Page 1: 3 tips for a more effective Small Business Website


3 tips for a more effective Small

Business Website

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Page 2: 3 tips for a more effective Small Business Website

There are 3 things I believe are a great thing to do for most small business websites.

We will be releasing some research on these things in the coming months but for now here are 3 tips for every small business website.

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The Heading – Stop ThemSkimming and Start

Them Reading If you can, try to avoid generic boring headings. Ask a question or state what makes you different, or

say something surprising or interesting. Requires a bit of thought and also you need to

consider how long it will remain useful and how long it will last. See our main site for an example Our heading is “Web Circle is a progressive agency with a relentless drive” to discover and implement.

Stop them skimming and start them reading and that way they might stay in your site long enough to actually learn what you do.Visit Us:

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The Welcome Message You might not have a big welcome message – like in our

case we have a heading that covers the basics of the welcome message and then we have the about us section further down.

There are 2 other things you must include:1. what makes you different2. a call to action

1. Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), competitive advantage or various other consultant buzzwords. It’s important to say what you do

2. What do you want them to do? Make it clear both in words and visually where the visitor has to go next.Visit Us:

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Personalisation When you are thinking through what makes your

business different, will find that it is them that make the business unique. It’s the personal relationship they have with clients. It’s their story, their history, their unique blend of skills.

People generally respond a lot better to a personal welcome message with images of real people.

People love stories – they love success stories and small businesses love working with other small businesses.

That’s for my boring web design business! Imagine if my story actually was interesting! This is an easy way to separate yourself from other competitors because most people don’t do it.Visit Us:

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Bringing It All Together

We recently built a site for Act2 Solutions who sell Actuarial Certificates. See this post for some info on the site.

It includes an engaging heading that states exactly what they do (and how they are different – i.e. they are cheap), a welcome message that focuses on how they are different, personalisation by using pictures of Andy and a call to action telling people to download the forms.

We will be posting back with some more evidence on how the performance of this site compared to it’s predecessor in the next little while but suffice to say that it works.Visit Us:

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