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5 Mark Question

Explain the differences in Explain the differences in fertilityfertility in two in two contrasting geographical locations. contrasting geographical locations. [5 [5 marks]marks]

5 mark Q = 7 or 8 minutes = 10 to 12 lines of writing.

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To interpret Population Pyramids (PPs).

To know the 4 clear stages in Economic Development shown by PP’s.

AKA Age-Sex


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Population Pyramids

• Reflect the past and present demographic trends in popn.

• Wide base + narrow peak = high BR, large young popn, rapidly growing popn.

• Steep vertical sides = ageing popn + low BR.

Excess of elderly women as they tend to have longer life expectancies than men.

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• Number of countries with below-replacement fertility levels went from 19 in 1970 to over 50 in 2010.

• Some geographers consider “popn explosion” to be over, and risk of “popn implosion”.

• Estimates that between 2040 and 2050, global popn will decline by 85 million.

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Dependency Ratio

Dependency Ratio = (% under 15) + (% over 65) x 100

% between 15 and 64

The dependency ratio tells you how many economically inactive people (0-15 and 65+) are dependent upon the economically active population (16 to 64).

The equation above calculates a figure which shows the number of economically inactive people that are reliant on 100 economically active people.

So a result such as 81.8 would mean that for every 100 economically active people there are 81.8 economically inactive people.

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% of country's population in 0-15 age


% of country's population in 65+ age


% of country's population that is economically active

Dependency Ratio

Australia 18.9 13.9

United States of America

20.2 13.0

United Kingdom 17.4 16.6

China 19.9 8.2

Morocco 28.0 5.4

Haiti 35.9 4.4

Niger 50.1 2.0

The Ageing Ratio is the proportion of 65+ to

the whole popn.

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Explain how these Population Pyramids show that the USA is more developed than Mexico. [6 marks]

With reference to Mexico’s Population Pyramid, explain the problems it will face in the year 2025. [6 marks]

Figures 2010

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