  • 7/27/2019 3.-Human Osteological Methods


    ADBOU, University of Southern Denmark



  • 7/27/2019 3.-Human Osteological Methods


    Human Osteological Methods ADBOU 1/29

    19. december 2011



    Location/site number

    Grave number



    Arm position

    Grave type





    Questionable features


    Quantitative preservation

    Qualitative preservation



    Postcranial skeleton


    Limbus acetabula

    Proximal tibia

    Femur linea aspera

    Femur fossa trochanteria

    Femur caput fovea



    Dental developmental age

    Enamel hypoplasia

    Dental conditions


































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    Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)











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    Location/site number

    It is crucial that the identification of the skeleton is unambiguous and

    correct. It is therefore important that both the location/site number

    and grave number are entered carefully and readable in their respec-

    tive textboxes on the form. Several excavations/sites have been given

    different names over the course of time (for instance Tirup is the same

    location as Bygholm). As long as the site designation is unambiguous it

    is acceptable to use all synonyms, but it is most practical to use the

    same name on all registration forms from the same site. The site num-

    ber is the excavating authoritys registration of the actual excavation.

    The site number is relevant to use where several excavations, dis-

    persed in time, have taken place on the same site.

    Grave number

    The numbering of the graves and the skeletons in them is often not con-

    sistent. Many cemeteries were excavated during the course of several

    independent digs and thus have different systems of numbering for each

    dig. As a main rule, a skeleton found in a grave must get a number

    starting with G followed by a number (1, 2, etc.). Both in the field

    and in the anthropological lab, it is not uncommon to find remains from

    additional skeletons intermixed with the bones of the primary skeleton

    of the grave. If the additional bones can be assigned to the skeleton of a

    neighboring grave, they are transferred. If this is not the case, an inde-

    pendent registration of the additional bones is made.


    The grave numbers of additional skeletons are entered in the textbox

    context. These skeletons are given the same G-numbers as the prima-

    ry skeleton in the grave they were found in. The only difference is that

    the number is followed by a letter. The letters A, B,.. are used for the

    skeletal parts that were identified as being different doing excavation

    and the letters X, Y, .. are used for the skeletal parts that were recog-

    nized as being from another person during examination in the lab. Such

    additional skeletons must always get their own skeletal registration form

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    so at least one form exists for each recognized individual of a cemetery


    If it is logical and possible, other numbering systems should be convert-

    ed to the Gnumbering system mentioned above. To be able to relate

    to the archaeological registrations, the original number is written on the

    registration form in brackets on the form.


    In order to keep track of the position of finds doing an archaeological

    excavation a system of coordinates is put down in the excavation field.

    The space termed coordinates in the registration form refers to the

    points of the position of the grave in the system of coordinates. The two

    coordinates of the position of the cranium are entered on the form. The

    information about coordinates is found in the archaeological field form.

    Arm position

    Arm positionis entered for the right and the left side respectively. The

    information about arm position is found in the archaeological field form.

    Grave type

    Six possible scores are used to describe the grave types. The infor-

    mation about grave type is found in the archaeological field form.

    /: No information about grave type

    1: Grave without coffin

    2: Wooden coffin grave - seen as traces of wood in situ, nails in situ or

    handles and mountings in situ in the grave.

    3: A stone cist made of either natural stones or bricks.

    4: A stone grave the grave is framed with either headstones, foot-

    stones or both.

    5: Other grave types for instance ship burials.


    The length of the skeleton is measured in the grave (using definitions

    presented in Boldsen, 1984). The measurements are taken on skeletons

    found undisturbed in situ in the graves and the length of the skeleton is

    measured from the top of the skull to the distal point of the talus. It is

    important that all sources (the box, excavation forms, notes from the

    field osteologist, previous journals and field reports) are all examinedboth to maximize the sample size and to check for validity. The method

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    of measuring the height as described above was not used on all excava-

    tions. If another method was used or if there are uncertainties about

    which method was used the measurement is given in brackets in the

    registration form. The height is given in centimeters. The information

    about height measured in the grave is found in the archaeological field



    In the textbox age in the head of the registration form the final subjec-

    tive estimation of the age at death is given. Together with the space

    sex this is the last to be filled out in the form.

    Age is entered as an interval in years. Concerning children, it is possible

    to estimate the age within a narrow interval using the dentition and

    measurements of the long bones. The age is given as a decimal fraction

    of a year (for instance a child with an age at death of one and a half to

    two is written as 1.5 2). Concerning adults, an appropriate interval of

    years is given. The age is put down as the closest whole year and not to

    the next birthday (the interval 30 35 years is a span of 6 years from

    30.00 35.99 years).


    In the textbox sex in the head of the registration form the final subjec-

    tive estimation of the sex of the individual is given. This is a score given

    according to a 5-point scale (see table 3) and is a joined assessment of

    the sex estimation scores of the cranium, pelvis and postcranial skele-

    ton. Together with the textboxage this is the last to be filled out in the



    Questionable features

    If a given trait cannot be registered a / is entered in the textbox on the

    form. This will usually occur if the bone is not preserved at all or if the

    bone is insufficiently preserved to make relevant observations. At least

    25 % of a bone has to be preserved in order to score a given trait.


    The preservation of the skeleton is given as a quantitative and a qualita-tive assessment (see table 1 and 2).

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    Quantitative preservation

    The quantitative preservation describes how much of the skeleton is

    preserved. The scores 1, 2 and 3 are used. If less than 1/3 of the bones

    of the skeleton are preserved the score 1 is given. If approximately half

    of the bones are preserved the score 2 is given. If more than 2/3 of the

    bones are preserved the score 3 is given.

    Table 1 Quantitative preservationScore Description

    1 Maximum 1/3 of the bones is preserved

    2 Between 1/3 and 2/3 of the bones are preserved

    3 Minimum 2/3 of the bones are preserved

    Qualitative preservation

    The qualitative preservation describes how well the bones of the skele-

    ton are preserved. The erosion of the bone surface and the degree of

    fragmentation are considered. If the skeleton is poor preserved and

    more than 2/3 of the bones of the skeletons have a pronounced degree

    of erosion and fragmentation the score 1 is given. If the skeleton is in-

    termediately preserved and 1/3 - 2/3 of the bones have a pronounced

    degree of erosion of surfaces and fragmentation the score 2 is given. If

    the skeleton is well preserved and less than 1/3 of the bones have a

    pronounced degree of erosion of surfaces and fragmentation the score 3

    is given.

    Table 2 Qualitative preservationScore Description

    1 Poor

    2 Intermediate

    3 Well


    Sex is estimated according to the 5-point scale seen in table 3. In

    children the sexual characteristics have not developed and an estimation

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    of sex is not possible to make. The sex is estimated only when os ilium,

    os ischii and os pubis are fused in acetabulum or when the

    synchondrosis spheno-occipitalis (S.S.O.) is fused (table 4) both

    features are fused by the age of approximately 16 years. When neither

    the pelvic nor the cranial bones are preserved the degree of epiphyseal

    fusion of the long bones is assessed - the degree of fusion then has to

    correspond to an age older than 16 years in order to estimate the sex.

    Note: Only one sex estimation score is given for the cranium, pelvis and

    postcranial skeleton separately.

    Table 3 Sex estimation scores

    Score Description

    / Sex cannot be estimated - the relevant skeletal parts arenot preserved

    1 Distinctly male morphology

    2 Slightly male morphology

    3 The sex is indeterminable/children

    4 Slightly female morphology

    5 Distinctly female morphology


    When estimating sex the following components of the cranium are

    assessed: the shape ofArcus superciliaris, the morphology of margo

    supraorbitalis, the size ofprocessus mastoideus, the relief of linea

    nuchalis superior, angulus mandibula and the shape ofprotuberantia

    mentalis. The features are compared with the illustrations in ill. 1 and an

    overall sex estimation score for the cranium is given.


    When estimating sex the following two components of the pelvis are

    assessed: incisura ischiadica major and angulus subpubicus. The

    features are compared with the illustrations in ill. 2 and an overall sex

    estimation score for the pelvis is given.

    Postcranial skeleton

    An overall sex estimation score is given based upon the robusticity and

    length of the postcranial skeleton.

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    ill. 1. U. Freund

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    ill. 2. U. Freund

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    The estimation of age at death has been one of the main topics within

    biological anthropological research for the past 150 years. The first

    systematic studies of cranial sutures took place in the 1860s and age

    estimation based upon dental attrition originates back to the late 19th


    A general development in society, where focus has been on

    expanding the implementation of technological features in all aspects of

    human life, has taken place throughout the past decades. This

    development is also reflected in the efforts of generating new knowledge

    about age at death estimated in skeletal material within the field of

    anthropology. Statistical based computer software has been developed

    (e.g. transition analysis) and other methods that use X-ray technology,

    microscopic analysis and chemical analysis have been introduced to

    improve the methods. In this way new methods of analyzing the age of

    death in skeletal material using scientific methods will be applied in the


    A new method named CEI (Calibrated Expert Inference) has been

    developed within the last couple of years. The method was introduced

    by a collaboration of researchers from the University of Southern

    Denmark, the Max Planck Institute of Demographic research in Rostock

    and Pennsylvania State University. The use of the method requires basic

    training in osteology and is based upon both observations made of

    skeletons from reference samples (skeletal material where age at death

    and sex is known) and statistical methods (logistic regression analysis

    and Bayestheorem).

    The following anatomical components can be used to estimate the age

    at death of individuals in European medieval and post-medieval periods.

    The indicated age marks the midpoint of the transition from a young to

    an old stage and the 95% confidence intervals.

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    Limbus acetabula

    Young Old

    The edge is rounded The edge is sharp

    K: 30 [-11;73]. Photo: P. Tarp M: 28 [-7;60] Photo: P. Tarp

    Proximal Tibia

    Young Old

    The features are rounded The features are sharp

    K: 42 [-13;92] Photo: P. Tarp M: 24 [-19;66] Photo: P. Tarp

    Femur linea aspera

    Young Old

    Linea aspera is rounded Linea aspera is sharp and irregular

    K: 30 [15;38] Photo: P. Tarp M: 21 [-19;61] Photo: P. Tarp

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    Femur fossa trochanteria

    Young Old

    The area is smooth One or more exostoses are seen

    K: 54 [8;102] Photo: P. Tarp M: 42 [2;82] Photo: P. Tarp

    Femur caput foveaYoung Old

    Fovea is smooth Fovea is pointed and irregular

    K: 35 [8;63] Photo: P. Tarp M: 33 [21;45] Photo: P. Tarp

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    The degree of epiphyseal fusion is scored according to the descriptions

    seen in tables 4 and 5.

    Epiphyseal fusion is registered for the proximal ends of the right

    and left humeri, claviculae and radii. Furthermore the fusion of the

    epiphyses of the right and left crista iliaca are registered. The ages of

    epiphyseal fusion of the bones in the skeleton are given in ill. 3.

    Table 4 Epiphyseal fusion

    Score Description

    / No information - the relevant bone is not preserved

    0 The epiphysis is loose

    1 The epiphysis is partly fused

    2 The epiphysis is fused but the epiphysis line is visible

    3 The line of the epiphysis is erased

    Table 5 Spheno-occipitalis Synchondrosis (S.O.S. / S.S.O.)

    Score Description

    / No information - the relevant bone is not preserved

    0 The synchondrosis is open

    1 The synchondrosis is partly fused

    2 The synchondrosis is fused

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    ill. 3

    Ill. Kuussmann 1988

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    Dental developmental age

    In the textbox age the age that corresponds closest to the dental

    developmental stage is entered using the drawings in ill. 4 and ill. 5. It is

    the degree of mineralization that is important not the degree of dental

    eruption. The age is given as a decimal fraction of a year. A 6 months

    old child will get a scoring of 0.5 years. Likewise, a 4 months old child

    would give a score of 0.3 years. Only one decimal is used. For a fully

    developed set of teeth when the third molar has erupted and is in

    occlusion - the score 25+ (years) is given.

    In the textbox information the number of dental groups, used for

    age estimation is entered. A full set of deciduous teeth contributes six

    dental groups: Three groups in both the maxilla and the mandibular.

    The four incisors form one group, the two canines form one group and

    the four deciduous molars form one group. One group only has to be

    represented by a single tooth in order to get a positive score. The

    deciduous dental formula is given as follows:

    Deciduous dental formula: i 2/2 c 1/1 m 2/2 = 10 x 2 = 20

    A full set of permanent teeth contributes eight dental groups: Four

    groups in both the maxilla and the mandibular. The four incisors form

    one group, the two canines form one group, the four premolars form

    one group and the six molars form one group. The dental formula for

    the permanent teeth dentition is given as follows:

    Permanent dental formula: i 2/2 c 1/1 pm 2/2 m 3/3 = 16 x 2 = 32

    In cases where a child is in an age where both deciduous and permanent

    teeth are present the number of remaining deciduous groups and

    permanent erupted groups are counted separately. Afterwards the

    number of groups of the two types of teeth are added to get the final

    result to be entered in the informationtextbox.

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    ill. 4

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    ill. 5

    Enamel Hypoplasia

    Enamel hypoplasia is irregularities in the dental enamel seen as an

    impressed band on the tooth. Hypoplasia is coursed by physiological

    disturbances and is formed while the tooth is developing. Enamel

    hypoplasia is only scored on permanent canines (see table 6). The upper

    left canine is preferred, but if it is missing the right canine is scored

    instead. Only hypoplasia visible to the naked eye is scored.

    Table 6 Enamel hypoplasia on +3

    Score Description

    / No information - the tooth is not preserved

    0 Normal tooth without enamel hypoplasia

    1 One or more enamel hypoplasia

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    We use the dental table of Haderup but others exist, see for instance

    Lynnerup et al. (2008) or Hillson (1996).

    Haderups dental table (Lynnerup et al 2008):

    right MAXILLA left

    Permanent 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Deciduous 05 04 03 02 01 + 01 02 03 04 05


    Permanent 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    Deciduous 05 04 03 02 01 - 01 02 03 04 05

    Dental conditions

    In all categories only the 12 permanent teeth are scored. The tooth has to

    be in occlusion in order to be scored. Only teeth that with certainty can be

    identified are scored.

    Table 7 The presence of the tooth

    Score Description

    /No information - neither the tooth nor the relevant piece of jaware preserved.

    0 Tooth found in the jaw

    1 Tooth has fallen out after death

    2 Tooth has fallen out before death

    3 Loose tooth tooth without the matching piece of jaw.

    4 8. molar not formed

    5 The tooth is formed but not in occlusion

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    Table 8 Dental attrition

    Score Description

    / No information the tooth is insufficiently preserved

    0 Unworn tooth

    1 Attrition only in enamel

    2 Attrition has exposed the dentine in one cusp

    3 Attrition has exposed the dentine in two cusp

    4 Attrition has exposed the dentine in three cusp

    5 Attrition has exposed the dentine in four cusp

    6 Attrition has exposed the dentine so the dentine is visibleinterconnected in two or more cusps

    7 Attrition has removed the enamel of the mastical surface

    8 Attrition has removed the entire crown of the tooth

    Table 9 Caries

    Score Description

    / No information the tooth is insufficiently preserved

    0 Normal tooth without caries

    1 Initial caries seen as a dark shadow on the enamel

    2 Caries in the enamel

    3 Caries in the dentine but the pulp is not open

    4 The pulp is open due to caries

    5 Caries has destroyed the crown of the tooth

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    Fistula/abscess is scored in the bone of the jaw. The tooth does not

    have to be present in order to score a fistle.

    Table 10 Fistula/abscess

    score Description

    / No information the relevant piece of jaw is not preserved

    0 Normal jaw, no fistulae

    1 One or more fistulae by the root of the tooth


    The frontal bone (os frontalis) is a very robust bone this is the reason

    why this bone is used for morphometric analysis. When working with

    skeletons excavated from soil the state of preservation is an important

    factor. The frontal bone is frequently preserved even though the rest of

    the skull is destroyed by external factors such as pressure from the soil.

    Seven measurements are used that reflect the form, size and general

    appearance of the frontal bone: Six chords (measured with a sliding cal-

    iper) and one arch. Five of the measurements were described by Martin

    and Saller (1957) and the names of the measurements presented in that

    publication are given in brackets after the title of the measurements.

    The last two measurements 6 and 7 - were created to be able to de-

    scribe the maximal curvature of the frontal bone and the size of arcus


    1. Outer biorbital width (M431)

    This measurement reflects the width of the upper face. It is measured

    between the most anterior points on the suture between os

    zygomaticum and os frontalis in both sides. This point is called the

    frontomalare temp. It is marked as number 1 on ill. 6.

    2. Minimal frontal width (M9)

    This measurement reflects the minimum width of the frontal bone

    behind arcus superciliaris. It is marked as number 2 on ill. 6.

    1 Anthropometric parameters such as M43 refer to the measurements defined by R. Martinin Martin and Saller (1957).

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    3. Maximal frontal width (M10)

    This measurement reflects the maximum width of the frontal bone on

    sutura coronalis. It is marked as number 3 on ill. 6.

    4. Frontal chord (M29)

    This measurement reflects the length of the frontal bone from nasion to

    bregma. It is marked as number 4 on ill. 7.

    5. Frontal arch (M26)

    This measurement also reflects the length of the frontal bone but as an

    arch from nasion to bregma. The midpoint between nasion and bregma

    is marked with a pen. This dot defines the measurement point called

    mesomethopion. It is marked as number 5 on ill. 7.

    6. Lower frontal chord

    The nasion mesomethopion chord. This measurement reflects the dis-

    tance between nasion and mesomethopion. It is marked as number 6 on

    ill. 7.

    7. Upper frontal chord

    The bregma mesomethopion chord. This measurement reflects the

    distance between mesomethopion and bregma. It is marked as number

    7 on ill. 7.

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    ill. 6. U. Freund




    ill. 7. U. Freund


    Femur length

    The maximal length of both the right and left femora are measured on

    the measuring table. Length is entered millimeters with one decimal. In

    the case of children with unfused epiphyses the femur is measured with-

    out epiphyses. Where one epiphysis is fused, the other is held in place

    and measured thus with both epiphyses. If the unfused epiphysis is

    missing the score / is given as is the case if the entire bone is missing.

    See ill. 8.

    Femur epicondyle width

    The maximal width across both the right and the left femora epicondyles

    measured with a sliding caliper in millimeters with one decimal. In chil-

    dren the loose epiphyses are measured. See ill. 8.

    Humerus length (M1)

    The maximal length of both the right and the left humeri are measured

    on the measuring table. Length is entered in millimeters with one deci-mal. In the case of children with unfused epiphyses the humerus is

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    measured without epiphyses. Where one epiphysis is fused, the other is

    held in place and measured thus with both epiphyses. If the unfused

    epiphysis is missing the score / is given as is the case if the entire

    bone is missing. See ill. 8.

    Humerus epicondyle width

    The maximal width across both the right and the left humeri epicondyles

    measured with a sliding caliper in millimeters with one decimal. In chil-

    dren the loose epiphyses are measured. See ill. 8.

    ill. 8


    In these textboxes the changes to the largest joints of the skeleton are

    entered. The joint rims of all bones of the joint of interest are scored as

    one entry. In the shoulder the humerus, scapula and clavicula are

    scored. In the ankle the tibia, fibula and talus are scored. In the knee

    the femur, tibia and patella are scored. In the pelvis the femur and

    acetabula are scored. At least half of the relevant bone has to be

    preserved in order to score it. Examples of joint changes are seen on ill.

    9 and 10.

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    Table 11 Joint changes

    Score Description

    /The joint rim is not sufficiently preserved for it to be regis-tered.

    0 Normal joint rim

    1Lipping (osteophytosis): at least 10 mm long and 1 mmtall.

    ill. 9. Photo: P. Tarp ill. 10. Photo: P. Tarp

    Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH)

    DISH is a joint disease without known etiology but genetic heredity and

    diabetes are considered as possible causative agents. The

    paleopathological diagnosis requires an anterolateral fusion of at least

    four vertebrae. That is a fusion of the part of the vertebral column that

    is turned towards the inside of the body and towards the right. This is

    also known as dripping candle wax. The disease must not be mistaken

    for the condition pelvospondylite (Morbus Becterew) which is seen as

    symmetric and complete calcification of the longitudinal ligaments of the

    vertebral column. DISH does in most cases not cause any severe symp-

    toms other than stiffness and unspecific pain to the back. Modern epi-

    demiological studies show that DISH is found most frequently among

    Caucasoid in Europe and North America, that it is found primarily among

    persons in ages between 50 and 75 years and that it is more frequently

    found among males (65%) than females (35%). (Leden 2008; Verlaan

    et al. 2007)

    Historical studies have tried to show a connection between DISH and

    monastic life as they assume a higher frequency of well nutriment and
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    thus diabetes among monks than others in the surrounding society (see

    ex. Verlaan et al. 2007).

    Ill. 11 shows changes to the vertebral column related to DISH.

    Table 12 DISH

    Score Description

    / The vertebrae are not sufficiently preserved to be scored

    0 Normal vertebrae

    1 Minimum four vertebrae are fused

    ill. 11. Photo: P. Tarp


    The presence of trauma in four regions of the skeleton is scored: The

    cranium, the upper extremities, the lower extremities and a collective

    group of the rest of the skeleton (ribs and vertebral column).

    Trauma can be divided into two different types of fractures high

    impact and low impact fractures.

    The high impact fractures occur from sudden arising traumatic

    situations such as violent acts and accidents. The person is exposed to

    a trauma with such a high impact that the bone will get an immediate

    fracture. High impact fractures are seen on ill. 12 - 17.

    Low impact fractures are caused by continued pressure or pull on a

    bone throughout a long period of time with low energy. In time (up to

    years) the pressure will create small fractures to the bone for instance

    caused by an unfortunate working position. The low impact fractures are

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    most often seen in the vertebral column and the pelvic bones but most

    other larger bones can be affected. Low impact fractures are seen on ill.

    19 and 20.

    Open and unhealed fractures relate to trauma received around the time

    of death. However, it can be difficult to differentiate it from postmortem

    damage either arising in the soil or during excavation. When a sharp

    object strikes the fresh bone it leaves a shiny mark with sharp edges.

    When a blunt object strikes a cranium it leaves an impression on it often

    with secondary star-shaped fractures seen as beams away from the

    primary fracture site. When both unhealed and healed fractures are

    found in the same area the score 3 is given.

    ill. 12, ill. 13 and ill. 14 show examples of trauma arising due to

    sharp edged violence. Ill. 15 shows trauma arising due to a stroke by a

    blunt object. In ill. 16, ill. 17and ill. 18trauma arising presumably due

    to accidents is shown.

    Table 13 Traumatic changes

    Score Description

    / No information - the bones are not preserved

    0 Normal bones

    1 Open, unhealed fracture

    2 Healed fracture

    3 Both open, unhealed fracture and healed fracture

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    Ill. 12-20:Photo: P. TarpLOG

    Here the dates, who registered what etc. is entered. Initials on the

    person doing the registration are entered in the textbox termed



    On the back of the form or on a separate form miscellaneous

    observations from the examination of the skeleton are noted. Both

    conditions related to human biology and other aspects should be noted.

    It is important to write down and describe findings of archaeological

    artifacts on or inside the skeleton. The finding of such objects is

    reported to the relevant archaeological authority and is turned in or

    discarded as soon as possible after an agreement has been made.

    ill. 12 ill. 13 ill. 14

    ill. 15 ill. 16 ill. 17

    ill. 18 ill. 19 ill. 20

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    Boldsen, J. L., 1984. A Statistical Evaluation of the Basis for Predicting

    Stature from Length of Long Bones in European Populations. Ameri-

    can Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 65: 305-311.

    Boldsen J. L. 2001. An epidemiological approach to the paleopathological

    diagnosis of leprosy. American Journal of Physical Anthropology

    115: 380-387.

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