Download - 31-10-2012

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DundalkLeader2.pdf 30/10/2012 10:39:30

Wednesday, 31st October, 2012. Vol. 5, Issue 44 • 63 Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co. Louth. Tel: 042 9320888. Fax: 042 9329676. Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

National Schools fancy dress

Page 12

Dundalk Welcomes New TouristOfficer

Stewart Agnew reaches final four

Page 7 Page 19

Huge welcome for cross-border bridgeThe european Union’s de-cision to fund a new cross-border bridge to be built at Narrow Water between Co Louth and Co Down has been broadly welcomed in the county.

The €18.3 million project will be 660 metres long and is expected to be completed by 2015. Approximately €17.4 million will be funded by the EU’s INTERRREG IVA Programme with the re-mainder being paid by for by the Irish government

Planning permission for the bridge has already been granted on both sides of the border and it is expected that construction on the bridge will begin sometime in 2013.

Louth County Council have welcomed the an-

nouncement with County Manager Joan Martin stating she was ‘thrilled’ to hear the news.

“We’re thrilled to get the funding approval from the

Special EU Programmes Body and will now work with our partners at East Border Region and Newry & Mourne District Council as well as the Irish Government

and the Northern Ireland Executive to ensure that we move forwards without delay on commencing work on site.

Continued on Page 2

Rendering of the Narrow Water Bridge open to allow boats through.

There was a generally nega-tive response by Dundalk town councillors to Phil hogan’s re-cent announcement outlining drastic changes in local govern-ments which will see town councils abolished reducing the number of local authorities from 114 to 31.Speaking at the monthly town council meeting, Cllr Martin Bellew stated he was saddened to hear that town councils were to be abolished and hoped that Dundalk people still have a say as to what goes on around the town.“I’ve been on this council since 1979 and I have to say that

Continued on Page 2

TownCouncilreformBy Paul Byrne

By Paul Byrne

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DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 20122

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Continued from Page 1“As well as the long-

term benefits that the bridge will undoubtedly

bring to the region, there will also be a considerable direct economic spin-off during construction of

Huge welcome for cross-border bridge

From Page 1this town has been very lucky with the quality of local representatives it has had over the years. I honestly believe that Minister hogan is imple-menting change for the sake of change and I re-ally hope that the people of Dundalk still have a voice as to how this town is run.” explained the long serving councillor.Cllr Bellew then proceed-ed to propose a motion to write a letter on behalf of the council asking for more details regarding his plans for reform of local authority.Cllr Conor Keelan echoed his fellow councillor’s thoughts while criticising Minister hogan’s report for being ‘scant on detail’. This government is ob-sessed with centralising power. There are plenty of questions that still need to be answered here and I look forward to Minister hogan providing more details to us” he added.Cllr Jim ryan claimed the government were living in cloud cuckoo land if they thought they

could finance the new look local authority from money received from the household charge.“There’s a lot of uncer-tainty regarding this report from Minister hogan but what is clear is that Louth will be reduced from 59 to 24 councillors. The financing for this new regime is supposedly coming from money received from the household charge but I honestly think that the government are living in cloud cuckoo land if they are banking on all that money coming in.Cllr Marianne Butler also said she’d like to wait to hear more details on Min-ister hogan’s plan before commenting although she did raise concerns over a potential reduction in female representation on the town councils should the new plan go ahead.Cllr Maria Doyle was somewhat more recep-tive to Cllr hogan’s plans stating that the minister had put a lot of work into the report and she hoped that the country would

Town Council reform

this project which will be the first cross-border structure of its kind to be built.”

Dundalk Chamber of Commerce also wel-comed the decision as they congratulated all in-

volved who managed to secure the funding.

“Dundalk Chamber warmly welcome the ex-cellent news of the SEPUB decision to con-tribute financially to the building of the Narrow

Water Bridge. This effec-tively means 100% fund-ing has been achieved.

The Chamber offer it’s congratulations to Louth County Council and Ne-wry & Mourne District Council for their perse-

verance in this matter as without it this project may not have come to fruition.”

It is hoped the bridge will open up the cross-border Cooley/Mournes/Gullion region to more

visitors and make it much easier for residents, busi-nesses and tourists to travel around the area.

The departments will be required to provide initial funding for the construction project and

recoup the money from the European Union. It will be an opening bridge that allows tall ships, lei-sure craft and other ma-rine vessels access to the Victoria Lock and the Al-bert Basin in Newry.

see improved efficiencies in the future. She also noted the cur-rent overlap between town and county councils pointing out that a lot of councillors sit on both councils and therefore should be up to speed with matters arising on both a town and county level.The changes are expect-ed to save the govern-ment €400 million over the next four years.

Got a Story?We want to hearfrom you

Phone: 0429320888Email: [email protected]

Last thursday Dundalk Chamber of Commerce launched the Great santa Fun Run in Courtney’s Bar Park st. the event was a great success with a large number of san-tas’s attending and regis-tering for the event.

Jimmy Cumiskey from the organising committee explained that the event is taking place on Friday the 14th December 2012, commencing at 11.00am at Market square and santa’s will complete a lap of Crowe street, Francis street, and Park street before returning to Market square. . LMFM will have an outside broadcast at the square

and school children from CBs Dundalk will per-form Christmas carols. Matthews Coaches will lead the santa’s in the fun run and over 100 santa’s from various businesses will take part.

Festivities will then move to the Crowne Plaza Hotel for a Christ-mas Charity Lunch at 12.30pm with over 190 booked in to date this plans to be the Christmas lunch of the season with carol singers, a comedian and goody bags donated by Douglas Hair this is an event not to be missed and tickets cost 50 Euro and can be purchased from the Chamber by calling Brenda or tracey on tel: 042 9336343 or

email [email protected]

the theme of the lunch is for the Business & Civic community to re-connect with the lo-cal community and help to “kick start” the fes-tive season. all proceeds raised will be donated within the local commu-nity to schools, family & children and indeed charities including:

three local chari-ties, the Men’s shed, the Birches alzheimer Day Care Centre and sOsaD

One special/deserv-ing child will be selected from local schools to be sent with their family on a memorable holiday to Euro Disney.

all toys collected at the lunch will be dis-tributed to st. Bridget’s school and other local charities from our toy mountain at the lunch.

Jimmy appealed to both the business and civic community to get involved and support this worthwhile event as all funds raised will be used to the benefit of the people in our local com-munity.

If you would like to take part in the run, spon-sorship cards are avail-able from the Chamber and the cost to enter the run is 100 Euro. Don’t forget to log on to our Facebook page

DunDaLk town Coun-cil’s Cox’s Demesne Regeneration scheme continues to gather pace with the executive officer David storey announcing that they have completed energy efficiency improve-ment works to 468 housing stock, 203 Dundalk town Council and 265 Private, in Cox’s Demesne area.

the works have im-proved the majority of the housing stock to a BER of

Get ready for Dundalk’sfirst ever Great Santa Run

Major energy project successfully completed

C1. next on the agenda for the regeneration scheme is to improve energy efficien-cy works to the housing stock in the Beechmount Drive area. When this stage has been completed in mid-november all 623 housing stock within the Cox’s Demesne area will have had energy improve-ment works carried out on them.

this will have resulted in expenditure in approxi-mately €4.1 million being spent in the area. It is the largest energy efficiency improvement project being carried out in the country.

the project will include the building of a shel-tered housing complex for twelve senior citizens and it was noted that the design stage of the pilot project had been done with full consultation with the resi-dents.

By Paul Byrne

Page 3: 31-10-2012

DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 2012 3

Since its introduction, laser eye surgery has helped to improve the vision and life-styles of over 30 million people world-wide, including high profile celebrities and sportspeople including Nicole Kidman, Brad Pitt and Tiger Woods. It’s never been easier or more affordable to say goodbye to cumbersome glasses and contact lenses with the arrival of Optilase to Newry. Optilase is the leading laser eye clinic and offers access to the best Consultant Oph-thalmic Surgeons, Laser Optometrists and medical staff, in the world. Their expe-rienced team of surgeons has carried out over 40,000 laser eye surgery procedures and the results speak for themselves - 100% of patients have achieved driving standard or better, with 98.7% achieving 20/20 or better. Optilase uses only the safest, most pre-cise and most advanced technology in the world. Lead Surgeon and Medical Director at Op-tilase, Mr Wayne Crewe-Brown added“Candidates are always so surprised at how straight forward, speedy and painless the procedure actually is. Having been in-volved in laser vision correction for over 20 years and having performed in the re-gion of 30,000 laser eye procedures, I can comfortably say that the field has reached a zenith of safety and predictability”.

The actual procedure takes about 5-10 minutes per eye and the majority of Op-tilase patients return to work within 48 hours, with many returning even sooner than that. With prices from only £295 per eye, free consultations and interest free credit, it is easy to understand the 99.8% referral rate.

“Freedom from glasses and contact lenses is an absolute life-changer. The first thing that most people tell me is that they wished they had done it sooner” NO MORE READING GLASSESOptilase has recently introduced a pioneer-ing new surgery to Northern Ireland called Kamra vision to eliminate the need for reading glasses for the over 40s suffering from presbyopia, the technical term for the loss of crispness of our near vision, as we get older. Presbyopia is a natural process that happens to everyone, even those who have previously had laser vision correc-tion. If you find yourself holding this article at arm’s length to read more clearly, then you will understand. Reading menus, price tags and texting are equally tricky, without the

aid of reading glasses. Optilase carry out the most treatments and are also the most experienced in Europe and beyond. Dr Wayne Crewe Brown commented:“KAMRA Vision has been in development for over a decade and means life-changing benefits for those who are dependent on reading glasses. It restores vision of ob-jects near the eye and reduces dependency on reading glasses, critically without com-promising on distance vision. The result is long-lasting, clear vision; near, far and in between.” The actual procedure is painless and takes, on average, less than 10 minutes. Patients can resume most activities the very next day, free of the dependency on reading glasses. Why not book a free consultation to find out if you are a suitable candidate for ei-ther of these life-changing surgeries, con-tact Optilase, Newry on 02890 438397

“The lens in our eyes loses its flexibility over time. This means the ability to focus on near objects gradually decreases. Typically between the ages of 40 and 50 we will find it harder to focus on near objects.”

Northern Ireland’s No.1 Laser Eye Clinic

For a Free Consultation call 02890 - Unit 1, Canal Court, 34 Merchants Quay, Newry

Optilase Belfast call 02890 438397 - Optilase L/Derry call 02871 265379

Ireland’s Largest Laser Eye Surgery Clinic arrives in Newry

Benefits of the Kamra treatment Restores everyday vision and eliminates the need for reading glasses

Smaller than a contact lens, weighs less than a grain of salt

Takes on average less than 10 minutes

Works continuously for constant, long-term near vision rejuvenation

Proven, with a decade of clinical research and development

Free consultation

Huge welcome for cross-border bridgerecoup the money from the European Union. It will be an opening bridge that allows tall ships, lei-sure craft and other ma-rine vessels access to the Victoria Lock and the Al-bert Basin in Newry.

all toys collected at the lunch will be dis-tributed to st. Bridget’s school and other local charities from our toy mountain at the lunch.

Jimmy appealed to both the business and civic community to get involved and support this worthwhile event as all funds raised will be used to the benefit of the people in our local com-munity.

If you would like to take part in the run, spon-sorship cards are avail-able from the Chamber and the cost to enter the run is 100 Euro. Don’t forget to log on to our Facebook page

Get ready for Dundalk’sfirst ever Great Santa Run

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DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 20124

Student DinnerDKIT have celebrated the presence of international students in their college with an international dinner which took place in the college last week.The event was organised by the Go International Society, whose aim is to get more Irish students to avail of the opportunity to study abroad and also to welcome visiting students and encourage integration between these visiting students and Irish students The Student International Dinner was the first Event to be held at DkITThe event was held in the college bar with traditional Irish music from DkIT students and tables of food from Spain, Germany, China, France, Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Bulgaria and Irish stew representing the Irish. This event will become a core event on DKIT’s calendar every semester and they hope to extend the concept and possibly tie in with the Taste of Louth initiative, to showcase the best of local.

NEWSin Brief a taxI driver who refused to

allow a 20-year-old female pas-senger out of his vehicle while he drove to the Garda station, claimed that he panicked on the occasion as he feared another passenger was going to set dogs on him.

tunde ayoade, 35 an Cearnog, toberona, Dundalk, appeared in Dundalk District Court to face false imprisonment charges fol-lowing the incident in the early hours of september 27, 2011.

the court heard that the taxi was taking a number of people to kilkerley. after an initial stop, two

passengers remained when an is-sue arose over the cost of the fare. One of the occupants went into the house to get €5 when the defend-ant drove out of the driveway with one female passenger.

she became very distressed when he refused to stop the car and her parents contacted the Gardai.

solicitor for the defendant stat-ed that his client was faced with the incident at 3.30am when he thought the other passenger was getting dogs. the girl was con-tacted by her mother and the pas-senger then passed the phone to the

driver.the defendant stated that he was

simply taking the girl to the Garda station but accepted that this might not have cured her fright.

He described his client as a 44-year-old father of four and a full time taxi driver who has been in Ireland for 11 years. He offered his apologies to the passenger but he always intended taking her to the Garda station.

He asked for leniency as a con-viction would have serious conse-quences. the case was adjourned to January 23.

Refused to let passenger out of taxi

Lucy Bell, Chloe Ticehurst and Andrea Stewart Rodriguez at the Harvest Fair organised by the students of Dun Dealgan National School on Friday.

Students organise Harvest Fair

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DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 2012 5

Therapie Clinic has clinics nationwide including Belfast’s Donegall Place and Queen’s Arcade and L/Derry’s Carlisle Road. Experts in laser hair removal, cli-ents can also expect the most advanced and results-driven treatments on the mar-ket; from Murad and Image Skincare, the leading American cosmeceutical skincare brands, to the very latest anti-ageing treat-ments. Think Hollywood results but af-fordable prices! THE SECRET TO SILKY SMOOTH SKIN - EXPERT LASER HAIR REMOVAL Once you discover the benefits of laser hair removal, your beauty regime will nev-er be the same again! Imagine no longer having to worry about painful, time-con-suming, messy and expensive waxing and shaving, ever again? This is the joy of la-ser hair removal, a smooth and silky body, each and every day. Therapie Clinic uses only the most ad-vanced tech nology in the world, using medical-grade lasers as opposed to Intense Pulse Light (IPL), which is commonly, used elsewhere. What this means for you is superior results, quicker treatment times and most importantly of all, your safety. A course of six treatments is generally rec-ommended and you will notice a marked difference after just 2-3 sessions. Typi-

cally, Therapie Clinic clients book in for one area but invariably upgrade and go back for more, effectively throwing away the razor!

Good news too as right now and for the rest of the month of November special of-fer, ½ price bikini laser hair removal (full course of 6 sessions), now only £220. SKIN SPECIALISTSUNVEILING THE MOST PIO-NEERING OF SKIN TREAT-MENTSWhether rejuvenating, anti-ageing, beau-tifying or therapeutic, Therapie Clinic’s skin specialists will assess your individual needs at a free consultation and recom-mend a course of action that is right for you.

LUXURIOUS FACIALSTop skincare brands at Therapic Clinic in-clude Dermalogica, Image Skincare and Murad, the leading American cosmeceuti-cal skincare brands, Keraskin and the very luxurious Eve Lom. You can choose from hydrating, soothing, skin brightening and multi-vitamin power facials to facials tar-geting acne, wrinkles and various, specific skin problems.

As the first doctor–developed brand, Dr Murad’s award-winning formulas have

helped millions of people around the world resolve their skin issues and reveal dramat-ically healthier, more beautiful, younger-looking skin. He has a lengthy list of ce-lebrity followers including Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Renee Zellweger in the US and Lisa Snowdon, Christine Bleakley and Fearne Cotton in the UK! Special introductory offer for the month of November, the Murad infusion treatments are ½ Price, was £80 now only £40. Image Skincare is another dream brand and specialises in facial peels. A peel is a resur-facing treatment designed to dramatically improve and enhance the skin in as little as 1 treatment. A peel need not be aggressive and the results deliver dramatically rejuve-nated, radiant, line and blemish-free skin. Expect a dramatic improvement in tone, colour and texture of the skin. Special introductory offer for the month of November, all Image Skincare treatments only £40. Usual price: £80.

LOOK 10 YEARS YOUNGERTherapie Clinic has recently introduced iPixel, the revolutionary NEW anti-ageing treatment that promises to turn back the hands of time to the tune of 10-15 years! This is the most advanced anti-ageing treatment available. iPixel not only elimi-nates lines and wrinkles but it also plumps

out the skin, delivering new, healthier, smoother tissue in place of old skin im-perfections and in turn delivers radically younger-looking, smoother, line-free skin.The best advice is to pop in for a free con-sultation and learn how you can dramati-cally improve your look and your skin!

Therapie Clinic, the country’s most prestigious and pioneering, yet affordable, laser and skin clinic will open at Unit 1, Canal Court, 34 Merchants Quay in Newry on Wednesday, 7th November.

For a Free Consultation call 02890 - Unit 1, Canal Court, 34 Merchants Quay, Newry

Therapie Clinic Belfast call 02890 438397 - Therapie Clinic L/Derry call 02871 265379

Award Winning Therapie Clinicopens in Newry







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DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 20126

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Collier LectureOn Wednesday November 7 a lecture entitled ‘Michael Collier: Alias Collier the robber’ will take place in the County Museum at 8pm. he was born in 1780 and is regarded as the last to the Irish highwaymen of the 18th and 19th Cen-tury. he roamed the roads of Louth, Meath and North County Dublin. All are wel-come and refreshments will be served. Voluntary contribution at door.

Healing MassFamily tree healing Mass in St Patricks Church Dun-dalk at 8pm on Tuesday November 6. rosary starts at 7.45pm Celebrant rev Fr Gerry Campbell. All wel-come.

Gospel ChoirDrogheda’s famous Augus-tinian Gospel Choir has an-nounced it is releasing an album and are holding a spectacular concert in No-vember 11th in Augustin-ian Church at 8pm. Tickets cost €20. Details call 087 6368.

NEWSin Brief

Pictured at the recent Confederation of European Waste-to-Energy Plant exhibition in Brussels, Mairead McGuinness, MEP for Louth-Meath with Jane Hennessy, in Daver, Co Louth. At the event the two women were highlighting that the average amount produced per week by one family, about 10kg, if treated in a waste-to-ener-gy facility can power seven five minute-showers. It is the equivalent of 8 hours of heat for an average home or powers a laptop for three hours a day for two months.Invader Ireland is a leading sustainable waste management company, which cur-rently operates Ireland’s only waste-to-energy facility in Meath.

Gavin Duffy with Anne Murphy GML Coordinator, when he visited the GML stand at the Age Friendly Expo in Darver Castle.

GReen Party councillor Mark Dearey has welcomed the an-nouncement by the Dept of Transport for funding of a 6.2km Greenway cycle path along an old Railway line between Greers Quay, Omeath and Carlingford.

Speaking at the monthly town council meeting, Cllr Dearey said he was delighted with the announcement claiming that the project would become a unique urban tourist attraction.

“I am delighted that the de-partment of transport have

agreed to fund this project and I truly believe that this has the po-tential to become a unique tour-ist attraction. I often walk along the old railway line and I would advise anybody who hasn’t walked it to go out and do so as the scenery around that part of the country is magnificent.

This new cycle path will offer cyclists and walkers a safe track while also offering them spec-tacularly views of Carlingford Lough and its surrounding ar-eas” added Cllr Dearey.

Cllr Dearey also noted that the project has the potential to form a 32km route from Dundalk to Carlingford and on to newry and he resolved to initiate dis-cussions with the Department on the development of the 32km route from the Dundalk end.

The funding will see sixteen separate cycling projects built across the country over the next two to years amounting to an ad-ditional 334 kilometres of cycle-way as part of the national Cycle network.

It is good news for rail commuters as free Wi Fi is being rolled out on all commuter and inter-city routes. Passengers will be able to access the internet for free on the Iarnrod Eir-eann trains by the end of the year. the initiative is funded by the national transport authority.

Free Wi fi should be available on

all busses, trains and more by next year as the Government plans to ex-tend the service to all public transport. the aim is to allow commuters to use the travelling time productively, for work or leisure. some sites however are not accessible for child protection reasons they may contain inappropri-ate material.

Cllr Dearey looks forward to cycle routeGood news for commuters

GOOD Morning Louth is inviting older people to get signed up for a free telephone support service.

Our dedicated team of volunteers, fully trained and Garda vet-ted, look forward to sharing a friendly chat when they make the pre-arranged calls to older people to check on their well-being. the service runs every Momday – Friday and in addition to the se-curity of daily contact, it also helps to link the older person with their community by sharing

people are availing of the service but the door is open for Good Morn-ing Louth to welcome more.

the service is part of the nestling Project, which is supported by the Eu Interreg IVa programme managed by the special Eu Pro-grammes Body and de-livered by CaWt Older Peoples Project.

If you are an older person or know of an older person who would benefit from the serv-ice, please contact anne Murphy, Coordinator, 042 9330101

Invitation to older people to sign up for free telephone service

information about use-ful local services.

anne Murphy, Coor-dinator, says she is de-lighted with the positive

feedback from clients, many of whom have increased calls from weekly to daily. Cur-rently up to 80 elderly

Waste-to-Energy exhibition

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DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 2012 7

First Flight Wind has been selected to develop and, subject to gaining all necessary consents, install and operate an offshore wind farm off south Co. Down

Location Venue November

Kilkeel Nautilus Centre Mon 5th

Castlewellan Community Centre Tues 6th

Carlingford Heritage Centre Wed 7th

Downpatrick St Michael’s Hall, Thurs 8th Irish Street

Newcastle Slieve Donard Hotel Mon 12th

Ardglass Community Centre Tues 13th

Drop in anytime between 10am & 9pm

Invitation to Attend Offshore Wind Farm Information Days

First Flight Wind Ltd is a consortium comprising B9 Energy, DONG Energy and RES.

Sinead Roche.

Man remanded in custody

DunDaLk’s new tourist officer has out-lined the importance of having a tourist office in the heart of the town and praised all those involved who made it happen.

sinead Roche began work in her new job as the town’s tourist officer two weeks ago and is delighted that the office has returned to its origi-nal location in Market square.

“It’s great to get the tourist office back here in the square again” she stated. I know the stake-holders and businesses around town really pushed for it to return here which shows just how important it is.

sinead who has a de-gree in travel and tour-ism and management

“I love Dundalk and I love meeting people so this is kind of a dream job for me really” stated sinead. I’m passion-ate about Dundalk and I want people who visit here to go away from the town feeling good about the area” she ex-plained.

“Dundalk has so much to offer and I think even some people who live around Dundalk don’t realise how much there is to do around the area. We have so many wonderful parks, walk-ways, golf courses and places of interest to see. You’ve got the whole Cooley/Ravensdale area which is as beautiful as anywhere in the country. and then we’ve got the Equestrian centre, Dun-dalk sports stadium and

the sports Centre.” she added.

“I don’t see the tour-ist office as being just for tourists as we have lots of national informa-tion in here as well. If anybody is planning on going on holiday some-where in Ireland we can help them plan their trip and advise them on the best places to see or what to do.

“the most impor-tant thing is that people know that we are here in the square and we’re here to help people.”

The office is open Monday to Friday from 9.30-5.30 and is located on Market square in the tCCM building. For any enquiries call sine-ad at 0429352111.

new tourist officer

says she was delighted to have gotten a job in the tourist office say-ing it was her dream job promoting her own town.

A 36-yeAR-old man who was convicted of child pornography of-fences in england was remanded in custody for a further two weeks at Dundalk District Court.

Timothy Haughton, with an ad-dress at Ballymakellett, Ravens-dale, was arrested after failing to

notify Gardai of his residency as he is currently on the sex offend-ers register.

The defendant, who was re-manded for seven days at the pre-vious week’s sitting, was told by Judge Flann Brennan that the case will be dealt with on november 7.

Solicitor, Peter lavery, told the court that his client had lost his job and will have to deal with the authorities in england on his re-turn. He added the consequence of his actions in failing to notify the authorities are huge and devastat-ing.

Page 8: 31-10-2012

DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 20128

All Courses Half-PriceWith over 40 years experience and a wide range of courses Dundalk Institute of Technology is your ideal lifelong learning partner.

Early Bird Sale! 

50% OFF

all Spring 2013

course fees if you

enrol and pay by

end of November.end of November.

You can view all course detailsand enrol online at

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LOCALL 1890 202 303

Drogheda Borough Councilt: 041 9833511

Ardee Town Councilt: 041 6858191

Louth County Councilt: 042 9335457

Dundalk Town Councilt: 042 9332276


Comhairle Contae Lú

Draft Register Of Electors 2013/2014

Your vote is your voice. Don’t lose it.Will you be aged 18 or over on 15th February2013? If so, you have a right to vote.

However, you will be unable to exercise thatright if your name is not on the Register ofElectors.

Make sure your voice will be heard by checkingthe Draft Register now.

Please note that in relation to the Children’sRights Referendum on the 10th November, 2012,the Register that will be in force is the Registerof Electors 2012/2013.

The DRAFT Register of Electors 2013/2014 willbe available for inspection from 1st November2012 at Louth County Council, DroghedaBorough Council, Dundalk Town Council, ArdeeTown Council and online and at Garda Stations,Libraries and Post Offices shortly thereafter.The Draft will be on display until 25thNovember 2012.

Please check the draft before 25th November2012 to ensure your details are correct and thatyou are registered at the correct address.Correction forms are available to download or from Louth CountyCouncil, Dundalk Town Council, DroghedaBorough Council and Ardee Town CouncilOffices.

Paddy Donnelly, Corporate Services, Louth County Council

For further information please contactTel: 042 9324211 email: [email protected]

Louth 19cmx2 DundalkLeader _fnl 26/10/2012 16:31 Pa

Win For St Pat’sSt Patrick’s (Louth) 1-9; rhode (Offaly) 1-7. Saint Patrick’s recorded an excellent victory over Offaly championsns rhode by two points in a hard fought game in Tullamore on Sunday..St Pat’s were leading by 1-9 to 0-7, and easing to victory before a late rhode goal caused a bit of late concern. however the men from Lordship held on and recorded a well earned victory.It was a fine win by the Louth champions who were the superior outfit for much of the 60-plus minutes. With man of the match, Paddy Keenan in great form at midfield, St Pat’s can now look forward to a home tie against Kildare champions Sarsfield.

Ferdia in DkITJournalist, novelist and scriptwriter, Ferdia Mac Anna will be talking about his novel The Last of the high Kings in DkIT on Wednesday November 7 at 7 pm in the Whitaker Theatre, DkIT. A screening of Last of the high Kings will also take place on the night followed by a questions and answers session.

NEWSin Brief

a DunDaLk man had to be subdued with pep-per spray after Gardai saw him involved with an altercation with another individual.

Gardai on patrol stopped when they saw Richard Gorman, 28 Marian Park, Dundalk, involved in the incident. He was very in-

toxicated, made an attempt to strike and run after the man. He was subdued with pepper spray and taken to the Garda station.

Gorman appeared on public order charges and there was no complaint made by the other man in-volved.

solicitor, Frank Mc-

Donnell, explained that this could happen when drink was taken but it was a long time since he had offended. He added that his client has settled down and has a child.

Judge Flann Brennan put the case back to Janu-ary 23 for a Probation Re-port.

The Louth Volunteer Centre are holding an Information morning on Garda Vetting for community organisations. We welcome all community organi-sations to attend this free infor-mation Session. This will take place on Wednesday, novem-ber 21st at 6.00pm at the Com-munity offices, Partnership Court, Dundalk. To book your place, please contact Rosaleen Allen at 041 980 6900.

We also need volunteers to

help us out with conducting surveys in dundalk town. If you have some free time and enjoy talking to people to col-lect data, please contact Bar-bara at 087 607 1127.

We have a drop in office at the Dundalk Town Council to meet one of our team to discuss volunteering. Contact Bar-bara at 087 607 1127 or email [email protected] to enquiry about getting involved with volunteering.

Man had to be subdued

Information night on Garda vetting


SpecSavers Dundalk celebrated its eighth birthday in style last week as store directors Martina Kelly and Kath-leen Campbell invited customers to join the festivities . The staff cut a special Birthday Cake and shared some cham-pagne. Martina Kelly said she “would like to thank our customers who celebrated with us on the day and for their support throughout the years. We look forward to celebrating many more birthdays here at Specsavers Dundalk”.

Page 9: 31-10-2012

DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 2012 9

HunDREDs of students from Co Louth still waiting for approval of their student grants despite the college academic year starting more than one month ago.

More than 1800 funding applications by students from Co Louth have yet to be processed and the ap-proval rate is currently run-ning at below 50% with only 112 successful appli-cations out of the 391 that have been dealt with.

student universal sup-port Ireland (susI) was set up by Labour Minister Ru-rai Quinn as a progressive online system set up as 2011 to replace four separate sup-port systems. students were expected to apply for the grant using the online system to avoid delays.

The most recent figures also show that only 88 students attending DkIt have received their grants. around 42% of students

who go to DkIt receive some form of financial as-sistance from the state.

sinn Fein tD Gerry ad-ams criticised the delays noting at the current rate of processing some students will not get their grants until Christmas. Mr adams recently attended a meet-ing with the students in Dundalk and the union of students Ireland after which he described the “the enor-mous financial difficulties

being faced by the students and their parents at a time when college fees are rising and the maintenance grant has been cut by 12% and families living less than 45 km from college no longer qualify for the non-adjacent rate.”

He said “It is unaccept-able that students are now face the additional hurdle of delays on grant applications because of a systems fail-ure in a process supposedly

designed to make things easier.

the Minister brought in this new system and the Minister has responsibil-ity for making sure that a clear tracking system is in-troduced that will allow stu-dents know what stage their applications are at.”

However, the Department of Education pointed the finger back at the students blaming them for the bulk of the delays. a statement

from the Miniter’s depart-ment said that students had failed to provide full docu-mentation.

However they indicated that Deputy adams estimate of payment taking until Christmas may be accurate as they “aiming to award all of the anticipated successful applicants before the end of December.”

Students still waiting for approval of their grantsPrayer Around The CrossPrayer around the Cross in Candlelight will the music of Taize for young adults and others will take place on November 2 from 8.30pm to 9.30pm in Bethany, 34 Point road, Dundalk. Phone: 9331602.

NEWSin Brief

a DunDaLk man who took and crashed the motorbike of a friend who had fallen asleep in his house, has been given time to prove that he has turned his life around.

shane Dixon, 526 aisling Park, Cox’s Demesne, pleaded guilty to the offence at 1 Marian Park, Dundalk, on June 10 this year.

the court heard that after a Dixon’s friend fell asleep he found the keys of his mortorbike, took the helmet and jacket, and went out on the road before

crashing the bike soon after.the bike was purchased for €3,000

three weeks earlier and sold for €200 as scrap.

solicitor, James McGuill, told the court that his client had removed himself from the influences that had led to previous offences. He asked for credit for breaking his addictions and also for time to show that he has changed.

Judge Flann Brennan agreed to adjourn the case to January 23 next year.

Given time to turn his life around

Dundalk Railway Heritage societyThe dundalk Railway heritage Society are heading north next month with a specially arranged trip to see the Titanic exhibition in Belfast.

The society has negotiated a special group rate for its OAP members to see the popular tourist attraction on the Queens Road in Belfast.

The stunning building opened its doors to the public last March and has attracted over 500,000 visitors from all over the world over the past six months.

The tour extends over nine galleries, with multiple dimensions to the exhibition, drawing together special effects, dark rides, full-scale reconstructions and innovative interactive features to explore the Titanic story in a fresh and insightful way; from her conception in Belfast in the early 1900s, through her construction and launch, to her infamous maiden voyage and catastrophic demise.

The journey goes beyond the aftermath of the sinking, to the discovery of the wreck and continues into the present day with a live undersea exploration centre.

The proposed date for the trip is Tuesday, 20th november and is provisional subject to sufficient numbers offering to avail of the special rate.

The cost for oAP’s (60+) is €15 for members and €20 for non members exclusive of rail travel to Belfast and onwards to the Titanic Centre.

Those interested in going on the outing should contact any of the following: Brendan McQuaid- 0872835099, davy McArdle- 0872811191 or des Casey-0872410621.

Temple Street Halloween fundraiser at Realt na Mara School

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DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 201210

Louth beekeepers win lots of awards for their Honey at the Royal Beekeepers Association Honeyshow in Navan recently. New Beekeeper, Anna Monaghan, won first prize on Sunday and received the Hibernia Steel Perpetual Trophy.

LanguageWhat is meant by the Latin phrase, ‘Tempest Fugit’?Local The Dundalk Minor League grounds next to St helena Park is named after what late Dundalk UDC councillor?The Wild WestSitting Bull and Crazy horse were chiefs of what Indian race?IrelandThe towns of Irvine-stown and Maguires-bridge are to be found in what Ulster county?TelevisionWhat Belfast comic was host of the game show, Catchphrase?HistoryThe Battles of Bull run and Gettysburg hap-pened in what war?Rock and PopBrian robertson and Snowy White were at various times guitarists with what Irish band?Books

Mar Micawber and Uriah heep were characters in what Dickens novel?BusinessWhich American city is home to the Coca Cola corporation?SportWhat number was worn by David Beckham at real Madrid and basket-ball star, Michael Jordan at Chicago Bulls?This Week’s StinkerIn 1954, George Cowling became the first man to do what on British television?

Pete treanor’sWeekly Quiz

—thiS Week’S anSWeRS—

1. Time Flies 2. Jimmy Bellew 3. Sioux 4. Fermanagh 5. Roy Walker 6. American Civil War 7. Thin Lizzy 8. David Copper-field 9. Atlanta 10. 23 Stinker – Read a weather forecase.

A farewell to BrianDear Editor,

You had to be there, you just knew you had to get there. The word didn’t just go around town, it went all over the world that Brian was pulling his last pint. Brian Mcenteggarts, Number 100 or more affectionately, ‘The Vingerman’s’ was to close on Saturday night, it would be a few quite pints with old friends who had travelled from all over the world to savor the unique atmospheres of not just one of Dundalk best Pubs, but

without a doubt one of the best in Ireland. But it didn’t turn out that way. The crowd that turned up to enjoy Brian’s last hurrah would give any health & Safety Officer Nightmares. everyone was determined to pay tribute to a quiet hard workingman who played such a major role in the social life of this town for decades. Brian’s was a pub enjoyed by people from all walks of life, especially forma the sporting end where Gaels rugby adickadoos, soccer heads and racing aficionados all mingled freely. Legal eagles, bank workers, mature students, immature students, teachers and tradesmen enjoyed Brian’s

hospitality, the vets office in the yard ensured that it was a retreat for the farming community as well. In the eighties, the advent of nightclubs in Dundalk would have brought a death knell to many of the bars in the area. But not with the Vinegarman’s, it just added to it. A great number of singletons made it their base, especially the Dundalk Bachelors’ Club. So farewell Brian, may you enjoy a long and happy retirement. I’m sure the hundreds of people who turned up on Saturday night will echo my sentiments. The closed doors of 100 Park Street will make this town a sadder



Pete treanor.

Praise for cycle lanes

Sandymount DriveBlackrock

DundalkDear Editor,The last report about the safety of cycling in Ireland showed that there was a 66% drop in the number of fatalities. This has happened at a time of increased bicycle use. In one recent month Dublin bikes for hire were used three and a half million times. This was one of

the highest uses of such bicycle schemes in the world. It also comes at a time when 90 000 bicycles were sold in the last three years. This increase in bicycle sales contrasts with falls in retail sales as a result of the recession.The main reason for the decline in cycle fatalities is the increase in the number of segregated cycle lanes. Dundalk is fortunate in having the best network of cycle lanes in provincial Ireland.


Liam kieranChairmanDundalk Cycling alliance.

Letters to the editor

It requires skill, dedication and bit of blind faith to get a picture like Shane Murphy’s shot of the Northern Lights in the sky above County Louth. The image taken last Sunday night during a force 6 solar storm shows the majestic green glow of the Aurora Borealis, an extremely rare sight at this lattitude. With the levels of light pollution in the area when the Aurora’s activity is at its peak it is still almost impossible to see with the naked eye, but Shane knew that despite this it was likely to get a great shot. It was 12.30 at night when he was alerted to the opportunity to catch a glimpse of one of the wonders of the natural world. Seeing and shooting the Aurora

has been a life ambition fro Shane who didn’t get to see them during a recent trip to Norway. Luckily he lives in the countryside and only had to travel a few minutes up the road to get a dark enough spot and once there he pointed the camera northward with a long exposure and “let the camera drink in the light”. “I did a little jump for joy when I saw the first shot that night” he admits. And the shot is a true rarity –every 11 years or so solar activity peaks creating solar storms that stimulate activity in the Aurora , and it takes particularly strong storm on a particularly clear night and a particularly knowledgeable photographer to be able to get a shot of the Northern Lights.

Aurora Borealis over Louth

Louth Bee-keepers’ victorious

tHE discovery of a dead dog at a house in Dundalk led to a local man facing charges of animal cruelty.

On February 16 this year Gardai called to the home of Peter Conlon, 162 Waterville Crescent, tom Bellew avenue, where they met Fiona squibb of the LsPCa.

they saw a Lurcher pup alive who had been eating the carcass of a second pup.

the defendant appeared to face charges of permitting a carcass to remain unburied and animal cruelty.

solicitor, James McGuill, told the court that his 29-year-old client was deeply embarrassed over the inci-dent and apologised to the court.

He stated that the defendant was re-establishing a relationship and had been spending time away from the premises.

He had arranged for a family member to feed the dogs but this hadn’t happened.

Judge Flann Brennan adjourned the case until January 23 pending a probation report.

Animal cruelty charge Young Journalistof the YearLouth journalist, Conor McGinnity was named Young Journalist of the Year at the GSK Irish Medical Media Awards which took place on Wednesday 24th October 2012. Conor was presented with the award for a documentary he created for the RTe documentary on One series entitled ‘My Dad’s Depression’

The Co. Louth Children’s Services Committee at the VEC Office on Chapel Street. Included are, Superintendent Ray Brennan, Gerry Murphy, Clodagh O’Mahony, Dr. Emma Clare, Dr. Padraig Kirk, Jim McGuigan, Fiona Kearney, Joanne Murphy, Mary McDonald and Chairperson, Mary Hargaden.

a LIttLE girl from Louth, Gráinne Moran has been select-ed as a finalist at the upcoming Easy Food Home-Cook Hero awards, which take place on Friday, november 2 in Dublin.

Five-year-old Gráinne from Dundalk, Co Louth, has been shortlisted for the annual awards ceremony which cel-ebrates unsung kitchen heroes all over Ireland.

Grainne has been shortlisted in the Deli-Delicious category for her fantastic ‘angry Bird sambos’. Commenting on her recipe Gráinne said “I love playing angry birds on my dad’s ipod and I think these sandwiches are cool! they are really easy to make and are re-ally tasty. I would love to make them for the competition.

she will now have to pre-pare the recipe in front of the esteemed judges at Cook’s academy in Dublin on Fri-day, november 2nd and will then attend the black-tie gala evening awards ceremony in the shelbourne Hotel that night

Home cook hero awards

DIY supply store Toolfix are hosting a late-evening Christmas party to launch their new saving club this thursday november 1. Getting stuck into the festive season the Park street store will have mince pies and

McCaBE’s Pharmacy is hosting a stop smok-ing clinic this thursday november 2 in their new premises in the adelphi Court. Jane sheilds, a HsE nurse, will deliver a talk in the store and offer individu-al advice on how to kick the habit.

“smoking is a seri-ous problem in Ireland. We are all aware of the risk and damage to our health through smok-ing, and many people wish to stop but don’t

Christmas party at toolFix

Stop Smoking clinic

Page 11: 31-10-2012

DunDalk leaDer 24th OctOber 2012 11

Louth Bee-keepers’ victorious

The Co. Louth Children’s Services Committee at the VEC Office on Chapel Street. Included are, Superintendent Ray Brennan, Gerry Murphy, Clodagh O’Mahony, Dr. Emma Clare, Dr. Padraig Kirk, Jim McGuigan, Fiona Kearney, Joanne Murphy, Mary McDonald and Chairperson, Mary Hargaden.

Halloween in local schools brought out many little ghouls.

Home Cook Hero Awards - local five year old Grainne Moran short-listed

TheRe was plenty of spooky Halloween fun and games in Realt na Mára and Redeemer primary schools last week with all the chil-dren and even some of the teachers dressing up in Halloween costumes as they got ready for their mid-term break last Friday.

The schools were no place for the faint hearted with wolves, mummies, witches and ghosts roaming the cor-ridors as pupils and teachers all took part in various games and activities to celebrate Halloween.

In the Redeemer school, boys and girls were on the edge of their seats as parent’s association member Paul Conroy frightened them with ghost sto-ries and tales from the

dead.Huge efforts were

made by the associa-tion to ensure the chil-dren had a great day and the teachers in the Redeemer made sure to acknowledge the great work done by the com-mittee.

Meanwhile in Realt na Mára pupils and teachers joined in on the Halloween fun whilst also raising money for

Temple St. Children’s hospital. Organised by teacher Miss Kehoe the school children were asked dress up in cos-tumes and donate €2 to what is a worthy cause.

After all the excite-ment of both schools Halloween parties the children and teachers now enjoy a week long break as the primary schools relax during their mid-term break.

Halloween party inprimary schoolsa LIttLE girl from Louth,

Gráinne Moran has been select-ed as a finalist at the upcoming Easy Food Home-Cook Hero awards, which take place on Friday, november 2 in Dublin.

Five-year-old Gráinne from Dundalk, Co Louth, has been shortlisted for the annual awards ceremony which cel-ebrates unsung kitchen heroes all over Ireland.

Grainne has been shortlisted in the Deli-Delicious category for her fantastic ‘angry Bird sambos’. Commenting on her recipe Gráinne said “I love playing angry birds on my dad’s ipod and I think these sandwiches are cool! they are really easy to make and are re-ally tasty. I would love to make them for the competition.

she will now have to pre-pare the recipe in front of the esteemed judges at Cook’s academy in Dublin on Fri-day, november 2nd and will then attend the black-tie gala evening awards ceremony in the shelbourne Hotel that night

where ten overall winners will be selected. the ten category winners will each receive 1,500 worth of prizes, plus the opportunity to be showcased in the Easy Food Home-Cook Hero awards Cookbook.

Dundalk will also be repre-sented by sinead O’Callaghan from Dundalk, Co Louth who

is nominated in the squisito category, for her recipe ‘the Best Italian Meatballs Ever’. she said of her recipe “Find-ing the perfect meatball has been my Holy Grail! I’m glad to say I’ve finally found it! the aroma wafting through the house when I’m making this is amazing! It’s the ultimate

comfort food and a firm fam-ily favourite. the meatballs are deliciously moist from the pesto and mozzarella.”

Judging this year’s compe-tition are renowned celebrity chefs kevin Dundon, Cather-ine Fulvio and Catherine Ley-don, as well as Vanessa Green-wood of Cooks academy and Gina Miltiadou, Publisher of Easy Food Magazine and Co-Founder of Zahra Media Group.

Gina Miltiadou, Co-Founder of Zahra Publishing said, “We are very much looking forward to this year’s final. The stand-ard of this year’s entries was exceptional, which made our job as judges very difficult! We can’t wait to taste the recipes of our finalists next week and look forward to a great night’s en-tertainment at the culminating event at the shelbourne Hotel on Friday night. Well done to everyone who entered and best of luck to our finalists”.

Home cook hero awards

DIY supply store Toolfix are hosting a late-evening Christmas party to launch their new saving club this thursday november 1. Getting stuck into the festive season the Park street store will have mince pies and

complementary show our appreciation for your

support we will be offering a Free Gift of a Bottle of Wine & Wine Opener to all who shop with us on the night.

McCaBE’s Pharmacy is hosting a stop smok-ing clinic this thursday november 2 in their new premises in the adelphi Court. Jane sheilds, a HsE nurse, will deliver a talk in the store and offer individu-al advice on how to kick the habit.

“smoking is a seri-ous problem in Ireland. We are all aware of the risk and damage to our health through smok-ing, and many people wish to stop but don’t

have the support.” said Roisin Flanagan, phar-macist in McCabe’s.

they hope by hold-ing this clinic to reach out to members of the community who would like to stop but until now have been unsure of where to start. this event will provide the information and sup-port necessary to cease smoking.

Within the OECD Ireland has the second highest level of smok-ing along with Chile,

with 30% of the adult population smoking daily. Recent studies found that if women quit smoking before 30 they have around a 95% chance of recov-ery, adding ten years to their life.

the clinic starts at 11am until 12.30pm on Friday november 2 for the event and will be available to answer any health queries. For more information or to book an appointment phone 042 935 2053.

Christmas party at toolFix

Stop Smoking clinic

Page 12: 31-10-2012

DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 201212

SNAP Table QuizSpecial Needs Active Par-ents (SNAP) is hosting its annual Table Quiz in the Fairways Hotel on 2nd No-vember. The funds raised help the group organise trips for the families of spe-cial needs children through-out the year. This year SNAP organised trips to the Christmas Panto, An Easter Egg Hunt and Dublin Zoo. They also orgnaise weekly swimming and horse riding lessons as well as a respite break in Wexford for SNAP families – all of which is fa-cilitated by money raised at fund raising events. SNAP are currently hoping to open a prem ises in the area early in the new year. A table of four people for the quiz costs €30 and the event be-gins at 8pm with sport prizes and raffles on the night.

Driving Ban For Two YearsKatherine McGoldrick, West-gate, Newrath, Dromiskin, was disqualified from driv-ing for two years at Dundalk District Court on a charge of having no insurance. The defendant, who was stopped at Sandymount, Blackrock, on March 15 this year didn’t appear in court and was also fined €500.

NEWSin Brief

With the 40th European Wado-Kai Championships only round the corner, David O’Donnell and sisters Catherine and Clara O’Reilly are training at every opportunity under the watchful eye of their Sensei Tommy Marrett 4th Dan. These three competitors from the Blackrock Club have been selected from the squad trainings that have been running throughout the year to be part of this years Irish Team. They are no stranger to International Competitions as they have already won many medals and trophies Nationally and at World Championships. With IWKR being so successful last year in Germany, this years Championships which are being held in Austria looks to be even more so. Our picture shows O’Reilly, David O’Donnell (centre) and sisters Clara and Catherine O’Reilly.

Johnny Coburn.

An increase in student fees in De-cember’s Budget will have a dam-aging effect on the local economy says Dundalk Institute of Tech-nology Student President david Brannigan. The economy in Dun-dalk stands to lose as estimated €8.5 million over the next four years as the disposable income of the student population dwindles.

Last year Education Minister Ruairi Quinn raised the fees by €250 and a further increase of €250 is expected again until they reach €3,000 in 2015. Each year reducing the amount that Dundalk based students have to spend. DkIt students union estimate that in the

coming year ¾ of a million euro less will flow into the local econo-my due to the increase in fees. they also estimate that a further €125k will be lost in the first year if plans to cut the grant go ahead.

there are 5,000 students in DkIt, 2,880 of which pay full fees, 2,120 receive state assistance in the form of means tested education grants.

the students union has project-ed that the amount being taken out of the local economy will increase to over half a million euro in the second year after grants are cut and fees increased and will go up again to almost €2.5 million in year three and more than €3m in year four.

Of the 5,000 students at the col-lege around 42 pc of them receive

a maintainance grant which are means tested

John Longue, from the union of students Ireland said that the dam-age caused in cuts and fee increases is not limited to families but effects the entire community

“Dundalk can’t afford to have its students targeted anymore by a Government that is denying the youth of this country the same op-portunities that were promised to previous generations” he said.

Paddy Malone of Dundalk Chamber of Commerce said that the loss to the local economy would be a critical and could cause a rip-ple effect in business and employ-ment.

Fee hike could hit local economy

an important piece of sporting history will be celebrated in Louth this weekend as the Wee County marks 100 years since winning its first All-Ireland Foot-ball Final.

Although Louth first claimed the title in 1910, that victory came as a result of kerry’s failure to field in the final over a travel dis-pute.

as a result, it wasn’t until november 3, 1912, that Louth won the championship on the field of play when the defeated antrim by 1-7 to 1-2.

the Wee County were on top for most of the first half but failed to take their chances and at the break were leading by just 0-2 to 0-1.

antrim began the second half well and a goal saw them take a 1-2 to 0-3 lead. How-ever, within a minute, tom Matthews replied with a superb goal for Louth and his side

louth’s first All-Ireland one hundred years ago

dominated the remain-der of the game, scor-ing four points to claim victory.

the Louth team was captained by Jim smith of the tredaghs in Drogheda.

In what was an unu-sual occurrence, the antrim team was cap-tained by Louth na-tive, Johnny Coburn. Originally from Dun-gooley in Faughart par-ish, he went to Belfast to work in 1907, and he was joined on the ulster team by fellow

Aoife Haughey, Chloe May Keogh, Ella Rafferty, Caoimhe Maguire

Shane Keane, and Emily Coburn

Makayla O’Grady, Keisha Stewart, Marianne Shannon Alfie Murphy Sofie Coburn, Bill Biekou, Erin O’Connell

Ronnie Nyoike

Conor Lee and Caoimhain Gartland

Sarah McCumiskey, Alice Guinn

Realt na Mara and Redeemer Hallowe’en Party

By Niamh Kirk

Louth men, P Moylan, M McGuire, P Meany, J Murphy and J Gal-lagher.

an indication of how times have changed in the past century is that Johnny’s mother – who knitted his socks for the final – didn’t hear the result until a postcard arrived from him four days after the final.

the teams were 17-a-side on that day and a crowd of 20,000 paid in a total of £520 in gate receipts, which was then a record for a Gaa match.

the history-mak-ing Louth team was: Michael Byrne, John Clarke, John Fitzsi-mons, Jimmy Quinn, Joe Mulligan, Jim smith, Eddie Burke, Joe Johnston, Johnny Brennan, Eoin Markey, George Campbell, tom Matthews, stephen Fit-zsimons, Dan McEvoy, Jack Bannon, Larry McCormack, Paddy Reilly. subs: Pat Car-roll, Joe Quinn, andy tipping, Jack Carvin.

Page 13: 31-10-2012

DunDalk leaDer 31st OctOber 2012 13

With the 40th European Wado-Kai Championships only round the corner, David O’Donnell and sisters Catherine and Clara O’Reilly are training at every opportunity under the watchful eye of their Sensei Tommy Marrett 4th Dan. These three competitors from the Blackrock Club have been selected from the squad trainings that have been running throughout the year to be part of this years Irish Team. They are no stranger to International Competitions as they have already won many medals and trophies Nationally and at World Championships. With IWKR being so successful last year in Germany, this years Championships which are being held in Austria looks to be even more so. Our picture shows O’Reilly, David O’Donnell (centre) and sisters Clara and Catherine O’Reilly.

a maintainance grant which are means tested

John Longue, from the union of students Ireland said that the dam-age caused in cuts and fee increases is not limited to families but effects the entire community

“Dundalk can’t afford to have its students targeted anymore by a Government that is denying the youth of this country the same op-portunities that were promised to previous generations” he said.

Paddy Malone of Dundalk Chamber of Commerce said that the loss to the local economy would be a critical and could cause a rip-ple effect in business and employ-ment.

Fee hike could hit local economy

Realt na Mara and Redeemer Hallowe’en Party

Members of the Ardee Concert Youth Band on the steps of the Market Place Theatre in Armagh having won first prize in the 4th Section of the North of Ireland Band Championships

tWO major diesel Laun-dering operations were uncovered last week in Hackballscross by Gardai and customers as a part of a crackdown on the practice across the border region. Both raids took place within 12

hours of each other. The largest find was at

tatebane, Hackballs-cross where the plant had the capacity to wash 18 million litres of diesel at a loss of €9million in unpaid taxes to the Rev-enue. It was the largest

plant customs have iden-tified so far this year. An illegal drinking den was also discovered during the raid.

three men, one from Co Louth, were arrested at the scene.

the second raid took

More diesel laundering uncovered

On saturday last October 20 the ar-dee Concert Youth Band took the honours in the 4th Grade Concert Band section of the north of Ireland Band Championships at the prestig-ious Market Place theatre.

the 30 strong group mostly rang-ing in age from 11 to 14 travelled to armagh city with conductor John Gaynor accompanied by some com-mittee members, parents and family. For some of these young people it was their first time to compete. They played an own choice selection of two pieces” Lift off” by Peter Mee-cham and “Colours of the Wind” the Disney theme music from the film Pocahontas. “they gave a great per-formance and we are all very proud of them” said Fiona Reilly PRO. “they enjoyed their day out in ar-magh and they performed brilliantly, they were great ambassadors for the band and the town” says Fiona.

as usual the band room has been a hive of activity. the senior band has been working very hard under the baton of conductor Brendan Breslin. It was felt that the senior band would opt out of the northern Championships which they won in

2011 for this year. they are prepar-ing for a weekend music workshop from november 2nd until the 4th.

all lessons have now resumed and new classes started. the band also started a new junior band which will be a training band for younger musicians who will aspire to getting into the Intermediate band and even-tually into the senior band. this group is under the guidance of kevin Reilly. It is hoped that the children

who have started learning band in-struments will join this group in January. there is a new recorder group of 34 beginners. the tutors for this year’s recorders are Gerry Far-rell, sarah Clare and Darren kirk.

all young members are looking forward to the Halloween spook-tacular Party which will take place at 7.30pm on saturday October 27 and is for members of ardee Concert band only.

Ardee Band take trophy

place only 3km away from the first at Court-bane, Hackballscross where officers uncovered a smaller laundering op-eration. there they seized 21 000 litres of fuel as well as equipment for washing it. Four tonnes for toxic waste also found at the site.

Between the two loca-tions three fuel tankers, a lorry, van and equipment used for washing the green dye from agricul-tural fuel as well as a combined total of 51,000 litres of deisel were seized.

40 tonnes of toxic waste, the bi product from the process of chemically removing the green dye, was also found between the two plants; 36 tonnes at tate-bane and 4 tonnes at Courtbane. this new raid is likely to tip Louth County Council spend on clean up operations to over €1 million for the year 2012.

so far this year all 11 laundering operations that have been uncovered have been within 30 km of Dundalk town. Com-bined they equate to a loss to the exchequer of €43 million.

GOT ASTORY?We want to hearfrom youPhone:042 932 0888Email: [email protected]

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Friday 2nd Nov Want To Know Who/What

You Were In A Past Life?Come And Find Out!

everyone Will Take Part In A Group regressionA Talk Will Be Given On

Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy(Dolores Cannon Method) Past Life regressions.

Friday 7th DecA Talk On Energy Healing

A Marshmallow Meditation Will Take Place

Doors Open at 7pm Starts At 7.30pm - 9.30pmElysium Wellness Newry,

Beside The Canal Court hotelAdmission £10/€13

A Free Draw will take place for a Gift VoucherBooking is advisable butyou can pay at the door

Teresa Keenan 07845325269Check out Teresa’s Treatments

Time For You

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Stagg Bongos BW100 ........................................................€46 €40+ Christmas Gift worth €4Stagg Bongos BW200 ........................................................€56 48+ Christmas Gift worth €5DXP 5 piece Drumkit with Cymbals & Stool Only ................. €299+ Christmas Gift worth €30Yamaha Electric Kit DTX500 with headphones/Sticks ...... €736 €559+ Christmas Gift worth €56Yamaha Electric Kit DTX400 .......................................... €639 €459+ Christmas Gift worth €46PDP Mainstage 5 Piece Kit with Hardware, ................ €659 €599Sabian Cymbals, Stool & Sticks+ Christmas Gift worth €60Pearl Target Kit with Hardware , Cymbals & Stool ..... €640 €499+ Christmas Gift worth €50Sonor SFX Kit with Hardware & Stool .......................... €575 €517+ Christmas Gift worth €52Cajons Duende Spanish Made From ....................................... €100+ Christmas GiftDRuM STOOLSSaddle Seat Only ......................................................................... €59+ Christmas Gift worth €6With Backrest Only ..................................................................... €90+ Christmas Gift worth €9

Stentor Student 1 ....................................................................... €120Including Case & Bow+ Christmas Gift worth €12Stentor Student 2 ....................................................................... €169Including Case & Bow+ Christmas Gift worth €17Stentor Conservatoire ............................................................... €275Including Case & Bow+ Christmas Gift worth €28Ukuleles Starting from only...................................................... €35+ Christmas Gift

Stagg Tele , Strat or Metal Guitar .............................€279 €159with Bag, Strap & Amp + Christmas Gift worth €16Stagg Flying V , SG or Rock Guitar ................................ €415 €200with Bag, Strap & Amp + Christmas Gift worth €20Stagg Bass Guitar ............................................................ €415 €200with Bag, Strap & Amp + Christmas Gift worth €20Stagg Acoustic Guitar ..................................................... €119 €99with Bag & Strap + Christmas Gift worth €10Breedlove Revival DR ....................................................€2701 €2160+ Christmas Gift worth €22Breedlove Passport DMM .............................................. €578 €520+ Christmas Gift Worth €52Yamaha LL6 ....................................................................... €574 €459+ Christmas Gift worth €46Seagull Artist Cameo CW QU2 ....................................€1342 €1070+ Christmas Gift worth €107Fender 62 Strat ...............................................................€2231 €1799+ Christmas Gift worth €180Fender American special Strat ....................................€1144 €945+ Christmas Gift worth €95ESP LTD Viper 50 .............................................................. €285 €242+ Christmas Gift worth €25ESP LTD H101FMASB ....................................................... €336 €289+ Christmas Gift worth €29

Stagg Microphone ..............................................................€20 €15+ Christmas Gift worth €1.50Peavey PA System including .......................................... €345 €2992 Speakers 2 Mikes & 2 Stands+ Christmas Gift worth €30Stagg Compact PA for ipod & Mike .............................. €229 €199+ Christmas Gift worth €20Numark DJ2GO Computer Controller ...................... €79.95 €59.95+ Christmas Gift worth €6Par 56 LED Light ..................................................................€60 €49.95+ Christmas Gift worth €5Smoke Machine ..................................................................€86 €70+ Christmas Gift worth €7Smoke Fluid .........................................................................€25 €15+ Christmas Gift worth €1.50

guiTar DeParTmenT List Price Sale Price

P.a. DeParTmenT List Price Sale Price

Drum DeParTmenT List Price Sale Price


We are giving away up to

€25,000 Worth ofChristmas gifts Freewith Every Purchase (Over €20) for 21 daysfrom Today, Wednesday 31st October

I Dean 61 Note Touch Sensitive Keyboard Only ................... €85+ Christmas Gift worth 8.50Casio LK240 61 Note Light up Keys with Mike ........... €246 €199+ Christmas Gift worth 20Yamaha PSRE233 61 Note Keyboard ........................... €185 €175+ Christmas Gift worth €17.50Yamaha EZ220 61 Note Touch Sensitive Light ........... €269 €229Up Keys IPAD Compatible+ Christmas Gift worth €23Orla KX10 Arranger Keyboard with USB ..................... €575 €450+ Christmas Gift worth €45DIGITAL PIANOSKorg SP170 + Stand ......................................................... €739 €579+ Christmas Gift worth €58Yamaha P95 ...................................................................... €659 €579+ Christmas Gift worth €58Yamaha YDP161 with Hammer Action Keys .............€1139 €1059+ Christmas Gift worth €100SYNTHSKorg Microkorg + Bag ..................................................... €445 €325+ Christmas Gift worth €33Korg Kronos 61 Workstation........................................€3729 €2999+ Christmas Gift worth €300Korg PA3X Flagship Arranger with Harmoniser ......€3970 €3350+ Christmas Gift worth €335Roland Juno D Synth ....................................................... €809 €679+ Christmas Gift worth €68

KeYboarD DeParTmenT List Price Sale Price

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BEDS & FuRNITuRE DIRECT. Beds, mattresses, wardrobes, chests, lock-ers, pine beds etc., also furniture re-movals call 086 8704908 anytime.


BEGINNER GuITAR LESSONS. Adults and Children catered for. Dun-leer / Togher area. reasonable rates. Weeknights and weekend lessons. Contact Neil on 086-3818196BEGINNER GuITAR LESSONS only €8 per lesson. Begin a lifelong hobby . Weekdays/evenings and weekends. Can provide guitar if needed. Call roy 086-2052108MIRACLE HEALING RESuLTS with the Journey healing Therapy. For a free consultation phone Mary 087-6342800. Join us for meditation class-es also. Facebook: Dundalk Medita-tion ClassPAuL’S HOLISTIC THERAPIES: Full body massage €40. Partial body mas-sage €20. reflexology Treatment (one hour) €40. reiki Treatments (one hour) €40. Integration energy Therapy (one hour) €40 Contact 086-3446944

SpecIAL SeRvIceSHuGHIE McELROY BuILDER: All types of building work carried out. house Maintenance & renovations, extensions, Conservatories & Sun-rooms. Painting & Decorating. All PVC products supplied & fitted – we have a complete range of PVC Windows and Doors in various colours. Wall & Floor Tiling. Large & Small jobs. Free estimates. TeL:087 2602501.PERFECT FIT ALTERATIONS - For all your sewing needs. For your conve-nience NOW OPeN on Avenue road. 10% off for Slimming World members. Castletown road: Tel: 042 9327837. Avenue road: Tel: 042 9352348

GERRY’S uPHOLSTERY SERvICE: Suites/Antique furniture repaired and re-covered. Better than new. 0860800788.HOuSE MAINTENANCE All types. renovations/extensions/Facia/Soffet Guttering Garden Fencing and Patios. estimates free Tel Tom 0863961206CHIMNEY & STOvE CLEANING, Inspection & repair Tel Paul McArdle 042-9332491 or 0876660094. email: [email protected] BuREAu DE CHANGE – Best rates guaranteed – No com-mission – We buy and sell all major currencies – electronic Bank Trans-fers – sterling and euro cheques – 8 Park St. (open 7 days 8am-11pm) & 4 Linenhall St (open Mon-Sat) – call 042 9339922/– accepting all major Credit and Debit cards.DuNDALK BuREAu DE CHANGE – Western Union money transfer – pay over 140 different bills – payzone/postpoint – stamps – pre-paid credit cards – phone top-ups – best rates guaranteed – no commission - 8 Park St. (open 7 days 8am-11pm) & 4 Linenhall St. (open Mon-Sat) – call 042 9339922/9370101 all major credit & debit cardsLOOKING FOR A uNIQuE GIFT? Create a personalised newspaper page to celebrate a special occasion - birthday, anniversary, birth, sport-ing success etc. Contact 086 3238328 www.frontpagenews.ieMICHAEL’S PROPERTY Mainte-nance: repairs, building plastering plumbing, painting, tiling, concret-ing, patios, gardening, PVC facia and soffits, window cleaning. Over 20 yrs experience. references available. Tel 0867350357

A vAN & DRIvER: available for fur-niture removal, also single items, 3 piece suites, cookers, fridges, wash-ing machines. Day & night Tel 086 8704908FuLLY QuALIFIED MECHANIC available for MOT, servicing & Me-chanical repairs. renault specialist Tel Declan 0044 7749488859ADvERTISE YOuR SERvICE to over 60,000 readers for only €5 per week up to 20 words Phone Dundalk Lead-er 042 9320888WE CAN DISTRIBuTE your leaflets from €65 + vat per thousand Phone Dundalk Leader 042 9320888CHIMNEY CLEANING SERvICE Dust Free. Brush & VAC. reasonable rates. Call Tommy. 0871869164 EAMONN COONEY Satellite, T.V Aerial, Saorview, Freeview, Freesat etc. Sales/Service/repairs. Phone 087 2671809 042 9331348 WEDDINGS 2012 Special at Peter hughes Photography, Professional Wedding Photography, full coverage of wedding and 26 page picture story book album total price €750 phone 042 9333732 mob 087 2561161CARPENTER AvAILABLE 25 years ex-perience. All interior, exterior, includ-ing kitchens, decking, doors, floors, flat-packs etc. No job too small. Keen-est prices. Quality finish assured. Call Des for free quotation 087-6180150WINDOW CLEANING, gutter & facia cleaning carried out by professional, fully trained and insured staff. Afford-able rates. Call our office for a free quoatation. eVerKLeeN 0429352717 or 0868293585.HANDYMAN SERvICES: For all your domestic jobs. Painting/Deco-rating/Flooring/Building/Plaster-ing etc. Phone Brian 0872952529 or 0429328727

pReMISeS TO RenT/FOR SALeATTENTION BER’s now required for Better energy home Grants. For Ber certification at affordable prices con-tact robert Mulholland 087 6091906. www.louthber.ieADvERTISE YOuR HOuSE/ Prem-ises for rent or sale to 60,000 readers a week from €€5 Telephone Dundalk Leader 042 9320888 ACCOM SHARING: One large room/T.V. area/W.h.B & W.C. (Single) €80 per week. No bills. No pets. N.r.A. 5 min-utes walk to buses, trains etc. Phone 086-2396767

ARTIcLeS/ITeMS FOR SALeBED & MATTRESS SALE, beds from €99, mattress from €69. Massive range on show (free delivery) The Bed & Sofa Store, Northlink retail Park, Dundalk 042 9320927BEDS FOR SALE. Totally heavy solid pine beds. Brand new, super strong, rock solid bases, lifetime guarantee. Good deep super memory foam mat-tresses included. everything brand new. Can deliver. €89. 086-820-8303SELL IT THROuGH A CLASSIFIED, only €5 for one week up to 20 words. 04293 20888. The Dundalk Leader.DEALGAN FuRNITuRE Longwalk, Dundalk (inside The Paint Store), for a wide range of New & Used Bedroom, Dining room and Kitchen furniture, great deals on Beds & Mattresses. Water proof mattresses in stock. Suite reupholstery and furniture fixing ser-vice available Tel 042-9329111HEDGING PLANTS: For sale. Beech: Laurels: Viburnum: Buxus Box: All €1.50 each. Green Privet:Golden Priv-et: Silver Privet: Grizelenia: All €1.30 each. Box cones and balls €20-€25 each. Phone 087-0689521SEvEN SAPELE DOORS for sale. Also a four man tent. Call 086-3742419

CLEANEST & KEENEST have your windows, carpet or suite of furni-ture cleaned at keenest prices . Also guttering, fascia boards, power hos-ing. Call Damien 0868469559 or 0879319243TILER AvAILABLE All types of tile work, marble, granite, porcelain. In-doors and outdoors. Call 0876563705 for no obligation free quote.DAMP PROOFING, leak detection, solar ventilation, chemical damp-proofing, all types of leaks. Specialist equipment. Wall mounted solar pan-els heat and dry your home. Aqua-solve. 087-2664224DuNDALK COMPuTER REPAIR CENTRE We fix p.c.s, laptops, tablets, ipads, iphones and smartphones. No fix, no fee! 9am to 10pm. 7 days a week! Call Gerard 04293-28301 and 085-1286436DALY’S GAS & OIL SERvICES Boiler services/breakdowns. For all your plumbing needs. rGI Certified. 087-3133681. Outside tap €50 supplied & fitted.R LEvINS HOME MAINTENANCE All types of work carried out about the house. Painting, Wall & Floor tiling, damp solutions, drylining. Outside the home PVC Fascia, soffit, all types of guttering & roof repairs. Flatroofs garden fencing. 15 years experience. Call richie 086-4028291GILROY HEATING SERvICES LTD Plumbing & heating, Gas & Oil Boiler Servicing, Ugrades (Condens-ing), All renewables, Boiler Break-downs/repairsKIND RELIABLE hard working Polish woman will do housekeeping work for you. Cleaning houses and offices. references! Own transport! Kate 086-2455971.

REGISTERED AND APPROvED. Fully insured.Ph: 042-9371809 Mob: 086-2788527. email: [email protected] CLEANING SERvICE & Chimney repairs. Oil boiler/burner service and repairs. Contact Declan 087-7011359SO-CLEAN CARPETS & uPHOL-STERY have your carpet and/or suite of furniture steam cleaned. Unbeatable prices. Call Brendan 083-1120656. ELECTRICIAN AvAILABLE for all domestic work. 30 years experience. Free quotes. Phone 085-7609119

cARS/vAnS FOR SALePeugeot 207. Five Door. 2011. Like new. Cost €16k. Will sell for €10k for quick sale. 17,000 km. One year war-ranty. Air conditioning. One lady owner. 0876656759.

TuITIOn/cOuRSeSPRIMARY AND SECONDARY tu-ition in most subjects with highly ex-perienced educationalist. Adults and children with learning difficulties es-pecially welcome. Tel 083 149 0646

pLAnnIngDuNDALK TOWN COuNCIL—We, McManus Tyres intend to apply for permission for a free standing adver-tising totem at Portway Yard, Coes road, Co. Louth. This planning ap-plication may be inspected or pur-chased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of Dundalk Town Council from 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Authority in writing within a period of 5 weeks from the date of receipt by the Authority of the application and on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00.

Family Noticesin memoriam announcements , anniversaries, Birthday Remembrances, thanksgivings & acknowledgements.

Our weekly Deadline is 4pm Fridays prior to Wednesday publication, contact Niamh or Noeleen

for further information. Tel 042 9320888


In the past I asked you for many favoursThis time I ask you this special favour

(Mention Favour)Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within

your own broken heartWhere your Father sees it

Then in his merciful eyes it will become yourfavour, not mine.

Amen.Say this prayer for 3 days. Promise to publish it

and the favour will be granted.Never known to fail.



We are now taking

Family Notices

LOCALL 1890 202 303


Comhchoiste Póilíneachta Dhún Dealgan

A public meeting of the Joint Policing Committeewill be held on Monday 12th November 2012 at6.00 p.m. in the Town Hall, Crowe Street, Dundalk

Members of the Joint Policing Committeetogether with senior members of the LocalAuthority and An Garda Siochana will be presentto outline the work of the Joint PolicingCommittees and to address questions frommembers of the public.

Paddy Donnelly, Meetings Administrator6th November 2012

Dundalk Joint PolicingCommittee Public Meeting

Louth County Councilt: 042 9335457

Dundalk Town Councilt: 042 9332276

Drogheda Borough Councilt: 041 9833511

Ardee Town Councilt: 041 6858191

Louth 10cmx2 DundalkLeader 03-11-12_fnl 26/10/2012 1

Abused Security StaffA man who abused secu-rity staff outside a nightclub was fined €100 for each of two public order offences. Gerard Joyce. 25 Doolargy Ave, Muirhevnamor, Dun-dalk, was arrested following the incident on October 7. Solicitor, Frank McDonnell, stated that his client was upset at not being allowed into the nightclub, but added that he should have learned from previous offences. He accepted that Joyce was ar-rested for his own good.

Apologised for BehaviourMichael O’Connor, 66 Aghameen Park, Muir-hevnamor, Dundalk, had the case against him on two pub-lic order charges adjourned to January 23 next pending a Community Service report. O’Connor was arrested by Gardai on October 7 after abusing security staff in a nightclub. His solicitor, Frank McDonnell, stated that his client apologised for his be-haviour and that he should have known better.

Information LiteracyPrize Presentation

The Information Literacy Prize presentation took place last Tuesday in DkIT Library. The event, which was attended by DkIT President Denis Cummins as well as other members of staff and students at the Institute, saw Oksana Redina win the prize for her excellent paper on social care students’ attitudes to ageing. Fourth year students Lawrence Torris and Yeukai Chikwamba were impressive runners up.

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LOCAL legend and one of Dundalk’s major players in the national music scene, Jinx Lennon is taking to the stage in Dundalk this November 8. The evolution of Jinx’s music will be on show as he performs tracks from his past three albums. Each track’s narrative is not always chronologi-cal but none the less effective. Jinx manages to achieve what few artists can, to tackle serious political, eco-nomic and social issues in an uplift-ing and entertaining way- essentially making them easier to digest. For Jinx, imagination is vital in engaging audiences when talking about other-wise frustrating subjects. The visual impact of homelessness on the street directly outside diners in a plush Dublin restaurant inspired “The City of Styrofoam Cups”. The contrast he points out, is not something that is commonly seen outside cities and he sought to distil the image. The show, Jinx says is an organic creature. It has a life of its own. Minimal electronic music underpins a show that is sometimes modern folk infused with beat-poetry, and frequently dark-comedy. There is, he assures, a “method to his madness” as he takes the audience on a jour-ney, offering different views of urban life in modern Ireland. While the tracks are well rehearsed, the show is to a degree improvised as he interjects current affairs and lo-cal issues with his well-known songs. He also takes into account the atmos-phere of each venue he visits and

welcomes the challenges presented by different audiences, hecklers and converting new listeners into fans. Jinx says his ambition is to see Dun-dalk have a voice of its own, for the local music scene to stand out and make an impact with a unique style. And it is he who is blazing the trail in this regard, singing in his natural regional accent, engaging in local issues that relate to wider contexts and a finesse in the minimal music he creates. Jinx plays in the Old Gaol with reformed new wave group Choice in support this November 8.

Local legendJinx Lennon

Jinx Lennon plays a hometown gig in the Old Gaol this November 8

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moPoKerMovember Poker Nights

Starts: FRIDAY 2nd nOv@ 9pm Sharp

Starts: FRIDAY 2nd nOv@ 9pm Sharp

ThIS YeAR geT InvOLveDevery FRIDAY in november we will run poker nights

in aid of MOveMBeR (Men’s cancer charity)

No Limit Texas Holdem Freezout€20 Buy In + €5 Reg.(All Reg. goes to Movember cause)


We encourage Customers to get involved and grow a moustache or beard for the month of November.

Start by coming to the tournament on Nov. 2nd, clean shaven, and sign up. Staff will also be participating.

On the last Friday of November we will have volunteers to shave the daring Movember participants back to their clean shaven

faces. We will also announce the total raised for this worthy cause

FOLLOWING the huge success of his 2012 album “Red To Blue” and the subsequent sold out Irish tour, Mick Flannery and his won-derfully understated band are coming to the new venue in the Spirit Store following his European shows; He is finishing up a success-ful year with a handful of select gigs, this one in Dundalk in Decem-ber 29 is among them. Demand to catch this celebrated songwriter is so high his two nights

in The Olympia in November are already sold out.Last week as the Spirit Store prepared for the final phase of its refurbishment. It closed its doors for around ten days in order to work on the down-stairs bar – which will be a separate entity to the new venue due to open there in December. Despite the doors being closed the announcements keep coming with tribute act the very Specials lined-up for January 11.

IT’S been a great year for local artist Stewart Agnew and it could get even better with the news that the singer-songwriter has been shortlisted for the last four acts for Guinness’s Arthurs ‘Play on The Day’ competition in association with hotpress and 2FM. The Dundalk native will perform with his band in Whelans on Thursday November 1 2012 for a chance to get to the Na-tional Finals at the end of November.Free tickets for the event are available from and a delighted Stewart hopes that people will go out and support him. “I got the great news last Wednesday night that I am down to the last four in the east Section for Guinness’s Arthur’s Play On The Day.

“‘Laces’ from my new album ‘hello Bright Spark’ is the song that I entered into the competition and I will be releasing it on Friday November 9. hundreds of bands entered the competition and I’m de-lighted to have been chosen” explained Stewart.“I will be performing in the regional Final in Whelans tomorrow night and in with a chance to perform in the National Final on Nov 21st.“I am bringing the band over from eng-land for it and each act will performfor 20 minutes on the night. I’d just like to thank everybody who has voted for me so far and if there’s anybody around Dublin tomorrow evening feel free to come down to Whelans and check us out” he added.

Mick Flannery for the Spirit Store Stewart Agnew’s great year

Mick Flannery

Stewart Agnew

NationalrecreationWeek eventNATIONAL Recreation Week, an initiative of the Department of Children and Youth takes place this October 29 and will continue to November 4.

In order to encourage young people to get physically active Louth Local Sports Partner-ship has organised a come and try event on Thursday November 1.

The event which is for 12-18 year olds is free of charge and will take place in the Youth Development Centre, Oriel Park, Dundalk from 7-9pm.

Activities to try out on the night are Zumba dancing, martial arts and ultimate Frisbee.

Booking is essential please phone Celine in Louth Local Sports Partnership on 042-9324318 to reserve your place.

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Builder Carpet Cleaning


Early to bed and early to rise

it’s not worth a damm

if you don’t advertise





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Sliding Wardrobes




Gas, Plumbing & Repairs

Tree Surgeon

Gutter Cleaning


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Early to bed and early to rise, it’s not worth a damm if you don’t advertise!

with automatic transmission and acceleration from 0-100kph takes 6.0 seconds.

there is also the t4 petrol, a 1.6-litre GtDi engine with 180 horsepower and maximum torque of 270 nm, including 30 nm over-boost.CO2 emissions are 129 g/km.

On diesel front there is a five-cylinder 2.0-litre D4 turbo-diesel which delivers 177 hp and has

torque of 400 nm across a wide rpm range. acceleration from 0-60 mph takes 7.9 seconds with the automatic gearbox (8.2 sec with manual). In addition there is the 2.0-litre D3 producing 150 hp and 350 nm of torque. Both turbo-diesels are available with a six-speed automatic transmission or six-speed manual gearbox.

there is also a D2 version of

the V40 Cross Country which has CO2 emissions of just 99 g/km. the D2 1.6-litre diesel engine delivers 115 hp and 285 nm of torque, including 15nm over-boost.

all petrol and diesel engine versions have start/stop and braking energy regeneration, no matter whether they are fitted with a manual or automatic gearbox.

Introducing the new Volvo V40 Cross Country

tHE all-new Isuzu D-Max pick-up has been awarded a four-star safety rating by independent vehicle assessment organisation, Euro nCaP.

the Isuzu D-Max scored 83% adult Protection, 67% Child Protection, 51% Pedestrian Protection

and 71% safety assist.It is pleasing to see

that Electronic stability Programme and front seatbelt reminder system are both standard across the range.

the all-new Isuzu D-Max is available in three body styles – single, extended and double cab. the D-Max

is fitted with a completely re-engineered, 2.5-litre twin-turbo diesel engine and is available with a six-speed manual or five-speed automatic transmission.

the D-Max is backed up five-year/120,000-mile warranty which is currently ahead of the competition.

The All new Isuzu d-Max In 1997 Volvo introduced the V70 Cross Country and now they are looking to replicate their success with the smaller V40, you will still get all the rugged styling and all-wheel drive (model dependent) but in a compact package. Volvo are expecting to sell somewhere in the region of 1,500 V40 Cross Country in the UK in the first year.

there are a number of engine options, both petrol and diesel – with all-wheel drive being standard with the petrol five-cylinder 2.5-litre t5 engine which also features Hill Descent Control and Hill Hold.

The five-cylinder 2.5-litre t5 engine develops 254 hp and 400 nm of torque, including 40 nm over-boost delivered during acceleration. It comes

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Join the ŠKODA Revolution. Western Motors ŠKODA.

The New Home of ŠKODA in Louth. ŠKODA is delighted to announce the appointment of Western Motors ŠKODA as the new authorised ŠKODA retailer for Louth. To celebrate, Western Motors ŠKODA is holding an Open Week from Saturday 27th October - Saturday 3rd November. This Open Week coincides with the launch of the exciting new ŠKODA Rapid - the latest member of the ŠKODA family. Our Sales Team will be on-hand to showcase the stylish new Rapid, and there will be entertainment provided throughout the week.

So what are you waiting for? Bring your family to meet ours at the Western Motors ŠKODA Open Week.

Western Motors ŠKODA, M1 Retail Park, Drogheda, Co. Louth. T. 041 9898100. W.

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