
3 Basic Types of Art

Representational Art

The style of art most people regard as “real art”.

The subject looks like it appears in real life.

Began during the Renaissance in Europe.

Is it Representational?

Objects are in proportion.


Value to show form.

Realistic color choices.

Representational Art

Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Two Sisters (on the Terrace)


It is about painting the essence of a subject rather than the detail.

It keeps an echo of what it is that prompted the idea. (Inspiration is from reality)

Abstraction can also happen when the artist chooses to view the subjects in a non-traditional manner.

Is it Abstract?

Simplify shapes (More geometric).

Avoid detail.

Objects can be out-of-proportion.

Flatten space by not using perspective.

Abstract Art

Georges BraqueWoman with Guitar

Abstract Art

Renee MagritteThe Treachery of



Doesn’t try to look like anything from the “real world”.

The point of the painting is the colors used, the textures in the artwork, the materials used to create it.

Is it Non-Objective?

Show something that can’t normally be seen (like a sound or a feeling).

Focus on the elements of art only – line, shape, color, texture, etc.

Can also be a pattern or design.

Non-Objective Art

Jackson Pollock

Number One

Activity Objective: Create a presentation that choose 6 works of Art and explain

which type of art they are.

Go to this website: Google Art Project. Browse through the museums that are on the website.

Choose 2 works of art for each type: Representational, Abstract, and Non-objective.

Include a picture of the artwork and tell the title of the artwork, artist, and date it was created. (Also, include more information about the artwork!)

Explain, using the criteria we have discussed for each type of art, why you think it is Representational, Abstract, or Non-Objective.

You will use to create your presentation: 7th & 8th Grade: PowerPoint. 6th Grade: Tackk.

Upload your file, or hyperlink, to Edmodo in the assignment labeled “3 Types of Art.”

GuernicaPablo Picasso

1937Museo Renia Sofia, Spain

Abstract: This painting is abstract because we

can recognize the subject matter as

people and animals, but they do not look

realistic. Also, the color choices are not realistic.

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