
The Difference You Make“I’m Laura and I’m 11 years old,” is the bubbly greeting of a sixth grader in Indonesia (pictured above with her mother and teacher). She’s learning to read and write through Bible League’s Bible-based Literacy program. She beams, “I’m so happy with my literacy teacher, Mr. Ethan. I love the Bible he gave me. It’s easy to read.”

Laura and her mother live atop a steep hill in Kupang. She’s one of many children participating in literacy classes here. Laura enjoys any opportunity to talk about Jesus. When asked her favorite Bible story, she says excitedly, “My favorite story is the wedding at Cana. I was amazed when Jesus performed miracles in front of so many people.”

Laura’s mother makes rice pudding cups to sell at the hospital canteen nearby. It’s their only source of income. Her eyes fill with tears when she describes how proud she is of Laura, for learning English and accepting Christ as her Savior. Laura shares, “I love reading Bible stories. I also like to dance; dancing makes me feel happy. Just like David, I can glorify God through dancing!” Even at her tender age, Laura boldly proclaims her belief that Jesus is Lord of us all.

Eleven-year-old Laura can now read and write in English thanks to your support of Bible-based Literacy ministry in Indonesia.

82,069 People Trained to Share God’s Word

1,773,019 People Engaged in God’s Word

917 Churches Planted

1,140,697 Bibles Utilized

3,392,170 Biblical Resources Utilized


Worldwide 2020 Year-End Report

Volunteers, you all helped make a difficult year joyful for the nearly two million people who experienced Christ through God’s Word. Your support helped engage people around the world in the Gospel. By helping grow God’s Church during a historic time of uncertainty, many people were blessed. Thank you.

Prepared for Bible League Volunteers

number of people reached. Then COVID-19 hit and countries were locked down.

Unable to travel, the team could not hold Project Philip and Bible-based Literacy trainings. People could no longer gather in small groups to study God’s Word. Still, the team persevered, holding weekly online small group Bible studies for those partners with internet access until in-person meetings could resume. They also held online Project Philip trainings in Jordan and Egypt. Bible-based Literacy remained an effective way to engage people in God’s Word.


Believers in the U.S. also had to utilize online platforms to share God’s Word. In California, Illinois, Florida, and Pennsylvania, Philips shared the Gospel using Zoom. It was particularly effective in getting teenagers to participate.

One nurse held an online Project Philip Bible study for the women she works with in Pennsylvania. A

Philip in California trained immigrants from Cuba, El Salvador, and Venezuela. He says, “Despite their hardships, they realize there is an opportunity to bring the Gospel to so many who are in the same condition they’re in.”

Project Philip Prison ministry helped dozens of inmates find true freedom in Christ. Although COVID-19 slowed Church Planter Training, new churches were planted in Florida, New Jersey, and Virginia. Chinese immigrants in Vancouver, British Colombia, were trained to reach fellow immigrants with the Gospel using English language Bible-based Literacy.

Thank YouIn times like these, many want to feel God’s touch and be assured things will get better. Your support is helping so many find peace in the Gospel. Thanks to the gift of your time, Volunteers, God’s Word is nestling in the hearts of those seeking hope and it’s changing their lives and the lives of others.

1 Bible League Plaza • Crete, IL 60417 • 866-825-4636 •

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV

Healthcare workers in Brazil study God’s Word to keep each another encouraged as they care for coronavirus patients.


The Year in ReviewVolunteers, your commitment to sharing God’s Word brought hope to so many during the coronavirus pandemic. Despite restrictions and lockdowns, the Gospel touched hearts and changed lives in more than 50 countries, including several in the Middle East.

Believers and trainers created methods to share Project Philip Bible studies using online platforms like Zoom and WhatsApp. They created virtual community for newly baptized believers. Philips (Project Philip Bible study leaders) crafted ways to meet in person by encouraging families to study their lessons together since schools and churches were closed in many areas.

Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.

Psalm 119:105 NIV

Church planters completed Church Planter Training and started churches in areas where it was safe to do so. Many people learned to read and write through Bible-based Literacy.

It was a chaotic and turbulent year, but your support engaged thousands in God’s Word. Please pray for all of the believers, trainers, and Philips who overcame so many obstacles to engage everyone in God’s Word as safely as possible.

Global Impact…A Closer LookAFRICABurundi, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe

Coronavirus hit Africa differently in each country. Some were in lockdown for months, while others re-opened more quickly. One thing they all had in common was their determination to share the hope of Christ, and your support helped. Believers in Ethiopia shared the Gospel in ways that cleared up confusion about false teachings. In Ghana and Mozambique, Philips trained parents how to lead Project Philip at home. Many leaders of Kenyan youth and children trained on Zoom. Project Philip launched in Malawi for the first time this year.

Church Planter Training is on hold due to COVID-19. Many in Zambia learned how to read and write through Bible-based Literacy online.

Praise God for dedicated Philips. Our national director in Zimbabwe says, “Philips covered the whole country in a short time. What could have taken us months, they accomplished in 21 days. Amazing!”

ASIABangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Vietnam

Asia’s year was filled with turmoil. In India, millions of day laborers lost their jobs. Bangladesh, Nepal,

Members of Zimbabwe’s elusive “White Garment Cult” heard and responded to the Word of God this past year.

Malaysia, Indonesia, and Hong Kong were all hit hard by coronavirus. Yet the Good News transformed lives through Project Philip Bible studies, Church Planter Training, and Bible-based Literacy.

Your devotion to God’s Word is a blessing. Thank you.

Thousands of people engaged in God’s Word through Project Philip Bible studies. In Indonesia, believers launched virtual Project Philip through WhatsApp. Churches in the Philippines, Malaysia, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal also held trainings online.

One pastor in the Philippines went to great lengths to combat poor internet connections. Pastor Flores (pictured above) found the strongest internet signal in his community in the middle of a field. So, he sat there for a whole day of online Church Planter Training, with his cell phone in one hand and an umbrella in the other to keep the hot sun off his head. Your support equipped more than 300 believers to plant churches across Asia.

Online Bible-based Literacy classes in China attracted students from many provinces. With your help, thousands engaged in God’s Word through Bible-based Literacy.

EUROPEAlbania, Armenia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Spain

Men, women, youth, and prisoners in Albania and Armenia endured severe restrictions that slowed ministry. But the Holy Spirit still transformed the lives of many through the Gospel. From French and German emigrants to children in summer camps, many heard of God’s love through Project Philip Bible studies. Since so many were on lockdown, families were encouraged to study together. In Albania’s Vlora region, many heard the Gospel for the first time. Believers in Armenia held Project Philip online where they could. And despite the lockdowns, more than a dozen church planters completed their training.

LATIN AMERICAArgentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Trinidad & Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela

Countries in Latin American were reeling from social and political crises when the pandemic hit, leaving many without jobs or money to support their families. Your gift of the Gospel brought peace and hope to people through Project Philip Bible studies, Church Planter Training, and Bible-based Literacy.

The Lord provided ways to reach people online during the pandemic. Believers in Peru, Mexico, Venezuela, and Colombia used digital versions of Project Philip to engage people in God’s Word. Church Planter Training helped hundreds learn to plant churches.

Bible-based Literacy classes in Haiti slowed due to COVID-19. Once some restrictions lifted, churches were able to restart with five-person classes. Leaders in Argentina and Chile offered food baskets to help people make ends meet. They included God’s Word in these food containers, so more could hear the Gospel.

THE MIDDLE EASTEgypt, Iraq/Kurdistan, Jordan, Lebanon, South Sudan, Syria, and a country not identified for security reasons

The ministry year started strong. During the first half of 2020, Bible League-trained believers in the region engaged more than 135,000 people in God’s Word. That was only about 30,000 shy of 2019’s total

Even with many challenges, you helped believers like Pastor Flores to persist in their training.

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