  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus



    ON OF Lesson 8 for May 23, 2015

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus


    ON OF

       “   F  o  r   t   h  e

       S  o  n  o   f   M  a  n   h  a  s    o  !  e   t  o

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       t  o  s  a  $  e   t   h  a   t  %   h   &     h  %  a  s

       '  o  s   t (   )   *   L  +   "

      e   1   ,  -   1   0   . TO SEE/ 

    The 'ost


    The 'ost o&n

    The 'ost son

    TO SE



    The r&h !anan# Laar+s





  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus


    THE LOST SHEE6“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he losesone of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the

    wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until hefinds it?” (Luke 1!"#

    The shee !ay 7e a%are thatshe &s 'ost, 7+t she &s +na7'e

    to sa$e herse'f(

    ho #oes the sheereresent9

    That shee reresents those%ho +n#erstan# that they arefar a%ay fro! :o#, 7+t #on;t"no% ho% to

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus


    THE LOST >OIN“$r what woman, having ten silver coins, if she losesone coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house,

    and search carefully until she finds it?” (Luke 1!%#

    The %o!an "no%s she 'ost ao&n( Ne$erthe'ess, the o&n#oesn;t "no% she;s 'ost(

    ho #oes that o&nreresent9

    That o&n reresents those%ho are 'ost 7ea+se of the&rs&ns 7+t aren;t a%are of that(

    They are far a%ay fro! :o#,7+t they #on;t "no%(

     Jes+s ares e$en for those%ho re!a&n &n#&?erent to H&s'o$e(

    He %ants +s to #&'&=ent'y see"those eo 'e( The nee# to 7e

    O SEE/ 

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus


    THE FLI:HT *$( 11@12.

    He #n;t

    +n#erstan#the 'o$&n=rotet&onof the La%of :o#*&n'+#&n=&ts '&!&ts

    an#restr&t&ons.( Therefore,he #ee#to '&$e a '&feof“free#o!)


    THE AIS66OINTMENT *$( 13@1B.

    He '&$e# aroC&=ate'&$e( HeeDer&ene# the&''+s&on of

    s&n;s'eas+res+nt&' hehar$este#the 7&tterfr+&ts of &t(

    THE EFLE>TION *$( 1G.

    He rea'&e# :o#ha# e$eryth&n=,7+t he ha#noth&n=( The Ho'y

    S&r&t #oesn;treroah +s &nthose 'o%!o!ents, 7+t!a"es +s reCet onthe #e&s&ons %e!a#e( He &n$&tes+s to o!e 7a" tothe ar!s of the

    THE ETUN*$( 18@20.

    He tr+ste# “h&s)father;s 'o$e an#

    for=&$eness(He onfesse# h&ss&n(

    He aete# h&s+n%orth&ness*s&nere

    reentane.(He ro'a&!e# h&s

    THE LOST SONThe ara7'e of the “ro#&=a') son &n L+"e 15-11@32&s the story of a father *:o#. an# h&s 'ost sons( Oneof the! ran a%ay fro! the father( The other one

    '&$e# %&th h&! 7+t #n;t at+a''y "no% h&!(

    O SEE/ 




  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus



    THE IT *$( 20@21.

    The %a&t 7e=an%hen the son 'eft(The father %a&t&n=for h&s son to o!e7a" &s the 'earest

    &!a=e of :o#;sharater(

    THE JO *$( 22@2.

    :o# an# H&s an=e'se'e7rate e$eryso+' that o!es7a" to H&!( E$ery

    reentant ersonan yo+ '&$e %&th :o# 7+t "ee H&! a%ay fro! yo+rheart at the sa!e t&!e9

    >an yo+ tr+st so !+h yo+r o%n +st&e that yo+ #on;taet :o#;s 'o$e an# +st&e for yo+ an# for others9

    >an yo+ hate so !+h a s&nner that yo+ #on;t %ant :o#to for=&$e h&!9

    >an yo+ o!e &n :o#;s ho!e9 >an yo+ h+!7'y o&n theart for the re entant s&nner9 >o!e &n %e are







  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus


    THE I>HMN L&fe ee&$&n= =oo#s

    For=ett&n= :o#

    Aeath 4e&n= 7+r&e#

    4e&n= on#e!ne#


    L&fe ee&$&n= e$&'

    Tr+st&n= :o#

    Aeath “The&r %or"s fo''o%the!() *e$( 1-13.4e&n= sa$e#

    THE I>H MN NA LUS*L+"e 1B-1@31.

    O SE

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus


    “In the parable of the rich man andLazarus, Christ shows that in this life

    men decide their eternal destiny.During probationary time the grace ofGod is oered to eery soul. !ut ifmen waste their opportunities in self"

    pleasing, they cut themseles o fromeerlasting life. #o afterprobation willbe granted them. !y their own choicethey hae $%ed an impassable gulfbetween them and their God.&

    E(:(( *>hr&st;s O7et Lessons, ( 21, =( 2B0.

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus


    4TIMEUS *L+"e18-35@3.

    7'&n# 7e==ar stoo# 7y theentrane of Jer&ho( He 7e==e#to !a&nta&n h&!se'f(Ne$erthe'ess, h&s so+' 'on=e#for s&r&t+a' !a&ntenane( On'ythe Mess&ahKthe Son of Aa$Ko+'# =&$e h&! that(

    He #n;t 'et anyone =et h&! to7e +&et %hen he hear# Jes+s%as ass&n= 7y( He $ehe!ent'y

    as"e# for an a+#&ene %&th h&sSa$&or(“'ll who feel their need of Christas did blind !artimeus, and whowill be as earnest anddetermined as he was, will, li(ehim, receie the blessing which

    they crae.&E(:(( *Sons an# Aa+=hters of :o#, r&' 2.

    “&nd he cried out, saying, 'esus, )on of*avid, have mercy on me+” (Luke 1%!%#

    O SE

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus


    >>HEUS *L+"e1-1@10.“.hen /acchaeus stood and said to the Lord,'Look, Lord, 0 give half of my goods to the

    poor and if 0 have taken anything from anyone

    2y false accusation, 0 restore fourfold3” (Luke14!%#4oth ahae+s; an# 4art&!ae+s;story are eDa!'es of ho% Jes+sa!e “to see" an# to sa$e that%h&h %as 'ost() *L+"e 1-10.1( ahae+s %as +r&o+s to see

     Jes+s(2( No one %as %&''&n= to sho%

    h&! Jes+s(3( He so+=ht Jes+s 7y h&s o%n(( Jes+s #n;t tease h&! %hen

    he sa% h&!( On the ontrary,He &n$&te# H&!se'f to ha$e#&nner at h&s 'ae(

    5( Jes+s &n$&te# h&! to aet thesa'$at&on as they %ere ha$&n=#&nner(

    B( ahae+s aete# an# ate#

    “&nd esus said to him, '.oday salvation

    has come to this house, 2ecause he also isa son of &2raham3” (Luke 14!4#

    O SE

  • 8/9/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpoint Presentation the Mission of Jesus


    “'re you indeed an instructor in the ways of God) Ifyou are a conerted teacher, you will be able to win, not

    drie, to attract, not repulse, the souls for whom Christhas died. *ou will guard and care for the sheep andlambs of Christ+s fold. If they stray, you will not leaethem to perish, but will go forth to see( and to sae thatwhich is lost. 'll heaen will be ready to aid you in this

    good wor(. he angels will aid you in your eort to $ndthe (ey to the heart of the most incorrigible and unruly.

     *ou will receie special grace and strength throughChrist, who is able to supply you from -is immeasurablefullness. *ou will then be uali$ed to be a laborer

    together with God, one with Christ in your eort to saethe lost, and the result of your labor of loe will be seennot only in time, but through all eternity.&

    E(:(( *>o+nse's on Sa77ath Shoo' or", ( B,

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