
3rd March 2017

Friday 26th May 2017



Cover: Beach Volleyball

Best wishes


Sara Davey Academy Principal

It is not possible to comment on the atmosphere around the Academy this week without reflecting on the dreadful atrocity that took place in Manchester that shocked us all on Monday evening.

It’s all about you...

We are principled...

We have also been extending the range of activities available at break and lunchtime to allow us to enjoy the school day and make the most of some of the weather we have been having recently. It is wonderful to hear the sound of students enjoying themselves and this week has served as a poignant reminder of how lucky we all are here in Cornwall.

Of course appalling acts like this will always illicit feelings of anger and remorse amongst both students and my colleagues but we have focussed on remembering that it is right to acknowledge them but not let them alter our moral values as a result of terrorism.

The last lap


Our GCSE Examinations have been continuing throughout the week in a variety of subjects including Business and Enterprise and Physics and we had so many students sitting English Literature GCSE, 197 in total, that we have had to convert both the hall and gymnasium for use again this year. This does inevitably lead to a few changes in our timetables and how we behave around the campus and I would like to thank you all again this week for the consideration you are giving your peers.

Finally, thank you to everyone who has shared their thoughts on our proposed merger to give us the chance to offer even better learning experiences to every student here at Mounts Bay. It’s not too late to have your say so please take this opportunity to let us know your views.



Along with people up and down the country and all over the world, the Academy fell absolutely silent for a minute at 11:00am on Thursday to allow us to show our support and respect for all those who died, suffered or who were affected.

In the end, events such as this serve only to unite people against the people who would try and gain a victory through dividing communities, a fact that was symbolised this week in the world of football when Manchester City published a moving tweet on social media that embodied their support for all the people of Manchester over and above any feelings they might have about their rivals.



Award for Charity Work

On Tuesday 16th May, Lilia Rowe was invited to St John’s Hall after being nominated for an award in recognition of her work for charity over the last year. She won the Brian Spiegelhalter Young Citizen of the Year Award and was presented this by the Deputy Mayor of Penzance.

We are all very proud of her achievement. Well done Lilia.

Report by Miss Drew

Huge congratulations to Hannah James for winning joint first place in this year’s Humphry Davy Prize. Hannah is one of our extraordinary Year 11 Triple Scientists whose commitment to achieving the highest grades possible is matched with her infectious enthusiasm for Science, particularly Physics!

Report by Miss Weightman

Science Prize Winner

Hannah is an inspiring role model for all students, particularly girls; she shows such passion for her subject and explains so eloquently in her entry how much it means for her to become a female physicist.

We are very proud of her and hope you enjoy reading her personal journey of discovery into the world of Physics.

Hannah and her family were invited to accept her prize at the Town Council's Mayor Choosing Ceremony last week.

Click on the link to read Hannah’s winning entry:


Da Vinci AwardYear 11 Art students are coming to the end of their GCSE courses now and there have been some beautiful and amazing portfolios of work produced.

Get Collecting Now!

During their course of study, students have been inspired by a truly diverse range of starting points. The examples seen here are some of our best final outcomes but in order to reach these conclusions, students have worked tirelessly thinking about and developing their ideas and refining them through in-depth critical research and practical creative studies documented in their sketchbooks.

The key to their success can be attributed to the development of independent, focused, and a purposeful approach together with a willingness to set personal challenging goals. The commitment, passion and perseverance to want to achieve success has been outstanding. Congratulations to all students here who deserve the Da Vinci Award.


Crystal Trevennen

Romy Crago


Report by Mrs Dale


Zoe Pyne

Zoe Pyne

Maisie MayMaia Fashokun

This semester, the final wave of Year 8 students have embarked on our exciting new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) project called ELEMENT. Using an adapted version of the enquiry process (plan, research, investigate, analyse, design, create and evaluate), students are investigating answers to the question; “How can we engineer a sustainable world?" With a much nicer day of weather this Wednesday than our previous two trips, students took a field trip to The Living Well Centre, Sancreed, to witness a fantastic example of sustainable living in the local area.

Year 8 students have been researching the associated problems with a rising global population and unsustainable urban growth in an effort to find preventions and solutions that is key to the survival of Earth. Students will be given a key component of a sustainable town they must design and create using Computer Aided Design and 3D printing. They will then make informed decisions to consider the sustainability of their project. Students were treated to a tour of the eco-sustainability project by parent Rachel Smart and conducted surveys and assessments of the environmental factors and initiatives that have been taken into consideration through its construction. The willingness of the Living Well Centre to open their doors in such a friendly and accommodating manner, as well as the eagerness of students to investigate sustainability made for a very productive morning.

Although only in its third semester the project is proving really successful and students have been enjoying learning in a modern context, aiming to help provide solutions to real world problems. By linking challenging theoretical and practical skills under the clear context of sustainability, students can see how their local solution can have a real impact on a global scale.



Report by Mr Lane and Mr Hopper


On Wednesday 17th and Friday 26th May, actor and director Jon Welch worked with a group of Year 9 students who have volunteered to take part in three short films based on restorative justice. Jon, who will direct these films, trained as an actor at Lamda and currently writes and directs for a theatre company which tours nationwide. Jon informed the students that the films will be based on the triggers that prefigure instances of bullying and/or identify harm. They will be shot by a visiting professional production company from M and C Saatchi. The finished films will then be used in sessions, facilitated by restorative justice practitioners, who will be setting up student-led peer mentoring in the long term.

Restorative Justice Films

Report by Miss Osborne

The process will start with a number of workshops allowing Jon to get to know the students involved, and allow him to cast the characters. At the first workshop, held last week, Jon gave the students some scripts to read through and act out. Performances were offered group feedback which was taken on board before the scenes were re-worked. This week the focus was on believability. The students participated in a number of exercises that emphasised the subtlety of movement in different situations.The students watched a number of film clips so they could understand and notice different reaction shots when there were close up shots with their facial expressions.

"This workshop has given me an insight of acting for the camera rather than performing on stage. John has really helped me to develop as a performer! It has given me a different insight into acting and has allowed me to explore using facials and body language in different ways"

- Arianna Caddy


Inspiring Poetry

This semester Year 8 are considering the evolution of the English language and studying a variety of texts from different periods of history.

We began with the Anglo-Saxon text Beowulf and studied Seamus Heaney's translation. This led to students experimenting with constructing their own kennings, which they enjoyed and the results were great. Have a look and see if you can guess what they are describing in the following examples:

In the chilling currents with no other,The monstrous ogress Grendel's mother,Lurks in the depths, crawls in the shadows,Waits for Beowulf...

Beowulf roams the creaking wood,Hoping he wont turn out like Red Riding Hood,In his hand a brutal sword,Sharp, so sharp, like a tiger's claw.

Noise Maker,Food eater,Fridge Raider,Toy Looser,Toy finder,Teddy obsessor,Midnight waker,House shaker

Kelsey Wilson 8 Red

Chore maker, fun breaker, Santa faker, food baker,Moneymaker, caretaker,Earth shaker, Freedom taker,Homemaker.

Milo Taylor 8 Yellow

Ball fetcher, walk wantermischief maker, homework eater,toy chewer, loud barker,cat chaser, bed warmer, shirt shredder, door scratcher.

Max Shall 8 Orange

Students were also asked to write an epic poem or a story to describe the battle between Beowulf and Grendel's mother. I was really impressed with their creative writing and could have published all of them. This piece of work is by Charlie Edwards 8 Orange.

Heart stopper, silence breaker,Human killer, Earth shaker,News filler, nation dividerJob provider, past pillar

Angus Mcleod 8 Yellow

Ink leaver, curling dancer, Word maker, paper prancer,Line balancer, black marker,Art creator, idea sparker.

Charlie Upchurch 8 Red


Into the blackness of the mist,Beowulf ran and ran, he did,For he could see the creatures lair,She would be gone, the fight wouldn't be fair.

Beowulf leaped, leaped so high,Into the blue of the water did he fly,Through the entrance into the dwelling,He would kill the 'thing' and go boasting and telling.

And then everything went quiet,They stared and stared like their eyes were wired,Beowulf struck the monsters fleshy skin,With one big strike would he win?

But there was no damage, not even a dent,She was too strong, now his Great Sword was bent,He flicked his wrist and his sword smacked onto the ground,He looked and looked until a cutlass was found.

His legs bent like a working lever,Beowulf sprung up and up like an angry teacher,He clenched the cutlass upon the wall,Gravity kicked in and he made his fall.

Beowulf swung the cutlass into her hip,The blood snaked out and began to drip,The blood looked like veins outside of her skin,Beowulf spoke the truth, he was going to win.

She collapsed to the ground with a giant thud,Her lair was ruined flooded with blood,There was on last thing Beowulf needed to do,He cut off her head, now she was in two.

Report by Mrs Marsden


Word Millionaire

Bethany Fulcher of 7 Green is our newest Word Millionaire. Well done to Bethany who has enjoyed reading a wide variety of books this year. Bethany has read many of Michael Morpurgo’s novels: ‘War Horse’, ‘Private Peaceful’ and ‘Why the Whales Came’. ‘The Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ books have also been very popular. ‘One Dollar Horse’ and ‘Race the Wind’ are two novels by Lauren St John which Bethany has also enjoyed. Now that Year 7 are studying dystopian fiction in class Bethany has just finished reading ‘Catching Fire’ by Suzanne Collins.

There are plenty more dystopian novels in the library for students to explore after being introduced to the genre in lessons and it is great to see them coming in to ask for titles such as ‘The Wind Singer’, ‘Mortal Engines’, ‘Gone’, ‘The Hunger Games’, ‘Divergent’ and ‘The Maze Runner’.

Report by Mrs Marsden

If you like reading and want to discover new books, discuss what you have read recently and recommend great books to others then come along to Reading Club on Friday afternoons in the library. You can either get on with reading independently, read aloud to me to improve your confidence and fluency, or read a book in a group. Students wishing to study in the library are of course welcome to come in and get on with their work.

Friday Reading Club

Friday 15.15 - 16.15 in the library

University or Not that is the Question?

Laura Vaughan, based in Penryn Campus, delivered a presentation to Year 11s about a free programme run by Exeter University designed to give students an insight into what university is like. Throughout Year 12 and 13 Exeter Progression will take students on a journey through a range of activities and work with them to make sure they are well prepared to consider university as well as give them an opportunity to meet other like-minded students. In addition, students that complete the course would be eligible for reduced offer for entry to Exeter University. Students can apply from September 2017 but can register an interest now on:

Report By Mrs Masters


Artist of the Week

This week Artist of the Week is awarded to Alex Whitbread in 10 Red. Alex has been working really hard to develop her style in her lessons, and has recently been using her iPad to generate unique and personal edits based on her primary research. Alex is working with resilience to try out new ways of reproducing an image, she has experimented with printing processes, different paints, and is beginning to consider how to develop these 2D images into 3D outcomes.

Alex has worked with focus and has pushed herself to try new things, this is a reminder that taking risks in art is crucial to making progress. Well done Alex!

Report by Amy Green


On Wednesday 24th May, Penlee Museum was taken over for a day of workshops followed by an evening of music, dance and exhibitions in art and photography by a team of MBA Silver Arts Awards students.

During the day, a group of keen, talented Year 7 artists, photographers and dancers were taken down to the museum where they were able to use the inspirational artwork of Newlyn and Mousehole artists to create their own work working with our Year 9 leaders, Huck New, Daniel Dunn, Daisy Sawbridge, Tessa Sawbridge, Brad Balding and Max Renfren.

Museum Takeover


During the evening, there was a fantastic atmosphere with music provided by students from all our Year groups, with performances from the jazz band, Standard Proceedure, Faye Loann Jacka, Amber Symons, Ellyn Calverley and loads more. Lots of our musicians performed original music that will be released on our Academy record label later this term. The dancers performed in the upstairs gallery through the evening, and all the artwork and photography created during the day was exhibited in the main gallery next to the professional works that were used for inspiration.

It was a great event and we are already looking forward to taking part again next year.

Report by Mr New

Congratulations to all the students who took part in the Penwith Schools volleyball tournament at Carbis Bay on Thursday. The weather was absolutely perfect for the event and the players really rose to the challenge. Nine teams of five attended the event, with five teams getting through to the semi-finals. The Year 10 and 11 boys team played some particularly stunning volleyball to win their age group category.

The top two teams from each age group in Penwith will now go on to play in the Cornwall School Games event on the 28th June at Perranporth Beach. MBA will be sending six teams to this event. Well done everybody.


Beach Volleyball


Report by Miss Johnson

Mounts Bay U15 and U13 teams played in a fast 5s tournament organised by Nadia Edyvean which we hosted in support of a Netball tour.

Both teams played really well and finished 2nd and 4th.

Team 1- Esme Adams, Megan Byrne, Megan Pengelly, Zoe George, May Gale, Izzy Markham, Ella Smith, Mia Finch, Robyn Coatsworth

Team 2- Ismay Cornish, Daisy Leiworthy, Beau Cowan-Dickie, Libby Terry, Tia Smart, Isla Harvey, Polly George, Rebecca Storey, Freya Prodger

Some fantastic shooting tonight and fantastic team work; with some very challenging games, especially for the Baby Bay Team.

Thanks to Millie Matthews and some of the above players for also officiating some games.


Report by Mrs Crowle

Fast 5 Netball

It was not just the students who threw themselves into the physical literacy session this Monday morning. Mr Veal joined in with the skipping activity, and showed himself to be quite proficient at this skill!

Physical Lireracy runs every Monday morning during tutor time for Year 8 and Tuesday morning for Year 7.

Physical Literacy

Report by Miss Johnson


Maths Quiz

This Week’s Puzzle:

Last week’s solution:

4 different combinations:12 + 4 + 48 + 6 + 68 + 8 + 4

10 + 6 + 4

Could you write next week’s puzzle?If you would like to set the numeracy puzzle for a future week click here. You will win house points.

Win an iTunes voucher

Whoever submits the most correct answers over a semester will win an Amazon voucher – prizes are also awarded to the top scoring parent/carer/staff.

Click here to submit your answer

Closing date for Entries: Thursday 12:00

What should be the value of the bottom row?

Last Week’s House Totals

House Competition

Blue: 26 PointsGreen: 3 PointsPurple: 1 PointsOrange: 0 PointsYellow: 0 PointsRed: 0 Points


To enter, simply write an original sentence correctly using the word ambitious. Send in your sentence using the link below.


Congratulations to Bronnen Beacall who wins 10 VIVO points.

Click here to enter the competition

This week’s word is: Ambitious

Definition: Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed.

Etymology: Late Middle English: from the Old French ambitieux or Latin ambitiosus, from ambitio (see AMBITION).

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