Page 1: 5 brands shaking up automotive

5 innovative brands

shaking up automotive | @Different_Spin

Page 2: 5 brands shaking up automotive

We recently surveyed more than 32,000 Millennials…

in order to gain an understanding of their mobility behaviours and their general attitudes towards the automotive industry. We looked not only at their attitudes and behaviours in the present but sought out their perspective on what the future of automotive and mobility might look like. | @Different_Spin

Page 3: 5 brands shaking up automotive

We asked our Millennial participants to choose which brands they thought would be leading the automotive industry in 10 years time. The brands that stood out were: Uber, Tesla, Google, BMW, Apple and Toyota.

Which of these brands do you think will be leading the automotive industry in 10 years’ time? Source: Hark UK Millennials Panel by

Different Spin, 2015.

As part of the same task, we asked the Millennials to pin the brands that they considered the most innovative. The results were almost identical.

For Millennials, it is clear that a perception of innovation is directly linked with long-term success. | @Different_Spin

Page 4: 5 brands shaking up automotive

Too many automotive brands are failing to innovate and keep up with the fast

changing world of the modern consumer.

Perhaps it seems like an insurmountable task, especially for larger OEMs, to keep up with the pace of change. But we are here to tell you that innovation is not exclusive to the nimble startup.

We’ve brought together 5 examples of brands, both large and small, that are challenging the status quo and successfully sustaining innovation within the automotive industry. | @Different_Spin

Page 5: 5 brands shaking up automotive

The TechieGoogleThey’ve got a habit of sticking their fingers in every pie but Google are busy putting fire under the bums of the automotive world with their groundbreaking work into driverless vehicles. It could end up going the way of other futuristic ventures from the company such as Google Glass but it is hard to deny that greater levels of autonomy in mobility are almost an inevitability and these guys are currently at the forefront of this technology. | @Different_Spin

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Uber is the name on everyones’ lips at the moment, and with good reason. This disruptive brand is driving the sharing revolution and causing controversy the world over. It may be a case of right time, right place but with investments in innovative new tech and an almost incomprehensible rate of growth, this startup is destined to continue turning heads for at least a little while longer.

The DisruptorUberUber is the name on everyones’ lips at the moment, and with good reason. This disruptive brand is driving the sharing revolution and causing controversy the world over. It may be a case of right time, right place but with investments in innovative new tech and an almost incomprehensible rate of growth, this startup is destined to continue turning heads for at least a little while longer. | @Different_Spin

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Uber is the name on everyones’ lips at the moment, and with good reason. This disruptive brand is driving the sharing revolution and causing controversy the world over. It may be a case of right time, right place but with investments in innovative new tech and an almost incomprehensible rate of growth, this startup is destined to continue turning heads for at least a little while longer.

The InsurerInsure The Box

This brand might not be a household name like the others on this list, but in their industry they are pioneers and rule breakers. Insure the Box is bringing black box technology into the mainstream, slashing prices and saving a few lives in the process. As well as providing their innovative insurance tech independently, they are now working with major brands like Tesco and the AA to bring the product to a larger crowd. | @Different_Spin

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Uber is the name on everyones’ lips at the moment, and with good reason. This disruptive brand is driving the sharing revolution and causing controversy the world over. It may be a case of right time, right place but with investments in innovative new tech and an almost incomprehensible rate of growth, this startup is destined to continue turning heads for at least a little while longer.


BMW are riding the wave of disruption and paying attention to the trends that show what their customers need from a car in todays’ world. They are bringing electric vehicles to the premium audience with their (admittedely ugly) BMW I Models. But even more impressively, they have stayed ahead of the trend by establishing their own car sharing service DriveNow giving city dwellers across Europe access to BMW and Mini vehicles on a flexible basis. | @Different_Spin

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Uber is the name on everyones’ lips at the moment, and with good reason. This disruptive brand is driving the sharing revolution and causing controversy the world over. It may be a case of right time, right place but with investments in innovative new tech and an almost incomprehensible rate of growth, this startup is destined to continue turning heads for at least a little while longer.

The EccentricTesla

Headed by visionary businessman Elon Musk, Tesla Motors is the company making electric cars desirable, supplying cars to such notable personalities as Jay Z, Cameron Diaz and Oprah Winfrey. Famously, Tesla also made their technology open source to encourage progress and buy in to zero emission cars on a global scale. | @Different_Spin

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