  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


     Adult Bible Study Guide

    Oct • Nov • Dec 2015

    powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruizvicente


  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    p y

     Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guid"n "ppeal

    Dear #ser$ %his &ower&oint 'how is (reely sharedto all who !ay )nd it bene)cial *hile

    intended pri!arily (or personal use+so!e )nd it use(ul (or teaching thelesson in church

     %here are those+ however+ who add

    illustrations+ change bac,ground+change (onts+ etc *hile their intention!ay be good+ this is not right 'lide -1

    says .designed by claro ruiz vicente

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    Bimre Tokics, Principal Contributor 


  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


     JeremiahOur 6oal

    To read the boo, o( 7ere!iah+ is to ta,e a 8ourney+

    a spiritual 8ourney that goesbac, and (orth (ro! thelowest depths o( hu!an

    depravity to the heights andgrandeur and !a8esty o( the3ord9

    the 3ord who+ (ro! those

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes



      1 The Prophetic Calling of Jeremiah  2 The Crisis Within and Withot  The !ast "i#e $ings of Jdah  ; Re%ke and Retri%tion

      5 More Woes for the Prophet  < &'m%olic Acts  = The Crisis Contines  > Josiah(s Reform

      ? Jeremiah(s )oke10 The *estrction of Jersalem11 The Co#enant12 Back to Eg'pt

    1 !essons "rom Jeremiah

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


     Jeremiah3esson 2+ October 10

     %he risis

    @*ithin and *ithoutA

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    The Crisis (ithin and ithoutBey %eCt

     7ere!iah 2: NB7

    . E .Israel +as holiness to

    the 3ord+ the )rst(ruits o( Fisincrease "ll that devour hi!will oGendH disaster will co!e

    upon the!+ says the 3ord

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    The Crisis (ithin and ithoutIuic, 3oo,

    1 %wo $ingdoms(Jeremiah "#$

    2 %wo E#ils(Jeremiah %#&"

    %wo *eceptions(Jeremiah %'#&% &)

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    The Crisis (ithin and ithoutnitial *ords

    od(s people faced !anychallenges+ both (ro! within

    and (ro! without and in !anyways the greatest crisis ca!e

    (ro! within " corrupt

    leadership and corruptpriesthoodHpeople whose hearts had been

    so hardened by sin and

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    The Crisis (ithin and ithout1 %wo Bingdo!s

     7ere!iah :> NB7. EThen I sa+ that (or all thecauses (or which bac,sliding

    srael had co!!ittedadultery+ had put her away

    and given her a certi)cate o(divorceH yet her treacheroussister 7udah did not (ear+

    but went and played the

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    &* Two +in,doms" Iuic, Fistory

    After the era o( the 8udges+the nation entered a ti!e o(relative peace and prosperityunder .the #nited Jonarchy+

    o( 'aul+ David+

    and 'olo!on+ which lastedaboutone hundred years

    "(ter the death o( 'olo!on the

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    &* Two +in,domssrael and 7udah

    .%he apostasy introducedduring 7eroboa!s reignbeca!e !ore and !ore

    !ar,ed+ until )nally it resultedin the utter ruin o( the ,ingdo!o( srael9Prophets and +in,s 

    10="ssyria put an end to the

    country and deported its

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    &* Two +in,domssrael and 7udah

    %he 'outhern Bingdo!+ werentgreat either+ and+ as with theNorthern Bingdo!+ the 3ord

    sought to spare these people(ro! the cala!ity that the

    Northern Bingdo! (aced+ onlynow (ro! the threat o( theKabylonians

    #n(ortunately+ 7udah had a

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    The Crisis (ithin and ithout2 %wo 4vils

     7ere!iah 2:1 NB7. E"or m' people have

    co!!itted two evils: %heyhave (orsa,en Je+ the(ountain o( living waters+

    and hewn the!selvescisterns9

    bro,en cisterns that can

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    %* Two .ilsKeca!e *orthless

    E#en thogh the nation hadeCperienced so!e spiritualre(or! under the leadership

    o( Feze,iahand 7osiah+ the people

    reverted to their old ways and(ell intoworse apostasy

    "s he did all through his

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    %* Two .ilsKeca!e *orthless

     %he people had co!!ittedtwo evils:

    they (orsoo, the 3ord+ the(ountain

    o( living waters+ and as a

    result+hewed out (or the!selvesbro,en cisterns that+ o(

    course+ could not hold any

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    The Crisis (ithin and ithout %wo Deceptions

     7ere!iah 2=:12+ 1; NB7. EI also spoke to Lede,iah,ing o( 7udah according to all

    these words+ saying .Kringyour nec,s under the yo,e o(

    the ,ing o( Kabylon+ andserve hi!and live %here(ore do not listen to the

    words o( the prophets

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    "* Two /eceptionsKelieving *hat %hey *anted to

     Jehoiakim, king of 7udah+could stabilize the country onlyby swearing allegiance to the

    Kabylonian ,ingJany wanted to (ree

    the!selves (ro! theKabylonians+ even though thatwasnt what the 3ord intended

    (or the! to do 6od was using

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    "* Two /eceptions'wearing alsely

    %he 3ord tells the people to runthrough the streets and see .i(you can )nd a !an+ one whodoes 8ustice and see,s truth+

    that !ay pardon her

    7erusale!  %his brings to thestory o( 6od telling "braha!+that i( Fe could )nd 50

    righteous !en @soon reduced

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    "* Two /eceptions'wearing alsely

    No !atter how deeply (allenthe

    nation had beco!e+ !any o(the people believed that they

    were still (aith(ully (ollowing the

    3ordP %hey went on in their lives andreligious practices as i(


  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    "* Two /eceptions'wearing alsely

    With all the +onderfltrth +e ha#e %een gi#en

    as &e#enth0da'Ad#entists, ho+ can +emake sre +e don(t fall

    into a similar deception of%elie#ing or ni1e

    calling itself is enogh to h C i i ( i hi d i h

  • 8/20/2019 4th Quarter 2015 Lesson 2 Powerpoint With Tagalog Notes


    The Crisis (ithin and ithoutinal *ords

    T+o +orld#ie+s/ In one+people do whatever they

    thin, is .right in their owneyesH in another+ people are

    to do what is right in the

    .eyes o( the 3ord thy 6od'o o(ten+ what is .right inso!eones own eyes is o(ten

    wrong in 6ods %hats why

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