
5Recruiting Metrics

that Will Get Your

CHRO’s Attention

Recruiting metrics are critical to your talent acquisition strategy, but you may be tracking dozens of

meaningless stats and numbers that either aren’t tied to specific

business goals or don’t help to improve business outcomes.

You’re far better off gathering a limited number of actionable recruiting metrics that inform on trends and guide strategic change, if required. This limited number of moving targets also makes life easier for your CHRO.

Check out the five recommended metrics below, which are both attractive and interesting to the CHRO.

What percentage of the positions you fill are new hires vs. openings created by attrition? This is important to note for organizations, as it illustrates true growth vs. turnover. If you are hiring mostly due to attrition, it would indicate that selection, employee engagement, development, and succession planning need attention.

Break this metric down by division, department, or even manager for deeper insight.

New vs. Replacement Hires


Quality of hires

This is becoming more and more the holy grail of hiring.

The good news? We can better measure what an individual’s performance looks like, how long they stay with the company, their performance, and source of hire.2

Sourcing Strength

3This one’s all about measuring your best talent pools – whether that be job boards, social media, other companies, current employees, etc. – and why they’re the best.

This metric is more meaningful with longitudinal data that provides the context of quality per hire. A source might seem strong, but if that source provides a large amount of employees that leave the firm in a year, that’s key to decision making.

Effectiveness Ratio

4How successful is your firm at filling open requisitions? Measure your recruitment rate by dividing the total number of new hires per year by the total number of regular headcount reporting to work each year. Measure your requisitions filled by dividing the total number of filled requisitions by the total number of approved requisitions.

Satisfaction Rating

5Stay on this metric, even if all of your other metrics are in impressive shape.

Satisfaction ratings can be measured with surveys of candidates, new hires, and current employees looking for internal mobility.

While your overall metrics may be positive, it’s important to find out how people experience your processes and identify areas for improvement.

There may be others that would have made your list, but we recommend these five metrics to stay on top of the

performance of your recruiting program and keep speaking your CHRO’s language.

Visit our website to learn more about our recruiting solution or give us a call at

(877) 879-8807.

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