  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Applied Marketing

    (Market Research Methods)

    Topic 3:

    Data collection methodsand questionnaire design

    Dr James Abdey

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Data collection methods

    Consideration should be given to the contact


    The most common methods of contact are

    face-to-face interview, telephone interview and

    online/postal/mail (so-called self-completion)


    In most countries you can assume the following:

    An interviewer-administered face-to-face

    questionnaire will be the most expensive to carry out Telephone surveys depend very much on whether

    your target population is on the telephone (and howgood the telephone system is)

    Self-completion questionnaires can have a low

    response rate

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Data collection methods

    Face-to-face interview:

    Advantages: Good for personal questions; allow for

    probing issues in greater depth; permit difficultconcepts to be explained; can show samples (suchas new product designs)

    Disadvantages: (Very) expensive; not always easy to

    obtain detailed information on the spot

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Data collection methods

    Face-to-face interviewer a survey of shopping


    Here you need to be able to contact a sample of thewhole population

    You can assume that a large proportion would notbother to complete a postal questionnaire after all,the subject matter is not very important and it takestime to fill in a form!

    Using a telephone would exclude those (for example,the poor and the elderly) who either do not haveaccess to a telephone or are unwilling to talk tostrangers by telephone

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Data collection methods

    Telephone interview:

    Advantages: Easy to achieve a large number ofinterviews; easy to check on quality of interviewers

    (through a central switchboard perhaps)

    Disadvantages: Not everyone has a telephone so thesample can be biased; cannot usually show samples;although telephone directories exist for landlinenumbers, what about mobile numbers? Also, youngpeople are more likely to use mobiles rather thanlandlines, so are more likely to be excluded

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Data collection methods

    Telephone interviewer a survey of

    businessmen and their attitude to a new item of

    office equipment

    All of them will have a telephone, and also thequestions should be simple to ask

    Here, booking time for a telephone interview at work(once it has been agreed with the administration)

    should be much more effective than waiting for aform to be filled in, or sending interviewers to disruptoffice routine

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Data collection methods

    Self-completion interview:

    Advantages: Most people can be contacted this way(there will be little non-response due to not-at-homereasons); allows time for people to look up details

    such as income, tax returns etc.

    Disadvantages: High non-response rate itrequires effort to complete the questionnaire;answers to some questions may influence answers toearlier questions since the whole questionnaire isrevealed to the respondent this is important wherethe order of a questionnaire matters; you have nocontrol over who answers the questionnaire

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Data collection methods

    Postal/mail questionnaire a survey of teachers

    about their pay and conditions

    Here, on-the-spot interviews will not elicit the level ofdetail needed

    Most people do not remember their exact pay andtaxation, particularly if they are needed for earlieryears

    We would expect a high response rate andgood-quality data the recipients are motivated toreply, since they may be hoping for a pay rise!

    Also, the recipients come from a group of people whofind it relatively easy to fill in forms without needingthe help, or prompting, of an interviewer

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Data collection methods

    Remember that it is always possible to combine


    The Family Expenditure Survey in the UK, for

    example, combines the approach of using aninterviewer three times over a fortnight (to raise

    response and explain details) while the respondent

    household is required to fill in a self-completion diary

    (showing expenditure, which could not be obtained

    by interview alone)

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Data collection methods

    Similarly, telephone interviews may be combined

    with a mail-shot sub-sampled individual survey, in the

    case of offices and businesses faxing additional


    In the case of the telephone survey of businessmen

    described above, a description of the new equipment

    could be faxed to the businessmen in advance, or as

    they are telephoned

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Data collection methods

    Remember also that email surveys are already

    widespread and becoming increasingly popular,

    although they are only appropriate when the

    population to be studied uses them heavily and is

    likely to reply to your questions, such as employees

    in your office

    An obvious advantage is that this method is very

    cheap to administer

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Qualitative methods

    Subtle form of investigation which seeks to

    understand factors explaining buyer behaviour

    mainly diagnostic

    Consumer motives for product selection

    Functions: Generate language, hypotheses for subsequent

    quantitative research Check, sort and prioritise potential advertising,

    product, pack concepts

    Find out new trends in product usage

    Forms: In-depth interviews Focus groups (groups of people with similar


  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Qualitative research

    Principal methods of researching consumer products

    Gap analysis looking at perceptual map;

    brainstorm about a new product or brand

    Action studies case studies; diaries

    Brainstorming solutions to problems (generate

    different ideas)

    Synectics see problems in a new light; do not

    describe a specific problem

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Focus groups

    Focus groups use 8 to 15 people in a discussion

    group can be used for testing products

    Good for developing ideas for new products

    Good for developing questions for use in a


    D ll i

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Quantity of focus groups

    How many focus groups should be conducted?

    Factors to consider:

    The extent to which comparisons are sought

    The different types of participant to be targeted andhow well they mix together

    The geographic spread of participants

    The paradigm that underpins the choice of a focusgroup

    The time and budget available

    D t ll tiM h i

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Mystery shopping

    Mystery shopping involves the researcher carrying

    out an activity rather than asking about it

    Question: How long do you generally queue in post

    office X?

    Or mystery shopping interviewer A is to go to post

    office X and measure how long s/he has to wait to be


    Data collectionE l f h i

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Example of mystery shopping

    In the UK the Post Office uses mystery shopping

    nationwide to test services in post offices from the

    point of view of

    Time spent in queues and being served

    Efficiency of service

    Helpfulness and politeness of staff

    Data collectionE l f t h i

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Example of mystery shopping

    In a post office survey over each year a national

    sample is obtained by stratifying by area and type of


    Mystery shoppers sent to named post offices in

    their area anonymously

    Mystery shoppers given tasks, for example

    Queue at 11:00, 13:00 and 17:00 Ask how much it costs to send a 1kg parcel to Japan Ask about social security benefits Ask to renew driving licence

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionQ estionnaire design

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Questionnaire design

    A questionnaire is a method of obtaining specific

    information about a defined problem

    Highly structured with formal questions Unstructured with free-style questions Mix

    Five classes of information

    Facts and knowledge Opinions Motives Past behaviour Future behaviour

    Data collectionQuestionnaire requirements

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionmethods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Questionnaire requirements

    Respondents must understand the question

    They must be able to provide the information


    They must be willing to provide it

    Simple words short and specific questions

    Facts are preferable to opinions

    Information sought should be within ability of people

    to recall accurately

    Checklists may introduce bias

    Data collectionQuestionnaire design

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    methods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Questionnaire design

    Questionning approach

    Funnel technique

    Inverted funnel technique

    Types of questions



    Data collectionIndividual question content

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    methods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Individual question content

    Sometimes, several questions are needed to obtain

    the required information in an unambiguous


    Consider the question: Do you think Coca-Cola is a tasty and refreshing soft

    drink? (Incorrect)

    Such a question is called a double-barrelled

    question, because two or more questions are

    combined into one

    To obtain the required information, two distinctquestions should be asked:

    Do you think Coca-Cola is a tasty soft drink? and Do you think Coca-Cola is a refreshing soft drink?


  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    Data collectionh d dOvercoming unwillingness to answer

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    methods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Overcoming unwillingness to answer

    Please list all the departments from which you

    purchased merchandise on your most recentshopping trip to a department store (Incorrect)

    In the list that follows, please tick all the departmentsfrom which you purchased merchandise on yourmost recent shopping trip to a department store

    1. Womens dresses _____2. Mens clothing _____ 3. Childrens clothing _____4. Cosmetics _____

    ...16. Jewellery _____ 17. Other (please specify) _____ (Correct)

    Data collectionth d dMultiple choice questions

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    methods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Multiple choice questions

    In multiple choice questions, the researcherprovides a choice of answers and respondents are

    asked to select one or more of the alternatives given

    Do you intend to buy a new car within the next sixmonths?

    _____ Definitely will not buy_____ Probably will not buy_____ Undecided_____ Probably will buy

    _____ Definitely will buy_____ Other (please specify)

    Data collectionmethods andDichotomous questions

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    methods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Dichotomous questions

    A dichotomous question has only two responsealternatives: yes or no, agree or disagree, and so on

    Often, the two alternatives of interest are

    supplemented by a neutral alternative, such as

    no opinion, dont know, both, or none

    Do you intend to buy a new car within the next sixmonths?

    _____ Yes_____ No_____ Dont know

    Data collectionmethods andChoosing question wording

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    methods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Choosing question wording

    Define the issue in terms of who, what, when, where

    and why

    Who, what, when and where are particularly


    Which brand of shampoo do you use? (Incorrect)

    Which brand or brands of shampoo have you

    personally used at home during the last month?

    In case of more than one brand, please list all thebrands that apply (Correct)

    Data collectionmethods andChoosing question wording

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    methods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Choosing question wording

    Use ordinary words

    Do you think the distribution of soft drinks isadequate? (Incorrect)

    Do you think soft drinks are readily available whenyou want to buy them? (Correct)

    Data collectionmethods andChoosing question wording

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    methods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Choosing question wording

    In a typical month, how often do you shop in a health

    shop?_____ Never_____ Occasionally_____ Sometimes_____ Often

    _____ Regularly (Incorrect)

    In a typical month, how often do you shop in a healthshop?

    _____ Less than once

    _____ 1 or 2 times_____ 3 or 4 times_____ More than 4 times (Correct)

    Data collectionmethods andChoosing question wording

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design


    methods andquestionnaire


    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    Choosing question wording

    A leading question is one that nudges the

    respondent to what the answer should be, as in thefollowing:

    Do you think that patriotic people should buyimported cars when that would put domestic workers

    out of employment?_____ Yes_____ No_____ Dont know (Incorrect)

    Do you think that people should buy imported cars?_____ Yes_____ No_____ Dont know (Correct)

    Data collectionmethods andChoosing question wording

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design



    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    g q g

    An alternative that is not explicitly expressed in the

    options is an implicit alternative

    Do you like to fly when travelling short distances?(Incorrect)

    Do you like to fly when travelling short distances, or

    would you rather drive? (Correct)

    Data collectionmethods andChoosing question wording

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design



    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    g q g

    Questions should not be worded so that the answer

    is dependent upon implicit assumptions about

    what will happen as a consequence

    Are you in favour of a balanced budget? (Incorrect)

    Are you in favour of a balanced budget if it would

    result in an increase in personal income tax?


    Data collectionmethods andChoosing question wording

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design



    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    g q g

    What is the annual per capita expenditure ongroceries in your household? (Incorrect)

    What is the monthly (or weekly) expenditure on

    groceries in your household?


    How many members are there in your household?


    Data collectionmethods andChoosing question wording

  • 7/27/2019 3 Data Collection Methods and Questionnaire Design



    Dr James Abdey

    Data collection methods

    Qualitative methods

    Questionnaire design

    Choosing question wording

    g q g

    Effect on subsequent questions:

    General questions should precede specific questions(funnel approach)

    Q1: What considerations are important to you inselecting a coffee shop?

    Q2: In selecting a coffee shop, how important isconvenience of location? (Correct)


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