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Dear Parents/ Carers

As we approach the end of another busy year, I would like to use

this opportunity to thank you for the support you gave to your child

and to the school. We had success and challenges, yet despite all,

we continued to work in one good spirit. Our school community has

gone from strength to strength. In closing I would like to

congratulate the learners of Christian School Lesedi La Ditshaba!!

May the Lord bless you all with a happy, safe and enjoyable

summer!!!Please remember to take time as a family to talk, play

and read the Bible together. To all those who are leaving us for new

school/places, we pray for the best” Mrs S Mopane-Vice Principal.
















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In the previous two articles about the uniqueness of the Christian

school we focused on the fact that

• God is the ultimate Authority

• The view of God determines the identity of the school

• In everything we do, we have to act according to God's will

In this newsletter we highlight how a Biblical human view regulates

the identity of Christian School Lesedi La Ditshaba.

In the first two chapters of the Bible God reveals

Himself as the Creator of the whole universe. He has

produced of nothing the heaven, the earth, and all creatures. He

created by His Word, giving unto every creature its being, shape,

form, and several offices to serve its Creator.

God shaped man on the sixth day, out of the dust of the earth.

Human beings were well created and clearly distinguished from the

animals. God made and formed humans after His own image and

likeness, good, righteous and holy, capable in all things to will

agreeably to the will of God.

God created man to be in an intimate relationship with him and

established a covenant with him. God gave his promises and at the

same time added his covenant claim. Man had to obey His God in

everything. Man is thus created to serve his God; this is his life


However, by giving ear to the words of the devil, he

wilfully subjected himself to sin and consequently to

death and curse. By sin he rebelled and separated himself from

God, who is his true life and corrupted his whole nature. He became

wicked, perverse and corrupt in all his ways.

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The depraved nature of all persons on earth comes from the fall

and disobedience of our first parents, Adam and Eve, in Paradise

and we are all conceived and born in sin. Human beings are so

immoral and completely incapable of any good and prone to all evil,

unless they are born again by the Spirit of God.

Through the Word of God, the Holy Spirit

regenerates and enlivens believers unto living a

new life. In His great wisdom God has appointed the Word to be the

seed of regeneration and food for the soul. Christ’s Spirit drives

persons to practice good works as prescribed by God. He renews us

to display Christ’s image, in a relationship of restored commitment

to God.

Only those humans who by true faith are engrafted into Jesus

Christ, receive all His benefits. Forgiveness of sins, everlasting

righteousness, and salvation are only for the sake of Christ’s merits,

merely of grace, freely given by God to all who believe. The Holy

Spirit renders believers free from the reign and slavery of sin,

though in this life not entirely from the flesh and from the body of

sin. This divine grace of regeneration does not act in people as if

they were blocks and stones; nor does it abolish the will and its

properties or coerce a reluctant will by force, but spiritually revives,

heals, reforms, and bends it back.

Lesedi la Ditshaba School confesses and

conducts the fact that Christian children are

• created by God with the calling to serve God; this is true


• to be focused on growing in faith in God, to put their gifts

in the service of God; not focused on full potential


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• in need of Christ and His benefits, otherwise their life is

death and ends in eternal damnation

• justified by faith alone through Christ alone Who, by His

Spirit renewed and transforms their hearts

• are to be taught not to be at peace with the indwelling sins

but to strive to be ready for meeting Christ

• sanctified sinners who must be taught to repent daily and

need encouragement in exercising godliness

• gifts of God, who’s characters have to be shaped according

to the image of Christ

• unable to bring about their own salvation and therefore

need persevering Christian conduct and prayers of

committed teachers

• citizen of God’s kingdom and ambassadors in a hostile

world that chooses to neglect God and His commandments

• soldiers whose life is a continual warfare with sin, the

world and the devil; soldiers who need to be armed by

godly teachers

• the object of God’s seeking love; He desires a relationship

in which they will love Him wholeheartedly, because God is

their true life

• in need of solid Bible teaching, because God’s Word is the

seed of regeneration and food for their souls

• obliged to live in thankful love in return according to God's

will and therefore require exemplary teachers

• possessors of God’s promises about the future and eternal


We can say much more about it, but it is clear that a Biblical human

view co-determines the identity of Christian Education. By H Stolper

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Ms Henria Stolper has been with

Christian School Lesedi la

Ditshaba since 2016. She assisted in

making sure that the staff members

were district from the rest. Among many

other things she taught staff members that:

• teaching is not just a job but a calling.

• Their relationship with the Lord is most important for them

to be able to tell children about Christ and be examples to

them, they cannot teach about Christ if they do not have a

relationship with Him.

• They needed to spend time with Him in their personal

lives, for them to grow in knowledge and grace and then

impart those to learners

In addition to that Ms Stolper wrote the editions of “Why a

Christian school for us in 2019 and introduced church history to

grade 4- 7 learners. She prepared the lessons, question papers and

memos for all grades and sometimes taught them herself.

We thank the Lord for all her service, and we trust that He who

called us to continue with the work will also continue to provide

wisdom, abilities, physical and human resources to make sure that

the work continues.

Ms Stolper, may “‘The LORD bless you and keep you;25 the

LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD

turn his face toward you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6: 24-26)

About Mrs Henria Stolper

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1. To lead children to mature faith and spiritual maturity by

Biblical teaching and example- Staff took heed of their conduct through morning devotions, supervisions, assembly presentations and knowledge of school policy

2. To be excellent in teaching, motivating, equipping and releasing children into every sphere of society- Daily bible reading and prayer

3. To spark a mission vision in the heart of every child (Mat 28)- Teachings and calling them to be the light starting from school.

4. To prepare children for an aggressive ministry, occupying territory in complete dependence of the Holy Spirit, in order to have as large an impact on earth as is possible- Gospel preaching and reminder that the Holy Spirit is the One who changes hearts and gives gifts for us to serve Him even with our studies

5. To give children a quality of academic education that far exceeds that of the world, giving both knowledge and purpose, based on revelation received from relationship with God- Acknowledge the good the learners do, reminding them that all should be done for the glory of Christ and no academic awards. Doing everything for God produces everlasting effects

1. To work with other

organizations which will assist in

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making sure that the primary objectives are met-

Umalusi, ACSI, the Department of Education and other

Christian Schools

2. To equip parents with parenting skills that are in line with

the word of God- Pre-admission Interviews, phase

meetings, invitation to schools’ events, school term

magazine, learners policy, newsletters and individual

invitations. More needs to be done.

3. To impact the lives of families and the communities by

instilling change in the lives of children- Do our best at

school and encouragement for parents to their part at


4. To be responsible and accountable to the Lord, the

community and all the relevant institutions govern the

schools in South Africa- Try to do as much as we ca

according to or best given ability to meet all legal

requirements and have all legal documentation ready.

Submit all information to Gauteng Department of

Education on time. Ensure that all labour laws are met and

all staff and learners discipline is Biblical and in line with

the government policies.

None of the objectives could be met without all stakeholders doing

their part.

Learners availability, parents trusting the school, parents raising

their concerns and following up to make sure that every query is

resolved, parents making sure that the school fees is paid, staff

members, the board, Verre Naasten organisation and Christian

induvials who committed to financially contribute to the running of

Lesedi and all other organisations, known and not known.

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The team that make it all happen,

under God’s graceful leadership. We

take our hats off for this team. Yes, we

managed to go through the year because you chose to stay with the

school. From the head of the school to the vice, teachers,

receptionist and cleaner; performed the most important task and

we are thankful to the Lord for the ability they have.

We are privileged at Lesedi because we hardly had staff

absenteeism’s unless there is a serious illness, even then, they were


committed to

serve. Thank

you for this

year. Yes we

had a lot of


had to




each other

there and there but we are still standing together

We pray that you may get the rest you need and be ready to run

again in 2020 unless the Lord comes before then.

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Reading corners (classroom improvement for reading easy)

R60 000 We appreciate and are thankful to the parents for the contributions done directly

and indirectly. The contributions you made are as follows:

• Term 1- No fund raising due to first term school fees.

• Term2- R5374

• Term 3- R3659

• Term 4-R5085,7 R45 882

Donations can also be made directly to the school account:

Account holder: Christian School Lesedi La Ditshaba

Bank: ABSA

Account number: 4057855204

Branch: Pretoria North

Reference: Donation/Fund raising

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Bob, the Cabin-boy by Joel R Beeke and Diana Kleyn

The information

Cabin boys were usually 13–16 years old, but sometimes as young as 8,[2] and also helped the cook in the ship's kitchen and carried buckets of food from the ship's kitchen to the forecastle where the ordinary seamen ate. They would have to run from one end of the ship to the other carrying messages and become familiar with the sails, lines and ropes and the use of each in all sorts of weather. They would have to scramble up the rigging into the yards whenever the sails had to be trimmed. They would occasionally stand watch like other crewmen or act as helmsman in good weather, holding the wheel to keep the ship steady on her course. 1799

The story

A ship sailed from England with a young boy on board. His name was Bob, and it was his duty to serve the captain in any way he could. Bob did not have an easy position, since the captain of the ship was so wicked that even the hardened crew was disgusted with him. It was so bad that even some of the sailors were plotting to murder the captain because of his cruel treatment of the men.

But they never carried out their plan because the captain suddenly became ill. The first mate took over he charge of the ship, and the sailors carried out their duties, not bothering to care for the sick captain.

Bob, the cabin boy, could do nothing for the captain. He was now working for the first mate, who kept him very busy. At first, Bob thought he captain just had a passing illness, and that he would soon recover, but after several days Bob learned that

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the captain was very ill. His young heart was touched to hear that the captain was suffering. He worried about the fact that no one was caring for him, so he determined to visit the captain as soon as he got an opportunity.

After supper Bob softly knocked on the state-room door and carefully opened the door. “Captain?” he whispered. “How are you?”

“What do you care? “snarled the captain. Get out of here!”

Trembling Bob closed the door and left. When he knelt by his bed that night, Bob prayed for the captain and asked God to give him courage to visit the captain again. The next morning, he went again to the Captain’s room.

“Captain?” Are you feeling any better? “Bob asked.

The captain looked surprised to see Bb. He did not think that he would come back after what he said and how he treated him last night. “Bob what are you doing here again? I thought I scared you off. ..I have had a bad night,” he admitted.

“Let me help you, urged Bob. “I can wash your hands and face. It will make you feel better.”

The captain nodded silently. Having done his task. Bob suggested, “Let me get some clean sheets and some clean clothes for you.”

Gently Bob helped the captain onto the bed. The kindness of this boy found its way to the captain’s heart and tears filled his eyes. “Thank you, Bob,”, he said quietly.

After that Bob visited the captain whenever he could. It was clear that the captain was not getting better, but rather worse every day. He began to think of eternity. One day, when Bob entered his room, he said. “Bob, I’m dying. I’m worried about my soul. I’m afraid to go to hell. I deserve it -I’ve been such an awful sinner. I’m a lost man”. Though, the captain believed this about himself, he hoped there could be a way that can help him.

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“But captain”, replied Bob…” Jesus Christ can save you!”

“No. Bob, I don’t believe that I can be saved. What a sinner I have been! What will become of me? “Bob did all that he could to encourage the captain, but it was all in vain. “Next time I will bring my bible, “promised Bob.

“Bob that will even be worse, because all I heard when people opened the Bible was all the wrongs I did. Everyone knows that I have been bad! I did not do any good. I did not please God enough and so I will surely go to hell.”

The following morning Bob came with the Bible. The captain smiled. “You must read something to me Bob.” he said. “Do you really think that I can be saved?”

“What shall I read?” Asked Bob.

“I don’t know, I have never read the Bible before”, the captain replied

The boy read for 2 hours. He read the stories about how God created the world and how people listened to the devil and chose sin over God. He read about the promise of salvation from Genesis 3, about the cross, the life of Mathew the tax

collector, Paul and many more. He read about the cross and the words that Christ spoke while on the cross.

Every word conveyed light in the mind of the captain and his astonished sin soon beheld sin as he had never seen it before.

The justice of God struck him with amazing force, and although the captain heard Bob read about the Saviour, but still the captain could not understand how God could save a sinner like he was. All night long, after Bob had left, he thought about the passages of scripture that Bob read, but they only depressed and terrified him.

The next morning, when the boy entered the state room, the captain exclaimed, ”Oh Bob, I shall never reach the land. I am dying very fast. Soon you’ll have to throw me overboard but that does not concern me. Its my soul I am worried about! I will be lost forever! Can’t you pray with me? Please pray for your poor, wicked captain”. He said with tears in his eyes.

The boy did as the captain asked. Bob dropped to his knees beside the captain’s bed, and begged God to have pity on his poor dying master. The captain

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was touched by Bob’s simple sincere prayer.

The captain addaed his own prayer: “God be merciful to me, a sinner,”(Luke 18:13).

In the evening Bob read to the captain again. The captain listened eagerly, drininking in every word. The next morning Bob noticed a change in his masters face. Gobe was the despir and sadness, and in its place was a holy calm. “Bob, dear boy,”said the caotain, Ï had a wonderful night! After you left I thought of all the things you read from the Bible. I thought of the Lord Jese Christ, bleeding ote cross I cried out, “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me!’and He said to me, “Son be of good cheer; thys sins are forgiven thee’(Mathew 9:5). What a Miracle! He forgve my sisns! I can believe His promises. His blood cleand even me! I am not afraid to die now.

Bob listed with tears in his eyes. Ï am happy for you capatian, but I will surely miss you when you are gone.”

“Do not be sad Bob,”smiled the capatian. Ï am happy now. You have been so kind to me when I did not deserve any kindess. God will rewar you for it. You have been an instrument in Gods hand for my salavation. He sent you to me. God bless you, my dear boy. I am sorry to leave you in sucsh a wicked world and with such wocked sailors. I pay you will be kept from the sins which I fallen into. Serve the Lord while you are young Bob, and do not waste your life like I have done.”

The captain then asked Bob to gather the crew around his bedside. One by one, the captain asked for fiorgiveness for his cruel ways and sinful behaior. He talked t theabout the Lord Jesesu Chrisst, who svaes the chief of sinners.

The following ornng Bob went to the capatins room. Quietly he opened the door. It seemed the captain was still sleeping, but when Bob approached the bed, he saw that the capatain had died, His soul had left his body, and had left to be with his Blessed Redeemer. Bob was sad to lose his new friend, but he was happy when he thought of

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the captain now in the presence f His Saviour.

Children, it is best to seek and serve the Lord when you are young.

You will be kept from much sin and grief if you follow the Lord from your youth.

Sin brings no joy, on pain, unhappiness and bitter consequences. Only those who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ have true joy and peace. The world promises so much: fun, entertainment, pleasure, self-satisfaction, self-love and wealth. But God offers eternal blessings in Jesus Christ that will never fade or deteriorate: peace, joy, love, forgiveness, and eternallie. Do not be foolish and turn your back on God. Turn to God and ask Him to fill you with his renewing grace. He will never ignore such a prayer. Ecclesiates


We are privileged to have been entrusted with the lives of these beautiful souls. We are thankful to the Lord that Lesedi was used an instrument to plant the seed of God’s word in the hearts of these little ones, now teenagers.

These learners will be placed

at different high schools for a

number of different reasons.

However, though we might

no longer be with them, and

they will no longer be with

each other, we cannot say

much but recite the prayer of

our Lord Jesus Christ. Every

word is true for all of them!!!

John 17: 15 “My prayer is not

that you take them out of the

world but that you protect

them from the evil

one. 16 They are not of the

world, even as I am not of

it. 17 Sanctify them by[a] the

truth; your word is truth. 24 “Father, I want those you

have given me to be with me

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where I am, and to see my

glory, the glory you have

given me because you loved

me before the creation of the


“I have used Job 19:25, “My

Redeemer Lives severally in

my entire teaching to

encourage the learners to

brave any challenges in both

their learning process and life

issues. “My Redeemer Lives”

our tool of bravery to face:

the new curriculum, stressful

mathematics exam,

technology projects and

economical and management

sciences tasks, the coming

farewell trip, that step into

grade 8 and that leap into

tertiary institutions. “My

Redeemer lives” helped my

learners to grow physically,

intellectually and spiritually.

My Redeemer Lives, Lord

Jesus become our Way, Truth

and Life as John 14:6 says.

Through Christ We finally

achieved 100% pass rate. As

our motto states in Proverbs

22:6, these learners will

always remember that our

Redeemer will always help us

to tackle challenges and new

steps in life. These lovely

learners are geared up for

the new step, Grade 8- High

school years. Thank you to all

parents, administrators and

school board. God bless” the

class teacher: Ms Pascaline


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Please take note that our calendar will continue to be different from the normal one affecting all other public schools in Gauteng. We urge all parents and guardians to continue taking note of the different dates and times on the calendar. Full calendar will be given to all parents and guardians at the beginning of term 1.

School starts at 07:45 am on all opening days.

School stops at 11:00 on all closing days.


TERM 1 15 January 2020 20 March 2020

TERM 2 31 March 2020 12 June 2020

TERM 3 8 July 2020 11 September 2020

TERM 4 29 September 2020 27 November 2020

Give thanks to the LORD, for

he is good.

His love endures forever. 2 Give thanks to the God of


His love endures forever. 3 Give thanks to the Lord of


His love endures forever.4 to

him who alone does great


His love endures forever.




He remembered us in our low


His love endures forever.

24 and freed us from our


His love endures forever.

25 He gives food to every


His love endures

forever.26 Give thanks to the

God of heaven.

His love endures forever.

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Scheduled visits for staff : 1343 Block GG Soshanguve 0152

Non-scheduled visits for general enquiries and emergencies

Learners’ communication/ homework book

Telephone number 012798 2407 /0828087759

Email address: [email protected] AND [email protected]

Website address:

Postal address; PO Box 157 Soshanguve 0152

Physical Address: 1343 Block GG Soshanguve 0152

Appointment to meet with teachers and or principal during break


“Unless the LORD builds the house, the builders labour in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the

guards stand watch in vain” Psalm 127: 1

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