

Rules pack 2015



Team 750pp

[email protected]

LOTR Utrecht is onderdeel van

Stichting Spel en Dans


Version May 2015

General information


Clubgebouw Vijverkwartier

Thorbeckelaan 5

3705 KJ Zeist

Signing up and cancellation

Signing up is necessary to join our events. This can be done at or by sending an e-mail to

[email protected] at least three days before the event.

Cancellation can be done in the same way as signing up by using the same page, or by

sending an email to the organization.

After signing up, the entrance fee has to be paid via bank transfer at least three days before

the event.

NL38INGB0006733173 t.n.v. Stichting Spel en Dans

If a participant did not cancel at least three days before the weekend and doesn’t show up at

the event, there will be no restitution of the entrance fee.

Signing up for spectators is not necessary.

If, on the day of the event, it turns out you are unable to come, or if you are delayed, please

contact the organization by calling to 06-15545428.


Entrance fee bank transfer Entrance fee at the cash register

3 days before the weekend at the event day

donors category A

1st day of the month: free free

2nd and 3rd day: €5,- €7,-

Sat. evening*: free free

donors category B

1st day of the month: free free

2nd and 3rd day: free free

Sat. evening*: free free


1st day of the month: €8,- €10,-

2nd and 3rd day: €7,- €9,-

Sat. evening*: €5,- €7,-

*free if participating in the Saturday or Sunday event

Newly added or

altered text.


Overnight stay

It is possible to stay overnight at the location, which might be practical for those who have

to travel far and wish to participate on both days of the event or stay a long time on the

Saturday evening. The overnight stay will take place in the tournament room in between the

tables. It is very much appreciated if the participant brings his own air matrass. There are,

however, mattresses present at the location which can be used after reservation. Sleeping

bags and pillows are not present and therefore need to be brought along by the participant.

The location contains no showers.

Things that need to be brought along


- your army and army list

- publications of all models in your army

- entrance fee (unless paid in advance)

Not essential but allowed (preferably marked):

- personal dice and templates

- personal tape-measure

- Psychic power cards

Things to take care of

- bank transfer of entrance fee

- sending in armylist

- sleeping materials if staying the night (mattress, sleeping bag, …)

- lunch

Things that are taken care of

- coffee and tea (free)

- printed scenario’s

- tables with scenery

- dice and templates

- tape-measures

- FAQ’s

- tray for transporting models

-Tactical Objective Cards


Participants are expected to bring their own food. There is a Jumbo supermarket nearby

(open on Saturday until 9 p.m., Sundays 12-18) and a snack bar / Chinese take-away.

A fridge and a microwave are present at the location which can be used freely.


Due to the increasing amount of digital material tablets are allowed and need to be

sufficiently charged. Tablets can also be used for the and publications such as codexes and


armybooks. Due to the size laptops are not allowed.

IMPORTANT: bringing tablets to our events is at the owners own risk.

Casual event

The events of LOTR Utrecht, including the tournaments, hold the fun of playing and

sportsmanship in high regard. Though it is always attempted to place equally experienced

players against each other so they can fully enjoy their game on their own level, new and

young gamers are equally welcome to have a great time participating.

So called “cheesy” armies and a “cheesy” way of playing are not appreciated.

Random winners

At the end of each event an additional winner will be randomly selected from all participants

present to enable everyone a chance to go home with a prize. Of course, those who have

already won a prize, and the members of the organization are excluded from this.


The members of the organization…

-enjoy the hobby as much as any of us and try to participate in the games when possible.

They can even form teams with non-organization participants.

-will not be able to win prizes by participating in our events.

-will have their ranking of the event they participated in displayed to show their


-are the reserve players and will miss games to even the number of players.

-are the only ones allowed on the platform and into the storage room. Participants are only

allowed there on invitation.

-are available for help, questions and judgement calls.

For each tournament, one of the members of the organization is designated the referee. He

is the primary judge for the game and he is available for questions about the game and the


Important: All participants are expected to follow the guidelines given by the organization

and to abide their decisions during the events.


In case of questions about the rules of the game please use one of the following means to

obtain an answer:

- the rulebook

- the supplemental book

- the official errata (accessible at the public laptop during the event)

- the forum on our web site

- an email to the organization

It is also possible to ask your question to the organization during the events.

Please do not interrupt the other players in their game!


Collective clear-up

At the end of every event we will collectively clear up the materials. The organization will

hand out crates in which the materials can be stored. Each crate has a label saying what

materials should be put in which crate. When in doubt where to put something, please ask a

member of the organization. Mind that a full crate is a full crate. If scenery is crammed in the

crates the scenery might get damaged.

Only members of the organization are allowed in the storage room.


Any trash is to be put in the trashcan (near the bar) as soon as possible and used dishes to be

cleaned immediately. This way the gaming area will stay clean and neat. Because the

materials on the playing tables stain easily, food and drinks should under no circumstances

be placed on them. Empty tables, shelves along the walls and the bar can be used to place

the food and drinks on.

Please do not put things like bags in the walkways and only place models and other playing

materials on the gaming tables.

Please close the gate behind you when you pass through.

Alcohol and drugs prohibition

Alcohol and drugs are not allowed in the building and on the surrounding terrain.

Participants and visitors are not allowed to consume alcohol and use drugs during the event

both on the terrain and outside of it, including Saturday evening. Also, participants and

visitors are not allowed on the terrain if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is

prohibited to smoke inside the building and next to open doors. Smoking is allowed on the

terrain and outside of it.


The organization is not liable for damage or theft of properties of participants or visitors.

All participants are expected to have their own health insurance and carry the insurance

card with them, in case an emergency happens.


The Tournament

Timetable 3 round-tournaments

8.00 Opening location

9.30 – 9.45 Check-in

10.00 Word of welcome

10.15 – 12.45 Round 1

12.45 Lunch break/painting

13.15 – 15.45 Round 2

16.00 – 18.30 Round 3

18.45 Award ceremony

19.00 Collective clear-up

19.30 Evening program (Saturday only)

Army construction

7th edition

We strive to make the armies more balanced and more fun to play with and against.

Therefor all armies are required to adhere to the following which is an adaptation of the ITC


-750pts per player, 1500 in total

-Battle Forged armies, only. No Unbound lists.

-One Warlord for the entire team. Units of the teammember can benefit from the Warlord

trait only if the ally table allows it.

-An army may be built using up to three Detachments divided over both players.

-An army may not have a duplicate of any Detachment except that both players of a team

may use a CAD for this team tournament.

This includes “Decurion Style” Detachments which are comprised of multiple datasheets and

Formations. They may not take duplicate Formations within the Detachment, although they

make take duplicate Data Slate units within the Detachment if permitted to do so.

-An allied Detachment may be the same faction as the Primary Detachment (but must be

used by the same player as the Primary Detachment).

-A Detachment may not be included in an army if it is Come the Apocalypse allies with

another Detachment in the army.

-All current source material is allowed, including GW Codexes, Data Slates, Formations, and

current Forge World units and army lists which are listed below. These units must always use

the newest rules available to them.

-Army lists in Imperial Armor 13: War Machines of the Lost and the Damned:

Renegades and Heretics

-Army lists in Imperial Armor 14: The Siege of Vraks: The Death Korps of Krieg and


Renegades of Vraks

-Armylists in the Horus Heresy series. IMPORTANT: Units from 30k and 40k may not

be mixed in an army, not even if they are different detachments. All unit must come

from 30k, or all units must come from 40k. Some 30k units stated as Heavy Support

of Knights are considered LoW for this event (see appendix 1)

-Regardless of Detachments, no more than 1 Fortification and/or 1 Lord of War may be

taken from the allowed LoW list per team. The minimum armyvalue of 2000 required for

Heresy armies to incorporate a LoW can be ignored.

Note: The exception to this rule is Imperial Knights. One detachment in your army may

include an Imperial Knight. So long as the detachment restrictions allow for multiple LoW,

you may exceed the 0-1 LoW restriction within this detachment so long as all other LoW are

also Imperial Knights. This counts for both the 30k as the 40k Knights armylist. However, if

one detachment contains knights, other detachments may not contain LoW’s.

-If one player has a Super Heavy/Gargantuan LoW and the other does not, the player

without can roll on the Escalation Warlord Table and gains +1 to Seize the Initiative. For

every 3 Hull Points/Wounds dealt to a LoW, the player dealing the damage earns a bonus

victory point.

-A complete list of allowed Super Heavy of Gargantuan Creature LoW’s can be found in

appendix 1 as well as a note on fortifications. All other types of LoW are allowed (though

they still count towards the maximum of 1).

-The use of units with experimental rules (which are not yet published in official documents)

can be requested at the organisation which will determine whether they are allowed.

Rules Alterations

-With any saving throw of a 2+ that can be rerolled, if the first roll is failed, the reroll is failed

on the second roll of a 1,2 or 3.

-The Invisibility psychic power is altered to read: units shooting at the Invisible unit do so at

BS1, and hit it in melee on a 5+.

-Damage from a Stomp attack that results in a 6 on the Stomp Table can be passed off of an

effected model with a successful Look Out Sir roll, if the target model can normally take a

Look Out, Sir test.

-Ranged D weapons use the following damage table, replacing that listed in the rule book.

Note: D Weapons with the Distort Scythe special rule still subtract 1 from the table below.

-Roll of a 1: No damage occurs.

Roll of a 2-5: Target model takes D2 wounds, or hull points with a penetrating hit.

Roll of a 6: Target model takes 2 automatic wounds with no saves allowed, or D2 hull

points with a penetrating hit with no saves allowed. This attack never inflicts instant

death, regardless of the target model’s toughness.


Score summary


At this tournament there are 3 prizes to win:

-1st place

-2nd place

-Best Army

Bonus and victory points

3-30 bonus points

1-3 sportsmanship points per opponent depending on the how enjoyable the game was

0-3 signing up in advance

0-3 arriving on time

0-5 points sending in correct armylist on time

0-10 points for painted army

1-20 victory points per game depending on result

50% reduction of end total

Not bringing full ruleset

Using incorrect models

Using units not (yet) allowed

Playing with a (partly) different army than send in beforehand.

Playing with an illegal army


The organisation can use the 50% point reduction for other (unforeseen) reasons.

Bonus points (3-30 points)

One of the elements we hold in high regard is the sportsmanship of the players. Together,

the players will create a game which is enjoyable to both and which includes having a fully

painted army. Signing up on time and sending in the correct armylist is a helps the event go



At the end of the tournament, each player will receive a form with his or her opponents.

Each player will give points to all of them: 3 points for the opponent with whom you have

played the most enjoyable game this day, 2 points for the next, and 1 point for the least

enjoyable game. Please remember that being granted 1 point does not necessarily mean the

game was not enjoyable, but other games were even better.


Signing up

Having signed up at least 2 weeks before the event will grant 3 points!

Arriving on time

For a smooth start of the tournament having all participants present on time is crucial.

Therefore, arriving before the check-in time will grant another 3 points.

Sending in armylists

Armylists have to be checked before the tournament. Sending in your armylist to

[email protected] at least seven days before the tournament will grant 5 points if the

list is in complete accordance with the rules. Participants will receive feedback if their list is

incorrect, which has to be corrected and sent in again at least three days before the

tournament. The 2 points will still be granted if this second version is correct.

A correct armylist is constructed using the following information:

-Name player

-Total points

-Used books/sources

-List of units and the selected upgrades with point values, listed per element (Troop, etc)

This armylist should not contain stats, special rules and such.

An example armylist can be found in appendix 1

Armylist to be used

Players need to have an armylist with them during the games. This copy must at least

contain the same elements as the one handed in, but may contain more elements,

depending on the participants wishes. This copy may also be a digital version on a tablet.


Painted armies

It is always more enjoyable to play with, and against a fully painted army. Therefore the

following amounts of points are awarded for this effort.

0 Less than half of the models are painted and based

5 More than half of the models are painted and based

10 All models are painted and based

Victory points (1-20 points per game)

Different elements such as killing units (each 250 points worth of destroyed units is worth

one point,) and claiming objectives will lead to victory points. This will vary between

scenarios. The difference in victory points between players will result in the final score.

Units that are not part of the original army but are added during the game (such as

summoning) could still grant victory points.

Victory Points difference Mission Result

0 10-10

1 12-8

2 14-6

3-4 16-4

5-6 18-2

7+ 20-1


Participants need to bring a full ruleset with them. This includes the following:

-Main rulebook


-Other relevant publications such as supplements or Forgeworld books

-Relevant FAQ’s and Errata

-Personal armylist

Of all units used (including summoned units) the official rules need to be brought along.

When units appear in multiple publications the newest version takes precedence. New

publications can be used at the next tournament that is at least one full month after the

official release. If a player does not have a full ruleset with him/her there will be a 50%

reduction to all tournament points earned.

Instead of the physical books, the players may also use digital versions on tablets or



What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG)

To avoid confusion it is necessary that all units are correctly represented. Check the table

below to see whether your models are WYSIWYG. When in doubt, please contact the


If a player does not have the correct models there will be a 50% reduction to all tournament

points earned.

Official models

Official models for the unit, provided that they are equipped with the weapons and wargear chosen in the army list and need to be based on a base of the correct size either the base the model is supplied with or the most recent version is used. All similar models within the army must be based equally.

Counts-as Models that are not the official model for a certain unit entry but have similar size, and need to be based on the base provided with the newest version they represent (or have the same size themselves in the case of models without a base). These may be models from the same or different game systems and/or companies or may be scratch-built. Weapons and wargear need to be recognizable on the model but may be represented in a way that is not standard (e.g. a jumppack is represented by wings), provided that representations are consistent throughout the army. In cases where placement of weapons is relevant (e.g. on vehicles and fortifications) the weapons must be placed approximately correctly so as not to be considered 'modelling for advantage'. All similar models within the army must be based equally.


Proxy Models used as stand-in that are unequal to the correct model in terms of size, base or weapons/wargear. In tournaments these types of models are not allowed and the organization can ask you to remove them from the army or to replace them with the correct models if available. The organization will be less strict in upholding this category if a new player is building up his first army, but this must be made known in advance.


Best Army

During the first round, three teams will be nominated by the organization to display their

army during the lunch break on a battlefield of the teams’s choice. All teams will vote on

their favourite army for the Best Army award during the lunch break.

Painting and conversion techniques, overall look and details are all taken into consideration

when nominating the three armies.

Only fully constructed, fully painted and fully based armies can be nominated for the Best

Army award.

Allocating opponents and tables

The organization determines the table and opponent of each participant for every round. In

the first round however the opponents and tables will be determined randomly. From round

2 on the “swiss” system will be used. In addition to the pairing provided by this system we

want to enlarge the diversity of games in the following ways: participants will play against as

many different opponents as possible, and will play on as many different tables as possible.

Participants who are known to play with other participants regularly outside of our events

will be placed together as little as possible (if new to our events, please inform the

organization about this).


Before the event all tables are prepared. Each table has its own scenario and matching

scenery. This will not be changed during the event.

The organization has a large collection of scenarios to choose from, which are chosen during

the preparation. No player will know in advance which scenario he is going to play.

Scenarios will have varying main objectives. Some are more focused on destruction of the

opponent’s forces, others are more focused on objective markers. To save time during the

event, objective markers will be placed by the organization.

Preparation of a game

During preparation the players review the scenario and the playing field including

categorization of scenery i.e. what is difficult terrain, area terrain etc.

When the armies are placed on the table the participants can familiarize themselves with

their opponent’s army. It is allowed to ask questions about the units and models.


Ending the game

After the goals of the scenario are achieved, the maximum of turns has been reached or

when a complete game turn is finished and there is no time for another complete game turn

before the end time of the round, the game ends.

The scores need to be determined (the required information for doing so can be found on

the scenario card) and need to be handed in by using the designated forms before the set

time for that game runs out. Participants who do not hand in their score before the game

time runs out will be given a score of 0.

There will be a 30 minute and a 5 minute mark to notify players about the time left for that

round. Players should only start a new game turn if they are confident it can be completed

before time runs out. When the time has run out no new scores will be accepted.

All for fun, and fun for all


Appendix 1 Allowed LoW’s

Adepta Sororitas

Cerastus Knights: Acheron, Castigator, Lancer

Marauder Bomber: NOTE: No Hellstorm Bombs may be taken.

Marauder Destroyer

Astra Militarum




Captain Maximillian Weiseman

Cerastus Knights: Acheron, Castigator, Lancer

Crassus Armored Assault Carrier

Dominus Armored Siege Bombard


Gorgon Heavy Transporter

Fortress of Arrogance

Macharius: Heavy Tank, Vanquisher, Vulcan, Omega

Malcador: Heavy Tank, Annihilator, Deffender

Marauder Bomber: NOTE: No Hellstorm Bombs may be taken.

Marauder Destroyer

Minotaur Artillery Tank




Valdor Tank Hunter


Chaos Fellblade

Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne

Khorne Lord of Skulls



Lynx NOTE: May not take Sonic Lance

Grey Knights

Cerastus Knights: Acheron, Castigator, Lancer

Marauder Bomber: NOTE: No Hellstorm Bombs may be taken.

Marauder Destroyer


Gauss Pylon



Tessaract Vault


Gargantuan Squiggoth

Kustom Battle Fortress

Kill Krusha Tank

Kill Blasta

Lifta Wagon


Big Mek Stompa NOTE: Big Mek Buzzgob pays full points for his Stompa upgrade, not those

listed in his profile.

Space Marines

Note: No Space marine Lord of War may take the Battle of Kyelek Legacy of Glory

Cerastus Knights: Acheron, Castigator, Lancer

Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer


Marauder Bomber: NOTE: No Hellstorm Bombs may be taken.

Marauder Destroyer


Orca Dropship

Tiger Shark Fighter Bomber


Heirodule: Barbed and Scythed

Horus Heresy Legions

Legion Fellblade Super-Heavy Tank

Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank

Legion Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer

Legion Malcador Assault Tank

Legion Glaive Super-heavy Special Weapons Tank

Legion Falchion Super-heavy Tank Destroyer

Legion Stormblade Super-heavy Tank

Horus Heresy Solar Auxilia

Auxilia Baneblade Super-heavy Battle Tank

Auxilia Malcador Heavy Tank (Heavy Support LoW)

Auxilia Shadowsword Super-Heavy Tank

Auxilia Stormblade Super-heavy Tank

Auxilia Stormhammer Super-heavy Assault Tank


Auxilia Stormlord Super-heavy Assault Tank

Auxilia Valdor Tank Hunter (Heavy Support LoW)

Auxilia Malcador Infernus Special Weapons Tank is not allowed, even though it is not a

LoW in the Heresy series.

Horus Heresy Mechanicum

Imperial Avenger Strike Fighter

Mechanicum Questoris Knights

Mechanicum Cerastus Knight-Lancer

Horus Heresy Questoris Knight Crusade

Questoris Knight Paladin (Knight LoW)

Questoris Knight Errant (Knight LoW)

Questoris Knight Magaera (Knight LoW)

Questoris Knight Styrix (Knight LoW)

Cerastus Knight-Lancer (Knight LoW)

Cerastus Knight-Castigator (Knight LoW)

Cerastus Knight-Acheron (Knight LoW)

Note on Fortifications

-All fortification data slates and upgrades from the Stronghold Assault book are legal except

the Macro Cannon Aquila Strongpoint, the Vortex Missile Aquila Strongpoint and the

Imperial Castellum Stronghold, which are not allowed.

-No Fortification Networks may be taken.


Appendix 2 Example Armylist to be send in ([email protected])

George Gamer



Codex: Astra Militarum; Codex: Imperial Knights; Stronghold Assault

Combined Arms Detachment (Primary Detachment)


HQ Company Command Squad 60 115

Officer of the Fleet 20

Regimental Standard 15

Medi-pack 15

Vox-caster 5

TR Veterans 60 170

Heavy Weapon team with Mortar 5

Vox-caster 5

3x Meltagun 30

DT Chimera 65

Dozer Blade 5

TR Veterans 60 100

Heavy Weapon team with Lascannon 20

Vox-caster 5

3x Sniper Rifle 15

EL Ratlings 30 30

FA Hellhound Squadron

3x Hellhound 375 375

HS Leman Russ Squadron

Leman Russ Punisher 140 160

Heavy bolter sponsons 20

Fort Imperial Bastion 75 155

Gun Emplacement with Icarus Lascannon 35

2x Barricades 20

Void Shield 25

Imperial Knight Detachment


KN Knight Paladin 375 375

KN Knight Errant 370 370


Appendix 3 Donorship of the gaming club

Why become a donor (NL: donateur)?

Our gaming club strives to create enjoyable events and the donors are its core. They are

involved in most of its activities, proofread documents and provide a constant stream of

feedback for the organization to further improve the events. Being a donor creates a

stronger bond with the club and thus increases the fun experienced during our weekends.

Advantages of a donorship

-Discount on the events.

-Discount at our sponsor Subcultures

-Access to donor pages of the website

-Access to donor part of the forum

-Access to the donorship meeting to discuss changes for the next year

-Optional membership of commissions

-Proofreading of rulepacks and providing feedback

-Contributing financially to the continuation of the gaming club and her events

Donor category A

-A monthly donation of at least €7,- via automatic bank transfer to the foundation: Stichting

Spel en Dans, NL38INGB0006733173

-First day of the month free entrance, €2,00 discount on other events.

Donor category B

-A monthly donation of at least €10,- via automatic bank transfer to the foundation:

Stichting Spel en Dans, NL38INGB0006733173

-Free entrance on all events.

How to become a donor

During the events signup forms are available. In the case of a minor, one of the

parents/guardians need to sign as well. The donorship starts the month in which the first

donation is made.

How to cancel donorship

Canceling your donorship can be done by sending an email to the organization

([email protected]) at least 1 week before the next donation is made. The automatic

bank transfer has to be stopped by the donor. The foundation is not obligated to return any

donations made after cancelling the donorship.


Appendix 4 Armies, miniatures and bits of the gaming club

Borrowing armies

At the gaming club we have collected several armies of the games we organize events for.

These can be used by members of the organization and participants alike. New players can

use these to learn the game or fill in the gaps of their still incomplete army to help them

create an army usable during our events.

The organization can use these armies to give demonstrations or enter the tournament to

even out the number of participants.

Beginners support

At the club we have a collection of models which is especially intended to be used to help

new players build up their army by donating a couple of relevant miniatures from this

collection to that player.

Participants can help us with this project by donating miniatures especially with this in mind.


Every player is on an everlasting hunt for usable bits while producing a fair amount of spare

parts that are less useful. We have a bitbox at the club in which the participants can search

freely. Of course, there is a price to pay for taking bits from the bitbox. A donation in the

form of bits has to be made with an approximate value and amount of twice that of what is

taken. In this way the bitbox will remain full and will have an ever changing content.


Appendix 5 Location and directions


Clubgebouw Vijverkwartier

Thorbeckelaan 5

3705 KJ Zeist

Travelling by car

From Utrecht

When leaving Utrecht take the Utrechtseweg (direction Zeist). Turn left to the

Amersfoortseweg and then turn right to the Panweg. After the viaduct straight ahead on the

round-about. Then the first road on the right without traffic lights is the Thorbeckelaan.

There is a sufficient amount of parking space in the vicinity. It is however not allowed to park

in the park surrounding the terrain. Parking places are available along the road and, under

special circumstances, on the terrain itself.

From the A28/E30

The map above shows the highway A28/E30 at the exit to Zeist. Follow the direction Zeist on

the Boulevard. Turn right at the crossing, onto De Dreef. Turn left onto the Panweg at the

round-about. The first road on the right without traffic lights is the Thorbeckelaan.

Travelling with public transport

From Utrecht Central station it is about 20 minutes by bus (± €2,- with the ov-chip card) and

a 5 minute walk to the location. Busses 52 and 53 depart regularly in the direction of Zeist.

The bus stop closest to the location is L-flat in Zeist.

After getting off the bus, walk on the cycling path next to the road in the direction the bus

continues until you reach a path on the right. Take the path and turn right onto a forest path

when a play court turns up on your left. A short way ahead you can already see the fence

surrounding the terrain. The gate is on the other side of the terrain.

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