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Erik MoralesProfessor MorrillFilm Studies 1November 13, 2013Juno has many narrative perspectives, from small characters, large ones, and there are even perspectives that are echoed. In Juno the characters are put within the dilemma of having a high school student becomes pregnant and it follows her through it. The story follows a third-person omniscient perspective, allowing the viewers to see various characters views. Juno also follows a sort of alterative film narrative. There are various examples in which Juno strays from the typical movie standards and simultaneously follows its own rules.Juno the main characters is the one who gets pregnant and her perspective is that of a loner, music lover, freak. She is avoided in the hallways, and known throughout the school. She also dresses much different from the typical teenager, along with a witty attitude and a cynical type of view of people. Her perspective is put out front with the most definition, and is followed most closely. Many peoples perspectives follow along and support Junos. Such as her father and mother who when told of her pregnancy by Juno react much differently than most parents would. As the story progresses Juno is seen less and less as this sort of apathetic teen and more of this person with feelings and softer than she seems at the start of the movie. More and more things pile up on Juno the further into the movie and her pregnancy. Her perspective starts out as a rough and cynical teenager who slowly matures and softens up with the realization of the severity of her bearing a child.Many perspectives do fall into the backburner such as Paulie Bleeker who was the boy who got Juno pregnant. Although it does follow his perspective throughout the entire movie while we only get a rather vague idea of how he feels. Another persons perspective that sort of falls in the backburner is her fathers. The soon to be adoptive fathers perspective greatly echoes Junos, in that he loves music, refuses to grow up, and lacks maturity. As the movie progresses it only becomes more noticeable how a like Juno and the adoptive father are. They sit and watch gore movies together, speak about their shared musical tastes, and both have a young snarky attitude. Juno follows a rather alternative film narrative in that it has a main character that it follows but it also follows many other characters with strong definition in their perspectives. It bounces back and forth between Juno, Paulie, and the adoptive couple. Although the film continues a rather chronological plot. At certain points of the movie we are given two different perspectives at once where we would normally not. It happens once later in the film where Juno and Paulie talk in the hallway of their school and we realize that they were both misunderstanding each other. This is one of the moments where we see Paulies perspective but also being shown a new perspective of Junos. This is also shared with Juno and the adoptive father closer to the end. We realize here that the adoptive father is not mature at all and plans to leave the wife, while Juno takes a mature stance and argues that he shouldnt. This is a moment where she begins to realize hoe immature she was. By the end of the movie both Juno and Paulie have a very clich revelation that they both love each other and end up together. This new perspective of them both actually caring about each other and acting mature.

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