
Advance notice

CAPA Night 27th July


Dalley St Lismore Ph: 66215185 Fax: 66222940 Email: [email protected]

Issue 9 14th June 2011



Principal’s Report

I would like to thank Christine Grieves, who has relieved as Principal while I have been working

at Lismore District Office. Ms Grieves has ensured that the school and all its detail has run

smoothly this term. I also thank Graham Wallace, who relieved as Deputy Principal and Jim

McInerney, who relieved as Head Teacher Science. The opportunity to work in education in a

higher capacity is an enriching experience and I presume that, like me, these staff members

benefitted professionally from their experiences relieving in these positions.

Student success

Congratulations are in order for a large number of students in a wide range of activities. I am so proud of the

achievements of students from our school in their cultural, sporting and academic pursuits. I realise that this is one

of the many strengths of Lismore High – the diversity, the breadth and the depth of exceptional talent displayed by

its students. This has come about because of exceptional staff commitment, expert instruction and great relation-

ships that have been nurtured across the school. In this newsletter I highlight the following achievements:

Calendar of events


15th *P & C meeting-7pm

16th *Year 10 (in small groups) meeting

with Head Teachers to discuss subject

selections for Year 11

*Year 12-SCU HSC Study Day

*Girls hockey-Hepburn Park

17th *VTRACKS & TVET Open Day—

Wollongbar TAFE

20th *Year 11 Hospitality work placement


21st *Gold Card excursion to Minyon Falls

22nd *Northern Rivers Zone Athletics


23rd *Year 6 Advantage Program—

students attending from local primary


*Movie World excursion ESL students

for Refugee Week

24th *Richmond Zone Sports meeting

*Year 10 round 1 subject selection

for Year 11-hand in

29th Richmond Zone Athletics


1st *Last day term 2

18th *Staff development day-Teachers Only

Steve’s Cake Shop

70 Conway Street

Lismore Ph 66 215665

The Dance Troupe performed at the North Coast Dance Festival last Wednesday

evening at Tweed Heads. The dancers performed in a number of items and were

stunning in performance and costume as well as behaviour. This year a number of

boys have taken part and they are showing great skill and execution on the stage.

Thanks go out to Ms Pine, Ms Hudson, Ms Pruess and Mr Varcoe, who took the stu-

dents on the trip and to parents and supporters. The Dance Troupe has also been

successful in gaining a gig at in the NSW Schools Spectacular to be held in November

at the Sydney Entertainment Centre – a fantastic effort!

As this newsletter goes to print Year 10 students are attending the annual Southern Cross University Science and

Engineering Challenge. This gala day has a focus on Year 10 science students working in teams of four to solve a

range of engineering-based problems. Our students demonstrate their expertise in solving science and engineering

problems in a team format. Directed and taught by Ms Templeton, Lismore High School students will once again

demonstrate the quality of teaching that is available at Lismore High. This is no ‘one off’ as it is the fifth time our

school has been in this challenge. We look forward to Ms Templeton’s report in the next newsletter.

Congratulations also go to the boys and girls Hockey and Touch teams and the girls Tennis teams that

have competed in CHS Knock-out competitions recently. All of these teams have been successful in winning

local rounds of the competitions and some are now up to the Regional Final series. Good luck to the players

and thanks to the teacher coaches working with these students. I also remind athletes of the Richmond

Zone Athletics Carnival coming up in the last week of term. Good luck to all competitors.

Year 9 Laptops

Recently Year 9 students have received the third instalment of federally funded laptops.

Most students and parents have attended orientation information sessions. A further in-

formation afternoon will be held before the end of term. Parents not yet updated on the

Laptop Charter will be contacted regarding this event. If your student is not aware of

these dates please contact the front office for details – 66215185.


Reports have been completed for students in Years 7-11 and will be issued before the end of

term. If students are absent on the day of the report hand-out I ask parents to contact the

front office to make arrangements to collect their student’s report.

With thanks to all.

Peter Campbell - Principal

KenKen – Numbers 1 to 4 only

-every number in each row and column must be different


3- 24X




4 2-

Hand your solution to your Maths teacher or

place it in the box in the Maths staff room by

Friday 17th June. The winner will be drawn on

Monday 20th June and receive a $5 voucher to

spend at the canteen.

Last week’s winner was: Che Hooper (Yr 10).

Name: __________________________________

Year: __________

Roll Call: ___________

University opportunity for Year 9 students

The University of Newcastle is offering Year 9 students the opportunity to experience a

four-day residential in November. The students will experience life on campus and follow a

timetable. If you are interested in finding out more information please come and talk to

Mrs Graham.

Mrs P Graham - Year 9 Adviser

Inter-school Chess Tournament

On 2nd June the Lismore High School Chess Team headed out to St. Joseph’s School in Alstonville for the

next round of the Gardiner Northern Rivers Chess Tournament. They performed extremely well, with the

first team coming half a point away from clinching first place! Joe Healy also tied with another student for

1st place as best player in the Tournament! I would very like to wish them a very hearty congratulations.

Their old chess coach from Ballina was very impressed at how far they had come. We look forward to the

final tournament in August in Ballina where, with this calibre of playing, we are sure to dominate!

Here are the current rankings:

Place Name Score

1 Kadina HS A 19

2 Lismore HS 1 18.5

3 Ballina HS 17

4 Xavier Catholic College 15.5

5 Trinity 1 15

6 Trinity 2 13.5

7 Trinity 3 12.5

8 Cape Byron RS 1 11

9 Lismore HS 2 8.5

10 Trinity 4 8

11 Kadina HS B 7.5

12 Emmanuel AC - S1 1

The Chess Club meets on Tuesdays at lunch time in the library for any and all students who are interested

in this great game of skill.

Mr M Joosse - Chaplain and Chess Coordinator

Handy tips

Positive stress management

Students who manage best:

maintain positive relationship with family and friends

continue to allow some time for exercise and leisure

get plenty of sleep

eat sensibly

have planned time for study

are organised

learn and practise simple techniques for relaxation (see the school counsellor for ideas)

If you think your child isn’t coping with stress, please contact the school counsellor or your family doctor.

More information can be found at

Lantern Making

A group of students from the Support Unit joined in with an art class from RED Inc in Lismore, to decorate

lanterns to be used later in the month for the Lantern Parade.

Students were given the choice of decorating the lanterns to make them look like strawberries, apples,

oranges or lemons. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and we look forward to joining RED Inc in

marching in the Lantern Parade.

Mrs R Wallace – Support Unit teacher

TAFE taster course

Mr Phillips and I have had a great few weeks

with students from the junior unit support at a

Taster of TAFE course at Wollongbar. At the

time of writing, the students are half way

through their course and have tried their hand

at hairdresser, beautician, florist, horticultur-

ist, woodworker and metal fabricator.

They have all been very keen, very capable

and a joy to work with.

While Mr Phillips has been using his skills as a

farmer and handyman to help the kids, they

have been using their skills to help me. I

would have made a lousy tradesman!

The boys and girls now should have a really

good idea of which TVET courses they should

apply for in Years 11 and 12. Mr Goldie should

stick to Careers!

Here are some photos of the students in ac-


Mr W Goldie - Careers Adviser and

Failed Carpenter

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