  • 8/13/2019 4051433 Appointment Letter



    ndustries NeedsDate: 27/5/2011


    2051-2/5 Fifth Street



    Ph: #$#%%$0250

    Sub:&etter of offer for the position onBusiness '(e)uti*e.

    Dear Balaji+

    ,his has referen)e to !our appli)ation an the suseuent inter*ie !ou ha ith our"r.Satheesh umar for the ao*e )aptione pla)ement in our oraniation.

    3e are please to inform !ou that !ou ha*e een sele)te for the position of Business Executive

    an !ou ill e hea uartere at "aurai on the folloin terms an )onitions.

    1. 4our esination ill e Business e(e)uti*e. 4ou shoul report to the ut! on 1stJune

    20112. 4ou ill e pai a )onsoliate salar! of s. 13500/-6upees 'iht ,housan fi*e

    hunre onl! 8 9on*enien)e 8 "oile '(penses.

    . 4ou ill e on proation for a perio of ; months after su))essful 9ompletion of the

    proationar! perio !our ser*i)es ill e )onfirme in the oraniation.

    %. 4ou ill e reportin to Sales "anaer on a!-to-a! asis of !our oraniation.

    5. 4ou are a))ountale for ,arets on Sales < 9olle)tions month to month.

    ;. =ppointment of super Dealers an Distriutors in !our i*en reion is !our primar!responsiilit!.

    7. 4our performan)e of a)hie*in the taret is the prime )o-orination of this appointment


    $. 4ou nee to sumit >proje)t plan of a)tion? an a)hie*ement for our re)or to re*ie the


    =s a to@en a))eptan)e of this letter+ please sin the )op! of this letter an sent to us immeiatel!.

    3ith Best 3ishes+

    9.Satheesh umar

    "anain Dire)tor

  • 8/13/2019 4051433 Appointment Letter



    Moosapet, Hyderabad.Ph: 98483 29242

    Sub:Letter of offer for the position on Sales Officer.

    ear Sreedhar,

    !his has reference to yo"r application and the s"bse#"ent inter$ie% yo" had%ith o"r Mr.S"resh &"'ar for the abo$e captioned place'ent in o"ror(ani)ation.

    *e are pleased to infor' yo" that yo" ha$e been selected for the position ofSales Officer and yo" %ill be head #"artered at Hyderabad on the follo%in(

    ter's and conditions.

    +. o"r desi(nation %ill be sales officer. o" sho"ld report to the d"ty on1stece'ber 2--

    2. o" %ill be paid a consolidated salary of /s. 8500/-0 /"pees 1i(ht!ho"sand fi$e h"ndred only on$enience Mobile 15pensis.

    3. o" %ill be on probation for a period of 6 'onths after s"ccessf"lo'pletion of the probationary period yo"r ser$ices %ill be confir'ed

    in the or(ani)ation.

    4. o" %ill be reportin( to Sales Mana(er on day7to7day basis of yo"ror(ani)ation.

    . o" are acco"ntable for !ar(ets of /s. 5la&hs on Slaes ollections

    'onth to 'onth.6. ppoint'ent of ealers and istrib"tors in yo"r (i$en re(ion is yo"r

    pri'ary responsibility.. o" are liable to be transferred any %here in ;ndia .

    8. o"r perfor'ance of achie$in( the tar(et is the pri'e co7ordination ofthis appoint'ent letter.

    9. o" need to s"b'it < pro=ect plan of action> and achie$e'ent for o"rrecord to re$ie% the sa'e.

    Ho%e$er a detailed appoint'ent letter %ill follo% in d"e co"rse of ti'e. s ato&en acceptance of this letter , please si(n the copy of this letter and co"rierto "s i''ediately.

    *ith ?est *ishes,

    @or pe5 ;nd"stries

    .Satheesh A"'ar

  • 8/13/2019 4051433 Appointment Letter


    Mana(in( irector

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