Page 1: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

5 xááxÇà|tÄ tips

to creating a colourful home that

works and makes you happy

– and the ONLYONLYONLYONLY thing you should

avoid at all cost

(Yep, there’s only one thing.

Apart from doing nothing, of course)

Page 2: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

Do you recognize any of this at all:

• You dream of more colour in your home

• You long for more humour and “oomph” in your home


• You are inspired by home features in magazines

showing personal, eclectic and quirky homes

• You are not entirely sure how to make the colours

work together instead of clashing

• You WANT TO but you don’t quite have the courage

Now it’s time to throw cautions to the wind. You

want to. You long for it. You dare. And you must!

The Lutterlagkage mini-guide will lead you safely

through 5 simple steps to letting go of your

reservations and start living and decorating like the

true colour-diva you are. With the handy workbook

you are sure to maintain momentum in the process.

The only thing you have to remember is to have fun

along the way. You can look forward to seeing your

home through new eyes.

You create the change. You ARE you home.



Page 3: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

5 simple steps5 simple steps5 simple steps5 simple steps to a colourful hometo a colourful hometo a colourful hometo a colourful home::::


Find outFind outFind outFind out who you are – and be true to yourself


DrDrDrDream bigeam bigeam bigeam big and in colour – and look for inspiration

everywhere around


CreateCreateCreateCreate change through preparation. That will help you

stay on course even when you have


DoDoDoDo something; something unexpected, different, fun,

asymmetric or playful


Hold Hold Hold Hold onononon to your vision and make a mini moodboard to

bring along when you go shopping

Page 4: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]


The only thing to avoid at all costs!


Do not believe that creating your new home means

lots of shopping for (more) stuff. Oh no! I encourage you

to look at the things you already have in your home with

love and tenderness. Look for possibilities. See where you

can create change instead of buying it. Do not start

shopping until you have truly identified the strengths of

your home, the power and direction of your dreams and

your genuine needs.

I’m sure you’ll be surprised at how little it takes!

If you have the itch to get to work right now I have

created a fun and nifty


You can print it directly from your computer and use it to

keep track of your thoughts and ideas. And maintain

momentum, as they say

You’ll find it right here – free and ready to use!

Page 5: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]


Page 6: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

# 1

Find out who you are.

YOU live in your home and your home should bring

out the best in you.

Make a list of all the qualities you like the best about

yourself. Make it long. Boast and brag and be

positive. Think of it as a love letter to yourself.

If your home is a family home just make a list of

qualities you like about your family. When your list

is done, make it even longer! I want you to list all the

characteristics and qualities you long for. Make sure

to also list qualities you want to make strengthen.

Write page after page if you like. Use colours if that’s

your thing. But don’t stop. Not here. Not yet!

The most important result of the list is to identify

three qualities. When the list is done you’ll be able to

identify your top three qualities, the most important

things to work with. Those are your dream-words.

And your |Çä|àtà|ÉÇ yÉÜ v{tÇzx4

Page 7: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

FIND OUT I/we are:

I/we want more:

My/our dream-words:

Page 8: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]


Dream big and in colour.

Look around and gather inspiration for a while.

When you have determined your dream words

and what you long for you’ll find that you look

at the world differently. Go for colours and

combinations you wouldn’t normally go for.

Notice the tingling down your back or that beat

the heart skips when you see something you

really like. Make notes, take snapshots, and

collect photos from magazines or prints from

the internet. Now make a collage or a mood

board but remember: keep it playful and fun –

This is you playground.

After spending some time with your dreams

you’ll have a better picture of your fancies when

it comes to living and decorating. Make a print

or find an image in a magazine that is the

essence of your dreams. You can play on the

next page.

Page 9: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]


Page 10: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]


Create change through preparation.

This is your first step towards turning your dreams into action! Look at your dream collage. Find the dominant

colour - one or two colours that are there more

often than all the others. These are your base

colours. White or light colours could be one of

them but you need a “real” colour too. Then find

one or two contrasting colours; coulurs that are

directly opposite to your base colours, colours

that “pop” against your base colours. These are

your accent colours, colours you can use as

colour splashes that make your décor vibrate

and sing!

You might also have identified your preferred

style by now. Describe it with a few words. That

way you don’t get lost along the way.

Now make a list of the different functions your

home has. If you have certain practical needs

now is the time to identify and visualize them.

Page 11: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

CREATE My base colours are:

My accent/contrast colours are:

My style is:

The most important functions in my home/room


Page 12: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

#4 Do something! Something unexpected,

different, fun, dramatic and asymmetrical! Now you’ll put action behind your dreams. Make a still-leben with things that are not usually put together. Set the table with different colours and mix’n match your china. Find the dull spots and corners of your home and pump them up with colour energy. Recycle. Up-cycle. Re-love. Spray-paint something. Stick wall paper on something. Do something. Anything!

Tiny list to remember:

• Symmetry is the closest thing to being dead

alive – if you ask me. Think balance

instead. I.e. group an uneven number of

different things. Use an overall theme or a

colour scheme to tie it together!

• Think contrast. Contrasts vibrate.

• White is an excellent base.Make peace with

your clutter. Colourful clutter seems easier

to live with.

Page 13: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

DO Today I will:

This week I will:

This month I will:

Page 14: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]


Hold on to your vision – even when

you make mistakes along the way. It doesn’t

matter! It’s a learning process. Making

mistakes, wrong matches, and wrong

judgements is part of it. It makes you more

aware of who you are and what you want.

And certain of how you want your home to be!

To avoid the biggest mistakes in terms of

buying something that turns out to be totally

wrong for your home, here is a little trick.

Make a mini mood-board or a ”swatch card” to

keep in your purse. Use a postcard size paper

and stick a collage of colours, patterns and

ideas to the front. The backside is great for

notes, measurement, lists etc.

Now remember to celebrate your progress and

have a blast with creating a colourful home.

Don’t be afraid of change. If it doesn’t work

simply change it again!

Page 15: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]


This is the one and only thought you

shouldn’t give in to;

The thought that it is totally impossible and way to complicated!


Don’t think that you need to buy a lot of new

expensive things for your home to rock the

colourful living style. Know that it is a

process to create a warm, personal and

colourful home. A home that reflects who you

are and nourishes you. I began my process as

a child when I converted my room to a

Bedouin camp with old dyed sheets in the

ceiling. You’ll discover that when you start

looking at your home with new and loving

eyes, change has already begun. You will

create a home for your longings and your


Know that it is possible – and that you can do


Page 16: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

To keep the process going, see if you can have

a friend do the exercises in her own home.

That way you can share as you move along.

Another way is to show your answers and

mood boards to other people. That way you

will fell more committed to actually act upon

your dreams.

Page 17: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

Bonus #6

BELIEVE in your ability to

create change – not in your doubts.

Make a list of the three things that surprised

you the most during the process. Write down

the ONE thing that you are most proud of and

see as priority number 1 in your new love

affair with your home.




This is the one thing I want to hold on to:

Page 18: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

Who am I?

Stine Weirsøe Holm, ”créatrice” and

passionate colour diva. Art teacher by

trade, mother of two and madly in love

with design, décor and styling and

creativity and crafting. Since 2003 also the

”mother” of the web shop

My mission is to help create warm, colourful and

personal homes for living people. I offer hands-on

help but most of all my passion is to push you and

give you the tools and the courage to doing it


Your home is your power and you gain power from

your home.

What can I do for you?

Inspire. Share ideas. Guide you. I am currently

working on creating a new online product to help

you put action behind your dreams and create your

own colourful and creative visions for you and your

family’s home

If you want to know more about my new ideas on

colourful, creative and powerful home styling you

can sign up for the newsletter here.

Drop me a line at [email protected]

Page 19: 5 essential tips to creating a colourful home – livet er en fest! © lutterlagkage/Stine Weirsøe Holm [email protected]

Don’t forget the webshop

At the webshop you can buy a small selection of

colourful things for the colour loving home. The

shop is carefully and quirkily curated under the



Meet me elsewhere

Web shop




Inspiring photos of colourful and creative home styling.

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