM’s three competitive


o Food Institutional Research Measure

o Research Stimulus Fund

o Programme of Competitive Forest Research for Development

Provide research and innovation opportunities for early stage researchers in relation to

agri-food, seafood, forestry, rural economy and the bioeconomy.

Inspire the future generation of students and train and educate a cohort of professionals

and scientists at MSc, PhD and post-doctoral level that will take up high-value employment

in government, State agencies, academia, Multi-National Companies (MNCs) and Small and

Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) based in Ireland.

Form effective partnerships with farmers, foresters, industry, regulatory groups and others

to work on/inform challenging problems and facilitate transfer of technology, expertise,

know-how and knowledge exchange among the participants, including through the

establishment of thematic networks and/or other appropriate methods of knowledge


Deliver research excellence with impact which will be aligned with areas of strategic

opportunity for Ireland and the EU and also, where relevant, help address the challenge set-

out in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Climate Change Agreement.

Foster impactful innovation by supporting challenged based and industry-informed

research between academia and the agri-food and bioeconomy industry.

Engage the general public and equip them with the tools to confidently understand and

debate agri-food, forestry, seafood, rural economy and the bioeconomy research and

innovation in Ireland.


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Research proposals submitted under this Call should be guided by / take account of the

following principles:

The concept of responsible research and innovation will underpin proposals, and will aim to align research and innovation to the values, needs and expectations of society. For this call this refers to the conduct of research, the access to research results and the application of new knowledge in society. o Research Performing Organisations shall adhere to the National Policy Statement on

Ensuring Research Integrity.

The research should be conducted in full respect of gender equality, the gender dimension in research and ethics considerations. The research and innovation activities undertaken should where possible explore, analyse and address sex and gender differences and take into account biological characteristics as well as the evolving social and cultural features of women and men and other relevant factors of diversity.

The research should be informed as required by policy developments, market intelligence, and contact with relevant stakeholders, consumer needs and behaviour, relevant databases, and take account of the global regulatory framework that governs food production and nutritional policy. o While primary production research is linked to research in dairy, meat, crop, fisheries,

forestry and other bio-based products it must be informed by consumer or market needs for a particular product. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the opportunities to improve the quality of their lives through healthy eating and of the contribution that sustainable production - both in terms of food and non-food products - can make to the improvement of their environment and to sustainability. The preferences of consumers for quality, convenience, diversity and health, and their justifiable expectations of safety, ethical and sustainable production serve to highlight the opportunities for innovation. The same principles, with respect to consumers, apply in respect of the public good derived from primary production activities including access to rural amenities (e.g. forests) and other bio-based products derived from primary production activities.

o In general projects should explore innovative, yet sustainable and climate-friendly utilisation of biomass and a value chain approach, as well as sustainable harvesting and production systems targeting a range of existing or new markets, products (food, feed, chemistry, chemicals etc. applying the principles of the bioeconomy policy statement). The aim is to create, test, upscale and bring to the market new knowledge-intensive products and services derived from a diversity of biomass.

o For projects that only focus on part of the value chain, impact and consequences of new methods or products should be considered in a wider value chain perspective.

Ensure, as required, multi-, inter- and trans-disciplinary approaches and inter-institutional collaboration is undertaken. o Applicants should take note that some aspects of the Call are cross-sectoral or are

applicable across the food chain whilst other elements are focussed on a single sector or research and innovation activity. The likelihood is, therefore, that,


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depending on the topic being addressed, a consortium comprising a mix of bioscience and other Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and/or Humanities and Social Science (HSS) researchers may be required to fully address the issue. Applicants are strongly advised to take account of this aspect when forming their research project teams as this will certainly be considered as part of the evaluation process.

Opportunities should be identified for synergistic collaboration and implementing of linkages across areas where there is greatest potential for economic and societal benefit. Strong consideration should be given to coordination, dissemination and exploitation with other projects financed under the same or related topics. This type of coordination allows organising of clusters of projects which work on similar issues, to avoid duplication of effort and to enable cross fertilisation and synergies. o Due consideration will be given to the multi-actor approach involving government,

state agency, indigenous or FDI industry, non-governmental organisations or

consumer/citizen engagement as required. The approach chosen should be reflected in

the methodological description of project proposals and should seek to develop wider

participation in research and innovation. Focus and Operational Group options are

encouraged to enhance dissemination, exploitation, complementarities and synergies.

o Participative design, taking into account technical, agronomic, environmental and socio-economic aspects and barriers to the adoption should be used to engage farmers in identification of best practices in relation to application and to identify key equipment and practices that could be adopted at a national level, and the cost of same, under future public and private incentives.

o In particular, applicants should familiarise themselves with ongoing projects, programmes or other initiatives funded either by DAFM or other funding agencies / bodies (e.g. Horizon 2020, EI Technology Centres, SFI Centres, RDP and Seafood Programme, HRB, IRC, EPA, Teagasc, Marine Institute) both nationally and internationally and, where possible and/or appropriate, build on and link to such activities in their submission to this Call.

o Where appropriate, applicants are strongly advised to make contact with officials in relevant organisations (including DAFM) to discuss pertinent issues when formulating applications for topics relating to policy or regulatory matters. This will aid the impact on end users (farmers, agri-food and forestry businesses, regulators, State Agencies and policy makers), and help provide evidence-informed policy formation and/or the legislative/regulatory framework

o Where applicable industry involvement is encouraged on a self-financing basis subject to the need to respect the ‘public good’ nature of DAFM Research Funding Programmes and compliance with the National Intellectual Property Protocol. Evidence of industry engagement in a real and meaningful manner can help demonstrate the relevance and likely impact of the research work which is examined as part of the evaluation process.

There is an expectation that, if funded, the project should be used as a platform to

participate in and ultimately lead initiatives of scale especially the EU framework

programmes for research and innovation. Participation with other innovation programmes

provided through national and/or EU Funds is encouraged. (E.g. EIP AGRI, DTIF etc.).

Where relevant, large item equipment costs are minimised through use of shared resources that have already been funded, e.g. the HEA’s Large Items of Research

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Equipment database is an online resource of all large equipment in Higher Education Institutions that should be availed of where appropriate.

Applications must comply with the latest applicable legislation, codes, guidelines, framework, standards that may apply to undertaking research. Applicants are expected to demonstrate knowledge of, and adoptions to their planned research in meeting any such relevant provisions that might be applicable in these contexts.

Applications to this Call should clearly demonstrate in the submitted proposal, how the expectations set out above will be met in the context of the research and innovation proposed.

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Co-Funding with DAERA on selected topics

DAFM and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), Northern

Ireland have agreed a co-funding arrangement subject to budget availability, to facilitate the

involvement of Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Queen’s University Belfast and Ulster

University as partners in applications to those topics denoted by an asterisk (*) in Section 8.

This co-funding arrangement is limited only to applications under Funding Instruments II to VI

(see section 6.1). Intending applicants in these institutions requiring further information on

this funding should contact Gabrielle Sharkey, Chief Scientific Adviser’s Office, email

[email protected] telephone 028 77442211.

Co-Funding with other agencies

DAFM may enter into co-funding arrangements with other funders, who may have an interest

in certain Call topic. If deemed appropriate, DAFM may approach other potential funders, at

any stage during the Call process, up to and including during the contract negotiation stage.

Other co-funding arrangements

Co-funding of submitted applications, especially the larger grant requests, by RPO partners using

either mainstream institutional funding sources and/or pan-industry levies made available to

them is also possible and demonstrates a genuine integrated partnership approach.

Industry partner co-funding is encouraged on a self-financing basis subject to the need to

respect the ‘public good’ nature of DAFM Research Funding Programmes and compliance with

the National Intellectual Property Protocol.


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DAFM’s Research Programme

DAFM intends, under its Competitive Call for Research Proposals 2019, to fund a number of

research projects under its competitive research funding programme. The research topics in

Call 2019 are set out in Section 8. The call topics listed in Section 8.1 are presented under

f our broad inter-related thematic headings and these are open to applications under all

relevant funding instruments listed in Section 6.1, unless otherwise stated in the text. In Section

8.2 there is a specific focus on Strategic Rapid Response Research and the call topics listed in

this section are limited to desk studies or small projects. All the research topics included in this

Call are all influenced by the four inter-related thematic areas listed below:

Environment & Climate Smart Approaches to Agri-Food Systems

Animal and Plant Production, One Health & Welfare

Rural Growth, Digitalisation and the Bio-economy


The Call topics are designed to inform policy and/or develop processes and technologies that

will help address challenges and opportunities identified in various strategic reports or policy


For example, in relation to the development of Environment and Climate Smart Approaches to

Agri-food Systems, the Call topics reflect agri-food research priorities identified in FoodWise

2025, including to:

Support strategies and technologies to reduce the impact of food production on water


Identify and evaluate tailored measures which impact positively on biodiversity.

Develop and assess existing and emerging technologies for reducing ammonia and GHG

emissions and addressing carbon sequestration in Ireland’s soils, biomass and

agricultural systems.

Develop a holistic approach to data capture, modelling and sustainability assessment of

Irish farming and aquaculture systems, including the provision, utilisation and

exploitation of verifiable data on the environmental impact and sustainability of grass-

based food production and aquaculture in Ireland.

Investment in research in the area of Animal and Plant Production, One Health and Welfare

should assist with the development of a competitive primary production sector as envisaged by

FoodWise 2025 and help meet related output targets. It is also aimed at helping to address key

research and data recommendations identified in the One Health Report on Antimicrobial Use

& Antimicrobial Resistance and in the National Farmed Animal Health Strategy 2017-2022.


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In relation to the development and promotion of Rural Growth, Digitalisation and the Bio-

economy, the Call objectives are to help address the development of smart, connected

territories and agri-food and biobased value chains in rural and coastal areas to assist the

transition to a sustainable, low carbon, and circular bioeconomy with a focus on business,

services and value chains including promoting new partnerships between producers,

processors, retailers and society.

The Food related Call topics listed in Section 8.1 are aimed at meeting the Department’s

obligations with regards to its core mandates which include oversight of the production of safe

and nutritious foods and to assist with the development of a competitive and innovative agri-

food sector as envisaged by in FoodWise 2025. The Call topics should assist with achieving

related FoodWise 2025 actions to:

Continue to promote and increase joint industry and public sector investments in

research projects which will improve the commerciality of research outputs.

Prioritise research to ensure that the Irish food industries have the best available

technologies and systems that will assist in identifying and controlling risks arising from

microbial and chemical contaminants.

This Call is also a research and innovation response to the international policy developments

including the UN Sustainable Development Goals and COP Climate Change commitments and

to the related EU research and innovation policy response Food 2030.

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The submission requirements set out across all of this section should be met. Applications that

do not adhere to these requirements will be eliminated at the first preliminary assessment

step of the evaluation process and in such cases the application will not proceed for expert

review. Please refer to Section 7 ‘Criteria for Assessment of Proposals’ of the Guidelines of

Applicants for details of all three assessment steps or stages.

As part of the preliminary assessment applications under all funding instruments that are

submitted will be checked against the following mandatory Call eligibility criteria:

Applications must be submitted using DAFM’s 2019 Online Research Call Application

Forms and Budget Sheets.

All completed application forms must be signed-off online by the:

o Project Co-ordinator;

o Principal Investigator (PI);

o Vice President of Research/Head of Research and;

o The Transfer Technology Office (TTO) or equivalent within the lead RPO.

Grant applications will only be accepted from DAFM approved Research Performing

Organisations (RPOs). Please refer to Appendix A.

The currency to be used must be euro (€).

The minimum criteria set out for the Funding Instrument you are applying under must

be met. These minimum criteria are set out in the relevant part of Tables 1 in Section

6.1 of the Call Specification.

The scope of the research in the application must address one or more of the Call topics

detailed in Sections 8.1 and/or 8.2 of this Call Specification.

The Guidelines for Applicants and the associated application forms for all funding instruments

are available to download from the DAFM Research website or

Incomplete or late applications cannot be submitted.

Applications to Call 2019 must be made using one of the funding instruments outlined in Table

1 in Section 6.1. The Table must be interpreted in conjunction with the Important Notes on all

Funding Instruments in Section 6.2, which together include key information on completing the

Application Form and the minimum eligibility requirements.


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When inviting application DAFM uses a range of funding instruments each with particular

requirements in terms of project duration, max grant, number of collaborating RPOs needed,

whether industry co-funding is mandatory or not, whether application process is single or

two stage, etc. In this 2019 Call the following seven funding instruments will be available to

cater for a variety of different situations depending on the nature and purpose of the

research planned.

The submission requirements of the funding instrument vary depending on the maximum grant

request. Further details on these are outlined in Table 1 and in the relevant Notes in Section


Table 1: Summary Details of Submission Requirements for Funding Instruments (I-VII)

Funding Instrument Type of Project Duration TRL Range (Appendix


No Stages Max. Grant Request1,2

Submission Deadline

I. Research Plus Small institutional project to bring completed or near completed DAFM funded project to point where it is eligible for EI commercialisation supports.

Please also refer to Notes 6-10 in Section 6.2

≤1 years 5 – 7 Single ≤€100,000 18 April 2019 at 13:00 hrs

II. Desk Study One or more RPOs.

Please also refer to Note 11 in Section 6.2

≤1 years 1 – 6 Single ≤ €150,000 18 April 2019 at 13:00 hrs

III. Small Project Experimental research involving one or more RPOs as required. Please also refer to Note 11 in Section 6.2

≤2 years 1 – 6 Single ≤€250,000 18 April 2019 at 13:00 hrs

IV. Standard Project Collaborative project with at least two RPOs. Please also refer to Note 12 in Section 6.2

≤4 years 1 – 6 Single ≤€600,000 18 April 2019 at 13:00 hrs

1 Where proposals include NI partners the maximum grant request set out in this Table applies to the combined grant request from both DAFM and DAERA 2 In the case of topics that specify desk studies followed by field trials the max funding requested should NOT be cumulative

but rather the max applying to the main instrument used.


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V. Large Project Collaborative project with at least three RPOs each accounting for at least 10% of the overall grant requested from DAFM. Please also refer to Note 13 in Section 6.2

≤4 years 1 – 6 Single ≤€1,250,000 18 April 2019 at 13:00 hrs

VI. Programme Large strategic initiative involving a collaboration of at least four RPOs each accounting for at least 10% of the overall grant requested from DAFM. Please also refer to Notes 14 in Section 6.2

≤5 years 1 – 6 Two stage (Initial Expression of Interest + Full Proposal, if invited.)

≤€3 million Stage 1

18 April 2019 at

13:00 hrs

Stage 2: TBC

VII. Innovation Platform

Large, pre-competitive, industry-oriented, initiative involving a collaboration between:

(a) At least 4 RPOs each accounting for at least 10% of the overall grant requested from DAFM, and;

(b) At least 3 industry parties that must contribute at least 30% of the overall costs: - of which at least 10% of the overall costs must be in cash.

Please also refer to Notes 15-22 in Section 6.2

≤5 years

4 – 7 Two stage (Initial Expression of Interest + Full Proposal, if invited.)

≤€5 million Stage 1

18 April 2019 at

13:00 hrs

Stage 2: TBC

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Important Notes on general matters, related documents, call and instrument scope, funding, partnering, and minimum eligibility requirements

General Matters:

1. Unless specifically stated otherwise, the Call topics set out in Section 8.1 are open to

applications under any of the relevant funding instruments listed in Section 6.1. Call topics

listed in Section 8.2 are specifically limited to desk studies or small projects i.e. Funding

Instruments (II and III).

2. The grant request figures are indicative only and the upper limits should not be regarded

as targets. As one of the evaluation criteria looks at value for money, it is in the

applicants’ interests to ensure that the grant requested is reasonable, commensurate

with the research and innovation activities proposed and in line with the most recent

Government guidelines e.g. staff pay scales.

3. Applications must be made on-line using DAFM’s Research Online Portal Guidelines for using the online portal are available on

DAFM’s website or by clicking here: Portal guidelines.

4. DAFM encourages the formation of Thematic Coordination Networks among researchers

involved in Funding Instruments IV, V and VI. These networks should facilitate the sharing

of state-of-the-art knowledge and methodologies, including the sharing, mining and

exploitation of data/methodologies, with a view to speeding up discoveries and closing

the research and innovation gap. Networks should involve a clustering of researchers

involved in new and existing projects around a common thematic area into Coordinated

Networks which would facilitate greater co-operation between researchers, advisors,

farmers/foresters, other actors in the agri-food chain and/or representative


5. DAFM reserve the right to group successful projects into new or existing programmes as

appropriate at the award / implementation stage.

Research Plus (Funding Instrument I)

6. Research Plus instrument seeks to add value, through further research, to the outputs of

recently completed or nearly completed DAFM Funded Research projects; to provide

additional funding to assist research to a point where applicants are in a position to apply

to Enterprise Ireland for future funding; and to encourage researchers to apply their

research findings for commercial gain to the Irish economy.

7. Principal Investigators who recently completed (within the last 24 months) or who are

nearly finished (within the next 12 months) a FIRM/RSF/CoFoRD project are eligible to



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8. The applicant must be a Principal Investigator / permanent member of staff of the lead

organisation and therefore in a position to continue to be responsible for the scientific and

technical direction of the project.

9. Applicants should be able to demonstrate that the Intellectual Property (IP) of those

projects have been managed appropriately so as not to have compromised their use for

future commercial potential. In this regard, applicants will have to provide documented

evidence that they have discussed their research with the Technology Transfer Officer

(TTO) or equivalent within their research organisation and that the TTO or equivalent has

deemed the research outputs to have some future commercial potential. Funding will be

contingent on this criteria being adhered to.

10. Collaboration between the coordinator with other research and/or industry partners is

allowed and indeed encouraged, but collaboration is not a pre-requisite of the initiative.

However, if the IP was generated as a result of a previous collaboration, then

FIRM/RSF/CoFoRD will require a statement from the collaborator, should that collaborator

not be involved in the proposal, stating that they are supportive of the application. Should

the application be successful, FIRM/RSF/CoFoRD may require confirmation from the TTO or

equivalent, that this is in fact the case and there is no issue with regard to the use of that

IP in future projects.

Funding Instruments II– V

11. Desk study (Instrument II) or small project (Instrument III) (the latter should preferably be

undertaken by Masters students), are specified as the only permitted instrument for

certain topic areas notably those listed in Section 8.2; however, they may also be the

most appropriate means of addressing a research and innovation objective in the case of

several of the topics listed in Section 8.1 and can be used, where appropriate, for such


12. In the case of Standard Project (Instrument IV) proposals, a minimum of two RPO project

partners must each account for at least 10% of the overall budget. Any project that does

not comply with this clause will be deemed ineligible at preliminary assessment stage of

the evaluation.

13. In the case of Large Project (Instrument V) proposals, a minimum of three RPO project

partners must each account for at least 10% of the overall budget. This clause will not

apply to fourth and subsequent partners on any project. Any project that does not comply

with this clause will be deemed ineligible at preliminary assessment stage of the


Programme (VI)

14. In the case of Programme (Instrument VI) proposals, a minimum of four RPO project

partners must each account for at least 10% of the overall budget. This clause will not

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apply to fifth and subsequent partners on any project. Any project that does not comply

with this clause will be deemed ineligible at preliminary assessment stage of the

evaluation. If required, the cost of a project manager can be included in an application

under funding instrument VI. There will be a two stage application process for Programme


Innovation Platforms (VII)

15. DAFM’s Platform Instrument is intended to enable a consortium comprising a number of

committed commercial enterprises and public RPOs with a proven track record of research

in the area to undertake pre-competitive research to advance technological development

in an emerging agri-food field that has potential for Ireland to become a leading player.

The work should mainly focus on activities in the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Scale

range 4 to 7 (see Appendix C) and may comprise prototyping, demonstrating, piloting,

testing and validation of new or improved agri-food products or processes in environments

representative of real life operating conditions where the primary objective is to make

further technical improvements on these products or processes that are not substantially

set. It does NOT include routine or periodic changes made to existing products, production

lines, manufacturing processes, or other operations even if these represent improvements.

16. If required and well justified, consideration will be given to allowing the cost of a project

manager in the project.

17. DAFM’s Platform Instrument is subject to the need to respect the ‘public good’ nature of

DAFM Research Funding Programmes, compliance with the National IP Protocol and

compliance with EU State Aid rules.

18. The basis in EU legislation under which DAFM is using the Platform Instrument is

Commission Regulation (EU) 702/2014 (declaring certain categories of aid in the

agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areas compatible with the internal market in

application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European

Union). State Aid decision number 42636 refers to the outcome of the Platform Instrument

approval. Thus the relevant provisions of Regulation 702/2014 will be incorporated into

the conditions attached to any projects funded under the Platform Instrument.

19. The co-funding of projects by applicant RPO partners using either mainstream institutional

funding sources and/or pan-industry levies made available to them is welcome as it

demonstrates a genuine integrated partnership approach. However, pan-industry levies

will not count towards the mandatory 30% contribution of the overall project costs

required by participating industry parties as outlined in Table 1 of Section 6.1.

20. Applicants are also advised that DAFM may explore possibilities for co-funding certain

successful project applications with other Irish research funding bodies as appropriate.

21. Applications must conform to the provisions set out in Table 1 of Section 6.1.

22. There will be a two stage application process for platform submissions.

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DAFM Call 2019 Specification – Version 1.2

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DAFM uses a 3-step evaluation process:

1. Initial assessment which will concentrate, in particular, on strict adherence to eligibility

criteria as set out in Section 6. Applications that do not adhere to these requirements will

be eliminated at the preliminary assessment of the evaluation process and in such cases

the application will not proceed for expert review.

2. Review by a panel of experts in accordance with defined evaluation criteria; and

3. Assessment of high level strategic considerations by DAFM’s Competitive Research


Single stage full proposals submitted using Funding Instruments I – V will be evaluated

sequentially under the 3 steps listed above.

In the case of the two stage applications, submitted using Funding Instruments VI & VII, the

Stage 1 Expression of Interest (EOI) will be evaluated sequentially also using steps 1 to 3, as

outlined above. Applicants that have submitted (EOI) that are deemed suitable for further

consideration will then be invited to submit full proposals. The full proposals will also be

subject to an evaluation process. More details of the stage 2 evaluation of full proposals

submitted under funding instruments VI & VII will be made available at that time.

Further details on the above evaluation process are outlined in the accompanying Guidelines

for Applicants.


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DAFM Call 2019 Specification – Version 1.2


As outlined in Section 6, there are 7 funding instruments available and, apart from topic A 1.1,

which is confined to the industry co-funded Innovation Platform instrument, all other topics listed

in Section 8.1 are open to submissions under any of the relevant funding instruments listed in

Table 1 of Section 6.1. Applicants may choose to combine elements from more than one topic in

their proposals, especially when opting to use the Programme or Innovation Platform

instruments, making sure to justify this approach and bearing in mind that value for money will

feature among the evaluation criteria.

The Strategic Rapid Response Research listed in Section 8.2 are restricted to Desk Studies and

Small Projects.

A.1 Environment & Climate Smart Approaches to Agri-Food Systems (NI institutions eligible

under Topics denoted by *)

A.1.1 Create a resource-smart food system with 50% lower greenhouse-gas emissions

by 2030 – Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation.3

We need to redesign the food system to help solve Europe’s climate challenge,

respecting environmental limits on water quality and quantity, air quality (ammonia,

odour, fine particles), biodiversity (agro-biodiversity, pesticides, natural habitats) and soil

quality (soil health and more carbon storage). The food system must not pose

unnecessary risks for public health (fine particles, zoonosis, use of antibiotics and

pesticides) and should respect ethical demands (e.g., animal welfare). The use of feed

from alternative and local sources should increase. Plant and animal production should

be strongly based on circular and agro-ecological principles supported by reductions of

fossil-based energy and pesticides. Integrated water resource management is needed.

We must also reduce the negative impacts of packaging, particularly of plastics. This

entire redesign should result in a food system built on sustainable diets and minimal

waste, which is recycled in a safe way in accordance with circular bioeconomy principles.

This diet should be affordable for all. Farmers should also have a fair income that is not

based on subsidies, but where needed based on public contracts for private and public


Key aspects to consider:

Increased ecological understanding of agro-ecosystems is now available to

redesign food production. Innovative changes in the organisation of primary

production and agro-ecosystems have been developed by groups of farmers and

3 Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation


8.1 List of Thematic Research Topics

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need support for upscaling from local to regional and national level.

Modern technologies and techniques could completely redesign the food system

and avoid negative environmental impacts but may have negative aspects too,

such as the impact on employment, or ethical, transition and data ownership

implications. We need a societal debate from the start to ensure responsible


Input industries and food processors are important, but innovation systems must

also work closely with farmers and groups of farmers and other relevant

stakeholders with as many solutions linked to local conditions, assets and actors

including conventional and organic sectors.

Outputs & Impact:

Territorial systems: develop sustainable and climate-resilient food systems on a

territorial scale.

Diversified systems: diversify fields, farms, landscapes and diets to use resources

in a climate-proof, sustainable way.

Low impact animal systems: redesign, integrate (including with

tillage/horticulture systems) and encourage low-impact animal production


Smart soil and virgin mineral use: arrive at a fully sustainable and smart use of

natural resources: zero land degradation by 2030, healthy soils, reducing the

yearly input of virgin minerals (such as phosphate) by 50%.

Reduce impact packaging: Reduce the environmental impact of food packaging

by 2030 by 75%.

Halve food waste and losses: Halve food waste and losses from the food and

farming system by 2030.

This topic is only open to the platform funding instrument.

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A.1.2 Implications of weed control practices on soil biodiversity. *

The various dimensions of agricultural biodiversity play a significant role in conferring

stability, resilience and adaptability to farming systems. Intensive agri-practices and

the need to make biodiversity a more integral part of farming means there is a need to

better understand the impacts of various weed control practices on soil biodiversity.

The practice of tilling has the potential to decrease soil biodiversity whereas glyphosate

use in zero-till systems may have a relatively positive impact on soil biodiversity.

However, due to the widespread use of glyphosate and its detection in various soil

monitoring studies, concerns have been raised about risks to diversity and abundance

of soil-dwelling organisms. Further research is required.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below using an appropriate funding instrument:

Expand the knowledge base on the links between biodiversity and agriculture in

the context of sustainable tillage practices.

Compare current practices using glyphosate with non-chemical techniques

including developing private and public incentives to foster biodiversity and use

of non-chemical techniques.

Assess environmental impacts (biodiversity loss, sustainable plant-soil

interaction and management) and economic costs of potential alternatives to


A.1.3 Quantifying and improving the quality of high nature value farmland and


Farming and Forestry provide major opportunities to contribute to biodiversity

through conservation and restoration of biodiversity on farms and/or forests. This

research should build on previous research to improve methods to assess the

distribution and extent of High Nature Value (HNV) farmland and forest biodiversity in


Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below using

an appropriate funding instrument:

Analysis of Biodiversity Indicators assessed in Irelands National forest

Inventory (NFI) including a comparison on the use of biodiversity indicators

within other NFIs, internationally.

Investigation of national scale indicators of HNV farmland and forest

biodiversity and possible integration of a methodology similar to NFI or other

integrated approach to assessing biodiversity on farmland.

Modeling incentives for preservation and creation of HNV farmland and forest

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biodiversity. Develop and incorporate models of innovative agri-

environmental-climate measures necessary to conserve and restore HNV

farmland and forest biodiversity.

Examine opportunities to further enhance synergies and maximise coherence

between the objectives of biodiversity conservation and restoration in farming

and forestry.

A.1.4 Assess hydrological changes as a result of afforestation and forest harvesting.

Forests can play an important role in maintaining water quality. However, care is need

when carrying out forest operations such as cultivation, road building and harvesting to

minimise potential run off from such operations. This project should assess the

potential for flow changes and sediment release as a result of forestry operations,

undertaken on major soil types, where there has been a decline in water quality status

and where forestry is likely to be the most significant pressure.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below using

an appropriate funding instrument:

Assess and quantify sediment release or flow regime changes from Irish forests.

Develop a baseline (ideally 12 months) and a comparative analysis post

operations for instream measurements.

Explore the creation of a model predicting changes to hydrological regimes.

Assess the effectiveness of current operational mitigation measures and

supports available for measuring implementation and identify new or under-

utilised economically sustainable tools and techniques if necessary.

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A.1.5 Investigate barriers to, and opportunities for, the adoption of agroforestry

systems in Ireland. *

Farmers will need to adapt to climate change and develop farming systems resilient

to fluctuating environmental and socio-economic conditions. Integration of livestock,

crops and forestry can improve the resilience of agriculture and provide climate

change mitigation. Proposals should investigate agroforestry as a land-use system

examining options and combinations and resulting ecological and economic


Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Investigate land owners’ and practitioners (foresters and agriculturalists)

knowledge/awareness of agroforestry and their attitudes towards

agroforestry systems.

Investigate how farmers/landowners perceive the system and understand

their reluctance or willingness to use it.

Identify practical circumstances/opportunities where trees/forests and crops

can add sustainability (economic and/or environmental) to farm-level

systems and characterise the extent of the improvement (e.g. measured

reduction in net emission/loss etc.).

Identify practical circumstances/opportunities where trees/forests and crops

can reduce the environmental impact, add biodiversity or provide ecosystem

services e.g. pollinators.

Participative design of agroforestry or mixed farming systems taking into

account technical, agronomic and socio-economic aspects and barriers to the


Integration to pre-existing, or develop new if necessary, models and tools for

real farm management.

An economic analysis of a number of agroforestry systems should also be conducted.

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A.1.6 Investigate provenance performance of key species in Ireland in the context

of climate change. *

Climate change presents potential risks to forests. It is important to mitigate the

adverse effects of climate change by examining our growing stock and the use of

alternative provenance under future climate scenarios. The proposal should

investigate provenance performance of key species in Ireland in the context of

climate change with an aim to avoid the negative consequences while taking

advantage of potential benefits.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Research should focus on key species in Irish Forestry with information on

currently best provenances known. Research will evaluate different aspects

inter alia growth, morphology, phenology and physiology.

Investigate the effects of some parameters of importance for tree species

that will be affected by climate change (e.g. water availability, temperature

and CO2). While these parameters could be studied individually it would be

interesting to investigate their interactions.

Investigate different future scenarios. At least, best, intermediate and worst

case scenarios should be considered but more scenarios could be added

depending on funding type and kind of project.

A.1.7 Assess the impact of Agro-Ecological Practices and Precision Agriculture

technologies and emerging technologies on reducing GHG emissions and on

reducing the impacts on water quality. *

The importance of diversity and technology in increasing the resilience of food

systems is considered essential. The 4R framework for improving nutrient efficiency

(Right Source, Right Rate, Right Time, Right Place) is a key consideration for reducing

GHG emissions and impacts on water quality. Technology can play an important role,

ensuring that the Right Rate, Time and Place of both inorganic and organic fertiliser

application are adhered to. Inefficient use of inorganic and organic fertilisers is costly

to farmers and to the environment.

Applications should entail an initial desk study to identify existing, new and

emerging practices and technologies with subsequent field testing to cover, inter

alia, some or all of the elements outlined below using an appropriate funding


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Determine the impact of agro-ecological practices and precision agriculture

technologies on reducing GHG emissions and reducing impacts on water


Assess the practicability of integration of such technologies on a range of

farm types and sizes. Technologies need to account for a range of soil types,

ground conditions and crop types.

Participative design, taking into account technical, agronomic, environmental

and socio-economic aspects and barriers to the adoption, should be used to

engage farmers in identification of best practices in relation to application

and to identify key equipment and practices that could be adopted at a

national level, and the cost of same, under future public and private


A.1.8 Integrated marginal abatement cost curve to address climate, water, air

and biodiversity constraints. *

The areas of Water, Air and Biodiversity have been addressed individually as

regards the environmental impact of farming practices and agri-environment

measures. Research is required to better facilitate the performance of an effective

cost assessment of the synergies between the various emissions abatement


Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Evaluate agri-environmental measures across the areas of Water, Air

(including GHG) and Biodiversity to develop an integrated abatement

strategy and cost curve.

Provide quantitative estimates for the sum of total benefits accrued by

multiple measures in the identified areas.

Evaluate the priority measures for their suitability for adoption in best

farming practices and/or integration into agri-environmental schemes.

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A.1.9 Developing and validating new and novel technologies to reduce gaseous

emissions. *

Ireland faces challenging targets in relation to gaseous emissions from agriculture -

ammonia emissions are higher than the limit in the Emissions Ceiling Directive, and

Ireland looks like missing its 2020 targets for GHG emissions. There are various

mitigation strategies and technologies which have been developed over time.

However, even if modelled adoption rates of these are achieved, Ireland will still

struggle to meet its commitment targets. There is therefore an urgent need to

develop new technologies and/or evaluate emerging technologies under Irish

agricultural conditions (feed additives that reduce emissions, methane vaccines, low

emissions fertilisers other than stabilised urea, low emissions slurry spreading

technology, additives to reduce emissions from slurry, etc.).

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Quantify the direct effect of slurry acidification and slurry additives on

ammonia emissions form Irish soils and assess the long term

impacts/sustainability. Produce refined emission factors that can be included

in national reporting.

Evaluate the extent of ammonia loss from agriculture, in particular the

regional distribution of loss and impact on ecosystems and human health.

This data should be suitable for use in the development of a refined source

distribution map of ammonia emissions.

Evaluate the abatement potential of methane inhibitors/vaccines. In the case

of feed additives assess the efficacy and safety in grass based system and if

necessary design alternative means to deliver an effective dose.

Participative design, taking into account technical, agronomic, environmental

and socio-economic aspects and barriers to the adoption should be used to

engage farmers in identification of best practices in relation to application

and to identify key equipment and practices that could be adopted at a

national level, and the cost of same, under future public and private


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A.1.10 Diagnostic tools and technologies for water quality protection and nutrient

use efficiency.

The ASSAP4 and LAWSAT5 initiatives will provide support for the farming community

regarding the losses of nutrients and contaminant losses from farms. However there

is a need to measure and quantify biophysical information at higher spatial &

temporal resolution (farm/field scale) that current maps do not provide. Proposed

technologies could validate perceived risk and target mitigation at field/farm scale

and provide for improved nutrient use efficiency on farms.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Develop technologies that can be deployed on the ground to directly

measure and characterise the connectivity between fields, farm yards and

drainage networks to quantify/validate risk of nutrient and contaminant

losses on farms.

Develop measureable approaches to identifying mitigation options and

measure their effectiveness at farm scale.

4 ASSAP – Agricultural Sustainability Support and Advice Programme

5 LAWSAT - Local Authority Water Support and Advisory Team

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A.2 Animal & Plant Production, One-Health & Welfare (NI institutions eligible under Topics

denoted by *)

A.2.1 Improving soil fertility and nutrient management planning for sustainable

production and GHG reductions in arable farming systems. *

Declining national soil fertility and highly variable soils pose challenges for future

agricultural production. Research is needed to harness new technologies in

combination with new understanding of soils, plant-soil and nutrient dynamics to

deliver soil specific nutrient advice for grassland and tillage farms.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Develop tools to address benchmarking of fertiliser and land resource use efficiency on Irish farms. This should also include the identification

of additional soil parameters to be tested and included as part of

sustainable nutrient management plans.

Identify the reasons why Irish farmers are not addressing low soil pH

and propose measures/options to improve the uptake of liming


Assess how the optimisation of the potassium and sulphur content of soils can help to deliver increased nitrogen use efficiency, thus

lowering the reliance on fertilisers.

Determine to what extent the addition of plant bio-stimulants (microbial or non-microbial) can help in achieving greater nutrient use


Examine the use of agro-biodiversity, plant-soil interactions and strategies and tools for biodiversity focussed soil management.

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A.2.2 Innovations for plant production under predicted climate change

scenarios. *

Predicted climate change scenarios may have important implications for cereal

crop production in an Irish context. Innovations and alternatives in sustainable

crop production are necessary to increase productivity, reduce GHG emissions,

reduce the amount of used chemicals and/or improve the quality of the crops.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Assess sensor technology deployment for capturing and evaluating

cereal production data and crop health management.

Investigate the use of genomics/phenomics for improved cereal crop


Development of production strategies for non-native cereals with high

nutritional benefits and assess potential alternative cereal grains for

the Irish market.

A.2.3 Review network of dynamic gene conservation units for target native


Forest Genetic Resources (FGR) are crucial to maintaining the adaptive capacity in

response to climate change. It is the basis on which the health of our future

forests is dependent and enables trees to adapt to conditions and optimise their

performance to succeed. A lack of diversity increases the vulnerability of a

population or species to changing conditions and pathogens, while a greater

diversity is a potential buffer against biotic or abiotic change. In order to conserve

the adaptive potential of our native tree species a series of dynamic gene

conservation units for a number of target species have been identified and are

listed in the EUFGIS database6. These populations are considered to be particularly

valuable, and are representative of the adaptive variation in putative native Irish

populations for the management of forest seed sources and genetic

diversity. There is an opportunity to further characterise these areas and identify

additional genetic Conservation Units GCUs.

Applications must cover, inter alia, all of the elements outlined below using an

appropriate funding instrument:

6 EUFGIS is an online information system for forest genetic resources (FGR) inventories in Europe to support the

countries in their efforts to implement FGR conservation as part of sustainable forest management

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Review network of dynamic gene conservation units for target native


Characterise and assess populations, and develop management plans and

set monitoring programmes.

A.2.4 Alternative production and processing systems to maximise the beef merit

of dairy calves. *

While the expansion of the national dairy herd is likely to slow down in the future,

the larger dairy herd relative to the suckler herd, coupled with the improving

fertility of the dairy cow from breeding, will result in an ever increasing number of

animals destined for beef production originating from the dairy herd.

Measures need to be put in place to address the deterioration in beef merit of

these animals but also, where necessary, investigate alternative production and

processing systems to maximise their value.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Develop further the recently launched dairy beef index to include new

traits of relevance such as (but not limited to) calf vigour, calving

performance, carcass merit, feed intake and GHG/environmental

efficiency, taking cognisance of long-term practical solutions to achieve

maximum genetic gain.

Provide scientifically sound advice on the optimal breeding scheme design

to maximise genetic gain in the dairy beef index.

Evaluation of alternative production and processing systems to maximise

the value of the range of calf types emanating from the dairy herd.

Develop a stakeholder roadmap, involving participative design, for a long-

term sustainable, efficient and effective vertically integrated supply chain.

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A.2.5 Improved reproductive efficiency in beef production systems. *

Strategies to improve reproductive efficiency in the national beef herd are needed

to increase outputs, profitability and sustainability, and to decrease the carbon

footprint of Irish beef.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Reducing age at puberty in heifers (nutritionally and/or through


Optimizing the use of fixed time insemination protocols using sex-

sorted semen.

Increasing output with minimum impact on the carbon footprint (e.g.,

embryo transfer, twinning).

Modelling to best assess the most appropriate, cost-effective and

environmentally sustainable programmes for roll out on Irish farms.

A.2.6 Sports horse breeding

Examine the Irish sport horse industry with the aim of developing a coherent

breeding goal and selection index methodology for genetic improvement in the


Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Establish the current state of play in the Irish Sports Horse industry.

Determine appropriate goal and index traits for a breeding goal.

Elucidate the genetic co-variation within and among index and goal


Develop a system in which data on the important traits can be routinely

captured accurately.

Develop a road map for the sustainable progress of breeding in the sport

horse industry.

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A.2.7 The development of tools to track and inhibit infectious disease – reducing

anti-microbial usage (AMU) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Irish

farming systems. *

Powerful modern diagnostic techniques can be used to provide actionable

information to combat infectious diseases in livestock. In addition, integrative

genomics approaches can be used to prioritise genomic variants in genome-wide

association (GWA) studies of resistance/tolerance/susceptibility to infectious

disease in livestock populations.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

• Development of genomic epidemiology systems for tracking and

eradicating pathogens in livestock populations and the use of this

information for vaccine development.

• Development and enhancement of genome-enabled breeding programmes

for resilience to infectious disease.

• Development of stochastic models to predict the spread of infectious

diseases (e.g. bovine tuberculosis) in agricultural production systems and

help predict the impact of changes in control policies.

• Development of novel tools for monitoring and harvesting AMU data per

species from agricultural production systems – establishing the link(s)

between AMU and AMR for policy and decision makers.

A.2.8 Alternative approaches to anti-microbial usage (AMU) in agricultural

production systems. *

Most antibiotic resistance and antimicrobial usage in food animals is in the

intensive livestock sectors. The most prevalent infectious diseases and zoonotic

infections in those livestock systems are respiratory and enteric infections /

diseases that, if prevented, would, in turn, reduce the need for antibiotic usage.

Research is required into more effective disease prevention and control

interventions in intensive livestock sectors (e.g. salmonella infection of pigs).

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

• Determine the role of diet/nutrition in optimizing the microbiome in

animals and improving their immunity to diseases. This could include

further development of precision feeding systems and alternative feeding


• Develop alternatives to antibiotics such as antimicrobial peptides,

antimicrobial sugars, novel ingredients/alternative feed crops (e.g., peas,

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beans, insects, algae).

• Determine the role of farm biosecurity in moderating the extent of

antimicrobial use in a variety of Irish livestock production systems.

• Evaluate the drivers and constraints to the adoption by farmers of holistic,

quantitative ‘One Health, One Welfare’ sustainability metrics - including

measures of antimicrobial usage, biosecurity status, animal health and

welfare status.

A.2.9 Proteins and other bioactive ingredients from crops and their side streams

and residues. *

Taking into account the EU Protein Plan, crops and their residual biomass and

side streams are potentially interesting sources of carotenoids, polyphenols, lipid

compounds and prebiotics, that could have extensive use as ingredients and

additives in the food, feed, flavouring, fragrance, cosmetics, chemicals, textile,

nutraceutical and pharmaceutical industries. Developing a zero waste biorefinery

approach which improves protein availability with co-production of valuable

materials should be considered.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Validate (either at lab scale, or at pilot scale in an industrially relevant

environment) a sustainable process to separate and/or convert proteins

and bioactive compounds from residual biomass streams originating from

biomass crop production and conversion (such as by the food/feed

industry and biorefineries) activities.

Consideration of optimisation of species selection and cultivation for

optimal protein content.

Proposals should provide a preliminary assessment of the availability of the

sustainably produced feedstock used in the project, considering the

possible upscaling of the developed processes, potential for production of

intermediate products and circular and local approaches.

Participative design taking into account value chain development, cross-

sectoral, technical, agronomic and socio-economic aspects and barriers to

the adoption.

Proposals should include an environmental assessment using Life Cycle

Assessment (LCA) methodologies, and a cost analysis. Proposals should

also include a viability performance check of the developed process(es)

based on available standards, certification, accepted and validated


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A.3 Rural Growth, Digitalisation & the Bioeconomy (NI institutions eligible under Topics

denoted by *)

A.3.1 Development of agri-food and bioeconomy districts. *

The bio-district concept represents an innovative approach for sustainable,

integrated and participatory territorial development which builds around the

environmental, social and economic dimensions of sustainability focusing on agri-

food and bioeconomy development.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Develop the concept of a bio-district suitable to Irish circumstances to define

and outline development steps for geographical area(s) where farmers,

foresters and fishers, biobased processors, citizens, agri-food tourism,

representative associations and public authorities enter into an agreement

for the sustainable management of local resources based on agro-ecological

and circular economy principles and practices, aiming at the fulfilment of the

economic and socio-cultural potential of the territory.

Each Bio-district aims to be distinguished by lifestyle, nutrition, human

relations and nature. It seeks that agricultural and biobased production and

processing is more valuable, climate-smart and typically characterized, hence

more appreciated by the market.

The project could examine the integration with Regional Innovation Hubs,

Public Participation Networks and groups active under the LEADER

programme, including the LCDCs, the Local Development Companies, Local

Authorities and the Local Action Groups.

A.3.2 Investigation into high yielding forest stands and use of Dynamic Yield Model.

Reliably constructed models that permit forecasting of forest stand growth and yield

are important for the successful management of forest plantations. Building on

existing work, investigate high yielding forest stands not currently represented and

integration to existing Dynamic Yield Models, the potential for Earth Observation

data (EO) and ICT tools to improve model input and the models themselves.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Assesses the volume of high yielding stand not currently represented in Irish Dynamic Yield Models.

Validation of growth function with independent data.

Integration of product assortment.

Web-based application.

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A.3.3 Agri-Food, Bioeconomy & Carbon Neutral Growth to 2050 – Foresight Analysis.

Ireland faces significant challenges as the global community seeks to address the

challenge of climate change and to facilitate the transition to sustainable, circular

and carbon neutral agri-food and bioeconomy sector. Unlocking this transition

requires careful consideration of what future pathways, logistics, data and

technologies are appropriate for routes to Ireland’s low carbon economy, coupled

with an enabling innovation ecosystem to allow these technologies to diffuse and

be accepted and alignment with other transitions underway.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined above

using an appropriate funding instrument.

Explore agri-food and bioeconomy carbon neutral futures for Ireland with an

emphasis on circular approaches, digitalisation, low carbon technologies and

resilience in a number of scenarios of varying ambition, risk and cost

Build on current or ongoing research including the Teagasc MACC analysis,

integrated modelling systems, alignment with ICT tools and other related

system innovation analysis in related sectors such as energy (e.g. work in


Identify technology opportunities for entrepreneurs in Ireland over the next

30 years leading to a carbon neutral future

Examine and scope out data on biomass flows and logistics systems required

for connecting the different biobased sectors

Assess in detail the value chains for these opportunities in order to

determine genuine win-wins taking account of socio-economic and ecological

specificities, problems and opportunities

Develop an innovation ecosystem and a system innovation approach to

enable delivery of these opportunities

Consider regional approaches, assets and resources and stakeholders.

A.3.4 Assess Innovative bio-based fertilisers and plant protection products to

increase the sustainability of Irish agriculture. *

Agriculture is heavily dependent on manufactured fertilisers and plant protection

products. The use of biobased alternatives can improve sustainability through

product displacement and undertaking circular and integrated management

approaches. Biobased fertilisers can reduce embedded energy costs while

biobased pesticides have the potential to address some of the environmental

challenges associated with conventional products.

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Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Compare the performance of fossil based fertilisers with biobased

alternatives – both from the point of view of productivity and

environmental impact (GHG, ammonia, water quality).

The development of targeted Biobased pesticides that are not harmful to

human health and the environment

Life cycle assessment of Biobased fertilisers and pesticides including

identifying how their use in an integrated management approach.

A.3.5 Wood Value Chains / Building with wood

The Forest sector is playing an increasingly vital role in Europe’s & Ireland’s

economy, society and environment and delivery of ecosystem services. The forest-

based sector can contribute to climate change mitigation through increasing sinks

in and reducing emissions from living biomass, soils and wood products, and the

substitution of non-renewable resources through the sustainable use of material

and energy use of wood-based materials. Proposals should build on existing work

and industry groups.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument.

Develop and test new technologies, processes and environmentally

friendly solutions for the use of Irish wood-based materials in the

(re)construction and/or retrofitting of buildings, e.g., techniques for

sustainably densifying sawn Irish timber with a view to increasing strength

while addressing the maximum utilisation of by-products.

Explore options for building with wood in combination with

composite/hybrid materials, linkages with other nature-based solutions,

incorporation of ICT, and consider LCA and carbon accounting (MACC

(Marginal abatement Cost Curves), ‘environmental documentation’ (i.e.

product definitions, standards and construction codes), public policies and

regulations, consumer perception and engagement/co-creation.

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A.3.6 Novel Bioeconomy Knowledge Transfer & Exchange Platform

Knowledge Transfer & Exchange consists of a range of activities which aim to

capture, organise, assess and transmit knowledge, skills and competence from those

who generate them to those who will utilise them.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument:

Develop or build on a Knowledge Output Pathway Model7 that will use a one

step, or multi-step approach required to carry a Knowledge Output to its

Eventual Impact.

Develop a comprehensive and sustained capacity for transferring research

results into goods and services in the knowledge intensive sectors with a

focus on biobased processing and products.

Consider using a selection of DAFM funded and Horizon 2020 SC-2 funded

projects that are coordinated or contain Irish partners to demonstrate the




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A.4 Food (NI institutions eligible under Topics denoted by *)

A.4.1 Novel Intelligence systems including supply chain management systems. *

Incidents such as the horse meat incident of 2013 highlight the damaging impact a

vulnerable food supply system can have. As a result, consumers are demanding

robust, reliable and effective supply chain management and early warning systems

are in operation to support provenance in the food supply chain. Proposals relating

to the development of novel intelligence systems including data analytics for

categorisation, identification and evaluation of emerging food safety risks at national

level are welcome. They could include the development of advanced technologies

that facilitate quality and traceability monitoring as well as hazard assessment across

the global food-value chain such as block-chain or similar technology.

Applications must cover, inter alia, all of the elements outlined below using an

appropriate funding instrument.

Systems to assess supply chain vulnerabilities for Irish agri-food sectors,

particularly for the meat and feed sectors. The system(s) should incorporate

data monitoring and analytical approaches to evaluating signals emanating

from vulnerable parts of supply chains that would be useful for early warning


Whole of chain traceability system accessible by all parties and the

authorities that will facilitate rapid identification and recall of unsafe


A.4.2 Shelf life and safety of fermented and smoked foods

Food products, in particular from artisan producers, which use fermentation (e.g.

cheese, meat sausages, dairy products), and smoking (e.g. fish, meats), to increase

the shelf life of foods are becoming increasingly popular amongst consumers.

Consequently, there is a need to develop predictive models for accurate

determination of the shelf life of fermented and smoked foods.

Applications must cover, inter alia, all of the elements outlined below using an

appropriate funding instrument.

• Develop quantitative data to produce predictive models for safer shelf life


• Improve the determination of the safety of fermented and smoked foods

over their shelf life.

• Prepare a search tool to allow for mining and extrapolation of data.

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A.4.3 Chlorates levels in food.

Chlorate originates from chlorine disinfectants widely and legally used in water

treatment and food processing. Although Chlorate is no longer approved as a

pesticide, a default maximum residue level (MRL) of 0.01mg/kg applies, however,

levels above this MRL can be found. Consequently, the European Commission (EC)

are considering establishing a maximum reside level (MRL) for chlorates /

perchlorates which is used in food processing.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument.

Establish a baseline of the levels of chlorates/perchlorates typically found in

foods, particularly in edible horticultural crops.

Identify the challenges faced by producers/processors, if a MRL is introduced by

the EC.

Identify mitigation strategies that could be used by Food Business Operators, if

MRLs are likely to be exceeded based on current production and processing

practices. Cost effective alternatives to chlorine-based detergents, such as

chlorine gas, need to be considered and the microbiological impact of chlorine

free disinfectants explored.

Examine the potential use of chlorine alternatives in water systems.

A.4.4 Elucidate pathways of contamination with Bisphenol A of meat and meat products produced in the Republic of Ireland.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is a plasticiser used in food contact materials and in other non-

food materials like paper. There are concerns about the potential health effects of

BPA exposure. Research is required to establish if BPA is found in meat and, if so, to

confirm the source of contamination. Research into slaughter practices and meat

processing practices could further elucidate pathways of BPA contamination of meat

and confirm whether it is a common contaminant.

Applications must cover, inter alia, all of the elements outlined below using an

appropriate funding instrument.

Literature review summarising current knowledge on conjugated and

unconjugated BPA presence and/or formation pathways in meat and

meat products

Food chain vulnerability analysis with regard to BPA ingress and/or

formation in the pork and beef chain in Ireland.

Research into qualitative and quantitative information on BPA

(conjugated and unconjugated) presence in raw and cooked meat/meat

products produced in Ireland

Elucidate the potential increase during processing/thermal treatment of

final consumer products produced in Ireland.

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A.4.5 Food safety risks in horticulture.

Evaluate on-going and emerging food safety risks in the horticulture sector,

especially with the increasing use of raw vegetables in salads and juicing.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument.

Examine the potential of ready-to-eat (RTE) salad and vegetables to

support the growth of pathogens harmful to human health. The focus

should be on the ability of leafy and other vegetable crops used in

salads/juicing to support the growth of harmful pathogens, especially

those listed in Regulation (EC) No. 2073/2005. The proposal should

incorporate challenge studies with a view to providing information to

allow regulators determine acceptable levels of contamination in

commonly consumed produce.

Examine the potential safety risks of food crops irrigated with non-potable

water. Proposals should identify targeted interventions required to ensure

the microbial safety of edible crops, including potential treatment systems

required to allow reuse of water for irrigation of crops.

Investigate the food safety risks, if any, posed by moving away from pre-

packaged foods, especially in the horticulture sector. It should also

encompass how product durability information could best be displayed in

order to reduce food waste.

A.4.6 National food consumption and related surveys.

National food consumption data is increasingly important for regulators in the

food sector in undertaking of risk assessments that inform risk management

decisions. This data is also used to provide recommendations for healthy eating

and reformulation, which is a key elements of the cross government Healthy

Ireland Framework and its Obesity Policy and Action Plan, and is used by industry

for food formulation. Therefore, it is vitally important that the most up-date

information on food consumption and dietary related matters are available to

support decision making.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument.

National Adult Nutrition Survey: An up-date of the National Adult

Nutrition Survey, which was last carried out in 2008-2010, is required for

a representative sample of the adult population in Ireland. The survey

should be coupled with a suitable approach to generate meaningful data

on the frequency of use or consumption of food supplements to facilitate

risk assessment and help protect public health.

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Allergens: An accurate baseline of the prevalence of immune mediated

reaction to the EU13 (EU14 minus sulphite) allergens in Ireland should be

determined and a scientifically robust methodology to updating such

data should be developed. The information should facilitate a scientific

approach to risk assessment and allow for a proportionate approach to

the withdrawal and recall for foodstuffs containing allergens not listed as


A.4.7 Development of novel technologies in the dairy processing sector. *

There is a need to identify and develop new technologies which will help

optimise value added from the Irish dairy sector and/or address specific

processing challenges.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument.

Develop novel technologies for the processing of dairy emulsions to

achieve enhanced functionality, optional bio-availability of nutrients

and nutritional superiority.

Research is required to fully understand of the impacts of certain low

temperature microorganisms (Psychrotrophs, such as Pseudomonas) in

milk at certain times of the year and how the generation of

lipase/protease from these microorganisms can cause product taints.

Similarly, for commercially available enzymatic chemicals that are being

increasingly used to replace chlorine chemicals. There is a need to

understand the significance of effective deactivation, such that, residual

enzymes are not carried over from plant clean, leading to off-flavours in

products. The development of codes of practice or practical advice that

would limit their occurrence are required.

Proposals could contain limited demonstration or pilot activities aiming to

show validation and technical feasibility in a near to operational


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A.4.8 Sustainable Food Production and Processing Systems for new and alternative protein sources and diet diversification. *

There is a need to develop food-based guidelines to define a healthy sustainable

diet that incorporates nutrition needs, environmental impacts, biodiversity and

cultural preferences. The conflicts between our current recommendations and

environmental impacts need further study and clear guidelines are urgently

required. There is also a need to improve consumer perception and behaviour

regarding new raw materials and alternative sources of protein for both humans

and livestock. A key focus of the future diet will be a diversification in terms of

stable protein sources.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument.

Develop food-based guidelines to define a healthy sustainable diet that

incorporates nutrition needs, environmental impacts, biodiversity and

cultural preferences.

Examine the role of new and/or alternative protein sources for Irish diets

that could be sustainably produced in Ireland with a good nutritional


Develop efficient production and processing approaches to

convert/integrate new or alternative protein sources into high quality,

safe, healthy, and sustainable products or ingredients.

Characterisation of nutritional values, functional and sensory properties

of new and alternative proteins, to deepen the understanding of

protein-protein interactions for knowledge-based (re)formulations of

protein blends that partly or fully could substitute traditional sources.

Examine existing consumer awareness of sustainable options and likely


A.4.9 Evaluating and managing the potential risks associated with arsenic and other trace metals in commercially used seaweeds.

In seeking to develop the blue bioeconomy in Ireland, there has been a resurgence

of interest in harvesting Irish seaweeds for use in human foods and other novel

applications. There is a need to further evaluate the risks and fate of metals in

marine algae to support development of this emerging industry. Research is

required to develop risk assessment and risk management measures for the

commercial use of seaweeds with respect to trace metals, including contribution to

any risk assessments undertaken by the European Food Safety Authority.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument.

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• Investigate the environmental fate of organic and inorganic arsenic

and other metals present in seaweed-based products used in feed and

fertilisers (including mapping arsenic in land historically fertilised with

marine macroalgae)

• Investigate arsenic speciation and uptake mechanism with particular

focus on kelp

• Undertake toxicological studies to identify risks associated with the

presence of trace metals in commercially available seaweeds –

focused on arsenic forms

• Identify methods to reduce arsenic/metals in seaweed products (e.g.

through processing, mixing)

A.4.10 Investigations into the occurrence and distribution of toxic and pathogenic Vibrios and risks to shellfish production in Ireland

It is anticipated that in high latitudes the warming and decreasing salinity

associated with environmental change will provide new areas for the natural

occurrence of pathogenic strains of Vibrios. While linkages between Vibrio to

particular environmental conditions including depth, salinity and temperature are

not known in Irish waters, in an era of increasing environmental fluctuations

associated with climate change, this is becoming a concern to shellfish aquaculture

production. The absence of information on the species presence or overall

prevalence of Vibrio across the country requires further work to determine

potential risk to shellfish production areas from potentially fatal shellfish biotoxin


Applications must cover, inter alia, all of the elements outlined below using an

appropriate funding instrument.

Baseline establishment: Identify and Quantify Current and Emerging Risks

associated with Vibrio hazards and pathogenicity in Irish Shellfish and

linking these analyses with data collection on essential ocean variables

Modelling current and emerging risks from Vibrio, including human health

risk assessment for exposure to vibrio via shellfish consumption

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A.4.11 Automation in the Meat Industry

The Irish meat processing sector is experiencing critical labour shortages at all levels

from general operative level to skilled knife roles. In order to help address this, as

well as to increase processing productivity, the potential for advanced

manufacturing and processing, with particular emphasis on automation and robotic

technologies in meat processing plants are welcome.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument.

The potential of systems/technologies (such as imaging tools, e.g. DEXA) for

carcass disassembly

The potential of systems/technologies for other processing operations of

disassembled carcass parts

Novel methods to image carcasses without the use of X-rays.

A.4.12 Food Processing /Product Innovations. *

Innovation in the food sector is particularly important in light of the market challenges

that lie ahead and likely requirement to diversify and export products to more distant

markets. Research is, therefore, needed for the development and exploitation of novel

processing technologies to address these challenges for use in the Irish food industry.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below using an

appropriate funding instrument.

The potential for High Pressure Processing, Pulsed UV, Gamma Technology and

Plasma Technologies to be used to extend shelf life and facilitate access to distant


Projects that support the development of Prepared Consumer Foods through

new technological solutions that enhance manufacturability/processability

leading to new product developments which are more sustainable or healthy

than existing products or practices.

Development and application of clean label technologies.

Innovations relating to storage, transport and distributions of perishable food

products with a normally limited shelf life, taking into consideration energy

consumption and efficiencies.

Proposals could contain limited demonstration or pilot activities aiming to show

validation and technical feasibility in a near to operational environment.

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A.4.13 Novel packaging solutions and safety requirements. *

There is increasing consumer demand for alternative packaging materials including

the use of recycled material such as recycled plastic feedstock and biobased

materials. Research proposals which address these demands are welcome.

Proposals should also consider regulatory requirements and food safety concerns

as certain categories of food contact materials are subject to specific requirements

under EU regulations including migration limits to protect public health.

Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below

using an appropriate funding instrument.

Alternative packaging materials with a focus on shelf life and improving

the appearance and presentation of products

Recyclable adhesive for product packaging/food contact materials

Assess likely consumer perception and acceptability.

Migration of potentially unsafe chemicals from new and emerging food

contact/packaging materials including recycled plastic, recycled board, and

intelligent/active packaging

Risk assessment of the migration of constituents of approved food contact

materials into foods.

A.4.14 Brewing and Distilling Processes.

Develop processing and analytical technologies that will facilitate best practice

manufacturing and new product development in the Irish brewing and distilling


Applications must cover, inter alia, some or all of the elements outlined below using

an appropriate funding instrument.

Developing processing and analytical technologies to increase the

potential to optimise manufacturing guidelines and standards and

resource efficiency through e.g. digitalisation.

Increasing beverage options available, with emphasis on consumer

demand for regionally or locally produced and supplied beverages, the

use of non-traditional grains and recent trends towards low calorie/zero

alcohol & gluten free options.

Focusing on innovative small scale processing technologies tailored to

meet the needs of SMEs and allow for adequate involvement of SMEs,

farmers and consumers.

Applicants should be mindful of ongoing investment and development in processing

and analytical technologies in other processing sectors.

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A.4.15 Novel Technologies in Fisheries.

Development of new technologies for maximum utilisation of the fisheries catch is

required in order to underpin the sustainable use of our marine resources, reduce

avoidable waste and support jobs in coastal areas.

Applications must cover, inter alia, all of the elements outlined below using an

appropriate funding instrument.

Aim to improve the quality and nutritional profile of food;

Take account of texture, quality, food safety and barriers to taste,

traceability, authentication and certification.

There should be a focus on innovative processing technologies tailored to meet

the needs of SMEs and allow for adequate involvement of SMEs, fishers and


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B.1 Centre of excellence for Greenhouse Gas research.

A significant reduction in GHG emissions will be required for Ireland to meet its EU

targets. Methane emissions from ruminants are of particular importance and there is

a need for research to sufficiently address how methane abatement can contribute

to achievement of the Paris Agreement temperature goals. The first step is to take

stock of the current situation and propose ways this could be improved going


Limited to desk study

Identify the relevant bodies active in the field of agriculture-relevant GHG

research in Ireland and evaluate their capacity and capability to support

abatement activities over the long term and

Produce a series of recommendations on how Ireland could increase its

capacity to address methane abatement from the livestock sector, including

evaluating the potential, feasibility and practicalities of establishing a Centre

of Excellence on the matter, and how best to fund these efforts.

B.2 Investigate, review and evaluate growth of forests on sites containing Marl

Material, with a view to informing policy and practice on these sites.

Trees planted where the rooting zone is influenced by marl rarely thrive. Proposals

should examine sites proven to have marl content but where trees continue to grow

in a productive manner. Proposals should investigate, review and evaluate growth of

forests on sites containing Marl Material, with a view to informing policy and practice

on these sites.

Limited to small project or desk study

Examine known areas influenced by marl displaying pH effects on yield

identifying soil characteristics, crop performance and rooting

Examine issues including free calcium in topsoil, relationship with the water

table, etc.

Investigate current establishment and performance of a range of tree

species on high pH sites.

8.2 Strategic Rapid Response Research

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B.3 Renewing rural jobs, agriculture and forestry. *

There are knowledge gaps regarding challenges facing rural areas and how this will

impact people and territories. The age profile of farmers and foresters is a big threat

to production systems and rural vitality. There is a need to invigorate new

generations to participate in farming and forestry. This aspiration must be matched

with long-term trends and evidence to aid rural areas and its agricultural and farming

businesses to seize opportunities.

Limited to small project or desk study with max. grant limit raised to €350,000

Foresight analysis on rural populations, farming, forestry, jobs and drivers

and causes of expected changes

Identify skills challenges and current and potential new methods to address

human and social capital needs.

Undertake participative policy design activities to assess the performance of

current policy or public and private strategies which impact farming and

forestry attractiveness and identify potential new policy options and their

likely impacts expected

B.4 A review of forest recreation and its benefits at the national level.

There is a need to establish forest recreation national statistics to be integrated

within the area of national forest accounts and ecosystem services. This work should

build and expand on existing studies that have explored forest recreation and the

need to integrate forest recreation details alongside social, economic and

environment aspects of the forest sector in Ireland at a regional or individual forest

level. This work should also align with proposed or ongoing DAFM funded research

work in this area.

Limited to small project or desk study

Generate annual figures on the use of forests for formal and informal

recreational purposes.

Creation of a national forest recreation model. Ideally this would account for

spatial variations in both demand and supply so that future expansions in

forests or changes in management practices could be targeted to ensure


Explore currently available data sources that could be employed in the future

to gauge changes in demand without the need for additional survey work.

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B.5 Analysis of deer population data with a view to developing an integrated

approach to population analysis.

Over the last decade, evidence suggests that the geographic distribution of all

species of deer has increased, but neither the precise distribution nor the population

density of these species is currently known. There is a significant challenge in

attempting to balance the demands of agriculture, forestry and conservation with

the need to ensure that deer populations occupying the same land resources are

managed at sustainable levels, and in a responsible and ethical manner.

Limited to a desk study or small project

Analysis of the available spatial national deer culling data in relation to land-

use, deer population dynamics, deer damage levels to forests and

agriculture, and the occurrence of deer-vehicle collisions

Identify other statistics and data sets that can contribute to evidence-based

policy decisions and strategy development.

B.6 Improving data use, ensuring data security and data ownership for use of

digital technologies in agriculture forest and rural areas.

Agri-Digitalisation has the potential to lead to innovation in agriculture and forest

sectors. The adoption of technologies will lead to the collection of data and

combining of data from different sources. This can boost value creation; including

the generation of new business models based on data produced and can lead to

socio-economic impact.

Limited to small project or desk study with max. grant limit raised to €350,000

Examine requirements for data sharing, use and re-use through open

sources, data protection and privacy, common standards, interoperability

and generation of data driven business models

Consider appropriate management and governance required for data

(guidelines, strategy etc.) and align agriculture with economy-wide activities

on data use, security and ownership to enhance trust and

transparency. Supply chain cases could be considered.

Examine socio-economic knowledge gaps on impacts of digitalisation and

scenarios on future agri-digital opportunities

Address societal concerns regarding the impacts of digitalisation on

agriculture and rural areas.

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B.7 Forest health under climate change.

Strategic forest pest and disease research is required to analyse emerging forest and

tree health threats in climatically similar environments, incorporating climate and

climate change analysis and evaluation of potential pest and disease introduction


Limited to a desk study or small project

Pest risk analysis of Pine needle and shoot diseases; Dothistroma Needle

Blight (DNB) Brown Spot Needle Blight (BSNB) present in Ireland under

current and future climate change scenarios.

Investigate the effects of changing climate on the biology and behaviour of

Protected Zone bark beetles on the forest estate in Ireland.

B.8 Forest health ash dieback. *

Ash dieback is a serious disease of ash trees caused by the fungal pathogen

Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (previously known as Chalara fraxinea). It has spread

rapidly across much of Europe. It was first noted in Republic of Ireland in October

2012 on plants imported from continental Europe. The disease can affect ash trees of

any age and in any setting. The disease can be fatal, particularly among younger


Limited to a desk study or small project

Review infection timeline of ash dieback and stages of timber degradation

post infection in the context of Irish forest conditions.

Examine the interaction of ash dieback disease with other pathogens.

Examine the implications of current management practices on ash dieback.

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B.9 Forest health Phytophthora ramorum

In Ireland, P. ramorum was first detected in 2002 on imported Rhododendron and

Viburnum at several garden centres and in 2003 it was detected in the wild, infecting

Rhododendron ponticum. In 2010 it was observed on Japanese larch in Ireland and

Northern Ireland, and has since been recognised as a serious threat to forestry.

Building on work from the PHYTOFOR project which indicates that European larch is

better able to fend off attack by P. ramorum because it responds more quickly, and

produces more defensive compounds than Japanese larch does.

Limited to a desk study or small project

Investigate the susceptibility of European larch stands in Ireland to P.


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Research Performing Organisations (RPOs) eligible to apply for funding under these programmes

are those institutions which fall within the meaning of Section One of the HEA Act, 1971

(Universities and Institutes of Technologies, etc.), plus Teagasc, the Marine Institute, Irish Cattle

Breeding Federation, BirdWatch Ireland and the National Botanical Gardens.

APPENDIX A: Eligible Irish Research Performing Organisations

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As was set out in Section 1 – Background – this Research Call has been framed with a view to

stimulating RDI activities that address specific challenges and opportunities stemming from the

policy objectives and sustainable sectoral growth targets set out in Food Wise 2025.

In addition to these strategies a number of other policy documents, strategies, plans, and

agendas also give strategic direction to the on-going development of the agri-food, marine and

forestry based sectors within the bioeconomy and have also helped inform this Call. Therefore

due cognisance and, where appropriate, reference should be made to some of these (depending

on topic area) in framing applications to the Call. These include, but are not limited to, those

listed here.


Sustainable Healthy Agri-food Research Plan (SHARP)

Forest Research Ireland (FORI).

DAFM Statement of Strategy 2016-2019

Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth Report

National Marine Research Innovation Strategy 2017-2021

Innovation 2020

Teagasc Technology Foresight Report 2035.

Research Priority Areas-2018 to 2023

Action Plan for Jobs

2017 Action Plan for Rural Development

Ireland’s Environment - An Assessment 2016 Report

Government Policy Statement on the Environment

Agriculture & Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

FSAI strategy 2016-2018 & SafeFood

Healthy Ireland - A framework for improved Health & Wellbeing 2013-2025, Health Promotion & Improvement and Obesity


The Common Agricultural Policy

The Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)

EU Forest Strategy

Horizon 2020 – Agriculture, Marine & Forestry

EIP-AGRI Focus Groups

EU Agriculture Research & Innovation Strategy

Food 2030

EU Bioeconomy and its strategy

EU Circular Economy Package

EU Digital Agenda & Innovation

EU Health & Food Safety Policy – Nutrition, Antimicrobial Resistance, animal health policy, general food law, food safety and plant related policy.

EU Environment & Climate Policy – The 7th Environmental Action Programme, EU Biodiversity Strategy, Water Framework Directive, Land use & soil strategies, clean air, Resource Efficiency, the EU Adaptation Strategy and the 2030 Climate & Energy package.

APPENDIX B: Relevant Strategies to the Call

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DAFM Call 2019 Specification – Version 1.2


Technology Readiness Levels (TRL) are defined by the European Commission, in the context of

Horizon 2020, as follows:

TRL 1 – basic principles observed

TRL 2 – technology concept formulated

TRL 3 – experimental proof of concept

TRL 4 – technology validated in lab

TRL 5 – technology validated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies)

TRL 6 – technology demonstrated in relevant environment (industrially relevant environment in the case of key enabling technologies)

TRL 7 – system prototype demonstration in operational environment

TRL 8 – system complete and qualified

TRL 9 – actual system proven in operational environment (competitive manufacturing in the case of key enabling technologies; or in space)

APPENDIX C. Technology Readiness Level Scale

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