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In 2007, primary carcinoma of the lung affected 114,760 males and 98,620 females in the United States; 86% die within 5 years of diagnosis, making it the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women. The incidence of lung cancer peaks between ages 55 and 65 years. Lung cancer accounts for 29% of all cancer deaths (31% in men, 26% in women). Lung cancer is responsible for more deaths in the United States each year than breast cancer, colon cancer, and prostate cancer combined; more women die each year of lung cancer than of breast cancer. The age-adjusted lung cancer death rate in males is decreasing, but in females it is stable or still increasing. These death rates are related to smoking; smoking cessation efforts begun 40 years ago in men are largely responsible for the change in incidence and death rates.

However, women started smoking in substantial numbers about 1015 years later than men; smoking cessation efforts need to increase for women. The 5-year overall lung cancer survival rate (15%) has nearly doubled in the past 30 years. The improvement is due to advances in combined-modality treatment with surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. The International Agency for Research on Cancer estimates that there will be over 1.18 million deaths from lung cancer worldwide in 2007, which will rise to 10 million deaths per year by 2030. This represents one lung cancer case for every 3 million cigarettes smoked. Thus, primary carcinoma of the lung is a major health problem with a generally grim prognosis.


The term lung cancer is used for tumors arising from the respiratory epithelium (bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli). Mesotheliomas, lymphomas, and stromal tumors (sarcomas) are distinct from epithelial lung cancer. Four major cell types make up 88% of all primary lung neoplasms according to the World Health Organization classification (Table 85-1). These are squamous or epidermoid carcinoma, small cell (also called oat cell) carcinoma, adenocarcinoma (including bronchioloalveolar), and large cell carcinoma. The remainder include undifferentiated carcinomas, carcinoids, bronchial gland tumors (including adenoid cystic carcinomas and mucoepidermoid tumors), and rarer tumor types. The various cell types have different natural histories and responses to therapy, and thus a correct histologic diagnosis by an experienced pathologist is the first step to correct treatment. In the past 25 years, adenocarcinoma has replaced squamous cell carcinoma as the most frequent histologic subtype, and the incidence of small cell carcinoma is on the decline.

Table 1.Frequency, Age-Adjusted Incidence, and Survival Rates for Different Histologic Types of Lung Cancera

Histologic Type of Thoracic MalignancyFrequency, %Age-Adjusted Rate5-Year Survival Rate (All Stages)

Adenocarcinoma (and all subtypes)32717

Bronchioloalveolar carcinoma31.442

Squamous cell (epidermoid) carcinoma291515

Small cell carcinoma 1895

Large cell carcinoma9511


Mucoepidermoid carcinoma0.190% in both), telomerase expression (>90% in both), and tumor-acquired promoter methylation in multiple genes (>80% in both, often involving the same genes, including RASSF1A). SCLCs are initially very responsive to combination chemotherapy (>70% responses, with 30% complete responses) and to radiotherapy (>90% responses); however, most SCLCs ultimately relapse. By contrast, NSCLCs have objective tumor shrinkage following radiotherapy in 3050% of cases and response to combination chemotherapy in 2035% of cases.

At presentation, SCLCs usually have already spread such that surgery is unlikely to be curative and, given their responsiveness to chemotherapy, are managed primarily by chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy. Chemotherapy clearly provides symptom relief and survival advantage. By contrast, NSCLCs that are clinically localized at the time of presentation may be cured with either surgery or radiotherapy. The beneficial role of chemotherapy in NSCLC is in palliation of symptoms and improving survival modestly.

Although it is important to differentiate whether a tumor is SCLC or NSCLC for both prognostic and therapeutic reasons, it is less important to identify the histologic subtypes of NSCLC. Stage for stage, the histology of NSCLC is not an important prognostic factor, and in the past the different subtypes of NSCLC were rarely treated differently. However, lung adenocarcinomas (often with bronchioloalveolar features) may be responsive to therapy aimed at the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) (see below). In addition, patients with squamous cell carcinoma may not be appropriate candidates for antiangiogenic therapy due to an increased risk of bleeding (see below).

Eighty-five percent of patients with lung cancer of all histologic types are current or former cigarette smokers. Of the annual 213,380 new cases of lung cancer, ~50% develop in former smokers. With increased success in smoking cessation efforts, the number of former smokers will grow, and these individuals will be important candidates for early detection and chemoprevention efforts.

All histologic types of lung cancer are due to smoking. However, lung cancer can also occur in individuals who have never smoked. By far the most common form of lung cancer arising in lifetime nonsmokers, in women, and in young patients (90% of lung cancers. Genome-wide approaches are identifying other amplified or mutated dominant oncogenes that could be important new therapeutic targets.

b. Inactivation of Tumor-Supressor Genes

A large number of tumor-suppressor genes (recessive oncogenes) have been identified that are inactivated during the pathogenesis of lung cancer. This usually occurs by a tumor-acquired inactivating mutation of one allele [seen, for example, in the p53 and retinoblastoma (RB) tumor-suppressor gene] or tumor-acquired inactivation of expression by tumor-acquired promoter DNA methylation (seen, for example, in the case of the p16 and RASSF1A tumor-suppressor genes), which is then coupled with physical loss of the other parental allele ("loss of heterozygosity"). This leaves the tumor cell with only the functionally inactive allele and thus loss of function of the growth-regulatory tumor-suppressor gene. Genome-wide approaches have identified many such genes involved in lung cancer pathogenesis, including p53, RB, RASSF1A, SEMA3B, SEMA3F, FUS1, p16, LKB1, RAR, and FHIT. Several tumor-suppressor genes on chromosome 3p appear to be involved in nearly all lung cancers. Allelic loss for this region occurs very early in lung cancer pathogenesis, including in histologically normal smoking-damaged lung epithelium.

c. Autocrine Growth Factors

The large number of genetic and epigenetic lesions shows that lung cancer, like other common epithelial malignancies, arises as a multistep process that is likely to involve both carcinogens causing mutation ("initiation") and tumor promoters. Prevention can be directed at both processes. Lung cancer cells produce many peptide hormones and express receptors for these hormones. They can promote tumor cell growth in an "autocrine" fashion.

Highly carcinogenic derivatives of nicotine are formed in cigarette smoke. Lung cancer cells of all histologic types (and the cells from which they are derived) express nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. Nicotine activates signaling pathways in tumor and normal cells that block apoptosis. Thus, nicotine itself could be directly involved in lung cancer pathogenesis both as a mutagen and tumor promoter.

d. Inherited Predisposition to Lung Cancer

While an inherited predisposition to develop lung cancer is not common, several features suggest a potential for familial association. People with inherited mutations in RB (patients with retinoblastomas living to adulthood) and p53 (Li-Fraumeni syndrome) genes may develop lung cancer. First-degree relatives of lung cancer probands have a two- to threefold excess risk of lung cancer or other cancers, many of which are not smoking-related. An as yet unidentified gene in chromosome region 6q23 was found to segregate in families at high risk of developing lung cancer of all histologic types. Finally, certain polymorphisms of the P450 enzyme system (which metabolizes carcinogens) or chromosome fragility (mutagen sensitivity) genotypes are associated with the development of lung cancer. The use of any of these inherited differences to identify persons at very high risk of developing lung cancer would be useful in early detection and prevention efforts.

e. Therapy Targeted at Molecular Abnormalities

A detailed understanding of the molecular pathogenesis should be applicable to new methods of early diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of lung cancer. Two examples of this translation involve EGFR and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). EGFR belongs to the ERBB (HER) family of protooncogenes, including EGFR (ERBB1), Her2/neu (ERBB2), HER3 (ERBB3), and HER4 (ERBB4), cell-surface receptors consisting of an extracellular ligand-binding domain, a transmembrane structure, and an intracellular tyrosine kinase (TK) domain. The binding of ligand to receptor activates receptor dimerization and TK autophosphorylation, initiating a cascade of intracellular events, leading to increased cell proliferation, angiogenesis, metastasis, and a decrease in apoptosis (Chap. 80). Overexpression of EGFR protein or amplification of the EGFR gene has been found in as many as 70% of NSCLCs.

Activating/oncogenic mutations (usually a missense or a small deletion mutation) in the TK domain of EGFR have been identified. These are found most commonly in women, East Asians, patients who have never smoked, and those with adenocarcinoma and BAC histology. This is also the group of patients who are most likely to have dramatic responses to drugs that inhibit TK activation [tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs)]. EGFR mutations are almost never found in cancers other than lung cancer, nor in lung cancers that have KRAS mutations. These EGFR mutations, often associated with amplification of the EGFR gene, usually confer sensitivity of these lung cancers to EGFR TKIs (such as gefitinib or erlotinib), resulting in clinically beneficial tumor responses that unfortunately are still not permanent. In many cases the development of EGFR TKI resistance is associated with the development of another mutation in the EGFR gene (T790M mutation), or amplification of the c-met oncogene. However, other drugs with EGFR TKI activity are in development to which the lung cancers with these resistance mutations will respond as are drugs targeting c-met or its pathways.

The discovery of EGFR mutation/amplification driving lung cancer growth and the dramatic response of these tumors to oral EGFR TKI therapy has prompted a widespread search for other drugs "targeted" against oncogenic changes in lung cancer. An important example of another such target is VEGF, which, while not mutated, is inappropriately produced by lung cancers and stimulates tumor angiogenesis (Chap. 80). VEGF is often overexpressed in lung cancer, and the resulting increase in tumor microvessel density correlates with poor prognosis. A monoclonal antibody to the VEGF ligand, bevacizumab, has significant antitumor effects when used with chemotherapy in lung cancer (see below).

f. Molecular Profiles Predict Survival Response

Just as the presence of EGFR TK domain mutations and amplification is an excellent predictor of response to EGFR TKIs, molecular predictors of response to standard chemotherapy and other new targeted agents are being sought. Lung cancers can be molecularly typed at the time of diagnosis to yield information that predicts survival and defines agents to which the tumor is most likely to respond. One example is the identification of alterations in lung cancer DNA repair pathways that may predict resistance to chemotherapy.

Patients whose tumors exhibit low activity of the excision-repair-cross complementation group 1 (ERCC1) proteins typically have a worse prognosis as they are unable to repair DNA adducts in the tumor. However, retrospective analysis shows that when treated with cisplatin, patients with tumors expressing low levels of ERCC1 activity appear to do better, as they are unable to repair DNA adducts caused by cisplatin, while patients with high ERCC1 activity actually do worse with cisplatin-based chemotherapy.

Although these protein or gene expression "signatures" have yet to be validated in large prospective studies, it is possible that such information will allow future therapy to be tailored to the characteristics of each patient's tumor. Mass spectroscopy-based proteomic studies have identified unique protein patterns in the serum of patients, one of which allows for early diagnosis, while another can predict sensitivity or resistance to drugs. However, such methods have not been validated and may be difficult to implement in a patient care setting.


Lung cancer gives rise to signs and symptoms caused by local tumor growth, invasion or obstruction of adjacent structures, growth in regional nodes through lymphatic spread, growth in distant metastatic sites after hematogenous dissemination, and remote effects of tumor products (paraneoplastic syndromes).

Although 515% of patients with lung cancer are identified while they are asymptomatic, usually as a result of a routine chest radiograph or through the use of screening CT scans, most patients present with some sign or symptom. Central or endobronchial growth of the primary tumor may cause cough, hemoptysis, wheeze and stridor, dyspnea, and postobstructive pneumonitis (fever and productive cough). Peripheral growth of the primary tumor may cause pain from pleural or chest wall involvement, dyspnea on a restrictive basis, and symptoms of lung abscess resulting from tumor cavitation.

Regional spread of tumor in the thorax (by contiguous growth or by metastasis to regional lymph nodes) may cause tracheal obstruction, esophageal compression with dysphagia, recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis with hoarseness, phrenic nerve paralysis with elevation of the hemidiaphragm and dyspnea, and sympathetic nerve paralysis with Horner's syndrome (enophthalmos, ptosis, miosis, and ipsilateral loss of sweating). Malignant pleural effusion often leads to dyspnea. Pancoast's (or superior sulcus tumor) syndrome results from local extension of a tumor growing in the apex of the lung with involvement of the eighth cervical and first and second thoracic nerves, with shoulder pain that characteristically radiates in the ulnar distribution of the arm, often with radiologic destruction of the first and second ribs. Often Horner's syndrome and Pancoast's syndrome coexist. Other problems of regional spread include superior vena cava syndrome from vascular obstruction; pericardial and cardiac extension with resultant tamponade, arrhythmia, or cardiac failure; lymphatic obstruction with resultant pleural effusion; and lymphangitic spread through the lungs with hypoxemia and dyspnea. In addition, BAC can spread transbronchially, producing tumor growing along multiple alveolar surfaces with impairment of gas exchange, respiratory insufficiency, dyspnea, hypoxemia, and sputum production.

Extrathoracic metastatic disease is found at autopsy in >50% of patients with squamous carcinoma, 80% of patients with adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma, and >95% of patients with small cell cancer. Lung cancer metastases may occur in virtually every organ system. Common clinical problems related to metastatic lung cancer include brain metastases with headache, nausea, and neurologic deficits; bone metastases with pain and pathologic fractures; bone marrow invasion with cytopenias or leukoerythroblastosis; liver metastases causing liver dysfunction, biliary obstruction, anorexia, and pain; lymph node metastases in the supraclavicular region and occasionally in the axilla and groin; and spinal cord compression syndromes from epidural or bone metastases. Adrenal metastases are common but rarely cause adrenal insufficiency.

Paraneoplastic syndromes are common in patients with lung cancer and may be the presenting finding or first sign of recurrence. In addition, paraneoplastic syndromes may mimic metastatic disease and, unless detected, lead to inappropriate palliative rather than curative treatment. Often the paraneoplastic syndrome may be relieved with successful treatment of the tumor. In some cases, the pathophysiology of the paraneoplastic syndrome is known, particularly when a hormone with biologic activity is secreted by a tumor. However, in many cases the pathophysiology is unknown. Systemic symptoms of anorexia, cachexia, weight loss (seen in 30% of patients), fever, and suppressed immunity are paraneoplastic syndromes of unknown etiology. Endocrine syndromes are seen in 12% of patients: hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia resulting from the ectopic production by squamous tumors of parathyroid hormone (PTH) or, more commonly, PTH-related peptide; hyponatremia with the syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone or possibly atrial natriuretic factor by small cell cancer; and ectopic secretion of ACTH by small cell cancer. ACTH secretion usually results in additional electrolyte disturbances, especially hypokalemia, rather than the changes in body habitus that occur in Cushing's syndrome from a pituitary adenoma.

Skeletalconnective tissue syndromes include clubbing in 30% of cases (usually non-small cell carcinomas) and hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy in 110% of cases (usually adenocarcinomas), with periostitis and clubbing causing pain, tenderness, and swelling over the affected bones and a positive bone scan. Neurologic-myopathic syndromes are seen in only 1% of patients but are dramatic and include the myasthenic Eaton-Lambert syndrome and retinal blindness with small cell cancer, while peripheral neuropathies, subacute cerebellar degeneration, cortical degeneration, and polymyositis are seen with all lung cancer types.

Many of these are caused by autoimmune responses such as the development of anti-voltage-gated calcium channel antibodies in the Eaton-Lambert syndrom.. Coagulation, thrombotic, or other hematologic manifestations occur in 18% of patients and include migratory venous thrombophlebitis (Trousseau's syndrome), nonbacterial thrombotic (marantic) endocarditis with arterial emboli, disseminated intravascular coagulation with hemorrhage, anemia, granulocytosis, and leukoerythroblastosis. Thrombotic disease complicating cancer is usually a poor prognostic sign. Cutaneous manifestations such as dermatomyositis and acanthosis nigricans are uncommon (1%), as are the renal manifestations of nephrotic syndrome or glomerulonephritis (1%).



Most patients with lung cancer present with advanced disease, raising the question of whether screening would detect these tumors at an earlier stage when they are theoretically more curable. The role of screening high-risk patients (for example current or former smokers >50 years of age) for early stage lung cancers is debated. Results from five randomized screening studies in the 1980s of chest x-rays with or without cytologic analysis of sputum did not show any impact on lung cancerspecific mortality from screening high-risk patients, although earlier-stage cancers were detected in the screened groups.

These studies have been criticized for their design and statistical analyses, but they led to current recommendations not to use these tools to screen for lung cancer. However, low-dose, noncontrast, thin-slice, helical, or spiral CT has emerged as a possible new tool for lung cancer screening. Spiral CT is a scan in which only the pulmonary parenchyma is examined, thus negating the use of intravenous contrast and the necessity of a physician being present at the exam. The scan can usually be done quickly (within one breath) and involves low doses of radiation. In a nonrandomized study of current and former smokers from the Early Lung Cancer Action Project (ELCAP), low-dose CT was shown to be more sensitive than chest x-ray for detecting lung nodules and lung cancer in early stages. Survival from date of diagnosis is also long (10-year survival predicted to be 92% in screening-detected stage I NSCLC patients). Other nonrandomized CT screening studies of asymptomatic current or former smokers also found that early lung cancer cases were diagnosed more often with CT screening than predicted by standard incidence data. However, no decline in the number of advanced lung cancer cases or deaths from lung cancer was noted in the screened group. Thus, spiral CT appears to diagnose more lung cancer without improving lung cancer mortality. Concerns include the influence of lead-time bias, length-time bias, and over-diagnosis (cancers so slow-growing that they are unlikely to cause the death of the patient).

Over-diagnosis is a well-established problem in prostate cancer screening, but it is surprising that some lung cancers are not fatal. However, many of the small adenocarcinomas found as "ground glass" opacities on screening CT appear to have such long doubling times (>400 days) that they may never harm the patient. While CT screening will detect lung cancer in 14% of the patients screened over a 5-year period, it also detects a substantial number of false-positive lung lesions (ranging from 25 to 75% in different series) that need follow-up and evaluation. The appropriate management of these small lesions is undefined.

Unnecessary treatment of these patients may include thoracotomy and lung resection, thus adding to the cost, mortality, and morbidity of treatment. A large, randomized trial of CT screening for lung cancer (National Lung Cancer Screening Trial) involving ~55,000 individuals has completed accrual and will provide definitive data in the next several years on whether screening reduces lung cancer mortality. Until these results become available, routine CT screening for lung cancer cannot be recommended for any risk group. For those patients who want to be screened, physicians need to discuss the possible benefits and risks of such screening, including the risk of false-positive scans that could result in multiple follow-up CTs and possible biopsies for a malignancy that may not be life-threatening.

Establishing a Diagnosis of Lung Cancer

Once signs, symptoms, or screening studies suggest lung cancer, a tissue diagnosis must be established. Tumor tissue can be obtained by a bronchial or transbronchial biopsy during fiberoptic bronchoscopy; by node biopsy during mediastinoscopy; from the operative specimen at the time of definitive surgical resection; by percutaneous biopsy of an enlarged lymph node, soft tissue mass, lytic bone lesion, bone marrow, or pleural lesion; by fine-needle aspiration of thoracic or extrathoracic tumor masses using CT guidance; or from an adequate cell block obtained from a malignant pleural effusion. In most cases, the pathologist should be able to make a definite diagnosis of epithelial malignancy and distinguish small cell from non-small cell lung cancer.

Staging Patients with Lung Cancer

Lung cancer staging consists of two parts: first, a determination of the location of tumor (anatomic staging) and, second, an assessment of a patient's ability to withstand various antitumor treatments (physiologic staging). In a patient with NSCLC, resectability (whether the tumor can be entirely removed by a standard surgical procedure such as a lobectomy or pneumonectomy), which depends on the anatomic stage of the tumor, and operability (whether the patient can tolerate such a surgical procedure), which depends on the cardiopulmonary function of the patient, are determined.

1. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

The TNM International Staging System should be used for cases of NSCLC, particularly in preparing patients for curative attempts with surgery or radiotherapy (Table 2). The various T (tumor size), N (regional node involvement), and M (presence or absence of distant metastasis) factors are combined to form different stage groups. At presentation, approximately one-third of patients have disease localized enough for a curative attempt with surgery or radiotherapy (patients with stage I or II disease and some with stage IIIA disease), one-third have distant metastatic disease (stage IV disease), and one-third have local or regional disease that may or may not be amenable to a curative attempt (some patients with stage IIIA disease and others with stage IIIB disease) (see below). This staging system provides useful prognostic information.

Table 2. Tumor, Node, Metastasis International Staging System for Lung CancerStageTNM Descriptors5-Year Survival Rate, %

Clinical StageSurgical-Pathologic Stage

IAT1 N0 M06167

IBT2 N0 M03857

IIAT1 N1 M03455

IIBT2 N1 M02439

IIBT3 N0 M02238

IIIAT3 N1 M0925

T123 N2 M01323

IIIBT4 N012 M07

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