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Word Definition In English Persian Meaning

1 Abandon (v) Desert , quit , leave without planning to come back ترک کردن

2 Keen (adj) Sharp , eager , intense , sensitive زیاد ، بیش از حد ، تیز

3 Jealous Wanting what someone else has, afraid that the one you love prefer someone else

حسود ، بخیل

4 Tact (v) Ability to say the right thing. حسن تدبیر و کاردانی

5 Oath (n) A promise that sth is true, a curse. سوگند ، قسم ، نا سزا

6 Vacant (adj) Empty , not filled خالی

7 Hardship (n) Difficulty, something that hard to bear. سختی ، دشواری

8 Gallant (adj) Brave, showing respect for women. شجاعانه ، دلیر

9 Data (n) Facts, information. اطالعات

10 Unaccustomed

Not used to sth, عادت نداشتن

11 Bachelor(n) Aman who has not married. عزب ، مجرد

12 Qualify(v) Become fit, show that you are able. واجد شرایط کردن

13 corpse(n) A dead body, usually of a person. جسد

14 Conceal(v) Hide مخفی کردن ، پنهان ،کردن

15 Dismal(adj) Dark and depressing تیره و تار ، غمگین وافسرده

16 Frigid(adj) Very cold سرد و یخ زده

17 inhabit(v live in زنده گی کردن ، سکنی گزیدن

18 Numb(adj) without the power of feeling, deadened بی حس

19 peril(n) Danger خطر

20 recline(v) Lie down, stretch out, lean back استراحت کردن،لم دادن

21 shriek(n & v) Scream جیغ،فریاد

22 sinister(adj) Evil, wicked, dishonest, frightening شوم ،نحس

23 tempt(v) Try to get someone to do sth ; test; invite وسوسه کردن

24 wager(n) Bet شرط بندی

25 Typical(adj) Usual; of a kind معمولی

26 Minimum(n) The least possible amount; the lowest amount حداقل،کم

27 Scarce(adj) Hard to get ; rare نایاب،کمیاب

28 Annual(adj) Once a year ; sth that appears yearly or lasts for a year سالیانه

29 Persuade(v) win over to do or believe ; make willing تشویق کردن،ترغیب کردن

30 Essential(adj) Necessary ; very important ضروری ،مهم ،اساسی

31 Blend(n & v) Mix to gather thoroughly ; a mixture ترکیبی،مخلوطی،مخلوطکردن

32 Visible(adj) Able to be seen مرعی،پیدا،معلوم

33 Expensive(adj)

Costly ; high – priced ،گرانقیمت

34 Talent(n) Natural ability استعداد

35 Devise(v) Think out ; plan ; invent ابداع کردن،ساختن

36 Wholesale(adj)

In large quantity ; less than retail in price کلی

Word Definition in English Persian Meaning

37 Vapor(n) Moisture in the air that can be seen ; fog ; mist بخار،مه

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38 Eliminate(v) Get rid of ; remove ; omit حذف کردن،برطرف کردن

39 Villain(n) A very wicked person مشکل،مزاحم،آدم شرور

40 Dense(adj) Closely packed together ; thick غلیظ،متراکم

41 Utilize(v) Make use of استفاده کردن ،بکاربردن

42 Humid(adj) Moist ; damp مرطوب ،نمناک

43 Theory(n) Explanation based on thought ; observation or reasoning طیوری،نظریه

44 Descend(v) Go or come down from higher place to a lower level پائین آمدن

45 Circulate(v) Go around ; go from place to place or person to person بحرکت درآمدن،جریان،داشتن

46 Enormous(adj) Extremely large ; huge بزرگ

47 Predict(v) Tell beforehand پیش بینی کردن

48 Vanish(v) Disappear ; disappear suddenly محوه شدن،ناپدیدشدن

49 Tradition(n) Beliefs ; opinions, and customs handed down from generation to another


50 Rural(adj) In the country روستائی

51 Burden(n) What is carried ; a load مسئولیت ، بار

52 Campus(n) Grounds of a college, university, or school محوطه دانشگاه یامکتب

53 Majority(n) The larger number ; greater part ; more than half اکثریت

54 Assemble(v) Gather together ; bring together جمع شدن ، تجمع کردن

55 Explore(v) Go over carefully ; look into closely ; examine پیداکردن،کشفکردن،بررسی کردن

56 Topic(n) Subject that people think, write, or talk about موضوع

57 Debate(n) Discussion in which reasons for and against sth are brought out


58 Evade(v) Get away from by trickery or cleverness طفره رفتن از

59 Probe(v) Search into ; examine thoroughly ; investigate موردبررسی قراردادن

60 Reform(v) Make better ; improve by removing fault اصالح کردن

61 Approach(n & v) Come near or nearer to دست رسی،نزدیک شدن

62 Detect(v) Find out ; discover پیداکردن ،آشکارکردن،کشف کردن

63 Defect(n) Fault ; that which is wrong نقص وعیب

64 Employee(n) A person who works for pay کارمند

65 Neglect(v) Give too little care or attention to غفلت کردن ، نادیدهگرفتن

66 Deceive(v) Make someone believe as true sth that is false ; mislead گول زدن،گمراهکردن،کالهبرداری کردن

67 Undoubtedly(adj) Certainly ; beyond doubt بدون شک

68 Popular(adj) Liked by most people عامه پسند،محبوب

69 Thorough(adj) Being all that needed ; complete کامل

70 Client(n) Person for whom a lawyer acts ; customer مشتری،ارباب رجوع

71 Comprehensive Including much ; covering completely جامع،وسیع ،گسترده

72 Defraud(v) Take money, rights, etc., away by cheating کالهبرداری کردن

Word Definition In English Persian Meaning

73 Postpone(v) Put off to a later time ; delay به تعویق انداختن

74 Consent(v) Agree ; give permission or approval رضایت دادن

75 Massive(adj) Big and heavy ; large and solid ; bulky بزرگ

76 Capsule(n) A small case or covering کپسول

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77 Preserve(v) Keep from harm or change ; keep safe ; protect حفظ کردن ،نگهداری کردن

78 Denounce(v) Condemn in public ; stress strong disapproval of محکوم کردن،انتقادکردن

79 Unique(adj) Having no like or equal ; being the only one of its kind بی نظیر،بی همتا

80 Torrent Any violent, rushing stream ; flood بار)یک سری حرف هاازرگ روی عصبانیت(

81 Resent(v) Feel injured and angered at (sth) دلخوربودن از،ناراحت بودن

82 Molest(v) Interfere with and trouble ; disturb اذیت وآزارکردن

83 Gloomy(adj) Dark ; dim ; in low spirits غمگین وافسرده،تیره وتار

84 Unforeseen(adj) Not known beforehand ; unexpected غیرمترقبه

85 Exaggerate(v) Make sth greater than it is ; overstate اغراق کردن

86 Amateur(adj) Person who does sth for pleasure, not for money or as a profession

آماتور،غیرحرفه ای

87 Mediocre(adj) Neither good nor bad ; average ; ordinary متوسط،معمولی

88 Variety(n) Lack of sameness ; a number of different things تنوع،گناگونی

89 Valid(adj) Supported by facts or authority ; sound ; true معتبر ، با ارزش

90 Survive(v) Live longer than ; remain alive after ادامه به زندگی دادن ، بحیاتخود ادامه دادن

91 Weird(adj) Mysterious ; unearthly عجیب و غریب

92 Prominent(adj) Well-known ; important برجسته ، مشهور

93 Security(n) Freedom from danger , care , or fear ; feeling or condition of being safe


94 Bulky(adj) Taking up much space ; large بزرگ ، تنومند ، جاگیر

95 Reluctant(adj) Unwilling بی میل ، بی رغبت

96 Obvious(adj) Easily seen or understood; clear to the eye or mind ; not to be doubted ; plain

واضح ، آشکار

97 Vicinity(n) Region near a place ; neighborhood اطراف ، حول و هوش

98 Century(n) 100 years قرن

99 Rage(n) Violent anger ; sth that arouses but brief enthusiasm خشم و غضب

100 Document(n) Sth handwritten or printed that gives information or proof of some fact

مدرک ، سند

101 Conclude(v) End ; finish ; decide ، نتیجه گیری کردن

102 Undeniable(adj) Not to be denied ; can not be questioned غیر قابل انکار ، انکار ناپذیر

103 Resist(v) Act against ; strive against ; oppose مقاومت کردن ، مخالفتکردن

104 Lack(n & v) Without sth have not enough کمبود ، کم داشتن

105 Ignore(v) Pay no attention to ; disregard نادیده گرفتن

106 Challenge(n & v) Call to a fight ، به مبارزه طلبیدن ، اقدام عمل

107 Miniature(adj) Represented on a small scale کوچک

108 Source(n) Place from which sth comes or is obtained منبع ، منشأ

Word Definition In English Persain Meaning

Excel(v) Be better than ; do better than

Feminine(adj) Of women or girls

Mount(v) Get up on

Compete(v) Try hard to get sth wanted by others ; be a rival

Dread(v) Look forward to with fear ; fear greatly ; causing great fear

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Masculine(adj) Of man ; male

Menace(n) Threat

Tendency(n) Leaning ; movement in a certain direction

Underestimate(v) Set too low a value, amount, or rate

Victorious(adj) Having won a victory ; conquering

Numerous(adj) Very many ; several

Flexible(adj) Easily bent ; willing to yield

Evidence(n) That makes clear the truth o r falsehood of sth

Solitary(adj) Alone ; single ; only

Vision(n) Power of seeing ; sense of sight

Frequent(adj & v)

Happening often ; occurring repeatedly

Glimpse(n) A short,quick view

Recent(adj) Done,made, or occurring not long ago

Decade(n) Ten years

Hesitate(v) Fail to act quickly ; be undecided

Absurd(adj) Plainly not true or sensible ; foolish

Conflict(n) Direct opposition ; disagreement

Minority(n) Smaller number or part ; less than half

Fiction(n) That which is imagined or made up

Ignite(v) Set on fire

Abolish(v) Do away with completely ; put an end to

Urban(adj) Of or having to do with cities or towns

Population(n) People of a city or country

Frank(adj) Free in expressing one’s real thought, opinions, or feeling ; not hiding what is in one’s mind

Pollute(v) Make dirty

Reveal(v) Make known

Prohibit(v) Forbid by law or authority

Urgent(adj) Demanding immediate action or attention ; important

Adequate(adj) As much as is needed ; fully sufficient

Decrease(v) Make or become less

Audible(adj) Able to be heard

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Journalist(n) One who writes for, edits, manages, or produces a newspaper or magazine

Famine(n) Starvation ; great shortage

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Revive(v) Bring back or come back to life or consciousness

Commence(v) Begin ; start

Observant(adj) Quick to notice ; watchful

Identify(v) Recognize as being, or show to be, a certain person or thing ; prove to be the same

Migrate(v) Move from one place to another

Vessel(n) A ship ; a hollow container ; tube containing body fluid

Persist(v) Continue firmly ; refuse to stop or be changed

Hazy(adj) Misty ; smoky ; unclear

Gleam(n) A flash or beam of light

Editor(n) Person who prepares a publication ; one who corrects a manuscript and helps to improve it

Unruly(adj) Hard to rule or control ; lawless

Rival(n) Person who wants and tries to get the same thing as ano-Ther ; one who tries to equal or do better than another

Violent(adj) Acting or done with strong, rough force

Brutal(adj) Coarse and savage ; like a brute ; cruel

Opponent(n) Person who is on the other side of a fight

Brawl(n) A noisy quarrel or fight

Duplicate(n & v) An exact copy ; make an exact copy of ; repeat exactly

Vicious(adj) Evil ; wicked ; savage

Whirl(v) Turning or swinging round and round ; spinning

Underdog(n) Person having the worst of any struggle ; one who is expected to lose

Thrust(v) Push with force

Bewildered(adj) Confused completely ; puzzled

Expand(v) Increase in size ; enlarge ; swell

Alter(v) Make different ; change ; vary

Mature(adj) Ripe ; fully grown or developed

Sacred(adj) Worthy of respect ; holy

Revise(v) Change ; alter ; bring up to date

Pledge(v) Promise

Casual(adj) Happening by chance ; not planned or expected ; not calling attention to itself

Pursue(v) Follow ; proceed along

Unanimous(adj) In complete agreement

Fortunate(adj) Having good luck ; lucky

Pioneer(n) One who goes first or prepares a way for the others

Innovative(adj) Fresh ; clever ; having new ideas

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Slender(adj) Long and thin ; limited ; slight

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Surpass(v) Do better than ; be greater than ; excel

Vast(adj) Very great ; enormous

Doubt(v & n) Not believe ; not be sure of ; feel uncertain about

Capacity(n) Amount of room or space inside ; largest amount that can be held by a container

Penetrate(v) Get into or through

Pierce(v) Go into ; go through ; penetrate

Accurate(adj) Exactly right as the result of care or pains

Microscope(n) Instrument with a lens for making object larger to be seen

Grateful(adj) Feeling gratitude ; thankful

Cautious(adj) Very careful ; never taking chances

Confident(adj) Firmly believing ; certain ; sure

Appeal(n) Attraction ; interest ; to urge

Addict(n) One who cannot break away from a habit or practice

Wary(adj) On one’s guard against danger or trickery ; cautious

Aware(adj) Knowing ; realizing

Misfortune(n) Bad luck

Avoid(v) Keep away from ; keep out of the way of

Wretched(adj) Very unsatisfactory ; miserable

Keg(n) Small barrel, usually holding less than ten gallons

Nourish(v) Make or keep alive and well, with food ; feed ; develop an attitude

Harsh(adj) Rough to touch, taste, eye, or ear ; sharp

Quantity(n) Amount

Opt(v) Choose or favor ; select

Tragedy(n) Very sad or terrible happening ; a sad play

Pedestrian(n) Person who goes on foot ; walker

Glance(n) To look at quickly ; a quick look ;

Budget(n) Estimate of the amount of money that can be spend on different purpose in a given time

Nimble(adj) Active and sure/footed ; quick moving ; light and quick

Manipulate(v) Handle or treat skillfully ;

Reckless(adj) Careless

Horrid(adj) Terrible ; frightful

Rave(v) Talk widely

Economical(adj) Not wasting money or time

Lubricate(v) Make smooth(machinery)and easy to work by putting on oil, grease or a similar substance

Ingenious(adj) Having great mental ability ; clever

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Harvest(n) Gathering in of grain or other food crops

Abundant(adj) More than enough ; very plentiful

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Uneasy(adj) Restless ; anxious ; disturbed

Calculate(v) Find out by adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing ; figure

Absurb(v) Take in or suck up (liquids) ; interest greatly

Estimate(v) Guess ; from a judgment or opinion about

Morsel(n) A small bite ; mouthful ; tiny amount

Quota(n) Share of a total due from or to a particular state, district, person, etc

Threat(n) Sign or cause of possible evil or harm

Ban(v) Prohibit ; forbid

Panic(v & n) Unreasoning fear ; fear spreading through a group of people so that lose control of themselves

Appropriate(adj) Fit ; set apart for some special use

Emerge(v) Come out ; come up ; come into view

Jagged(adj) With sharp point sticking out ; unevenly cut or torn

Linger(v) Stay on ; go slowly as if unwilling to leave

Ambush(n) A trip in which soldier are enemies hide to make a surprise attack

Crafty( adj) Skillful in deceiving others ; sly ; tricky

Defiant(adj) Openly resisting ; challenging ;

Vagor( n) Active strength or force

Perish(v) Be destroyed ; die ;

Fragile(adj) Easily broken, damaged, or destroyed; delicate

Captive(adj) Prisoner ;

Prosper(v) Be successful ;have good fortune ;

Devour(v) Eat hungrily ; absorb completely ; take in greatly

Plea(n) Request ; appeal ; that which is asked of another

Weary(adj) Tired

Collide(v) Come together with force

Confirm(v) Prove to be true or correct ; make certain

Verify(v) Prove to be true ; confirm

Anticipate(v) Look forward to ; expect

Dilemma(v) Situation requiring a choice between two evil ; a difficult choice

Detour(v) A roundabout way

Merit(n) Goodness ; worth ; value

Transmit(v) Send over ; pass along ; let through

Relieve(v) Make less ;make easier ; reduce the pain of ; replace; release ; free

Baffle(v) Be too hard to understand or solve

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Prior to(prp)






Sneer(v & n)











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Envy(v & n)




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