  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 1 W. Suo

    Charactering Investors

    And Capital Allocation

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 2 W. Suo


    How to describe an investor?Risk aversion and utility function

    Capital AllocationRisk free asset and risky portfolio

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 3 W. Suo

    Investor’s Life Cycle

    Accumulation !ase"arly to middle yearsLow net wort!Lon# time !ori$on

    %earin# risk for !i#!er returns is reasonableConsolidation !ase

    &id'point and later "arnin#s e(ceed needs&oderate risk to protect investments

    )pendin# !ase"arnin#s !ave mostly ceased*ime !ori$on is s!orter

    rotection of assets importantInflation an immediate concern

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 4 W. Suo

    How to C!aracteri$e an Investor?

    "conomic t!eory assumes every person seeks toma(imi$e t!eir !appiness or utility

    *!e more wealt! a person !as+ t!e more utility t!ey !ave*!e !i#!er an investment’s return+ t!e #reater a person’swealt!+ t!erefore+ t!e #reater t!eir utility

    However+ uncertainty about e(pected returns makest!e decision more comple(

    ,e must ma(imi$e our e(pected utility

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 5 W. Suo

    *ypes of Investors

    Risk'averse investors*!ey re-uire !i#!er returns to encoura#e t!em to accept #reater risks

    At !i#!er levels of risk+ investors are less willin# to accept risk unless t!eyreceive increasin#ly lar#er risk premiums

    Risk'lovin# investorsrefer to enter risky #ambles even #iven t!e !i#! likeli!ood of diminis!in#

    wealt!A t!eoretical possibility but not a reality wit! rational investors

    Risk'indifferent investorsrefer !i#!er returns+ but #reater risk doesn’t affect t!eir !appiness In investments, we always assume people are risk averse

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 6 W. Suo

    How to describe an investor?

    .arious factors determine an investor’s risk'return preferences

    A#e/t!e elderly are usually more risk averse"conomy/people are usually more risk averse durin# a recession

    essimists are usually more risk averse t!an optimists*raumatic evens tend to make people more risk averseetc

    Risk *olerance 0 ,illin#ness 1 Ability

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    7/24Slide 7 W. Suo

    2ominance rinciple 3or Risk averse Investors


    2 34

    "(pected Return

    .ariance or )tandard 2eviation4 dominates 56 !as a !i#!er return4 dominates 76 !as a lower risk 8 dominates 76 !as a !i#!er return,!at about 5 and 7+ or 4 and 8+ or 5 and 8?

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    8/24Slide 8 W. Suo

    9tility 3unction

    represents an investment opportunity*!e constant measures t!e de#ree of risk aversion

    Risk Aversion : 9tility

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    9/24Slide 9 W. Suo

    rofit 0 ;<

    rofit 0 '4< 5

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    Risk Aversion and .alue

    *!e )ample Investment

    0 44= ' >; B78= 4Risk Aversion 9tility

    Hi#! ; 'D> <

    7 8>DD Low 5 5D>44

    *'bill 0 ;=

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation

    11/24Slide 11 W. Suo

    9tility and Indifference Curves

    Represent an investor’s willin#ness to trade'off return and risk "(ample Bfor an investor wit! A08

    "(p Return B= )t 2eviation B=

    5< 4<5; 4;>;4< 7<

    4; 77>







  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation

    12/24Slide 12 W. Suo

    Indifference Curves

    "(pected Return

    )tandard 2eviation

    Increasin# 9tility

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation

    13/24Slide 13 W. Suo

    Indifference Curves in σ '"Br )pace

    Indifference curves represent points at w!ic! a person is e-ually!appy Bindifferent

    In all cases+ Investoris !i#!ly


    Investor ismoderatelyrisk averse>

    Investoris a risklover> Investor is

    indifferentto risk>

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    14/24Slide 14 W. Suo

    Allocatin# capital between risky assets and risk free assetsossible to split investment funds between safe and risky

    assetsRisk free asset pro(y6 *'bills

    erfectly price'inde(ed bond E t!e only risk free asset in real terms6*'bills are commonly viewed as Ft!eG risk'free asset6&oney market funds ' t!e most accessible risk'free asset for most investors>

    Risky asset stock Bor a portfolio

    Can represent t!e total investments in risky assets"(amine risk return tradeoff

    2emonstrate !ow different de#rees of risk aversion will affectallocations between risky and risk free assets

    Capital Allocation

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    15/24Slide 15 W. Suo

    ortfolios of One Risky Asset

    and One Risk'3ree AssetAssume a risky portfolio P defined by

    E Br p 0 5;= and

    *!e available risk'free asset !asr f 0 @= and

    *!e proportions invested y= in P and B5' y = in r f

    "(pected returns : standard deviation for combinations

    0 complete or combined portfolio

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    or If +

    or If



    Combinations ,it!out


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    ossible Combinations


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    CAL (Capital Allocation Line)

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 19 W. Suo

    %orrow at t!e Risk'3ree Rate and invest in stock 9sin# ;

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 20 W. Suo

    Optimal Allocation

    iven an investor’s risk aversion+ !ow to determinet!e optimal allocation?

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 21 W. Suo

    CAL wit! Risk references


    @= Lender


  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 22 W. Suo

    reater levels of risk aversion lead to lar#er

    proportions of t!e risk free rateLower levels of risk aversion lead to lar#er proportions of t!e portfolio of risky assets,illin#ness to accept !i#! levels of risk for !i#!levels of returns would result in levera#edcombinations

    Risk Aversion and Allocation

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    Slide 23 W. Suo

    &at!ematically J

    *!e optimal investment in is

  • 8/19/2019 5-Utility and Capital Allocation


    l d W Suo

    CAL with Higher

    Borrowing Rate

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