
VOL, XXIV. No. 1 ^ -


rags m W A g S A S , V A , FRIDAY. AUGUST 30, 1918


to Be Awarded.

(UiM LilU«a V. Gilbert, Coosty HMM I>«iiian«tntion Agmity

Seventeen From Prince William ocvenieen rn>m m n c e Willla CUfton Yoyng Tady Wiiia_"JUfc Regialered Laait Satorday

Star^ Pin—A Service Medal "" The folowing 16 a list of those

who have arrived at the age of 21 since June 5th last and reg istered on AagH'st"24r *~'~ Marion C. Simpson, Manassas. John W. Meetze, Manncafu Victor W. Fitzwater, Noltesville, Harvey Petty, Bristow.—^-^— Alfred Mihies, Manassas. Harvey Woodyard, Bristow. Oliver N. Miller, Bristow. C. E. Cooper^Nbkesville. Ludwell T. Hutchison, Manassas. Lester Stevens, Quantlco. Clayton Liming, Joplin. Silas B- Payne, Haymaj-ket. Oscar W. Fulk, Haypiarkef

The county agent has just re­ceived a registered letter frcHast Miss EUa Agnew, director of women « « i girls' denC^ijatration work for the state of "Wrxinia, containing an "All-Star pin which is to be forwarded to Miss Eva Kidwell, Hoadley, Va.

Thia pin 1B given only to girls


Lieut. Commander WiUiantsen— Brother'of Mrs. Carv«l Ha|L

Explosion of a depth charge


In Honor of Boys of the Chiufch Formerly of ^ T


Who Are Now in Army Long Time Ws

- - r -.. „ u^t,n, tmu-ge The folbwing /program was Mr w / on board^tbe U. S. S. Orizaba at n».dem! at G^nSe M e T h X t ly ff M ^ sea on August 17Jkijled Lieut. Chur(^ last Suadaj^ . f l i ^ i t = i f o ™ Commander WUHam l ^ c e ' W i l - connection with the pFesentation t o n X hamson and three enlisted men, of the Service Flag, in honor of evekfng

• ^ i t T Z ^ g h ' r r ^ '^^^^^^^^^^^s.- ness oL A report of the accident reach-

nty. But a ^ingtoniaa.

fk, former-


who have completed the four-year course in Canning Club Work, and is recognized by all school authoritiesitn the South. It is hoped that aeveral glris in this county, during the next two years, will be eligible to receive this pin, which is awarded from the state department. To win thia pin a girl must average 75

-per cent on all work outlined by the department of extension

.»ms^ StiUidlurd -laBii have beena ptp-

vided for the Can]aing Club girls thffi year for the county exhibit

-in-the fall, and is inj^ejcounty ~as^78 office. iOready some of the girls have gotten jars.—it-w

William J. B. Allen, Nokeavilk. Behj. 0. Wood, Woodbridge. Hunter A. HammiU, Woodbridge Owen E. Dovi, Manassas.

CALLED INTO SERVICE "t . . . , ' . • : ^ i " ~-

.Win D^art for IVaining at Ctatrp Lee September 5th

ing the Navy Department shows th^t Lieut Commander William­son, who was executive officer, was kiUed mstaatly, and that Commander White, the com-manding officer,, had his jaw broken and a knee-cap fractured. The sailors who lost their lives

Washing-it city on Tuesday

r a lingering ill->lion.


Appointed Judge of Courts of I6th Judicial Ckcttit.

• Samuel G. Brent, common-^has^een rp ltb'a attorney for Afa«aii^

were: - Samuel T. Lambert, oUer, Riv-erside, N. J.; Frank J. Mayer, baker, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Ar­thur K. Baird, seaman, Pitts­burgh, Pa.

Lieut. Commander William P. Williamson, killed aboard tl^e Orizaba, jwas a son of the late Rear Admiral Thorn Williamsori, a pioneer officer of the Navy,

urged that all put forth a special 'effort to get this exhibit ready for it ifl imporfiiftt as a complex tion of tile year's work. The county a g ^ t recently attraded the (Fauquier ftoimty ffiir %n4 inw a moat sploidid exhiUt shovra by the g<rlH ''* that

teratHufg^ will be augmented in September by the following named men

county. A'Servica- Medsl will be

EdsoaJIf. Lynn, Occoquan. Floyd F. Mundy, Nokdville. Willie A. Jones, Bristow. Harry Cornwell, Manassas.

Th^~rr^ii ^ ^ 7 . p'^aeer omcer oi the Navy. Address, "Pafrii S „ ^ ^ v ^ * ^ ^ " T . ^ " " ^ ^ ^ " ^ " ^ Williamson serv. E. O. W^son, ©= j>. ratnurg^ will be ausmented in edanthAat^ir^ AA^I^^^. -n . . -o--_ . ^ ed on the staff of Admiral Fania-

gut in the d ^ war. H^ died ; 'last March.

,vice from Ihe Ep«orth League, Mn €hirk was-a': nStive of |

Sowfe?^ ' ^^'•***^ ' ' ^ ^ •*""' ^"^^ ^ith »^« P"-Invocation • '®?^ ^^ ^*°"'y' *^° ^^ «'"''-evocation chased a farm and lived in the n J ^ n ' ^ I S ! " - . . . . ^'""^*y «^ * ^ * « ^^ known Hymn, The Son of God Goes as Limstrong.

° . S t , * ^ . p ^ i ' »r..u ' Mr. Clark was sixty-one years

S S h f ^ T ^ ^^^***^ ***^ <='»iW«n-twaboy. and two ^ J * ! ! f «^^ ^"•'=* ^ ' g ir is-al l married., . _

M B ^ SimmScmi J.. Funeral services were held in 'A~. '* ^r, i Washington on Thursday and

s i S f ' ' ^ r , , ! ? " ^ ' ^ ^ * ^ ° ° ^^"^ ^' same e v e n i i 3 Behalf of Chukh, Rev. H. Q. inte,=red in the cemetery.

B S " b y ^ o i f ^ ^ — ^''"^ « ^ V . '.EWES ACCEPTS CALL

Reading, '"Since Yow Went fioea From Rupert, Idaho, to a Away," Misa Roee Rice.

Address, "Paferiptism,^ Ber. New^Ficia:

TTie Rev, Robert Lee Lewis,

Commander Williamson haa a

^ggben-JH.-Kobi08on, PcnmnMt: Jesse E. Gregory, Washingtoh. Bernard E. Sisson, Quaiitico/ Wjpic WataoB, Joplin. .-^-r— Chas. B. Linton, Baltiniore,. Md.

Bwmded to the Cann|nt Cl»b -girl.-giviai^ Toee* r« id««d : to o^ftem. A written report must be tunied in to liie county agiQht giving names and addressfift of personq

-fad^ed^Bd ki i^ and.amount <tf service i -oideM.

It is urg«d th»t j>eoi4e in Prince M^Diam M notUng «o to waste.

Geu. i). McDOHftia, Manassas: Bandohih K. ^W eafr Wasfaii«^

tnti T l P A . . • .

brother. Thorn WilliatosoSi IM^jmaster in the Njtvy, ••rving on a transport.

jr . , now The

toa. D. C.

is survived by his wife, Mrs._ Florence William­son ; his mother and four sisters,-Misr Lulle Williamson, Miss Anne Waiiamson, Mrs. Herbert

mon8,:Leg Wftmy. Hi-nry Snow. U<.^i. .^...^^nZ'J^tr*, ^ " J ^ . " f ^ P * ^ " * "^ niimpmug

dria, and one of the best known attorneys in the state, yester­day was appointed judge of the f JTVHit courts foi Uie sixteenth judicial circuit to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge J. B. T. Thornton, of Ma­n a s ^ . The- appointment of

Governor Westmoreland Davis and becomes effective Septem-^ ber 1.

The appointment of Mr. Brent as judge came asTTo surprise as^ it was generally understood that he would receive the judgeship, havjng the unanimous indorse­ment of the members of the bar association of the entire six­teenth judicial circuit, which embjraces the courts for this city,' Alexandria, Fairfax and Prince William counties.

The appointment of Mr. &wnt •« judge g i v ^ graeral satirfafe-tion not wily to the members of the bar association but also to

^...w- T m- .^ Jl -~ - . - x#ui>.ci.i,, uj. mnnaasas , ano nas

Williamson of Pittsburg -and Mrs. Cmrel Hi^t^Wasfiihgton

tony E. Moyers, Nokeevillc. - - Star, Friday, Aug. 2^ -

^Maes RrEairaen, ^ 'Winstwn Wv Beach, Oocoquan. William L. Weaver, Manasaaa. Daniel B.:N6nnan, Kopp. —

Howard M. Sheltcm, Occoquaa. Pearly R. Pettitt, Hoadhyr ' RaymOTd O. Woodzard, ^ristBm Cecil C. Hereford, WeUingbm.

a yjn rihfiTyar. t'e^le are reqeoated to call cm these'gi i^'^o have learned the

W^inDJ^ fyn»«ye ev- ^otartteCapUnger, Catharpin.

Mra. Gtfyjel HaD, aister of „.. Wil^amsonTiiaa f«r

some years owned a pretty hcmie "ShirieyT* near Hi^tnarket. w h ^ the family gather during the summer tnAn»h(p ftt^j where

Vrf,,,..^ rt- V. • A « " ' "'"'" *" i-"wge oi ine fi-piscopal w S ^ K <^f"" «*««• Pa'J Church at Rupert, Idaho, has Wiljjins. John L. Hynson. Paul been called to a new field and

S ^ n l ^ ' 2 ^ »««»<«' »«wey. paper published in the town of S l ^ ' r ^ 3 " Z 'Anthony, Rupert, makes the foDowii,g re-Thomas Carter, MackaU ElHs, marks in mnnfction the»irtth» EdwaraKo«i8aadC.A.Moi i t^ "Bfiv. Robt. Lewis, g ^ " ^ - ' ' ministu ifl-c

eongratulationa on hia elevatiimi— to the bench.

^fcs^Tpnt grdiiatcd

, ^°4^rw2;S ''g :t !S:i!- 5 „"fr: r-^.-^.'?-^^^^-^

«rtof succwrful canning and Jet T h ^ CoraweD. Manassaa ,tiiaa be of service.' They are willing.

There are plahty o? to ouis in ttie coi^ty tWs year; ao there

_ k l o ii««d of u y t l ^ going to Wirte. They itra afefwyd wt the MTOty dtoidnatratKm office.

Clell W. Fllzwaler, lit>ke(Wille, Doucdas-H, Lion, lyanasaaa. NORQ^ S. Oden; WeiUni^oii.

The night before their de-1 a reception ^will be giveu

the Red Cross at 8>ffi o ' d o ^

Paul's (^urdi has s ^ atmra tat membera <rf the •^family, Com-mjuider WflliMnaon^ btdng Te.:

f ^ ^ i ^ . " ^ ^ " * ^ " * * ^ - P - '•^g'*' Church in rnnnr rum anti a ^ . ^ . H ^ c ^ ^ a r y ^ ^ t n e War luia w c e p t o d . ^ ^ ^ ^ S 5 n d a y l ^ ^ t ^ T ^ T ^ ^ ^ : ^ ^ wa-belifeaast to Rupert; • Church, SouUu Hm addrcsu was "Rev> Lewis has been in much enjoyed, ^ c h u r c h was charg^ p f ^ e local c h u S f S tsui^^tr^Ur A^ 4. J vlT —• viMirge pi tne local cnurcb lor

they havehad^a£^h«py i - F^-^ept phS lTo^r^^^ g ^ ^ unions. The service^gag of St.: the pulpit ^ -Tl^^^I^ ^ ^^-T».i.t'. rn..,—k u „ j -±=^_^ * r •^^^ -*• Of the Iu::ge8t 6f any church in

HILL ^ itstAFS " " " ^ J ^ i " * • ««»«»tJwork-_ V T ~ ~ e'^wJd'b&HttflBmce will be mMs-

Wia* Hope B v d y . M T B e e « w » ^ L ! ^ ? ^ ^ ^ conjfttsga-Bride b f J f r . W a t t ^ l K r t J T * ^ ^ ** * ^ peoptejn gen-

June. 187T. at Cfelumbia L^w C o U ^ . now the George Wash­ington Uhiyersity, Washmt^xm. He commonwealth"at^"

{±^ —Since 1962 be haa been coitt-monw^altbHl attorney, for the <aty» which posiiion he now helda itnd is reararded f '^ y f the

-i. -J

most successful prosecuting air tcHseys Jn ^ ntatn, AlrTan drik Gazette. r ~ ~

W a c ^ last Sunday by a goidea star, in moncHiam.


' •— """ '•™= occoc OI a preny nome Weil Knuwa Phyiddm, Forier^ podding. <m Sa lur tu^ Aiigift

The home of Mr. R. R. Hayes P ^ J S T ^ ^ ^ ' ^ ' ^ ' ^ T ' ^ ^ ^ was the scene of a p r e t ^ l ^ ^ S l ^ i J S S ^ u ! ^ : . ^ wedding, ou SaUiwUr^Aufc-r^^"'^ } ^ hmtistod long before


^P U l j ^ ^ WAR J T O R R g r r w 1 w fe,€U,^it^^^

""""itUie <rf the Young W»-/fflea's Christian Assodatian is Pa^ng plans to «M)p<fate with ftoY M.C.AJu .aUiuUHlWp-fforit CampaigB beyffliii»a^ Tfar

^ c a r t TnmUa.

Mr. Leonard E. Hixsoa,.who }iad f or a long time bem a aai-n. ^^-^^—^— auHi UK a MNig u u e Derai a S m -

r^:• i ™ ? _'^^""*°' ° ° ™ ^ ^ e ^ ftq" ^»«»rt tPboMe, di«i ^ JUS home <» Fsirview avease, « ! Saturday. August 24, aced

! My^WinrAT:«M^M#r^"^^^'^'^"'^ *^*' ' "^ account of

^ ^ T ^ ^ s e r Mead Hammond fgvelyn ffifl; the nkee rf^^SS^^S^T^^^?^ died at the home at his iather, »n<i Mrii- Hayea,-were united i g ^ S l * " / " ^ "** luoiRSSS: m DriunesviQe.. Hai rfax county, qp Friday. A i i g i ^ 23, aged 43


Hoth House atod OccopaatB Make Uawiliing f ^ Upoa

the SwaHarSt

Mr. E. A, Hutchison 4iji fan^ ilv. whn«» f y^^ tnj n

Dr.. Hamniohd jnarried Ming Maggie Haddox, daughter <tf Mr. and Mrs. Geonra F^ Maddox.


of Manassas, who, togethei with twe sous, dyed 15 and.4 yi»rir respectively,^ sorvive him. T f e at (me time was associated with

t D R « r r . ^

^narrage. The da te ' -ww^. I^ -T!!!* ^ . *"? ^ ^"'^

a i e j n a m a f l ^ o f Mr. aad Mrs. ^ ^ ' ' ' ' I - • . / ' \ Hayea.' , __"-^~ - ' ' •*.— '-

Rev. T. W T - Nobad. the ' < > ^ COUNCIL iffiETS former former pastor of Misa « —

was destroyed 1^ 1 •Dd who were temporarilyEgingiJ"

^ ^ — ._^ county officers .iteHdy appointed are: — --Misa Mwy Laridn, Manassas, «*innan; Miaa Williette R. Hy-


T » „ ' wcietaiy , Mra: /; g- Hainee, MptMisiriti. pnblh^

^ « » o i t « r 8 : Mrs. M.' M. Waah-*g<«. GrRHiwicfa; Mrs. Tyaon * * * y . Occoquan; Mrs. Cbarks ".McDonald, dtthaipta; Ura. ^ w A. Hooff. l lK»asas; Miaa

Trillian V. Gilhe

vice in Washington, which.-he held until failing health pritedhin|tnTy»niimihk, hifl

Church. Sooth, and oontinried aa such until his demtte. —Smvlvim him are his wife; two daogfatefv and one brother.

•" »»—•, <T.«» .»c dne for some years. Dr. Ham-failing health eoBFTBond had been tetaiiinyh^dth

•rffc -w<aH—<• n t ^ l a ^S f f^vm ^h«fcfcii 4 • •• • • '^'

JtiMrWhe^dao baptiaed hg,-pCTC 'formed the oerenMmy, u^ng the batottful rinf~ sierviee. l i t t le TK^ U . - . , * - ^ « - , .

WendeBJ&urf^ks b o r e t h e 1 S i , t ^ ^ S f " y ^ ^ ^ ^ " ^ and EtOe MSs rgJanuTOT ATtfa- j"!? i;;"^'*^:;^^^

Monday. August 26. at 8 o'clock

^pron' ton.

SjlMshairinan: Mrs. Walter Pfea, lianasass, for Ma-i district; Mtg, J. w . Car

^Gainesvi l le . Gainesville dia-

* ^ ^ * A ^ H i ? S ^ L f " * ^ ^ ^ '^^^ Spa»den,XJ. E.j<aah, W.

J I J ' ^ ^ district, and Mrs. C. —Mr. H. Y. Meetxe has re-- ^jj^*'*' ^'okesviUe, Brentsville signed as managerof^ttte ^ ^ sas Produce Co.

burg on Satorday. Aognat 24, tnm the M. E. Omreh, Spoth.

lemaliiB imwrwl In

were" w i ^ " Z ^"'^ * * ^ " »^-C. Wegener D ^ W A T F - ^ T ^ S f r "^ CooncihnenJI. J. Arwigton, ^Mr^^isaimM^WM^ C. R. C. Joh««n. C. E^^STo!

Tw. : I „j .1. ^ _ E. Mfwman, A. Spdden and H. The ouoymait of the oceaaion D , Wenrich.

^ , « ^ h « n f f d by giKKUnosk. ^ T W T f l l i . approved by l i e hM « I ^ w i * . ] ^ virijn and QrgWL

famSy hoiTiag froond.

Funeral aervidea werelisld at jna UKJuMK Chorth aa-day aftHnoen, at 4 o'clock. Bav. H. Q^urr . pastor aS the dwrrh, officiating, and boricl.was in the Munaisas ooaetery

Thie pdlbearers were W. C. Wagcner. C. J. MaetMy

An fimtW a Vtk Vidnity of Bethd sehotd house are given u^iee thi^ Prof. T. B. Hotche-

i ^ noBse waa bMnttfiUiy Jec- ^1^

" ' ^ ' ^ ^ " ' y ^ r ^ ^ P ^ ^ rt^d hy S ^ G. L.

a - n y b s ^ ^ a ^ ^ y i ^ ^ ^ ^ I ^ S ^ k ^ ^ t " ^ ^ ^ ^ S

Health Offlear J. a Mendith.

J : . .— - ^' ~ - T"**^ ** ' - " " f i ;

m a ene-etoiy building, situafedT about forty yanjts or more from ihfi hunks of C a f h U ] ^ rt{|t.:i^^tr^ * n«w aB*.tttartlLig- experieiwie to undergo on W e & e s d ^ n i ^ t ^

SoraetlBie in the n i g ^ naea-tK»ed 1C5:' Hutchison waa awakened by haariag thi* sto^^^— P ^ falling TOd getling up 16 investigate found that-lhe wifc. ter ftom the run, due to the

wa* 8Mwly but grado-aUy mcreaaing in dq»di. Una-^

^ T ^ . .. Health Offlear J WILL ADDRBM FAK1BH» ; - ^ ^ > f^cepOo^^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ J ^

t » ^ l e yooag fHend»-«f « e - - - n iavor^™t-rf • ! -vmrnmlif. . * ? ! jMyof rrpnrtad the of f l S J O a s the anogat of flncs

^ to get-te safely through the •wWen 4ood,_£he ^unily took »rfBge upon a mattress that had been placed on the rafters above their h « ^ s , but Ud beeu t h e r g <»ly aahort time whan the bouse rwtnd finii it* AaumaLHHi l U moved swif t^ down tha-ati«Mn-

^ « * M « £ K 0 y » * ; W b « 5 i t a t Iwt ^ooM lodgment in a mea-dow.

Ifaanwhile the n<«yhbnrs who I tadTesn arnwad W B » makm«

Mr. «.d Ifr.. Kraft wiH make TJSTr^fTJT^lr ice that Prtrf. T, B. Hateh» . | thdr home Jn^BaltiBiofe and ^ . ^ ^ °^^'*°^ 1, of Btaeksbwfr wtfLgeak ^•vejt'host^of ftjaa^iiiio wish jfthni^yn »Hi> m

^ '^y^^ "l"^..^ ****ISr^^^ *~* hawy aiamed ^i^^ f the new town otKle - , -" ^' be placed in the custody of the J"»ad.

»«. «._ _*!. T ' , mayor and that'a namber he

there at eight o'clock oa the n i ^ t of Friday, Sept 6th. <» a subject of great interest to alL Don't Biaa this ^portnaity t» hear Mr. Hutcheson, aa he is a v « y matiactive taScer.

Mr. Herman Bryant, of Wash­ington, was hom6 yesterday.

Grace M. E. Ch««h. South, wlB S T o T u . ^ T t W d a social at t h a p s a i o a s g e . * * ^ - ^ ? " ^ " ^ -

tonight^ b^aaning at fi-o!clock. All leaguers are vited.

Mr. Willia Meetie, (if Cbestcr, ondadly in> Fa., waa a Imnr-vnitar thojag

the week.

. ^ - * *rfl^ 'wt.finaHy, by the aid of mount-

^^^*^*^a~*aey-saceeedeu in reacning the^snu^ who^ i fatltas am'

—Washouts on the Warren-ton facaadi and near Haymarket, caused liy the heavy rains on Wedasaday aight, dekyed the

a « a f^ sooie tha^ on Thurs-day.


GREETING OF COUNTY~ t numey t o hidp giHMd^md glten^ AGENT TO THE PUBLIC its work everywhere; if you have

« family, ybu need more money to prSJH'ir'y ""^^ and jxain i | ; and if you are a loyal citizen, you »Vfy< «»iH Ttmn» mmifv to dcveto^

Telia Them Hia Aims aifii G i v « Farmers Some Athrice as

3y R. Q. Koin«r, County AK«nt Greeting to the People of Prince

Wiliaih County r -With'the editor's kind consent

I take this method of greeting you as the incoming county agent, succeeding Mr. C. A. Mountxomery* who ha8_ ^yorked in your midst for nearly twenty months. From the many ex-

sale of farm products here m Prince' William couifty. So the thing for us to do here is to get our minds and hands busy at tjhiifl thing. __Let us all quietly fix it in our hearts to make our roiipty nnp nf the beat^ Let UB

pressions of regret I heard re-garding his departure, it is evi­dent he had won the confidence, respect and esteem of many <^ you. I believe his ability and practical patriotism was pljiigh enough order tb abundanlly merit any confidence you may have reposed in him.

It shall be my earnest endeav­or to merit and-winr-at least to some degree,'your confidence as a leader along the lines of prac­tical farming. 1 waiit yoi» ta feel free at all times to call on me for any help I may be able to give you and if I have not the in­formation you want, I am in po-

road to a broad ABd Well Wtmded

men tal equipment.

and equip your country so as to make and keep it a leader in its class. This much needed money all *olhe«, primariljfc-.ffOTa tt« :tb«.office at th6 High School in

take a pride msfri>&g;^~mak"e it a good place >dnve in by do­ing all we can to promote its prosperity in the way of better roads, better schools and more productive farms. The profita­ble and productive farm ifr at the bottom of the whole structure. My business is to help you have such « farm. Unless we have plenty Of that kind of farms the roads will remain bad, the schools indifferent and every­body will have 8_ diasatiafied feeling. Let us proceed to help win the war at any coat and then to make Prince William county such a pleasant and at-

sition to geMt for you if it (^JjrjEWtiye place that we will be had. I do not suppose it is necessary for me to say that I do not know it all, Jbut it might be opportune "for me to tell you that I know I do not know i t all. The person who has not learned that his or her knowledge is very limited comparedwith the vast stOTShouse of~kiWJWl<idf67 there are none, so that there^wfll has not gone very far along the

always feel proud of it as our home county.

. I am the gdvemment's repre­sentative right Jiere in your midst to help you as far as pos­sible to bring theise things to pasa^ I know nothing of any factions among you and I hope

be Hoo eeca^aa for-ua here in Prince William to be knocking each ,^ther. If y<ai w«i t to knock anybody, just k^ock the Kaiser all you want to, but put ih« moat charitable conatruction possible on~tbe conSuci oTyour loyal neighbor.

We have lots of bulletins in

Manassas that are very anxious to be read. Write or call an me for the bulletin on the subject in which you are interested They are full of a plain statement of facts that are the resillt Of yiesrB of experience by practical farm^i "ers and other ihtelUgetlt ejqperi^ mentors. From time to time I will ask you to meet at central points throughout the county to talk over with myself and oth­ers the various problems of prof­itable and productive farming. Right now, however, do not for­get 4bout the wheat campaign. Plow and prepare your land at once. See about the clean, sound seed and acid phosphate. You. can buy good sixteen per cent phosphate F. O. B. Balti­more for 121.50 per ton. Put on from three to five hundred IXMuds of it.per acre. Acting on this advice is helping to win the war.

SCHOOL BOARD MEETING There will be a meeting of the

Dumfries pistrict School Board at Diunfries, August 28, at 2 p.

~ \ City Peop le W > n t Y o n r Cgga and Butter-^

Ship by Pared Pott in a Metal Carrier

Varioua aizea priced from 8 5 cents up ,

Send for catalogue and partic­ulars. Metal Carriers will last for years—no breakage. No wrapping or labelling necessary

DUUN&MARIWCO. 1216 F St. and 1214-lg G St..



m„ for the purpose of appointr ing four more teachers in our district. Also to receive .wood- -bids, ^ t r o n s invited. D. C, Caine, Clerk, Dumfries, V«. "

Now, I have been sent here to this portion of old .Virginia known as Prince WiBiam county and have cast in my lot with you people with a hope'and dtittiruil' nation to help bcttcf thoiioondi tions of life within her BoundsT The winning of' the. war is at present our Chief ctHte^s. Let in? not get discouraged because-we thinlrwe are not jgrett^g.a square deal now and then, .be-.

-eatts^^nleaa We do win the war we will not get a square :deid at any time, blit, so far aa we can see, a contintfolK^ raw • ose^-Having the tasklef-Winhing the war set before us let us proceed to it with all speed. The, gov-ernment, right now, i»«. imlriny Virginia farmers as their contri­bution toward wining the war to thoroughly -prepare at once, eleven acres of ground forwhtet for each ten acres ^thejr sowed last year. .

Now, as we ^ n ' t want our boys to do a half way job in. "lifkiny" thnap TriiTiit, Iftt UB not do a half way job in preparing and" sowing thd'-VliUt Wltlt which to feed thenr while at the business. Get the best, {diimpeBt and cleanest seed wheat y<>u can and see that it is sown at the proper time fat you to sow T h a t TTipana t h g t f>»r f*rin<»r)|i are just asked to increase ihar wheat acreage' this fall "toi Tpef rent over last fall. I know it will oall for awmt^mmiilkm

i ^ ^ f

jnriWL •r^


"fhe way to make two blades of grass gfKm where one does now: Buy the celebrated Mag­nesium Lime from Leesburg Lime Co., the lime that has been 9 ^ in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past twwaty^ye years, and out produced them att;; and the reason for it is because it con-JainB..MsgneBium and Onde of Iron in right proportion to Cal-eiumCitfbonate, and tiie United States Agricultural Department in Tear Book 1901, page 161, states that Magnesium is abso­lutely hecessai? to plant growth and nothing else will taka. its place. Send oirders to Corawdl Supply Co., Manassas, Va.; A. S. Robertson, Wellington, Va.; M. Rt^ns , Bristow, Vs., or direct to us and same will have prompt at­tention.

Leesburg Lime Co., Inc. _ B. V. WHITE. Bfwuser


Ever thing Good to Eat

My line embraces Staple aiid Fancy Groceries

Queensware, Tin and Enamelware



Bbrhlei firamte and all Kinds of Cmieterf

Jfisk •

H i e Jevnal—ll'^rttid'wortii it l l i e Joomal—$1—4ind w w t h it


The Joainal-41-^Huid wortJI tt

OOOOOO 0000,0000 o ooooooooooo

Under and by virtue of a de- ' cree of the circuit court of Prince William county, entered on the-15th day of June, 1918, in the chancery suit of J. E. Dayton & Co. et al vs. T. R. G&lleher eraI7~ therein pending, the undersigned commissioners of sale named in said decree will offer for sale at public auctipn, to the highest bidder, in accordance with said decree, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 7, 1918 at twelve o'clock m., in front of the Peoples National Bank, in the town of Manassas, Prince- -William county, Virginia, the fol-lowinfir reid estate,-situate at a n t ^ near Hickory Grove, in Gaines­ville district, aforesaid county and state.

FIRST.^A tract of land at Hiokory Grove, adjoining the Carolina Road, J. E. Downs and others, and known as Ihe 'Tay­lor Place," containing aboat


the Carolina road, Logmill road, and known as the "Hickory Grove Farm," containing, more or less, -

118 2 ACRES THIRD TRACT.-^The undi­

vided interest of T. R. Galleher , in the Geo. G. Galleher land which was devised him by said Geo. G. Galleher n his will, and which land is near Hickory Gtove, andjoining the c o u n ^ road, Bailey Tyler, S. W. Hunt> jri, Polen and others, conta^ing, more or less,

335% ACRES TERMS:—One - third cash,

one-third in one year and one-third in two years, the purdiaser executing bonds, with interest ftxMttdsy of side, for the deferr> ^ ed payments, with leave to an­ticipate said payments, and title to be retained until the pozchasei

Btr l ¥ pafd In fulL —— E.E.GARRETT,


Commissioners. I, Geo. G. Tyler, clerk of the

, coonty. i fe j te^ai^thai j^dhaa--b e ^ execati^ as req i i^ fbyThe ' above decree.'

^ G B O T G : TYLER, Clerk.

^^txYoa N o t v»wy many^yftflTW n g n ifl t h e

history (tf the woxld, the man that Uved in America ba4 .tp htxnt for JMs | K » 4 or go wittout. . . _—_ ' •

•^H a 1 £ V J K. pmfl a 1 £ V J K. H


>ome extra effort in the facie <^ a labor shortage, bat wewili jxmt" ~-have to take these things as our part of the war hardaiiips, and really, we olight to be gted if we (an get through without endar> mj? even greater oncs>.—Let-all be ^pti»rmjnfld that no ffpe will have any excAM fW Prince William county.a sladier county in « iy respect..

We will be ynadacaz and plan­ning at the same time to th£ nhangad CMidllUjiiUf sure to come about after the war 1. was'1831-lanCi^-J three spheres of activity that require our first and best cffMts in a cumitiy like ears, viit First. God (tl>e>hHrrh); Home (the famfly); third, na-tiv« land (flie Mtieai)—If we property perform our duties in

be fully and well occupied. Now* if yoiLACS a church man,

*« J ou ought to be> rag need _

Nowise sits down at a table and~ decides what be wautii tu eat; 6i' his w f e fialW »ip ttMi m a r k e t a n d I M U i t s e n t home for -him. And what he g ^ \&

' lOOTipanLbly better.

Everyone t^lis has some part in -Mfae vast- human machine^ - oiUled

that malBBriiJOt 4l»s- « ^ ^ ieooe possibte.

meat and'get it ta every part of the country sweet and fredh—to obtain it from the stock raiser, to dress it, bool' it, rtiip it maSy miliBS in spedal refrig-gerat<v cars, keep it cool at distrib-

- uting points, 'and get it into the — your hands — lij, yifhin ahnol ocmsumerlr

^m^ " For • this service—so poioct and eflective that you are scaro^y aware _ ^ t anything is bong done for your- ~ you pay the packers an average profit

-uLuuljf a fracUuo of M mut a pound above actual cost on every pound M meat you eat.

Swift & Company. U. & A.


l l i e i n t A l L W . S | i l m w E « I M f c e w i n V a ^ 9 B d i e n b o r e daterega i t f l eaeo l priee . Thi s k r i t a farm J>aa b e c a cut ifrt»^te«eto r m a ^ e f f rom o a a acre W -foiir JbipAred j^qres. If ^figix are looking f o r bargains e n d .the beat lands i i Virginia iAyfS^^jjva^ a t t end this aalob W e vfl l ^ W rrjl o n j d ^ WW «loi« b w a U b a g l a ^ O M domg a b o m e w second tn* n o n e in theco iu i tr* elw* a sefren-raom kouM^ good location for a doctor. T b e h o m e teact known a s ^ F o r » i t HJgLccntaiaju

- C ^ m r i B a i a r i e e d ^ b s n o i we^lMtiie~aM cverTthing that it takes to m a k e It | a . i d e a l c o « m t r j home. - Each and e v e r f tract has o n e or more snrincs and w

W e will also sell on dke above date at V i e w t o w n o n e IZ-acre tract ef cvt-j rrer lands located on d w R i x e y v i i a to A m o w m i l e road a n d right a t Korea ,

which is h igh d a m h n d . 4 f n w which also has


Draner wiO b ^ Served ib^the Red Croit



frftftcf^Hie O r i ^ TWB

?fhc Mi Journal — ~ .._T3r ^ .*yr^f~^.- » " » m x i i A .-•i-V,

lanassas rmunoUD BVUK nuoAr /imucooit ar

Ik luams JMnal PiUiUv C« IK.

Sntarad at the Poit Office at Manuua. Virginia, aa S«coDd Qaaa Mall Matiar

Siwipiw. $1.09 A Im m iUraice

be won quickly. In this opinion the poot>Ie concur. The man power of the nation is at the diB* posal of the government for t ^ wininjf of tjie war, jugt. as ia every other resource, and the people stand. ready to make wiht& erer sacrificea m»^ be ««-quired. By the passage of this

the United.States is determined to win or die.—^Washington Post.


A. few decades ago no man could have <Atai9ed. advance-ment in professionol or HWMaees

The hustle andJiurry'of- mod«m life is lai?gely responsible for tiis changed condition. Gi^ce, character and individuality ha:7e fallen into great melting pot, and out has come, aa jnteUig«nt machine known as man. We eanijot but grieve at the passing

Friitay* A«gast Wj-i*18 ' irflHheTPOrtdts fiveh notice that hope that,^8fter the end of th*.??* «»»>'»t'on ^ XT- „ .. , « . . ' '.New^ coursea in Domestic Sci-

ence, Boine Uyining, Dietetics and Conservation Problems.

4. Superior advantajres in Muaic (Piano, Voice, Organ, Violin) China Paintinjr and General Art, Exprea-slon and Business Training. _ _ i _

6. Military TpBinin* und'wr Govem-m«rt Diractipn.

A laruity oi oolie^e and' university graduates—trfttnsd to teach. New buildings and complete equipment

THE NEW DRAFT LAW Without a single dissenting

vote recorded against it, the ad­ministration's man power _bin| where it bespoke of the coartesy passed the Senate, in the House but two votes were • rejfistdred against it, so that it has the sig­nificant distinction of passing both branches'practically unan­imously. -

The bin ^M gone to confer­ence, where the few differences in the views of Senate and House will be adjusted, Thejse diifer-«nce8 are of minor importance. In all its essentials the bill went through in;ih(B fdifm ih wHcHTt"

. was submitted by the War De­partment. Perhaps the most

life or would have been allowed an entree in good society unless he observed those fine, points of decorum and etiquette which were, th^ necessary accompanr-raents of a gentleman. That gentle art which is embraced in the expression "goiod manners" flourished particularly in the South and especially in the old Commonwealth of Virginia. It was a heritage from England,

jH-esent convulsion of society, there will come a return of much of that refinement whi<^ made the social life of the past so de­lightful.


* A ST E R N \C O L t i G E MANASSAS. V;

^ OFFKRS 1. Fonr^Tcar coHegre coarse, lead­

ing to A> B. degree which admits to prpfeaional scho«J» o« John* Hopkins. Uaiversi^ wttfaout examination. •2. Fow^jpjtr Ackdemjr -oi High

School course, which diploma admit* • - - 1—.~...e ——^, niut;ii uipwma aamtta

° ' good manners and expfi aa th« i? btwtcottegas m»i aniTsniUM-Tmiu

voted by ,tiie Senate f - the en iottement <>t thfe man "worigOT fight" rule undeif which any man placed in a^deferred class-under the draft-for industrial reasons must ebntinae to work at his ttam^-taBadoymmt or aaaliHfe^

which flowed naturally from the heart, but it was polished by les­sons which, certidn Continental, as well as British, gentlemen learned during visits, at the French court at Versailles. The whole system, however, had its roots in the days of chivalry, when sometimeq^ as shown in Cervantes's great satire, it was carried to tibsuird lengths.

Transplanted kindly


Because of the domestic re­quirements of the Northwestern section of this country; and the absolute necessity of taking care of the actual needs of that sec­tion, and because of transporta­tion facilities, it is only possible to give that section bituminous coal in sufficient quantities to enable- the essential war indus­tries to continue in iull opera­tion.—4t^ae als& been neeessary tamiateftially reduce the amount of . anthf acite coal __norma11y shipped into Virginia, and some other states.

To a certain extAt this will cause some hardship^ poultry raisers, particulariy Chose who quired for incubator and brooder Poultry raisers ishould undertake, during the.summer months ta get such anthracite ,eoal as is re quired for i^ui^tor and broober


imm Wanted.—Cedar, red or white.

Write for sizes and prices: R, C. Smootz, Fisher's BiU, Va.-

^ ' - - - " 6 *

, 1|H«T« jon 9Fr9t haA oar

tkcM days it Is ;iraO to know in adTancc bolJh UyL QBtlitj •M the tqpsl, Ask THE JOURNAL.

Fall term will open September 25th. Inquire of HERVIN U. ftOOP, Ph. D., LL. D., President. •

%ese congenial flourished

attributes-surrotmdin^ an ais the proverbial

-g f ^ ^ ^ Be and put it away untH next

During the late summer. Dr. E. S. Willard will give a public lecture in Manassas on "Osteop­athy as a Profession." The time and place will be announced lat­er. Dr. WilUrd was a professor for ten years in one of the lead-mg osteopathic colleges, and he is helping in.,tBre general move­ment to fill the student ranks de­pleted by the war. Also he is a licensed osteopath in Virgiftia and while in Manassas will con^ duct sveral public clinics. Will all those interested in osteraa-thy address him, care of "nie Manassas JonrnaL ^S-^


WE ft AVE PLENTY OF TUR-NIP SEED and.KALE SEED. Jolr 2Sth is the day to sow thent. Our stock of FRUIT JARS IS COMPLETE—TIN CANS, JAR tOPS, RUBBER and jJBLLy GLASSES. We want Eggs, Buttei^ X%i«k-ens—Anything you have to sell. Come to see OS and bay War Savings Stamps. J. H, BURKE & COMPANY

found __.^„„ z- _ spring. .—

important amendment was that [green bay IrieeJ Undcr^tnir trfd plantation system- the proprietor

MB ^eviiiOTi toseg much gf Ita importance when it is remem. bered t h a t ifca T*rp«MAnt h*a Wa

au^ority under the bill' to eaii-fOKS thte rate Without ^ e pm-pofled apecifc attttoriaataftit, Me |bfiE£.j^kme.. to, the Commg^ la empc(w«^ to give exemp- wealth many days of peace and tons or deferment for industrial plenty. With incre^aed wealtti reasons uid by thet same li>ken and security, hospitality was

[, he hasithft power fo wftianaw dispensed witih a lavish hand.

wat», in all save name, the lotd of a feudal manor, and though he WSB a stanch believer in the d«n ocratic ideala^of goverment, he, nevertke{«iM, de lated in 6b-

The situation win be such next winter <3u^ the Fuel Administr:^ tion cannot do as it did last win. ter becaufle-grfgryear apftciffe atl.

ieiT&i£r, in nis own home, those . . _w* i. ,..: : J^.^.^. JMftrrn nan mffeivod itn allot-'

ptrt and {Murcel of life .<m the great i»«faria»nnf »h<» Twwf.ljgf/.mip-

try> -When tfe RevuIuUmi h a f l l S l w t ^ becom^ a memory and the War of I8ia had been fouf^t and wola

Idttments of tonnage have been made^ not' only to states, bbt i& a short time will 6e znade to oom-mnnities as weU. If a certain mmmtmity next. February -or

iaeat, it will not be.^osaible^ to get an wkiitioiul ear x^ two,' evMi to take'care <gbTo6aerB and

- * . If every poultry laisei wlU UU

^ warty fwll tn gaf fnpj Whiph he

them whm: the feaacMifl oef»e to exist.--

Thug, whether of not Con ^ents and the periodic muster gress votes the specific author^^ f the mQitia compuues becanie 1 into the 1»#, it will exist nev-

[' igrthelesa and may be used by ^ P r e s i ^ t as he sees St Another tile Senate, and which will i ^ peai-to-BBanyiiB Jit veiy praptf

There was much wining^ and tiin-ing. Fox hunting and ttrama-

ho «»^ «,i..<.k . 11 »^ portment with all the asaiduity that men mjWr to tiieir profes8i<«i or business. As! a one, is tiie porovision under which

H js not Baeesaary ier a r e i ^ trant to claim' tJtemptjon.; K jCpuiatea tBgna>1locar:

^sQ'decide upon the facta dis-<lo8ed in the questionnaire ^ lether a man is or is not

social obsorvances of great mo­ment There was pl«ity of Ins­ure,-wd men took the time to

result the period eiabgaciHg'thg

requires ..for nex*-winter and spring use and to secure either one of the western anthraciteft-or screened o^», it & Ij^ielyjSuit little dlfficulify wis be experi-enped b y the grbwiWH in raiHinff

When^a^has d^vastttiCydiir ttoaMT orttoeaof IwgfayiB.-when Hfe laokp

'^~ <iiMta iif-y«MMr.

their fidf quota hi ehidcena'next

nave isoiie op in snoke—then yoa ap­preciate tile vahw of an insarance

wUdi iHiya its kMBfls proif^iiy and-Mta yoyi on your feet ugahL TJbatV


decade? precailBg the War Be^ it^ stands, out; in

nc* already had their prapectj etHUMctod iritib t ^ town.aewer to do. go .itt mace or provide sani-tary cfc>gptg m-rnwiing fA tha,

jpeciflcations of tBc Health partmoit- Said spedficatJOTie

tiffed to exen4>tion or defermest and r.lltiUlify hirw Qjv^ivtiTigty

After the age limits and other [ debslable provisiong of the bill

te been tfarKabed out and th% a vote cm its

- ^ was heard in the chamber, *"! that came from Senator ^ ^ of CMdaiioma, one of the ,'VfQfttl •oDBton^.iiiM) has per^ "•tently oppoaed the adminis-'**»on'« w«r meaaurea. He

" W no; but hefore the result *•• announced he secured the

tractive colors. The wau" cam?,_and^8incel^@L.

we have notod a decadence In gnnri manners . Men returned

bettrfact and fiction, m mostjit, „ heu>btained -fix«i the town^ J. C. MKRFJ>rrH.


W. N. LIPSCOMB msURANCE • AGEtiCY,tSC. -^^:- •

:: Vii^inla. .

to lABir ruined hwaw and meet-ing, as-never betore, the stern realities of ltfe,builded again tiie srtucture of our social and eco-

.-.l « ; •*: ^5. kilt tliML i^rnSZ


Jon of the Senate to re^ qy» from votito "in order that SLf***"" may exhiUt to the 4iei,the wortd and the angny * naaniinoua Vote fadiraWng-«. Jted purpoee, ah«rad fa^ as ail * ^ tbewy."

In the eaactin^nt of thia new

cesaiy, wag erected on Iche aolid and substantial foundatioa of the material. There waa lack of leiguie « d lack of numey, and the fiife dd cugtonu of the past ^ gradual^ fell into diauM^Tha^^ arc left to-day a few gentlemen loot of the old achool, iMt they are. ^ • » - f a « ^ « ^ digiq^eanng riHpidfy, and no one eomaa to fill thfir nlafW

Monday, S pt. 2, fer fimiirirfnc wood fw the foOowiac tdMola for tha 1918


Originated with the Jews of Lop-Iif4y aeveral thousand yean ago and today the Bank ia aa UfDISnSNS-BLB INSTITUTION hi o

•tors. It k fnettonary _ tag dgpoeita, loaaii« awMy,

Little attentii^^jMdto nam Uxlay Bow many of the yoong-Vlrginiang of big gmermm

^mt the battle for freedom, the ' I r ^ of the War Department ^convinced that it cannot be

'iQed if 41 decisive victory is to

^ 2^-law Congress hag respond-y>_the gentimept of the nstisB

°T*^"**'-'*SJ Ute gpirit of foyal ***™»na. . Much aa it Ig re-^ ^ that it Is neeeggary to, w..o„ ^ . - - • !*JJ he youthg of 18 and 19 fo manner is ei^ff csiM TOd1)ftrat f !*** *""* •**"* * **™ *"* io t>rit is boistereua aiid unaeemly.

The reverence for womanhood and motherhood seems lacking, and selfishness appears to have taken the place of consideration

>setnr«t^aniMi.- Ag*«M all Mi t» W. JLKWmELU Chtk. OeeoQ—

HMdk(f. Va.

Geo. D. Baker ti<m can naake a g n ^ o l bow? If they could they VwiM jabjeet thenwehreg to ridicule, fM* guch ig the tempCT of the timeg. Wi«n men meet we notice none _ I ?•* J ^ — f a L ' ^ » » of thrnTceties of addresg wKicSr^ V / H U C r i a i k C r H marked the gatherings of gen­tlemen of the old regime. Their Jiad

Im krt., ft^M OocnaeoaB, KuiMs a. .V4. Prompt Mteatioo gitcB AU orders. PriMi

to low M «ooH Mrric« tod mal«ri»l wn'tl }m-tfiv. METAUC CASKETS CiOlRIED IN afOCK

The Jeemal—-II—end wvrik

W ^ X . ' i K ^

m m LOCAL NEWS —Wash. Thorn, coiored, who

has been ill with typhoid fever, for some time, died on Wednes­day, night»v;^

—Sila* Field, co}wed,"Who has "been adjudged insaaeT la cbniin-«d in Jul awaitinf tranaporta-tion to the lunaticasylum

—Manassas.Agricultural High School, which opens earli^rJiian usual this year, will begin on Wednesday, September Uth , ^

^-The -regular in^ting of the M&nassas Cht«)ter, U. D. C , will be held in the chapter room on Wednesday, Sept 4, at 3 p. m. Members are urged to attend.

—A meeting of the Ministe* rial Association of PrinCe Wil» liam County will be held at the Presbyterian manse, Manassas, Va., next Monday, Sept. 2, at 9 a. m. - ,,, -^...{

—The Union Primitive Bap­tist mPPting nf.tbR TTppprvinf' C h u r ^ wfif hold its meeting with North Fork Church the third Sunday in Septem.ber in­stead of the first Sunday. -

—The dwelling and contents of Mr. D. W. Robinapn, HMur Nokesvilter^was turned Thura-day evening of last week- Mr. Showalter, of Roanoke,, adjusted the loss for the Lipscomb Insur­ance Agency.' - ."

—Earhart & Rhodes, real es­tate agents a t Nokesville, Tiave^ sold the liuid known an the Joseph Hamsberger farm,-con­taining 60 acres, to M*- ^- Pres-

Biick, of ton gusta county,.foT'$4,0C!0.

—Marriage licenses wiere is-' sued at the coufthouse thta week to Charles G. Lawrence, oif Rap-pahaimock cuuuly. and Rftchaelj^ Lee Creel, of FauQUier county. and to Cyrus A.' •Kedricfc, ol Maryland, and. Rcode Taylor, of Manassaa. TZIT IT '^; = ^

—Mr. C. ^P; ^felsou, wliOBti farm is just outside the limits of the corporation, recently finished tjireshing through, he found he Had m a ^ 560 bushels on 32 acres. This

—A niarriage license was is­sued in Washington on Tuesday to Steve^avid Vaughn, of Min-nieville, and Mildred Brackett, of Richmond: , —Douglas i). Roszel, the sev­enteen-year-old son of Mr. and

Miss Lillian Grant, of Warren-w « , o T, 1 * At iton^-waa the gxient of Miaa Lilla Mrs, gamuel S. Roszel, of Alex- A nhbr lant waak — andria, was drowned whjk bath- i L ' - WOBJC. ^ . _ — andris, 4ng in the Potomaii river off the Bryant Fertilizer CJompany's works,- Alexandria, about X& o'clock Tuesday morning. The remains were sent to Markham, Fauquier county, on Thursday for burial. Mr.'Sam S. Roszel is well known in thi& community^ ^ having lived here for a long time and was employed as a telegraph operator on the Southern Rail­way. His friends • extend their sympathy in his bereavement.

,—The aeroplane, mentioned in last week's Journal, to exhibit at Manassas on Friday evening, came much earlier than was'ad-vjertiaed. Not being able to make a good* landing in the vi­cinity of Eastern College, where

TC5rT:rn«fr"waB "Holding a tEe:

Mrs. W. R. Akers and little daughter, Ruth Louise! have re-tuni#d to their^ti&vhere.

Mrs. C. E. Simmons, of Ma­nassas, has left for a visit to Mrs. R. B. Pugh, at Morris, Okla.

Mrs. Mansfield, 6f Fairfax county, is visiting her sisters, MiijtHftH Alice and Ldu Ashford.

meeting and picnic, the machine alighted in a field on the Portner estate about a mile from town and after some little time flew over and around Manassas, per­forming m^my skillful and dur­ing feaH to the great admira­tion' and astonishment of the large crowd of citizens and visi-' tors who witnessed its perform-


In accepting Judge Thornton's resignation, the Clovemor aeuda him the foUcfwing letter:

ComiiBonweajtbof VirgiBia,—: Governor'B, Office. ^

. r ^ehttond, Aug. 28^191^. Hon. J. B. T. Thornton,

. Judge, Sixteenth- Judicial Cir-ctiilv MS awsas, Va. •-

rdear Judge TlioMton: .

Jvt^^ of the Sixteenth Judicial -u v GJaeuit^Virginia. tirtake agjgt Mxs.M^.^&]^en. Sqytanber. 1,1918. ^ : : '

On bdhjdf of the Stater^wislr

is the best report that we have heard up to th^ present time.

—A horse attached to a Imggy belonging to Dr. C. B. C. John­son, became frightened .from some unknown cauae.'about noon yesterday, and broke away firom the vehicle canTJng wit^ hii^ one of the shafts and part of the broken singletree. The horse escaped injury. _ . •

to express my' awredatum of your, services, and es^ress my regret thJat youf^pd it neceasMy


Mt. C. E. Clarke, of Minnie ville, was a Manassas visitor on Tuesday.

Miss Eva' Moore, of The Plains, is visiting Mr. W. S. Atb*y and family. —

Misses Mary and Sarah Prin-gle, qf Towson,-Md., are Miss Elsie Conner.—


Mrs. Suaie Rogers, of Sump^ tor, Gay Ts visiting "her Ijrother, Mr. Geo. H. Smith.

MRS. VERNON . . i n . .

SYLVIA OF THE ^ SERVICE ~ Also a Pathe News.

visiting '' THURSDAY^-

/' A Paramount _ —Bftfc lE BURKE


Mrs. Tyson Janney and Mrs. Thompson, of • Woodbndge, at* tended the Red Cross RiOly Fri-

Miss TTT. Waters and Mrs. 0 . JXr^yatera were Saltimore and Philadelphia visitors the past week. •-•

Mr. and Mrs. John J. Murphey, of Wa^ungtoQr were, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ashby on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Markley, of Philadelphia, and Mr. W. K. Conner are t h e ^ e s t s of Mr. J. J; Cotmer.

Lieut, and Mi^- 'Frederick H^ C O X ^ ^ X M B P Meade, yisiteii-the latter's father, Mr^C^XLJjach-man, on Sunday.

Mrs. Georgie Eklmraids and sia-' ter, IGss Biaiy Creigan, both, of AJexandriS, spent

^aM7 Ifc. T.TRiun|8^ Taylor family, of Norfolk, are yisitiBi: Mr. Taylor'a mottio^ and rela^ tlves in Manassaa.

t^resign. _ / With land regards, I remain,

"Ycjuw^ery: truly, •^. Westmoreland Dsyia;

— '- :'' — ' Govemogi

Chaatanqta D«Me Changed.

unloading his wagon of pulp woodatthe lumberyard of Brown & Hooff onTuesdi^, the horses becune frightened'by a passing train and~ran away, hreaking the coupling pole,-One _<poke from a ; n i i ^ andtening-up the wood frame of the vehi-^ tie. The -horses, fortunately, <>siaped injury. • -

S^a have hoon wiiftrntjjff

nee the publication j>f the _ certainly W hcid «£-tbe^ttier death of Mr. WilUam A 4<ew |date. l^ie name of the Rev. man. a former president of the New York C^Gral railroad, who died in New York recently, and » ho was a native of this county, that he was a nephew of tbe late WiJliara g. Fewefl, and^alao a cousin of Dr. W^ PeweB Mer­chant and Mr. J. Br?rimBMr« o€ Manassaa^ -.

—The fdel administration has called-on-ti fo tTie MlBSlB^j|tTtver>iiD the Sunday use of all CIMBW of automolHles — motereyeles and motorboats until furth«s notice, as a gasoline conservatioo meas-ure. OnFy voluntary compliance with the letter and spirit of the request will prevent the issuance < t ft n U M ^ vTvcBf

ing the use of gaaohne Sundays, it was asserted at 4 t r fod^ ad­ministration.' Automobiles for hire are included in the ctirtail-TTitrnt p r o p a a t i — - —

. A meeting of the guanmtors of the MOTOBSM Qiautauqua was held at the i o n i J» i l last Monday nii^t. l i te chairnian, C. Av Montgomery, having en­listed in the gb'nNrranent service, the office of chairman was,-on


for his honie -in Florida' on .Wed­nesday:.

"On Coxmer^ The

was ^Oeted chairman. The secre­tary stated-^Uu^ a-t^egiam hiad been receiveST ftt^^tfie Uhaa< taUQua XajaociaBogl>f Peni»y}-yaiiift,„jayin£ that it was abay-lutely necessary to change the date of Hee Manairtte Chantage qua f rcHn Oct. 9-11 to Oct. 16-18. A tetter i^lewed the tdegram. saying that the ChauU^Oa ylH

A. Stuart Gibson was added to the Int of . gnarantmi. The meeting adjourned to meet at call of the chainuitt.


We wish to call the attoitiDD ot the public to an article pob-Bafced ia anotfcwr colomii oi i U s paper in regard to tiie-cou—1>-

peeted T»idnff'ltttaioe3^ in Hbe next ten days the nati<Hial fuel admiftistration will have to issue

pleasant f«r ^ JWe hops mUt: mobile own»8 in Prince WilHam county wiD ccmfona to this as they have ta to other war onlers

c. R. c. jomraoN^ ^ . i.T«RINGtONi C. E. NASH,

Fuel Administrators for Prince -WilUam County. """ T" "

afr. W. T.: Merchant, efjfec GhaiibttesviHe' t^uaipg camp, visited hi* pawaitfl, Ifce. and Mrs. W. N. Meirhant, on Suiiday..' - 'Mr..JiUiHHi, Rj- Haydon, after being the:, suest <4 Mr. F. E, Rangaell for a short whiles left

Ml. jurf Mis. T. and family, accompanied by the moth»- of i l r . Watkins, of Alei^ andria^ tore visittag a t the hoflaei of Mr. and MrsTB. D. Wenrich.

' Mrs. E. E. Vollmer,,MiM Cora Ovemum, of Portsmoatii, and Miss Frances <Triffithr^^lgasb> in^tcm, are visiti&g Mrft. C. E. B r s w i ^ and Mxa. Vogt, at "tlie 9kk»^ : — — —

Mr. J. B. Hall, of CulpQ>et, writh Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Hafi, spent the week-oid with reta-tiv— in MldiHrtitwyiifiMriittfmfc al camp meeHpr where the Rie¥v Gypsy SmiQi has beat preach-Bi^ . • • ' ' ." . ' : •

Mr. Lee <C. Lfeyd, wife and two chlldreit;-aceompanied by Mrs. Wm. ^>ear, motor^ fnna Sindairvflle, N. Y., about 500 miles, and we visiting Mia. C-St Brawner modUn. Voft' at "Tttt Pmea.'

Mr. and Mia. Boy H«driek «»d family, of Dd Ray; Mr. and Mrs. W g nuhk.k, ut WaslilmUjir Misses Anna and Myrtle Jade son, and Misssi Rath and Haari

jt^^r, .-^.. rt„» >. - .Bichanla. uf Watieutun. w « (insue uiiHiis raat ^81 TC an ^nj»» gaests at

T the home of


Mrs. H. J. Pelton and little daughter have returned from a \mii weeks' visit Mrs. Petton's sister, Mrs. Ray­mond Bidley. at Fredericksburg. Mr. Pelton having recently ac-cepted a position there will J^ter




. . i n . . ^ ^ ^ THE SOUL OF BUDDHAr


• - in . . THE PmCH HITTER

ALSO COMEDY Matinee Saturday 8:15

^ r . E. M. Colvin, wife, daugh­ter and son. Miss Adine and Mr. Hazen Colvin; Mrs.^Albert Sides and daughter. Miss Anna, of Cat-lett, accompanied by Mrs. Amand Staples and niece, of Waahingt,nn, were viaitnrs at thft home of Mr. Sunday.

W. J. Ashby, on

Among the visitors to the Loudoun camp meeting, near Middleburg, on Sunday to hear Rev. Gypsy Smith, were Mr. and Mrs. H. ThonitoH Davies and family, Mr. S. T. Hall and wife, Mr. C. A; Sinclair and family, Mr. aiTd Mrs. E. H. Hibbs, Mr. and Mrs. C . ^ ; Larkin, Mr. E. B. Giddings and family, Mr. .0. E. Newman^and family, Mr. G. Raymond, Ratcliffe and family, Mr. W. E. "Trusler and Amily, and Mr. J. L. Moser and family.

-Miss 1-Sadie .Saffer. and her. brother, Wm. SaAer, of Manas­sas motored to Leesburg and sp^t the wedtien.d_^nth_lheir cousin, Mvs Ruth Saffer.—Lou-d<HUi:MiiTor.

Eiig^se Giddings. and have been siyndtag the

past two weeks idth the for-motiicr m idMibvaif,^

JinlidniiTi T^TwnH-

Mr. Mason Adams, of Phila­delphia, formerly of Manassas, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Adams.

Mr. Gordon Moran, of Wash­ington, is visiting Tiis mother, Mrfl. Mary E. Moran. .„

Mr. George Bryant, of Monroe, was in Manassas yesterday in attendance at the funerd of his brother-hi-law, Mr. William A. Clark.

Mrs. J. T. Dewey and Mrs. Al­fonso Calvert, of Hoadley, were Manassas visitors to-day.

Mr. E. K. Mitchell, who -holds a position in Washington, spent a couple of days at his home here last week. ' ' ~ -~

Mrs. Giddings gav^ an infor­mal dance for her grand-daugh-tei^, Elosie and Mary Giddings,' of Manassas^ and Miss Sue Gid­dings, of Silver Sqrings, Md.— Loudoun Mirror.

GO TO CAMP HUMPHREY'S The following men, qu^dfled

for sp^ial 'service, are to be sent .to' Caqnp Hiind^irey's -on September 8,1&18: Albert F. Arrington, Hoadley. Wade H. Corawdl. yiiiMuu|UM Wm. F. Woodyard, Occoquan. ^obn M Raraeyj^toaatico;

Willirfpis^ MsntssM,


Under and by virtue of a cer­tain deed of trust executed- on the firyt- of December, 1914, and of rectrt-d in deed book. 66, pages-34-5, in the clerit's office of

'4-F«nce William county, by A. e. Strother et ux. the undersignoj trustee therein mentioned, hav­ing been so requested by the holders of the notes tharein se­cured, in the efiyment of which notes and interest default has been made, will proceed to sell at public auction, t^ the highest biddaron -SATURDAY, SEPT 28, I918 at 12:15 o'clock, p. ra., m front of Ihe Peoples Bank, In the to frn of Manassas, aforesaid county, Virginia, all those two certain_ tracts or parcels of laud, lying and being situate on the Langh-yer Mill road, near Wellington, in Manassas district, aforesaid -county, adjoining the lands of Larkin, Kelley, Flannery," St. Joseph institute, and others, containing, niore or less,

FIRST TRACT—120 ACRES SECWD~TRACT—25 ACRES "Said tracts of land ai'e uiure

fully described in said trust. The 40-acre tract therein men-tio|^ed lias heretofore been sold by said granters. This is valu­able property, and should be in­spected by one desiring to pur­chase a good farm.


15 Trustee. L. B. Pattie, Auc'r. •


AH Damage to Pranlses or Con-~t«at8 Covered.

Every effort Is made by Ito^-cMBpaoy to appr Mnd anil eon-viei the thief. -No form of ia-saxvoiet gives4(r4ater protoctioiF^ for amomit of prwnlnm paidg, Tffnfa h l ^ i«*i> TifTW "If**** * ^












erofFLQURS Try i&-you wffl wantumre






move his family to that city.

Hbnassas Feed Supply and Implement Co. EVERYTHING FOR THE FARM

h « ^ V « « ^ k ^ * , *JV) A.<i/JkO ine. MAi^AjoAa JuutinAj^ AiAI^ASSAS, VIRGINIA




AND RULINGS. Ehtertain^ the Members of the

Kir Association—Presented . Handsome Silver Sehrice.

The home of Judgd ancl Mrs. J, B. T;; Thorutoit^waa iit6raee»&^ of an enjoyable occasion on Sat­urday, August 24 when Judge ThomtCHl entertained the mem­bers of the Bar Association of the 16th ju(!Kcial circuit at a lunchwn. Although—the occa-sion was regretable owing to the fact that Judge Thornton has resigned his position oii the bench, the splendid hospitality of. Judge Thornton and Ws wife contributed to make the meeting one that will be long remember-

. fid'by every one who was present.

Prior to the luncheon a short meeting of the Bar Association was held at the courthouse, Judge Wm. C. Gloth, of Alexan­dria county, president of the As­sociation, calling the meeting to order. Judge CTE. Nicol, joim M. Johnson]~JohzL .S.~ Barbour, Capt. Grandall Mackey, wid C. Vernon Ford made brief ad­dresses in testimony of the love and esteem in which Judge Tliomton is held by the attor­neys and court officials of lus circuit. All of the speakers paid a high ^tribute to. Judge .Thornton's ability and spoke in { lowing terms of his fairness aa a judge and of his Idnd and cour­teous treatment of all who came 4nto his courts. -

"Die members of the bar and the officials of MB several courts presented to th^retuing judgre « hands<HB«, solid, six-piece sil­ver service upon the tny «jf which was the followihg inscrip--tioa: -•Tfe Jna^BXBTTT^om itoQ upoB his reaigB^^n froin

**rh« Amarleaii peopl* will (l^iUf RUike anjr luirlflc* Im consumptlotf Mid in th« production of foodstatfi that wlU nuOnUln Ua» hMJth, oomfort ftad count* at Ui* pmsfi* at the AI> Itod «»uti4M. r W* w * 4B t u t .»aUa« At th« eommon tifcl* witk th«m."-—Pwaiawrr HMWIC* «-tJwr cwufw

MM* ot AUiaA Toei CoatroUvra la I^uuton.

p cial Circuit of Virginia, Sept 1,1918, from all the members of MQ Bar -«id-Conrjt ^Qfflgateda: i gr MA wm W ai>eft»ia»d tiom th> ^ c i r c u i t , in TBw»gi[ i«iMi pf hia iaithf uhiess, abHii^ and co^uts^ ay,

wealth's- attorney, of Fairfax cQunty, made* the preoiattatioit

few well chosen words,'express­ed with great feeling and eaio-tioh, resptHkded in,acceptmg:€he service. ''The membeis uf the Associa^ tioB then repaired to Judge TUornlon's homfe. where they :lound. awaiting them a bounte­ous luncheon; l ^ e tiabies wer^. artistically decorated with pahns ABdp^ted pSaata and lad^ with those tlui PB' that make- the

•UOAR. Osr b o ^ la th« Army and Nary

a««d •near. Hi* AJUiaa aaad augar. W « a r « rolBC to acad them all thar MAS, n txm torn moK ujj-vr aisip. n w t maana, iawmtt, rvj .deAaltely. that we at horn* muat «ut oar ua* ol Mca* to the minimum, lor there wUl • o t b« •nomli tor oar aoldtara ~aad the Alllaa onlaaa wa do. The meaa-' t>«'ahip of "THl! SAVR-A-SPOONFUL. Or-aVQAMrhKAGVir muat include aU patriotic Americana who. bellerint It ta the tittle thiii«a that count i i

. • l 5 E l B i t y * , w a r , . ^ t utttOK .on tHat D^laf. /The OoTernment was not alow to recognise the ralue^of small blia whan it comee te aarlng either monej or food for tb« good of democracy. Jnet aa little thrift stamps make wax. •artnxa stamp*, so the little apoonfula of sugar go to make the pounds need­ed for-iweraaaa auppllea and for sar-IDC our owh. fruit and Tcgetable crojt.

It la undoubtedly -to be regretted that a aiigtr shortaOT' ealsto.—¥batr howerer, is not oae the tragediea of the war, but merely, one of those Inconreniencei which a UtUe consid­eration and resourcAtttlnesa will quick­ly help to leasen.

Sugar la aTallaUe for aU legitimate requirementa for the canning and pi> ••rrlnc of frolto and regetablea but there arc thrae thlaca which U>»-ararage American hooaakaaper, accua. tomed to prasarrlng a ananUty of fmlt ia her own home. «ho«Id do to help la a angar conMrration program:

1. - Preaarr*-a part of tUe aivply-by mathode reanlrlog no angar. 2. A part wtth a greatly radneed amount ol-«ucaT,. l ^ A ^ - i w r t by i ^ t e e i n g soma of tha sogar ordinarily naed wtth other awcetenera.

Honey may ha nsad* weight for walaht io replaea a-paiFt » an of tha •tigar In any giren reelpa except la jaUy. making. Three-quarters of a ou» ot, honey welgha aboit as much as a ottp 01" antiar — ' —

IbriaaMa and forgbtia'attd other grain 8ym«M may btf naad aa asbatl-tntaa for sagar^wlUi aneh atrong flaT-prad fmlts aa phtma or eranbartiaa. Tha flaTor of thaaa awaatanara-t^ auOM prominent l^plea* will, iaiw tnr. aid In maaUag i t

AND LOT Uuder anlby virtue of a cer­

tain deed of trust executed the 18th day of May, l9l2, of record in deed book §2, page 337, in the clerrs office of Prince William county, by Jnor. Johnson and wife,-tll<fr undersigned trustee .yiexsLn natnsd, having iieen re­quested so to do by J^ holders of the notes therefn secured, i s the payment of which default has been made, will i>roceed to sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on

SATURDAY, SEPT. 2S, 1918 at twelve o'clock m., in front of the Peoples Bank, in the town of Manasy^ aioreeaid county, all-that eertain lot, with impixwe-ments thereon, lying and being situate in the aforesaid town'on Liberty avenue, and known as the Berry Hall propert, ing Cockrell and others. For a description by metes and bounds reference is made to-lfe deed re* corded in deed book 43, page 283.

- - TERMS CASH. ^-* --H. THORNTON DAVIES, 15 . - Trustee.


Crimson Qover Increases crop produc­tion, improves 'tne land and makes an excellent graang and Jforage crop.

WOOD S FALL CATAIOG •luat la*ua<( TallnJULAhoHt

GHtn»oii Clover, Alfal£a,FulgliumOat8, Ahhnirri Rye ari ij iber


.rAiR vaicm TOn FBBD AND rXXKTS KaT* BOW baatf worked out tor w*etleaUy araryintjl la the eoMf

aniOT^TBeigiodTBtolalitHttora. -nmr % mm dnHwi', fa a^tiwMgr TIMw ratr Prlea aehaitalaa a n | ~ ^

_ kM«I (». eariiMA a«utjUM in t M ^

C. Vemoh Fwd, comraD«=f^J?*"^2L -:^ . ,^ T\» aaeeitaln fair dallTand prlc«i'it

ia neeeaaary to add to thla aehednla

Farm andGailleii Seeds j F O R P A L L . S O W I N G .

"TSaaldg nuQed irM. Write lor It, and pricw o< any Seed* r». goired.

tW.WOQDi^NSl Seedsmen * FirtowjYa.

H joanaUy want thei lfiWIB^ of tba comilyThe JonnuJ iMl give it to yon ewry w»sk far a

snoooK lifAaa TU^^^i-,^^ 5„ • . «1*1 Ucenae-RegMlaUonaNo. 11, p. M.) Price the following Itepis: fSlea Spa. Relation laat yfcu doubled ptnoluma

..:Ott::01ffaraBti»l for liwa.. carioad aale—tt ahlpmant ia laaa thaa carload.

r (a) l!>elght • I. (d) Coat .«( sa(4ES (haaia .XrS&_Ib.

oottbtt. pi^BbaaedTtr 1.009 lota, per ~6bl. flonrh alao any charge for cartage, inleroai

ad»—of a wdl man giad. aomt<m pre-

atdcg at the punc£ bowl, while Jfrs. M. H. Davies, Mrs., W. W. Davies, Mrs. Ek H. gibbs, Mrs.

a^enffld apliiit tt4 Grain Thre«hln> DlTlaldi _ahai

'"J. Xenkyn Davies, Mrs. John J. Daviea, Mw. C, Brown, BIrs. Richard B. Washington, Mrs. Wm. C. Crk>lh and H i s s Letia | hy" local, admUstrateuft,. thieahisnaaa

Green assisted Mra. Thornton in the luxG eraL

In the afternotHi a visit was iQade tn the jSrovetm batUofiold yh<me Judge lliomttm ftil^ ejt-

rained the moveinent»-«tf qi^Ig%MO»: thla year it la aaUaatwl •rttues 1^ the second iMtttle of Manassas. . p -^ f" present were: R. A. HHtetuBonTKyan G<Mxkm, Geo. <3. Tyler, H. Thornton Davies, C A. Sinnlsir md Thoe. H. Liuu. tif

.aetnaUy e^raadi coat at feed U T tUsr, or ether ehargaar tf any.' Thaaa a^aelal ehargea, when made, muat he Uatad aaparately. aad not rhollted^ i«to the aellUc price.

T 9HAI1I THRCSHINQ THVfirOlir^ 8, U: Whtta^ air Ta—a, wfca «a A »

•lataBt Chla< af the Orala TkreaUag DiTiaifln raoi^MmMftSMJicm. Oniai CorpoiatlBa la how »paatad-at- -«t 'Br^m&wv, Kew York, and W. T aaO, one of the DfTlaloa's inapectoni o( l&aahing madtfnea, reieantly ririted

enraaaed wWi the

himself aa t the wMi'k dune la

Mr. y h l t a ff«auy pleaaad WrglnU la pieteutlng waaUa ^ spila through improper harresting and thraahing prdctleaa and with the

of eo-operatloB with

and tarmera. Mr. anaaeU <W1M ia an I M Pag*

county boy, now Uvlng in Oklahoma), made aererid blanket teata o^ threab-ing B»ehinaa_i!i


uvESTiHjir TRizss ttieiiiAMiir BY VIRCitWtA srATS FAill.

When the Virginia State Fair Aaa^

orer the y<»ar before l o d thereby -eelipaed the aBetlaga ef «ir*rr


What 8 the use of bemg aU tucked out with the heat of the kitchen when ^22vSS c o ^ better meaia with less work «n the DETROIT VAPOR OIL STOVE, which bnnift kerosene withoot wick or odor, and doesn't radiate heat aSovo'the place.

Hot weather loses its cooking terrors with this famous stove. wiDJldl yonso; -i _^- -• - - -—:•-•-'.. ^^ ____i=^_^

Tl io

XS? S IS.iL**' y®'M«etf and to your health Ho see the DETROIT VAPOR OIL STOVE—the finest product ot mannfactnrertFwho have devoted yeara to the farm stove proUem.-.Prices,$20.00and iv^

The^Cbmv^ lIANASSit^rTlRGINlA

BUSINESS .lOGALSL?;^* *" """ -**^ faix held in the eaatem s ta t^ i&cept "Tte it waa thonrtit tha< t*^- w ^ r-<^. resB,enough for many^Team t» come. Xow cofhes'.'the announcement that '^tFerings for livestock will be f^irther Ircreased to »20,0C0.00 In caah priaea at Use 1918 State Fair. Thla la tmir

for Virginia a. msKntlleent Ureatock (^hibit and one that no Virginia farm-•r who wants tftJcgep^poatad on thia '••iportant branch of his bnainesa can ''ffi>r< t" " t " ..FrcuB preaant indlcv •niis, verr few. Virginia fannera w »

mlaa the J919 liTe^tbac «AiMt a ^ the '^^t.pi th& wonderful ahow ^ October..

The Qevai'iwieiit to hectiNs'jiaai' ra<»» | to What are'you gotng to doT-

;2,soo;oo tN P R I Z E S F O R B O Y S ' A N D


.Tha_J'l has ^fnf 'annoniicBd that'!B' caah prises will be offered to Boys' and '^f-Tp'^?»h7Be«T Clubs, Com Clabs,

ewuiiy—th« lariwi weaty State la area and in wheat prodactioa.

tiS^J? * ° * * ^ I ara ihilin llii h »ait noMy wr-rtir-nrng-in tna . . -• . , _ _, /.- _ .

prince William county; Senator

:^9^-JahB-W "Rwst, WllMB-JL. ^*rr, M, Carter HaU, John S. e*rt)oqr, F. W. RidtardsoB. J.

Alhsoo, J. in5iP6tn«rW; *• Ellison, and Mr. Richie, «#

^ « « « county; Joafe^WmVC: __ LTPU, Uaitr-P; ^ ^ Claude O. Thomas, A. J^Crouuse, Chai. T. Jesse, Uai t. - , - » • " 111 M.. • V U I M , W « i | » ~

r*»<*^ Mackey, Prank L. Ball, r f " ^ H. Rucker, Howard

•elds fcd Mr. Sherer, of Akx-r f c o u n t y ; N. S. Greenaway, u

at SjOOO.Ma, aad a greatly tacreaaed acreage, ia pUaned tor 1111.

The I\>od Admlnlatrattoa'a oflicdal Uat tot elaaa thradiims, each aa Mr. KnaaeB la'maktag, ia a awrttar vt-vr •anal iasportanee le »raiB_pvw«tiCh*-eahlhlla win form a UtUe fair aU By thla rale any fanner ean teat tha yorirV the thaaahlng aaahtae he hired.

The teat la majda by directing tha Hmw ¥iower againat a blanket, aheet ar canTaaa darlna the tlase the w a l ^

two aad ^^e^l^ knshela. It aae pint af wheat la winnowed fram Ike IGnw m the

eperatlaa and a aaiand taat ha made. V impreraaMnt la

Bill '"II e'1 " »"i »tiwna a'i»Bld he

Thia extremely Uberal offer ia.the'ri^ rait of the in^f^reat ahowa i s the Boy^ aad Oida' Cinba' at - laat gear's Stat« Fair. Iria aisp partly dne to the fact that the yeong people* ef the State

eo aa to maJte ap fi»r the ah<yiage of !abor «aaaed by the war. W&aiX


that will calve in S^tember aad October; also a:few good fresh cows. These cow^ are all.younsr a n d r i y h t : T h o Iritwjfc^hnf g n tiy

Waniei-Mfim^ wUte vproaapea: See us and get M. Lynch A Co. ' •

work' wKeii :you start to feed private sale • «yery-

- T a f m for sale 6r rent one muk tor sale. J B. T

28r>tgJ Monday. - -Calvin Appletpn &\E. D.' Wissler; Son, Nokesville. . • i2-3t


For Rent.—7-ro(»n hwise fur-nii^ied or onfunudied, in Manasrl-i sas; an convesiiaicMTreasonaUe

20. Box 231, Manassas 12-tf

...Wantedv^-PoJ^ wood Gutters; twy years work? gsod wages and 'tW<»1

stay m close by tkc timbor.. ,F. R. Saunden^ Mart Mutat,WK-naaisas, Vs;———— 46- -

NOnCE.-—Haying bought the i?oote Wall Papcg- st^k, which 1 expect to sell out at low prices, r win keep store open- on Satur­days. Other days, leave word

qyn> Store jupidj wffl pic beehs to yuui home. Gca>

L. Luven. 12-tf

Fire Insuhua:*— If you are iifri>id of Mutual Assesaiiieiitsf

For Sale.—Cheap, on easy terms, or would rent, 25-acre tanr; all improvements LtenBi&~' apply E, Irttkens, Bmtow, Va/


'Wanted.—Ford Roadster,, for cash; must be gtwxl conditiMt.-


Lost.—On Tu^sdsy, a set of automobile tools, betweoi the

comb and the town. Mrs. W. N.Lipscomb. i s - i

Tor Sale.—My home on Grani

iiuuse. T. J. AshfonC: TS-S'

ForSale.—Good (living horse. J. L. Hnrrtdl. yi,n««^n^, ya, i j -

cttttcrs'to^ -wx, pttr^oxw-iifie' companies, TX yoD dont like the increasing old 4in»iates,^^ our Mutual. Take „ . , ,. your choice. We retresent bft< | ^ ^ " f / j g ^ ^ £ndsr~Au8tin Corporation, 53 ' *~"~

•any .mote ] art Inter-" .^'r*^'***'^*'' teaohew of agrieultuye and itidagtrial eeurse fev teaeheia uf -

esUag themaelVel II imriBlng-aetlTltiea it aaeaaa a large iaereaac In the nnnt-b e n w<M wlU be tn n poaition to make ezhlhiU at the Pate. T h e n to erery IndlcitWS that tB« Bqyi''-«rt-C!mr

In ttmaelTca, and a .highly"eradltabla^ aad intereatinK one at tkkt Tka Gov

«Mi-aal«—MChnt «r« ynn ffatnf ta Sat


MAILWa. lannaBnaasaat to made tnm the

eOcea of the VIrgtaia StaU Pair Aaai»> aiatioa that the U l l PreatBM CaUIng to new ready far manias 'Ibe flataiof la • iWl I H W I I I H a t III and eoBtaiaa a cbMflsts Hat ot .pma-l a a a ta be awaidad ot the coming fair

* • I atllh liilt paroemrv ahaot tha »r»Mf*- ' hibits. e t c The

John M. Johitton, Wm. P. Wools *»*-Richard WasTun^n. of r ^ ^ ^ a city; and John J i^arres; of Cuipeper.

aaptiniiad nntfl ih« aToida%te eo.i s _

lOnatratlena af laat year's ^riae-wln. • l a c tThthita. and li ia fTtry T ' T ' moot attraettvc oae that tb« Pair A<>iO elation haa m*t leaned. The catef to •allail free apon request,.bat anre to get a copy, application shouVd be OMide at oaoa -to the Virginia Staie

Bx^BBge, Pufaitura and nfi t todaryatr Aaeeelatten. RiCThmoad, Va. Tha of merchandise or other commoditiaa Qeverwiwext to haetmig f i i f Faifi promptly tranaferred or delivered. 'What an* >ou goin^ to do?


Blacksburg, Virginia Fiflwui IIMHTW Kounwa In a(;fleulm«}, Bnglnccrlng, gsncrat gettnee and

ni^died science; two year course in agriculture, fanners' winter course, train-

reaerved offieers-tratntng-corpe: Apply te Registrar for cat&logrue. J, D. EGGLESTON, President

Plan Now To Attend & Exhiblif VIRQ! STATE FAIR RICHMOND OCT.7TOI2.

Femi^ nane ^^ attoidant fn^ a sanitarium' for Novous- and.

a Montu witt board Address, S. Lord; Conn.

Sriary. S24.00 a and laundry.


Wanted.—10,000 a>rds of .pn^ wood. H ^ e s t cas)i price paid on delivwy; mefsorements takeu

fore yon tofl,' JS. a?-eoHasr. t l


W. S. ATHET. Profrietor.

! T\

For Rent—Jan. 1st, 1919, on shares, 250 acre famyjwiaistiiig of good, strong land. This fann can be raited for. a tenn of rears, but only toi a party able to

libar ana juiT chinery. Renter most be win-ing W part in the ooo^vet, and-liaire two or more sonsT (M enougk and experfeoceirenougfi, fo wott as necessary farm labor. If rent­ed renter must sow wheat crop this laH. Refeieiices ai Lu ahA-ity and integrity required. Ad-drn Lock Box H i , eare Ttm Joumid, Msnsfwae, Vs. 14^


• For Rent, year 1919—My farm St WeUingtoB, Va A. S. Robertson. 1^*8

Lost—Highly decorated Imife. Please return To G, E. Spies at Dwaell's Pliiu-macv.

-Tha Journal—il—and w<»rtb 4t—


RUSSIA wiwi on No^wmber 7i5>-drov« Kwr. iHi£y:j&^lE"cilyrTBe'lfOT^"lirth^ of the

(By Walter S. Smoot.) The great Russian Revolution,

outirfwMckitia^lK««31«ircome|fcCT^^ a_ new and free Russian nation, *" began with the overthrow of th^

«FmaMt buildings though de­fended for a time by the famous women's "Battalion of Death" were finally delivered over to

" WitR Czar-him fell tb»^-oid regime in Bus aia nnminyla jta end because as

tJnder the DolsheviBt regfwa* Gsrroan agent* aicere »ven^ a tr^-hand:—in—an—interview Trotslcy declared that" would not conclude a separate peace, but orders were issued for the reduction of the Russian ar-B i e S m i S a l l r « i December 16 a truce with Germany was,sign

an autocracy it did not represent the democratic_demands of the Russian people. In 1906 the late Czar grajVtedja^onstitutibn whicS sligfatly"disturbed th».- . - ; — ^ power of the old autocracy, but diate bpenmg 6f peace negotia. still left it with much of its old tions without participation of power, which it, exercised in a j Russia's aUies corrupt, tyrannical, and ineffi­cient manner-: Its shoKcomings were revealed in^916 when the Russian armies were driven out of Poland and Galicia for lack of am m unition. Late Tn -1^16 ne­gotiations were opened up for a separate peace with Germany by


Circuit Court for Prince William County, this 19th day of Au­gust, 1918.

International Harvester Com- „ ! ; „ „ . . , K ' - ^ „ U « . . paay ol Amariia^-».-Corpora.. E M ^ t h F a r q ^ ^ tton.

vs. Geo. B; ParQutUff, et-aHh


In the Clerk'a Office of the Circuit Court for Prince William County, thi» 19th dty of Au­gust, 1918.


The general object of the fore-

SUCKI out therein is to attach the estate of said Gen B, Farguhar

iSeo. B. Farquhf, ctalo.

:: : r _m cHAJNGEEY z ~ The general object of the fore-

» ^ going suit and lun attachment lent «a«d out therein is to attach the

Virginia, in deed book 64, pages 481-2, and executed by William Riley! and at the request of the - -" '^

in Prince William County, being an undivided one-sixth interest a V^UV%- •••:-— . — n i l U I I U I V I U C U U I l ^ ^ - D J A H l ^liVm^ytJ'-

^ y Tffi proylBl g far the imme ^ aiOuect M-lhie; aawer JiLMmr

The result was the disgrace­ful peace conference at Brest-Litovsk. So greedy were the Germans, so manifestly deter­mined to keep the Russian terr i - [*^ tory they had conquered tKat"Hr" Lenine and Trotsky refused to continue the negotiations. On February 10, 1918, they with

;rreact ionary-Bori8 Stuer- <ii*w from the conferencT^ut mer. The intrigue was discov­ered and Stuermer compelled to resign; the negotiations with Germany, however, were con­tinued, and were almost com­pleted when-the-Revolution oc­curred: -PerstHteHtTJRJpggaiiait, after the meeting of the Duma on February 27, gradually won ovef- the Ru cause of the people and the-na-tion; and on March 13,1917, the President of the Duma announcr ed the formatigfr^ <^feoyifli<mr-al Government with the Execu­tive Committee of the p u n a at

head. On the 15tJu

announced thai, the-war was at 6n end and ordered the demobi­lization of the Russian armies on all fronts. The rapid resump­tion of mihtary operations by Germany, howevei", soon brougKt the Biolahcviki to accept the con

Anne Farquhar) in and to a cer tain tract of land about one-half mile 8o)ith af-Buokhall, in Mftr nassas District, Prince William Coupty, Virginia, adjoining the landfe of Bennett, Robinson and others, containing 241 acres, one rood and 28 poles, more Qr less, and known as the Chas. Farqu-

estate of said Geo. B. Farquhar in Prince WiUiam County, being an undTvided one-sixth interest (subject to the dower of Mary

tain traet of land about one-half mile south of Buckhall, in Ma­nassas District, Prince William County, Virginia, adjoining the lands of Bennett, Rolnnson and others, containing 241 acres, one rood and 23 poles, more or less, and known as the Chas. Farqu­har property, and to have parti

beneficiary therein, hy reason ol default having beeiL made in the payment of the note secured un­der sairtri ist; the indersigjied trustee therein named mil offer for si^e to the highest bidder, at public auction, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 14, 1918, "it twfely o cloclf m.,tn" front of


Und*r and by virtue of a cer- J j T ^ ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ' ^ ^ •

^ . . ' ^ ^ ? i ^^*o^rru?r? ^ ^ ^ « X ^ 1 at »:«*.

ficr< Prince William-i:k)unty^J2r^ *• "• ^""^J. PreMnititr at -gr-p. -rgr^fa««t.

Wednesday—Prayer meetinf at 8 p. m. ^ubj«ct, "MiMioM—India."

LUTHBRAK ;~ Btthal Lotharan Chnnh, B«T. Kd»

gar Z. PWtM, p*HM. Sunday—Sunday School at ' 1 0

"^e^eloA. Praaehing at 11 o'clock a. m.


id to have parti- tion or sale ef said entire txawt tion or sale of said entire tract as may appear proper to court, and subject the said interest of the said Geo. B. Farquhar there­in to the payment nf thp. claim of the plaintiff against him for $130, with interest from May 20, 1914, until paid, subject to a credit of J15.77 as of April 27, 1916, and a reasonable attorney's fee for collection; and it ap­pearing that the attachment has been duly returrled executed.

ditions of peace which had been laid down .a t Brest-Litovsk.


and politically over to Germany,

as may appear proper to court, and subject the said interest of the said Geo. B. Farquhar there­in to the payment of the daim of the plaintiff against him for. $115, with interest from Nov. 14, 1914, until paid; and it ap­pearing that the attachment has been duly returned executed-, but that a copy thereof has not been delivered to said Geo. B. Farquhar in person, and it fur­ther appearing from ^ d a v i t

the Pstqiles National Bank, in the town of Manassas, aforesaid county, all that certain lot or parcel of land, lying and being situate near Thououghfare, in Gainesville district, aforesaid county, adjoining the lands of Mrs. Marsteller, and known as the Smallwood place, containing

ONE ACRE -.This is the property now own­

ed by said William Riley, but the graveyard is reserved.


- - —- ^ - frustee. L. B. PATTIE, Auc'r. 13-ts

to said Geo. B. ^ q u h a r , and it further appeiaring from affida­vit duly^filed-in this cause that

^but^ copy thereof hot delivpn^ Hied in this suit that the said

^'besfe.jwnditiQnB^whicli pracu- . ^ ».iH>,pn B Fftrqnhar is not cally handed Russia-territorial^ a-resident of the Slate of „ x« . . -« . . ^. — ^ of^Tff-

ginia, J t is therefore ordered were ratified by the "AU Rus- that the »^d Gro.B. Farquhar

abdicated leaving at

of_.Sffi Moscow, March 14, 1918.

Thus was jUie Germarr yoke -placed" upofe-Ru which was to show no signs of

appear within fifteen days after

do what is nepesSary to protect his interests,

V T T • ^ Z j r ^ . n . : ^ : ^ ly^ktor four successive weeks lightonmg until t ^ Crecbn Slo- !„ the Afanassas J 5 t i i - a a 7 ¥ ¥ e ^

Nicholas It

stni ^n'the h ^ ^ d » ^ t h e o i i^ [ya>»—unwim Austrian sub­class who had been active in the jects who h « i voluntarily sur-prosecution of the w«r. jrendered to l*e Russian ar^ea

From March" 1& to ^uly . 20 - t * * » ° * «'" **' ^ " ^ ^ Sibena, Russia was ruled by a Proyiaiott.' bringing near the dajt-iriMm Rifc al Governmentjrf Constitutional ;«i» s h o ^ s t ^ prowl and tree Democrats who were headed by

^he—Prime Minifltpr, Prince

a copy hereof be published onee

Geo. B. Farquhar is not a resi­dent of the State of Virginia, it is therefore ordered that the said Geo. B. Farquhar appear within &Eteen days aftdr due publication of this order and do wMt is necessary to protect his interests


Trinity Bpiacopal Church, Rev. A. Stuart Gibaon, Rector.

Sunday School at U) o'clock a. m. Service first, second and fourth

Sundays 6t 11 a. m.; third Sunday at S p.m.

St. Ann's Memorial Ghapel, Nokea-ville. Service first) Svraday at 8 p. m.; third Sunday at 11 a. m.

BAPTIST -^ — — Manassas Baptist Church, R«v. T.

D. D. Clark, pastor. Sunday—Sunday School, 6M a. m.;

morning service, 11 o'clock; B. Y. P.

Wednesday—Prayer meating at 7:80 p. m. '

wSt •" :AinHt is f urtlier i a copy hereof be published ohce a week for four successive weeks

i f uFther^>r«*«w'ed-thAt in the Manassas Joum^, a news-

Lvoff Thenew^wwatt^^^r^ *^**°**^*^' *^'***^ " ^ George ment proclaimed free speech,

Poultry will be wdl^Tq>rese»t- • ed- in the eombined government aehiblt at the Virginia State Fair thia year. /This combined ixhiWt is for the^puHXM* of in farming OM p^iifle coBceniing

the right to etrikeiuirive?8f^ suffrage, and the riwintfinance <^ eriHting trentiwH. It waa Boon apparent that, the Government would be opposed at every step

~by the "Soviet"' or GouncU jpf Workmen's and Midler's Ueie-gates, at ^teograd, which om-sidered itself the true represen­tative of revolutionary Russia and planned to give ttie Revolu­tion a social rather * ^ * ^ ; ; ^ Stimulating food ly political character. The S6viBt^™"|^\^^^^ j ^ was create^ md ruled; by ^ j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ .^ ^^ ^ j j ^ j , , , ^ ultra-radical Socialiata, the_Bdt- ^^ „ .-, ::'^'^^^=,--^:- ;'-' " sheviki, led^by LMliue HiarThlt-j " ^ ^ ^ - ^^^^ ^v^aTit 1 7 th^

hibit at the State Fair.

paper pr^ited and published in the aforesaid county, and iMi a copy hecSDf be posted at .thip fnmt door of the eourthouge d this ^nnty on or before ^iit next iiat«iMlnj'ruleTtoy~itftir this ofder is entered.


-ptqier printed and puWished-^. the aforesaid eounty,^and ^ t a. copy liereof be ported at the front' d o o r ^ the fonrt.hoyse-^

A TrueOopy—Tesle. . GEO. CL TYLER, a

H.ThoratoB Davtes p. q.

this cdtmty = on or befpire-the n e ^ succeeding rule day after this order 18 entoedi

GEO. G. TYLER, Clerk. A TVoe, Copy—Tfaete 3^»-

TO«.^w. ! _ _ _ „ p ] ^ * ^ . TYLER, Clerk. X«;^TYLER, KjitA, H. Therhtoh pttvies, p. q

Having determined to devote our whole time to the Real Estate and Insurance business, we here­by solicit all property for aide 'sroi'request those having prop­erty to list the same srim ua promptly.

We i»n«Kt«ra«£I filter WW* i« jrijB jive the hnala«i— .mig-bfrt

atteatiow. _ _ _ _ -e.. J. MEETZE & CO.

Oppr i ^ ^ t a t i o a Mawaaiw. V*.

KI .BOOTHIB.I I ^ M m P Oejhtwi"

fK^.E&SU>V • PNSiMl

Rev. Bamett Griaisley's Appoiataeata Bellehaven. fourth Sunday, 11 a. m. Woodhin*. second and foartb Sna-

days, 3 p. m. flatcher Mentorial,

II a. m. and T.SO p. B. ~ Oak Dale, third Sonday, 11 a. n. ,

and first Siinday» 7:80 p. m. , Anbom, fizat Sunday, 11 a. m. «ad tbird Sunday, 7:80 p. n . -

PKliriTlVK BAPnST j Prtottjtfv* Baptist Qnaeh. Bldsr T.

S. D»Iton, pastor.j ~' SwicH^ew^y»iiircii'ownfMiy^Ait 11 a. m. toad tbe Satorday pracgjlag at ftSO p. m. •....-•'••" • • .



tkt l«nnl-41~«iid wortk

-Dnu(CToas~ JOTSItr ------ ~

. . . .w&nnaj>, WATXaaOSBBTS, B.B*Bn,ia

_ tnoMMt «s in >U t t l r Ill iiisiiihiii'iriiM in sil lisaiaiii i

i l I (ladtaaeollMttoMtlifeaskM'itk' CnttmawS

niajiiJfirtjjiijWit luiMiiiial riii iuli

pastor. Snnday School at 9!46 a; '«.

the work their govemmait, in its various departments, isthung towards witoning the war'.

Among the a^Jivities oi tb» Department of \Agricullure. in

luction, the poultry

sky, who were-thft jtYoyed.sp<H>r aors of a separate peace between Russia and Gemiany., Through these agents the Genntms sys­tematically corriiptedL, the Rut: sian armies by fratemimng with the men and ^praf^pST agree­mentwi th theiTgnig«m> for a. peace "wllhoul aiHHiAayOMrg: indemnities." By tins means Brussiloff's ^yictorioos offensive in Galicia in July was CMiverted mto a disastrous retreat. Prince Lvoff resigned and,the control of the goverrtment • f a mto the hands of the moderate Socialist, Alexander Kerrad^.'

.\inid a burst oC nenthusiaam aH over Russia, Euiuuikji W suraed practically dictatoriid power, and secured the-ESfitOTA-t>on (on paper) nt tha ikrath

product of years* of~experienee in expositiqp methods and eveary effOTt wiii be made to v i s u a l ^ .Btibjects in such a manner that <fliaetv«tfr n ^ " be-iaforuied as well as entertained. This ex-hibit wilt afeow the "Bed ^ ^ " -ri^auMi pnnltrv-production and

Qffieteitt~inetli^ ods of poultry eotttire aa pwac-ticed on the Govwnment Farm at BeltsviUei M d ^ -

Some of the pMnta-that wiXL Be renqdtasi^U ua the iuipuit> ange of keepiiy Ttandard ' poultry, the sdecti<» of healthy, vigorooa birda aa hraedom, early hatching! cuUing the Ikiek, and



penalty for tnaabn or mutiny. A new Cajbjnct was f<Mrmed from

the^pcoductigfi of infertiie eggs. A special appeal wiS be made for baek-yaitl poultry kaeping

Uf VUUlUj)

~ CATHOI3C An fUfa.t.' P«»>.«H>, r^nwl.,

Fattier WiUiam GIU, pastw Ttiihd

days. Sacood and fmnih Ekmdays at 10:80.». aB.»ioUoiwad by bspadfatton «f tbB.


Pimtidag eirery Sunday at Ha* au ^ _and- 8 p nn. , - . . •:.

EpforOt Ljeagaa^ot 7:00 iiTiiii ' ~ '• TtnrkhsH. ev^-grodig at > p. tn.' —^BttasefTI^ BtaSStr ati ft. M» tUrd Snnday at 11 a! m.

khich all extiame Kariirala hEe the Bolsheyiki were excluded. The Amwipan Russia, led by Elihu Boot, which arrived ia Washington oa Ao-guBt la^ waa abls tu aiuwuuea

brooder houaea and food hop-

maay ^ bnwnidee iHMte^BC various varieties dt chiekana and

I typaa of porftey heuasa. A Govamment ponltrymas

irin be Tn attendanca to give

bright hopes for tiie recovery of Russian JutemaLerier tary effidancy. The German capture o L - B ^ . o n the Battip caused a break between Kerm^ sky and ibe Russian military leaders, who led by Ganend Komikyff attempted a- eoup d'uLatbul fajlatl KluUiia tgui

adviee aad iafonnatioa and-lo distribute bullatina op poultry



—^rcdUctkM poiato to next faB aMi wtaitw bai irtha freateat tn tmn ef aB ktedn Fashiiw isadiii s piailajM th *** * ami. ladhMiiality la twn thaa aay atlMr typa af kaaaty aad liMhrliMilty la

, waavwr

w S w a a t t a a tn tkair dJaMacttrwi,

maiced in Pe^rograi under the. giade Khitteg la aaa •* tw» eal-leadership of the Bolaheviki,


qoalttka a n to ba kad at aB.

ito ia << H tl^*plUaUr"


, Hn Cm ¥ Mmhiiili apprinteiMrta— foUew:

Sndley—Firrt, seeoad a i ^ l o a t t t Simdaya, 11 a. m. -

ndrvifWr-^^Seeoiid aad tMa& Bat-day*, 3 p. m.

GakeavOla—Fhrat Sonday. S 9-jm.: tidrfMMl gftli amdhy. Mra>ai.

Uriitow T)ilnl and tttk-' 8 p. B. ——

WoodlawB-^TUtd aad ftCtl^ dayt, 8. p. m.

Woohey—jFirit Sqiiday^ 8 p. .

feOow:' • and vurd ~

SeeoMd aad Co^tfli flSn^


Adww flefwid—d fmrtb -•8 p . ' * . • • •

MMIanil—Wat aad OtM Suadsfs,-11 a. m. ---^^

The first aimiTeraacy senriee <rf Aabory/ fj. B. Chioeh will be-teld __ ly nirht, Sqiit. 1, at-etg^ oUo(^ TW pastor will givs a' brief atswint <d tbt.Twr'i wgriLr gnsjL «t the dmrch la eaq»eeted J e b>

•ited.; Special nmafe wffl fce ai ranged. —


. the cx^i r ivr iMaet iva faataraa

ms^ If jPOQ m f l y waat tha NEWS

glva ft to you every waak for a youLfor one tMIar, In advaoea.

ianassa^ni]s{erO.T an

C5Ji T rjlt


\ mTliarrT,<«&.



D i


•ad.alieoaMCtMcd t»ww h9 httat -

X M »

Ireso Dip No. 1 aOaUoB or K H M Dtp Mo. 1 l o t Hoc ChoUm V i r u <» tv*

^oillr Good for aU Live Suxl WW «flt wDd TOO b— • bookM on

tka traatnuat o( •»• • • • , »ni>fn» or^tch mtnga, •rthritls. Mr* moalh, etc

W* will wpd 70> trM » boOCIct on how tn li'ilH ' h t f —«'l-— w]>icli wlU kMp hoc* ol—n «ii«1 hmitia.

W* will Mnd ron fn* k booklet on bow to k««p 7oar hoci (ra* from in-Mct panwtta «nd diiMw.

Writ* for tham—thv »i« tn*.

Kreto Dip No. 1 it eujr to tuc. —RelltWe mi Bw»iwnil«>l.

>w Sdi la OrHlMi Part*«M kr

PriBM Wifflain nunBacyr

Electrical Neds

liHlBni KMS U f

Ov wraf Ml bnt is ifpinii by Ik Bwri if

yMlM'tfave !_(• viT a bif friee CMT NT {Md

imk. LctlKflTeyN aesliiafe G. L. ROSEriBERGER


STATE NORMAL SCHOOL aRMii^C»!:f:>:ltiiIf}*l

Fntfessional training for -teachers.-PteparattanforhoAe-ltfyV • ' Uncial . iaioMttiti '^ CUUTBVS." All

coanes lead to VirsiiHa certifteat«t. iPMt ggadnata cottraw <i«i.

hnlag tt OcmnM iu EJuua-

Expfoaaes aetwd cost. ECest location. Hodeni Bidldinga

Meal health eonditioni Fw fi«e toitioa, eatalocoa • • d g a i -

oal inferinatimi^ writ*- £.: H. S US SELJ^ Prwdtoit. " '9-1t

Rector & Co. HAVMARKET, VA.


I'feuse fomisfaed .•JKT rwiaonablc djihmr^Br

4f F W k SdMol SyatMi aT

i>BPASTMEMTS R I P B B S S N T B D OtiUcib Gnuhwic, Laif»

~ ^ ^ BagtWMrtnf' LOAN rvmM AWAajkBUt

•n CMtB «• %|FUa stadwta fa AM SHd far

IQWAJO) irmSTON, Ragiatntr, Uitlwallijf Va>

IN f=T\

Wood** Seedi.

i I P — 1 / 1 « ^ » - r

^ « ^ Bwtof

« n MB Food

l U f CiUii.— . ! " • M«h putm of fartNIsM* F * * * It aiaaaianir ilMlialila t ^


K aevaalany dwIrabU far ta oaw air tlta •oiMmpfo*-

pieltila, m>a om—OW la an^uaeUon^iy ana af

wawiefTtri intrmtM ta tita •^ •apw, Oouan aiM MIIM " •

whiah fotlaw It. • • T r ' ^ . * * ' »**•••< ->* WOOO» V**' 0*TALO«. which al»a» fiiii

- titout OMMSON CLOV->--•>- - ^ f t ^ r * a t f aadi fui FaM

ILW, WOOD & SONS, Mehmond, Va.


rOOo MRntnttrriTOr WriTW T T ^ »

00d,000 gtnlMlt WMaC^


and Fat tWpmwita Inaraaaad kjr

OoDaarratioa Baaaaraa applied bf anafclad"tfcrgm»-

ad StatM to'ehlp ta Ok* Allied paot^aa and ta oar awn t*<em orarMaa 141^ OOaooO 4>aibMa af wheat and iMit.400, 000 pounda of aMat datlaf QM paat r«ar, ralued la aU at fl. OO.OOO.OOa Thia waa aceompUahad In tb« face of a eerloaa food ibartaKe la thti eoantrr, koapoaklBx the i^olebaartedpeai end patrtotlen wtth whtafc the A»>rlcaa paoirfa have met tka food erlals abroad.

road Adiatntatrator Hoover, la a latr tar to Prc^doBt WUaoo, czplalni how the iitoatloB waa mat The voluntary eoaaerratioD procram foatered by tha rood AdmlDletrattoa eaabled tha piling op of the mlUloM of bwdiola of wheat dertiui l$ lT- i ( a M 4ha aUpaMMt a( meat duriaf UlT-lA.

Tha total TOIM at all food *tp> manta to Allied deatinatlosa Bmonatad-te |I1,«)OJ)00,000, all thU food being booght through ar ta collaboratioB with the rood Admlntatratloa. Theae flgaMi are an baaed ea official raporta and Vayeeent tood czporta tor tka barreeft jrear that doeod Jane BQ, IBUL

Tha Alpmanta of aioata and fata-(Incladlag Meat prodncta, dalrj prod-acta, TOfatoble oUa, o t c j to AlUadd*a>^ tlaaWeae were aa M l o w i : Flacal rMr-W»^lT....2,lMbOOQ.0OOgit.

jtitx iMT-ia... Aouaoa ooo iha. • a • • • • • » • • 844,«0,000ftik.

Oar aaaghtaraMoinlweleaHha k*-of the laat flacatjew waat a t

gp^NdaMr'targar Oaa tha parttcalarlr la kega; tbmf

waiw lp»B«blr laaa. Iha laeiaaaa te iMpwanta ta'SS ta eenaafrattoa and

eif aiilaiale >rtfle<l bj owrlarmw*.

Tha fril eCaot «t tteaa a«Mt> baga» 1»baar their bMt reaaHa la ti r laat half ot Die flacal year, whan th* ax-porti to die AlUea were 2,US,100.000 pomda, as egaiast iJiMJBO(K0O0 poipmds hi-tha aame period ^ the year bedteei.'


-Sria-I01.0QO,000 ponada ot total, ezporta tor tha aame half yeaci n th* OuM-yau pia-wai period.

In-'careala and cereal- prodiKta i^ faced to temn at cereal bashrts oar *l»aMata tff>JHHaa desHnafteaa «avw

' ' • ^ l r r ' ma-17..2i»QOftOOObnabela ytsasj yea>iaiTl».Jl0.aBO,000liu

Increaae -. . - . > . . . . ' 80,000.000 Inahela Of these cereals oor idilpmeDta o t

Ola prtnae breadatnlEs la dM flacal year MT.ia ta AW

Wheat 19I;eoe.eM bnabels aift «f rya tt,M»,000 baahabik a, tatal «t 14<.M8^ WOboalMla.

daatliiatloBa 4>eal~'year 191^17 wara.

110 100,000 boditia. and rya a,SOO,000 boahola. a total of UT. OOiOOO->a^ila to addition dbaaa 10.000,000 i—Tiiils of ItIT whaat are now In port §K AHiad deattaatloaa or an Toota Iharato. Tha total shipatents to AUled

wheat wfll ba tibarcfora^ aboat 141.000^ fiOO bnahfas. or a total-^ IB4,M0.<M>

M Id.

lOlOOOvOOD eat vpoia as, A 4 aeaM laporta from other ^aartar%.., —"TBTiMasTpMAraeBt'ef oar peopi* la this aatttar stands oat titmt amra dearly g " ^ Siil' i i mtai t^t we had VF^aia^ 4» tha flacal yeaf UHt^ir

s aarplaa ovr.aoraal eOnsoDption abov^

MO.dOO,0bO baabeia of. wheat wht^ w« — a alria i» amort that year wtthoU

boHa tauCr •oanraf'aBld. Tbla ia«t year, ' awiag te tha large fallara.«( tha.inT wheat crap, wa had avalliMa fraoi not earry-orar aad piodnetloa aad la*ae«a-aoly }ut abMt a v BOTMI eoMamp.


. . "Theae ilgnrea. howvrai^ da nat foQ^ caaray the vplviBe of I K eSiert and aacrtfica aiade during tha past year by the whole Aiacrfeaa. Vsapia, I ^ uftf the BMgnlflcoat eCart af e«r agrt-eoltwal popoiatloa^a plaatlag a anch

iJa l«.!Lj»at.«g^y WM.

karreat aot a*ly aCTMigth fully •alatataad. bat eoly taavorary pertads of hardship.

-It to aaaalt ta <

b«UO_JB«_wttL ••at part af the Amarlcan

A hoarder Is t«as«ed Id tnghiawt


U M NO Mor^-Thtbi TWO FeiaA^ Per Pwgqn a Month itihrn Frramt^ — M#agre Allied Sugar Ration T

It Maintained.

Stocks Wil Be Short UntU Beginning of New YMur^Ratkm M^y Be Enlargwi Then.

Two pounds ed sogar a aionth—half a poaad a weeh—that Is the sagar ra-Oaa tha U. >. Pood A«itialstratloa has aAed a^ary AsMrleaa ta obaerva aatU Janaary 1, Wit, In order to laaka

th<wa ilMJl be enooi^ tor ojir


Ar«y aad Navy, tor the Allied armlea and for the dvlliass of those natioas.

By Now Teai^ die world sagar sit-. •etiea will bo tatlerad ateitwjbat by the BOW crop. Oabaa wysr ec y.ear's crop wW be 4rrlTlng la coantrjt.

•rary'a^allaMa aogar aooree wtfl be draim oa by the Food Admlalatratlon during the next wlater moaths to maln-tala sadMeat stoafcs here to keep ap anr aatlonal sugar on^iyi—Sartng Oe-

tober tha flrat Aaierlcan beat sagar wlU^arrlTa hi Iha werfcita By tha Biddla af Kn 1 1 > ei some «t oar La»-Isiaia eaao crev wttl ha avallabla. -^JM af this slitar aod *eae May bo aaadad ta has* this aattsa sappUad'oa a ra-

redactloB. In Barope the preseat ra-tion Is already reddced to • "•ln'"!apt,

Our Utvatlon, The sltaaUoB whlcb the Calted

States faces In Its eSoita to malntala a fair dUtrlbuUoa of sugar ta the Al-Ued world le as followsj^ ~1hi9ar e«pi»W»o"Siro«Bhout the eatm. try, in hama^ ate roe, facto riea and bakeriee are at a lew ebb. We must make Inereaaed atigar ehlpmehts to the AllleaL

PredUetlOJI of Am«rl««» t%Mm* Mt^ Leureltna eane M*p» Kave^eM ditap-polntlno.

Porta Rico orepe have been ow^ tailed.

Immense sugar stocks In Java can­not be reached en account of the ahip-pi:.g ihortafle; shjpe are needed for troop movements and munltlona^

Army and Navy eugan requirements -have increaaed aa weH as those -from-the Allies. ^

Most lAduairtea nalni sugar have had ttsif allotmeiit reduced by ano-hatf; sOBie wilt receive no augar. ..

Boqseholds should make every a(-fert to preserve the fruit erop'wlthoat sugar, or wiri) uaall amounts ot sugar. Later, when tha sugar supply Is larg-

menry K. Field & Co.

Bfad> and Byulcfing MateriaT OF ALL KINDS.


A LCXA N& m y r v y

AMERICAN -peofple ef wsrtora Pnxn;*,' H ir« ile^taded entiretf'

•B oar bofne-gv»VB ««flmr gtocks. AppTtMdmately 75 p«r cent, of oor s' ahtpp«d

to oar dtores. We produce about 1 jd0e;60'> tons-of sasar-a year. Our imr ' '' ' "' shmart amnnnt te ovcr 8,000^ 000 tona • year fai normal times.

The United States Food Adrr.iristration asks «ach family to limit its use of sugar to tv-r f''"'-'-- P-r mpnlH^

-per person for liouseheTd a«e. Th? milit—V "t'tation d*--Biaiida that grery^aviltiWd shtf> W j\t%'-i^4 at the diinodil of the Army or NaTy. When we save iat,^. wg aaTd thipplBf.

Home Ehressed and Wesfeati Meats

^^^eJ €«id Pcwt #


^ Cash Paid for Country Produce and Live Stock ^

- - ^ j — — - ^


VICTROLAS Machine Co. Don't be dceeired by some otber—not all Cabi-net Hbchineirare Yktrolas. Let me show yoiu Give me yonr order for Records. I have SOBM in stodi aU the tiiiM. 'A tttti* advance in price. GIVBMfiACALL^

Watch Repakring aod Fjttiii^ . ~



-FXIjUE ISUUUX I. MMMJi V jrm^ "• A*^..n>J-*



HAYMAllKET Mr. B. B.'Nallfl made a bu»i-|ability. Miaa Board will be aa-

Miss Martha Carter, spent the summer in Canada, ia at her home here for a visit.

Mr. Marion Hutchiaon of the

liess fnjpTldrManassas last Satur-whofHay.

Miss Alice Meetze is viaitinff Mlas Mar; Reid.

Quite a number of people Merchant Marine Service," Isjfi'oni - here spending a few days at his bpme here, having recently returned ffiom ftn extended/trft). ""

Lieut. R. H. Blair is at home for a furlough ot titiee months, after fourteen, months duty over seas. He was with the family at '.'Shirley" for a short stay, and ieft this week with Mrs. Blair and their little son to visit his parents in Milwaukee, Wis.

Mrs. A. L. M. Fuller and Miss Jean Fuller, who spent the sum­mer in Asheville, N. C, are at Meade Croft, "for a visit before returning to-ttieir-home-iB-Bal­timore. ' •

Children's Day for Grace Chapel Sunday School, near Hickory Grove, was observed on last Saturday. The services were in charge of Rev. Edwin S.

^ Eastern College promises open very auspiciously Septem­ber 25th. President Hwvin U. Roop, who has just'returned from a trip to New York-City, annoimri a. the -following new teachers:

Professor of English —Dr. (Miss) Charhitte Moore. Miss Moore is an A. B. graduate of Cornell University; A. M., 1911, of Columbia University, and

Hinks, who preached nt 11 a, m. JDoctor of Fhilo»PPhY XPh* P-). said at 3 in the afternoon, made an address to the Sunday School children who attended in a body. The hours between the services were spent in the enjoyment of a bountiful lunch served under the trees around the chapel, and in ally.


Miss Jean Howdershell, of Washing^! who spent last week ^t Atlantic City,-T8-the: guest this week ot h&c sister, MKS. R, R, Smith. . - ••-

Mrs. GuiHQfa^ «nd MlflSM Brumback and Elizabeth Faye

Guilford and Mr. A . X Gt^ord, of WashiiigttHi, were week-end guests at "OakiAade."

Hilda Owens, who have beenjgja.

to home in New iting Mrs. Jaa/Aahby, have re-turned York. - Miss-

their "T

Loa-doun CamT> Meeting hist Smiday.


sisted by Misa Edna Porter and Miss Bella Lipscomb, of "rexas, It will be remembered that Miss Porter was graduffted frortt the music department" of Eastern College «»d:lM»-«4ii«e-^eBt- tw» years in«further study at the Perfwdr Conservatory ef M«aic


List of Teachers and the Dif­ferent Bnunches Th^ WiU

I^esidc Over.

The twentieth annual session foT

1916, University of Pennsyl vania. Before graduating from Cornell she was head of the de­partment of Ens^ish in Ward>; Belmont Seminary for five years. Since then she was connected with Converse College for six

a pleasant social tiinc^ener- Tears as head of the Enj^sh de­partment, "nie- presidents of these institutions ispeak moj t glowingly of her scholarship, teaching ability and character.

Professor of Modem Lan-(Miisis) Elizabeth

MuiTuw is an guaifes— Ih*.

A. EL:gra(hiate'of Union College; A. M., 190Sr-Bame college, and a ^Stdt of philoeopbit. (Pli. p.) , of Zurich University, Switaw-land. As a teachier Miss Morrow "is a iHt>nounced saocess; her ability as ia disciplinarian is de-

BELL'S BREAD is made from best materiala. baked in an up to-date oven, handled by neat, clean, care­ful wwkas^J. A»k tor i t -accept no other. We also have a nice QUICK LUNCH-COUNTER where yon can satisftr your appetite. Full line of confectionery.

J. M. BELL Lost —Suiall gold watcir; case

flowered on both sides. Mrs. George McCuen. 15-1


By virtue of an order of the District Court at the United States, for the Eastern District of Virginia, entered OTI the 7th day of January, 19 18, in the section? ef fence on east side of matter of Rector & Hunt, bank rupt.8, the underBJgned, J. S. \ ^ -son, trustee in bankruptcy, and the.undersigned, C. A. Sinclair, trustee under a certain deed of trust, duly recorded In the clerk's office of ftince William county clerk's oflice, executed by E. R. Rector and wife, in whicn H. B. Bear and Annie J. Speake are the beneficiaries, shall offer for sak, to the hio ieflt bidder, on the terms mentioned below, on

SATURDAY, SEa»T. 21, 1918,

in front of the Peoples National Bank of Manassas, Va., in the town of Manassas, at about 11 o'clock a. ffl., the following real estate, to wit: said trustees hav­ing by said order been ordered and directed to sell the same:

That certain tract of land ly­ing and being situate about one

mile east of the town of Hay-market, Prince William county, Va., on the east side of the Car­olina road and bounded as fol­lows: Beginning at 1, a point in center of Carolina road, oppo­site a stone by a post at inter-

said road, a corner to Osborne; thence with the said fence N. 82 E. 98.64 poles to 2, a stake and stone in Lightness line; thence with Lightner N. ISVi E. 83.4 poles to 3, a point in center of road leading to Catharpin, stone on south side thereof, a comer to Lightner; thence with middle of said road N. 81 W. 8 poles, S. 83% W- 60 poles to 4, turn in road 20. links from three red oaks, irhangle offence, comer to Utterback; thegce N, 76% W. 474.7 poles to 6, the intersection of the Carolina road and 20 links north of a stone on east side of same, comer to Utterback in De-pauw's line; thenee with Caro­lina road S. 8Vi W. 36 poles, S 19 E. 14 poles, S. 44 E. 34 poles, S. 231/8 E. 22 poles, S. 16% E. 24 poles, S. 3V2 E. 15.4 poles to the beginning and containing

80 ACRES, 3 roods and 25 poles.

TERMS OF SALE :-^ne-half. cash on day of sale, and the bfit ance upon a credit of one and two years, the purchaser to exe­cute interest bearing bonds for the deferred payments and the title to be retained until the pur­chase money is paid in-full. _

iTiIs real estate wiH be' soid^ free of li&nB.

JOHN S. WILSON, Trustee in Bankruptey

C. A. SINCLAIR, Trustee. Jno. P. Kerlin, Auc'r. • 16

iimmmmmm Better start your subaeription

to The Journal before thej>rice advances.


Mrs. Heniy--Qweaa ^md^ lisa tndedly-gwd; she igTDbtwt and ihdgitigoblc,—imef—adaptable

Grace MePeBepgfar.~gf Washington, is visiting Mr».€,

Misses Marie White and Roae Shirley attiended tiie Manlull fair on Thursday last.

Quite a number of our peopte-auended camp meetiiic at Ben-ton's wood last week ;

Mr. f;, S- Shirlpy, nf W>«hirtg-ton, spent the.: wefek-end at his home here. ~

and remarkably aMe in many lines. 1 ^ ia a* stxoE i; charac­ter, forceful.; modem, diplo" matle.^ -i' - —'—' • -' . \

:Profewor - of ^Hlatory and EJccm^Bics-^r^-Wl H. GoUina.

Mr. Frank Gosaom ia spending this week fai Lynchbijig. • - —

^ Missea Fl(»a Smith, Pauline Gossom and J»nie Salei^..were Manassas visitors recmt^.

A ocries of saestittgB will ba-gin at Antieeh i^nreh- Tueaday [ProfeaBor CoUiUs evening, Sept. 8. The pastor will Be assMtad by-the-Rev. C. Wirt Trainhsm, of BruingtiHi; Va.

^ .


Mr. Statly KidwaU, of Waab-

this weete • • • • •, T^ ' Many of the V*o^ from h«r«

attended the MarrtuJl Fair iart Thursday.

Miss Carrie LMr WfttiUfiff-ton spent the week- eno at her home here.

Miss Alma Brady has return-. ed to her hqme in Haymarket.

The Oak-Dale Baptist Sunday School wiH give a picnic in the Grove on Saturday 81, at 1 a. nu J —- ^—-

Mr. E. A. TagVA tmt Umiiy motored to Camp Im orSatar-. day and returned.

Miss Nellie Gnat, of W«i|i-ington, tupBwiiin souie tima with her aont, Mrs. H. M. House.

FlrofeBsdr .Collins is a graduate of Wesleni' MKry wMt Ccilege and a. doctor ot philosophy ( ^ D.j, Yale UnivM-sily. Dr. Col-lins knows his ^^bjects thor­oughly^ wid ' is ' a- suocessfifl

I^fe^or of College Mathe-niatics . snd Latin—^Ptofessor Wm. Cobhani.. I^feasor Cob-luun Is "an A 6 . graduate/of Glasgow University and an A M. of-Jx>Bdon Univonty; All-who know-him speak highly of his scholarship, and teaejugfp ab f l^

and Cobham

Professor of ^wnish and Pw-tugese^-ProtesscHr M. de U Rosa.

~ -Hems graduated frokn the Uni­versity of Bogota with the B. C. degree, and tiao undostands the Fhigiish. tsnghage." r

P»-«f«^«iM^ o^ fix* n^anm^rri^

Branches—^Professor C. H. JjoA-hart. who is a mraduate of V i ^ paraiao^id¥»^ty. . La additmi tA hill fiiMt traJiiitiy h» K— h»A

some y^ars of soece—ful bmri-ness experience—rcmploying and. managing men. ^-'-pire^or of th« Deputawnt of| Mnaie—Miaa V«CA Boud, who is an honor griMiaate and gold medallist of the Tonmto Coo-sen^ery of Ifane. also stadisd two

ter, of Washington, spent sever­al days last wMk with Mr. Md

Mrs. WiRie Mayfaoi^ is sUy^ ing with her dao^rter, Mr*. C B. NaUa.

Mrs. Anna < rant, ef Washia^ ton, is visitmg her daugfat^. Mrs. C. E. NaUs.

Mrs. Emily King, of HotiiA, s¥«5t ilic m^-vti wttlr imt

hcvinr studied piaBo «ith iSiar Augnste PSenei amA vmoe. -with Moasiear LoeieB Bsrtott. I^ris, Flrancfc thitft Ifiss Beard taught voice, piano, hlvBMMiy and ceanterpoints in

Not a shoe in ti& lot thai can be boaght today aai aM faa! less than $7JS0.6Not«B sisea hi my (OM M, bat an aiaei, fraa 4 to

11, ia the sia^k. AB are akesTftts; DO ezdiaage or tetara. Bear la miad, please, th^ does

aM HalhK>wa atach. batlMt thaOzferi Whie t h ^ hirtp-4438.

a m f OP QBT ONH OPjtheef Ue NlBCK TIES adirertiaad j a ^

BnsuM a Af

Wadiinffton, D. C After having t a n ^ there for seven yeaa. Miss Bria-tol says that she ia a teacher of unvarying k>yalty to the school and its best interests. Her gen-isl dispe^^aa, -aHn^ -h^N^al and inspiring in her presence luskes hw' a gical acquis!Lfam tp iufy coHege. I can not say too •BHich ia hsr favor. She iM a voeal «Bd piano soloist «{ floe


"ooooooooooooooooooeooooooo •••••••••ssssMssssssassss ooSooQooocoocooeoeoooeboo^t

MINGTHIS COUPON of Cai^v t l^ete for Week of Sept 2 and Ten Cents in Cadi, will get you Blue Enamel, 10-qt. Preserving EetUe, with white -enamel lining, like cut. Gdod ler_wedc of July l i t oidy; ^lis is your chance; jou aussed it be­fore. " »



1t%tt^ Bade, Taa 'ILeds" UM bast pmiaetka ia Tm^ Sanmmt the Burfeei. When yptt b ^ 'Veds" yon kftow yea ari getthigtite BEST. We asl



GINGHAMS ASriQNe J b are shofiriag a afaa Has ef

New Ghvhiuas, la al the


— ^ » e the Taid — ~

Tea, they t e i aa they are faaC eofer; we ds aol gaaraatas-fldi^ bat hiire W i p o eoaiplBlata.



We otf^rii «iedi aE ahewa ea Msathly Sheet


HYNSON^S The Quality Shop Manassas, Virgima

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