Page 1: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements

Page 2: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.1.1 Purpose of documentation

• Assist the programmer with developing the program

• Assist other programers who wish to use or modify the program

Page 3: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.1.2 Guidelines for documenting classes

• Block comments – Start with /* and end with */. Can occupy multiple lines

• Single line comments – The line starts with //

Page 4: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.1.3 The javadoc parameters • The javadoc program can create HTML documents from

the comments in the program’s source file• To create javadoc comments,

use /** and */• Special tags can be imbedded in the comments

@author, @version, @param, @return, etc

Page 5: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.1.4 Java API documentation

Page 6: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.1.5 Generating API docs for classes using the javadoc tool

Page 7: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.2.2 Keywords • Keywords form the Java


• The compiler is case-sensitive

Page 8: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.2.3 Identifiers

• Labels assigned to data or storage addresses

• Rules for identifiers:– Any alphabetic character– First character must be a letter– Cannot contain space, % or #– Cannot be keywords

Page 9: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.2.4 Use of braces, semicolons, commas, and white space

• A block is a collection of statements bounded by braces { }

• A statement consists of one or more lines of code, followed by a semicolon ;

• Commas are used to delineate data

• Whitespace is used to separate keywords and identifiers

Page 10: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.3.1 Data storage introduction

• Registers – Memory in the CPU

• The Stack – Memory for methods and local variables

• The Heap – Memory to store objects

• Static – Stores data that will not change during the life of the program

• Constant – Values that never change.

Page 11: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.4.1 Java language types

• Data type is the classification of forms of information

• Data type is declared using keywords

• Java is strongly typed

Page 12: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.4.2 Java primitives

• boolean – true or false• char – Stores a single UNICODE character• byte – Signed whole numbers from -127 to +128• short – Signed whole numbers from -32,768 to +32,767• int - Signed whole numbers from -231 to 231 -1• long – Signed whole numbers from -9x1018 to 9x1018 -1• float – Decimal values up to 6 – 7 decimal places• double – Decimal values up to 14 – 15 decimal places

Page 13: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.4.3 Java references

• Objects are created in heap memory

• Programs use a variable that references the object

• The program acts on the object by using the reference

Page 14: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.4.4 Data

• Object Data – Instance of a class, stored on the heap

• Static Class Data – Available before the object is created

• Local Data – Exists in methods, stored on the stack

• Constants – Data that will not change• Variables – Holds a primitive or a

reference to an object

Page 15: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.4.4 Data (example)public class Student{ private final String studentName; public static final int courseNumber = 12345; public String grade; public Student(String name, String grd) { studentName = name; grade = grd; }

public void changeGrade(String grd) { grade = grd; } public String getName() { return studentName; }}

Try to Identify!!!!!1. Object

Data/Variable2. Static Data/Variable3. Local Data/Variable4. Constants

Page 16: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.5.2 Elements

• Class – Template or blueprint for object creation

• Method – A block of statements that control an object’s behavior

• Constructor – A special method that is called when the object is created

• Modifiers – private, public, protected, default, static, final

Page 17: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who




3.5.2 Elements public class Student{ private final String studentName; public static final int courseNumber = 12345; public String grade; public Student(String name, String grd) { studentName = name; grade = grd; }

public void changeGrade(String grd) { grade = grd; } public String getName() { return studentName; }}

Page 18: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.6.1 Five steps of object creation

• Declaration of a reference variable

• Default initialization

• Explicit initialization

• Execution of the constructor

• Assignment of object’s address to reference variable

Page 19: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

3.6.3 Mutability, Garbage Collection & Finalizers

• Most data is mutable, and can be changed. To make it immutable, use the final keyword

• Garbage collection frees up memory occupied by unused objects. This process cannot be controlled

• Every object inherits a finalizer method, that will be executed when the object is released

Page 20: 3.1 Documentation & Java Language Elements. 3.1.1 Purpose of documentation Assist the programmer with developing the program Assist other programers who

Individual activity & Lab Work

• Possible Lab Schedule every: – Monday, 15.00-16.50 or– Friday, 14.30 - 15.20 (PUSKOM-FTUI)

• TODO LIST (finished before next session):– Read through the online curriculum– Take the module exam 1 – 3 (Start: Thursday)– Do LABs:

• Insert Documentation for Classes in the JBANK Application• Generate API Docs for JBANK Classes with the javadoc Tool • 3.5.1 Define Variables• 3.5.9 Apply Access Modifiers • 3.6.1 Use of Constructors • 3.8.1 Create the Classes for Phase I of the JBANK Application

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