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The Goldman Method:

5 –Step System to Generate

Fresh Customers Daily

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The Goldman Method:

5-Step System to Generate Fresh Customers Daily

Natural health and supplements are among the hottest topics for Internet

searches. Is your target market finding YOU…or are they flocking to the


When I became interested in natural health almost 30 years ago, I was in the minority. In fact,

my two daughters frequently tell this story as one of the worst things I inflicted on them during

their childhood. One day they were surprised and delighted to discover something unusual in

their lunch box: a chocolate brownie. They bit into it, only to feel dismayed when the first bite

revealed they were actually made of carob. It was the ultimate betrayal by their “health nut”


All that has changed for 2 main reasons: the Internet, and Dr. Oz.

How the Internet has impacted the search for health information:

According to research presented by Nicola Ziady in, “Demographic of Online Healthcare

Information Seekers”:

Four in five internet users have researched health info on the web.

Health information seekers account for 59% of all US adults.

Seven in 10 health info seekers are caring for a loved one.

Women make up 65% of online healthcare information seekers

The largest percentage of online health info seekers are web-savvy 18-29 year olds

Higher earners dominate the online health information search

81% of people who went to graduate school look online for health information

In summary, according to Ziady: “The majority of web users are empowered consumers of

health information. They are well educated, high-earning users. They go online to understand

medical conditions of themselves and loved ones, and get informed about symptoms or


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How Dr. Oz has impacted the search for health information:

Dr. Oz is a powerful force. With a show produced by Oprah, (the greatest influencer of women

in our time), Dr. Oz is a trusted source of information for millions of viewers. He also appears on

the cover of almost every woman’s health magazine. When he features a new supplement or

natural product, legions of consumers take their wallets to the Internet.

What’s more, many of these women previously loaded their shopping carts with fast food and

sugary snacks. Most of them thought an anti-oxidant was a new kind of power cleaner for the

kitchen. Yet now, millions of women take Dr. OZ’s recommended supplements.

Never before has a TV show generated so much interest in natural health. So how do you

capitalize on this unprecedented interest? That’s what this report will explain.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Step 1: Use Brand Messaging to Create Trust and Loyalty

As one of Dr. Oz’s regular viewers, I frequently head to the Internet right after his show to

research the supplements he recommends. (Although I’ve been researching natural health for

30 years, Dr. Oz has world-class experts who discuss herbs and treatments that even Dr. Oz

never heard of before.)

But here’s what frequently happens when I Google Dr. Oz’s featured products:

I find several websites that carry the supplement. They all look the same to me. I buy from the

website with the cheapest price.

Are your products caught in this trap? Here’s a powerful way to create brand messaging that

attracts customers and inspired loyalty:

The Goldman Method, a 5 Step System to Generate Fresh Customers Daily, maps out a web

strategy that draws the exact customers you want to attract. It will help you convert browsers

into buyers, and make your website magnetic by providing content that creates loyal, long-

time customers.

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Tell your story

Where does this happen? On your “About” page and your “Contact Us” page. Did you know

that these pages are often the most visited pages after your home page? Yet many companies

pay little attention to this vital marketing real estate.

Here’s what to include on your “About” and “Contact Us” pages to build relationships:

1. Who founded your company and why? People love to read real stories about people who

started with the seed of an idea, and developed it into something living and vital.

2. Your special products, processes, delivery methods – whatever makes you unique. Talk about

your manufacturing processes, or your scientific advisory council. What products do you want

to be known for? How did you source or develop them?

3. Your people. Is it a family run business? Do you have a closely knit group of dedicated people

who grow your ingredients or respond to customer inquiries? Do you have scientists, herbalists

or naturopaths on tap to answer questions? Add a short profile of your key people to build trust

and add a human face to your business.

4. Include pictures. A company story is great, but a company story that profiles your key people,

accompanied by photos will really help people connect. It’s almost like going to a networking

event. You wouldn’t want to connect with someone who is wearing a bag on his head. Show

your face to forge the most human relationships possible in cyberspace.

5. Don’t hide behind “contact us” forms. When I go to the Contact page of a website and don’t

see a name, company address or phone number – in fact, nothing except an impersonal form to

fill in, I generally click away. I want to see that there are real people running this company, and

that they seem to care about my business. This is especially true in the natural health industry,

where people’s health is on the line.

Whether you are a tiny company whose president is also in charge of customer service and

shipping, or a large corporation with a customer service staff, help your visitors feel that they

are valued. Add your mailing address and phone number. Give them another way to contact

you besides an anonymous form to complete.

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Do you want to know a secret? The “About” page is not really all about you. Yes,

you should tell your story and provide a human face to your company. But even

more important is to tie it to how this helps your customers.

For example, if you have a small team of dedicated naturopaths, it means that you provide

answers to your customers’ pressing problems.

If your delivery methods make it easier to digest your supplement, it means they will get more

of the active ingredient.

Check my About Lynda Goldman page to see a simple way to set this up.

How will all this help you create trust and loyalty?

Let’s face it, today’s customers are sceptical. After generations of exposure to advertisements,

and letdowns from everyone from politicians to sports heroes, many consumers don’t trust


This is particularly true in the supplement industry, where the media loves to highlight the few

shady organizations that tout miracle cures in a bottle.

People are searching the Internet in droves for natural health products, but they want to buy

them from a source they trust. That’s why it’s so important to show a human face on your

website, so readers form an emotional bond with you.

*See the last page of this report for my special offer to help you get started.

Step 2: Laser Target Your Audience

You know which products you are offering, but do you know all the potential customers who

might need your products, and why they might buy them? Knowing this is vital to crafting the

right web copy.

Let’s say you sell a protein supplement. If you are trying to attract bodybuilders preparing for

competition, your web copy should contain information on using supplements to bulk up and

build lean muscle tissue.

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But you may also have business people who down your protein supplement to save time in the

morning, or seniors who are looking for a quick, easy solution when they aren’t up to cooking a


Here are 5 essential steps to painting a picture of your audience:

1. Age: age is a critical component because our health challenges, decision making and buying

patterns change as we mature. The spending power of a teenager may be very different from a

35 year old, or a 65 year old.

2. Gender and family status: Who is really buying your products? Women or men may be

buying supplements for themselves, their spouses, children, or parents. This impacts the type

of language you use, and how you address your customers.

3. Occupation & education level: What type of work does your target audience do? How much

knowledge do they have about your type of products? Knowing their level of education will

have a big influence on the type of language you use, and how much education you should


4. Comfort with technology: Don’t assume that only kids are internet savvy. Studies show that

growing numbers of grandparents are connecting on Facebook. Comfort with technology can

be a spectrum, from people who use technology several hours a day, to occasional users. Make

sure all instructions on your site are clear and easy enough for your grandmother to follow.

5. Psychographic data – what really makes people buy: This is the most essential part of your

market research, because it determines what makes your target audience want to buy.

Psychographic information helps you understand what’s going on inside your customer’s

psyche – literally, what’s on their minds? What do they think about? What’s worrying them?

What’s important to them?

This information helps you identify which of your products are most appealing to your target

audience, and helps you understand their perceptions of your products. You can also discover

spending patterns, brand consciousness, and which promotions they respond to most often.

This helps you create a psychographic profile so you can provide the right solutions.

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Step 3: Write Web Content that Addresses Your Customers’ Hidden Motives

I once saw an ad that said “Every woman dreams of having plastic surgery.” I was

dumbfounded. No woman dreams of plastic surgery, although many women dream of being

beautiful and healthy - and for some women, plastic surgery is the tool that gets them there.

Just as no woman dreams of the surgery itself to reach her goals, no customers are dreaming of

the act of swallowing your supplement, or the process of wiping your organic serum on their

faces. They are dreaming of the results of their actions.

Figuring out what really motivates your customers is crucial to your sales. On the surface,

teenagers may buy an acne remedy to get rid of zits, but the real reason is that they want to

look attractive and be popular.

Acne itself doesn’t cause any physical pain, but it can be crippling emotionally. Your customers

are actually buying for psychological reasons without being aware of it themselves.

Emotional triggers are always stronger than practical ones, so you have to paint a picture of the

results they will get from your product, such as having enough energy to work or play as long as

they want, feeling attractive and confident, or being able to run the marathon without knee


Here are just a few buying motives to consider:

1. The need to nurture: Taking care of one’s family or other people is one of our strongest

motivators, and drives a wide range of purchasing decisions, from food and supplements, to

plasma TVs.

Although we often attribute the nurturing impulse to women, many men are also driven by this

need, although they may display it in different ways. Making people happy is the nurturer’s

ultimate goal. Help the nurturer do that on a consistent basis and you’ll have a customer for


2. The need for self-improvement: The need for improvement motivates people who want to

do better on a personal or professional level. Customers want health products that help them

feel better, smarter, slimmer, stress-free, younger, more confident, and happier.

Self-improvement addresses insecurity and makes people feel better about themselves. Our

culture constantly tells us that if we are unhappy with our career, family, or life, we can simply

chuck it all and reinvent ourselves. If you can tap into these hidden needs and offer tools and

resources to transform their existence, your customers will keep coming back for more.

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3. The need for quick solutions: In our time-pressed, stress-filled modern world, many

customers crave simple, one-step solutions. They want herbs that take away indigestion,

healthy drinks that supply instant energy, and organic foods that are simple to prepare at the

end of a long working day. Supply “easy” products that work and your customers will “easily”

put reorder on autopilot.

Step 4: Make it Easy for Customers to Find You

I recently got a call from a cosmetic dentist who wanted me to write her blog posts.

“I’m trying to get more customers for my higher priced services such as veneers and tooth

whitening, but I’m not getting any customers after I’ve invested so much time and money in

training for these procedures,” she moaned.

A glance at her past blog posts revealed the problem. All her blog posts were about treating

children. She enjoyed working with children so she wrote about it. Not once in her keywords,

blog title, or content did she mention cosmetic dentistry. No wonder she was attracting more

parents than adults who wanted to enhance their smiles!

Think about this: People make billions of internet searches every month. These searchers are

motivated. They are looking for a solution to their problems, or for a specific product. If they

find your website and it provides the answer, there’s a good chance they will buy your product.

It’s great to have lots of hits on your website, but if it’s not targeted traffic, people will hit the backspace button in a nanosecond. Here are 5 essential elements to be found on the Internet: 1. Define your exact target market. Flush out the details of their gender, age, motivations, and health interests or problems. (See Step #2) 2. Do some keyword research: Would a person with back pain search for “sore back” “cure for back pain” “back pain relief” – or all of the above? Which are the highest search terms? (You may want to go for lesser-used terms, to capture market share from higher-ranking websites.) 3. Find the exact keyword phrases people use: For example, if you offer relief for menopausal symptoms, you will probably be lost in the search if you attempt to rank for “menopause,” which has 42,000,000 returns. But if you have a solution for night sweats, the keyword phrase “menopause and night sweats natural remedies” has fewer searches and may bring you more targeted traffic.

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Note: don’t just guess at the search terms. Keyword research often reveals surprising phrases that you would never have thought of. You can rank for these phrases to capture traffic that other companies are neglecting. 4. Use title tags and headlines: The title tag is really a headline. Your title had to contain the keywords and exact phrases that your prospective customers actually use themselves, to answer their specific questions. The wording of the title also has to be compelling so that it captures your readers’ interest and keeps them on your page. This takes a bit of practice, but is well worth the effort. 5. Have content landing page: When visitors click onto your site, your site has to be designed to instantly communicate that they’ve come to the right place. A content landing page also acts as a table of contents, using links to other pages of interest.

5. Make Your Website Magnetic to Create Customers for Life

Now that customers have found you, how do you keep them engaged? Not everyone who visits

your website is ready to buy right away. Visitors first have to feel comfortable with your

company, and begin to trust you. (Review Step #1 for ways to create emotional bonds.)

Here are 5 ways to create a magnetic website that will create customers for life: 1. Have a compelling headline with a benefit. No, “Welcome to our Website” is not compelling.

In fact, it looks like the website was written in 1995 and never looked at again. Your headline

has to capture their interest and promise a solution to their problems. And a few strategically

placed keywords never hurt!

2. Write in an engaging, easy-to-read format. We live in a world of “snackable” content. For a

consumer audience, nix the jargon or scientific terms. Keep your content short, punchy,

memorable, and fun. But above all, make sure that it connects with your readers.

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Your language and tone would be customized to your audience. Your web content has to be

designed and written to show that you:

Speak their language

Understand their exact problem

Deliver the results they want

3. Use content to bring real value to your customers by giving them solutions to their


These could include:

How-to articles & tip sheets

Interviews with experts

Reviews of products, books, websites

Case studies

News updates about health conditions

Reports, surveys, white papers

Top 10 contests

Events such as webinars, tele-classes

Videos that explain a process


E-books 4. Start a relationship by giving customers a way to keep in touch. Ask them to sign up for your newsletter or blog, or create an auto-responder series that delivers a daily lesson. 5. Call for action and make it easy to reach you. It’s amazing how many companies spend time and money attracting customers, and then drop the ball. They make visitors search high and low for a way to contact them; the buying process is complicated; they leave customers hanging without providing the next step. Here are some examples of a “call to action”. You should have one on each page of your website:

Call us today for a free consultation

Click here for more information

Add to shopping cart

Get your free samples of XYZ product by clicking here

Sign up for our free newsletter

Visit our blog and sign up for the RSS feed

Take our quiz to find out how much you know about ABC

Follow us on Twitter, Facebook,LinkedIn

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Conclusion If your website isn’t attracting fresh customers daily, or if your visitors click away and never return, this 5-step system will help you find and retain the customers you want, so you make more sales. Involve your natural health marketing specialist and copywriter in your planning process as early as possible. This specialist should work with your web development team to create a content website that is optimized for your customers. This allows you to focus on what you do best. Remember: it’s not just about being found by the search engines (although that’s an important step). Once your visitors find you, you have to give them a reason to stay, and to return. That spells ultimate success for your website. ________________________________________________

Who Am I, and How Can I Help You?

As an admitted “health nut” for the past 30 years, I’ve probably read enough

books about health to get a PhD. I’m the ultimate supplement buyer, so I’m

not only a marketing specialist and copywriter for the natural health

industry, but I’m also your customer.

I’ve spent the last 20 years writing: 30 non-fiction and text books, hundreds of pages of web

content, articles, newsletters, case studies, and more. I have a graphic design background, so I

can help you develop design concepts that your graphic designer (or mine) can execute – saving

you time and money.

I also specialize in SEO copywriting, which is more than plugging keywords into your website

HTML. It’s about writing web copy that resonates with your readers, while cleverly weaving key

words into title tags and body content so you get found by the search engines.

Most of all, I’m passionate about natural health, and about all the exciting developments that

help people feel better and stay healthy, using time-honoured natural ingredients and

processes. And I’m grateful that I can use the writing skills I’ve developed to help other people

become healthier and make their lives more rewarding.

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“Easy Try Offer” to Help You Get Started:

Let me rewrite your “About” page. People love stories, and I’ll write about you to show your

personality, your knowledge, and your goodwill, which will help you establish an emotional

resonance with your audience.

What’s more, I’ll be sure to tie it to the “What’s in it for Me?” questions that your customers

are always asking. Here’s the process:

1. I’ll interview you (or the person of your choice) to find out who founded your company and

why, and your special products, processes or delivery methods – whatever makes your

company unique.

2. I’ll write a compelling story of up to 250 words that helps customers form an emotional bond

with your company and your products.

3. I’ll interview 3 people of your choice at your company, and write a profile of up to 150 words

each. (You supply the pictures!)

Only $499 gets you one step closer to Fresh Customers Daily

Why not take advantage of this affordable and valuable way to "taste" my services”?

Call me today. You’ll most likely reach me and get a warm, friendly welcome!

(514) 336-4339, or email: [email protected]

Gift for You

The poster on the last page is a gift for you. Hang it on your wall to remember the

5-step process. Now you can start putting these steps into action immediately.

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