  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    Case 1: Drop due to missing neighbor Problem: Detected Nighbor (DN)Mobiloe Station sends a Report ,which it measured in site ,that contains event 1A means adding anew RL (cell) to Active SetThereported cell should be present in current neighbor cell list,I it not available means! andthenreported"c#$o is better thanthe best serving cell "c#$o in AS b% some d&s (set b% a R$'parameter)In any movement,new cell can not be added to Aativr Set,i we addd means ,call will be released

    Figure : Drop -due -to -missing- neighbor

    Case 2: Drop due to Poor Coverage (low RCP)

    Problem: Poor D! coveragehen Mobie Station have a low RS' value ( * +1- d&m).At the time! "c#$o values,call /ropwill happen,Mobilw Staion! will li0el%lift up up the transmitted power and reach its ma power.The /L &L"R will probabl% increase and SIRtarget cannot maintain an%more, inall% the call drops.
  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    Figure : Drop -due- to -Poor -Coverage

    Case ":Due to Poor D! CoverageI Mobile Station! enters into a RS' level (* 234 15 d&m ) means ,it have lowcoverage area atthe time (.The pac0et connection is carried on a 67#67 /'8 'hannelas conse9uence o the low coverage conditions.The :" is! Lit upthe Mobile Station power to the maimum,it reach to Idle Mode andtheApplication and RL' throughputs goto ;ero.At this point the RASapplicationwill start the SessionTimeout timer, i the throughput is not resumed the Session"rror event is triggered with cause 23

  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    Figure : Session -Error - due -to- Poor Coverage

    =ptimi;ation in :MTS(>?) networ0 @Tuning in :MTS(>?) networ0Share on lin0edinShare on aceboo0 Share on twitter Share on email More Sharing Services

    =ptimi;ation#Tuning o :MTS(>?) networ0Some /ierence are will come ,hile doing optimi;ation and Tuning process in networ0 ./uring Tuning process in networ0 Site is not on Air ,so there is $o traic in networ0.Tuning o $etwor0 is according to our drive test data"ver% thing is done beore the Site on! Air ,It is about re+launch activities/uring =ptimi;ation=ptimi;ation is the rocess done ater Site =n Air,when the customer start to use the networ0.=ptimi;ation is the rocess to monitor networ0 perormance.Tuning rocess Blow

    Bigure C Tuning rocess Blow[email protected]&source=tbx-300,wpp-3.0.2&lng=en&s=linkedin&[email protected]/-/-/5132398e0480c039/2/5040e484c5946721&frommenu=1&uid=5040e484c5946721&ct=1&[email protected]&source=tbx-300,wpp-3.0.2&lng=en&s=linkedin&[email protected]/-/-/5132398e0480c039/2/5040e484c5946721&frommenu=1&uid=5040e484c5946721&ct=1&
  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    Tuning rocess Blowchart

    Bigure C Tuning rocess BlowchartTools Bor Tuning#=ptimi;ation @ /ata ost rocessingT"MS Investigation or '/MA (Sotware)T"MS Scanner (Sotware D 8)"ternal ?S:ser "9uipment (:")T"MS /es0'at or post processingM'=M>g#MapinoMS Access#"cel based tools

    Bigure C =ptimi;ation#Tuning o :MTS(>?) networ0! /rive Test Routes
  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    Bigure C /rive Test RoutesIL=T T:$I$?The basic measurements o scanner are'I'8ERS'! (received signal code power)'I'8E"c#$o (received energ% per chip divided b% the power densit% in the band)RSSI (received signal strength indicator)use o! scanner in networ0 Fwe can ind! eedercable problemwe can ind! 'overage problemBind Intererence problems (overshooting cell, pilot pollution)Bind the! Missing neighbours'=G"RA?" G"RIBI'ATI=$ H rimar% 'ommon ilot 'hannelGeri% +'I'8 detection to minimi;e coverage holes+'I'8 RS'+'I'8 "c#$o

    Bigure C Level o Signal'I'8ERS'! (received signal code power)&est Server Signal Strengthellow means good($o problem in networ0)&lue ma0e problems in eature?re% is bad
  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    Bigure C &est Server Signal Strengthilot "c#$o Measurements?reen means good($o problem in networ0)&lue! ma0e problems in eature=range is bad

    Bigure C ilot "c#$o Measurements
  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    BigureC rimar% 'ommon ilot 'hannel (+'I'8) 234 IL=T =LL:TI=$! =G"RS8==TI$? 'hange roposalC Site+/, Sector+1, Antenna /own+tilt /egrees
  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    Bigure C =vershooting in Siterimar% 'ommon ilot 'hannel (+'I'8) 234 IL=T =LL:TI=$8igh 'I'8 reception levels rom man%'ells, (more than MAEA'TIG"ES"T)+'I'8 RS'

    +'I'8 "c#$o
  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    Bigure C ilot ollution
  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    Bigure C ilot ollution RectiicationBigure C IL=T =LL:TI=$ 'hange roposals

    Bigure C IL=T =LL:TI=$ 'hange roposalsilot ollution

    Bigure C Shows ilot ollution (Initial and Ater Tunning )

    :" T:$I$?

    Goice #Gideo#S callsLong callsshort callsIdenti% problem areas&loc0ed calls/ropped calls/ela%#Throughput
  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization


    Short 'alls Anal%sisma0e a call and maintain it or some time duration (or 15+6 s)! 'all set+up ailure and drops o short calls mainl% due toCuser! "9uipement Bailure&ecause o arameters Setting

    /ue to 'overage roblem/ue toIntererenceLong 'alls Anal%sisMa0e a call and maintain the 'all upto drop ( because b% this we can chec0 the! Retainabilit%perormace o networ0) /rops during long call can be used to identi%Cwe can identi% the Missing $eighbor Relation'overage roblemuser! "9uipement roblems$etwor0 'haracteristics&ecause o arameters Setting

    NI arameters or >? are ollowingC1) RR' attemptO.RR' Bailure rate>.RR'droprate.7.RA& 'S voice ailure rate5.RA& 'S voicedrop rate6.RA& /ATA ailure rate-.RA& /atadroprate.8S/A Bailure rateK.8S/Adroprate1.S8= ailure11.IS8= ailure rate1O.IB8= ailure rate1>."/'8 estab ailure rate17."/'8 abnormal release rate.Various Types of 'ommands we are using in NI maintaining1)RRC DropRR'E'=$$EA'TEBAILEI:RR'E'=$$EA'TEBAILERA/I=RR'E'=$$EA'TEBAILE&TSRR'E'=$$EA'TEBAILEI:RRR'E'=$$EA'TEBAILEIE'8NRR'E'=$$EA'TEBAILE'I8RR'E'=$$EA'TEBAILER$'RR'E'=$$EA'TEBAILE:"RR'E'=$$EA'TER"LE:$S"'E'$RR'E'=$$EA'TE'=MO)R#$ %oice Drop Rate

  • 8/10/2019 3G Basic KPI Optimization





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