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Veno has worked in the Jyotish field

for two decades. She is co author of

"Sun, the Cosmic Power house"(Sagar

Publications) and illustrator of "The

Rahu Ketu Experience" & "The 27

Celestial Portals" by Prash Trivedi. She

has a keen interest in Vedic sciences and

esoteric practices generally. Her personal

experiences have helped her realize the

role kundalini plays in refining one's

knowledge in sciences like jyotish. She

specializes in natal astrology and runs

her own website


Veno, UK

hat makes Vedic Astrology

superior to other divination

systems is its level of accuracy

and precision in prediction. Predictive

methods are based on very complex


Here is a simple method, which gives

remarkable results.

A very important timing system in Vedic

Astrology, before studying a more complex

prediction system is when planets and

houses give their maturity effects. The

planets are more significant in this regard.

At a certain age a planet will mature. The

full potential of the planet will be able to

manifest at that time. Whatever a planet

promises in the chart, depending on other

factors will be clearly visible in a person's

life at that age. This is a very important

method of prediction and can often work

like magic.

In some cases just knowing a person's age

without having access to their chart can

give you a strong idea of what they are

experiencing in life and how that planet


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corresponding to their age actually functions in their chart.

The maturity planet will show its intrinsic nature as well as the results of its chart


Age When Planets Give Their Full Effects

Planet Age Peak of Effects


15 - 20 years Peak Year (16) from 15th birthday

Sun 21 - 22 years Peak Year (22) from 21st birthday

Moon 23 - 24 years Peak Year (24) from 23rd birthday

Venus 25 - 27 years Peak Year (25) from 24th birthday

Mars 28 - 30 years Peak Year (28) from 27th birthday

Mercury 32 - 35 years Peak Year (35) from 31st birthday

Saturn 36 - 39 years Peak Year (36) from 35th birthday

Rahu 42 - 47 years Peak Year (42) from 41st birthday

Ketu 48 - 54 years Peak Year (48) from 47th birthday

Jupiter's maturity age (15th birthday) 16th year, will often give some special opportunities,

wealth, or higher learning (Jupiter's natural significations) and whatever else it indicates in

the chart.

Sun's maturity age (21st birthday) 22nd year, will bring out the person's underlying tendencies

to the fore, and if well placed is an important time for professional advancement, along with

whatever else Sun indicates in the chart.

Moon's maturity age (23rd birthday) 24th year, will show some psychological maturity.

Whatever else the Moon indicates in the chart will come to the fore.

From one's 24th birthday (25th year) Venus will mature. As a natural significator of love a

person will generally expect some romance even marriage in their life, if supported by the

main horoscope. Venus will also give the effects of its chart placement.

Mars maturity age (27th birthday) 28th year, will see a person developing more initiative and

independence in their life. Mars will also give the effects of its chart placement.

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Mercury's maturity age (31st birthday) 32nd year, will see more intellectual development and

important communication activities taking place. Mercury will also give the effects of its

chart placement.

Saturn's maturity age (35th birthday) 36th year, can usher in important changes. A person may

experience some form of upheaval or find more security and stability in their life. Whatever

a person has been working hard towards in the house that Saturn occupies, will start to give

its full results at this age.

Rahu's maturity age (41st birthday) 42nd year, can make one more focused on the

opportunities for growth that Rahu signifies in the chart.

Ketu's maturity age (47th birthday) 48th year, is an important time for introspection and

reflection on how one has developed up till now in their lives. It can be an important

spiritual turning point.

If a planet is afflicted in a chart, when it reaches maturity the full negative potential of that

planet will be able to manifest. As an example, if Saturn were badly placed in the 4th house

of a horoscope, at the age of 35 a person will have some kind of emotional crisis or difficulties

with property matters. Saturn is sure to show its more negative inherent traits such as

obstacles, delays, miserliness, over attachment and poverty. If this Saturn were also ruler of

the 5th and 6th house it will show obstructions in love affairs, creativity, children (5th house)

and problems with debts, enemies and health (6th house). On the other hand if Saturn is a

strong benefic or yogakaraka then one may see a sudden rise in fortune from the age of 35.

Maturity Age of Houses ouses mature at certain times in a person's life also. If a person has a particularly

strong or weak house it will show its effect quite obviously during the period of

its duration, alongside other more important predictive factors.

House Person’s Age

9 1-24

10 25-26

11 27-28

12 29-30

1 31-33

2 34-36

3 37-39

4 40-45


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5 46-51

6 52-57

7 58-65

8 66 onwards

Up to 24 years of age when the 9th house is giving effects, a person will be very much at the

mercy of their fortune or misfortune, depending on the strength of the 9th house in the chart.

This is a time when a person develops their main outlook and approach to life, and finds

their destined path or general life direction.

From one's 24th birthday to 26 years of age, one's career often becomes an important point of

focus, and trying to attain professional recognition. From one's 26th birthday to 28 years of

age, social opportunities may manifest, along with focusing on one's ability for wealth and

profits and trying to achieve major ambitions and long term goals.

From one's 28th birthday to 30 years of age, a person may have to deal with issues of loss, long

distance travel may be important, along with spiritual awakening and seeking a greater

meaning to existence.

From one's 30th birthday to 33 years of age, a person may be trying to formulate their self

identity and become more independent.

From one's 33rd birthday to 36 years of age, a person may be focused on earning money,

development of speech and acquiring knowledge.

From one's 36th birthday to 39 years of age, a person may be fostering their independence and

initiative, and learning to handle communication in a more effective manner. New creative

skills may be taken up at this time.

From one's 39th birthday to 45 years of age, a person may be concerned more about inner

stability and settling down in a permanent home.

From one's 45th birthday to 51 years of age, new creative activities may spring up, along with

concentration on one's children and their lives.

From one's 51st birthday to 57 years of age, a person may have to focus more on their health

and whatever else their 6th house indicates in the chart.

By one's 57th birthday to 65 years of age, a person has learnt to deal with relationships in a

certain way.

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From one's 65th birthday onwards a person has to confront issues about death and the

mysteries of life.

Horoscope Examples for Planet’s Maturity

Jupiter’s Maturity – From 15th Birthday, 15-20 years, Peak age-16 years

Martin Luther King, the prominent civil rights activist during the 1960’s, was said to

have been born around noon. Jupiter being his 9th and 12th lord, placed in his first house in

Aries, was sure to awaken his spiritual and religious learning during the years 15 to 20. His

Jupiter is placed in a dharma house aspecting the 5th and 9th house where it is aspecting its

own sign. Jupiter’s placement in the 1st house showed the religious wisdom that he was privy

to since early childhood, his family being part of a church community and his father being a

Reverend. Just before his 16th birthday he enrolled in Crozer Theological seminary in

Pennsylvania, where he graduated with a Bachelor of Divinity in 1951. He also studied at

Pennsylvania University at the same time where he won awards for being an outstanding

student. He also began teaching at the age of 16. Despite the strong moral and spiritual

leanings of his Jupiter, we may note his Saturn is placed in Jupiter’s 9th house, and is

debilitated in Aries in the Navamsa chart. He was never totally bound by moral conventions,

and as his Jupiter maturity took place within his Saturn Dasa, during these early years of his

life he broke his father’s religious rules by drinking alcohol, playing pool and having an affair

with a white woman.

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A different version of Jupiter maturity can be seen in the horoscope of Bo Derek. She

is an American film actress most recognised for her role as the blonde sex symbol in the

1970’s comedy film “10” starring opposite Dudley Moore. Her acting aspirations in her early

years led her to meet director John Derek, 30 years her senior. John Derek divorced his first

wife to be with 16 year old Bo, and ran away with her to Germany to avoid being charged

with statutory rape under USA law. They had a lifelong marriage, and he acted as a

powerful mentor-guru, guiding her through her career and also in many other aspects of life,

which included influencing her appearance and her philosophy. In her chart, Ascendant lord

and 10th lord Jupiter sits in the 7th house of marriage, and 7th lord Mercury occupies the 9th

house of teaching with Saturn (older person), Sun and Rahu, indicating a harsh and

domineering type of partner in some ways but also someone who took a lot of interest in her,

Jupiter aspecting its own Ascendant. Jupiter in Uttaraphalguni and the 9th house stellium of

planets showed his fatherly countenance. She also began running Jupiter Dasa at the time, so

Jupiter maturity and its Dasa had quite profound impact.

Mars Maturity – From 27th birthday, 28-30 years, Peak Age- 28 years

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Brandon Lee, son of legendary martial artist Bruce Lee, was rising upwards in a

promising acting career when he was fatally wounded in an accidental shooting on the set of

popular film, “The Crow”. He had only just turned 28 years of age. Mars being the natural

lord of violence and firearms played large part in this event. In Brandon Lee’s chart his 8th

lord of longevity Moon is heavily combust, and is not deriving much strength in its own

constellation. Mars occupies an enemy sign in the 10th house and is more potent in its

negative effects being retrograde. Mars in the 10th house causes dramatic turns of events. It

also rules the 12th house and occupies the nakshatra of the Sun. Sun plays a strong maraka role

in the chart posited in the 2nd house conjunct 8th lord Moon; another maraka lord Mercury

and the 6th lord Venus. He was running Rahu Mars. In this case Rahu is also carrying Mars

energy occupying the nakshatra of Mrigishira. Transiting Mars was casting aspect on the 2nd

house and natal Mars at the time. Still this was a peak career period for him. His Mars also

rules the favourable 5th house, and Ascendant lord Jupiter was transiting his 10th house. Even

though Gulika in the 10th offers some favourable results, its conjunction with Mars

aggravated malevolent effects during Mars bhukti and maturity.

Saturn Maturity – From 35th birthday -36-39 years, Peak Age- 36 years

The revered poet, philosopher and artist, Kahlil Gibran, was best known for his book

titled “The Prophet”, an inspirational book which gave him widespread posthumous fame.

His first major publishing accomplishments could be said to have begun after a New York

publishing company published the “The Mad Man” a short book of poetic parables. It was

Kahlil Gibran’s first published work in the English language. This happened in 1918 during

his 35th year, a mid-point between his Mercury and Saturn maturity. Saturn rules the 3rd

house of writing and placed in the 6th house (foreigners) with Ketu. Mercury is also

connected to the 3rd house being placed there. Saturn is debilitated; but retrograde debilitated

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planets can give some impressive results. Saturn is in the nakshatra of the Sun, 10th lord.

Saturn casts a very favourable aspect on the 12th house Libra, its exalted sign, and a house

promising success in foreign lands. Saturn is also giving a lot of strength to its own third

house by aspect. Saturn is very favourable in Dasamsa occupying its own sign. He was

running Venus Rahu which at that time enhanced his spiritual reputation, 12th lord Venus

sitting in the 1st house of recognition with the 9th lord Moon and Rahu occupying Venus sign.

Venus and Moon are also vargottama with an exalted Ketu in Navamsa enhancing his

spiritual aura.

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