Page 1: 25 Trudy Scott 60plus Nutritional and Biochemical Causes ...€¦ · You know me by now. I am your happy, relaxed, calm host of The Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott. I'm a food mood expert,

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60+ Nutritional & Biochemical Causes of Anxiety and Recommended

Supplements • 60+ Nutritional/biochemical causes of anxiety and associated solutions • 4 degrees/levels of anxiety I see and response to the 60+ causes • The unique ability of the body to heal • Testing I use with my clients and what tests I’d run if everyone had

unlimited funds • My recommendations: supplements • My message of hope

This is the final call of The Anxiety Summit season 3: Nutritional approaches for eliminating anxiety. A very, very big welcome to you! And, wow, what a fabulous two weeks this has been. You know me by now. I am your happy, relaxed, calm host of The Anxiety Summit, Trudy Scott. I'm a food mood expert, certified nutritionist, and author of The Antianxiety Food Solution.

I want to say a big thank you for joining the summit, for all the amazing feedback, for all the excellent questions for me and our wonderful speakers!

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In case you're not aware, there is a blog for each speaker and topic, and now we’ve gathered all the speaker blogs into one blog: and it's just all the speakers, and a link to all their blog topics, so you can find them easily. You'll find the link on the replay page, or you can just go to, and then you can search for the speaker by the name or the topic. All the summit 3 blogs are also grouped under the category 'Anxiety Summit 3', which you'll see on the right hand side.

These blogs have got amazing snippets from our interviews. They've got links to the research. Sometimes we have videos, links to speaker books and gifts. And you can use these blogs to comment, to share your experiences, and to ask questions.

And I love how so many of you have been doing this. I read every single comment. I respond to all of them. I'm a little bit behind, as you can imagine, with so many people signed up for the summit. We are over 35,000 reach at the moment, which I am absolutely thrilled about, the fact that we are getting this message out in such a big way. But ask your questions. I will answer. I'm having some of the speakers come and respond to some of the questions as well. Keep in mind that the responses will be general. We can't give specific nutritional advice, because we don't know exactly what's going on with you. But I love connecting with you on the blogs and on Facebook. And it's just heartwarming to see the response to all these amazing speakers and topics.

Let's get into today's topic, the closing call for The Anxiety Summit season 3. And the topic is: “60+ nutritional/biochemical causes of anxiety and associated solutions.”

• I'm going to start with going through the 4 different degrees or levels of anxiety that I see.

• Then we're going to talk about the 60+ nutritional, biochemical, and also sometimes called physical causes of anxiety.

• I'm going to talk about the testing I use with my clients, and what tests I'd run if everyone had unlimited funds. Because when we test, we can just see so much.

• I'll also talk about my supplement recommendations. • And then I want to close with some messages of hope for you, because I think hope is

a really beautiful thing, and I want you to definitely have hope. So let's first start with the 4 degrees or levels of anxiety. This is just something that I came up with in the process of trying to help people understand what might be going on with them, and what they might need to do to feel good.

So we have Level 1. These people switch to eating real whole food. They may add in quality animal protein, if they're not already doing so. They may add in broths and fermented foods. They'll quit the sugar and balance their blood sugar by adding animal protein at breakfast, and eating protein at every meal, and having healthy mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks that do include some protein. They'll quit gluten. They'll quit caffeine. They may take a good

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multivitamin. And they'll get amazing results. Voila. Simple. This is great. And a lot of people will just make these simple changes and see amazing results. These are the people that read my book, go and do all these changes, and they feel amazing.

Then we have Level 2. They will do all of the above that I've just mentioned, but they may need a little help to quit the sugar and the gluten and the caffeine. Because, remember, we self-medicate with sugar to feel better. We may be addicted to gluten. We may use caffeine to get us through the day and to give us that energy. But this is where the amino acids come in – and they are very powerful, and they help you quit these things, so you don't have to use willpower, so you don't feel deprived. And so it's easy. And you may also need some additional nutritional support like extra vitamin D, zinc, vitamin B6, maybe some probiotics. And these people also get incredible results with making some of the basic food changes and adding a few supplements.

Then we have Level 3 and Level 4. And now this is where things are getting a little bit more complex.

So Level 3 people will do all of the above, but they may need to fine tune the supplements a lot more. Maybe they are pixie dust folks. In other words, they need a very small amount of the amino acids. They may also have pyroluria. They may have the MTHFR polymorphism. They may have candida or dysbiosis or leaky gut. So they've got malabsorption going on. They may have SIBO – small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. And it's a little more challenging to figure out all the puzzle pieces and get to the root cause of what's causing the issues with the anxiety and other health concerns that they may have.

Level 4 people have similar problems that we see in Level 3 folks, but it's even more complex. They may have been exposed to heavy metals. They may have issues with high-histamine foods or oxalates. They may have been exposed to mold or other toxins. They may have multiple genetic polymorphisms that are being expressed. And they may also be taking benzodiazepines, or have been on benzodiazepines in the past. And with Level 4 folks, it's definitely more challenging to figure out all the puzzle pieces.

I typically hear from and work with Level 3 and 4 people. As I said, Level 1 and 2 people figure it out on their own. They'll read my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution. They'll read posts on the blog. They'll hear from other speakers on other summits, and they can figure it out and get amazing results. If you are a Level 3 or 4 person, you may need to take things a little bit deeper. You may need to work with a practitioner. And it may take a little bit longer to get the answers. I wanted to share that so you could see the complexity that we have. Sometimes it's simple, sometimes it's more complex, but there is an answer, and you just need to keep going until you find your answer.

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Now I want to go through the 60+ nutritional, biochemical, or physical causes of anxiety and depression.

Before we do that, I just wanted to share two quotes from two speakers on the summit. Dr. Peter Bongiorno talked about serotonin. And at the beginning of his talk, he said, "There can be multiple factors involved as to why someone has anxiety. How you’re going to work through these factors successfully is going to be very different for each person." So I'm going to be listing a number of possible causes. You may have two or three of them as root causes of your anxiety. You may have five or six of them. And because there are so many different combinations, these things can interplay and interact. So the multitude of combinations can be very different for each person. And then Dan Stradford. He said, "The human mind and the body is very complex, and there are many overlapping factors that can contribute to your anxiety. The physical aspect is the most unknown cause of mental health concerns, and most practitioners don't know about this aspect." So we are going to be talking about these nutritional or biochemical – and sometimes they are called physical – causes of anxiety. And these same causes can be a factor obviously if you have depression, or if you have other mood problems, or even physical problems. The interesting thing is one particular root cause could cause anxiety, could cause depression, could cause fatigue, or could cause pain issues. And one example of that is gluten. It can cause many different symptoms. So it does get complex. But the good news is, you get to the root cause, you get answers, you get resolution. So you may hear '60 or more possible causes' and you might think, "Oh my, gosh, this is just so overwhelming, how can I possibly figure this out? How am I going to find a solution for me?" Especially if you are in this Level 3 or 4 category. Often it can be challenging to figure out your root causes, but that's where questionnaires, and that's where testing, and that's where a good practitioner comes in – so you can put all the puzzle pieces together. That's why listening to the summit, and other summits, is wonderful. Because you are getting exposure to all the possibilities. And I want to just add one thing here. If you have low serotonin, when you hear '60 or more possible causes', your first thought might be, "Oh, no, how awful, this is just too overwhelming, I can't even deal with it, it's just too much." So I want to encourage you to try some tryptophan or 5-HTP, assuming you score high on the low serotonin questionnaire. And then go back and listen to these 60 possible causes. And you will feel more hopeful and optimistic. And I really, really see this all the time. If you are feeling negative, and you're feeling overwhelmed, and you're feeling terribly worried about the possibility that there could be so many things going on, once you address low serotonin, it can make a really big difference. And I have 60 plus, because I keep adding to the list. And I've actually added a few to the list since the summit started. But let's go through them. I will share all of these on a blog post, so you're going to have them all in front of you, so you can just go and look at them and check them

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off and say, "Yes, I've done this, yes, I've done this, yes, I've done this. Nope, I maybe need to think about looking into this; maybe I need to find someone who can help me with this; oh, I hadn't even thought about this." So that's how I want you to look at this – as a checklist that you can go through and say, "I've done this, or I need to look into this."

1. Not eating real whole food, and not eating organic food. We know pesticides can be

problematic. We want to be eating quality protein like grass-fed red meat, wild fish, pastured eggs and chicken, healthy fats, and we want to be avoiding the junk food, the processed food, with additives, colors, trans fats, and genetically modified organisms.

2. Sugar. It depletes zinc. It depletes magnesium. It fills us up. And then we're not going to eat healthy food. We also have a lot of people saying, "But what's wrong with a healthy treat every now and again?" And I just say we shouldn't feel like we need a treat. We should feel that fruit should set satisfy our desire for something sweet. If we're needing a treat, it's a clue that there might be something wrong. And this is where the amino acids come into that. And we'll talk more about that in a little bit.

3. Low blood sugar. If you have low blood sugar, or you have blood sugar swings, you're definitely going to feel more anxious. Addressing this with breakfast, quality protein, healthy snacks, and no coffee. Or, if you're going to have coffee, have coffee after breakfast. Because if you have it before you eat, you're less likely to have a healthy breakfast. This does tie into pyroluria, because a lot of people with pyroluria don't have a big appetite for breakfast in the morning. And addressing that is really important to help you want to have breakfast first thing in the morning. So it's going to help stabilize your blood sugar.

4. Caffeine. And coffee is a big problem. Even decaf coffee may be an issue. Coffee has high levels of pesticides. There are a subset of people that are more affected by coffee, in terms of it being anxiety provoking. We know it affects blood sugar, and we know it affects our hormone levels.

5. Tobacco – depletes key nutrients like zinc and vitamin C.

6. Alcohol – depletes key nutrients like zinc and vitamin C.

7. Food sensitivities such as gluten, dairy, other grains. Grains like wheat are sprayed with glyphosate or roundup, and we know this has a direct impact on serotonin levels and zinc levels.

8. Digestive system issues, like low hydrochloric acid, which is stomach acid. We need good levels of hydrochloric acid so we can break down the protein from the beautiful grass-fed meat that we're eating.

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9. Low levels of good bacteria. And we know how important the microbiome is when it comes to mental health. We've seen so much research in this area. And good bacteria in our gut can make GABA, can make serotonin.

10. Other enzymes that might be low – we need to address that as well with a good quality enzyme. And I'm going to be talking about supplements at the end of the call.

11. Another digestive problem is candida. And this can cause mood problems. It can cause aches and pains. And it can also cause incredible cravings for the sweet stuff. If the aminos are not working, you definitely have to look at candida as being a factor when it comes to your mood problems and your sugar cravings.

12. Also in the digestive system, parasites are a big problem, you heard from Ann Louise Gittleman, talking about parasites and the anxiety connection in this summit.

13. Also related to the digestive system, leaky gut, which means you are not going to be able to absorb the nutrients from the beautiful food that you're eating. So you will end up being low in certain nutrients.

14. Also related to the digestive system, liver and gallbladder issues. The liver is really important for hormonal health; the gallbladder, and production of bile is really important for digestion of healthy fats.

15. Also related to digestion, SIBO – small intestinal bacterial overgrowth. And we heard from Dr. Alison Siebecker on SIBO in this summit.

16. And then the brain chemicals or neurotransmitters. Low GABA is number 16. And GABA helps with stiff and tense muscles, and feeling of overwhelm and anxiety – more of a physical kind of tension.

17. Low serotonin. And this is the worry, the ruminations, the afternoon/evening cravings, the depression, the negativity, winter blues.

18. Low endorphins. This is when you have a need for sugar, for comfort, or reward.

19. Low catecholamines. This is when you need coffee or sugar to give you energy. And you may also actually have high catecholamines, which can make you feel more anxious as well.

And, keeping in mind that gut health, what you eat, coffee, gluten, can all affect your brain chemicals. Because if, for example, you're eating gluten, it's damaging the gut, then you're not absorbing the raw materials from the food that you eat so you can make these brain chemicals.

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20. Pyroluria. This is zinc, vitamin B6, and evening primrose oil. This is the social anxiety condition that causes inner tension, difficulty being in social settings. And when you are on these supplements, it improves the production of your brain chemicals, your other neurotransmitters like GABA and serotonin. It also helps with hormone balance. We need those nutrients to balance out our hormones.  


21. And then even if you don't have pyroluria, you may have low zinc,

22. You may have low vitamin B6,

23. Or you may have low GLA and need evening primrose oil. And you may even have low levels of omega-3s. Often, people with pyroluria do not need omega-3s. And I talked all about this in my interview on troubleshooting the amino acids, and troubleshooting pyroluria.

I want to just share one thing here before I continue with the rest of them. When I am working with someone one on one, or someone is working in one on my programs, we start with the food and the amino acids and the pyroluria protocol upfront. So we start with the food changes and the blood sugar control – getting off the sugar, getting off the gluten, getting off the caffeine. At the same time, we will assess to see if there are neurotransmitter deficiencies, and we will add the amino acids in at that time. Because, remember, I said I'm working with Level 3 and Level 4 folks, mostly. So they need that additional support and that help to quit the gluten, and to give them hope, and to have them starting to feel great right away. And then deciding if pyroluria is an issue, or whether they need the zinc, B6, and evening primrose oil right up front helps everything start to work a lot quicker as well. So I will do that right up front, and then we start digging deeper into the other factors that can sometimes take longer to figure out and deal with. Does someone have parasites? Does someone have candida? Does someone have some of these other factors that I'm going to talk about? But if you get the foundational stuff done first – the food; the amino acids, if needed; the pyroluria protocol, if needed – then you have got this good start that you can start working with everything else. Now, keeping in mind, if you work with another practitioner, they may have a different approach. They may say, "Let's just work on the digestion first, and then let's do all these other things later." I'm just sharing what I find works for me, and the clients that I work with. So let's go through some of these other possible causes.

24. Other factors, such as pesticides, plastics, BPA exposure.

25. Medication side-effects, or withdrawal from medications – and the benzodiazepines are the worst for this. It can take a long time to withdraw from the benzodiazepines. They can cause all sorts of problems while you're on them. And then once you stop them, they can still be causing anxiety problems. And we talked a lot about this in previous

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summits. Dr. Catherine Pittman, she shared her survey that she did with the Benzo Buddies, and Dr. Jonathan Prousky, in season two, talked about his protocol for working with people who are withdrawing from benzodiazepines.

26. Sex hormones, and especially low progesterone, but any kind of sex hormone imbalance can be a problem. I did mention that the amino acids and the pyroluria protocol does help with balancing sex hormones. And we heard from Magdalena, and she talked about eating for hormone balance. So diet is really important. The liver is really important when it comes to sex hormones. But sometimes you need to do bioidentical hormones. Maybe short term, maybe it's a longer term thing. It really depends on each person.

27. The thyroid. So if you hyperthyroidism, which is an overactive thyroid, you will definitely feel anxious. If you have Graves. If you have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, you may have symptoms of low thyroid or overactive thyroid. And we talked about thyroid in one of the prior summits, and we talked about it a little bit in Magdalena's interview on this summit.

28. The adrenals. Here you may have cortisol imbalance, which is going to affect how you handle stress. You will feel much more overwhelmed by the smallest things if your adrenals are out of balance. It's also going to affect your digestion. It's going to make you more intolerant to certain foods. It's going to increase your inflammation. And high cortisol can have direct impact on anxiety levels. If you wake with a jolt of adrenaline first thing in the morning and you feel really anxious, that could be high cortisol. If you are awake at night, and you are feeling like you've got this pounding heart in the middle of the night, and you can't sleep, that could be high cortisol as well.

29. Low total cholesterol. A lot of people don't think about total cholesterol as being too low, and being problematic. But below 150 is cause for concern. It increases your risk of stroke, depression, and suicide. And there is a product called Sonic, which can be used to raise cholesterol. We want to figure out why the cholesterol is low. Do you have fat malabsorption issues? Do you have leaky gut? Do you have a gluten sensitivity? And address that as well as trying to raise the total cholesterol.  


30. And then there is low vitamin D. And then there are a number of other nutrients that we need to consider in terms of anxiety.

31. Low vitamin B12.

32. Low folate – especially if you have the MTHFR genetic polymorphism.

33. Low iron – and ferritin is a good marker for measuring what your iron levels are. Ferritin is the storage form of iron.

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34. Not getting exercise, or not getting enough exercise.

35. Not doing stress-reduction techniques. Tai Chi is wonderful. Meditation is great. We heard about the application, where you can get on the computer and you can do some online meditation. Guided imagery is great. Yoga is great.

36. And then, of course, one of my favorites, not getting out in nature. And we heard from Dr. Eva Selhub about how beautiful forest bathing is, and getting out in nature is.

37. Not getting enough sleep. And I feel most of us need eight hours of sleep to function, and it can make a really big difference in terms of anxiety and overall health.

Now, all of the above are covered in great detail in my book The Antianxiety Food Solution. The rest of these that I'm going to talk about are not in my book, or they may be mentioned briefly. And that's because I've learned so much since writing my book. There is just so much to learn, and there's so much going on, that we just need to keep up with what's going on. So I'm going to go through a number of other ones here.

Other possible biochemical causes of anxiety/depression:

38. Drug-induced nutrient deficiencies. And this could be something like the birth control pill, which depletes vitamin B6, folate, and magnesium. Ross Pelton has a really nice book on the subject.

39. MVP – mitral valve prolapse. And this is a physical condition where you'll get this feeling like your heart is skipping a beat. And one of the nutrients that may help is magnesium.

40. Infections, like strep, which can actually cause obsessive compulsive disorder. You may have heard of the condition called PANDAS, or PANS. H/Pylori can actually cause anxiety. And we know of this connection to Lyme disease, and even clostridia and other infectious diseases.

41. Heavy metals like mercury or lead. And in season 2 we had two great interviews talking about the effects mercury can have on serotonin and zinc and GABA and so many other areas in the body.

42. Anything that increases inflammation in the body. High CRP – C-Reactive Protein – is a good clue that you've got some inflammation going on in the body.

43. Herbicides, such as roundup use in the home, in the garden, on the foods that we eat. We have heard about how they deplete certain nutrients. We had a great interview on glyphosate and roundup in a previous summit. So go back and check that one out.

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44. Genetic polymorphisms other than MTHFR. And that would be the COMT, the MAOA gene, the GAD gene, and, of course, Dr. Ben Lynch has a great wealth of information on this topic. And we also had Coleen Walsh talking about this on season 1. And, keep in mind that “your genes are not your destiny” – this is a great quote from Coleen – they may not be expressing, they may not be causing problems. If they are, there's a lot that we can do from a nutritional point of view. And certainly detoxing and keeping toxins out of our lives and environment can make a big difference.

45. Apolipoprotein E ε4 (ApoE ε4), gene polymorphism, can actually contribute to anxiety. 46. And then there are other possible hormone issues. High prolactin can be a problem, and

low oxytocin. And low oxytocin is a new area that I've been reading up about. You may recall me talking about this in the pyroluria interview. Low levels of oxytocin are associated with social anxiety. So this could actually be a whole topic just on its own.

47. Histamine reaction to certain foods. And you heard from the Low Histamine Chef, Yasmina, in this summit.

48. Oxalates reaction. Oxalates are compounds that are found in berries, leafy greens, and nuts and they can cause mood problems and pain issues.

49. SIBO – small intestinal bacterial overgrowth – and FODMAPs. And there are issues with fructose malabsorption – this can actually affect serotonin levels.

50. Too much of some nutrients. Maybe you're taking supplements, and they are actually contributing to your anxiety. If you don't need fish oil, that could be a little bit stimulating. Too much of a B complex may be problematic. Tyrosine, if you don't need it, can be a little stimulating. And then you heard from Dr. Ben Lynch – too much methylfolate can actually cause problems even if you have the MTHFR genetic mutation.

51. Low lithium. And you've heard about us talking about lithium being a great nutrient for helping to stabilize moods. And when I'm talking about lithium here, I'm talking about lithium orotate.

52. Copper toxicity. In this situation, you may have high copper, or high ceruloplasmin, and low levels of zinc. When you've got high copper, you definitely feel more anxious.

53. EMFs, air pollution, noise pollution, cell phone use, and smart meters. 54. Recreational drugs, such as marijuana use. 55. Toxic mold exposure. And we heard from Dr. Jill Carnahan this summit. 56. Fluoride exposure, and medications that have fluoride molecules attached to them, can

actually deplete us of magnesium. Dr. Carolyn Dean talked about this in a previous summit.

57. Poor mouth health. 58. Toxoplasma gondii and other parasites. 59. Metals, chemicals, and drugs in the tap water. 60. Low leptin levels, and/or high ghrelin levels, can actually increase anxiety levels.

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o High fructose diets cause leptin resistance – and leptin levels go up and then appetite increases.

o Increased by perceived emotional stress; Decreased by testosterone and increased by estrogen; Decreased by exercise; Melatonin decreases leptin and improves insulin resistance.

61. Other hidden causes. And Sharon Heller talked about this on a prior summit. Over the counter drugs, inner ear issues, light sensitivity.

62. Physical pain. We heard from Joe Tatta this summit. 63. Gas leaks. I recently heard from a past client that they discovered that there was a gas

leak in her home, and she thinks that may be a contributing factor to her ill health and anxiety.

64. Plastics and BPA. 65. This is one that I just learned this summit, because of someone asking me a question.

Accutane, the acne drug, can actually lead to psychiatric disorders in some people.

Note: these causes are not including psychological or physical trauma or abuse, both current and past. These are just physical causes that could be contributing to your anxiety.

And the big thing to remember is that we are all biochemically unique, and our anxiety or symptoms could be caused by one or more factors. I said this earlier. So it's really a matter of figuring out what biochemical or nutritional or physical factors may be affecting you.

And I'd like to share a word of caution here. Diane Sanfillipo interviewed me on her Balanced Bites podcast recently, and someone posted this. And I'm going to paraphrase it.

“Please just tell me what supplements to take, how much to take, and when to take them. I know I'm looking for a shortcut. I really don't need to read the explanation of why this might help me. I just want to know which amino acids to try and what dosage. Things are way too hectic for me at the moment to read Trudy's book.”

And I really like the response that Diane had. She said, "Honestly, if things are too hectic, I wouldn't just listen to the podcast and start supplementing."

And this applies to you listening to this summit, hearing this information, and just jumping in and starting to supplement.

She said, "If you are struggling, then it's important to take a step back and dedicate some time to helping yourself. This type of thing isn't to be taken lightly or approached flippantly. Yes, the podcast has great content," - and so does the summit- "to help as a jumping off point, but if you think there are solutions in what you're hearing, and this is really going to help you, then take the steps to read the material, so you can figure out what truly is going to help."

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She said she sees this often with folks on her sugar detox program. They just want Yes/No lists on what to eat. But inevitably, there are questions, concerns, or even problems that arise that would not have been there had they simply put a bit of time into reading the materials provided first.

And I really, really agree with this. You've heard a lot of great interviews on the summit, and you need to take time to get acquainted with this information, and don't just assume that because GABA worked for one person that it is going to work for you. You heard me talk about this in the interview with Dan Stradford. He talked about SAMe being so helpful for him. And maybe it's going to work for him, but maybe it's not going to work for you. So please, digest this information, take your time, read up about it, and then start working with someone so you can start to get some answers.

Now let's talk about testing:

• The basic blood work that I like to see is a lipid panel, a CBC (complete blood count), a metabolic panel, an iron panel that includes ferritin, and a thyroid panel that includes TSH, free T3, free T4, thyroid antibodies – and this would be antithyroglobulin and antithyroperoxidase, vitamin D, and CRP, which is a C-Reactive Protein.

• I also like to see an adrenal saliva test, which measures four times cortisol. So it'd be first thing in the morning, noontime, 5:00 PM, and 10:00 PM and DHEA; Secretory IgA; and anti-gliadin antibody. And those are the two basic testing (blood and adrenals) that most of my clients will do.

• A sex hormone saliva test is also very helpful – which measures progesterone, estriol, estrone, estradiol, and testosterone. And I have a wonderful nurse practitioner that I work with, and, if need be, will refer people out to the nurse practitioner if we need support when it comes to bioidentical hormones.

• A food intolerance test that measures IgG antibodies, which is the delayed reaction test, is very helpful.

• Fatty acid test. This will measure omega-3s (EPA and DHA). It will measure the various omega-6s. And it'll measure trans fats. And this is really helpful for someone who has pyroluria, or thinks that they may have pyroluria.

• RBC magnesium is very helpful. Dr. Carolyn Dean talked about this on a prior summit. It can be done via

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• Doing a stool test can be helpful. Metametrix or Genova or Diagnostechs has stool tests, which are functional stool tests. It'll show yeast, good bacteria, bad bacteria, and digestive markers.

• A hydrogen breath test or SIBO test. Genova or a conventional doctor can order this. And there's also a fructose malabsorption aspect to this.

• The H/pylori antigen. Genova offers this. Or a conventional doctor can do this.

• Intestinal permeability profile. Genova can offer this.

• B12 deficiency. You would want to measure B12, methylmalonic acid (or MMA), and homocysteine.

• A celiac panel. Genova can offer this, or a conventional doctor can do this.

• The Cyrex panels, which will show gluten and food cross-reactions.

• Spectracell can show vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

• The pyroluria urine test is a possibility. But, as I've said, I seldom do it, because we can see a false negative.

• The histamine whole blood is a useful test to see if you have high or low histamine. And this is offered by Vitamin Diagnostics. And then they also actually offer a platelet serotonin/dopamine/norepinephrine and epinephrine panel, which is an option to do.

• A VAP test. If you have concerns about high cholesterol, this is going to measure particle size, fibrinogen, Lp(a) and other markers.

• The OAT test – Organic Acid Test. Great Plains has a great one, which has markers of digestion, yeast, and infection.

• Hair Mineral Analysis is a great way to look for toxic metals and mineral status. And you want to look at ratios, not just levels. And this is a good marker for copper toxicity as well.

• If you think your copper is too high, or you've got low zinc, you can measure copper or ceruloplasmin. This is in serum.

• The 23andme genetic testing. And I want to look into the gene testing that Dr. Peter Osborn talked about, and the mold testing that Dr. Jill Carnahan talked about.

• Then we have porphyrins, which is a measure of the effect of heavy metals.

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• There's an amino acid profile, which is a plasma or blood spot Test. It's not something that I use very often, but I have seen people come in with results that show this.

• You can also test candida antibodies in blood, which is not terribly accurate, but sometimes will show up.

• And something that I don't ever recommend is urinary neurotransmitter testing. It just doesn't seem to correlate with symptoms.

Now let's talk about supplements:

• I like a copper-free multivitamin and multi-mineral, and I think all supplements should be free of copper. I actually like Designs for Health Twice Daily, and their metabolic Synergy, but I'm going to be looking into Nutreince – and this is the product that Mira and Jayson talked about in our micronutrient interview.

• I find many people with anxiety need extra magnesium, so 400-1200mg a day, such as magnesium glycinate can be helpful.

• Vitamin C, 2000-3000mg a day. • B-complex, 50 mg of each B vitamin. • And then many people need additional B's.

• For adrenal support, pantothenic acid, 1000mg per day in divided doses can be very helpful.

• Niacinamide is really good for low histamine. It actually helps to make serotonin. 1000mg a day, in divided doses.

• B12, 1000-5000 mcg per day, sublingual seems to be best. • Folate, or L-5-MTHF, 400mcg, up to 1mg, and sometimes as high as 5mg. And

you heard from Dr. Ben Lynch, talking about how too much may be a problem. The other issue is that sublingual seems to be better absorbed. And I'm going to be looking into Ben Lynch's product that he talked about.

• You may also need an enzyme with hydrochloric acid. Or you may need separate hydrochloric acid. And then there's a great DPP4 enzyme that helps if you have gluten issues. And Dr. Tom has a nice one called Glutenza.

Now, not everyone needs all of these supplements. We need to figure out if you need them. And this is where the testing comes in.

• Probiotics and prebiotics are helpful. • We know that bifidobacterium improves carb tolerance and actually helps to

make GABA. • Another nutrient for adrenal support is rhodiola.

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• For sex hormone support, I like licorice, maca, Vitex, agnus-castus (which is a chaste tree, or chaste berry) for low progesterone and anxiety, and then I mentioned you may need bioidentical hormones (progesterone, estrogen, possibly testosterone).

• If you have low ferritin, iron (bisglycinate is a non-constipating form), vitamin D (you want something with vitamin K as well), milk thistle and other nutrients for liver support – and this is all based on labs. You don't ever want to supplement with iron, certainly if you don't have low iron levels.

• You may need to take a fish oil if your EPA or DHA is low. But keep in mind that many pyrolurics do not need fish oil.

• And then, of course, the amino acids for the neurotransmitters. • For low serotonin, tryptophan or 5-HTP (and you would only use 5-HTP if you

don't have high cortisol). • For low GABA, GABA is wonderful, and theanine is fabulous. • For low endorphins, the DPA (d-phenyl-alanine), or Endorphigen. • For low blood sugar, glutamine. And, of course, eating to control blood sugar is

really important. • For the low catecholamines, tyrosine is important. • And, remember the pixie dust concept. You may just need a really small amount.

And I'm going to share a nice little story at the end of this about someone who got great results with a really small amount.

• If your cortisol is high, Seriphos or Destress is a great product to help lower that high cortisol.

• Melatonin, either sublingual or timed release, if the tryptophan is not helping with the sleep.

• Zinc, vitamin B6, Evening Primrose Oil - all for the pyroluria. • And then if you have gut dysbiosis, or candida: oregano, Allicillin (which is the garlic), a

broad spectrum antimicrobial product like GI Microbx. I also like the Biocidin products. And then, of course, all the products that Ann Louise Gittleman talked about for parasites, which I am not familiar with, and which I am going to learn more about.

And then other supplements to consider:

• Glycine or taurine for low GABA. Taurine is also good for liver support. • Choline for brain health. • I talked about lithium, so lithium orotate may be helpful. • Lavender or Lavela may support low GABA and low serotonin. And we heard Dr. Cory

Schuler talk about lavender on a previous summit. • Of course, other nutrients for the adrenals: ashwagandha, tulsi or holy basil is very

helpful. • I talked about low cholesterol, and Sonic Cholesterol helps to raise low total cholesterol.

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• Curcumin, ginger, boswellia, quercetin all help mood, and all help to reduce inflammation.

• Inositol is fabulous for obsessive compulsive disorder. • You may need an immune boosting protocol if you have issues with immunity. • Bacopa or rosemary is very helpful for anxiety and memory problems. • And then, of course, essential oils are fabulous. Lavender, neroli, orange blossom. • Bach flower remedies like Rescue Remedy can help a lot of people and are great for kids. • And there's research on a number of other products related to anxiety that I have not yet

used. High doses of vitamin B1 or thiamine, lysine, ginseng, gingko biloba, gotu kola, Kanna, Angelica, St. John's Wort. As I said I have not actually used any of these, but there is research supporting that they're helpful.

• Selenium is often helpful, certainly if you have Hashimoto's, thyroiditis, vitamin E, chromium can help with low blood sugar.

• And then, of course, the whole herbal world. Valerian, Hops, Lemon Balm, Passionflower, Chamomile.

• Antioxidants, such as NAC, vitamin C, beta-carotene – and melatonin is a great antioxidant as well.

• And then the whole world of homeopathy, which I'm not terribly familiar with either, which I hope to learn more about.

Now, I am expecting to get some kick-backs for all these supplement recommendations. Can't we just do it with all food? And Level 1 folks may be able to, and possibly Level 2 folks, once they have done some healing. But I really have found that Level 3 and 4 folks do need supplements, and they may need to be on supplements long term.

The other thing to keep in mind with supplements is keeping in mind the quality. This can make a big difference. I only recommend professional quality supplements that are gluten-free, soy-free, and don't contain any fillers or colors. And the supplements that I carry in my online store also contain good forms of the various vitamins and minerals. So they will contain folate, the methylfolate form, instead of folic acid. And they'll have good therapeutic amounts of nutrients. I'm going to be sharing a blog with you with links to the products I recommend. So you can take look at that, you can buy them from my store, or you can just look at them and buy them somewhere else. I want you to get good, quality supplements. I talk about good, quality food, and the same applies to good, quality supplements.

Now, there are a few other things that you can do, other than all of these supplements that I'm mentioning:

• You heard the talk on mind-body approaches. So definitely incorporate that. • A full spectrum lamp can help with low serotonin.

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• Meditation is very helpful. • I didn't talk about Heartmath specifically, but that is very helpful. • Using a gratitude journal. • Getting outside within an hour of waking. • Swimming with the dolphins. • Laughter. Laughter yoga. Smiling. • Altruism and giving – all of these can make you feel a lot better. • Drinking filtered water, rooibos tea, carob. • Pumpkin seeds. There's research showing that they help with social anxiety and

insomnia. • There's research showing that working more than 40 hours a week can actually make you

more anxious. Shift work can be problematic. • Being part of a community or part of a support group can make a big difference. • Music therapy. Art therapy. • Knitting. Crafts. There's research showing that knitting and doing crafts can actually

reduce your anxiety. • Doing expressive writing. • Gardening and digging in the soil. All of these have research supporting them. • Dancing. • Less sitting, more standing. • Enjoying flowers. • Acupuncture. • And Cranial Electrical Stimulation.

These are all tools that you could use to help reduce your anxiety.

So here are a few guidelines as you navigate all this. And if you are a total newbie and this is just sounding, "Oh my, gosh," you're spinning your wheels, you're feeling more anxious. What do you do, where do you start?

o So, firstly, don't be overwhelmed. Take simple steps. Take baby steps. Make some simple changes. So, as I said, start eating real food, getting GMOs out of your diet, adding in fermented foods and broths, remove that sugar, add the protein at breakfast, eat to control your blood sugar, and consider going gluten-free or grain-free.

o Keep a food log while you're doing all this. It's going to help you make these connections between what you eat and how you feel. And certainly it's going to help you see if you go too long between meals, and if you are feeling more anxious when you don't eat more frequently.

o And, as I said, some people can just make these changes and see dramatic improvements. And that's why my book, The Antianxiety Food Solution, is structured this way. All the simple food changes first, and then we start adding in the supplements.

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o If you're having a hard time quitting the gluten or the sugar or the coffee – and I know a lot of you have problems with coffee, and are very attached to your coffee – but if you are addicted to any of these things, or willpower gets the better of you, or you feel deprived, this is where the targeted individual amino acids come into the picture. GABA, tryptophan, DPA, glutamine, tyrosine. And, of course, as I mentioned earlier, they really help with that overwhelm, that worry, that, "Oh my, gosh, this just seems too much." So do the amino acid questionnaire, and if you need serotonin support, get on that. And all of this you're hearing here is going to sound a lot, lot better. And, good thing with the aminos is you will start to feel better right away, and you're going to feel more hopeful, and you're going to feel more optimistic from the first day that you start doing this.

o And then everything else that I added. The exercise, getting outside. Obviously, that would be the next step.

o And then you go deeper. And then you try to figure out all the puzzle pieces and try and find the root causes that may be contributing to your anxiety.

o And if this seems too difficult, find someone to work with and guide you. It's hard to do this on your own. It could be me. It could be one of the other speakers I've interviewed. It could be someone you are currently working with. Take this summit information and share it with your practitioner.

And be inspired and have hope that you will find the answers and you will get healthy and you will feel happy and calm. The body really does have this unique ability to heal, provided we give it the raw materials that it needs.  

And I want to just say – well done for being here and listening and learning and taking charge of your health. And thank you for taking this back to your families and your kids and your spouses and your friends and your patients and your clients, because there's a lot of information that we've covered here. There's a lot of information in the prior summits, but it's all good. It's all good. The fact that you're here, the fact that you're learning, is fantastic.

And I want to just say, thank you for helping me to learn, too. As you've heard, I have learned so much in this process of doing everything. And I've learned new stuff this summit. I'm just going to share a few things that I have learned:

• One of them was – is there a connection between chronic sleepwalking and neurotransmitter imbalances? I don't know. But I'm going to be looking into it.

• Someone also asked – is there a connection between pyroluria and Alice in Wonderland Syndrome? And this is where someone will see large or small objects or people. I had never heard of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, but I did a quick search, and I read that these people have what they call hallucinations. And I know that the original work by Carl Pfeiffer was with pyrolurics who were also schizophrenics, and we know that they will have hallucinations. So it's very possible that there is a connection. The mom who sent me this question had her daughter do the pyroluria questionnaire, and she scored high.

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• Someone else asked about the connection between pyroluria and selective mutism, also for her daughter. I didn't know anything about this. But I did a quick search and found that with selective mutism we often see anxiety and social anxiety. And this young girl also scored high on the pyroluria protocol. So they are going to get on the pyroluria protocol.

And you can expect to hear more from me on these topics in future summits, and on my blog. So keep the questions coming. I love getting these questions. I love digging deeper. I love finding the connections and being able to help. And, as I said, I answer everything on the blog.

So I'd like to just share some feedback I've received:

• One was this great feedback from a practitioner, saying, "I've been listening to the summit, including the episodes on pyroluria and methylation. I've had my eyes opened. I'm going to try some of these things on myself. But because of you, I'm going to stop using the urine brain chemistry test, and start following questionnaires to see which supplements my patients need. I've had great success with anxiety through my career using Chinese medicine and nutritional supplements, but I think this will add a new dimension for some of my more difficult patients." How wonderful is that? I love it.  

• This was something from someone with anxiety, saying, "It's my first anxiety summit. Truly amazing. I am a complex pixie dust person with Hashimoto's, Graves, adrenal burn out, peri-menopausal hormonal issues, gut imbalances, MTHFR. I'm super sensitive, and I haven't been able to take supplements for almost 8 years because of post-benzodiazepine damage." And she said, "I knew I needed them. I am long term health conscious, like many of us. I'm gluten-free. I've been working on identifying other food sensitivities. But I was very devastated that I couldn't take supplements. Then, this weekend, I found out that I am pyroluric, and I'm a pixie duster. What a relief. Two days of taking the protocol with pixie dust on my finger, and I'm getting some supplements in after almost 8 years without reacting. And I'm feeling better already. I've got a long way to go, but I know I can, and I'm on my way. Having these answers and education is priceless."

I wanted to share this, because here we have a Level 3 or 4 person getting results in just two days. It just warms my heart to get feedback like this. And I want to share this so you have hope, and you feel inspired, and know that this is possible for you.

And this leads me into my final message of hope – turning lemons into lemonade. And this lemonade would have to be organic lemonade that isn't loaded with sugar, and possibly fermented [laughs].

Someone shared this with me:

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"Trudy, I am starting to see a trend. Many of your speakers are lecturing about various health issues from firsthand experience. Who is better qualified to address these subtle issues than a medical doctor or researcher or other health practitioner who has suffered, discovered the cause, and then come out on top of illness that is often debilitating? This can give us all a lot of hope. Bravo, for finding these people and throwing the spotlight on them. You go, girl!"

Thank you for that feedback. And this is so true. We had so many practitioners who were in this situation. A few of them – Dan Stradford and his heartbreaking story about his dad, but then he founded this wonderful non-profit, alternative mental health. Yasmina's issues with high histamine, and now being the Low Histamine Chef and helping so many people. Magdalena figured out her hormone issues, and is now helping people to eat for hormonal balance. Dr. Alison Siebecker has SIBO, and is now the SIBO expert. Dr. Ben Lynch has the MTHFR polymorphism – is now the methylation expert. Dr. Jill Carnahan was exposed to mold, and is now helping people who have been exposed to mold. My anxiety and panic attacks and social anxiety led me to be here sharing these amazing people and this incredible information with you today.

So I wish for you your own lemons to lemonade story. You deserve your own lemons to lemonade story.

All the great feedback has been wonderful. I really appreciate it. I love the feedback that I had on the theme song by Amma Jo, "Top of the World". I'm so glad you love it.

If you didn't get your copy, be sure to go and download your own copy and enjoy it.

If you missed my opening interview, here are a few lines from "Top of the World":

A new beginning, a brand new day All of my fears are gone away I feel so calm, so free, so whole Right now, I’m feeling on top of the world

And I want to end with this great Facebook post that I saw this week.

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So, let me repeat. "The highlight was the idea that anxiety sufferers have the possibility of, and reasonable expectation to have, complete symptom resolution. How's that for awesome?"

Yes, it's true. And, yes, it's awesome. You can have complete symptom resolution. You can have zero anxiety. Really, really, really. You deserve to feel on top of the world.

So, thanks again for joining us for season 3 of the anxiety summit. I do hope you'll stay connected, that you'll stay part of my community, you'll enjoy the newsletter and future blog posts, and you'll come and hear me talk at live events. If you do come to a live event, do come by and say hi. I love meeting people that have heard me online and then come and say hi in person. You may want to work with me one on one. You may want to participate in one of my group programs, if those feel like a good fit for you. And enjoy the other summits and the learning resources that I will continue to share. And please join us in season 4 of The Anxiety Summit in the fall of 2015. We have new speakers, new topics, new research, new tools for you to feel on top of the world. Thanks, everyone. Great summit. I love all the feedback. Love you guys. This is Trudy Scott, signing off.

Speaker blog:

Additional blogs referenced in the talk:

The Anxiety Summit Season 3: All the speakers and topics The Anxiety Summit Season 2: All the speakers and topics

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The Anxiety Summit: All the speakers and topics The Anxiety Summit – Your hidden mercury burden: A likely root cause of the other root causes of anxiety part 1 The Anxiety Summit – Serotonin and Anxiety, Happiness, Digestion and our Hormones

The Anxiety Summit – Anxiety: Biochemical and genetic predispositions The Anxiety Summit: MTHFR and your mood The Anxiety Summit – Hidden causes of anxiety: Drugs, illness, light and balance

Trudy Scott, CN, host of The Anxiety Summit, Food Mood expert and author of The Antianxiety Food Solution

Food Mood Expert Trudy Scott is a certified nutritionist on a mission to educate and empower anxious individuals worldwide about natural solutions for anxiety, stress and emotional eating. Trudy serves as a catalyst in bringing about life enhancing transformations that start with the healing powers of eating real whole food, using individually targeted supplementation and

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making simple lifestyle changes. She works primarily with women but the information she offers works equally well for men and children.

Trudy also presents nationally to nutrition and mental health professionals on food and mood, sharing all the recent research and how-to steps so they too can educate and empower their clients and patients.

Trudy is past president of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals. She was recipient of the 2012 Impact Award and currently serves as a Special Advisor to the Board of Directors. Trudy is a member of Alliance for Addiction Solutions and Anxiety and Depression Association of America. She was a nominee for the 2015 Scattergood Innovation Award and is a faculty advisor at Hawthorn University.

Trudy is the author of The Antianxiety Food Solution: How the Foods You Eat Can Help You Calm Your Anxious Mind, Improve Your Mood and End Cravings (New Harbinger 2011). She is also the host of the wildly popular Anxiety Summit, a virtual event where she interviews experts on nutritional solutions for anxiety.

Trudy is passionate about sharing the powerful food mood connection because she experienced the results first-hand, finding complete resolution of her anxiety and panic attacks.

The information provided in The Anxiety Summit via the interviews, the blog posts, the website, the audio files and transcripts, the comments and all other means is for informational and educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise, or supplementation program, before taking or stopping any medication, or if you have or suspect you may have a health problem.

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