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3 Jedi MLM Recruiting Secrets Revealed. /mlm-recruiting-secrets/

By Justin Temple

MLM Recruiting Secrets

Does your forehead sweat and your stomach churn when you think about mlm recruiting?

Don’t worry your not the only one…

Thousands of people just like you are trying to get their hands on the newest mlm recruiting secrets to take theirbusiness to the next dimension of wealth.

If you don’t believe that you can succeed, let me be the one to say that you can do it, because here and now I willshare with you a handful of jedi mlm recruiting secrets that the leaders use on a daily basis.

But first lets dispel some mlm sponsoring myths that you must eliminate in order to get on the right track.

Myth #1 – MLM Recruiting with no effort.

If someone tells you that getting people to pull out their credit card and join takes no effort at all, then run far away.

Because the truth is that even the easiest mlm recruiting strategies take hard work.

If you have any experience in network marketing then you know this very well right?

You will work your ass off struggling to find time to build your business, juggling a job and kids while your car breaksdown and dept collectors hound you.

My point is that life happens while you are trying to build your dream lifestyle.

However there are mlm recruiting strategies that make your efforts last forever and allow you to stop working hardafter a short time of hard work.

Autopilot mlm recruiting is possible, but only after a period of massive action.

We will talk more about this later…

Myth #2 – Get 2 who get 2 who get 2

Have you heard of this before?

I sounds great but it’s a total lie.

No one in the history or multi level marketing has sponsored 2 people and made a fortune.

The reason I bring this up is because one of the keys to mlm recruiting, other than working hard, is to learn how torecruit a lot of people.

So keep these 2 myths in mind as you continue reading the following 3 mlm recruiting secrets of the super wealthy.1/4

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MLM Recruiting Secret #1: Become The Hunted.

Are you chasing people asking them if they are interested in your product or service?

In other words, are you prospecting?

Imagine for one second that you stop hunting people, and instead…

people seek you out and call you, begging to join with their credit card levitating out of their wallet commanding tobuy.

The number one mlm recruiting secret is to use attraction marketing to promote instead of prospect.

It’s what all the 21 century new rich are doing.

How do you do this?

Before I tell you, it’s impotent to go over the rest of the mlm recruiting formula.

MLM Recruiting Secret #2 Collect Contact Info

The next step after you bring hot leads to you…

Is to collect some sort of info that allows you to keep in contact.

The reason this step is crucial to your mlm recruiting strategy is because most people never buy on the first run.

Intensive marketing tracking and testing has proven that it takes up to 7 exposures for someone to make a buyingdecision.

That’s why companies spend thousands of dollars running the same ads on T.V and everywhere else.

As a network marketer what is the best contact info to get?

It depends on how you feel most conformable and strongly suited as well as the product you are promoting.

Email is the most popular and works great.

Also you can collect a phone number or email address.

The best one to choose is really based on what route your customers are taking to get to you.

If they find you online focus on email.

You can also do 2 or 3 contact types at the same time.

Think about your product and the best option for you.

But again, for mlm, email is what the leaders use most.

MLM Recruiting Secret #3 Buy or Die.

The last mlm recruiting secret to get the rubber on the road is to follow up with your leads via their contact info.

Buy or die is a term that a guerilla marketer used when I was learning from him.


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He is a powerful recruiter like no other.

Your goal is to guide people to the sale.

But keep in mind that you don’t want to constantly be selling to people.

If you are always pitching to your leads that you worked so hard to get, they are not going to open more than 2emails or answer another call from you.

The trick to converting leads into customers and team members is to provide value to them.

Share info that’s going to solve their issues and at the end lead them to an opportunity to buy.

You have to think about your potential buyers state of mind.

They are asking…

“What’s in it for me?”

Honestly why should someone open your email or join you?

Follow up with problem solving value and sell at the end.


You have a working mlm recruiting formula to follow daily.

MLM Recruiting Secrets Conclusion

Let’s recap…

Stop prospecting and become the hunted.

Collect some sort of info to keep in contact.

Provide value through follow up and bridge into your offer.

Pretty simply right?

So the last topic to cover is…

“How do you get people to hunt you down, ready to buy with their credit card in hand?”

Well that is simple actually.

See this site your on right now?

I attracted you to my front end mlm business without even knowing you.

Do you see the magic before your eyes?

I did not come up with this. It was taught to me by my mentor inside of his “get money” system.

Simply click here to see how this system works as well as how you can use it to create your dream lifestyle.

When you decide that you are going to step into a new and richer future I will be waiting for you on the inside topersonally walk you through the system.


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Thank you for reading MLM recruiting secrets, it has been my pleasure.

Justin Temple

Thank you for reading. If you would like to connect on socialmedia then follow me on Twitter.

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