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APRIL 2017

UFO Ensures High-speed 4PS Construct Implementation at Van Wijnen

Page 2: 4PS MAGAZINE Magazine April 2017.pdf · Preface Index UFO Ensures High-speed 4PS Construct 4 Implementation at Van Wijnen 10 14 Featuring the 4PS Field Service App Management (Service


UFO Ensures High-speed 4PS Construct Implementation at Van Wijnen 4


Featuring the 4PS Field Service App14Management (Service Locations)

on the 4PS Document PortalEvents on the PIP | Sprint review sessies


Mobile First! Increased Mobility, More Apps 12


Please find before you the 2017 spring issue of the 4PS Magazine. Time flies, don’t you think? It certainly does during an implementation project. We are very proud to have recently added Van Wijnen to our customer base. Van Wijnen (over 1,700 employees and 25 offices) had the ambitious plan to transfer all offices to 4PS Construct within a one year time frame. This requi-res great professionalism from the customer’s organization. This edition of the 4PS Magazine describes the way in which this goal was achieved and the role of ‘4PS Best Practices’.

Technological Developments Time flies and technological developments are equally moving at the speed of light: Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), 3D Printing, Robotics etc. All these terms may have already become part of your vocabulary. It may still seem far off, but in reality it is closer than it seems and its impact should not be underestimated. It is up to us to, together with our clients, come up with applications for these technologies in the building industry. We have taken our first steps in IoT, we are testing VR and our BIM bridge functionality continues to grow.

Cooperation with Housing AssociationsBesides the development of new technologies we remain focused on work efficiency as a result of process optimization. Among other things, you will find an article on the cooperation with housing associations in this magazine. Together with our customers, we have realized a connection which makes providing efficient service possible.

Graphical Resource Planning Recently, we have also launched a great product for the civil engineering industry. This product is an important step towards improving our clients’ management expenses. How can this benefit your business?

4PS Apps StrategyOur loyal followers may have already noticed that we have been releasing more apps. As the smart phone has become commonplace, it is of great importance to provide our customers with device independent functionality. We believe developing apps is the way to go about this. Andre Overeem sheds light on our strategy with respect to this subject and elaborates on our latest product in this category: the 4PS Field Service App. During the development of this app, our focus was on intuitive use. We have tried to put ourselves in the mechanic’s shoes as much as possible. The result is a wonderful product!

I would like to conclude with a word of gratitude for your faith in 4PS. We take great pride in our customers and by continually investing in innovations, we hope to remain an important business partner for you.

Wim JansenGeneral Manager 4PS International

From Order to InvoiceAutomated message exchange between

builders and housing associations

Introducing the 4PS Graphical Resource PlanningOrganized, integral and fully graphical

4PS MAGAZINE COLOPHONThis magazine informs you about the developments regarding to ICT and ERP, our 4PS Construct solution and complementary solutions of our partners. Intended for the Installation, Service & Maintenance, Civil Engineering and Construction Industry.

Final editing: 4PS – Editorial Text: Pieter van Kesteren – Production & Design: Meurs Grafische Vormgeving Photography: Paulien Varkevisser – Print: BDU print

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‘Van Wijnen goes beyond building. We believe that working together, acting proactively and sharing knowledge are the key to success. This is reflected in the way in which we managed the entire process, from development to maintenance and management. Housing construction is closest to our hearts. Our motto is ‘Building room for a better life together’ and we try to think from the point of view of our customer’s customer. When developing a school building, we look at the project from the perspective of the students and teachers who will be using the building. This is very much one of our priorities and I believe we take this further than many other companies do. Our local

anchoring plays a significant role in this. Colleagues working from 25 locations nationwide, all know exactly what is going on and are therefore able to respond to issues related to working, caring, learning and recreation.’

4PS presented the best ‘best practice’ ‘When I joined Van Wijnen in 2008, the company was in the process of reassessing its automation. Developments with the previous supplier had already come to a halt and for the missing ERP functionality, best of breed solutions were sought and found. We decided to keep the existing ERP system for the time being, but would continue to explore alternatives for the future. It was clear to us that Microsoft was to form the basis of the new software, as we are a Microsoft oriented company. Together with the Microsoft and Deloitte consultants and independent of vendors, we made a choice between two Microsoft platforms: Dynamics AX and Dynamics NAV. We preferred Dynamics NAV, first and foremost because NAV comes with a 90% standard setup as opposed to 30% in the case of AX. Furthermore, NAV already had two suppliers in the Netherlands that were active in the building industry, which meant a standard product for our business operation was instantly available to us Both vendors – 4PS and a second party – subsequently presented their ‘best practice’. Our choice for 4PS was primarily based on their excellent presentation. Their best practice was more complete and with their array of modules 4PS offered the

With 25 offices all over the country and over 1,500 employees, Van Wijnen is one of the largest building companies in the Netherlands. For the selection and implementation of their new ERP software they chose the road less travelled. Usually, vendors come into play early on in the selection process. However, Van Wijnen chose to get them involved at the latest possible stage of this process. This selection process, part of a company-wide improvement program by the name of UFO (Uniformize, Standardize and Optimize) took longer than expected. The pace of the actual implementation of 4PS Construct, however, greatly surprised everyone, 4PS included. Raoul Fokkema has been Head of ICT with the company since 2008. He explains why Van Wijnen opted for this strategy and how the remarkable outcome was a direct result of the chosen course of action.

UFO Ensures High-speed 4PS Construct Implementation at Van Wijnen

Raoul Fokkema, Head of ICT at Van Wijnen

‘Housing construction is closest to our hearts’

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widest range, covering the majority of our business processes. We also visited a number of other companies and requested references, which yielded positive results as well. During the first few months of 2016, we subjected 4PS’s best practice to a ‘proof of concept’. A work group of our own experts was formed to assess the 4PS best practice with regards to our internal work processes. After a period of thorough testing and incorporating the necessary modifications, 4PS presented the setup to all management teams and work group project managers in March 2016. After the presentation, we asked 4PS to leave the room so that we could, among ourselves, answer the question: does this product offer sufficient potential and do we want to proceed with this vendor? The answer was yes!Together with six work groups, convening on a weekly basis, we subsequently started fine-tuning the setup. We reached the point of signing contracts just before the builders holiday.’

Making a decision independently and based on our own insights‘The selection process took a relatively long time. This was partly due to our strong desire not to involve suppliers until the very last phase of the selection process. While we respected their expertise, we wanted to be influenced by vendors as little as possible. We wanted to make our decisions based on our own insights. We were able to rely on the Microsoft and Deloitte consultants for assistance. Together with them, we looked at what Van Wijnen wished to achieve in the future and which products would be most suited to meet these goals.

On the other hand, we wanted to make sure we prepared thoroughly and carefully. Failing to do so might shorten the selection process, but may result in a more complex and time consuming implementation. The good news is that our implementation process went more quickly than usual. Based on previous experiences with other customers, 4PS expected the process to take three years. Deloitte also questioned our plan to

be fully operational within a one year time frame. Nevertheless, we said we wanted to go live with four of our offices in November 2016! The fact that we achieved this goal is mainly due to the tremendous effort and high level of knowledge of all work groups and the 4PS team involved in the entire project. We were able to continually call upon the expertise of the best people within our organization.’

Exciting‘We planned to commence migration in September 2016, so as to start with four offices in the central part of the country, following a last trial period. This proved so successful that we were confident to have all other offices go live at the same time two months later, on 16 January 2017. This was quite a big deal, 900 users making the transformation at once. A first for 4PS as well. The most exciting was the migration of our service desk during the Christmas holiday. On 1 January, our craftsmen needed to be able to use the new app. It was especially tense because of the fact that, while 4PS Mobile was running perfectly on Microsoft tablets, on our iPads is was not. For this, we were relying on the development of the new 4PS Field Service App. Thanks to a huge effort by 4PS, this was achieved also. After migrating all data in the previous weekend, all offices went live on Monday, 16 January 2017.

Pushing Boundaries‘It has been approximately three months since the implementation and thus far almost everything is running smoothly. In retrospect, we do wonder if we prepared the rest of the organization sufficiently. We believe we made every effort to do so, with the help of the 4PS consultants. However, the question is whether our people are truly aware of what they are missing and what they are getting in return. The fact that the number of calls is reducing, is a good sign. This means that our offices are fully capable of handling potential questions and issues themselves. As of 1 March the project status has officially come to an end and we have since progressed to a management environment. 4PS is still finishing up a number of modules, such as project development, Sales in Construct and the implementation of Power BI. Also, we are trying to determine whether some matters can be improved and whether training courses are required. These activities all fit the ‘O’ of UFO: optimize, which is our focus for this year. This is, of course, an ongoing process. We will continue to push boundaries and raise the bar.’

The main office of Van Wijnen in Baarn, the Netherlands

‘This was quite a big deal, 900 users

making the transformation

at once’

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Recently we announced a pilot by 4PS and a number of customers involving the exchange of messages between housing associations and builders based on Dutch standards. The pilot phase has come to an end and the connection is now operational with two builders. Other clients are also ready to start. What exactly does the process from the receipt of an electronic assignment to submitting the invoice entail?

Standard Message Types4PS develops standard products. For the connection with third party applications we therefore also aim to align with market standards. Parties willing to comply with the standard can often exchange messages quickly and easily. This also applies to the communication between housing associations and builders. The Supply Chain Standard Building and Installation has defined the following three standard message types: • Order message;• Status message;• Invoice message.In the future, these will no doubt be expanded and new mes- sages (such as the action message) will be added.

From Order to Service OrderThe process begins with tenants registering calls with their housing association. These often involve requests for simple repairs that are entered into the housing association system and are automatically sent to the builder from there. As long as the standard message types and the corresponding communication protocols are supported, the type of system used is irrelevant. However, it may also concern large-scale messages, such as void management orders containing multiple (price book) lines or unit prices. On the side of the builder, these assignments are received and imported in 4PS Construct through an automated process (via web services) where they are subsequently registe-red as service orders.

From Planning to ExecutionWhen the housing association sends information on dates, the service order is instantly entered in the planning. The builder only needs to assign the order to a craftsman or subcontractor. When the order is released by the field service, it is sent auto-matically. The craftsman receives and accepts the order in 4PS Mobile on his tablet or smartphone (or before long on the Field Service App), the subcontractor does so via the portal. While carrying out the work, the craftsman records the materials con-sumed, the hours worked and the quantities on the price book lines or unit prices processed. When the order is closed, the data is sent to the back office. Photographs and documents can also be sent along.

Status UpdatesWhen the craftsman starts travelling, starts work or has comple-ted a job, he pushes the appropriate button sending a status message to 4PS Construct. Depending on the setup that was chosen, this may immediately result in a status update to the housing association. This enables the housing association to clo-sely monitor the process and inform their tenants accordingly. Another use for these ‘date/time stamp’, or ‘reference points’ is safeguarding the SLA’s possibly agreed upon with the associati-on. Furthermore, planning anticipates on these reference point, for instance in case of activities taking longer than expected.

InvoicingAfter completion, the order is invoiced. The invoice created by the system may contain price book lines with quantities, the hours worked, materials consumed or a combination thereof. Subsequently, the invoice is automatically sent in the specifically designed XML-format and presented to the housing association web service. You can now attach and send invoice messages, photographs and documents.

Learn more?This new functionality is based on the Dutch market and norm. We are rapidly making progress with respect to efficiency and time saving in the automation of the 'from order to invoice' process. To this end, 4PS has created a separate granule: the 'Housing Association - Connection' which is part of the Service and Maintenance module in 4PS Construct.

Automated message exchange between builders and housing associations

From Order to Invoice

Aalberts Bouw, one of the participating customers in the pilot project

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Introducing the 4PS Graphical Resource Planning Organized, integral and fully graphical

What does this solution entail?The 4PS Graphical Resource Planning is a graphical planning tool used to quickly and easily plan plant and employees and/or teams. This can be done for the short term (day planning) and for the medium term. This often involves manned equipment such as a driver combined with a truck or a crane driver together with a crane. Resources can be planned both separately and together on an hourly basis.

The possibilities are endlessThe planning module allows you to plan resources based on a resource request. Such a request can be created for a customer, a project or a service order. You can directly enter the deployment required in this request. Employees (internal/external), plant items (internal/external) and subcontractors are deployed via so called ‘work orders’. In addition to this deployment, you can also enter items and create a purchase order for third party deployment. Depending on the request type (e.g. a task, machine rental or transport) you can enter additional data. This may include the loading and unloading address in case of transport.

The development of the graphical planning for infrastructure companies has been a priority within 4PS for some time. This Graphical Resource Planning (GRP) is specifically directed towards the working methods of civil engineering companies. Like our conventional planning module, this solution forms an integral part of 4PS Construct ERP system. In the civil engineering sector, companies often make use of plant, employees for the operation thereof, and subcontracting for carrying out of all kinds of works. A proper and orderly planning is essential in order to be able to plan the use of the required plant and people as efficiently as possible.

Personalized displayThe Graphical Resource Planning is very user friendly. For instance, you can easily drag and drop orders from one resource to another. It is also very easy to create a resource request from within the dispatch board in the desired period. Users can adjust his/her personal settings as they desire. With the use of filters and search windows in the planning tool the user can easily modify the dispatch board display. This way, every planner can determine which resources are visible on his/her screen, define the planning horizon, specify a time limit, choose the proportions in which events are displayed etc.

Linked ResourcesIf you so desire, you can easily link certain resources in the planning module. The software enables you to connect the desired resources by means of filters. You can link a driver to a truck, or merge a large group of employees into a team. If an order is shifted, the orders of the linked resources automatically shift too.

Unplanned activitiesBesides planning an employee or plant item directly, you can now record deployment at a higher level: so called ‘unplanned activities’. This unplanned work is displayed in a different color and is grouped per resource type at the bottom of the screen, offering the planner an overview of activities that still need to be planned.

Setting rates and price agreementsThe rates of, for example, an employee or a plant item can be determined on several levels. In addition, different rates can be setup on customer group level. This is very convenient if you apply different rates for public authorities. In the case of a customer request, your planner can record price agreements in the request. This may involve a fixed rate that was agreed on, a specific rate or discount. The customer invoice can be sent quickly because of the fact that a collective list is immediately created from within the request. Convenient and efficient!

The most important details, available at a glance!

4PS Graphical Resource Planning

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This year’s 4PS roadmap has a number of different apps on it (for an overview, see below). For more information on the planning and roadmap please refer to the PIP (Product Information Portal).

• Plant App The plant app is designed for use on the plant yard together with the 4PS Construct Plant

module. It enables plant yard employees to process arrival orders and removal orders.

• Hour Registration App We are planning the release of the Hour Registration App, an extension of the 4PS Timesheet

Portal. This new application allows individual employees to enter a weekly timesheet. It will be possible to log in on a location, the app will then determine the exact location and from that location derive the number of hours worked, travel time and number of kilometers travelled.

• Building Site App Safeguarding quality and safety on the building site is of great importance. We are planning

the release of the Building Site App, which enables you to fill in and track periodical checklists. In addition, you can register and manage events and issues.

• Field Service App Plant This app is intended for processing service and maintenance jobs on plant items. It will

contain functionality comparable to that of the Field Service App, but in this case focused entirely on plant.

Mobile First! Increased Mobility, More Apps.

Over the years, we have acquired a lot of experience with mobile application development. We have been doing this since 2005, back then using small PDA’s with Windows CE. We have come a long way since then, now presenting our new 4PS Field Service App. Whether you are using your phone or tablet, by Windows, iOS or Android, the app is device and operating system independent. This new Field Service App is used more and more frequently by building companies. As of the summer of 2017 the app will contain all 4PS Mobile basic functionality and can also be used by installation companies.

Increase of 4PS AppsDe afdeling Development van 4PS is opgedeeld in verschillende tThe 4PS Development department is divided into several teams, the team focusing on the development of apps now being the largest. Developing more apps is something we are

taking quite seriously and you may expect us to present you with more functionality in the years to come. On the one hand, we will be extending existing 4PS Construct functionality to the mobile device, and on the other hand we will be creating all new functionality.

Re-using functionalityWe do this in a very ‘smart’ way. We have at our disposal our own library of features that recur in several apps. For instance, taking pictures, opening documents, filling out checklists, or placing a signature. But it goes beyond that. Consider for instance the entire framework of applications, user management, and distribution of apps and authorizations. Such features can be deployed and serviced in multiple apps, so this is exactly what we do. The final objective: higher quality and faster app development.

Using mobile functionality on telephones and tablet computers has become an integral part of our day-to-day activities. An ever increasing amount of mobile functionality is at our disposal, as part of the 4PS products as well. Our Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4PS Construct ERP-system can even be applied on both a telephone and tablet computer!

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Management (Service Locations) on the 4PS Document Portal

From 4PSNL 10.00-011 onwards it is possible to create a document portal for service locations. In the past, the document portal focused on projects in the realization phase, as is common with building companies. However, management of the object after its realization is of equally great importance.

From realization to managementManaging a building constitutes the next phase, a phase that requires a different setup. For instance, other participants are involved and other documents types apply. The project site setup of the realization phase no longer satisfies the requirements. For the transition from the realization phase to the management of the building, a service location is created in 4PS Construct.

Document Portal from within a Service LocationYou can now create a document portal from within a service location, based on an individual setup. On this portal, documents related to the location are shared with both internal and external users. The documentation involved in the final phase of a project often forms the start of the documentation of a service location, the designs for instance. Therefore, you can now copy documents from the project site to the location site of your choice. .

Events on the PIP | Sprint Review Sessions

All 4PS product information can be found on the Product Information Portal (PIP). You can sign up for our sprint review sessions here. This allows us to provide you with more detailed information while also engaging you in the realization of our development points.

SCRUM-methodFor the realization of our software we use the SCRUM-method. New products as well as optimizations are picked up by our SCRUM teams. A SCRUM team, consisting of Developers and Testers, is managed by the Product Managers. A SCRUM team works in 2 week blocks, so-called ‘sprints’. In these two weeks, ‘user stories’ are realized. A user story describes and substantiates a customer request. By keeping these user stories small, we are able to quickly make progress in the realization of a development point.

Sprint Review Sessions: join us live!After the sprint, the developers present a status update on the realized user stories of the past two weeks. This enables you to keep track of the progress made on a particular development. 4PS offers you the opportunity to watch these demos live after every sprint. Visit the Product Information Portal and sign up for the sessions relevant for you!

SCRUM-team in action

Process work orders easilyThe mechanic can see where and when he is expected and what priority has been assigned to the order. Furthermore, he can now view the order details before accepting it. During his activities, the mechanic can record a number of things, such as the materials consumed. Additional costs, such as parking expenses, can be recorded. Also, the mechanic can take and add pictures, thus offering visual feedback for the back office. The mechanic has the option to record his analysis under ‘debrief’, indicating the nature of the problem, the cause and the solution he has chosen to apply.

After finishing his activities, the mechanic completes the order. At that point he can view and potentially adjust the number of hours recorded. Also, the Field Service App allows the mechanic to present the customer with a summary of the activities and records, ready for the customers’ signature. When signed, the order can be completed and sent back to the back office. All data is properly received on the service order in 4PS Construct by the back office, which can subsequently send the invoice to the customer through the cost plus entries created.

Quick, easy and effective!

Specifications• Available offline, online connection is required for data

synchronization • Fully integrated with 4PS Construct • Available for tablet and telephone • Compatible with 4PS Construct from 4PSNL 9.00-002-08

For more detailed information please refer to the PIP (Product Information Portal) or contact your 4PS Account Manager.

Featuring the 4PS Field Service AppThe 4PS Field Service App meets the need for a simple and functional application for processing work orders. The app enables the field service employee to perform relatively simple repairs and maintenance work at service locations.

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4PS - Keplerlaan 4 - 6716 BS EDE

T (0318) 644 500 - E [email protected]


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