

1 Grow YOUR Personal Brand! See Jeff & Kane LIVE in Australia & New Zealand

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Simple StepsTo Creating & Growing


2 Grow YOUR Personal Brand! See Jeff & Kane LIVE in Australia & New Zealand

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5An Irresistible Personal Brand

By Best-selling authorson Personal Branding,Kane Minkus and Jeff Slayter

Getting Noticed

© Industry Rockstar 2013All Rights ReservedThis ebook is for educational purposes.

CONTENTSAbout Jeff & Kane! 4

A Special Message from Kane Minkus, Co-Founder, Industry Rockstars! 5

Your Bonus Gift! 6

Branding What Is It And Why Is It So Important?! 7

Brand Creation! 10

Your Bonus Gift! 17

The 5 Ms Of Personal Branding! 18

Brand Leverage and Exposure! 22

Quick Summary! 24

Success Stories! 29


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About Jeff & KaneKane Minkus and Jeff Slayter are a new breed of entrepreneurs and trainers. They have:


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• Founded and built 5 x multi-million dollar businesses, two of which have become international brand leaders.

• Personally served over 350,000 professionals, coaches, consultants, speakers, authors, practitioners and rebel entrepreneurs world wide (and helped more than 3 million people through their online and offline products)

• Shared the stage with the likes of Tony Robbins, Donald Trump, Robert & Kim Kiyosaki, Sir Richard Branson, Bill Clinton, Frank Kern, Tim Ferris and many leading entrepreneurs and speakers around the world. Often speaking to groups of 8000 people at a time.

• Authors of the best-selling Champions: Knockout Strategies for Health, Wealth & Success book and creators of numerous best-selling online and offline training programs.

A Special Message from Kane Minkus, Co-Founder,

Industry Rockstars


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I always love the question when I ask someone if they would like to be more noticed and more appreciated for what they do.

Universally, the answer is always a resounding “Yes!!”

So I thought, why not provide you with a specific road map outlining how to build a brand that gets noticed, heard and appreciated in the world.

Especially in over-saturated or noisy markets.

This has been a sort of specialty of ours at Industry Rockstar - helping people in already congested markets and fields rise to the top.

In fact it is a common myth that people need to start at the bottom of their industry and work their way up.

I mean could you imagine Donald Trump starting a new business and spending lots of time working his way up to the top of the industry?

No way!

And how do I know that? Well this is literally the conversation I had with him while on a large speaking tour with he and Tony Robbins in London recently.

“Don’t be stupid, use what you got, make it happen fast, life is short.” I enjoyed these words of wisdom from Donald.

Donald Trump is certainly someone who has built a world class Personal Brand – and although some love him and some love to hate him – regardless, the global power of his international personal brand cannot be denied.

In fact, many developers now pay him huge sums to put his name on their buildings… how’s that for leverage! He doesn’t even have to build the buildings anymore to make money and extend his brand.

In the following pages you will find a step-by-step formula you can use to build your own Irresistible Personal Brand.

Here’s To Your Success

Kane MinkusCo-Founder, Industry Rockstar

Jeff Slayter and Kane Minkus

Your Bonus Gift


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See Best-Selling Authorsand #1 Business Coaches,

Jeff & Kane,LIVE in Australia & New Zealand

World-renowned coaches and entrepreneurs, Jeff & Kane will be appearing LIVE in Australia and New Zealand at a limited number of upcoming events. And because you have downloaded this eBook, you qualify for complimentary tickets (only a limited number available).

Here are Jeff & Kane’s upcoming events: > 1-Day Amplify Your Influence Events > 2-Day Untold Secrets of Industry Rockstar Events

Go to this link for your FREE Tickets and upcoming dates

BrandingWhat Is It And Why Is It So



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Why is a Brandso important? And maybe a better question is – why is an Irresistible Brand so important?

A Brand is essentially the culmination of all the experiences, stories, ideas and perceptions linked to yourself or your company by your key stakeholders. Whether you are branding your company, the owners (called a personal brand) or a product line, familiarity breeds trust.

The more familiar you are the more you trust something – this is core human psychology. We fear what we do not understand or know – we trust what we understand and can relate to.

There are only two core areas you need to get right to build a successful brand:

It sticks in the minds of others

It is seen and heard wherever your key stakeholders are

If you nail those two things you will build very successful brands.

What is the differencebetween a Corporate Brand and a Personal Brand?The first distinction we need to make is the difference between a Corporate and a Personal Brand.

Some may say the answer is pretty obvious – a Personal Brand is a brand for a person and the Corporate Brand relates to a company.

However, Personal Branding is much trickier and, these days, more rewarding to get right.

Since the Internet has completely changed the way we interact with people globally to a much more intimate level – we have all become so used to engaging with people quickly in a very personal way. Instead of it being unusual – it is essentially the norm that we can jump online and see all sorts of very personal information about almost anyone.


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You can often even track someone’s movements throughout the week via pictures they post, comments and friend’s comments on their Facebook, LinkedIn or other social media pages.

This has made us all – and especially the younger generations, more used to connecting with each other very personally and openly.

This gave way to the power of the Personal Brand in the last several years and the phenomenon we began identifying a number of years ago which saw business owners stepping out from behind their corporate logos to interact and develop themselves into a brand of their own.

Sir Richard Branson is a brilliant example of someone who understands the power of Personal Branding.

Having had dinner with him recently, discussing things about Entrepreneurship and Branding, it was obvious there is a clever brilliance behind the development of Virgin and his Personal Brand.

In this eBook we will look at some of the techniques Sir Richard and his Marketing teams have used to allow him to take his own brand to a world-class status and ultimately help and serve more people on the planet than almost any other Entrepreneur.

Steve Jobs was another genius of personal branding and we’ll be looking at the techniques he used to build his personal brand also. Even though from an entirely different generation of Entrepreneurs, Steve understood something very early on about the power of personal branding.

Although many of the techniques that I layout in this guide can be used to brand a corporate entity, I am going to focus on Personal Branding.

Today, growing your Personal Brand will advance your professional success more than any other strategy or tactic.

“Sir Richard Branson is a brilliant example of someone who understands thepower of Personal Branding.”

And, if you are a leader of a large organization, head of an SME or CEO of your own one-person-business, it is essential to build a powerful personal brand alongside your corporate brand.

If you are a coach, consultant, practitioner, self-employed or a service business of some sort – I would go so far as to say your Personal Brand is the MOST important brand you can develop.

The dentists, specialty doctors, coaches, consultants, authors, speakers, graphic designers, architects, accountants, chiropractors, etc who have been impacted by our global Industry Rockstar trainings (over 3 Million to be exact), and applied our techniques of Personal Branding to their companies have seen MASSIVE growth.


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What follows are the 5 Simple Keys for creating a brand that will not only cut through the noise of your competitors, but will also stick in the minds and hearts of your customers and carry you to success.

If you are someone who wants to have a successful business, help more people and design your life, then you will need a powerful brand working for you in the marketplace.

The great news is all well-known brands started in someone’s head, and got created from scratch. So you can create the next big brand as well, even if you are starting at square one – you just need to know how to do it.

For those of you like me who just want to get straight to the 5 Keys for creating a successful Personal Brand – here it is:

The 5M’s of Branding1. Make Up

2. Message

3. Metaphors

4. Moments

5. Method

I’ll be taking you through each of these 5 Simple (yet important) Steps in the following pages of this eBook and also sharing a number of other key insights to help you leverage your Personal Brand for success.

Here we go!

Brand Creation


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The greatest brands on earth with the stupidest names“Toad the what?” I asked.

If I heard one more stupid band name come across my desk, I was going to throw up.

“How am I supposed to market a band with a name like this?” I said this mostly to myself – because the record producer was not sure he liked my attitude.

From years of working at Sony Music and seeing band after band – or better said BRAND after BRAND come through – I started realising something…

The name means nothing.

Toad The Wet Sprocket, a band with one of the dumbest names I had ever heard of, was topping the charts with their Top 40 hit songs.

They were on their way to becoming a household name in America in the early 90s and it was at that point something very real dawned on me, as I worked hard pushing their records to radio stations and colleges.

I was essentially on their marketing team.

And no matter how stupid I thought the name was, they seemed to be laughing all the way to the bank!

Year after year after year I watched Bands and Brands come through our offices and studios in Boston and New York - be strategized and built from ideas in the creative meetings to fully fledge entities hitting the streets and radio waves.

Some made it.

Some didn’t.

I became obsessed with the thought of guessing which ones would become a success and which ones would never make it.

One of my best friends at the time and partners in crime at the Record Label where we were working, Jaime Gudwicsz, and I, would make a game out of it, “Ill bet you dinner and a movie that this band Anastasia goes nowhere.” He claimed to me.

“You got it,” I took that bet.

She was beautiful, and there was a lot of money behind her at the label. They, in fact seemed to be throwing a LOT of money at certain acts and not at others.

During the 5 years I slaved away in the marketing, production and studio of Sony and Columbia records (in my late teens and early twenties), I started to notice how this company was a Brand Factory that was bringing in new brands and putting them through their pre-ordained “system” to design the next new hit…


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Except sometimes it was not the next new hit – and it became essentially a brand on the cutting room floor.

In fact we started to get so good at telling which brands were going to make it and which brands were not, that we realised that we could do a much better job then the execs were.

And that puzzled me completely?

Why could we see more clearly what was going to be a success and what was going to be a flop?

“I told you!” Jaime said – 12 months later – after the Anastasia record was released – “Nowhere!!”

He was right, and now we could see the pattern.

We could look at a brand and identify what was missing and what needed to be there to help these artists bridge the gap between just another brand and an Irresistible Brand.

Fast forward 2 years, I was faced with my own pursuit of building my first company and my first brand.

Reverse engineering everything that was going on in the record label during those critical days, left me with a raw formula that I got to test over and over and over again for almost a decade.

By the time I was thirty, I had built five of my own multi-million dollar and multi-international brands – two of which were the leading brands in their field.

And, whilst it’s nice to think I’m so smart… I acknowledge there really is just a system and series of choices to make when developing a successful brand – and anyone can do it.

“By the time I was thirty, I had built five of my own multi-million dollar and multi-international brands – two of which were the leading brands in their field.”


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The Personal Brand – A Promise KeptAlthough at this point Jeff and I have become best selling authors on the topic of Personal Branding, really, we stumbled across the concept by doing things wrong…lol – pretty much the way we have learned some of our biggest lessons.

When I started my first company at the age of 23, one of the things I got completely obsessed with was the development of the Brand.

In San Francisco in 2003, fresh out of school and fresh out of Sony Music, I was homeless and broke.

A wonderful start.

Sleeping on a friend’s couch in San Francisco – we decided to start our very own music company.

We were both friends from Berklee College of Music, full of spirit and aggressive about designing a life of our own on our own terms. Within 4 years of starting, we had the top 5 largest company in the world for what it did and the most well recognized Brand in the industry…

What did the company do?

We supplied audio soundtracks to the video game industry – music, sfx and voice over.

Without focusing too much on the details of the development of the audio company, let’s look at the brand development.

It was my first time doing this myself and all I knew was that I was going to be maniacal about the Brand itself.

This is the first decision of developing a top brand – that you are going to put some real attention on it and protect it.

“What’s a Brand?” my five-year-old cousin asked me during the holidays many years ago.

“A promise kept,” I said.

Using the words I knew he would understand, that was the best definition I could come up with.

However, that’s actually the definition I have used consulting large companies and millions of small business owners all over the world.

That’s essentially one of the most important questions you want to ask yourself,

“What is the experience you want to promise your customers?”

And how do you make sure they have that every time they interact with your brand?

Naming SessionIn a café in the heart of San Francisco, there I was with my business partner, Nick (from my audio business). It was time to choose a name for the company.

For hours, and tea after tea, coffee after coffee we worked to choose a name.

We wrote down ideas, and scratched them out – searched the web and tried everything.

Eventually we came up with the name SomaTone. Why?

Because we were located in the SOMA District of San Francisco (South Of Market District).

We thought it was smart, we thought it was creative and we thought it was clever. In actuality – it made NO difference.

What was Apple? A fruit.


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What was Microsoft? This was a term that Bill Gates used to describe his partnership with Paul Allen.

Many corporate brands have no real connection for the customer – and don’t even make sense for what the product or service is.

Here are some other examples:

• Coke

• Pepsi

• Nike

• Virgin

• Rolex

The list can go on and on. And ultimately it doesn’t matter. Here’s why…

So, there we were, running our little audio business at first. We went out and got our first clients. A small video game company that was building a little PC game.

And we noticed something very interesting. Even though we answered our phone as SomaTone, and even though we tried to drill in that the company was called SomaTone – all our clients referred to us as Kane and Nick – or the boys.

No matter how hard we tried to get people to have the name SomaTone stick – as soon as they worked with us – it became Nick and Kane.

Over time, I gave in to the way everyone was referring to us and would start calling people and saying it was Kane, instead of the guys from SomaTone.

I noticed that everyone was more connected to us as the people than the company name itself.

I was immediately reminded of the time at the record companies when we would work on Bands versus individual artists. Individual

artists would always get traction faster then bands with random names.

I started using this to our advantage and began developing our personal brands as the owners of the company.

Although it was only 2003 and we had not developed the techniques that we developed over the next decade of working on brands and Personals Brands, we started using the core essence of what we later turned into our 5 M System for Personal Branding.

Many people have asked us over the years – “When do you use and put attention on your Corporate Brand versus your Personal Brand?”

“The key to making something memorable is to raise emotional engagement… and by doing so, you raise the long term stickiness of it in the memory.”


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Corporate Brand Vs Personal Brand - Here’s how you know:• If you are the product or service yourself

then you will want to heavily focus on your Personal Brand and build a Corporate Brand in the background (meaning you will need one, but it will be less present than the Personal Brand)

• If you are not the product – ie there is a product separate from yourself – like a technology, nutritional product, clothing line, etc. then you will use your Corporate Brand as the primary brand and your Personal Brand as the secondary brand. Your Personal Brand will drive the Corporate Brand forward, but will be the secondary brand.

Many people ask me, with concern, how they will sell their personally branded business.

The likely answer is – you won’t.

No one will buy a business that is based upon an individual that is leaving. We will chat a little bit about life after a developed personal brand later on in this guide.

Building Out Your Brand: Starting with StickyOne of the most critical factors for a brand is that it is sticky. In other words - people remember it.

The key to making something memorable is to raise emotional engagement… and by doing so, you raise the long term stickiness of it in the memory.

This is why traumatic incidents will often last forever, whereas mildly interesting days disappear quickly from your memory.

On the flipside, intense love or connection with someone will also be coded into your long-term memory.

Having a successful company means people think of you when they want to solve the problem that you solve – and not your competitors.

The reason the personal brand is so powerful – is that people will always have a more heightened emotional experience with a person than a name or a logo.

This is why large brands often end up hiring spokespeople – like celebrities, athletes or entertainers to represent their brand. It is because the emotional engagement they bring with them causes a relationship to the product or service.

Why is all this important?

Because so many people build Personal Brands (or any brands for that matter) that are as boring as toothpaste.

The reason? Most are too afraid to step outside their comfort zone or conservative approach to engaging people in a market.

Let’s face it – the people we all love are the Mavericks. The ones who live life on their terms and are successful because of it. They do what they want, dress how they want and don’t care about anyone else – and are loved for it… Well sort of.

For example we love when Sir Richard Branson shows up on the cover of a magazine with a completely naked woman strapped to his back, while Kite surfing. Why? Because it’s edgy, it flies in the face of normalcy and it creates emotion.

Now, I’m not suggesting you start quite so edgy. There is a certain degree of latitude Sir Richard has commanded due to his success. However, really, he has always been pretty outrageous.


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Many people think you go out to become successful to become outrageous, when actually you need to go out outrageous to become successful – at least in branding.

The biggest concern with people developing and playing with brands that are outrageous – especially with their personal brand – is coming across like the “clown”.

There is an easy way to make sure that doesn’t happen – don’t be a clown.

You can use touches of outrageousness, without having to be so submerged into it that you show up looking like you are going overboard.

Here’s a couple of key indicators you are on track with your brand:

• Authentic – it is truly who you are in the world, or in your private life, etc.

• It is left of center – or it is edgy – maybe emotionally for you or for your audience. Notice I say edgy – not laid across the blade. We want our brands to push an emotional boundary – not be so in your face – that they polarize everyone. Unless this is your interest.

The word polarize is an important word to remember – because it is important that we polarize some people. If we never polarize anyone with our brand then we are too vanilla. However, too much of anything is too much.

Brands in the business world, are best used like seasonings are used in cooking – sparingly and enough to give it taste. But too much will make the food taste bad.

The Creative Design ProcessAs our little audio business grew, we ended up servicing over 100 creative advertising companies and top firms. Here was a creative process that we would do together to come up with new ideas for branding products and services:

Grab a sheet of paper…

Make a big T on the page – so you have two columns.

On the left hand column – make a list of all the quirky, weird, silly, stupid, dorky or unusual stuff about you.

Get a good juicy list.

An example might be that you love to dance in the dark and sing old 70’s songs

Or when you were young you used to destroy your room into pieces when you would get angry – therefore your nickname is Stormy. (Guess who this was)

By the way – many, many times, your name has some sort of meaning already (not always of course). Many names in the world have originated out of some actual physical meaning of something – so you can consider bringing a brand out of your actual given name.


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“If you want to create a sticky brand – one that stays in the minds of others – you will need to be willing to get outside of the conservative realm.”

So get a juicy list of silly stuff about you (hobbies you have, activities you do, foods you like, etc)

On the right hand side of the page – list all the super cool, super human stuff about you. What’s really awesome about you? What have you won awards for? What do you have a really high aptitude for? What is something that you are exceptional at?

This will now give you two lists of things that stick out from the ordinary.

If you think of the possibility of you ranging from really, really dorky & weird - to super cool – then the middle is essentially normal and boring. Well I have to tell you that most brands are designed close to the middle – with just a slight variation to the left or right.

However, the stickiest brands in the world are much more farther out on this continuum towards one side or the other (either dorky or super cool).

In spending years working with brand managers at ad agencies – they would often look to get their team or the product designers to give a set of words or values that describe the product emotionally – like “fun”& “playful”, “youthful” or whatever describes the emotions of the product. Except almost every product is a variation on the same 6-12 emotions and so all products start looking and sounding the same in their marketing.

If you want to create a sticky brand – one that stays in the minds of others, and one that cuts through the noise of your competitors – you will need to be willing to get outside of the conservative realm.

Once you have this list on your page of both the silly stuff and the super cool stuff, you can chose any one of these to start to build out your brand.

For example if you had down on the right side of your paper (under super cool stuff) – that you are an awesome tennis player – you could build a whole theme out of tennis, or sports.

If you had down on the left side of your page (under the super weird or silly stuff about you) – that you love to jump on trampolines – then you could build out a whole theme for your brand around jumping and jumping on trampolines.

There is no “right” one – there is only the one you chose.

This choice from your page – is going to help you start to create the “theme” for your brand and will then support your ability to complete the next section of branding activities.

Your Bonus Gift


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See Best-Selling Authorsand #1 Business Coaches,

Jeff & Kane,LIVE in Australia & New Zealand

World-renowned coaches and entrepreneurs, Jeff & Kane will be appearing LIVE in Australia and New Zealand at a limited number of upcoming events. And because you have downloaded this eBook, you qualify for complimentary tickets (only a limited number available).

Here are Jeff & Kane’s upcoming events: •1-Day Amplify Your Influence Events •2-Day Untold Secrets of Industry Rockstar Events

Go to this link for your FREE Tickets and upcoming dates

The 5 Ms Of Personal Branding


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There are 5 specific areas to building a successful Personal Brand:

1 Make UpYour make up is all the stuff on the outside of you – just like “Make up” is worn on the outside. However, make up is also referring to what you are naturally made of – in other words what were you born with. Here’s what it entails:

Your Name - (your full name) – your given name is part of your brand. Remember to use your full name – as it lends more credibility when you deliver your full name (it is more formal). Many times people do not fully say their names with pride & confidence in the world, in their videos, in their networking. Remember people hear your name first and immediately associate your congruence with your own value based upon how you present your name.

Label – Many times people have adopted a professional label that was given to them by their profession or by their company. The label of: Accountant, Dentist, Coach, Therapist, etc is not useful in branding oneself. In the next section we will help you build a Label that powerfully brands yourself.

(See in the summary below for more on how to create your Label specifically)

Clothing – naturally and without saying what you wear speaks volumes about who you are and what you represent in the world.

It is not in the scope of this guide to spend time on “how to dress” and there are great image experts in the world.

I am certainly not an image expert when it comes to dressing. However, having spent over a decade performing with artists and bands, and working with artistic & corporate brands, I can tell you that the “costume” (yes even for corporate we would call it a costume), has been chosen carefully.

When we took on the Industry Rockstar Brand, we made a conscious choice to emphasize the “Industry” part of the brand, versus the Rockstar part. So we initially showed up in nice suits, and very polished looking dress.

Over time, which we had preplanned – we began to fade more towards the Rockstar look and began wearing designer suits that had no ties, and unusual cut and shaped suit jackets, etc.

As an easy start, begin looking through magazines and finding characters in the media world that you resonate with. Begin noticing how they are dressed and fashioned and you will have a good starting point to put together your wardrobe.

2 MessageYour message to market match is one of the most important parts of your Personal Brand. This is the short statement that you are making to your audience.

What do you want your audience to know? What is the short, succinct statement that you want people to know from you having been in their life?

Some examples of this are:

• You can have financial freedom at an early age

• You can build a 6 figure business in 12 months

• You can live where you want and create a business of your dreams

Notice the structure of these messages – they all have the word “You” in them and talk about what someone can “have/be/do” in their life. Your message will be a critical statement that you make – usually about 5-8 words maximum that sums up your entire platform or the essence of what you want people to know.


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Colors – colors have a whole world unto themselves. They evoke emotion and can be used to quickly create connection and experience with a brand or product. Also – the scope of this guide is not to explore colors in great details – but I am going to give you a quick list of the ones you are best using in your clothes and online:

i.White – represents purity

ii.Blue – represents stature and royalty

iii.Red – heart, love and blood

iv.Pink – romance, feminine qualities

If you stick to these colors in your outfits and websites – you will have a good foundation.

3 Your MethodYour method is essentially your blueprint, system or formula that helps people achieve a result. It is your recipe – or your “successipe”.

All results that you produce have a specific step by step process – whether you notice it or not. It’s like cooking your

favorite dish, or baking a cake – there are steps and a recipe you follow to get the same cake every time.

Your system is a specifically designed formula or blueprint that helps people repeatedly have the same (or similar) results every time.

This formula or method is part of your branding and is what differentiates you

from others.

If you have noticed all the 3, 5 or 7 step formulas out in the world – this is a good place to start – although you can make it whatever amount of steps you would like – mostly the fewer the better.


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4 MomentsThis is one of my favorite parts of branding!

Your moments are all the stories of your life that go into making you who you are.

Every person and business has stories behind their making – and your stories are one of the most important parts of your life. They literally are your life!!

There are specific stories that we use in branding called “Defining Moments.”

What are the defining moments that have made up your life, and brought you to where you are today?

It is literally these stories that bind your customers to you and your company. The more you share about yourself and how you got to the place you are now – the stronger your Personal Brand will get out in the world.

The counterintuitive part is that most people hide their stories and especially the parts of their life they are not proud of. Yet – these moments were important moments to get you to where you are now – and these stories should be shared, along with

the lessons you learned and how they helped you get to the better place, amazing product, or incredible service you deliver.

Great stories of your life both entertain and share an intimate side of how you arrived at where you are in your business.

We all love stories and the more the better.

The story I often share on stages, and in videos, is about the time I was 23 years old, completely homeless and broke. I was living on a friend’s couch in San Francisco (Nick my future audio business partner). I really reached rock bottom when I ran out of gas driving my car on the Golden Gate bridge that summer. With no money to buy gas and sitting, dangerously in the middle of the bridge – a police car found me and began to push me over the bridge to the other side.

As cars were zooming by me with people looking worried about who I was and what was going on – I realised things had to change in my life. I had spent a decade as a struggling musician and, in that moment, I got dedicated to whatever it took to create something successful with my passion for music.


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5 MetaphorsThe final “M” in creating and building your personal brand is Metaphor… and it includes all the metaphors you use on your websites and the imagery you choose to surround yourself with.

Imagery is very powerful and already carries strong emotions. It is a great way to quickly leverage something that already carries strong emotion into your brand.

As I mentioned earlier, brand is all about the experience, so the more imagery you use that has already stored emotion – the faster you can build your brand.

For example – if you choose a theme of “Sports” for your brand – using pictures of large stadiums and crowds getting very excited could be a powerful way to immediately link people to loving your brand – or the energy that a crowd brings.

You could link videos of people winning trophies and world cups – and link together victory with your brand.

All the metaphors, imagery, videos graphics and pictures you choose – fall under this category and are a very powerful way to quickly accelerate your brand.

Imagery is a great way to quickly leverage something that already carries strong emotion into your brand.

Two days later after I made that commitment to myself – my first business coach appeared into my life – and over the next four years, I worked diligently to take our new business to top 5 in the world.

It was what happened in those four years of brand development, sales, marketing, coaching, leadership, internet marketing, networking, speaking and business building that I now teach to other entrepreneurs all over the world.

What I learned is that it is simply not about the person, the idea or the passion – it is about the understanding of how to think

like a top Brand Builder, CEO and Entrepreneur. It is about the execution of the business – not the idea. This means that anyone can follow the recipe or successipe and get great business results with their business. Naturally not all results will be the exact same – but everyone that follows the recipe will have some kind of awesome new results.

This is the succinct version of my Defining Moment Story – or the story that essentially led me to who I am today – teaching and educating all over the world.

Brand Leverage and Exposure


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Life after a Developed Personal BrandOnce we have a brand developed, the next step is to get Brand Saturation. Brand Saturation is when your brand is pronounced in the marketplace where people see it and experience it everywhere they look.

This is a lot about frequency of exposure to an audience.

I’m just going to give you a few areas that get you the best brand traction – and then I will be covering the strategies for high level of brand saturation in an upcoming ebook.

Essentially we need eyeballs to see the brand, and if you are using your personal brand (versus your corporate logo), then your picture needs to be everywhere.

However, you want to use your picture with your label.

For example – we have Jeff and Kane: The #1 Global Business Coaches, in as many places as we can get. Along with a polished head shot of the two of us.

It’s always your picture and your label for your Personal Brand.

Here are 10 ways you can get Personal Brand exposure and start to get Brand Saturation in your Market:

1. Focus: Keep it narrow on a geographic location, and target market – when building brand awareness.

2. Speak and show up at as many places, events and conferences as you physically can

3. Use targeted Ads to drive traffic to your splash pages/website online

4. Write editorials and articles for as many online magazines and ezines as possible, with references back to your website.

5. Work with Joint Venture Partners to promote your brand and services

6. Partner with charities and non-profit organisations

7. Have your picture taken with other speakers, clients and customers

8. SEO optimize your site

9. Give away free products at events or through JV partners

10. Distribute inexpensive merchandise (like branded pens, gifts, name plates, etc).


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Brand DevelopmentA brand develops its success over time by being in the marketplace and having others talk about it. Make sure you are continuing to do the best work you can and capturing as many testimonials and people talking about your brand, products and services as possible.

You should realistically give yourself about 12-24 months to establish a brand in a marketplace – depending on how heavily you are promoting and marketing your brand and products.

Once you have developed this Brand Awareness – you will see magical things start to happen with an increase in opportunities, higher sales conversions and overall greater trust in your company and products.

Best Wishes and happy brand building!

Jeff and KaneFounders of Industry Rockstar#1 Global Business Coaches

Quick Summary


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Creating A Successful Brand:What is a brand?

A promise kept!

What is a Personal Brand?

A Personal Brand is the experience people have of you. You are the promise kept…

So what does that mean?

Components of your Personal Brand:• The way you dress and move/present yourself

• What you say & your content (stories about your life and with others, formulas, techniques, etc)

• The associations you surround yourself with (this includes the people, places & things around you)

• The metaphors & themes you surround yourself with - images/videos, music, objects & stories (your own stories)

• Message (This defines your audience)

• The experience people are left with (this is ultimately the most important thing)

Personal Brands Use:• Name

• Picture of yourself

i.Have a really awesome set of pictures of yourself (the more the better)

ii.Graphic design and representation (colors, fonts, etc)

iii.Placement in the world (Location)


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• Label: Territory, Qualifier & Results Produced

• Short tagline/sentence that explains your message

• Visual Associations (with objects)

iv.Metaphors – what objects connect with you

Note: You will have one overarching Brand, and then lots of IP that support that Brand – i.e. trademarks, URL’s, pictures, themes…etc.

Secure your Brand IP – it is essentialSuccess of a brand has to do with:

• Message to market match

• Brand saturation

• Word of mouth (based on results)

Ways to design your brand:• People remember things that are not ordinary

• Transparency is loved

• Focus on positive stuff

• Taking risks in expression

Things to remember:

• Your brand will evolve over time (don’t get too attached)

• Your market will help define your brand

• Your brand will get knocked off (ignore that)

Identifying Possible Personalities To BrandIdentifying and creating a brand for you will be about bringing out a part of your personality or characteristics.

What people remember the most is your quirky, silly, goofy, weird stuff or the incredible, unusual, amazing stuff.

Although we will eventually position everything into a positive light for you (the best professional brands that stick have positive associations), we want to be willing to dive into the lesser glamorous side at first.


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Brands that cut through the marketplace are from people willing to take emotional risks and share the parts of themselves that others wont.

Once you come up with a part of yourself, life or personality you want to accentuate, this can help you design your Brand.

The 5M’s of Branding• Make Up

• Message

• Metaphors

• Moments

• Method

Make up: Make up is all of the external stuff. Your name, your label, the physical way you show up (your clothes colors etc).

Your “Label” is the one that needs a little explanation. A professional label is something that you normally reserve for explaning what you do quickly. For example if someone asks you your profession or what you do – normally people will answer with, “Coach”, “Real Estate Agent”, “Teacher”, etc.

We are going to create a label for you that will rebrand you for your Expert position. Your label is made up of:

Territory, Qualifier (a word describing how people relate to you), Results You Produce (or professional label)


• London’s Premier Property Investment Trainer

• Australia’s #1 Internet Coach

• #1 Global Business Coach

• Europe’s First Woman Empowerment Expert

MessageYour Message is the overall statement you are making in the world with your work. It is the summed up piece of advice of your entire body of work. It should be short (like 4-8 words) and is easily remembered by someone who is hearing it for the first time.


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MetaphorsThe Metaphors and imagery are the visual associations that you make with your brand. If you use pictures of animals on your website, or nature – then people will associate your brand with the imagery you are painting for them.

The reason imagery is so powerful, is that images already contain a lot of emotional triggers for people. If you use a picture of a sunset over a beach on your website or in your marketing campaigns, that type of picture already carries a LOT of emotional response for people.

You get to decide what you are going to have associated to your brand through visual images. Visuals are very powerful.

A rule of thumb with visuals is pick a theme and stick to it. If you like the nature theme – don’t suddenly put in a futuristic set of artwork on your site. Stick with the theme so people can experience a consistency of experience with your brand.

MomentsThe Moments in your life are a major part of your Brand.

The stories you tell about yourself and your customers create a lot of the bond that customers have between you and them.

Many very successful marketers have noted how it is always the story of the product that sells – not the product itself. You will use your life stories and learn to tell them in an entertaining and profound way – so that you can extract the lessons you have learned and share them with your audience.

EVERYONE has stories, and the difference between the entertaining and profound stories and the ones that are boring is how you tell them. Story telling is an art to itself, but everyone has stories from their life that can be vibrant, engaging and full of great lessons. Human beings have been teaching each other through stories since the beginning of time. And people love to listen to stories – that’s how they learn the best.

MethodYour Method is your formula and your system.

Each and every person needs to have a formula (can also be called a blueprint/method/process) designed around their talents, expertise and product/service. The formula is the way you help customers go from where they are at to results. Your formula is what has been tested and tried and produces results. Your formula is what people are actually buying from you when they invest in themselves through your products and services.


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Your “System” might be a bit different in that – it might string together several formulas to create a “system”. For example we have the Industry Rockstar Formula, which helps you understand how to package and position yourself in the marketplace. But we also have an Industry Rockstar System – which is a combination of many different programs (each with their own success formula for that topic).

To get started you just need one formula per service you offer, or per product.

Over time you will have more to build an entire “System”.

The Recipe for a Successful Personal Brand1. Make a list of zany, weird, crazy, unusual things about you

2. Make a list of awesome, impressive, super human things about you

3. Chose one to develop into a brand (anyone will actually work)

4. Develop a label for yourself (we will cover this in great detail)

5. Choose your clothes fashion to match your personality

6. Create a powerful message for your audience

7. Layout out your formula or method

8. Craft out stories of your life – and one particularly: your defining moment story

9. Chose a metaphor to use that suits your personality

10. Get as much exposure for yourself as possible

Success Stories


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I made $150,000 in less than 24 hours using what Jeff & Kane taught me!By using Jeff and Kane's process for my consulting business, I was able to go from a $100,000 contract to a $250,000 contract in less than 24 hours. Basically, they taught me this stuff, I called my client, she LOVED what I proposed and she said YES straight away. That's $150,000 in a day! These guys are the real deal - they completely rock! They will make you a rockstar like you couldn't believe!

Robyn Lui,Social Change Strategist

After 28 years, I’ve FINALLY hit the mark and doubled my income in just 9 months!After 28 years in the health field I feel I've FINALLY hit the mark. Within just 9 months of using Jeff & Kane's Industry Rockstar Model I have doubled my income, become more focussed and I'm getting my message out in a really big way.

Barbara BersingerHealth Coach and Speaker

I made more than $45,000 before I even left Jeff & Kane's trainings - this works, and it works fast!I made $45,000 even before I left Jeff & Kane's training! They've given me the systems, the tools and the techniques I needed. I'm so excited about where this is going and what I can do with the content, information and the abilities they have honed in me. Thank you Jeff & Kane, you are amazing!

Swan Montague,Holistic Health Practitioner

Going nowhere for 5 years and then we met Jeff & Kane - now we’re growing with ease...My business had been going nowhere for 5 years. Jeff & Kane's Industry Rockstar model broke that pattern and now we're growing with ease

Steve NapolitanMarketing Consultant


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Learn how to create and grow your Personal Brand with FREE Training from Jeff & Kane

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If you are a coach, consultant, entrepreneur, practitioner or anyone who relies on selling their expertise, you can:

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• amplify your influence and;

• make a bigger difference

…using Jeff and Kane’s step-by-step Industry Rockstar method.

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Here are Jeff & Kane’s upcoming events: •1-Day Amplify Your Influence Events •2-Day Untold Secrets of Industry Rockstar Events

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