  • 8/2/2019 4/ 20 Things You Should Know About Drug Policy


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    d r u g s 1. Incarceration of Filipinos

    Almost 2 in 5 or 36% of people in Philippine jails

    are there because of drug-related cases. This

    figure goes up to 45% in Region 3 and 42% in

    the NCR. PDEA 2010 Annual Report

    2. Anti-drugs law amendments

    Following the "Alabang boys" snafu, PDEA

    Director General Jose Gutierrez Jr. asked

    Congress to change provisions in RA 9165 -

    Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002

    that (1) relate to evidence handling, and (2)

    require a Justice Department representative or

    community official to be present during raids.

    Both seek to prevent police abuse and human

    rights violations. Philippine Daily Inquirer,


    3. PH is 4th illegal drug source in Asia

    Six percent of illegal drugs in Asia originate

    from the Philippines. VP Binay stated that, as of

    June 2011, Filipinos face 692 drug courier cases

    worldwide. Philippine Star, 7.30.11

    4. PDEA

    Last 2010, PDEA received PhP 502 million from

    the government, made 11,163 operations, and

    seized PhP 4.79 billion-worth of drugs &

    chemicals. PDEA 2010 Annual Report

    5. TAMA

    The Philippine Organization for the Reform of

    Marijuana Laws (PORMAL) has argued forapplying Republic Act 8423 - Traditional

    Alternative Medicine Act (TAMA) of 1997 in the

    case of cannabis. PORMAL on Facebook

    6. Around 1 in 20 use drugs worldwide

    The UN estimates that 3.3% to 6.1% of 15 - 64-

    year olds globally (149 to 272 million people)

    used illicit drugs at least once in 2010. 124 to

    202 million people are estimated to use

    cannabis. World Drug Report 2011

    7. New approach in drug policy neededThe Global Commission on Drug Policy,

    composed of eminent leaders such as George

    P. Schultz, Kofi Annan and Richard Branson,

    has declared the US-led War on Drugs a failure

    and has called for the end to the

    criminalization, marginalization and

    stigmatization of users. Report of the Global

    Commission on Drug Policy

  • 8/2/2019 4/ 20 Things You Should Know About Drug Policy


    8. Portugal drug law success

    After ten years, Portugal's decriminalization

    and treatment of drug users has cut the

    number of "problematic" addicts by half. AFP,


    9. Central America discusses legalization

    Growing frustration over crime and corruption

    in Guatemala, Panama and Costa Rica,among other countries, has led them to

    consider legalization. Los Angeles Times,


    10. US states to vote on marijuana

    Voters in Washington and Colorado will decide

    whether to legalize possession and allow trade

    of cannabis this coming November. - Drug

    Policy Alliance, 2.27.12

    11. Drug violence in Mexico

    In 2011 alone, there were around 16,700 drug-

    related murders in Mexico. Since 2006, there

    has been some 50,000 drug-related killings in

    the country. BBC News, 12.31.11

    12. US War on Drugs

    Despite spending over US$ 2.5 trillion on the

    War on Drugs for the past 40 years, the number

    of drug users has steadily risen in America to

    19.9 million people. TIME, 3.25.09

    13. Alcohol problemAlcohol is the world's 3rd largest risk factor for

    premature mortality, disability and loss of

    health, resulting in 2.5 million deaths each year.

    World Health Organization

    14. Cigarette profits

    Smoking caused six million deaths in 2010,

    contributing earnings amounting to US$ 35.1

    billionequal to the combined profits of Coca-

    Cola, Microsoft & McDonald's. Tobacco Atlas

    in Rappler, 3.22.12

    15. Science should serve as basis for drug


    International academics and health experts

    argue that criminalization enriches organized

    crime, escalates violence and increases health

    risks. Vienna Declaration

    16. International bodies call for harm reduction

    The UNODC, Red Cross & Red Crescent have

    all called on national health authorities for

    harm reduction interventions, specifically

    needle and syringe exchanges, and

    substitution therapy. International Federationof Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies,


    17. New psychoactive drugs

    Consumption of unregulated drugs or "legal

    highs," some of which include piperazines,

    cathinones, synthetic cannabinoids,

    tryptamines and phenethylamines, offset the

    gains in tackling global use of cocaine and

    heroin. BBC News, 6.23.11

    18. Medical applications of psychedelics

    The US Food and Drug Administration has

    approved limited research into the benefits of

    psychedelic drugs such as MDMA, LSD and

    psilocybin. "Ecstasy" is noted to have potential

    therapeutic value for treating sex abuse

    victims and post-traumatic stress disorder

    (PTSD). Multidisciplinary Association for

    Psychedelic Studies in Voice of America,


    19. Medicinal cannabis studiesCannabis is now known to help in pain,

    multiple sclerosis and other health problems.

    Financial and legal challenges to researchers

    of medicinal marijuana, though, leave huge

    gaps in knowledge. Voice of San Diego,


    20. Akei Drug Policy Program

    Help build the case for harm reduction,

    decriminalization and legalization in the

    Philippines! Akei needs your help to informmore people, gather research materials and

    challenge prevailing ideas to change national

    drug policy. Add us on Facebook, Twitter

    and/or Tumblr, or send an email to

    [[email protected]] to know more.

    ANABISDrug Policy ProgramKanabis Initiative

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