Page 1: 5 Idiosyncrasy to Look for in your Agent


5 Idiosyncrasy to Look for in Your Agent5 Idiosyncrasy to Look for in Your Agent

Page 2: 5 Idiosyncrasy to Look for in your Agent

Picking a Picking a real estate agent is a business and a is a business and a relationship challenge – one which has a potentially massive relationship challenge – one which has a potentially massive impact on your finances and future enjoyment of the place impact on your finances and future enjoyment of the place you and your family live. If you take that seriously, here are a you and your family live. If you take that seriously, here are a handful of characteristics I recommend you look for as you handful of characteristics I recommend you look for as you evaluate prospective agents.evaluate prospective agents.

Page 3: 5 Idiosyncrasy to Look for in your Agent

1. Creativity

Some transactions go precisely as planned, clicking right along on schedule. Others – many others – get messy:

1. the loan underwriter issues bizzaro, last-minute document


2. the appraisal comes in low

3. the buyer backs out

4. you see 50 homes without any winners, or

5. the inspection reports reveal issues that make you wonder whether the home is a diamond in the rough or a money pit.

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2. Deep, varied expertise

● Buying or selling a commercial home is much more of a lifestyle design experience than it is a financial transaction, truth be told. To do it with results that work well for yourself, your family and your finances for the duration, you need an agent that’s an eager partner with you. One that will deep-dive into all the nooks and crannies of your aesthetics, your psychology, your life plans, your financials and even your relationship dynamics.

● You also need an agent with deep – not surface – understanding of homes, neighborhoods and local real estate market metrics, practices and contracts, and someone who deeply *gets* the home buying or selling process itself – so they can brief you on it and fruitfully coach you through it.

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3. Calm resilience3. Calm resilience

● When you lose out on a home to other offers, it can feel like the end of the world. When you list your home, stage it to the nines, and not a single offer is forthcoming, feelings of discouragement, frustration and even depression can easily arise. In both cases, it’s easy to delve into fear (fear that you’ll never get the home you need, or will never be able to move on to the next stage of your life) or paralysis (freezing up because you just don’t know what to do – period).

● A great agent – and there are thousands and thousands out there – can bring a massive, game-changing dose of calm resilience to the table. They’ve been through this before. They know that there are lots of homes and lots of buyers out there, so losing out on any one is not a death knell to your dreams. They also know how to tell the difference between a normal delay in receiving an offer or an acceptance on your market and when your approach requires some serious course correction.

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4. Frankness and optimism4. Frankness and optimism

● You want – no – you need your agent to be frankly honest. You need them to be frankly honest with themselves and with you about all facets of the reality you’ll face as you proceed through your transaction. Sellers, you cannot afford to have an agent who will let you persist in fantasy-land beliefs about what your home is worth – contrary to all evidence as to what homes in your area are actually selling for and feedback (read: silence) from prospective buyers who have seen your home – without challenging you to look at the data and adjust your pricing strategy.

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5. Bandwidth5. Bandwidth● First, make sure you get referrals from your friends, colleagues and

relatives to the agents they have worked with and love.

● Also get a few names from our Agent Finder on Trulia, which allows you to get incredibly specific about what sort of homes, areas and transactions your ideal agent will have worked with.

● Then, check all of your prospective agent candidates out online. Narrow them down a bit by what you see in terms of reviews and style of advice you see them providing on channels like their blog, website or social media pages.

● Reach out to all the people on your short list through whatever medium you prefer to communicate – phone, email, etc. – and note how quickly you get responses.

● Then book appointments to meet with a handful of agents and let them present their method to you.

● Get references and check in with those past clients – ask them to tell you about their transaction experience, warts and all.

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ETA STAR PROPERTY DEVELOPERS LTD.Chennai Citi Centre, 4th floor,10/11, Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai,

Mylapore, Chennai, India – 600 004Tel: +91 44 39 11 3900 / 3911, 234 66 666 / 777

Email: [email protected]:

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