
New Life Baptist Church &


Change Management

Active Shooter

By: Shada Zaroug, Ihab Itani7/18/2014

School shootings in the United states are frequently recurring.

They consist of incidents in which a firearm was discharged in school premises.

Incidents in which a person intentionally shot himself in a suicidal attempt.


In California,records showed school shootings since 1992 with casualties 387.

Some of which were completely ignored by the media.

Children ages 5-14 in America are 13x more likely to be killed by guns than children in other industrialised countries.

National Issue

A reflexive plan was devised by President Obama to close a loophole which allows Americans to buy weapons such as machine guns etc

- Without undergoing background checks set to be delayed due to intense opposition from the NRA and other anti-gun-control.

In New Mexico a gun can be carried only in a concealed manner.

- At least 21 years old and 15 hours of classroom shooting classes.

Gun Laws


White house announced that all member of legally certified trusts buying or receiving federally regulated weapons would need to identify themselves.

Gun trusts however can take ownership of weapons regulated under the NFA (National Fire Act) without providing identification

Average of 86 Americans die everyday from gun violence



Values & Norms


Values:Acknowledgement: Understanding the situationApproachability: “Active Shooter”Awareness: Environmentally aware

Confidence: TrainingCourage: Practical TestsControl: Organised, Safe and Secured environment

Religion: As it is a church, it caters to the whole community, bringing everyone together with their mutual holistic roots. That’s the communication ability, that also affects the credibility of the school by having the power of god on their side.

Behaviour: The behaviour of the community will change as people will be allowing their children to train to defend themselves against firearms, something usually frowned upon. The agreement to this training would build a stronger community.

April 2007 (Blacksburg, Virginia)-Virginia Tech massacre: Seung-Hui Cho, aged 23 male, shot and killed 32 students and faculty members, and wounded another 17 students and faculty members in two separate attacks on the same day, all before Cho committed suicide. Total Deaths: 33

December 14, 2012 (Newtown, Connecticut)-Adam Lanza, aged 20, killed 26 people and himself at the Sandy Hook Elementary School. He first killed his mother at their shared home before taking her guns and driving to the school. He had a rifle, two handguns and shotgunTotal Deaths: 28

Environmental Scan “Demographics”

Life Cycle

The academy offers A-beka based Christian curriculum for students Pre-K through High School.

Dr. Larry Allen and his wife realised that school aged children were becoming more rebellious and showing less tendency to respect authority. They wanted to offer a high level of education.

He noticed that children wanted to do what was right but didn't have the skills or the knowledge to accomplish their desired goal

New life Baptist Church

& Academy

Rev. Larry Allen is a former State Police officer

He started a “survival class” at the state police academy.

He has more than 30 years experience in the public safety and security fields.

This training component covers many areas: - Crisis management- Crowd control- Major event security- Ethics covert investigations - Tactical crisis response and management.

Security experience

These drills are a time to allow students and teachers alike to practice their assigned tasks. Small children are taught to hide under furniture and not come out.

High school age students, called “The Pastor’s Warriors”, are trained by former police officers in self defence and disarming techniques.

These techniques include swarming the shooter and disarming him and pinning him to the ground with sheer force.

Strategies Attacking the Issue

“Active Shooter”Enforcement

The students practice these techniques in gym class. Whilst most normal students practiced sports, they practice self defence.

Dr. Allen has also armed some of his faculty, although he will not tell anyone who is actually armed, thus preserving the element of surprise.

The faculty goes through months of training before being allowed to carry in the school.

The teachers have taken their responsibility of protecting their students to a higher level.


The public education system is the one giving the false sense of security by assuring parents and students that the police will respond swiftly and take care of the situation.

In most cases of an active shooter, the police arrive ‘too little too late’ once damage has already been done.


Some teachers had the same level of training that the police did. The truth is that most police officers in America have never been to an “active shooter” call and even fewer have ever confronted one.

Politicians in this country want to force citizens to rely on them for everything including their protection, which they fail to do.


This administration and faculty understand that the police department have difficulties responding to crisis’ like this in time.

This program has armed some of the faculty as well as taught lifesaving skills to all of the students in the school.

The program is also giving students self-confidence and teaching them that they do not have to rely on others for their protection.


Buffering Strategy: The issue here can be with people not accepting gun regulation laws.

However it can be overruled, as in example of President Obama`s decision to not regulate weapons, which was voted out by the majority .

Bridging Strategy/ Advocacy Strategy- After these terrible tragedies, people

are being more open to change and aware of the issue that surrounds them.

- By understanding the different ideas, the public’s opinions will change and that would lead to a change in stakeholders expectations.

Issue Specific ResponseStrategies




Sources:"New Life Baptist Church NLBC and New Life Baptist Academy - NEW LIFE BAPTIST CHURCH." NLBCABQ. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 July 2014. <>.

Hartranft, Michael . "‘Active shooter’ training to help protect and save lives." ABQJournal Online. Journal Staff Writer, 4 Mar. 2013. Web. 17 July 2014. <>.

Hudson, Tom. "New Life Baptist Academy: Arming Teachers, Training Students - GunNews." Gun NewsNews By The Barrel RSS. Gun News, 19 Feb. 2014. Web. 17 July 2014. <>.

Swaine, Jon. "Obama plan to close gun loophole stalled by NRA and pro-gun opposition." Guardian News and Media, 3 May 2014. Web. 17 July 2014. <>.

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