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COpy NO . 9"

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XXI BOmiER cmo.wm

APO 23 '


Fie ld Order No . 29 Uission No.3 '

Tar ge t : JA i t sub ish i Aircraf t Engine Plant


15 February HillS

Table of Contents

Tact ioa l Nar r a t ive Report

Annex A _ Operations Repo r ts

Put I - N a v i ~ t i o n

Par t II - Bomb ing

Par t I I I _ Fl igh t "Engineering

Par t IV - Radar

Par t V - Gunnery

Par t VI _ Air - Sea Rescue

Annex B - Ifeathe r

Annex C _ Communications Repo r t s

Par t I _ Radar Counter Measur es

Par t I I _ Communic ations ( Radio)

Annex 0 _ Inte l l igence Repor ts

Par t I _ Enemy Ai r Opposition

Par t II _ Antiai r c r a f t and Air to Ai r


Par t I I I _ Bombing Results and Oaclat;e


Annex E _ Consolidated Sta t i s t i ca l S ~ Y Annex F Field Orde r!>

Annex 0 _ Dist r ibut ion Lis t

Prepared By :

A- 2 Sectio nXXI Bomber command

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APO 234


I By Autb or tt. C. O. IXlI Boaber

, 2,/3/". J XI Go.Date 1n1t1a.l.

:: I;:: I ; : : ~ : : : : : : : : 1:1:

Report of Operations. 15 Fabruary 1945

Commanding General. Twentieth Air Fo roe , s h i n t ; t o n ~ . O.c ..

Identifioation of l 1 s s i o n :

Fl. Fiold Order Number 29. HOlI.dquartere XXI Bomber Co . .m .datod 11 Fobruo.ry 1945 , dirooted tru.. 13rd \'Hng to oOlllllit a force ot

eight squadrons nnd tho 313th Wing a forco of four a q u I I . d r ~ to an

attack against a target on Honshu on 15 Fobruliry 1945.

b. Targots Specified :

(1) Primary T a r ~ o t : Mi tsubishi Aircraft E ~ l D B plant ,Nagoya . Objeet ive fold er 90.20 -1 93 . SiX squo.drons were to uSu AioIng Peint 123069 and six ....ero to use Aiming Poin t 086064. (Refer toannotated photograph of t ar ge t following pago 4 . )

(2" Secondt.ry T!l.rgot: Samo as primary.

(3) Last Resort Targot : Any industrial oity on Honshu.

2. Stratogy end Plan of Ooer Fltion :

a. ROlI.sons for Selection of Ta rget:.

(1) This command ' s attaok on Honshu wo.s ooordtna ted

with that of the Navy so ho duled for 17 and 18 February agains t Tokyo.In addition to s t r ik i ng th o Japanese mainland, tho attaoks wou ld be

Il divors .ilon, so r ooning th o invasion of Iwo JimJ. 011 19 Februar y . , /hllo

i t was desirablo for the B-291s to attaok Tokyo, foreoast weathe rovor th is area was not sui table for 5- 29 oper ations.

(2) Fnvorabl o oonditions, however , wero forvoaa t for

th o Nagoya a r on und tho dooision wns made to attaok the s u b i s h i Aircrnft Engi ne Pl ant.

b. Importunoe of Target: This is one of Japan 's l argestpr oducers of aircraft ongines , !IlU1u.fnotwing ne"rly 30 purcellt or xxt ho engines for Jnpeneso Army and I;o.vy oomba t ulro ra tt . The bu l k:

of thts output is bol1evod to go t o u itsub ishi a i roraf t plilllt onNagoya h ~ r b o r . I t 1s ~ l s o possi blo that n ~ b e r of thase cn& i noshnve boon suppliod to tho lH tsubishi and Kalia saK i plants at Kagu - ro.. t! l tsu bish i , ono of tho gr oat indust r l .1 and ooc::lo re i a lorganizations of Japan , 15 one of th e two l oad ing produoe r s of a i r -

craf t and ongines .

o. Attaok Rooord: Tho XXI 80mber command attaok of 13Dooember 1944 had inf l io tod savare damago, approximately 75 peroentof the pl ant being put out of opo r atiOIl at that t i .a . HgwOver,photogr aphy avnilablo imroodlately pr io r to the mission showed thatmost of th o damagod e r es had boon ros tored t o o p o r ~ t l o n u l uso.

-1 -

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d. De ta i l s or PlannJ!l..g . a t 1 o n t . l 1 (1) Bonbing Plan!!. :

(0.) . . Q ! ! n e . t 1 o n of Bomb Load1

1. Since th e at tack or 13 December 1944 had

reduced the l1 ty of th e western par t of th e ta r l!,et . it l ! lUI

c!ecided to us e h i gh explos17e bombs exclusively in tha t area (e.im1ngpoin t 066064), General pu r pose 500_pound b o r u were selected because

of bet ter stov!" charac t€'':"is t i c s 0.5 compared to larger types, Sinc e

the buildings '.!.Te of normal span an d not subjec t t( l Gpr ea1in , collapBe .multiple hi ts with the bOI.hs ::;elected v : ~ r e most des i rable , l he east

ern pa r t of the targ e t ( Poin t 123069 ) Vins considered 50% in

f l ammable , warranting use i ncend i a.ry bombs, It W.<5 d ecided to use

0. 60% high explosive , 4.0% ince ndiary bomb r a.tio , bas ed on a possibles t r ik ing force of 55 to 60 Ooi r crOoft, The AlT-1\-17-Al In c endiary Clust

e r ( 500 Ibs) was s e l ected be cause of th e mul t iph hits (11 0 incendi _

ary per clu ste r as well o.s i t s indiv idua l f i r e - r aising quo.l i

t i e s and the no n- f i r e sp r eading characteris t icD of the s tructu r es ,

.3:. Th e h ig h exploseve bombs "e r e give n 1/ 10

second deley nose fu se . A no n_de lay t a i l fuse was used to give caximum b l a s t e f fec t on no.chiner y and bui ld ing conten ts . The incendi

ar ies were fus ed to op e n n t 5000 l ~ e e to give p r or>e r c lus t ('; r func

t ion ing nnd good pat te rn denS i ty ,

3. Minimum ground spacing for both types

was r ecommended sinc e th", t o.r ge t woos small 'lnd maximuc d enSity was

des i red .

..!. Bal l i s t i c proper t ies of the incendiary boch

made it undesir nbl e to hnve mixed loads . Theref or e , the plnnes of s ix

squadrons were load ed w it h high - expl osiv e bombs to drop on AI' 086064 sad

tho so of 4 squndrons w it h high - oxplos ive nnd those 0$ 2 squadrollS with

1nocndiar ics to drop on AI' 123 069 .. .(b ) aonbnr diM I", P l flT1r:!n g :

1 Asuke was s e l ected Q.S the Ini t ia l Foint

in order to g i ve a n o . . x i s attack wi th l e s s th:tn 10 degrees drUt .

This point also provided t he d es i red upwind run. D . l l o ~ i n g the

ar d ie r mo r e t ime for accurate synchronizat ion beco.use of 10"lf groll."ld

sp eed.

(2) NnviF,ntion Planning:


BOose t o

17/00N - 145/1!?E t o

25/00:f - 142/ 30E t o

27/1Stl _ 140/S3E to

A ba.s e area depar tu r e point was

maximum visual nnd radar use ofMa r ianns as nnvl gationa l a i d ~

sel ec ted to gi vethe Northern

This route provided fo r a mean c o u r ~ e betwv8n

Iwo snd Chich1 Jlma.

Nishoro Shima wns us ed ns a wing nssembly point

and as a visual and radar chock poi nt ,


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29/30B .. 131/3'7E to

34/47N - 137/001: to

35/OBN _ 137/ 1:1£ t o

Nagoyo. t o

27 /00N _ 143/'ZOE t o


l J l I l I l l


g _ d e use or .. DOl'ther ly head.lng inthe olimb phase t o pr ....a t hM.d.w1n48.

Thi s point 1 fU selec te d hi. Ot'der to give a

poi nt of entr y a t the ooact with a visual'l.nd r ad ur ol'.eck. poin t Ilr.d smalle s t poa

!'jible turn a t t he I . P.

In1 t i al P oint

Tar get

This cou r se waS ds s lgn d to utt l1 te ta l l ¥Ii nds . Th e Bonl :"'",': and Jf, : thsrn Uarltma8

wer e e,v ail:l. 'Jle fo . v isua:. and r a dar cheek

poi nts .

(3 ) Fl i ght Endnee r ' s Planoi n g :

( a. ) Fl igh t p l an , ap e-ed:l and a l t i tudes WEre plan

ne d to ob t maximum fuel economy.


minimum bo

mb loa

dfor the 13

r d"King

waspl aced a t 6000 pou nd s and for th e :n3 t h Vf i ng a t 5000 pounds . in ao

cor dance with fue l consump t ion es t imate s c alculated 1'0 1' th e aircraf t

f ly ing the l e a s t f a v o r b l c posi t ion in t h e fo r nat ions .

(4 ) R a P n n i n ~(a ) I t was d ec id ed an upwind app r oach to tl".1s

ta r ge t would b e most de s irab l e f r om a bombing and naviga.tional s tand

p o i n t . A cour s e ml,S e s tab l i shs d as 282 degrees t rue from th e i ni t1a.l

po in t Asuk e . malc ing a r un of 19 mile s to the t tu'get .

(b) Th is 1s a go od rada r a.ppr The f i r s tcheck po i n t on cours e a t l and fa l l is Lake Hrur.:lna. ",hich l i e s

ins ide the coas t l i n e . F r om th iS point . up to th e in ! t i o, l point . andon to t h e r adar targe t . the c1 ty of Nngoya . returns should .1wo.ys be

we l l r e solve d on t he s cope .

(5) Radar Counte r Meas ures :

( )

wer!!l tak!!ln on this0. No dive rs iona r y meaSures

miss i on.

(b ) The usua l r outine selU"ch for enecy r O;dn.r

s i gna ls O;nd v oi ce tro.nsmiss i . ons was plO;nned .

(6) Air - SeO; Re scue Fllll\nin$;

( 0,) Tho- Navy ~ ' f a S furnished with the de ta i lS of

th e mission and r equ es t ed to fu r nish O;val1abla fac i l i t i eS fo r a ir - sea

r e scue purpos es .


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!llld were s tnt ioned1. Five submarines we r e D.ssigned to l i f eguard

n:; to l lows:

35/07}1 _


34/06U -34/14N -33/0 ,m



138/51E137/ tl8E


One pn tr o1 d es t roy er di rec ted to be ntthe f ollowing pos i t ions o.t th O) sp<.octfi'ld tlrr,O)s : " /O ON _ 144/10::

from 142300Z to 150200Z, t hen proc eo d to 20/00n - _ ~ S / O O : ; frOlli

150600Z to 1514002 .

On o Cumbo!l1 I'I(:..S c.:::o;:gn t-d t o the fo l _

lowi ng s tn t ions fo r ni r _s en r flscue IVorY. dur i 1. t ~ 1 - - l . iss i on : 23/07l1 _143/05E from 142400Z to 150200Z . th e n 2U/;').1 _ 11!5/0 CZ frot! l S06002

un t i l 151400Z .

.1 . Pick e t boats o.nd cr b oc.ts wer o a.sslgned.

by the No.vy in the ir.I!T,3d i o.t e v i c in i ty of Sc.ipc.n o.nd Tinlo.n to Clll"ry

ou t o.i r - sea. r es cue 1'.'01"1< during the fo l lowir.!: r i t i c pe r iods of

take - off nnd lr .nding: 1420-15Z to 142245Z o.nd 151000Z unt i l r elieved

by the cont rol tOlle r .

(b) This comrna.nd o.ssignod two Super - Cumbo c.lrpllllles

(B-29 ' s ) to orb i t pos i t ions o.s fe>llows : 30/SOlI - 140/32:: c.nd 30/S0!i

1 44/12E . They were to Ms i s t in spot t ing , r<7lcciving dis t ress sibIl-us ,

dropping emergenCy equipme nt and d i rec t ing tile s u b c c . i n ~ s in tha o'1t.nt

u i r - seo. r o scue c i l i t i were r equ i r od .

0, Detai ls of Plc.nnlnl" _ In te11 igonce :

(1 ) Enemy Fighte r Reo.c ti on :

{a.} Mitsubi::lhi li e s within th e Kure - Nll,!;oyo. Ill"eo. fo r

purp oses of enemy f i gh te r c.n c. ly s i s . I t w'\s estima.ted the ener.:y h:l.d

360 o.ircro.rt 1n th i s 0.1"130. . As sui.ling 70 % oporn t i on c.l , 209 ni rcrGft

would be ('Ivo.ilo.blc f e r tho Empiro ' s dofe ns e systcr.'l . This opposit1en

WlS cons ider ed norm"tl r-.nd hf\d no ef f ec t o n p l nnning .

(2) Eneny Antinircrr l f t :

( 0.) p ~ e t o . t l o n of C l v n i l C l b l ~ photogr ap bic cover

ng o showed tho Nng,1yn [''\ t o b e d of end ed by 180 he c.vy (lIltio.1 r CTtll't

guns . Considernt i on of thoso d 3f ensos lndicntod the dosi r nbil1ty

of 0. downwind run . in ordor to b e within r ange of f i re f o rsho r t e s t possiblo time . HOW3v er , b0mbing f a.ctors outwe1&hsd this

c onsidera.t i on nnd 0.0" upwind run woos p1(l1lncd .


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~ ~ l 80_8£11 co._AND


NAGOYA AREAI T S U & l " ; " _ ~ . ~ T J!::'C.............

.. . J,.....I ' .....L . . . . . . , . . . , . . h d . . . . --:;::.._ :....-- -l :=::j

- -




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73r d

e. , TnkG-c"rr: Th e f1 ra t gr 1Up ('o f tho 73rd Win g wnat o tok o- off c. t 1012045Z ~ n d th-.t of tho 313th '.flng ~ Actunl t :\lco- or r was,mplhhed. ns fc llClW8 1

A l r ( ' r ~ r t Airborno


First Al eT::oJ:o-oCr

H ~ O < ' 6 Z AleToko_ort


313th _ 28 142135Z 10:.2203Z

TOTAL 117 14020·16Z 142203Z

Con t ac t nssembly VJa& no-de o.t Nishino- ShimJ, :lor ,.-ed . by b eth

wings. No bk o - of f dH r i eu l t i ee Vler e rep o r -, c

b. Route Out : Seforo the climb no t o.pprexlc:ltely 2 S / 0 ~ the fonmat i ons encountored 0. severe cold f r ont ex tended up to

the Japanes e Coast, Penetro.tlon r esulT£d 0. wide d i s p E r 5 1 of thegroups and :ll'ter bl"caking ou t of the f!'cnl:. ( r i er.tat i on a t l llrull'!!.l.l

wo.s made visual ly a:, d by use of r ader , Vt:.r j f ell' o.l rcrc l ' t were o.b15

t o f o nn f o r the o . t ~ : ; : . . c k on the p r i mc.ry ta rg E: c, the najor i ty bocbint;

l a s t r esor t t a rge t s close to t he i r poln t of l andfal l on tho or

Honshu .

c . Ov e r Ta r r:e t :

(1 ) P!'"imory Tarlje!: : SOllIe c.ircrtU't of th e 73rd ' l ing

arr ived a t the t nrge t appr oximately ono hour ear ly . ' lbile the f our

a i r c r o f t of the 3l3th Wing t ha t b ombed the pr i1:lo.ry t nr g!:lt. dropped

a t br iefed tim e . A t o t a l of th i r ty - three plane s bombed visual ly

the p r imnry ta rget . no formati on c ons i s t ing of ~ o r e than s ix ai r -

crn. f t . A t otnl of 104. 2 tons of g ener :ll - purpose a -vl In ceno:iilU'y

bombs was droppod b e tween 150502Z an d 1505552. (See ~ n n e x E. Port

I , Con s ol id ated Sta t i s t i ca l SUJtUnary f or Deta . i l s . ) Leu tha.n 20; per _

ce n t hi ts ware scored within 1000 fe e t of t he t arget .

( 2) Secondnrv Tnre:et : None assl bned.

(3) Las t Resor t Target: Fi f ty_f our plnnes bocbe d

l a s t r eso r t t argets . droppi n g app.roxim3.te ly lSd . 3 to!\S of b r>clIs.

A la r ge numb er of aircra i ' t d.ropped on F.a.cOJllatsu . g et t ing fa i r r e

su l t s . ( See Annex D, Par t I I I . )

( 4) ,!o.rge ts o f Ooportunl tv : Thirt e en plane s bocbed

ta rge t s of opportunity , dr app 1ll6 approxico.tely 48 . 9 t ons of boobs .

d. Rou t e Back : A ll aircrn. f t flew a,bove the weather ,

making no marked devi a t i on r r om the briafed r etur n r oute. Fa,llll1'eto bomb the primary ta r get and good t ! l i l wind.:s brought the c.irern.ft

to b o.le 1 hour and 15 minuto.s pr ior t o estimnted time of r etllf'n.

e. Lnnding: Aircr.-o.!'t lo.nded a t bo.lJ8 under good weathe r

conditions as f ol l ows:


. I . lA / i i I

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\fing F i r s t hie Last Me

73rd 151002Z 151324Z

313th 151050Z 151225Z

One a i r c of the 313th Wing di tched en r out e to . (SeeAnnex A, Po.rt VI fo r dato. i ls . )

f . Operations Summary =

(1) N o . v i g (See Annex;", Par t 1. for detai l s . ) XxNavigation to 28/00N Wo.s good , but f r oC! t h i s point on thQ fomo.tions

were required to breo.k bec o.use of n mile s t r ip of instrum en t

weathe r , Navigation wo.s o.ccocplished by dead reckon ing based on

metro winds. The majori ty of Ilircro.!'t mo.e e ;' a nd r'J. ° l other t'-.o.n

br iefed . necess i ta t ing bombing of a v a i ~ Ja.s '· . ~ s o a.nd oppor_tuni ty targe ts .

(2 ) ~ o m b i n g : (S ee A, ! )rt 1-. fo r detai ls . )Al though a l l b o m b i ' 1 ~ on th e pr imil r y t "L get -;:i s d · _ ; . ~ V16u:llly t.'-.rough

3/10 clouds, Eo.ccu.-" ';Y WIlS poor bec :lus ;;l of ~ ' " l o C t J . = n errors and l ~ k of n ir diSCiplin e. .dllda:: bOffibing wns used ":: a s:.ll'ficient D.l.U:!ber ot

a . i rc rof t on t ~ e In ·, t resor t ta.rget of H e . m e . r : ' ~ ~ u to warra.nt do.e.age

assessment, (See f.nnex D: Per t I I I . )

(3) Fl igh t Engineering: (S ee . ~ n e x A, Par t III fo r

detni ls . ) The \"i9ather f ron t encountorod provented forl:.ation flyi!l6and forced the a i rc ro . f t in to &mo.ll el ements . This r esul'ted in I!Lsaving of fuel consumed en r oute to the tnr&;st. Failure to r each

tho primnry t a rge t !l.lld goo1 t a i l winds on th e r eturn r oute saved

a dditiono.l ~ s o l i n e r esul t ing in the highes t aver age fuel reserves

to data ,

(4) Radnr : (Se e Annex A. PQ!'t IV, fOT deh l l s . )

AN/APQ.- 13 was used ~ s i v e l y during f rontsl penetration in th e

prevention of a i rc ra f t co l l i s ion . Most of the boc.bint; on the pri .

mary ta r g et vtaS vi.3t:al, with some r adar il1ds be ing used, SC!\ - 7lS

(RadiO ,u t imeter) and SCR - 695 (IFF) employt:1ent was norClsl, AR/J,PU-

4 ( Lor an) r nnged about 600 miles,

(5) Gunnery: (See Annex.A, Par t V for d eh i l s , )

Gunner y problems on th i s mi ss ion wore minor since ther e was very

l i t t l e enemy a ir opposi t ion. One unusunl occurrence was tba t of

one B- 29 f i r ing upon a.nother B_29 as II. r esu l t of o.n approacb f r oe

nose quarter .

(6) .hir - Sc:!. Rescue : (See An..'lex A, Par t VI, for d e

t a i l s . ) One B- 29 di tched with no de f i n i te posi t ion baving bee ngiven, Area s ea rch was in l t ia tod and one survivor was si&hted

days af te r the miSSion, E:nl:trgeney equi.ptlent was d r p e d and r e covered by the survi vo r , but oo ntaot \TtI,S lost durirq:; thl:t nisht and

never establ ished again due to bad weather.

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g. \'feather: (Seo Annex B. PlLrt I for details . ) Thoweather en route was more sovere than predloted. but cloar ed at l aM.fal l . Cloud cover a t the target was CAVU to 3/10 middle olouds aspredioted . Wnds over tho ta rgtl t ,rero from 275 degrees at 12.5 knot

L i g h ~ showors were expe r ienced a t time of landing, but eaused no I.

dHflClul t i es .

h. Communications I

(1) Rada r Counter )loalurea: (Soe Annex C, Par t I t tordetai ls . ) Five ReU searoh a i r craf t comn l oted the miss i on and report_

ed 18 radar signal intercepticns. Only one signal had gun- l aying

characte r is t ios ; tho others were S'l'reoping aM. tracking . Ho maltWIC _t ions of equipment use d wore reportod .

(2) Commun icat ions : (See AnnexC, P a r ~

I I , for de t a i l s . ) Forty . fivo "bombs e p o r t r ",ero t ~ a \ ' l < ; r . i · t e d and reca h '_ed, with s l ight interfcrenee on al l f roollcno j<,:::. r . , l . the navigatiOll_al aids were used and reported as being : : : a t i B ! ' ' 1 ~ t ' ' r ~ · Net disciplineand socurity con ci nued to shoY! improvOm6n":. .

(1) € : ~ y Air Opposition : See A!lDex D, Par t I , for

detai ls . ) Enemy a ir ':ppos !.tlon waB weak , wi t.h an estimated 91 air oraf t makins 166 B t t l l Five B- 29 ' s sustainej battlo damage and

none were destroyed. Tonys. Irvings. Zekos , Bnd Tojos attacked ouraircraf t most e q u ~ n t l y with 26. 19 . 18 , end 17 percent of ~ h e tacks. respectivoly, boing made by these p l a ~ s Sixt7- two peroent

of the a ttacks occured af te r bombs away and 38 percent prior to b ~ b s away. High nose attacks s t i l l predominated , but the percentage is

the lo-."I'sst experienoed vtith tho exoeption of the 19 January 19.45 and

12' Deeombor 1944 mi ss ions . Eight coordinated at tacks were :lIlde and

one p o s ~ i b l e ramming vra.s reportod . Seven enomy aircraf t were des troye d , 8 probably destroyed , and 23 d a m a g e d ~ .

(2) Antiairoraft Opoosition: (See Annex D. Part II,for detai l s . ) A to ta l of thi r te en airoraf t was d a m a s e ~ by fla.k on

th is mission. Pointed and barrago type fire ~ ~ s enoountered , withthe highest assessment being moderate and aoourate . NO evasive ao t ion was taken by our foroos and only one report of phosphorus b o ~ b s "ras made with no obscrved resu l t s .

(3) Bombing Rosul ts a.nd D a m f l ~ Assessment : (Se&Annex D. Part III , for detai ls . )

( 8.) Targot 123 in Nagol'! _ This r aid had l i t t l e

effeot on the produot ion of the plant . Damesa on this raid tota l edapproximately 203 , 000 square f eot or 5.4 poroent ef the totalroof area . Bomb bursts were ooncentrated in the western end of the

plant, oausing damage to a maohino shop and a preyiously da:aged a3 -sembly buildinG .

(b) Hamama tsu - App r oximately 2, 000, 000 s qUO r ( l dfee t of an aroa located east of tho Toktl.ldo Main Line R . llr'ood ;:> -

Ittrotod by f i ro . Thoro woro sovor lil hits to tho south end 1IOS't ~ o m b this arell 1n the res id ont i a l sootion . In l t i o n thoro nro 14or ato rs on H ~ m ~ ~ t s u a i r f i e ld and three hA ngars 8 h ~ r oof d g o .

f ? ~ { ,t 1".-.,CURTIS E. LeJ,IAY

.. or Oona r n1 , U.S .A.


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Exhibit - TrAok Charts

Par t I - Na-;rigation

Part II - Botlb 1ng

Part I I I - Flight Engineering

Part IV - Radar


Part V - Gunnery

Par t VI - Air-Sea Rescue


r - Sea Rescue~ a p

Mission 11'0 , 34,

. 15 February 1945

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J• I


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NO / } ( ~ l l I ' l r £ FOROIAT/()"'S






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J ! l l



1. Navigation t o the wing assembly point. Nlshlno_Shlma.was !I.S briefed , The four gro up s of the 73rd 'Ung departo:::d th e

wing assembly point at 1200 on course. for the briefed point2g0- 30 ' N 137o -37'E. The formations encountered a front a t

OO'N , and the ai rcraf t were r equired to br eak formation and pro Ceed to l andfa l l indi vidually, Navigation W&.3 made ~ r e ! f b l y d i f f i cu l t by the 400 mUss of f ron ta l condi t ion encountered.

Nav iga tors 'Rere unable to read dr i f t or us e ce l es t i a l d d s , As

a r esu l t , they were ob l iged to base the i r de ad reCkoning on !:latro


2. \'Iinds a t bombing a l t i tude were predicted a t 280° a t

110 knots and experienced a t 2750 a t 125 knots ,

3 . hf ' ter penetra t ion of the f ront , a i rc ra f t Clade visual

and radar or ien ta t ion a t l ~ n d f a l l bu t in most Cases b o ~ b e d l a s t r e so r t ta rg e t s becaus o of the i r i nab i l i ty to reassecble .

4. k l r c r a f t s tayed above weathe r cond i t ions on the routs

home. remaining a t a l t i tude o.nd fol lowing the br i efed cours e

without devia t ion .

5 . The r e turn home a t high a l t i tud e and the f a i lu re to

bomb the prime.ry to.rget shortened t he t o t a l t i t le of f l igh t to

an average time of 13:15 as coap ar ed with the brie fed tioe of

14 :30.


1 . The weather f ron t encountere d south of the co as t of

Japan r esul ted in the complete dis rupt ion and sca t te r ing of

formations . A few a i r c r a f t we r e nb le to ass emble a t the coas tand p r oceed to the primary t a r ge t . J,. number of a i r c raf t also

bombed the primary t arget individual ly. As a r esu lt of these

condi t ions , only 33 a i r c r a f t bombed the assigned ta rge t . Theremainder of the s t r ik ing forc e a t t a.cked l a s t r eso r t t a r gets using

radar . d e ~ d r eckoni ng and v i s u ~ l methodS .

2. The I .P • • .,\,suke, could not be ident i f ied it

was the bes t ava i lab le I .P, in t ;',a t p,rea. . The ... . P. ' s , ho_ever,

were easi ly dis t inguishabl& .

3 . In sumrnariting the r e sul ts of those p,iroraft b o ~ b l n g the p r ima r y t a rget , ap p roximate l y 55% of the bombs dropped by

1;be f i r s t Squo.dron . 73rd W ng . \"Iere within 1000 fe e t of th e ..l . P ,second. Squlldron d.ropped Southi! . and the th ird Squa.d r on

2500 t ee t south ot t he p r i i:lo.ry . The 313th 'fing

were not distillguill ho.b 1e . BOr.lbing resul ts c o n : i ~ l ess t han 20% of the hi ts being witb in 1000 feot 0

- 1 -

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4. Of the aircraft bambing the p r l ~ a r y target mOlt ofthe errors can be a t t r ibuted t o personne l . Air disipline con_tinued to be poor. Premature relenses by w i n ~ n and subseq_

uent d r o p ~ l n g by other a i rcraf t On these a irCra f t w • t he prinol_pal cause of bomb ing erro r . The p r o c u r e ~ e n t and i nsta l l . t ieDof radio bomb releases would e liminate this ConditiOn to • largeextent .


1. ;'ssembly and Al t i tude Cruise:

Both the 73rd and 313th Wngs m ~ d e their groupassembl 1es near base. as in previous miss ions.

b. The in i t ia l cruise ot the 73rd i D t _Ga made iDgroup f ormution to thG desitinated assembly poin t _bare a 1tnsassembly waS effected without incident .

c . The i n i t ia l cruise of the 3l:5th ' fins . . . . BI&dD IIIgroup formntion with no a.ttempt of "ring ::I.88ombl)".

d. Wnds and wonther '¥!Gte Q8 predicted £irins DO

t r oub l e on this cruise.

2. Climb to Bombing t,l Utude;

The weather t ront , penetr:l.ted d1U"iIlg tbe olMt,. di l l -

persed tormo.tions of both wings . Lit t le atteJlpt . . . . . . t i lr eassemble groups nf t er the bombing al t i tude bad b e ~

3. Higb ;"lt i t l lde Cruise to TCU'cet;

11.. Thh cruise was nona l :l'ol' 1;be 73rt..... Aslnall 8a.ving in fuel WQ.8 experienCed lleoaue 01 U . ..:u __mo.t1on8.

b . The bOlllblng alt i tude oratae h i ' . .l f l l8 planned a t 190 0.A.8. in an. - " -P ' . .to operate at Inll.XllDU1D automati0 t.aaairspeed enabled a lew dJ'Pla.aH ..aucc1t8sfully in auto la u wi,....ul t les .

" . Retvp to1_

..-ratt. Oood taU

."lJ't i l . . . . 1111s.

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c. See C o n s o l i d ~ t e d Stnt is t ical Summary for fuelconsUJIlpti on end Vieight deta..


1. Employment :

n. ;.n/APQ- 13 (Blind Bombing)

(1) The radar equipment was used for navig-

ation in th e t a rge t area.

(2) R ~ d a r was used fo r e s t ~ b l i s h l n g vlsual rune.

(3) 13 Ale mnde bomb runs by radar.

(4) Successful uso or equipment waa madeduring p$netrntion or a b r o ~ d weather front to prevent Ale


b. SCR-7lS ( Radio ; . l t imeter) Employment waa nonul .

c. SCR-695 (IFF) Employment waS normal.

d. ; . . ~ / . . ; r N - 4 Loran opero.tiTe during msslon.,

2. Equipment performance,

a. .W ilI'Q-13

(1) 107 We were J'ada.r eq ..ippecL

(2) 81 1./0 reported perro....... _u.,....,.to r bombing.

c.) 68 ;./e op . . . . . ._ ...... ,

Co) . . I./e " ' ......CJOlIOCOltor bCDbing.


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SECRE ' r------

(5 ) Ono:. No bomb r e leaso l ino .

(7) ono : Weak ta rgots .

b. SCR-695: Ono IFF f o.lluro .

o . ANIAPN -4:

(1) Ono:. I hver ter h..i luro .

(2)' On", Swoop 10 ' t .

d. SCR -718: . Throo roportod fOoilures .


1. Very l i t t l e enemy opposi t ion was encountered on this mis sion.

Mo r o than enemy f ighte r s wo r e encounte r cd . but 010s01y , re l loddtOoeks woro tho oxoeption .

2.. This was tho f i r s t mission in which ono 8-29 f irod upon c.nothor 8- 29 . This is r eportod to ho.vo boon due r:IO.inly to tho fa.ot tbl:.t

ono B- 29 o.pproo.ehed tho othor from the noso quo.rter, ..nd to tho pm_

no rsl

t ondonoy to f i r o a t l ong r a.Dges .

~ r d lVia! J1nh 1Ji!!5

Ammunition Ex pondod 52,000 r ds 8.215 rda 60.275 rdI

C. F.C. Operation 100% 100% 1 '"Co.l 50 M. G. Oporation 98.1% 9"" '17.sssEfA Dostroyod 6 1 7E/A y Dostroyed B 11 8EfA Da.magod 21 2 ..,


SUDDO.Z')" of ditohing incidont ooourr lDg OIl t h i . a i• •l_U . .toUowo.

Al ron f t 10V756 gtLTO no

pos i t ion report being r ooolvo404 thc.t tb ls Ale ditohed.

o.t o.pprOXimAto l y 1 5 ~ 5 Z •• 11e. on oo.oh sll10 or CL

woo.thor -.orolD1'75' wa.. dp tod . CLi;

t lw IIG.Il

11fo rotil ,00'ftJ'04 1I!v t ll,o


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MISSION NO .DATE 15 Feb.' 45





+ ~ + - ~ - - ~ 4 - - 4 - - + - - + - r r - - r - i - - ~ - t - - L - ~ - t - - - - - - - - - - -

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UieeioD 10. »IS Fo.. _ y l ~

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§ ' l i Q . B . ~ ! WEftTHER

..1. I t was tho dosire of th i s Command to s t r ike Tokyo. but poor weather

f oreoas t for the Tokyo aroa gave r ise to tho poss ib i l i t i es of s t r ik ing

Nagoya fo r which good weather WOoa forooO;st. Bl.o::tll sa of thoso woo.tbor

t o r s . deoision to at tack Nag .y.. l:1.Stoo.d of Tokyo wall node.

2. B£eo on Tnkc Nor£ : Thero wore

1500 l 'oot and tops a t 6000 fe e t .5/10 oumulus clouds w1 th a t

Vis ib i l i t ies '/lere 12 to 1.5 l1111es.

3 · Routo OUtgo i:lg: To 27OJ.1 thoro we re 3/10 C\1l1\'.l,lus olouds wi th basesa t 1300 l 'eet and tops from 3000 to 6000 feo t . V i s i b l l i t i ~ s were 15

miles. From this point to tho frontal zone at 28On. thoro were 6/10

stratocumulus bases a t 1500 feet and tops at 5,000 feet and 5JI0

altooumulus w it h ba se s a t 12 ,000 fee t and tops at 13.000 fee t . Fr om

the f ront to the co ::".s t there 'crc 10/10 cu!!p lus <' nd stratocu,nu Ll.S l tb

bases e. t 800 fee t dropping tohOO

fee t in moderate sh o e rs and tapa a t10,000 fee t . There wore 10/10 al tocumulus from l l ,O OO feet to 24.000

f ee t in several l ayers . These middle clouds oleared out a t the ooast .

There we re 10/10 cirrOs t ratus a t 28°N , with bases at 26,000 feet slop_

ing up to 29.000 fee t a t coast and t h i ~ i n out to 5/10 a t t ha t

pOint . ere· ..s rapor te d l i gh t ioing and moderate to severe turbulenoe

ol imbing through t h i s zone. The .,reathe r broke up formations, some of

~ h i o h pa r t i a l ly reformed over the t a rge t .

4 . T:.r g,ot : There ·-,e ro 2 - 3/10 oumuhs clouds 0'101' the h r g e t . i th 4/10

oi r rus a t 30,000 fee t . Fl ight a l t i tude , .26,000 feet and orew& tha t

bombed the primary t a rge t did so Visual ly . Winds a t f l ight level were

repor ted as 275 0 a t 12.5 knots . Foreoast winds were for ot!800 a t 110

knots .

S. ROIlto Roturning : Conditions were similar to the route out . except

fO T the cumulus deek between base and 27ClN tha t tblolD,)nod to 5/10 .

6 . Bl.lJv Rc turu1nf!:: Condit i ons -,.,ere as fo l l o 's : -6/1 0 ouaul .ls aDd . t ra to-

oumulus '" i th bases a t 1000 to 1.500 fee t and s o a ~ t e r o d . l i g h t showers.

T"i8 did not in terfore ...-ith landing8.

7 . R01:lO.rks , Tho o l ouds in th : fro[l;were nearly so11d f ' ! o ~ 800 teet 100

24.000 feot 'lnd ths gena Tal i ntonsi ty of tho trOll.tal eatto.r ..... oItlIlore sovero thaD f or o&o8::t . The f ron t . . . . foreoUC to be a .. '2.\--. ... . .aotual ly oncounte red a t 28°. wher e ol1ab wa••

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..., ... - ...,.,



, \

, \,


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("" =•Ii



55 •uI I I




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Part I Radu Counter Me· _.

Part II C0lmallL1oatlaaa ( 1 1 ~

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i 1. General: Seven RCl! searoh a i ro raf t we r e soheduled to par t ioipate

on th i s mission. One plane returned oarly and another fai lcd to take

off . The remnining f ive planc s eaeh · · i th one observer oomploted themission. T ~ o frequenoy band of 28 - 3000 me/s was searoh_d.

2 . Results of S 9 p I ~ a. A to ta l of 18 radar signals was intercepted.

b . Only one signal "l th bUn- lnyins oharacter is t ics was intercepted:

77/9/1600 Intercepted in t he t ~ r g o t aroa.

o . Other signals intercepted we r c as fo l l "vs:

(1) Targot Area:






150/7 - 12/500E


Swoep rate 1 rpm







(2) Enroute to targot l

Charaoterisl l i ! Interoept Location Remerta


104.5/--/ --

Jotoumi Banto

rishino Sh imai":amamatsu

Nishil10 <::hima

(3 ) Roturn from t arget:

104 /12 /400104/ - - /IJOO


BoniDaTo r i S' i_To:ri Shi- .

sot. ....VoloaaoeaVolooa...-

. KG D/P1ns _ . ' : : ; ~ ~ _ ~ ; ! ' ~ I q,1ll........ Loa .... ... 1

,. ,.,.let



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J l £ l I ! i l

b. Ho lobe switching signals .ere noted on this miSSion.

c. I t 1s believed that the signals intercepted on this missionoriginated trom the t o l l o ~ n g e n e ~ 1 equipment:

l!ark 34lIark 3S

Kark 12 and

Karkla{Ua.rk :3

Uark :i6

Shlpbo:'"le S&archS h l p b o r n ~ Ai r SeoarCh

Jdoblle Air Search

l ''lnd Based Portable Air SearchShipborne Air S e ~ c h

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1 . St r i ke Repor t s : Af.,tcra.!'t

five Strike Repor ts (Bombs Away):Stations.

radio opsrators trwnsmitted forty_All were r eceived by the Ground

2. Fox Transmissions: Weather encoded in U C o P ~ C and Time Tickswere t r ansmi t t ed s i m u l t ~ n e o u s l y on 011 strike f r equencies on the hol t

hour r.nd the hour respectivoly, No roquests fo r weo.thor or time ticks\rer e made by ai rc r aft in f l ight .

3. Frequencies I Slight in te r fe r ence was noticed on al l s tr ikef r equencies mmonitorod by the Ground Stations, ,\1r cra f t Signals on

0.1 1 f r oquencies WCre l oud clenr on 0.11 s t r ike frequencios used

during the miSSi on,A i r c r ~ f t

r oported incidents ofj ~ i n g

on thef r equencies a t differont tiDOS during tho mission, I n t e n t ijwnm1ng encountered on 6055 res on provious mis sion wus not notic _

ed, In 0. p e r o e n t ~ . g e br eakdOWn of t r :d"f lc on 0.11 strike f r equencios ,'twenty_two pfilrcent wOoS onrried out on the throo Me frequenci es ,

seventeen peroent on the s oven Me frequencies nnd Sixty_a na poroonton tho c leva n lfC t'rGquoncios ,

4, N n v i ~ ~ t l o n a l Aids: Ai rc ra f t r adio r equa. tedforty-one ffF/rE bearings, Th.trty-eight bearings wara ob t11. ib&d

aThreo bG!lJ" ings werG not ob tn in ed due to th e inabi l I ty ot th e r adio

t o be nr the Ground Stat ion 's i n s t r u e t i •• R ~ i c r Homer wo re ut i l i z ed by 0.11 Bomb Gr oups PortlClpo.tlnga 0." 'aI6 Sto.t i on wus used o.nd go : d homing on it wo.s roportod by S". a dro ra f t

below lwo Jlmc., Eight VHF/DF Bearings wen requasted c.nd a l l _"ob t o.ined,

5. Bot Dho ipUna nftd Seourltv, J.crio.l rlldJo opera.ton dlaplO¥ed n vns t improvemont in tho m:-.intt:.ining ot not 41nIpUa.e6 OMinoidont of ono nl roro.ft IntM"for ing with o.l101;ber' . v :-.uII1.. oa. OGM

dlll'ing the per i od when 'Bombs .l.wny' ropor t s nn be i q 'lircuMtldt1;ed.R0.4io Silence WD.S brokon by on o.i rc r nlJortiDg a.n4 N'IIana1It& With tbla excoptIon. th ara wora DO C"ther 8eOlll'iQ 'I'101a1l1_.

6. Enemy Tr p.nsmiaaiona I The tollow1ac bDU..w rtf lIIti. . . . .en.oe M d jQ/llllllag wero noted during th b IIbnoa.

0. 6 1Srd Bombardao.D.t Wnc.

(1) 31'smi.


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{o.} At OS04Z, unknr,'r.l ste:';.i on lMuld tra.nsr:ll t L'l'lIw h ~ n o v e r ono of ou r opero.tors would attemp t

t o make n transm1ss1on.

(b) G':r Jnmming dur1ng bombs awo.y rep or ts ,

(c ) Un1dontUi od G'1I b e twGlJn 0600Z • 0100Zi per .t in l l y offoctivQ,

b, 313th Bombardment Vl ing,

( l ) 341 0 KeS.

(n) No jamming r ope r t od ,

(2) 7310 KCS.

(n) No jcr.tmlng rapo r tod .

(3) 11160 KOS.

(0.) No j amm i ng r opor te d.

7. Oist r088 1 No S.O.S. tro.nsmissicns we ro rec e ive'! by the

Ground Sta t i ons . Ono ~ . i r c r : ' t f ' t ut1l1l:od the emergency message t on.

to lndiC:;l.te 0. possible ditching.u g b .

U8 0"t ie o,ircr a f t o b t o . i n o ~ a. 'buddy' and abl e to r oncb tbe

eot l3 ly . Ground St.".tion th r oe requeate t " r urgeDt b e e J ' l ~ . two wore l n e d . The th i r d bearing wo.8 not c-btl:.1DOd beo, . . . ntr ..

crnf't opero.t ,.., r did Mt bonr th3 Gr'lun<! Stnt ioa.'. lDa tna t loaa.

8. Equipment Un l t unc t l ona:

0 .. ANIART-13. enG fa i lure .

b . WARN-7, five &OD.O o.ll'toluJa.ll brok" ,

o. SCR-622t


(1) Three onaoe ot poUo 1laIlUIIs.

(a) One hopeHUn 011. a ll at '711. . t IM ........ . .(0) 0 . .__(0) an. latoo_ ,,"':<11(0)

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Part I - Enemy Air Oppoai tion

Part II _ Ant1airoratt and hir to Bombing

Part III - Borab1ng Ilelllltlll and Dam&&e J..• •e... at

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1. Gener a l : Enomy air oppos i t i on Was wsak, 91 enemy ai r-craf t making 166 attacks. Fiv e B- 29s ( 4,7% of our effor t) weredamaged. No B- 29 was des troyed by enemy aircraft , Our force

destroyed 7, probably des troyed 8 , and damaged 23 enemy fighters.

2, Sightings and At t acks :

a. Ratio of attac ks to sigh t lngs fo r four mi ss i ons inthe Nagoya ar eal

>;!" >;!" Ratio ofMISSIONA.ttacks Sight ed Attacks to Sightlngs

THIS hl8SION 166 Ol 1, 8 to 1MSSion #26 273 20S 1.3 t o 1Mis s i on #22 626 225 2.8 t o 1Mission # 20 15. 30. 0 . 5 to 1

b. Rat i o of enemy aircra! 't s 19hted. to number t:1l B... .Over Japan:

&I;, :10 . 8-29. Ratio t:1l Sip t iDp toY.ISSION Sighted OVer Japan StretllStll or 0111' POE!!

THIS 1:18510N

., l OS O.5J to 1IU.sion #26 205•• 2.1 to 1lliss ion #22 225 65 3.5 to 1

Mission #20 30, 7. a . I" 1c. Ratio of enomy a.ircraft a"aCkiq to . . . . . . . . fill ....

oVe r Jtqla.n:

... '-fl.l . . . . . .iI. JIo. B-2SsI.USSIOtf bt t aCk s Onr J y u . ,ta... , _ .



lU 'aioD #213 27. .."_.1ihe loD #22 ... OS ... ...

Jasaion #2.0 15. •• "W a

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EnemY i.,lrorpJ't Number or Atta°ks Pera,n, 91' 1.11 ."'.ony '"

..Irvi ng


Zeke ' 0 ,.

To jo 28 17OsCa r U 1Nick 10 •/I s is 6 •/ I TIE • •ack -L -L.TOTAL 166 100

5. Directiop o f Attacks : J.n W\u sual reatl1l'e ..... 1he co .

poratively high percentage of attacks made from le r t and rlgb't.quarter, 23% ~ n d 2 ~ . respec t ive ly . Thirty_three per ceut ate . t t ~ c k s were f rom nose. the lowest p ercentage tor noae nttaaka oa

0.11 missions exoept missions cr 19 JallUary ]g&5 II.IId 15 Deo. . . .1944. Tail we r e ot the total .

6 . Level or ; . tbcks : Level attAcks coutita.te4 .. ill a ll

attacks. higher than peroentage . Thlrty....-na per a-'of 0.11 attacks were t rom above and 24% f t r o rl"Ga below.

7 . Direction qnd Level or At tack;

a . or the high a.ttncks. noso. r ight AJLd. . . . . . 1li.were pl"nctically .qual .

b . or tbe leVel

wer e 1II08t numerous.

c. C  the l ow atto.eks oaly the W I u'-i*!o.-io.l olUlt in number.

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D1rec t i on Qn1 Level ot A p p r ~ c b ot EMmy A!rcrnft



Tot al NlIJIIberot ;.t t o.cka


8. En. 41roro.f't Step BIl' 110$ en .""

&.. 4 single terllll'''' _U ........ "

. . n. anI ' the ta.rpt u ru . DDU III . . .the observing alroratt.

o.l · . . . ac



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(1 ) Over Nagoya a t 28 , 200 feet . two To,Jos came in

a t 2 10 o'clock high. Both f i gh ters pressed th e at tack to ~ o o yQrda, br eQk ing nway l ow nt 9 and 5 o'olock respective l y .

( 2) Over the t ~ g o t area nt 26,000 fe et . two ~ n . ident i f i ed s/E fighter8 in 11 nnd 2 o ' c lock high. The f i r s t

a i ror C'.f t pressed to 700 ynrds II.nd the second to 4.00 ye.rda . Bot hof these f i ght e rs made the i r b r e a k nbove o ~ r al rcrQ/ t .

(3) OVe r the t a rget a r ea. ~ l t l t u d e 2 6 1 0 r . et , twoTonys OQme in ab re as t a t 6,30 l ow . one i i n g a t 800 y a r ~ low QIld the other cont inuing to 300 y::.. rds tu1d breoJcing c.wG¥ low,

(4 ) OVer the t e.r get areo.. 29,000 tee t . 2 an. 01llM

in :-.t 4 o ' olock , in t rnl1. f ir ing on our r ight wi ng shlp. Bothf ighters turned Sharpl y to the l e f t and broke a ~ y at e o'oloot


(5 ) Over the tnrge t . 29,000 t e e t ,S 1m.. Sa

fro m 6 o'clock high, flew through our rermnt1otl, tb h ......t o. t he l e f t sho.rply C l . ~ . k l n g i n from. tbree 0.'010011: b1p.

( 6 ) OVer the t :lr ge t . 29.000 fee t al t l taa . . 5 ' !alp

oame in from 6 0.' cleck bigb. flow through fonc.tioa. c:t a 0'01-,

cnd r eturned to attnok f r om I e'cloCk h l ~ ( 7) OVe r the target , ..t. 81'&OC f ' - , • nae . . . . . .

o . b r e o . s t . : l l . t t o . c : k e d . c 1.2 brclo'k nbcve . One of * n.IDI 1' •••o.tto.ok t o 100 yardll :lod wa ll I& t ..blase by our tt.r.. ..........broke of t 1 ta attnok a t 400 yo.rds in & Spl i t S.

(8) Over t he t a r p t &Ha , at. 3 ! : : : : ' : ~ and a.n Irv1ng, f ly ing o.br8Q.Et, c ame in t r o . aIrving was Shot down a t 300 ya.l'4e. and the r...,.yards w

b . Rem1MI ... , o . db l e. : : : : ~ . , -1I!!'*'I!if!

OYer tbe target u ea. . IlD> IrT1D& ...

0011i8iol). level, The B-m p11at a1IrIIpt&:f_ 4 the lrt'inr; peAlle4 09W . . . . . . . . .


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1 Type ABC

1 Irving

1 Oacar1 Oscar

- At least rour guns w e r ~ observed to be firingfrom both nose and w i n ~ s .

• 20-m1:l cannon "" i ng f i re.

- 20./MI cannon.• 6 machine gUM in wing .

13. Enemy Aircraft Uarkinga :

1 U/I T/8 - Olive drab with German markings.

1 U /l TIE - Light maroon.1 Type ABC - BlaCk.

6 Irving

8 Irving

1 I rvi ng

1 I r v i ng2 I rving

5 I rv ing

I I rv ing

2 JUck

5 Ni ck

1 Zeke

1 Zeke

2 Zek eI Zeka

5 Zeke

I ,oJ"3 TonyI Tony2 Tony

6 Tony

8 Tony5 Tony

3 TollY1 Tony1 TojO

a rojo1 Tojo

I Tc.'lP1 '1'0.1060._

Brown with blue underside.Olive drab.

- Olive drab on to? with red underside ana r . aspin:'le r .

Br own underneat h and green on top.

Black .

91ack wi th r ed rouadela .Light gr ey or dull silver .Olive drab with r ed Race l les .

- BlaCk.

Silver .- Olive drab.

Olive drab with r ed r oundels .- Black or very dark oolor.

- Silver with red roundel••

- Light grey or cream.- Green with red stripes OD . ~ .

Si lver with orange st r ipe a l l ___ . .Silver with t wo or tnroe 8 111 .....around wing about halt W&7 . . .

- Olive drab . i t h re4 rORaa.le.- All silver with red l"OO"Idel-.

- Blaok or vor" dark.

- Grey.

- Brown with 'blue ....

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h, Heavy flak at other l ocations was report .! .. t o l l ~ 1 i, Over HarnlUllntsu one Ale a.t 25,000 t t r8ported. -acer •

i n ~ c c u r n t e . level, and t r ~ i l i n g . continuously pointed t lak . An-

other Ale approaching HlUIl!l.l1Iatsu from the 'lflllst a t 2'7,000 tt reported.

25 bursts of predicted concentration, 18 of the burst. were lownnd 7 level. This Ale received minor damage .

j . Over Uji Yamada" Ale flying a t 27,000 tt fraa tIIa Ju t ,

received meager predicted concentrations at flak. Tbe ..

mostly high and t rai l ing. inaccurate to accur ate thrORgh la(lGundercast. 2 Alc were damaged by f lak,

k , Overi 9 B k 3 .

and Fukuda 2 Ale a.t 2'1',000 _ so.GOO rtencountered meager , inDO cura te . continuously pointed f lak.

1. OVer Chichi Jima one Ale a t 21,000 ft r e p c r " 8 _

6 bursts generally low. yet i t WaS h it by flak, ..

found on return, although previously this Ale bad DOt run lD" j l

f ire . Another we &t 14,000 f t ran into meager. a.ccun.te f 1* ,

Bursts were leadi ng . l eve l , and in line . Pire 0... "..

two guns on the islo.nd. This Ale was once roOked bJ' bar.. i l ft

in f ron t .


and accurate,

o.nd level ,

Over Haha Jima 0. dng le Ale a t 1',0G0 n - '_continuously painted f lak, Tb8 barn. __

n. A to ta l of 13 A!e was da.mapcl b.J f lak . . . . .

2. Our Tactics va. AA:


3. Air . o-Air Bombing aM Io,sIgrMl

identif ied s is JJe relea.ailll .. pbol '. . . .

from tbe reporting Ale, 110 zoe.1Il1lll . . .

PARt IU .. . l l l l 1 I I ~

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59 · f t . of roof U O I Percent of totnl roof a r e l ~

Dest r oyed 45.1 701. ""s t r u c t u r ~ l d ~ g e 10,300 .3%

Supcrf1c 1oJ : gutted 82 , 500 2.""• minor 53 .700 1. 7:&Totul 202. 570 5.4%

Total r oof n r e ~ of plnnt 1s: 3 .e l l , OOO sq. r t ~ . ns given in CIUIndustr i a l Repor t No.2 . 27 Fobruary 1945.


NWllber Area


Note: for a. bovo building numbar., tu.natlC1D1:,Industrinl Roport No .2 , 27 Pobrunr,y 1145,

D1.oussion of the eff ooUvon. u of th. mid •

This rd d proba.bly hnd a. IJlCLll

the plcnt. in tha.t i t ; ~ : : : ~ : : ; ; ~ E : ~ ~ : : ~ : ~ ~ n a.l r oo.dy dnIDtl.god co• • • •bly

of tho amnll bulld inp t ota.l17

bulld ing. sho\lld be .adl:v N p 1-'::;.. . ~ ~ ~ inery wi thin tho bulldiDp 1 . _, •

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pos t - s t r iko: 3PRSt) 73 _2 : 39 - 4.1 ; 3R I 40_4.2 ; 3L : U . 4.2

Pr in t 3PR51! 73 _2: 40 o.nnotcttod nnd nttnehed

Two onb.rgcmonts from pr in t 3PR4M 17-3L : 25 c.nnot:1.tod a.nd nttr.chod.

B. (J..i.F Objoctive Folder No . 90.21) •

This report covers the Inocn11ary d n m n ~ to('. rosic.enti nl end l igh t mnnufactur lng e;rcCl in

the ci ty of . end dnJllr'.ge to HMlnma tsu

( M katagahara) Airfield.

P r e _s t r ike ph'Jtography:



4 :15 -19 (2 December 1944)4L:47_5C (5 Jnnuary 1945)

Pos t - s t r ike photography:

3 P R 5 ~ 1 _ 3R:14, I S, 26 ( 18 February 1945)

HA1f.Al.ATSU CITY (34/41 U- -137/U.E:)

Fire des t royed upp r nximo.te l y 2. CCC,CCO 8q. t t , c4 GIl Ql'eO.

lying E of the T0kni do Cnin L1ne r o n d - 3 , C(C ' S ot 0. roaa4house and r r oc..d yw-d. extond1ng ub'Jut 6Cr" on ei ther .;I4e ot

n cnnr.l l ea.ding frcm tho Imporic.l Hr.t Co. to c. pl.8 . , r k l .

Ev idence of s e v e r ~ h i t s in the roa identin l oren . . a d ~ t e ~ W and S of the bur nod Coren. i s nppnr ent •

Pr i n t 87SBSS!:34 _ 4V :3 Mno t nted nnd a.tto.obe4Print _ 3R:14 Q . t t ~

TARGET 1222 (34/46 R- - 137/4ol S) BaIlnac.tlN A!d' l . ld (ltuoo..... ol

(F i e l d onl y SC,% oo.ered. )

Fou r teen bomb or nt or l (at ' _ ) ( 1

t he bnngar arec.. Three hr.ngue (1 'PC 1

DPpnrent ly from near mt l ee l ( ... ; ; - ' ~ ~ " ' ~ ~

RollO of the

been f i lled.

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• •



, •


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• •






15 FEB"U,,"Y 1945

lI'i.mBry'l\U'got; Mitsubiahi • /e E n B i n ~ Factory, l.:agoye. . Japan

• • • • • • 117• • • • • • • • oS9lf

• • • • • • 33• • • • • • • • 2B:C

• • • • • • 101

• • • • • •••

•• • J l O ~

· . "• • • • • 11lC


coat Of tr,ission

•• 1ircraft Loat ••• •• •• • •

Percent Of ' : 'ircraft ':"irborne .... 1$

• 17lJ.reraft l)lJllagtId. • • • • • • •

Fereent Of ~ 1 ' c r 3 t t ...irbornc • • •

crow }.JIImbor caaualtioa ••• t •• 12porcent Of' Tot s l }It.r t laip!l.ting ••

• • \ 5 ~

• • J.S

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TlAili. Lat" TAKE; uFF 1 TD.lE OF RETURN A/C

DAT.!:. I FlllSr

2109 Z2117 Z2046 z2058 Z

I 14 " ' ~ 2046 Z

14»> 2157 Z• 2135 Z

14 .. . 2 1 ~ 5 Z

I 14 " ' ~ 2046 z


I I DATE I &'Jili .....,«l.\S!' ' l " ~ " { " . ' n

2117 Z 15 Feb 1002 Z 1135 z 62132 Z ,

1028 Z 1127 z 102057 Z 61003 z 1324 z2108 Z • 1017 Z 1315 z 7-

2132 Z 15 Fe b 1002 Z 1324 z 29------- -2203 Z 15 Feb llC7 Z J..21,'i z -2145 Z

" 1043 Z 12 25 z 4-- -2203 z 15 FOb lel,J Z 1225 Z 4

2203 z 15 Fob I DC 2 Z 1324 Z 33

4 1 Ale ,'II &; i/4 l uf t mag. drop.114/e l"Uol guogo ou t &; 1, ] , 4 lMG . drop .

1 &/e , ~ l oneino low nnnifoid prossure.

1 Ale !J'J r16ht rmg. drop &; cut.out1 Me brckon hoac cn pUDh ro d housing.

1 Alef/1.

2 , 3. 4 do tec tivo pr op . governor .


DJ..rr;1 ;J Ecb:Clli:ll::;V: ]$4$

" /CBW..:I.J.,..\G A/C 7CIW. TOi'..t.;u:,.\...("ID_ BVw.;IIiJG

A/C A/CLon. AimT.v. . t : : t " " ' F ~ T l V E l l l i . / _


- n

I I17

I3• 14 24 -14 20 2- 12

- 51 I I 80 I 9

- 12 12


- 5 9 6-17 21 7

- 68 101 16

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- 1 b




3 k


5 4

-  ....w14 bomb bay dOCll'B

11'1 th Mother


pre8Sure •

1i__ 13 ODd

..... . IPW


Non_ Bombed


2 c











45 c



Non- Bombed Bombed I Hon_ 80mbed I Bombed

1 ,



in ,,:14 e.:!haust

enbi ne toout. ~ ~ i f i c i h4rizon ~ : 3 oil .f'Jssure

ii I mi x control stuck , l.u ----/II and #4 eng turbo over speed control fluctuatlng.

personnel error •1 A/e Radar out . personnel error.l •./e !ps t fcrJD/ltion Boins through'i1o:::atilerfl'ont.

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15 Fe br uary1945

fAIIGB'l B<MIEn TIME OF RBu....:..SJi: I .u n T ~ ~ ~ . OF REU;.;.SEVlW.l l BO;'1D.LlG


Ear l ies t I Ale Sighting Fo r Alc AlcL a t ~ s t Lowest Highes t Dropping Bombine on-R &: D Ra!l8e ~ d ~ ! C by Had8..1 Lead Ale

C- l

al a . . . . Plant I 1 6 0506 ZI 0514 , 27780 34000 2 - 4 - 2 I 4akoBukat l i l t .

..:.keno .

11 0445 Z 0515 25100 31570 8 1 2 3 810 0511 Z 0512 26300 32800 3 2 5 3 78 0446 z 0517 26300 30200 4 1 1 2 6 2

6 0]00 z 0503 20000 27800 6 5 1Plant 1 PI 6 0510 Z 0512 26800 28000 1 5 1 5

242l1D 29800 10 2 1 - 2 1113 0450 z 0513 -1· .

0438 Z 20000 - 1 - -4 333200 4 - 3 . ·0502 Z 0513 25300

4 - 10 10517 27000 32000 6 - 1

1- -000 1 - .- -10

17 - · 19

1 0502 zl 0513 , 25300 34000 10 229

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B"-'llS Ear l i es t

l'.. • 0529

4 0555

5 0541

41 0555 j;

1 1

33 1 0502 $

Fage 2BO M BI N G R UN


Latest Lowest HiGhes t

0558 , 27000 29500

0555 , 26000 26000

0553 1800 30000

0555 , 2GOO( 26000

0555 '" ?<':Inrll ~ l i O O O I

S I!; C K § 1:-- - -

IlA.'l'E 15 :rcbru;:u1, 1945

Vll:.UAL BOMBlilG RADAfl Hu.!B lNG ll 'i

R& D Rangeby Ae

e-1 Lanual

7 • - 3 1 1 : 8

1 - 3 - - J

4 - 1 - - 5

1 - 3 -. - 1 \ 3

\ I -I J2022


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!JlOII GP I . o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : I

• I





260 65 75 18 ..8

312 78 126 31.5

24 6 9 2.2

284 71. 78 19 .

298 74 . 91 22

" 0

<4 1 01 ,1


I ~ : 3






38 9.280 70 .

312 78 . 126 31.

24 6. 9 2.

.)UUU 'I above SJtoWld.

a ~ ! ! . I i I









D"'E _ ~ ~ ~ __=15 February 1945


32 .5 41 10 . 2 14 3.5

45 .5 1 .2 3 .8305 1 ·3 ,

42.7 3539.0 38 9.5 13 3·3

11J..2 l l l i 2 .:j 2'{ .3 •8

1 .3 I

721 18 '°1 --;-h27 6.8


J.,5 .8

45 .5 1 3

3 ·51 ·3

7.9 1


- , •

_ I


1 2.5

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Tona l NO . :c I18.8 ·....19.522.7

63 .2


9.5 I No





- 1000 ' - 2000' 2000

No. % No.

gro4ps no t

15 12 5%

I '1'ITd"oYl.lD8.tehr l60 bombs I dentifond

of hi 1s on

. . . . . . OD obtained from XXl Bomber CO illllllnd photo_rntol l i gencc. based

_ 4U;1ID... from prescribed e.LnillS point.

• IF". 126 1Dcen418ry clUB torS.

J S I CR I!------


,15 February 1945






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~ i K l i I )


~ E 1 ' . . ! Y OPrOS1TIUN AND AY,MUHJ.TION EX.l'.::rIDlTUHi::S : ~ - -DATE 15 F c . ~ 1945


EfA I , 'FE ON































47 47 937016170



47 47

3060 9000

III 5215

- •

II 47 47 60271 9000

-?n g ~ ~ !





I 69271

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OWn Un- Total

E/A I Flak I • • Oth e rknown Ma jo r! I.lino]

Me ch. Guns

1I- - - - - 1 3

1 - - - - - - 2

1 - - - 1 - - 2

2 - 2 - - - - 2 2

3 6 2 - - 1 - 3 9

1 II

-I 4 - - - - - - 4

1 - - - -- - 1

< - - - - 5-

1 II I U l 2 I I I 1 I - I 3 I 143 - -

"Ji j

ill Ui I; I.

DATE15 February 1945



rAiSS_ \ Wounded Total

ing & InjuredExpomJr-e.<l



I58 - I - I 1 I 1

995 \ - \ - \ 1 J 1

143 I - I 11 I - I 11


311 I - 111 - 1 11

1]0 6 I - 11\ 1 I 12

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1 I r " ' ~ a..__ . t lool

llr 11100)

.rI_em ...... . Target To Base:

(alc tiUooot -.!funot.ioo)

10. or l l reraf t1__

.::dM ••

"n'·"Consuaed Target To Base:

(alc With IBlfunetlon)

10. or Aircraft

Total Fuel Used:

Total FUel Reaaintng:

M i n i . ,, ,

lvg. Cals. Consumed Per Hour

"vg . Gal_. CaDBuiled Pel' Mile









• Ale tor wbieb fue l data are avai lable •

• Ale tor which £ ~ l da ta axe avail.ablc

6 ,05 6.32 6 ,21

1 :10 1116

,40 ,23

13 126 14.102670 2763









:.1 ('

13 .5)2745














15 60


451 .5

2 . 28

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~ ~ ~ ! ! ~ . ! MISSION ,..DlTE 1.5 ~ b r I . l a O ' 1 9 ~ FUEL CONSUlWTION -& FLIGHT DATA.



Avg. Basic Wt. of AlcAvg. Fuel Loaded (Gale.)

AVB. Bombs Loaded (lba.) I l ' ta

Avg .


a t Take-off

lU ! i j I rlATA

Avg. Time a t Low Alti tude 6:10 6.20 6:15 6:18

Avg. Time of' Climb t r') Bomb- 1:06 1:05 1 1 05 1:12icg Alt i tude

Avg. Time a t Bcw:nbing Alt i tude 1115 ,25 ,46 ,35Avg. Flying TiDle 13:39 141 16 14:00 13,55Avg . Distance Flown (Nautic 2603 2528 2560 2691

A ir Mi les )

DlEJ.. QQU.:.tJMlTl!Jlil

Consumed to Target:Average 4061 4030 4043 4112Maximum 4370 4277 4370 4900Minimum 3628 3753 3628 3628

Consumed Fran Target To Base,

(A/c Without Malfunet ion)

Average 1835 2063 1972 2073

Max"""'" 2141 2222 2222 2357Minimum 1689 1712 1685 1689

Consumed Fran Target To Base,(A/c With Malfunction)

Average 2539 2539 26.50"'x",,","


• l(52O

Tota l Fuel Used,

Average 5968 6110 60SCMaximum

6272 645.5 645.5 7otr1MinUmIm

5494 5836 5494ota l Fue l Rezaa1nillBi

Average1457 1290 3361

Max . . . . .1931 l.S64 1931

MinimtQ1153 5I!lS 5I!lS

Average Gal s . Fue l COD8U":3d

Per IiOul"Ave r q e - Gela . hel Consumed

~ 7 , 2 ~ , 2 -..Per l l il e

ClW'1Wp.t.l l) .l.OSl'


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..- AVUl.1GE

B.lSIO l1'I'. tJS:lFUL

'" &/0 LQ.\D

75502 58432

, 76000 57600

7S330 58104


75793 57945

'/SOOO .58438

Noo 57862

N12 58105

1910 57'J89

§ lLQ R ILl:

\'E IGHT D . \ ' D ' ~

A V E & ' ~ E • .\VERI\GE 'ilT .

1O . OF BmlBS OF Baf.BS


l,3-500 GF 7071

13 -500 I cl u 65281-500 1B

13-500 GP 7071

13-500 GF 7071


10-500 GF 5439

10...500 GP 5439



• • . . . , - 500(1 GP oQlI8l.o 543.9 lb••0QIIAl0 4113 lb••I l uo_ OQ"l.o 465 lbo.

M135IOtl 3J:.

1>\", 15 Februar  1945



I.O.\DED (6 la S PER GM. ) 'ifE I (}{T AT TlKE OIT

7368 44208 7153 133934

7392 44352 6720 133600

7400 44400 6633 133434

7400 44400 6322 133793 ...7388 44.,28 6732 133738 uI

'"425 44550 8449 133438 ..

7400 44400 8023 132]62

7410 44460 8206 1 ~ 8 1 7

7394 44364 7132 133489

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.I! .I! !!. .!IlU.



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~ ~ . ~ . ........•. .•...•..•••• •• By Autb or CG XXI Be •• •

TO t COt: GEN 73 RD SOl.:. "tING

CO lli GEN J 13TH 80:1.. '.fINO


••• M


11 feb 12!i5'• In i t 1 a l e Do"•

• xxI B O ~ E R COJIJui.HD• atb..);.

1900 11 Peb 45


1. Information

a . Friendly

(1) Air

(e.) CTF 9) will provide a i r defenlle of the

opsratlng bases.

(b) D u ~ b o Servioe: To follow.,

(2) Naval

(Il) Life guard submarine: To fol low.

(b) Destroyer: To tollow .

b . Enemy

( l ) Ai roraf t : There is estimated to be .pprad .. . e q211 operational enemy f ighter aUol 'art 1D the . ;Lo.

inity of the target .



(2) .JI.nti-Aircr af t : There al'8 90 h_VJ .u. C " . wliilWlrange of a ir c ra f t on the I'D to the -rset . . .approximate l y 158 beav)' JIJL I5UDS in tlae a80IL"-1

2. Deoision: The XXI Bomber COlIDI&nd wil l .ttaolr: . .ignated below on -0- Day_

3 . INSTRUCTION to Unite:

a.. 7.3 rd " iDg ObjeoUveri

I 'rl ... ry ta,nt. ,psi l .pe"M

90.20 - 193C,51111 - 1 , 3 ~ 1 B )

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Aiming point re ferenoe on XXI Bomber C o ~ Litho ~ o . 1 a o No . 90,?C lq3

Seoondary Target: Same as primary.

Last Resor t : Any l n d ~ 8 t r l a l o i ty .o. Soheroe of k a n e ~ v e

(1) Method of attaok: By squadrons in oolumn. attaokingwith a miDimum t ime 1Ii terval botweeD oombat s q u a d ~ rODS. The primary t a rge t will be attaoked by visualbombing methods if possible aDd by radaz bombing

methods i f neoeaaazy.

(2 ) A ~ 1 8 and al t i tude of attaok: 281 degrees true a t abase alt i tude of 25 .000 t ee t .

(,3) Time cont ro l : The f i r s t oombat group at the )13th'King wi l l leave th e dt:?"rtIJre point a t -0- hour on

-D- Day_ The f i r s t oo.n'at group ot tbe 73rd noS

.111 leave the departure point a t approxt.&tely -0-Hour plus 20 minute. on · D ~ Day .

d. Rouhl 73rd and 313th 'King..


1700N _ 14400E (nepartQre Point)

2900B - 13715E3447N 13737E3506" 137198 (IP)Target

3510H - 1 3 6 4 ~ t : 3443. - 13645'3400H - 13800E2700N - 14330E


x. (1) wO-- Hour and I D ~ J)aj'1 To tal low

('2\ B ( ) I ' 1 ~ Loed:

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B o m b i n IDllt r llotionz;: Correc t ion fo r ~ U I I . errOl'u le t ? di f fe r en t i a l ba.llhtl0 ..,111411 wl11 be .et 1DtO

" omb " h t . Adjustment .111 be in order t .hat

1:1'1 0: tne t ra in of -co:nos wi l l hi"; t t l . alll1Df: point .'rhos two eqllad r ona. na r ::,yiug I .B . ' !' w1l1 be lIobedulecl

,, ;. o.ttaok l a s t . Lead crows 8ohet11,1hld to lead squad

ro n s< , . , . r ~ y 1 n g

I .B . ' s wil l ootW,uot on e pr aot ioe mlss i .,nd r opping the l_ l?_Al I . B.

4 . Supply and - i t ea t ton :

e;mer ge v:: y la ••1lng f le Ids:••(1) Kohler Fie l d . 3aipan

(2) Field. T1n1110(3 ) Navy Agena. Guam

(4) Oepot Fie ld . Guam

b. XXI Bom "'om '._J.')tioa l l ' l ss : -,"l No. __ To ro l l e , .

5. communioa t ions:

a . See Hdq r s ni Bomber COllDD8Jlcl 1'(;>g.ulatlDD.8 pe r talnillg to

communioations procedures .

b. Two Ale per squadron . 111 be designated to 8 t a n 4 onCht1Dnel -C ' for poseibl:) surfaoe oratt to A/c o&lls .

:;:',ackl e !luthu:J.tioat10D 1I'ill be used on t h i s ohannel. A/c

VI i II not ca' surf aoe ora f t . Dra.gon wil l be used as

u: ""versa'. \" ·) _"e oa l l to B-29 type A/c. Any Ale rec e iving

t n .nsmissior. O:!l Chune l 'e" wi 11 · 'lPOll oompletion of ca l l .


s •<tch t'J crp ':mel 'S I a.nd randar :epor t to Squadron LeBder .

P cv e to S i '.

"b E, requirbd

.;M ob servers -,dt h tollo.1Dg lIOUob gear will

0.)1' eaoh wins as per reg :u I Baa cca lQ0-47.

(J.) Three to tour AN/APB.-4.(?) T b ~ ~ e t., t our . t l ~ . a P : .(3) O&e -:0 two AN/AttR-5 ft

(U 01le t o tNO Alf/Alkl- 2.( i ) One AN/A..--T...5_

Prooedu re: ta r GL Gel eaeaJ

FBF uul short ;;.u.lp -..;idiot.and to ~ 1 l D d . chel le l "

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lit It : I tIl t 11111 : 111 . . II"

SJ ig l l . i lTOI cow O ~ H 73rd. BOL .wa

COle. GSN 313th SUi. lL'G

liS £!l lI :t •

By A",tb of CO 11.1 BG


:Vln i :Ual .

•1 F. ) . 4S

... .

•XX I Be! '9EP. c:on;JJlD I

oUA}; I

1800 13 February 1945 :I :::::::: n: I: Ill: n:I;I:

.... ZENDU;NT NO 1 TO FlgLD ORDER NO 29 E J t . . . D l ~ T E HI) 4 ·

Chango paragraph:3 c (3) to r;3IQd:

(3 ) Time control: Tho f i r s t o o m b ,ro,,"p o f tbe 7,3rd ~ n & will leaVe the departure point (27lSR - 1405)Z) a t"0- Hour on - 0. DaY. The f i r s t oombat group ot the

]13 th ~ 1 n g will leave the departuro potat a t approximately

-0" Hour plus 15 minutes on ])a.,..

Change paragraph; l d to r e ~ d : d. Rout .,)s : 73rd and )13th l n g


1700N 14S15E2500N 14230£271SB _ 14053S (Departure PoiDt)

2930N - 1:3731E

3447N - 13737E3508. - 13719£ (I.)Target

3510. - 13645.3443" - 13645'3400. - 13800EnOON' - 1l(33OEBase

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TO: COM GEN 73RD BOlmGCOM GI1::'l 313TH BOtr-'iG

: .. : I I : : : : : : , , : : : : : : ; : 1 ;1

,; By t.uth ot CG XXI Be:


""t.I ni t ia ls,: XXI BOUlER COULND

: GUd: 1600 14 February 1945

• :: I::: : :" :: :: : : : : : : : : : :Amendment No 2 to Field Order No 29 Eradioate No 4.

Chango paragraph I a to readl

a . Friendly

(1) ; . ir

(0.) CTF 93 wil l provide a ir defense to r operating base .

(b) Dumbo Se r vieG' Dna dumbo oall 24V890 will bo onata t ien 2301* - 1430SE from 10001 to 12<)0& ..

(0) Supardumbo Sarv ioa: One aupardumbo wl11 be on sta t ion a t 30S0N - 140.32E along return f l igh t.

(2) Naval

(a) Destro},e ra : One destrol 'er w111 be on sta t ion

2aaON - 14410E from 0900& to 1200& then will proo&t3d

to 20aON - l4saOE from 1600& to 2400K.

(b) Submarines : There will be fiVe a ~ i J u J . oa. ju t,during en t i r e f l igh t on followiDg a t a t i o u l

350711 - 1405283426N - 1394683406N 1365183414N 137468330211 140268

Change paragraph .3 b to r e aci;

b. 313th " ing Objeotives :

bubo Saki


lao Said

DlLio Saki

Haohijo Jilla

Pr iNn Tunt pM 'A- t ip, U aW b iN

90.20 - 193

C35ll11 - 136.51£) 08 " "

A1aSas po1at re tuaue . .. U:t I I I ._1JO.2D - 1 "

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&IUl l1 l1

Cbaage paragrapb .3 x (1) to .. elMh

(1) .n- Hour aDel -1)11 Day- l2,3OX l.S Uf&5.

Paragraph 4 b shOQlcl ..eadl

Paragraph 5 el shOQlel reael l

el. IFF .111 be hroeel o rr when wi'tbln 30D .u • or 1 ia

mo.1Dll:lnel anel turneel to OD. poattloQ 1IpHlI le a .Us tile _iZL-




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COpY No.










23242526 - 27282930313233



-.a -4'44-73



COllUMnd1ng Genoral. TWontieth A1r Faroe

Commanding General. XXI Bombor CommandDeputy Commander. TWentieth A1r Faroe

Chief of Staf f . TWontieth Air Foroe

Chief of Staf f . XX! Bombor CommandDoputy cis. Opo:>, XX! Bomber CommandDeputy cis. Sup- & l !aint , XXI Bombor CODbl8.nd

Ale of S. A-2. XX! Bomber COlIIII.andCOllUllfl, Ganaral. Army Air Forces. Attent ion: ACiAF.

Intell igencoCOmlNlnder In Chief , Pacif ic Ocean Areas (Ad., Hq)Commander In Chiof . paoif ic Ocean Areas (Rear Hq)Chief of Naval Operations, OP-16-V

Join t In ta l l igonoe Contcr , Pac i f i e Ocean Areas

Ccmmander Air Force, Pacif ic Flee t

Comma.!'Jdor, Fif th Flee t

Commnnder, Fi r s t Carr ie r Task Force

Commander. Forwnrd Area

Commanding Genoral , U.S. Army ForcGs In Par East

Commanding General. u.s . Army Forces . Paclfio Coeall Area

CO!l1nllnding Genoral. Allied Air Forces . Southwest FaoUloAroa

Commanding General, Far Eastern A ir Foroes

Commanding General . U.S. Stra tegio A ir Foroes In BuropeCommanding General . Eighth Air Force

Commanding Genoral. Mediterranean All ied Air Poroo.

Commanding General , Fi f t een th Air

Commanding General . Seventh Air Parae- Commanding Gonera.l. VII Bomber CQ1NMnd

Commanding General . VII Figh te r Co_ni l

Command ing GellOral. Eleventh A ir Foroe

Commanding Gonoral, XX BOIabor ComaDd.

Commanding Ganera.l. 58th Bomba.rdDeJlt W1JC

CODBDllnding Gonerd. 73r4 Willg

Comme.Dding Genera.l, 313th Bcu.budmant "'1DcCCIIIIDIlDding General , 314th Bc:abardllent nBCCOIIlIDflnding Goneral, 315th n.c (.lAy IIIlC0laIIIUld1ng Of'fioor. 3ri Photo ReoOD

COIIUIIIlnding o t f l o e r , 33rcl SktllrtSAta.l c . t :H l . . .Chem.loal wa.rrue ot r loe l ' , UI ...... ~ : : ; ~ t ! ! 1'aot1o. • ZJt"""-0

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9091 - 100

c()llllDal1ding or f i ce r . 39th BOIDb Group (VB)

COIIIIIMlndlng Of f ice r , 40th BCllllb Group (VB)

COllllll!lnd.lng Off ioor , 330th BOIDb GrOIlP (VB)

Comn.noing Off ice r . 444th 80111b Group (VB)C O l l U m l n d l ~ Officer , 462ad Bomb Grou.p (VB)

com.manding Off ioer , 468th Bomb Group (VB)

commanding Off'ioeT. 497th 80mb Oroup (VB)commanding Officer, 498th Bomb Group (VB)Commanding Officer, 499th Bomb Group (VB)Commanding Orficer , SOoth B o ~ b Group (VB)commanding Officer, S04th Bomb Group (VBlcommanding Off ice r , S05th Bomb Group (VB)Reports Sootion, A-2. XXI Bomber COIJIaUld (Fi le Copy)

Reports Soct ion . A-2, XXI Bomber COIIIIIIU1d

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