  • 7/29/2019 3 Mahasiva Naadi Predictions for Mr. n



    Om Shri Maha Ganapathy ThunaiOm Muruga Thunai

    1st Kandam

    I humbly surrender myself to Lord Muruga, who stands between His consorts Valli

    and Deivanai and bless us all with a good and happy life. As I offer my prayers Iam herewith ready to read the readings of Mr. N. through my reader Shri Baskar.

    You Mr. N. have been born on a Tuesday, the 20 th Panguni month and Dhurmukiyear with Bharani - as your Janma Star: Mesha as your Janma Rasi, Vrischika as your Janma Lagnam.

    Using your thumb prints that belong to Kamala Vari Sanka Rekai Pulli 3,through which I am able to locate the right Olai leaf of yours and that reads asfollows:

    You are born in a Christian family where you'll have 2 elder siblings and you willbe the 3 rd son. Looking into your planetary positions, I could see that Sun andSukra is in Meenam, Chandra, Buddha and Kethu in Mesha, Mars in Vrishaba,Guru in Kanya, Raghu in Thula and Sani in Vrischika.

    Being the 3rd child in your family, you seem to be well talented though but youwill only have an education up to a certain level and not very high. You would liketo lead a happy married life but presently it seems that you have not yet marriedbut are living with a woman.

    Your health is not found to be good and you might find it difficult to work on yourown. You might be depending on others for your daily needs and seem to havebeen worrying a lot for over a long time.

    You will have had an affair with a woman for quiet a long time but lately moreand more wished to be away from her and her relations. Over a period 14-18years you will have spent your life with her, and have gained nothing. There willhave been some occasions that the lady also along with your self will not beinterested to keep up this relationship and intact, that is also one of the reasonsfor you to make a move towards your Naadi reading, to seek answers andguidance.

    Over these few months, a lot of thinking would have been going on within you,leaving you all alone in the world of confusions. You might have leaded a life that

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    is absolutely meaningless. This is mainly because of the Graha Doshas (Defectsof planets) plus the Karma Dosha (Past life's bad deeds). I am advising you tohave your parihar's read at Shanti and Deeksha Kandam.

    You will have had a steady rise on the medical expenses more recently. Now atyour 48 year (47 year), you are likely to loose a lot of material things and mightfeel the bitterness within the family and in the relationship with the abovementioned woman.

    By the year 49 50 (48 49), you might come/develop in contact with a new loveaffair that may turn into love and remain for some years.

    Looking into your horoscope, we find no further chances in your life for a legal

    marriage settlement with a lady. But you will be able to lead a normal life with awoman you love and that person fulfils your basic needs, this will happen infuture.

    Between your 51 54 year, you will have a great turning point in your life.

    Between your 55 59 year, you will get the best and valuable things needed for alife and you seem to start with a fresh new life. Here, once again change isindicated in the family affairs. You might change into a new house, or to a newlocation. Chances are seen that you'll find yet another person, with whom you

    may try to build up the trust.

    Between your 60 63 year you are likely to have a life threatening situation andyou should be very cautious about whom you deal with. By offering fewparihar's/remedies you might overcome this situation and stay ahead, to livehappily.

    Wishing you a Happy and Healthy life!


    Mr. N.

    (4 th Kandam)

    By worshipping the lotus feet of Goddess Parvathi I Agasthya read the 4 thkandam for Mr. N. through my reader.

    You Mr. N. is now aged 48 running. So far in your life you might not have gone forany permanent work, many changes will have been there and ups and downs.You might have no fixed income except supports from others externally,government and others etc. You might be depending on this support and would

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    to some extent only have been making your living also. You health is found verybad with the result, that you have the disability, so that you are not able to go fora regular work.

    The reasons for having a very bad health are mainly due to your sins which youmight have done in your birth earlier. That is the reason for your sufferings in thisbirth. Your parents will not be living along with you, leading a normal life.

    Looking into your horoscope, Jupiter is found to be hidden in the 6 th house fromMoon, which indicates, diseases, fear, increased debts and other negative factors.You'll have a lot of confusion, disorders in your health, character etc., Veryfrequently you seem to change your mind and impression on others, which willleave you in a very desperate situation/motion. Also you might be suffering witheye defects more recently.

    Your parents also might have been affected by illness and in general, the medicalexpenses at home will surely be quiet high.

    Very soon, you are likely to live away from your present wife/partner, who alsointends to live separately away from you and your family.

    Between your 49 50 year, you are likely to find a new soul mate, who will stepin to your life as a wife. However, you will not marry her but you would like to livewith her and you will live together like husband and wife. Through her, you are

    likely to possess good luck, which will make your life more comfortable. The luckis similar to an opportunity of you winning a lotto/lottery/competition etc., yourhealth problems might improve slightly also.

    By 51 Your life takes a smooth move, while you need to take care on the healthof your Mum.

    Between your 52 56 year, you might enjoy the best moments in your life as youhave ever dreamed, and at this period you will go in for a new house (change inliving place) also. You will then own a house and vehicles on your own, especiallyin this period. All this might go well, once the new wife/woman steps in to your


    While you lead an independent life, be cautious to take care on the health of yourstepfather which will worsen at this time.

    I would advise you to seek the Parihar's indicated in your Shanti & DeekshaKandams and thereafter, you will be living a new life, which you will have beendreaming about often.

    Wishing you a Happy and a Healthy life!


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    Mr. N.

    (11 th Kandam)

    By worshipping the feet of Lord Shiva, who has given half of his body to GoddessParvathi, I Agasthya Maharshi read the 11th Kandam of Mr. N. through my reader.

    You Mr. N. are born with Vrischika Lagnam, Mesha Rasi and Bharani Star and nowyou are 48 running.

    At this age you might not be working or earning much in any aspects. All yourliving is going on only with an external support. Your health is not good and mightnot permit you to work properly.

    You might be leading a marriage life but you have not married the woman youare living with. You will have been living with that person for more than 15-18years. You would have enjoyed a lot and might have been engaged in thatrelationship to satisfy your lust.

    Initially you would have loved her and might have considered her as your wife,who is well known to all. Over the last few years, you would have absorbed themajor changes towards her affection on you. Over a period of time also, you willhave had difference of opinions, misunderstandings and above all, you will have

    thought seriously of getting separated from her.

    You are by now after a long time ready to change your life path and you wish tohave and marry a new lady to take care of you and to live along with you. Legalmarriage might not happen, however there are good chances of finding a soulmate' who will be interested to live with you for quiet some time.

    Between your 49 50 year, you will be meeting that Lady with Luck'. The luckthat is indicated, will be quiet similar to that of your winning in thelotto's/lottery/competition etc., and it is this kind of luck, which is going to openop the lovely doors of opportunities for you. You might also get an opportunity to

    start a business on your own. And through this business, the profits scores willusually be quiet high, to elevate your life further.

    Looking into your business opportunities, you are likely to get more benefits andprofits through dairy products such as milk and milk products, Hotels & SnackBars, Garden Seeds and Plants.

    Remember, this is the period for you to have a great turning point in your life.

    Looking on to the new Lady side, she will not be related to you in any way. Shemight be residing at a far-off place especially from the North & North East areasfrom where you live now. You may be meeting her at anyshopping/travel/hospital/market areas (public places). She is seen to live in amore natural place like a developed village. She might be the 3 rd child in herfamily.

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    She might be having own house where she lives and also having a good familyand gains multiple supports. She might be earning her income through farm

    based products and live-stock.

    She would be intelligent and commanding. She is likely to have Buddha + Sukra+ Surya placed next to each other. She might give birth to 1 male and 2 femalebabies in the future or such numbers of children already is born.

    Your health might get improved to a better stage, once your new wife' is seenjoining you in your life.

    You might ask me as how all these would happen to you, for which I advise that itis through the Parihar's'/remedies quoted in your Shanti & Deeksha Kandams.

    May the Lord bless you with good health, luck and other comforts in your life.


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