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Money is a good servant, but a bad master, we must manage it well

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The math is simple; it's controlling your habits and emotions that's hard.

1. Financial success is more about mastering the mental game of money than about understanding the numbers. 

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Without financial goals, you have no direction, so it's easy to spend money on things you'll regret later. But if you're saving for a house, your daughter's college education, or a new car, your goal will keep you focused.

2. The road to wealth is paved with goals.

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 Successful personal finance is all about building positive cash flow. That's easy to say, but not always easy to do.

3. To build wealth, you've got to spend less than you earn.

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Before you pay your bills, buy groceries, or do anything else, you should set aside some part of your income. Start small if you have to (even $25 a month is good), and then increase your saving rate with time.

4. Saving must be a priority. 

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Wealthy people who do not save may not become financially free while people who do save even though they are menial laborers can become financially free because they save their money. People who learn to save their money live longer because of less anxiety, better lifestyle, and better health care, etc.

5. It doesn't matter how much money flows through your hands, its how much you choose to save.

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This is feeling what you would feel as a result of owning that wealth. As you hold those feelings, you attract what it is that gives you more of those feelings. Money is energy and can be magnetically attracted.

6. Having a creative idea- and envisioning- is the first step to creating wealth.

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If you do not hold a value of appreciation for building wealth, you will not. It's important to place a high value on building wealth since you will do whatever you value. Wherever you place your attention is what you value and what you create.

7. Creating wealth occurs as a result of setting values, the value of building wealth.

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As a spiritual person you have a requirement to continually go inside to find your mission and grow yourself and excel in your spiritual purpose.

8. If you want to grow wealth but don't have a spiritual calling that requires money then you will plateau your wealth.

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Your everyday habits have a huge impact on your financial success, so don't be frustrated if you can only save $25 a month for now; I started small, too. Small changes help build good habits, and they can make a real difference over time.

9. Small amounts matter.

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It's good to clip coupons and to save money on groceries, but it's even better to save money on the big stuff like buying a car or house. By making smart choices on big-ticket items, you can save thousands of dollars in one blow.

10. Large amounts matter, too.

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Being smart with money isn't about giving up your plasma TV or your daily latte. It's about setting priorities and managing expectations: choosing to spend only on the things that matter to you, while cutting costs on the things that don't.

11. Financial balance lets you enjoy tomorrow and today.

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The most successful folks are those who work longest and hardest at things they love to do. So try to find ways to make frugality fun, and recognize you're in this for the long haul. Remember that you're making a lifestyle change, not looking for a quick fix.

12. Slow and steady wins the race.

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Too many people are afraid to start getting their finances in order because they don't know what the "best" first step is. Don't worry about getting things exactly right—just choose a good option and do something to get started.

13. The perfect is the enemy of the good. 

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Even billionaires like Warren Buffett make mistakes, so don't let one slip-up drag you down. Use failures to learn how to do better next time.

14. Failure is okay. 

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The advice that others give you is almost always in their best interest—which may or may not be the same as your best interest. Don't do what others tell you just because they're compelling. Get advice from various folks (and books like this one), but in the end, make your own decisions.

15. Nobody cares more about your money than you do. 

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There's no one right way to save, invest, pay off debt, or buy a house, so don't believe anyone who says there is. Experiment until you find methods that work for you.

16. Each person is different.

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It's easy to put things off, but the sooner you start moving toward your goals, the easier they'll be to reach.

17. Action beats inaction.

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Don't be obsessed with money—it won't buy you happiness. It'll give you more options, sure, but happiness is what makes life worth living. If you can stay happy and in control of your life, money will be easier to manage.

18. It's more important to be happy than to be rich. 

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It is a fair form of energy exchange. This constant form of exchange allows us to become present and conscious. If you don't believe that just become distracted or unconscious about your money and see how fast it disappears.

19. Money is energy.

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To give a financial value to others is a spiritual act. And to make money creating wealth requires following spiritual laws. Stop feeling guilty about acquiring money. Money is not good or bad, it's a neutral event until you place a judgment on it.

20. Spirit and money are inseparable.

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Until you allow yourself love, don't expect to allow yourself money. If you don't love yourself or value money for yourself then it will pass through your hands to those who do value it.

21. Love equals money.

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People who save money find the freedom from it. People can have little money and be attached to it while people can have vast fortunes and have no attachment to it.

22. People who say, "I'm not in this for the money" will work their whole life focusing upon making money.

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When you make thousands, you hang out with people who have thousands, and when you save a million, you hang out with people with millions. The more money people have, the more influence and the more they can help others.

23. When you make a dollar you hang out with people with dollars.

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Absolutely true. A poor man would not laugh at all. He does not want ''unlimited'' money like the millionaires dreaming to become billionaires, build more hotels and spas, run fashion shows or whatever to milk the public money.

25. No point using limited life to chase unlimited money.

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25. No point earning so much money you cannot live to spend it.In fact, this would like to warn those who work so hard, without balancing their lives, until they cannot save their lives from diseases due to bad health. When they know that they have less time left for their lives, they tell themselves that is too late.

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26. Money is not yours until you spend it.The wealth needs to be used for proper purpose at the proper times, else it would cease to be a blessing.

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27. When you are young, you use your health to chase your wealth; when you are old, you use your wealth to buy back your health. Difference is that, it is too late.

It has self-explanatory, so I don’t need to explain again.

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28. How happy a man is, is not how much he has but how little he needs.

The simple mind they had behind the abundance of wealth was really thrilling for people’s mind! Now it is difficult to find such people thinking like this!!! So this is a good message for this generation.

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29. No point working so hard to provide for the people you have no time to spend with.In stead of working too hard, go back home to see your wife and your lovely child. They are waiting for having enjoyable time with you. Be relax and you will find that you have plenty of energy to work in the following day.

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30. Lastly, remember that money is a good servant, but a bad master. So manage it wisely.Money is a good servant because it can get you almost anything you want, but a dangerous master because the money might become the most important thing in your life and that you would do anything for it, such as: kill to get it, steal to get it, etc. Money will not last forever and it will not go with you when you die. Sure... the money will go to the people mentioned in your will, but that money will eventually be lost. So, control your money, and don't have it control you.

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Thank You Very MuchSompong Yusoontorn

“If you want to feel rich, just count the things you have that money can't buy”

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