Page 1: 3 rd  Nine Weeks Quarterly Assessment Review

3rd Nine Weeks Quarterly Assessment


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•Place the following who has power from most to least in a Medieval Kingdom: Priests, King, Peasants, Lords and Nobles

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• Place the following who has power from most to least in a Medieval Kingdom: Priests, King, Peasants, Lords and Nobles

• Kings>Lords and Nobles>Priests>Peasants

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• Explain how each of the following contributions made my Muslims has impacted Western Civilization:• Anatomy (study of structure of

bodies)• Physiology (study of functioning of

living things)• Pharmacology (study of drugs)

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• Explain why there was a schism (split) in the Christian church in 700 A.D.

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• Explain why there was a schism (split) in the Christian church in 700 A.D.

• Even though most the Byzantines were Christian, they didn’t practice the same way as people of Western Europe

• Byzantine Emperors rejected the authority of the Pope• Byzantine Churches spoke Greek, Roman Church was

Latin• Byzantines also didn’t worship icons• Split: Roman Catholic Church (West) and Greek

Orthodox Church (East)

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•What is considered the major reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire in Western Europe?

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• What is considered the major reasons for the fall of the Roman Empire in Western Europe?

• Economic Problems• Bad Emperors• Germanic Invasions

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•What effect did the crusades have on the economy and politics of Europe?

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• What effect did the crusades have on the economy and politics of Europe?

• Trade Increased• Power of Kings Decreased

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•Who was the ruler of the Mongol Empire that conquered much of China and central Asia?

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• Who was the ruler of the Mongol Empire that conquered much of China and central Asia?

• Genghis Kahn

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•What was the ultimate goal of the Muslim conquests into Africa and Europe?

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• What was the ultimate goal of the Muslim conquests into Africa and Europe?

• Spread Islam

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•What city was the ultimate goal of the Ottoman Turks when invading and attacking the Byzantine Empire during the 14th and 15th century?

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• What city was the ultimate goal of the Ottoman Turks when invading and attacking the Byzantine Empire during the 14th and 15th century?

• Constantinople

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•What group of people had invaded and established dominance in Central Asia, China, Persia, Tibet, Iraq, much of Asia Minor and all of southern Russia by the 13th century?

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• What group of people had invaded and established dominance in Central Asia, China, Persia, Tibet, Iraq, much of Asia Minor and all of southern Russia by the 13th century?

• The Mongols

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•What are two major items that were exported out of China to places like Europe?

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• What are two major items that were exported out of China to places like Europe?

• Porcelain • Silk

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•What was the system of government that existed in Japan and over time led to an isolated society?

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• What was the system of government that existed in Japan and over time led to an isolated society?

• Feudalism

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• Explain how trade grew as a result of the crusades.

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• Explain how trade grew as a result of the crusades.

• Growth/Spread of Christianity and Islam caused new interactions and trade routes to open.

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•Where could the impact of Islamic learning and culture could be seen in Europe?

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• Where could the impact of Islamic learning and culture could be seen in Europe?

• The Italian Renaissance

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•What two areas did the Silk Road help connect?

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• What two areas did the Silk Road help connect?

• East (China)• West (Europe)

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•What is Feudalism? Explain how this system worked.

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• What is Feudalism? Explain how this system worked.

• Feudalism was the system by which medieval Europeans organized their power and governments.

• Vassals received land and protection from a lord when they worked and fought for him. It might be understood as a pyramid with the monarch presiding over a hierarchy of less important vassals.

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•What is the Manor system? Explain how this system worked (focus on the role of the Noble and the Peasant).

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• What is the Manor system? Explain how this system worked (focus on the role of the Noble and the Peasant).

• The manorial system was related to feudalism. It was an economic relationship between the peasants and lord. The peasants worked on land owned by the lord in return for fixed dues in kind, money and services. The manorial system prevailed in many European countries.

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• Identify an item that would be traded from East to West. Identify an item that would be traded from West to East.

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• Identify an item that would be traded from East to West. Identify an item that would be traded from West to East.

• Caravans from the East brought products such as glass, paper, the magnetic compass and gunpowder.• Caravans from the West brought gold,

precious metals and stones, ivory and textiles.

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•With everything you know about the Manor System, why would a peasant/serf want to live on the Manor?

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• With everything you know about the Manor System, why would a peasant/serf want to live on the Manor?

• Peasants who lived on the Manor had the opportunity to grow some of their own food and live in a house which would be more difficult in the city/town.

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•After the Chinese and Koreans defeated the Mongols, how did the Chinese and Koreans decide to run their governments?

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• After the Chinese and Koreans defeated the Mongols, how did the Chinese and Koreans decide to run their governments?

• Growing opposition to the rule of the foreigners led to the overthrow of the Mongols. Korea and China reverted back to dynasties in their respective countries.

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•Choose one contribution to Western Civilization made by Muslims and explain how this contribution has impacted history.

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• Choose one contribution to Western Civilization made by Muslims and explain how this contribution has impacted history.

• Muslims made contributions in anatomy, physiology and pharmacology, and in medicine with the creation of a medical textbook. Islamic advances in astronomy aided their development of a calendar and improvement of the astrolabe.

• They helped establish chemistry as a distinct branch of science and trigonometry as a distinct branch of mathematics. Muslims produced world maps and, later, served as navigators for European explorers.

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