Page 1: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 28/06/2020  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160 Parish:

3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044

Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160


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Page 2: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 28/06/2020  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160 Parish:

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris 2

Corpus Chris Catholic Church strives to be a welcoming community proclaiming the love of God and fostering a life-long personal rela onship with Jesus Christ and His Church through Scripture, Sacraments, and service.

Parish Office Hours Open by appointment only.

Children’s Faith Formation (Catholic Education) Office Hours: Open by appointment only.

Gift Shop Hours: C

M T Please check your email for the latest info sent via Flocknote regarding Mass times, procedures, and sign-up links. You must sign-up to attend the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses.

Saturday Vigil: 4:00 (In person)

Sunday: 8:00 (In person & Livestreamed)

[Distribu on of Holy Communion: 9:15-10:00am]

11:30 am (In person)

Daily Mass: Monday—Saturday: 8:15 am (In person & Livestreamed)

Tuesday: 6:00 pm (In person)

Friday: 6:30 (In person)

Confessions Confessions are held in the church in the choir area and the baptistry (when a guest priest is available). Please adhere to all posted safety protocols.

Tuesday: 5:00-5:45 Thursday: 7:00 –8:00 Saturday: 2:30 –3:30

Adora on The Adora on Chapel will be opened with limited hours from 9am-8pm, Monday—Thursday.

There are 8 chairs in the chapel, spaced 6-feet apart – please DO NOT move the chairs. There are no kneelers. While we are doing the best we can in providing sani zer and/or cleaning wipes, if possible, please bring your own to clean your space before you leave.

Clergy and Staff Members Rev. Reynaldo Clutario, Temporary Parochial Administrator [email protected]

Deacon Chris Kellogg [email protected]

Deacon Dennis Lambert [email protected] Website/Blog:

Retired Deacon Al Gaudio Retired Deacon Phil Simeone

Steve Mandarino, Parish Manager [email protected]

Carol Pavlak, Parish Office Manager [email protected]

Kathleen Foley, Parishioner Engagement Coordinator kathleen.foley@corpuschris

Christi Deg, Bulletin Editor chris .deg@corpuschris Bulle n submissions: bulle n@corpuschris

Linda McCormack, C. F. F. Office Manager linda.mccormack@corpuschris

Kathy Egle, Director of Evangeliza on kathy.egle@corpuschris

Denise Halloran, Dir. of Children’s Faith Formation denise.halloran@corpuschris

Grace Rivera, Coordinator of Youth Evangeliza on grace.rivera@corpuschris

John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries john.deg@corpuschris

Matthew Henry, Director of Music & Liturgy ma hew.henry@corpuschris

Barbara Manning, Gift Shop Manager [email protected]

Ken Doering, Maintenance Supervisor ken.doering@corpuschris

Council Presidents Cynthia Smith, President of the Pastoral Council pastoralcouncil@corpuschris

Peter Rady-Pentek, President of the Finance Council

Page 3: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 28/06/2020  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160 Parish:

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2020 3


Angels: pages 4-5 Donations for Water Drive: page 6 Catholic Charities: page 6 Blood Drive page 6 Pray for the Sick: page 6 Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe: page 7 St. Michael the Archangel Prayer: page 7 Frequently Asked Questions: page 7 God’s Word for Children: page 8 Civilize It: Back Cover

Parish Contribu ons

June 14, 2020

Tithing* Weekly Total........................................ $21,545.58 Weekly Budget.................................... $27,767.75 Weekly Surplus (Deficit)...................... ($6,222.17)

Fiscal Year-to-date Total ....................$1,481,868.44 Fiscal Year-to-date Budget................. $1,452,816.50 Fiscal Year-to-date Surplus (Deficit).... $29,051.94

*Includes Sunday collections, Online Giving, and mid-week tithing.

Other Contribu ons

Children’s Envelopes…………………………... $5.00 Miscellaneous……….....…….......................... $1.00 Large One-Time Gift……………………………... $5,000.00 Building Fund Collec on……...................... $916.00 Building Fund Balance……........................... $71,731.65

Text JOINCC to 84576 or visit us online at cc Sign-up for electronic newsle ers, emergency no fica ons, and other communica ons, such as when parish ac vi es will resume.

Find us on Facebook at phoenix

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: Corpus Chris Catholic Church Phoenix (h ps:// CatholicChurchPhoenix )

The Church’s mission continues! Many regular operating expenses s ll remain (salaries, facility

maintenance, etc.) so please con nue your regular the. This is extremely critical to avoid future financial

hardship for the parish and our employees. If you do not yet use electronic giving, please click the ONLINE GIVING button at and follow the simple instruc ons for repeat electronic giving to the Sunday Collec on. You may also mail your envelope each week, if you prefer. With limited public Masses, your dona ons con nue to be vital to our parish!

Thank you for your con nued support & generosity!

Mass Inten ons

Monday, June 29, Ss. Peter & Paul, the Apostles

8:15 am Father’s Day Novena

Tuesday, June 30, The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church

8:15 am † Thomas A. Sullivan 6:00 pm † Robert Spoljarick

Wednesday, July 1, St. Junipero Serra

8:15 am Living & Deceased Members of the Grover & Justice Families

Thursday, July 2 8:15 am † Tom Devereux

Friday, July 3, St. Thomas the Apostle

6:30 am All Deceased Aunts & Uncles of the Donnellan Family 8:15 am Dennis & Sarah Nicole Mahoney

Saturday, July 4

8:15 am † Rita Bergmiller 4:00 pm † Carol Prather

Sunday, July 5*

† Marvela Luna, † Rita & † Henry Bauer, Valeri Meyers, Parishioners

* Sunday Mass Intentions previously scheduled will still be offered, but may be rescheduled due to various limitations.

How Can We Help You?

We have a list of volunteers willing to pick-up and deliver prescrip ons, groceries, and meals for other parishioners that are high-risk or otherwise unable to leave their homes.

Please email: [email protected] to coordinate services.

Page 4: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 28/06/2020  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160 Parish:

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris 4

You might not think too much about it, but you are likely aware that we are surrounded by invisible beings called angels. Let’s take a closer look at what angels are and what their role is in our lives and our salva on.

Angels are purely spiritual beings without bodies that still possess intelligence and will. Despite not having a body, each angel is considered an individual just like you or me. Angels were created prior to humanity and are higher than humans in the hierarchy of crea on. They are more beau ful, glorious, and perfect than any visible crea on. (CCCC #330) It is important to note here that angels are entirely different beings than humans. Sometimes you might hear someone say that their deceased loved one has become their “guardian angel.” While it might be comforting to think that, humans can never become actual angels. Rather, their soul, which is also purely spiritual and not physical, carries on into the a erlife. That being said, you can s ll be comforted knowing that your loved one’s soul is s ll close to you, consoling you and praying for you.

Prior to our crea on, the angels were put to a test by God. One third of the angels did not pass the test,

rejected God, and fell into Hell. We do not know for certain what that test was, but one strong theory is that they were told about Jesus. Because angels are higher beings than humans, Satan and his followers, in their pride, refused to bow down or to serve a human. Now these angels, through their hatred for us and their condi on, seek to lead humans into sin and tempta on in order to drag us into Hell with them. The other two-thirds of the angels, who chose to love and serve God, fight to save us from that sin and temptation and therefore play a role in our salvation.

The Catechism outlines the role angels have played in salvation history as evidenced by Scripture: “They closed the earthly paradise; protected Lot; saved Hagar and her child; stayed Abraham’s hand; communicated the law by their ministry; led the People of God; announced births and callings; and assisted the prophets, just to cite a few examples. Finally, the angel Gabriel announced the birth of the Precursor and that of Jesus himself.” (CCCC #332)

In addi on to there being a hierarchy in the order of crea on, there is a hierarchy within the crea on of

- Jen Arnold, M.A. in Theology and Cateche cs

The Assump on, by Francesco Bo cini

Page 5: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 28/06/2020  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160 Parish:

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2020 5

angels. The Catholic Church teaches that there are nine choirs of angels and each choir possesses specific powers and responsibili es proper to their role in the world. I will briefly describe them here. If you are interested in reading more about the angels, I highly recommend Time to Meet the Angels by Mark Miravalle. It is a short 100 pages and easy to read and understand.

The first sphere of angels deals directly with God alone as the Supreme Being who is all deserving of such love and adora on.

Seraphim – This choir is the closest to God and sits directly at His throne. They have the best, most per-fect knowledge of God compared to any other being and as a result, they are ablaze with love of Him. They sing “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory.” (Isaiah 6:7) When we say these words in the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we say them in unison with the Seraphim. Cherubim – This choir is associated with wisdom because of their knowledge of God. Their form of worship is to contemplate God’s providence and His plan for the world and all of creation. Like the Sera-phim, this contemplation of God’s goodness leads to love and praise. Thrones – This choir is responsible for the contemplation of God’s power and jus ce. They sit right on the cusp of the material and spiritual world and act as gate keepers. All of the lower choirs of angels need to go through the choir of Thrones to access God.

The angels in the second sphere are responsible for helping to fulfill God’s plan in the physical universe.

Dominions – These angels are in a posi on of lead-ership. They have authority over the lower choirs of angels and communicate God’s commands down to them. They can be thought of as God’s generals for the army of angels below them. Virtues – This choir has power over nature, seasons, elements, etc. However, they only exercise this con-trol at the orders of the Dominions over them and at God’s command. Powers – These angels comprise the ac ve combat warriors. This choir fights all of the evil fallen angels who seek to thwart God’s plan and to do harm to the physical world and all of the creatures in it. If you are inclined to imagine angels with swords, this would largely be the choir to which they belong.

The third sphere of angels is directly involved with humans and their affairs. They are the angels that are closest to us.

Archangels – These angels are considered chief or leading angels in the choirs that protect the physical world. They also serve as messengers and deliver messages to us from God. The most notable exam-ple would be when the Archangel Gabriel an-nounced to Mary that she would conceive and bear the Son of God. (Luke 1:30-31) St. Raphael makes an appearance in the Book of Tobit: “I am Raphael, one of the seven holy angels who present the prayers of the saints and enter into the presence of the glory of the Lord.” (Tobit 12:15) Principali es – This choir guides and protects larger collec ons and ins tu ons of humanity. Na ons, ci es, governments, and even the Church are cared for by Principali es. Angels – This is the choir that is closest to us. They guide and protect us as individual humans. Therefore, we each have our own personal guardian angel which was assigned to us at birth and has been charged with helping us get to heaven. This choir is responsible for taking our prayers up to God and for bringing His responses back to us. They also have access to all of the other choirs. It is wise and prudent to have a relationship with your personal angel and learn to hear his voice in the chaos of the world. These angels are very eager to help us on a very personal level which is such a beau ful gi to us!

Since angels are personal beings like us, it is possible to have personal rela onships with them. We do that by invoking them in prayer. A great example of this is when we pray the St. Michael prayer a er every Mass, asking Him to protect us against the a acks of Satan. We also teach our children to pray the Guardian Angel prayer from an early age to facilitate an awareness of a personal angel. There are also chaplets which invoke the aid of each Choir (Chaplet of the Holy Angels, Chaplet of St. Michael the Archangel, Chaplet of St. Raphael the Archangel, and the Chaplet of St. Gabriel the Archangel).

When we feel overwhelmed by the weight of the chaos, evil, and sin in the world, we should take comfort in knowing that God has provided us with great protec on and that these angels are figh ng all around us against those evil forces. It is up to us to lis-ten to their guidance so we do not go astray. And always remember, the war has already been won and God is victorious over all.

Page 6: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 28/06/2020  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160 Parish:

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris

Catholic Charities Refugee Resettlement Program welcomes refugees with homes furnished by community donations along with other support to help them through the steps to become produc ve members of their new communi es. You can support by adop ng a family during the holidays, organize fun fundraisers or drives at your church, school or community and more!

To begin your mission in welcoming a family in need, call Dawn Dishman at [email protected] or call 602-749-4463 and visit us at catholicchari

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and

you gave me drink, a stranger and

you welcomed me,”

- Ma hew 25:35



Sunday, July 26, 2020 7:30 – N In Rooms 5 & 6

Contact Gary Kwapiszeski at 480-940-1800

or visit

(Sponsor Code: corpuschris ) to schedule on-line.

Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, Corpus Chris Council 10062, serving God and our community. This is who

we are! This is what we do!

For eligibility ques ons or

to schedule a dona on, call 877-25-vital or visit us at

Donors will receive a free assay to detect the presence of Covid-19 antibody in their blood, in addition to a chance to win a Volkswagen Tiguan.

St. Vincent de Paul

“Monetary Dona on Only” Water Drive!

July 4th – August 30th

(Actual bo led water will not be accepted during this water drive.)

Have you ever given a bo le of water to a person in need through your car window?

St. Vincent de Paul can help mul ply your kindness.

In the last five years (as of January 2020) the number of people living on the street has nearly tripled to 3,767 in Maricopa County. With temperatures rising and the added complication of COVID-19, street relief has become even more cri cal. You can help bring relief to those living in extreme vulnerability and thirsting to make it through another day in the unforgiving Arizona heat.

This is your window. Will you reach through and

touch 80 lives?

Help by donating today and demonstrate your mercy. Please place your donation in the large white Donation Box located in the church vestibule. All proceeds placed in this box will be designated for bottled water, which will be distributed to those in need throughout the valley.

Your generosity and con nued support are truly appreciated.

Pray for the Sick

John C. Cooper, Gloria Costello, Sheri Doering, Kayla Ellison, Matt & Maryann Fazio, Randy Frost, Dcn. Al Gaudio, Dee Gordon, Pat Hungerford, Jim King, June McNaught, Ana Minelli, Bob Mueller,

Ben Oeverndiek, Jim Oliver, Stephanie Siatta, Frank Spadafore, Dennis Sullivan, Betty Tamisiea, and all who are suffering from the Coronavirus

Page 7: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 28/06/2020  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160 Parish:

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2020 7

Frequently Asked Ques ons

How do I register? All Catholics living in the Parish area are invited to register in the Parish. Registration forms can be filled out via our parish website.

Adults 18+ need to be registered separately from their parents in order to get married, have their own children bap zed, or be Godparents or Sponsors.

In order to be a Godparent or Sponsor or to receive discounted tuition rates at Catholic Schools, one must be a registered Catholic and ac ve in the parish, which is indicated by use of contribu on envelopes or the Online Giving program.

How do I have my child Bap zed? Before scheduling the date, please leave a message for Carol Pavlak in the Parish Office. A preparation class is also required for parents prior to the child’s Bap sm. This poten ally may be fulfilled via an online course.

How do I request Anointing of the Sick? Please call the Parish Office at 480-893-8770DO NOT WAIT un l someone is very near death to have the person anointed! Although Anoin ng of the Sick was once known as “Last Rites,” wai ng un l a person is near death could risk that person not being able to receive the Sacrament if he or she should pass away prior to the priest being able to arrive. Anointing of the Sick can only be administered while the person is still alive. To limit exposure and spread of the Corona virus, Communion to the Sick is not available during this me. The Sacrament of Anoin ng is s ll available for those approaching the end of life.

How do I get married in the Church? The Diocese of Phoenix requires a NINE MONTH marriage prepara on process. Call or e-mail John Deg, Director of Married Life Ministries, so he can go over the process. Do NOT set the date until approved by John as it cannot be guaranteed.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our

protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke

him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who

prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Holy Virgin of Guadalupe, Queen of the Angels and Mother of the Americas.

We fly to you today as your beloved children. We ask you to intercede for us with your Son, as you did at the wedding in Cana.

Pray for us, loving Mother, and gain for our na on and world, and for all our families and loved ones, the protec on of your holy angels, that we may be spared the worst of this illness.

For those already afflicted, we ask you to obtain the grace of healing and deliverance.

Hear the cries of those who are vulnerable and fearful, wipe away their tears and help them to trust.

In this me of trial and tes ng, teach all of us in the Church to love one another and to be pa ent and kind.

Help us to bring the peace of Jesus to our land and to our hearts.

We come to you with confidence, knowing that you truly are our compassionate mother, health of the sick and cause of our joy.

Shelter us under the mantle of your protec on, keep us in the embrace of your arms, help us always to know the love of your Son, Jesus.


Page 8: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 28/06/2020  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160 Parish:

Corpus Chris Catholic Church www.corpuschris 8

Our bulle n is an important way for us to communicate with you, especially during these days of the Coronavirus pandemic. Every bulle n that you receive is paid for through the generosity of the businesses that you see advertised in the back pages. Most of these adver sers are members of our local community, and many belong to our parish. We urge

you to think of them when you decide to have a meal or other item delivered to your door. Tell the business owners that you appreciate their support of our parish through their advertisements in the bulletin. This is one small way that we can work within our own community to weather the challenges that we face. Together we can help each other make it through these difficult times.

Page 9: 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 · 28/06/2020  · 3550 E. Knox Rd • Phoenix, AZ 85044 Parish Office: 480-893-8770 Children’s Faith Formation Office: 480-893-1160 Parish:

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