  • Dt I Pagt

    VIKAS WSP LIMITEDlndustrialArea

    CIN : 124139HR1988P1C030300

    E-mail : [email protected], weh$ite : www..vikasw$pltd. ifi

    Telephone : 91 (1 54)249451212494552 F at : 91 (1 il)2494361 1247 5376

    Sriganganagar - 335 002 / INDIA

    July 1O, 2O2O

    ToThe General Manager,Bombay Stock ExchangeCorporate Relation Department,Phiroze Jeejedbhoy Tower,Dalal Street, Mumbai - 4OOOO1

    Ref: Vikas WSP Limited (Scrip Code-S193O7)

    subject: -shareholding Pattern under Regulation 31(lxb) of the sEBI (Listing obligationand Disclosure Requirement) Regulations, 2015 for the quarter ended as on June 30, 2020.

    Dear Sir/Madamt.J

    :!1:Y3:!to L"Py$ion 31(1)(b) of the SEBI (Lisuns oblisation and Disctosure Requirement)Regulations,2015; 'please find attached herewith the shareholding pattern for the quarterended as on Jufie 30,2020.

    Kindly take the above information on record.

    ,.:Thanking You,Yours Faithfully,FOT VIKAS WSP

    Managing Director,DIN:00036553123, Vinoba Basti,Sriganganagar,Rajasthan-335001

    Encl: As above


    Regd. Office : Railway Road, Siwani -'l!5045 (lndia) Registration No. 05-30300" 88-89 New Delhi as Plc.Visit our Web Site :

  • Acknowledgem6nt No

    Scrip Code

    Entity Name

    Compliance Type

    Quarter / Period




    1007202012385131 Date & Time : 1OtO7t2O20 12:38:51 PM519307


    Regulation 31 - Shareholding pattern





  • General information about company

    Regulation 3l (1) (b)

    Shareholding Pattern filed under


    ^ ,rr.',,,".',rlserclGrrnian/nasktnn/'lttnc Orrartar-2020iSharehnldino

    Pattcm/Flannrt html1114 .

  • 7110t2020 Report.html



    No.Particular Yes,t{o Promoter and

    Promoter GroupPublic

    shareholderNon Promoter-

    Non Public

    1 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares? No No No No

    2Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Convertible Securities,.! No No No No

    3 Whether the Listed Entity has issued any Warants ? No No No No

    4Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against whichdepository receipts are issued?

    No No No No

    5 Whether the Listed Entity has any shares in locked-in? Yes Yes No No

    6Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or otherwiseencumbered?

    Yes Ycs

    ,7 Whether company has equity shares with di{ferential votingrights? No No No No

    8 Whether the listed entity has any significant beneficial owner? No


  • Report.html7nol2a20

    Table I - Sum:mary Statement holding of specified securities

    No. OfPartlypaid-upequityshmesheld(v)

    No. OfsharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts(vD

    Total nos.shares held(v[)=Gv)+(v)+(VI)

    Number ofVoting Rights held in each class

    of securities (fX)




    Nos. Ofshareholders


    No. offirlly paidup equlty

    as a % oftotalno. ofshares(calculated asper SCRR,1957) (vIDAsa%of(A+B+C2)

    No of Voting (XV) Rights Total as ao/o of(A+B+C)(ID

    shares held

    GV)Class eg:



    29757164 t4.56 29757164 297s716414.56



    3 297s',l164

    (B) Public 44906 t14682436174682436 85.44 174682436 174682436


    (c)NonPromoter-Non Public



    Shares heldbyEmployceTrusts

    Total 44909 204439600204439600 100 204439600 204439600



    nt^.ttta'lllcarc/Grlnian/llasktnn/'ltlne Atrriar-2lt2OtS;harchntdinn Paftern/Rennrt hfml

    #,-*u\6t \r&i lrQ#

  • 7t10t2c20 Report.html


    Table I - Summary Statement hotding of specified securities




    No. ofSharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants(x0

    No- OfSharesUnderlying

    Shareholding,as aYoassuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities ( asa percentageof dilutedshare capital)(xI)=(VID+(X)As a % of(A+B+C2)

    Number ofLocked in shares(xD

    Number of Sharespledged orotherwiseencumbered(rur)

    Number ofequity sharesheld indematerializedform (XIV)

    convertiblesecuritiesand No. OfWarrants(xi) (a)

    No. (a)

    Asa%6 oftotalSharesheldo)

    No. (a)

    AsaYo oftotalSharesheld(b)



    14.56 12'1'.74832 42.93 1 693 6900 56.92 29',757164

    (B) Public 85.44 1'.I0957954

    (c)NonPromoter-Non Public



    Shares heldbyEmployeeTrusts

    Total 100 12774832 6.2s 169369008.28 20071511 8

    file.lilc..illaerq/Grrnian/I)asktnn/.hrnc orrartnr-2020/sharehnldinn Patfern/Rennrt hfml



  • 7t1012020 Report.html

    Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group

    SrCategory &Name of theShareholders (I)

    Nos. OfNo. oftullypaidup equityshares held(rv)


    No. Ofshares


    Total nos-shares held(VD=(I9+(V)+(\'D

    Shareholdingas ao/o oftotal no. ofshares(calculatedas perSCRR,1e57) (VIIDAs a7o of(A+B+C2)

    Number of Voting fughts held in eachclass of securities (IX)

    No of Voting (XW) Rights Totalas a%o


    r[)Class eg:



    A Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattem of the Promoter and Promoter Grcup

    (1) Indian

    (a)Individuals/[iinduundivided FamilY

    3 29757164 29157164 t4.s6 297 57 16429757164 t4.56


    J 29757164 29757764 t4.56 2975'.716429'.757164 14.56

    (2) Foreign

    TotalShareholdingof PromoterandPromoterGroup (A)=(AX1)+(A)


    J 29757164 29757164 14.56 297 57 16429757164 t4.56

    B TableIII-StatementshowingshareholdingpatternofthePublicshareholder

    (1) Institutions

    (a) Muhral Funds 6 1 0000 100000 10000 10000 0

    e)Foreign PortfolioInvestors

    1 1000 1000 0 10001000 0


    9 884465 884465 0.43 884465884465 t.43


    16 895465 895465 0.44 895465895465 0.44

    (3) Non-institutions

    I Individuals -I i tn.lividualI shareholders(a(r)) lholdingnominalI share caPital uP

    I to Rs. 2 lakhs.

    42641 9452s21F 94525218 46.24 9452521894525218 46.24


    Individuals - ii.Individualshareholdersholding noriinalshare iapital itrexcess ofRs. 2lal:hs.

    53 58749641 58749641 28.74 5874964158749641 28.74

    (b)NBFCs registeredwith RBI

    J 5650 5650 0 56505650 0

    (e)Any Other(speci&)

    2t93 20506462 20506462 10.03 20506462 2050646210.03


    44890 t73786971 173786971 85.01 17378697 1173786971 85.01

    Total PpblicShareholding(B)=(BX1)+(BX2)+(B)(3)

    44906 r74682436 174682436 85.44 174682436174682436 85.44

    C Table IV - Statemeut showiug shareholding pa1lem of the Non Pronroter- Non Pulrlic shareholde

    Total (A+B+C2 )

    44909 204439600 204439600 :.fifr $Ke600 204439600 100Total(A+B+C )

    44909 204439600 zo4A3e6Qq,/ ; ,:rK &, 20M39600 100

    2t t:\9.L- ls/

    Paftern/Rennrt html\$n'"?3,'z'orr',,,"',rLecrc/Gr

    rnian/ncsktnn/. lt rnc or rartFr-5t1A

  • 7t1012020 Report.html

    Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattern of the Promoter and Promoter Group


    No. OfSharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities(x)

    No. ofSharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants


    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities andNo. OfWarants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding, as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities ( as apercentage ofdiluted share capital)(xr): (vrf+(x) Asa % of(A+B+C2)

    Number ofLocked in shares(XID

    Number of Sharespledged orotherwiseencumbered(xIID

    Number ofequity sharesheld indematerializedform (XIV)

    No. (a)

    Asa%o oftotalSharesheldo)

    No. (a)

    Asa%o oftotalSharesheld(b)

    A Table II - Statement showing shareholding pattem ofthe Promoter and Promoter Group

    (1) Indian

    (a) t4.56 127'.I4832 42.93 16936900 56.92 29757t64

    Sub-Total (A)(1)

    t4.56 127'.74832 42.93 16936900 56.92 297s7t64

    (2) Foreign

    TotalShareholdingof Promoterand PromoterGroup (A):(AX1)+(A)(2)

    t4.56 12774832 42.93 1 693 6900 56.92 29757164

    B Table III - Statement showing shareholding pattem ofthe Public shareholder

    (l) Institutions

    (a) 0 0

    (e) 0 1000

    (0 0.43 884465

    Sub-Total (B)(l)

    ! 0.44 885465(3) Non-institutions(a(i)) 46.24 9101 8736

    (a(ii)) 28.74 58545641

    (b) 0 5650

    (e) 10.03 20s02462

    Sub-Total (B)(3)

    85.01 170072489

    Total PublicShareholding(B):(BXl)+(BX2)+(BX3)

    8s.44 l't0957954

    C Table IV - Statement showing shareholding pattem ofthe Non Promoter- Non Public shareholder

    Total (A+B+C2 )

    100 t2'174832 6.25 200715 I 18

    Total(A+B+C )

    t00 t27'.74832 6.25 1 6936900 8.28 200715118

    ..,i\fila.ltl?.,lllsers/Grrnian/l-)cskton/.hrne f)rrarter-2O2OiSharchnldinn Pattcrn/Rennrt html 6t14

  • 7t10t2020

    file'llla'll lscn/Gr


    Individuals/Hindu undivided Familv

    Searial No. 1 2 3

    Name of theShareholders (I) Bajrang DasS Aggarwal Bimla Devi Jindal Kamini Jindal Click here to go back

    PAN (ID ACHPJ9O24A ABSPJ6495R AMIPJSlOlH TotalNo. of tully paidup equity sharesheld (IV)

    16977f32 12774832 5000 29757164

    No- Of Partly paid-up equity sharesheld (V)

    No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

    Total nos. sharesheld (VIl) = (N)+(v)+ (vr)

    16977332 12774832 5000 29757164

    Shareholding as a% oftotal no. ofshares (calculatedas per SCR\1957) (VlI)As a% of(A+B+C2)

    8.3 6.25 0 14.56

    Number of Voting Rights held fu each class of securities (IX)

    Class eg:X 16977332 12774832 5000 29757164

    Class eg:y

    Total 16977332 12774832 5000 29757164

    Totalasa% ofTotal Voting rights

    8.3 6.2s 0 14.56

    No. OfSharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)


    No. ofSharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants (Xi)

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding, as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as apercentage ofdiluted sharecaPital) Q(I)=(Vl!+(xi)(a)As a% of(A+B+C2)

    8.3 6.25 t4.56

    Number of Locked in shares (XII)

    No. (a) 0 t2774832 0 12774832

    Asa%oftotalShares held (b)

    0 100 0 42.93

    Number of Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered (XIII)

    No. (a) 1 6936900 0 0 16936900

    Asa%oftotalShares held (b) 99.76 o d;;XF 56.92Number of equityshares held indematerializedform (XIV)

    16977332 ,rr^{olo{\3\


    29757 t64

    Reason for not providing PAN

    s/Gr rni:n/[)esktnn/. h rne f)narter-2O2OlSharehnldinn Sfril,*# ) 7t1A

  • 7t1012020 Report.html

    Reason for notproviding PAN

    Shareholder type Promoter Promoter Promoter


    {,qY/G,4F n


    fila.ll/C'll lscrs/Gr rnian/Desktnn/.h rne f)r rartpr-202OlSharchnldinn Pattern/Rannrt html Rt14

  • 7t10t2020

    frla.tilC.tllccrs/Grrnian/F)psktnn/.lrrne f)rrartpr-2o2ilSharehnldinn Pattern/Flcnnrl html 9l1L


    Individuals - ii. Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs. 2 lakhs.

    Searial No. I 2 3

    Name of theShareholders (I)

    Hanumah Prasad Goyal Mrurni Devi Goyal Naveen Goyal Click here to go back

    PAN (II) ABVPG7484Q AEJPG4271J BABPGS637D Total

    No. of tullypaidup equity sharesheld (IV)

    17000000 1 7000000 3400000 37400000

    No. Of Partly paid-up equity sharesheld M)

    No. Of sharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (Vt)

    Total nos. sharesheld (vII): (IV)+oD+ryI)

    17000000 1 7000000 3400000 37400000

    Shareholding as a% oftotal no. ofshares (calculatedas per SCRR,19s7) (uII)As a% of(A+B+C2)

    8.32 8.32 1.66 18.29

    Number of Voting Rights held in each class of securities (IX)

    Class eg: X 17000000 17000000 3400000 37400000

    Class eg:y

    Total 17000000 17000000 3400000 37400000

    Total as a o/o ofTotal Voting rights

    8.32 !I

    8.32 1.66 18.29

    No. OfSharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)


    No. ofShmesUnderlyingOutstandingWanants (Xi)

    No. OfSharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No.Of Warrants (Xi)(a)


    Shareholding , as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as apercentage of .''diluted sharecapital) (XI):(vID+6)Asa%of(A+B+C2)

    8.32 8.32 t.66 18.29

    Number of Locked in shares (XII)

    No. (a)

    Asa%oftotalShares held (b)

    Number of equityshares held indematerializedform (XIV)

    I 7000000 ffi'37400000

    ,/./Reason for not providing PAN 7i{ }c}Reason for notproviding PAN

    l5ia {}


  • 7t1012020

    fil,r.tilc,lllccrc/Grrnian/Deskion/.lttne f)rrartcr-2020/3harahnldinn Patlnm/Flennrt himl 10'114


    Any Other (sPecifY)


    Searial No. lr lz 13 14 5 6

    Category TrustsForeignNationals

    HUF HUFNon-ResidentIndian (NRI)

    OverseasCorporate Bodies


    Category / Morethan I porcentage

    Category Category CategoryMore than I percentage ofshareholding

    Category Category Category

    Name of theShareholders (I)

    Davender Mittal (Huf)


    No. of theShareholders (I)

    5 I t357 I 299J 78

    No. of firlly Paidup equity sharesheld (V)

    54700 2000 t0663736 2705969 281629757000 860693

    No. Of PartlY Paid-up equity sharesheld (V)

    No. OlsharesunderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

    Total nos. sharesheld (VII): (IV)+(v)+ (vI)

    54700 2000 10663736 2105969 28r629757000 860693

    Shareholding as a%n oftotal no. ofshares (calculated

    as per SCRR,1957) (VlI) As a% of(A+B+C2)

    0.03 5.22 1.321.3 8 0.03 .42

    Number of Voting Rights he1 in each class of securitie (x)

    Class eg: X 54700 1 2000 t0663736 2705969 281629757000 860693

    Class eg:y

    Torar | 54700 2000 t0661736 2705969 28t6297 57000860693

    Totalasa%of_ I O.OfTotal Voting nghts I

    0 s.22 lt.:z 1.38 0.03 0.42

    No- OfSharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

    No. ofSharesUnderlyingOutstandingWananh (Xi)

    No. OfSharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvefiiblesecurities and No.

    Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

    Shareholding, as a

    % assuming fullconversion ofconvertibleseburities (as a

    percentage ofdiluted sharecapital) (XD=(flI)+(X) As a %

    0.03 0 5.22 1.32


    q};\0.03 0.42

    mNumber of Locked in shares (XI!No. (a) 3l$ ,/ lz TuAsa%oftotalShares held (b)

    \eL r JPJNumber ofequiqrshares held in

    50700 2000 t0663',136 ,?0s,6, \I*:Wj$ll lszooo


  • 711012020

    Reason for not Providing PAN


    ff lol*{*



    fila'tltC'lllsers/Glrnian/Ilesktnn/'lttnc f)rrarter-2O20lSharehnldinn Pattern/Rennrt html


  • 7t10t2020

    file'lllC'll lscrs/Grtnian/I)esktnrV.lttne Atnrtcr-2[20,lSharahnlr{inn Pattcm/Rennrt hlml


    Any Other (specify)

    Searial No 8

    Category Bodies Corporate

    Category / Morethan I percentage Category

    Narne of theShareholders (I) Click here to go back

    PAN OD Total

    No. of theShueholders (I) 450 2t93

    No. of firlly paidup equity sharesheld (IV)

    60s2036 20506462

    No. Of Partly paid-up equity sharesheld (V)

    No. Of sharesuoderlyingDepositoryReceipts (VI)

    Total nos. sharesheld (VIf - (N)+(v)+ (vD

    6052036 20s06462

    Shareholding as ao/o oftotal no. ofshares (calculatcdas per SCRR,1957) (VIII) As a% of(A+B+C2)

    2.96 10.04

    Number of Voting fughts held,in each class of securities (IX)

    Class eg: X 60s2036 20506462

    Class eg:y

    Total 6052036 20506462

    Total as a o/o ofTotal Voting rights

    2.96 10.04

    No. Of SharesUnderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities (X)

    No, ofSharesUnderlyingOutstandingWarrants (Xi)


    No. OfSharesUoderlyingOutstandingconvertiblesecurities and No-Of Warrants (Xi)(a)

    Shaxeholding, as a% assuming fullconversion ofconvertiblesecurities (as apercentage ofdiluted sharecapital) (xD=(VIf+(x)As a %of(A+B+C2)

    2.96 10.04

    Number of Locked in shares (XII)

    No. (a)

    ""f-fl:a &x /Asa%oftotalShares held (b) i$fl m)/Number of equityshares held indematerializedfom (xIV)

    6052036 20502462


  • {

    Rtason for not providing pAN


    na'ttti:tllscm/Grrnian/I)csktnn/.rrrne orrartcr-2o2olSharahnrr{inn pattern/Renarr hfmr

  • 7l10l2o_20 Report.ntml

    Sr. No.Details of the SBODetails of the registered ownerDetails of hotding/ exercise of right of tte iSO in the reporting compaoy, whether direct orindirect* : Date of creation / acquisition of significant beneficial interestNamePAN Passport No. in case of a foreign nationalNatioaalityNationality

    (Applicable in case of Any other isielected)NamePAN Passport No. in case of a foreign nationalNationali-tyNationality (Applicable in case of Any other is' 'selected)Whether by virtue of:SharesVoting rightsRights on distributable dividend or any other distributionExercise ofcontrolExercise ofsignificant


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