Page 1: 3. Analysis of 5 Magazine Covers, Contents and DPS's

This magazine front cover uses a main image going from edge side and corner of the page; a head on view of the full face of a very popular artist ‘Florence’ which would attract to the younger target market of the magazine as well as people that are into Indie Rock and Dance music. The face is in the central arrangement of the whole page making the puffs work well around it. Bigger fonts are used for the catchy quotes such as ‘Meet The New Simon Cowell’ then the more detailed phrase underneath gives a little more information about the article however smaller as it is less likely to catch the eye for example ‘& the bands that won’t die’. The magazine logo is at the top right of the page, the first thing the audience will see so they are then drawn into the contrasting blue eye liner highlighting the artists eyes making her look intriguing and inviting. The artist name is then the second biggest thing on the page, the popular name that everyone knows about gives the target audiences an eye catching gossip piece of information which draws them in. in the photograph the red hair and pale skin work well together to create a stand out effect as the face is central to the image, then the add on blue eye liner is the electric blue striking right out of the page.

Kerrang! is the title of the magazine pieced right at the top of the page. The image of the artist is placed over the top of the title however the words are still noticeable. The stance of the photography with the main singer at the front gives a sense of power over the other two. The masculine stance and the shadowing on the face give the figure a very fierce look, staring at the audience in almost persuasion to buy the magazine. The title of the artist is then in big under the image jump off the page to let the target audience interested as they are a popular group of Indie Rock. The smaller print at the bottom of the page gives the audience an extra taster about what else is going to be in this issue and the white bold font on the red make each word stand out to the eye. Free poster and give aways are also in bright white font against a bright red background making them stand out and the capitals give the whole phrases a matter of urgency.

Page 2: 3. Analysis of 5 Magazine Covers, Contents and DPS's

Frank has a very simplistic colour scheme to their magazine; this includes the colours black, white, red, purple and pink. Again the bigger font is the more interesting part of the magazine whereas the smaller font is the details that are less interesting to the eye however when the target audience is closer up will still read. The picture is obviously of a famous artist with black hair, make up and clothing (sticking to the indie rock theme) to contrast against the white background to make her stand out and look professional. The eye contact of the audience catches the eye of the viewer and to the eye follows the hand gesture round to the brightly coloured name at the bottom half of the image. A bright red is also used on this front cover to make it pop against the duller colours in the background making sure the audience sees this as it is an exciting article in the magazine that will hopefully make them buy it. The ‘free’ weekly download in a completely different shape so the eye can also notice that as it is out of the ordinary to the other features. As a young generation are targeted by this genre of magazine free items and gifts do appeal to audience as they are low on income and always like to have something that comes with the magazine they are buying.

This magazine had stuck to a very simplistic style. The image of the whole Indie Rock popular band fills the page, the main singer and lead guitarist in the front as though they are the most important. The simple clothing gives them a sense of ordinary and reality which younger people would relate to. Also the title of the band is one of the first things you see and as they are a popular Indie Rock band the target audience will be very interested in reading about them. The red and white of the logo makes the word SPIN stand out against the lightly coloured sky. This front cover is not overly crowded which makes the reader wonder what is actually inside as they do not give much away. There is smaller print on the right hand side giving a little more insight into what the audience may expect if they were to buy this magazine. The ‘Special Edition’ buzzwords stand out to the audience as it seems as though this image is one of a kid which attracts the audience into buying it to make them seem special.

Page 3: 3. Analysis of 5 Magazine Covers, Contents and DPS's

NME have stuck to a very exciting and crazy image relating to younger people with their everyday lives being rather crazy and stupid. The normal clothing gives a sense of normality as though young people can relate to the same crazy lifestyle. This magazine uses many bright, different colours to attract the audience’s eye. The Indie Rock popular band on the front making the audience want to know more about them. The blue font around the edge is the bigger font, also there to catch the eye to make people read about what would be in this magazine, there is then smaller white font print underneath giving information just like on the front of Q magazine. The separate images of another band and blue give a nice feature in looking at what else the audience are buying. Smaller print is used for all different kinds of insight into the magazine and symbols are used for example ‘T in the Park’ just the symbol of the festival gives the target audience excitement as their interests include going to these sorts of festivals.

NME have stuck to the house style with this inside contents page, the capital letters and the black, white and red colour scheme make it easy to recognise the pattern and that they go together in the same magazine. This contents page in split into parts; the news, radar, reviews, live and features sections. These are all separated by the black box with the capital white font that is connected to the house style still, this helps the audience navigate around the page more. Page numbers are always in a different colour and the cover lines are in a bigger, bolder font than the detailing underneath which is only a sentence but in normal lettering and not highlighted. This page also has a side bar and a skyline which gives in insight into what is going to be on this page. 2 images are placed on the middle of the page to keep it interesting and look professional like a music magazine. Underneath a small paragraph of news about that week’s issue and the most interesting news feed that would make the audience interested into reading more of the magazine.

Page 4: 3. Analysis of 5 Magazine Covers, Contents and DPS's

This magazines contents page has taken a different approach by placing in more images rather than writing. Each image relates to a page which is illustrated with a number in the house style of red and the curved corner with the same font which tells the reader where to find the article which will relate to the image. ‘Exclusive’ is the buzzword which is stood out on this page which make that particular article that it is attached to very important making the target audience intrigued into finding out what is so special about that particular article. The skyline box at the top of the page clearly outlines what this page is about in the whole magazine and it a lot outline the date of the issue this magazine has been released. This contents page’s cover lines are still the same with the same ideas as the last one; the page numbers are bigger in a bright colour font, the cover lines are a lot bigger and bolder compared to the detailed phrase or sentence giving a little more information about that article and the ‘Features’ and ‘Regulars’ are different separated parts of the contents page and this is illustrated with different colours but the same font type. This magazine has also stuck to the house style and the title ‘DRUMMER’ clearly lets the audience know what magazine they are still reading making it all join and link together perfectly.

This contents page has used lines to separate the columns of articles that are in the magazine. Different sections such as ‘Cover Story’, ‘Features’, ‘Competitions’ and ‘Regulars’ are all separated with a white bar with black capitals in a larger font that the cover lines which makes it easier for the reader to find exactly what they are looking for. The title of the magazine is at the top of the page again sticking to the house style and the issue date and title of the page are clearly indicating what the whole page is about. This contents page is different as they have included an ‘Editor’s Note’ from the editor of the magazine. This makes an interesting different making a direct statement to the audience as though talking to them making a good interaction with the audience. As with all the other contents pages the cover lines, numbers and detailed phrases are all different and separated by the difference in colour and font type including the numbers and cover lines being bigger and clearer than the detailed phrases underneath which are in lower class letters and a different red colour.

Page 5: 3. Analysis of 5 Magazine Covers, Contents and DPS's

This magazine is rather boring which its house style of black and white with the occasional red at the bottom of the page. The layout is very plain and boring with square photos everything is very symmetrical and organised however I don’t think this fits to my target audience as younger people are usually a bit messy and like to look at a lot. Pull quotes are used under each photograph and each photograph represents an article with the article page number in big bold black font on a white square in the bottom corner of the photographs. The title at the top centre of the page make the audience know what this page is about. The captions underneath each photo are 3 different font types either: bold capitals, italics or normal capitals, this adds a sense of house style however not interesting enough for a younger audience. The photographs aren’t of up to date bands or festivals/gigs they are one on one photographs, dull clothing, location and stance. Only colour on the page is the bottom left hand corner where they are asking for you to pay for this magazine. Font size is bigger on the pull quotes and the additional information underneath those is all the same small bold black capitals. Even though it may be boring it still is effective and eye catching for the audience to see.

This Kerrang contents page is a lot more exciting. It sticks to the house style font of the Kerrang masthead and places that on the contents at the skyline and also this week as well as the topics of the different features that are found in the magazine. This also has an editor’s note at the bottom speaking out to the reader and letting the audience know that the audience are put first. Just like all the other magazines the cover lines, phrases and numbers are in different colours, fonts and typing styles. However in this Kerrang issue they have not just put on one bigger main image but all included smaller symbols and images relevant to the magazine article including ‘new’, ’30 seconds to mars’ and also a photo of the editor making it more realistic for the audience to imagine the editor saying her part. Bring me the horizon are a very popular and iconic part to indie rock bands and are very well known in this genre of music. The special offer for the price of the magazine is a very convincing buy for the magazine.

Page 6: 3. Analysis of 5 Magazine Covers, Contents and DPS's

On this double page spread Kerrang has still stuck to the house style font of the whole magazine including it in the ‘New’ headline and the title of My Chemical Romance. Photography takes up about two thirds of the page showing the exciting life at gigs, live shows and in the studio. The main text is in two columns and the starting word start with a hanging indent which makes a clear indication as to where the paragraphing and article starts. The images are in sepia giving them a dramatic effect and making the white and red stand out bold on the page, keeping to the house style and giving an effective finish. The gutter along the right page gives a set of tracks from the artist however in a bold place so they would be noticed and spotted and also because they aren’t the same to do with the rest of the piece of text.

Page 7: 3. Analysis of 5 Magazine Covers, Contents and DPS's

In this double page spread the magazine has used a blue house style but still stuck to the same fonts used throughout the pages. These pages include more writing than the last and the whole of one page is completely filled with a whole image of the band they are interviewing. The title of the band is the biggest font so the audience are able to tell easily when they have found the article that they want to read about. The magazine name is still at the top of the

Page 8: 3. Analysis of 5 Magazine Covers, Contents and DPS's

In this double page spread the magazine has used a blue house style but still stuck to the same fonts used throughout the pages. These pages include more writing than the last and the whole of one page is completely filled with a whole image of the band they are interviewing. The title of the band is the biggest font so the audience are able to tell easily when they have found the article that they want to read about. The magazine name is still at the top of the

This article on The Vaccines fit in perfectly to the Indie Rock genre instantly appealing to the target audience of the magazine. This magazine image is very plain but yet effective. The use of the dull, tea, washed out colours gives the aspect of an old, hipster edge to the genre of magazine as well as making the blue and the black on the page stand out bright against the back ground colours making the article and text easy for the audience to read. The title of the band is the first piece of text to stand out on the page and the hanging indent text underneath has a carry on from the title. There is then a colourful single hanging indent of one letter as the paragraphing columns of the body copy come in, giving a clear indication as to where that comes in. the photograph of the band gives the band a hipster fashion look with the old shirts and jackets this appeals to the audience as many indie rock fans try and look hipster in their fashion style. As well as this the odd blue shapes give the magazine a sense of quirkiness which is very interesting to look at making the whole quirkiness of Indie Rock a new level of interest.

Page 9: 3. Analysis of 5 Magazine Covers, Contents and DPS's

This article of Florence out of Florence and the Machine sticks to the genre of Indie Rock/Dance as well as the whole two pages sticking to the house style of the magazine. The black, red, white and grey all work well together to complement each other. The red is what stands out the most with Florence’s hair and the flag that she is sitting on as this fits in with the USA. Got the love is the title of the piece and the audience instantly know what and who it is about as this is one of her most popular and famous songs making the USA got the love a play on words. There is then a short two sentences as a hanging indent, introducing her before having a singular hanging indent at the start of the body copy making it again easier to identify the starting of the columns of the article. The image of Florence gives out a seductive pose as the high heels are on and the short dress in right up her leg with a lot of flesh showing. This again relates to the audience as the men what to be with her and the women want to be her. Her red hair and lip stick stand out as seductive and bright against the page making the figure instantly recognisable.

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The red and black contrast together to form the mysterious theme of danger and since this is a rock chick and the interview is on about the wild personality of this character the colours fit in with the topic of body copy very well. The white text of the body copy makes it easy to read against the black background and the read bold questions are highlighted making it easy to follow through the text. The bright white capital title makes it easy to see what you will be reading about and ‘WILD’ is in a completely different font as though it has been scratched onto the page like a wild animal claw has done it, making it a play on words. The image of Taylor takes up around two thirds of the pages wearing leather with bleach blonde hair and thick black make up sticking to her style of being a rock chick as well as being pretty. This pose and features of the image make up a seductive character appealing to men that want to be with her and women that want to be like her.

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