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  1. 1. Art is everything.
  2. 2. since I was young Ive loved everything graphic.
  3. 3. Lion King, The Wizard of Oz, and Sailor moon.
  4. 4. Unique Authentic Design
  5. 5. In High school I took graphic design classes.
  6. 6. graphic design at Full Sail University.
  7. 7. Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Final Cut Pro.
  8. 8.
  9. 9. Determined.
  10. 10.
  11. 11. present and taking opportunities as they come.
  12. 12. Motivated. Focused.
  13. 13. design class projects/assignments.
  14. 14. Receptionist.
  15. 15. Custodian.
  16. 16. Fast-paced environment.
  17. 17. Adaptable.
  18. 18. Works well with everybody.
  19. 19. FAKEGEEKGIRLSChatting With ALBIFAn honest discussionBy Katrina Pallopyouve been following The Battle of the FakeGeek Girl at all, you probably already know who ALB is. HerDPLQJSLQNKDLURIULJKWHRXVQHVVKDVEHHQDOORYHUWKH:HEVLQFHKHUVXFFLQFWYLGHRWDNHGRZQRIPLVRJQLQWKHJHHNworld,Fake Geek Girls debuted. IRL, ALB is Angelina, aCanadian illustrator and blogger. She was kind enough toDQVZHUDFRXSOHRIPTXHVWLRQVRYHUWKH:HEIRUZHDUHQRWKLQJLIQRWZRPHQRIRXUWLPH
  20. 20. +HUHVVRPHRIZKDWVKHKDVWRVDDERXWDOOWKLV)DNH*HHN*LUOWRPIRROHU52Illustrator/ blogger Angelina ALBPhoto by Stefan Sanjati
  21. 21. Goal. Plan. Implement. Achieve.
  22. 22. Contributions.
  23. 23. Positive impact.

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