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20th century discoveries in science explaining phenomenon of God

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Scientists have been attempting to explain world without accepting God.

Rene Descartes in 16th century… intuited Clockwork universe

Galileo Galilee …initiated approach theory & experiment…science!

Isaac Newton…discovered physics laws behind Clockwork.

Charles Darwin discovered evolution an idea of creation…by evolution.

Scientific materialismAll is matter. Energy is conserved.

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claim… ‘Matter’ and ‘thought / mind’ are disconnected (Cartesian divide)

What can be sensed and located is distinct from thought which has no fixed location.

Scientific materialism

claim.. “All things just consist of elementary particles of matter and their interactions.”

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Scientific materialism

“If God who is not of just material world (transcendental) has to act in physical world , it would need a communication signal involving energy between material & non-material worlds

This is not possible since…

(claim) …energy of the physical world is conserved!”

… all these assertions of material scientists are challenged by … Quantum physics

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Quantum PhysicsSome findings…

…is physical science of matter & energy on scale of atomic & sub-atomic levels. Now it is also basis for understanding stars, galaxies and events of creation (like the big bang).

Some major discoveries of Quantum Physics…

Quantum theory,(Planck, 1900)- Energy exists in units like matter – Quantum.Wave-particle Duality (LD Broglie, 1924)- Matter is particles & waves ‘quarks’ (tiny pallets & propagating disturbances)

Equal positives & negatives co-exist: Net charge of the universe is zero.

All matter have anti-matter - similar particle with opposite charge. Eg…Electrons- positrons etc.

When the opposite meet they annihilate & Photons are born – electro-mag energy.

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Quantum Physics findings…Energy is omnipresent

Proven….Energy is omnipresent.99.99% of mass of atom is in the nucleus.….rest is electrons

and photons …transmitting electro-mag waves.

We are space & electromagnetic phenomenon with insignificant amount of matter.

Discovered…Quantum field is everywhere: It is space & energy, inside & outside atom. Constituent of all physical universe is this field.

Particles are continuously coming into being from energy; going out of existence into energy, at lightening speeds.

Energy in action is at the base of all living organisms and boundless structures of the universe. (W. Thirring)

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Indicating… causes & effects can occur at a distance, without an exchange of energy signals

Quantum Physics findings… Non-locality *

Meaning… the two separated photons remain forever bound.

*Bells’s theorem ’64, Aspect experiment 1982 , ** (Einstein-Poldalsky-Rosen (EPR) and Gisin’s experiment.

EPR & other experiments show…Correlated photons in a lab across a distance of over a kilometer, continue to show nonlocal connection between them.

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Elementary particles Atoms Molecules Cells

(Neurons) Brain Conscious ness*

Claim… “Consciousness is just a material phenomenon of brain ……or…brain secretes consciousness like lever secretes bile !!”

« Consciousness- is awareness which looks and thinks -or- the ability to feel, experience.

« To explain consciousness in terms of chemical secretions and biology has been not just hard, but impossible.

Scientific materialismthe challenge in explaining Consciousness

… now evidence contradicts all these assertions …

Quantum physics

….men by this logic are behaviorally programmed machines.

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Quantum Physics Unexplained collapse of the wave function

« Collapse of the wave function…Observer effect ‘just the act of measurement, changes quantum from the wave of possibility to a particle of actuality’.

« How can just act of observing, change a quantum-object? ...just by directing our thought or consciousness to it, we can change it?

« This paradox remains till we recognize – that Consciousness alters reality

« By thinking, we choose things to happen on sub-atomic levels.

Copenhagen Interpretation- ‘Every quantum subatomic object is described by its mathematical Wave function*’

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Water crystal of Fujiwara Dam after offering a prayer.

Water crystal of Fujiwara Dam.

Mr. Emoto decided to see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated, distilled water crystals by typing words onto paper and then taping them on glass bottles overnight. Frozen water was examined under microscope. Result:

Effect of thoughts on water crystalsDr. Masaru Emoto

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These are the effects of “You make me sick. I will kill you!”

These are effects of the words “Love and Appreciation”

Effect of words on water crystalsDr. Masaru Emoto

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Mr. Emoto decided to see what effects music had upon the structure of water. He placed distilled water between two speakers for several hours while playing music and then photographed the crystals that formed after the water was frozen. The results:

This is the effect of Bach’s “Air for the G String”

This is the effects of Heavy Metal Music

Effect of music on water crystalsDr. Masaru Emoto

Other experiments thoughts influence on matter reality - “Random number generator” “Meditation in Washington to reduce crime”

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Elementary particles Atoms Molecules

Cosmic Consciousness…the creator

» We don’t choose from our normal state of individual (ego) consciousness

» Choice is made by us in our state of enlarged state of Cosmic Consciousness….

… in the state in which we are all one, … with God.

Through our thoughts we turn an option into reality.

The whole cosmos is made up of thought waves. Hence the scripture declares ‘the mind is at the root of the cosmos’ There is no place or form or action where in the mind is absent. - Sathya Sai August 1993.

Doubt… How is there a consensus reality- same for all?”

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Accepted….“A quantum particle may occupy more than one place or take more than one path at the same time.”

- quantum coherence (Mani Bhaumik, ’05).

Physical field & consciousness are in-separable aspects of same underlying process… (David Bohm, Basil Hiley)

We are a part of something much larger…the universe is an undivided whole; everything is connected to everything else….one source! When we meditate we access this source that is behind all existence we can call this source …God! (Mani Bhaumik, ’05).

Quantum Physics findingsQuantum coherence

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In words of Rabindranath Tagore –

‘In violent night, under thrust of deathwhen humans break through, their earthbound conditioned limitsWill not God’s unlimited heavenly glory, Supra-mental intelligenceShow itself?

It will, nay it does. Our dark night of the soul, materialistic interlude is almost over. Our tasya is coming to its meaningful conclusion. We are developing a new science…towards superamental…little more work is to be done. Nights is not yet over but,Early light of new dawn is already visible … those who can see.


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It has taken science a thousand years (of investigation) to discover this truth… but many millennia ago a young child Prahlaada proclaimed this truth… that the Divine permeates the entire universe in form of atoms.

- Sathya Sai

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