Page 1: 22 Robinson Court Orange NSW 2800 penetration) business

22 Robinson Court

Orange NSW 2800

4 November 2020

To Whom It May Concern:

RE: Development application, 22 Robinson Court ORANGE, Environmental Impact statement

Please see below information with regards to my application to operate a Cosmetic Tattoo (skin

penetration) business from the abovementioned property.

• I am registered as a sole trader, and will not being employing anyone else to work for my


• Floors in studio can be mopped • There are two sinks next to and opposite the studio for handwashing and cleaning tools

• I have paper towels and dispenser

• I have hospital grade detergent to clean tools and floors, hospital grade spray to clean

surfaces and hospital grade hand wash for hand washing.

• The allocated studio room is less than 30sqm

• Clients will have access to bathroom facilities

• Business hours will be from Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm and Saturday's from 9am-12pm.

• Only one client will be at the studio at a time, with a maximum of two clients per day.

• There will be one sign with the business name attached to front fence, approx. 30x30cm.

• I have the require sharps disposable bins and hazardous waste bags, which will be dispose or

and replaced at Hogan's Pharmacy, Dalton Street Orange.

• I have permission or the landlord to conduct the business

• I have a double garage and room for two cars to park in driveway, which is more than

adequate parking, as mentioned above there will only be one client at a time.

• There will be no inappropriate noise to disturb neighbours

• No interference with the amenity of the neighbourhood.

• I have a fire extinguisher and first aid kit

• I have attached floor plans indicating where studio will be located.

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

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ORANGE CITY COUNCIL Statement of Environmental Effects (SoEE) to accompany all development Applications for Class 1 and 10 Structures

A\ , ORANGE Austnlia's Colour City

This information must be provided in order for Council to process your Development Application in accordance with the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.

The purpose of the SoEE is to formulate a detailed description of your proposed development. This statement must adequately address the planning requirements relevant to your development and surrounds.

Description of Proposal: ..E@egg@[email protected]. zz.z.99.t!9.g..e.8..4.0.1.............. ············································································································································································ Proposed use: ...('0.8.47.&.Z.L.C..Z..7.Z.Z.0.a../le.4!4.&...9Z.4.9........................ ··························································································································-·················································

Property Description Lot .. Street No ?..? ..

DP............................................ Suburb 0.l:?./1.(V,y._6 . Street 8.. 0. 13. .I. .N.:-f. .Q. N I/ 0.. u.«. . ./. .

Please note that further details may be required during the assessment of this proposal.

It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you read and understand the relevant sections of Orange City Council's Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2000 and Development Control Plan (DCP) 2004 prior to submitting this document.

All following questions must be answered and relevant supporting documents attached.

Planning Details

What is the Zoning of the land?

Answer YES or NO to the following ­ If YES, detailed information is required in accordance with Orange City Council's LOCAL ENVIRONMENT PLAN 2000 and DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN 2004. A copy is available on Orange City Council's website or at the Civic Centre, Byng Street Orange.

Is the proposal located within the Heritage Conservation Zone?

Is the proposal located within the Scenic Protection Area?

Is the proposal located within the Bush Fire Zone?

Is the proposal located within the Water Supply Catchment Area?

Is the proposal located within the defined area of Naturally Occurring Asbestos?

Is the proposal located on or near land that was subject to former mine activity?





L Yes J NO


Is the proposal located within the area (as identified by LEP 2000) of Orange (Spring Hill) Airport? If yes - Obstacle Limitation Surfaces Plan for Orange Airport must be considered. D YES NO

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Site Details Checklist

Answer YES or NO to the following - If YES, detailed information is required

-A\ ,7

ORANGE Australia's Colour City

Are there any covenants (restriction of Title) or easements on the site that will restrict the use of the site? L]YESRNO If yes - What are the known restrictions? .

············································································································································································ ················································································································································-··························· Does the proposal involve any demolition? DYES 5(1 NO If yes - What is the proposed method of disposal of all waste? Is there any asbestos within the structure? (Attach the Waste Management Plan) .

··················································································································· . ············································································································································································

Will there be loss of vegetation from the site? [l YES NO If yes - List type, age and number of trees or shrubs proposed to be removed. Are they listed on Council's Register of Significant Landscape Feature .

············································································································································································ • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • o • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0 • • • • •• • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • • • o o • • ••• • • • • • I O • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Is there a proposed excavation of the site? If yes - what is the extent of the cut and/or fill? (in millimetres) How is the cut of fill to be retained/stabilised? (details of any protection - ie, shoring for neighbouring properties - is


required) .

············································································································································································ ············································································································································································

What is the proposed method of Stormwater disposal? (tick proposed system and provide details)

[] Water Tank - proposed size, location and disposal of overflow

[i] To existing system

D To street

D To storm water easement

Are there any proposed alterations to Water, Sewer or Septic system? [l YES [ NO If yes, give details .

············································································································································································ ············································································································································································ Is the site subject to flooding - either overland flow paths or low lying area? LI YES NO If yes, give details .

············································································································································································ ············································································································································································

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Design Elements for Residential Development

Answer YES or NO to the following ­ If YES, detailed information is required in accordance with Orange City Council's LOCAL ENVIRONMENT PLAN 2000 and DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN 2004. A copy is available on Orange City Council's website or at the Civic Centre, Byng Street Orange. ORANGE

Australia's Colour City

Neighbourhood Character Will the site layout and building design assist with the creation of an attractive residential area?

·································································································································································································· ··································································································································································································

Will the proposal complement the existing neighbourhood character?


Is the proposal easily accessed (pedestrian) from the street?

0 YES ua NO

L Yes (g NO

[ Yes L7No


Building Appearance Is the design, detail and finish common to the neighbourhood character?

Does the entry to the proposed building address the street?

If a garage or carport is proposed, will the design dominate the street frontage?



[ YEs E NO




Heritage - If within the Heritage Conservation area or in the vicinity of heritage items, does the proposal complement and enhance the significance of the area? D YES NO


Are significant landscape features including fence and gardens being retained? [I YES 8] NO


Setbacks Is the proposed setback from the street compliant with the DCP or common within the neighbourhood? ....................................................................................................................................................... ~YESONO

Does the proposal create an appropriate scale for the street considering other streetscape components? ....................................................................................................................................................... ~YES ONO

Fences and Walls (applicable front fences/walls only) Does the proposal highlight the entrance to the property?


Does the proposal create a sense of identity within the streetscape?

Is the proposal constructed of materials that complement the neighbourhood?




LI YES L No ··································································································································································································

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A\ , 'jyieul Bf9ORAi9OE Will the proposed development appear bulky from the either the street frontage or from adjoining residences?

0 YES [g NO


Will the proposed development overshadow the adjoining property? If yes - shadow diagrams are required


············································································································································································ Is the total site coverage of all buildings on the site (including the proposed structure) less than 60% of the total land area (for residential areas)? YES D NO

············································································································································································ Is the size of the proposal on a comparable scale to adjacent development - height, frontage, width?



Walls and Boundaries Is privacy of the neighbouring dwelling and open space maintained? [R YES LI NO

···················································································································-························································ Does the proposal overlook adjoining properties? LI YES R NO

············································································································································································ Will the distance of the proposed structure from the boundary affect the overshadowing of the neighbouring property? 0 YES [ NO

············································································································································································ Will the wall or any part of the proposed structure along a boundary have any impact on the neighbouring property? 0 YES [XI NO


Daylight and Sunlight Has the proposed structure been designed and sited so as not to reduce daylight to any habitable room in the adjacent dwelling? ~ YES D NO

············································································································································································ Has the proposed structure been designed and sited so as not to increase the overshadowing of any open space or main living area within the adjoining dwelling? ~ YES D NO


Views Does the proposed development affect views to prominent vistas or landmarks? L YES NO

Visual Privacy Does the proposed development overlook principal living areas or open space areas of adjoining properties, thereby reducing the privacy of the neighbouring residences? D YES ~ NO

············································································································································································ Are any landscaping or screening devices proposed to increase the privacy of adjoining residence?□ YES~ N1


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Water and Soil Management Ausu-alia'sColourCity

Has provision been made for on-site surface water drainage, to ensure that damage or nuisance flows do not affect adjoining properties? C8YES D NO

Does the proposed site preparation and location of the proposed development, require the implementation of soil erosion control measures to ensure landform is stabilised and erosion controlled? If yes - provide details including plans. 0 YES E NO

Environmental Issues Is any excessive noise or any type of pollution (water or air) expected to be produced from the proposed development due to the proposed use? D YES [] NO

Acoustic Privacy Does the proposed site layout and building design protect living rooms from excessive noise? YES LI NO

Car Parking Are car parking facilities provided that enable convenient use of the car spaces? If yes, how many?



Private Open Space Is the private open space area

capable of being an outdoor living area? accessible from the living area? located to take advantage of views? orientated for year-round use? designed to reduce impacts of overshadowing on neighbouring properties? designed to not impact on the privacy of neighbouring properties?


surroundings of humans, whether affecting any human as an individual or in his or her social groupings." As such, the SoEE relates to the impacts of the development on the natural, built and social environments.

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