Page 1: 5th_grade_-_amisare-havehas

Sharon’s English School 058-980589 08-9436545

Have, has, is , areב השתמשו הסיפורים את השלימו

There _____ many pupils in my class. Some of

them _____ my friends. I _____ two very good

friends. Tom and Judy. Tom_____ 11 years old.

He_____ red hair. Judy_____ long brown hair.

She_____ very pretty. We all _____ bicycles.

Tom_____ a computer too. But Judy and I don’t

_____ one.

I love my family very much. My dad _____ very

clever. He _____ many books. My mother_____ a

doctor. My brother_____ a student in the University

and my little brother_____ a baby. He_____ very fat

and_____ big blue eyes.

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