
3D Holographic Projection Technology

3D Holographic Projection Technology

submitted by:-Ch.tejaswar reddyReg no:12g21a0423


What is HolographyWhy HolographyHow Holograms workRecording of hologramReconstruction of hologramTypes of HologramsAdvances in technologyApplications & Future scopeConclusion

2What is holographyHolographyis a technique that allows thelight scattered from an object to be recorded and later reconstructed.Preserve the 3-D information of a holographed subject.

Why holographic displayA high resolution three dimensional recording of an objectGlasses free 3D displayNo need for projection screenLife like imagesInteractive display

How holograms work

Hence the working of holography is divided into two phases:RecordingReconstruction

Recording of hologram

Basic tools required to make a hologram includes a red lasers, lenses, beam splitter, mirrors and holographic filmHolograms are recorded in darker environment

6Laser : Red lasers, usually helium-neon (HeNe) lasers, are common in holography. These are coherent light source.Beam splitter: This is a device that uses mirrors and prisms to split laser beam of light into two beams.Object beam (directed onto the object) andReference beam (travels directly onto the recording medium)Mirrors: These direct the beams of light to the correct locationsHolographic film: Holographic film can record light at a very high resolution, which is necessary for creating a hologram. It's a layer of light-sensitive compounds on a transparent surface, like photographic film. Eg: Silver Halide Emulsion

Recording a hologramReconstruction of hologram

The photographic plate is illuminated with original light source used for reconstructing holograms.

Reconstructing a hologram

Types of HologramsReflex HologramIlluminated by a spot of white incandescent light source.The image consists of light reflected by the hologramProduces multicolour holograms, makes images optically indistinguishable from the original objects

12Transmission HologramViewed with laser light, usually of the same type used to make the recordingNeed light source behind themVirtual image can be very sharp and deepComputer-Generated HologramsNo need for a real objectInterference pattern is calculated digitally

Advances in technology

Touchable hologramsHorizontal 360 view of a image on table topUser interfacing integrated displays

Applications & Future scope

Educational applicationsImproved virtual Reality and augmented realityIn future all displays like televisions, mobile phone displays, projector displays will be replaced by holographic displays

ConclusionHolographic Technology and Spectral Imagining has endless applications, as far as the human mind can imagine

College of Engineering Munnar17


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