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What Lies Buried by Dewey Lambdin 5

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All the Drowning Seas by Alexander Fullerton 3

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Modern Naval Fiction Library by Douglas Reeman 4

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Bolitho stands on the brink of manhood and must pass his examination before the Navy Board to begin his true career as a King’s Offi cer. Soon, he and his friend Martyn Dancer set sail to deliver the new schooner Hotspur to the Channel Islands. Bolitho fi nds himself forced to confront an abusive lieutenant and test his mettle against vicious smugglers. And then he is sent on a perilous mission to cut out the smugglers’ brig. Will he face up to the challenge of leadership and earn the right to join the courageous few who stand together as a band of brothers?

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Naval Adventure with a Wry Sense of Irony

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His Britannic Majesty’s 74-Gun Hyperion Engages French Men of War, 1793


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