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What’s Happening to Productivity on Enterprise Teams5 Shocking Productivity Stats From Workfront’s 2015 State of Enterprise Work Report

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IntroductionAs enterprises grow, so do the demands on their employees in terms of productivity. Surprisingly, work tools and processes often make workers not more productive, but less. This year’s State of Enterprise Work Report from Workfront, the leading provider of work management solutions for enterprises, set out to identify the drivers behind this phenomenon and how it affects office workers. Here are the 5 biggest revelations from this year’s study…

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Finding #1: Office workers feel pretty confident about their own productivity.

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We asked office workers, “How would you rate the following groups overall with regard to their productivity?”81% rate themselves high in productivity

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Finding #2: Office workers are much harder on their colleagues’ productivity.

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55% rate their co-workers high in productivity54% rate their managers high in productivity48% rate their company leaders high in productivity44% rate their direct reports high in productivity

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Finding #3:Email is a double-edged sword in terms of productivity.

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We asked office workers, “What is the impact of each of the following on your productivity?”88% said email makes them more productivityThen we asked, “Which of the following, if any, ever get in the way of your work?”40% said excessive email gets in the way of their work

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Finding #4:Office workers are too busy for their primary job duties.

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We asked office workers to give a “best guess” estimate for what percentage of their work week is taken up by various work activities.45.7% Performing the primary duties of my job12.3% Emails10.1% Administrative tasks8.6% Useful and/or productive meetings8.3% Interruptions for nonessential tasks8.1% “Wasteful” meetings6.8% Everything elseAfter email, meetings, and interruptions, office workers have only 45% of their time for the work they were hired to do.

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Finding #5: More office workers are finding productivity in project management software.

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We asked office workers, “What is the impact of each of the following capabilities on your productivity?”82% said the ability to access work information from anywhere makes them more productive49% said project management software makes them more productive

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Devour Chaos, Drive CreativityCreativity has a new protector.Workfront provides just enough structure to bring order to creative teams’ workflows and give them more time for the real work of creativity.To learn how Workfront marketing work management can benefit your team, watch the demo today.

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